The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 10, 1931, Page 3, Image 3

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Ortgon,' Satnrday Horning, Jan nary liy 1931"
Calvary Baptists Chose Of
, ficers for; neyy Year at
Annual" Meeting
" The third annual meeting . 0
the Calrary Baptist church was
held Wednesday; evening. Pre
reding the business . aeasion Mr.
Harry Harma sang "Teach Me
Thr Will" bv Evllle. Rev. D. W.
Eriksen. pastor of the American
Lutheran church gave a brief In
spirational message .f hlch was
much appreciated. .,t: !
Report ahowL,tbt there are
'J names on the, roU. Including
' 62 under' 1 years of age. 180
' males and 188 females; lost by
-V- death, 8; lost by removal, II;
gained by baptism, 30; gained by
1 letter, 12; gained by ' experience.
' 7.- : " i: - : - i
Total monies raised January 1.
'111! to January 1, 1131 reached
$3141,07; for missions S1014.-
g ' C - . v '
. Results of the elections were
Mr.r"Mable Bulrgy,- church
clerk; Lloyd Gregg, financial sec
retary; K.H.. Pickens, treasurer:
S. R. Vail, treasurer of benevol
ences? D. R. Peterson, C. Muu
dlnger and CR- Gregg, deacons
-for three years;: O. II. Pickens,
E. J. Roth-and W. J. Nelson,
trustees for three years; Earl
Barham and George King, trus-
' tees to fill unexpired terms of
M- "R. Irish and William Taylor;
Mrs. W. C. Pickens and Mrs. O.
N. Gooklns, deaconess for three
years? Earl Gregg. Mrs. O. H.
Pickens and Mrs. William Stod
dard, members of board of Chris
tian education j to serve two
Reports showed a .substantial
growth In all departments. Rev.
W, Earl Cochran la pastor.
BY JONES is en
rk. nrrAn state market nrent
has no authority under the exist
ing laws to tail a public hearing
and require the bakers ana pro
ducers of bread for sale in this
mtm tn . erodnea evidence to
show why bread should now sell
for the same price t which It
sold when wheatsold for more
than double the present price.
j The hearing was requested In
a letter received by Seymour
Jones, state market agent, from
the Housewives Council of Port-
'land.J - - . -- -y.
i The attorney general held that
the law creating the office of
state market agent does not give
him power to'lnvestlgate the cost
rf producing bread unless it can
be said that bread is a grain
product, and that there, is a con
troversy as to Jits cost and price.
"It doee not appaer from, your
letter," read : the attorney gen
eral opinion to the state mar
ket agent, "that there Is any dis
pute between the bikers and the
general public! over the price of
bread, so it Is difficult to say
that there is now a controversy
In the state between the produc
ers and consumers of . bread
which would give the state mar
ket agent Jurisdiction to Inquire
into the price of bread, were we
to conclude that bread is a grain
Einstein Faced
By Great Group
Of Social Bids
(AP) Albert! Einstein is con
vinced relatively that time
shrinks ' la California. - -
i "So much to see' and think
about, so little time to Ulk," he
soliloquizes as the smoke curls
from hla pipe.! v
' Each evening his secretary
calls attention to the ever grow
ing pile of invitations to talk or
at least make public appear
, ances. ' !'
; Plans have been made for just
one general talk, to be broad
cast. That 1st next Thursday eve
ning at the Anthenaeum of the
California Institute ' of Technol
ogy here. It la a dinner te Insti
tute associates. 7
To all other Invitations, his
"gT1 crop of graying hair sways
gently as he murmurs: rt
i i "Nein, neln, neln."
$1500 Cost for
Meier,: Private
New Lavatory
- The contract tor Installing i a
rivata lavatarv and cloak room
' in the executive department, as
requested by . Governor-eieci
' Meier, hat been awarded and the
work will vet under war late next
Monday. It is proposed to hare
tne -work: completed eany lues-
: Tki 'Mil ivf Ida varlr nl
estimated -at, 11500. . A crew of
i thent 40 men will Vn In work
late Monday and the Job will
. be completed oy working ail
- nignt.
:Bad LighisMake
45 Auto Mishaps
Forty-six ! traffic accidents In
- Oregon during the month of No
vember were due : to defective
lights, according to a report of
the state traffic department Fri
day. The report continued that
non-resident : registrations tor
,1930 would show a marked de
; ere&s when compared with those
of 1929. !
Laying of Corner
. Stone jot Charch ;
; - - To be F ebruary 22
Decision io lay the corner
etone for the new edifice of
the Castle United Brethren
chmrcb on Februry 23 was
reached .at the quarterly
meeting held at the church
late this wecrn. , j
' Bishop Ira D. Warner of
Portland will preside at the
ceremony, other detail for
which have not been worked
oat. j -
Karnes of those making
special gift of IS tq the
bnlkUng fund will be placed
beneath the cornerstone.
At the quarterly meeting,
Harry Beardsley waa elected
tmstee of .the charch to
serve for three years.
TURNER, ' Jan. S.--The women
of the M. E. Aid .society held their
January 'silver tea"a.t the pleas
ant country, home of Mrs. -C- A.
Bear Thursday afternoon. . The
rooms were decorated with flus
ters of; red' berries and , potted
plants. ,:
. A program of music and games,
with questions and answers. In
which all took part, proved to be
an Interesting diversion for the
afternoon. Lunch was served by
the hostess, she being assisted by
Mrs. R. E. Stewarts Mrs. E. C.
Bear, Mrs. F. C, Gunning and Mrs.
L. D. Roberts. j
Ladies present were: Mrs. E.
S. Prnther, Mrs. S. A. Riches, Mrs.
Howard Baker and baby daughter,
Mrs. W. T. Riches,- Mrs. O. P.
Given, Geraldlne Edwards. Mrs.
S, E. Given, Mrs. T. T. Palmer
and daughter Peggy, Mrs. A. As
quith, Mrs.! Margaret Duncan of
Salem, Mrs4 Ted Whitehead, Mrs.
R. Lee Theissen, Mrs. J. W. Ran
som, Mrs. M. A. Hill, Mrs. R. O.
Witzall. Mrs. I. H. Small, Mrs. L.
D. Roberts and daughter Alice,
Mrs. R. E. Stewart an son Quen
tin of Minnesota. Mrs. H. S. Bond,
Mrs. R. J. Wtson, Mrsi. J. R.
Cox. Mrs. W S. Burgoyne, Mrs.
P. C. Gunning. Mrs. E. C. Bear
and daughter Eunice.
The prohibition report of
President Hoover's law enforce
ment commission was awaited
tonight: with wore expectancy
than ever In. view of a fruitless
effort by some of the republican
leaders to head it off.
Seeking to avoid an extra ses
sion, congressional chieftains
went, direct to commission head
quarters in an effort, to sidetrack
the rush of oratory expected to
follow submission of the report.
They were informed, however,
that the report was virtually
ready for delivery to the presl
dent 'and would be sent as plan
ned. ;
In the house meanwhile final
approval was given by the
Stobbs bill to modify the Jones
five-and-ten law, a measure
which grew out of ; commission
suggestions. It now goes to the
At the same time. Attorney
General Mitchell and prohibition
Doreetor Woodcock were dis
counting the effect of the elim
ination from the deficiency ap
propriation of the 310,000 provi
sion for prohibition education.
The sum was stricken out yes
terday, by ' the house. ,
Thd prohibition bureau still
has left from its last appropria
tion 322.000 for this purpose and
has spent but 31S.000 to this
end since last July., Woodcock
said he did "not know. how ef
fective i these pamphlets 'are," but
that he felt, the Idea of dissemin
ating" Bueh Information waa a
proper i one,! ' !
Holiness Groups
To Meet Tuesday
The, ? Marion County Holiness
association will ' hold - its, all-day
meeting Tuesday. January 19, at
the Highland . Friends -church In
Salem.' "announces Rer. Edgar
Slnimsj pastor of the church.
Professor Frans Boas, noted an
thropologist ef Columbia Univer
sity, is the new head ef the Ameri
can Society ; for the Advance
ment of Science. Mr, Boas was
bora in Westphalia en July 9,
18S8, holds honorary degrees from
Institutions of learning in all parts
of the world and is the author of
numerous scholarly works en as
pects of anthropology. .
-i5 -:-
... r ...
Young Women
1 Plan Special
j Meeting Sunday
I HAZEL GREEN." Jan j 9 The
Otterbein Guild, young women's
missionary ; society,-, will . meet
Sunday - afternoon. January 11
at the Orville Luckey home. Miss
ioia .Luckey. . bostesa, ; Nora Ru
therford will be leader. ; the sub
ject to be "Japan.- : l .;4
; Participating in 'the' program
will be: Alice Cook. Hasel Hut-
ford, Iola Luckey, Helen Davis.
Margery Looney. Pictures of
missionaries will be shown, . "
By vote of the official board
at the meeting the past week. It
was decided .that the ' Vesper
hour services should he' contin
ued through January, at the Ja
son Leo Memorial . Methodist
Episcopal church. Winter and
Jetfersdh - streets., . - ! ; -
i These v services, take the place
of ' the evening worship - hour,
and begin at 4:30 p. m. "A pro
gram of informal worship - and
fellowship has been planned by
the . pastor - for ' the j Vespers,
which hare proved popular dur
ing the past month. I
S New members received into
the church at the communion
service last Sunday Included, Mr.
and Mrs. W. M. Buck, i Mr. and
Mrs. It- H. Kletxlng. their daugh
ter Dorothea and son. Ralph; Jr.,
Mr; and Mrs. Fred Lang. Mrs. J.
G. Mlnton and daughters, Alver
da and Daisy, and sort Gerald,
William Heeaeman..
High Flyer Class
Plans to Present
Special Numbers
! JEFFERSON, Jan. 9 The
Sunday school of the Methodist
Church in Jefferson . will start
study of the new lesson books
' The special number this Sun
day for the assembly after the
Classes are adjourned will be giv
en by the High Flyer'a class. The
11 o'clock sermon topic is. "Too
Little For the Lamb." Last Sun
day five new members -were tak
en into the church.- They were:
Mrs. T. O. Davis, Noel Davis, Ger
aldlne Davis, Wesley Paris and
Leslie Davis.
! The evening service will be
held at 7:30. The subject is "Un
seasonable Prayer."
Calvary Baptist
Church Schedules
: Special Meetings
i Special sessions of the week for
groups of the Calvary- Baptist
church have been scheduled as
follows: .
Tuesday Loyalty class taffy
pull at the church in the evening;
Wednesday potluck dinner at
6:15 o'clock followed, by leader
ship training classes 'and fellow
ship and prayer service at" 7:30
o'clock; Wednesday ' j called
meeting of the official board at
8:30 o'clock; Friday Women's
Missionary society meeting at the
home of Mrs. W. J. Nelson, 876
Shipping street, at 2:30 o'clock.
Ministers Meet
Monday Morning;
Parker Speaker
i i!
; The Salem Ministerial associa
tion will meet: Monday morning
at 10:30 o'clock at the Y. M, C.
A. Dr. B. Earle Parker of
First M. E. chureh will give
main talk on "What Constitutes
a Valid Claim to Property!"
votions will be led by! Rev. J.
Warrel of the M. EJ church at
Dallas. j
The ministers will I also hare
under advisement endorsement of
a radio station for Salem.
World wide Guild
Meeting Monday
.1- ' : ' ;. ji- I . ..
- The World Wide Guild Girls of
the Calvary Baptist church will
meet Monday evening at' 7:30
o'cloek at the home-of Miss Dor
othy Pickens, 140 I North. 17th
Gin Marriage?'
Law May Wake
Change Needed
In ease the state of Washing
ton enacts its . proposed ' "gin
marriage" law reuirlng- three
days notice ef Intent - to marry.
Oregon probably will tighten np
It marriage laws at the coming
legislative session.- Thi was an
nounced by legislators who visit
ed Salem on Friday, passage or
a similar law ' in California re
sulted in RenO. Nevada, becom
ing a popular marriage center.
Legislators said j that enact
ment of the "gin marriage law
in ' Washington " would cause
many peraona desiring to marry
without giving notice to 'cross
the Columbia river into Oregon.
- The board ef deacons and elders
of the First Christian church will
meet Monday evening at 7:30
o'clock at the church to reorgan
ize work for the ner year. ,
The Junior Guild! of St Paul's
Episcopal church will meet next
Tuesday at the home or Mrs. u.
;G. Shipley,, 148 East Washing-
interest i to
Young Folks Will Have So
cial and Banquet ; at
. I Church Wednesday ...
The week promises to be an ex
tra buslnes ' one' for .various
groups of the American Luther
an church, starting Sunday. The
annual . business meeting of the
congregation, with reports front
all departments and election of
officers for the year, will be held.
Tne Ladies" t Guild wni meet
Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock
for. installation ,of officers. ! Host
esses for the guild will he Mrs.
Max Gehihar, Mrs. E. G. Rrue
ger and Mrs. A. A. Krueger. The
Guild will heari an address by the
Rer; A. If. Knudsen of ' Long-
view;; Wash..... ! ,1
Wednesday .evening at 8 o'clock
the Booster club will hdld a so
cial and banquet, with a recep
tion for all young people of the
chureh and . their friends. Ed
ward Aherns Is n resident of the
young folks club. - Charles Ltnd
quest is secretary, - and A. A.
Krueger,. chairman of the enter
tainment committee. Miss Olga
Gath is .chairman for the ban
quet. Henry Aherns, toastmaster,
and Myra Wllklander, chairman
of the Invitation committee.'
Out of i town i speakers for the
banquet will be Rev. A. M. Knud
sen and Rer. T. Lucas of Cen-
tralla. Wash. ;
Class to Train 1
Leaders Started
By M. E. Church
Wednesday night at 7 o'clock
the first session of a 13 weeks'
class for teachers and workers
in the Sunday school was begun
at Jason Lee Methodist church.
Thirty enrolled the first night,
the Junior department having
the largest proportion of any
one department.
The class Is led by the pastor.
Rev. Hugh B. Fouke, Jr., and
the subject studied is "Psychol
ogy Applied to i Effective Teach
ing", the text-book being used,
"Our Pupils" by Dr. E. L.
Mudge. Following the class
each week the mid-week Bible
study group will meet from 8
to 8:50 o'clock.
Friends at Train
To Say Farewell
To Missionaries
About S5 members of the con
gregation of the Highland and
South Salem Friends assembled
at the depot Tuesday evening to
bid farewell to i their missionary
family,- Mr. and Mrs. Carrol
Tamplia and two boys. The
Tampllna were ' on the train.
bound for Bolivia, S. A. Just
before the train pulled away, the
friends sang "God Be With You
Till We Meet Again."
Trinity Faculty
Is Entertained
By Gundersons
SILVERTON. Jan. 9-i-Mr. and
Mrs. M. G. Gunderson entertain
ed the members of Trinity Sun
day school faculty at their home
Tuesday evening.
Present- were Lillian Block,
Mrs. 3, C. Larson. Mrs. Henry
Torvend. Magna Hansen, Mrs.
Tonl Hansen, Samuel Torvend,
Silas Torvend, Mr. and Mrs. Al
vin Legard,. Mr. and Mrs. L. H.
Meyer, Rev. H. L. Foss, and Mrs.
Karen Larson, besides the host
and hostess, Mr. and Mrs.- Gund
erson. Congregational
Election Tuesday
Tuesday at 6:30 all members
of the' First Congregational
church are expected to be pres
ent j at the annual business meet?
ing. A potluck; supper will be
held followed by reports and
election of officers for the new
year. . :' , - j - . -
Dorcas Society to
Install New Heads
The Dorcas Society of . Christ
Lutheran church will hare Its re
gular monthly meeting in the
church -parlors at 1:00 pm Wed
nesday. - The newly ' elected ; of f 1-
1 . . "a a 11.. M .,,' A V
cere .wui oe lasuuiea at iu.
meeting and ' other : business of
Importance enacted.
Missionary Lunch
To be Wednesday
A missionary luneheoa -will he
held Wedaeaday noon, starting at
IS: 39 o'clock, at the Knight Me
morial church. 1 Miss Gertrude
Akin will bo the principal speak
er. The Toung Married People!
dab ot the church will hold a
meeting Wednesday night at t
O'ClOCk. : . - ' . ..
Annual Meeting '
v Set for Sunday
' The annual business meeting
of the Congregation of the Amer
ican Lutheran church will be, held
Sunday afternoon at the church
at 2:30 o'clock. Reports for the
past year and election ot officers
for the new year will feature the
session, Rer. P. W. Eriksen is
i CHXI8T UTHffl 4
ElrMMntfc. gUU StrMta, , V.
Asms E. Mibb , paUr. Phoa S726.
6n aaa wriee 9 :45 aau Sobiaet, 'Onr
Live m iAring fiacrific Data ttod. A
ReuoBkl 8rrle." JCncUaa MrrieM
ft Sabje "On- rrciM Urn-
to Others, Ou TkaKkf ferinr Tr Oar
O a Vorrlvas Tram God.' Tkit is
eir rtnlar Engtisk -ComBSDloa. Baa
day mmI S:40 a.B. Mr. MiBBanuia.
Sapt. 0rBBa mj iee 8 Sfiaoi:
"Haw tk louf 3tmn Jaka Waa SterUd
o Bitk drMr. ' "Thi will Wia a
ariaa ef Mmou m ik llf ' -et 6C
Joka. Lather Uara T pa Laara Kla
aeawa, leaaar. ;- --
Boatk CoTotaereUl and Xxars itroetl.
B. Parlaw Johaao. yaator. i Restdeae
S48 X. lfyn strwt. Pke S764 Bar
vieea It a.a. aaA 7tS0 p.m. fianoa
teptea : "Faealag tke; l Heart.' u ..!
"Tha Bont; at J'eala" f Jas. Svaday
:4S 8tearaaCamac Bept. Tkree
Lacaa at :t0. t4-wek akoataf
Thartaaf. rvestaf. Taaf la Liet-
lie kali,, older group la : aadttorioav betk
at7:0.' , r ' . -. 1 1. . , j , j
ncAvnxx, rtnub .oosrrx.
Comer Nerta ITtk ' aad-: CaevaekeU
treeta. Saaaar ackael a 10 a.. Mora,
laa ersklp at It a u ETeaiaf aerrica
ETBaeUati at 7:4. Mia-waek aieatlaaa
Taaedar ana Friday vaalaa; at -TS.
Wedaeadar ovaaiBaT prayer meatiaf. C
Leirii Beanaa, pastor.;
oaltaxt ilyTLrT
Caarek aebool at :40 aja. Tha
aeaikty haa aeea chaafad ta tke cloalag er
l:se o'clock. Jaalor Ckmrek ka aaea
ergaaUed. the aemoa tko .epea
lay ot tke aaeraiag wetaklp aatiod, after
wklck tka jaoiora go. ta their m erdar
of aerviee. Preaeaiat at 10:50 a.m. Sab
ect: "Bleiaad Are tk Poor ia -Spirit"
first la a sari as ef an tons takea frora
tha sermon on tbe Hoaa,t, Three B. T. P. at S:S0 p.w, 'ning f reach
ing serric at 7:90 S Mj - Subject:
"God's Srkool ef Prs-rrr." .Morning an
them: "Trukt Te in the Lord" by Wil
son. Evening: "Tha Hesrealy Vision"
by Harris. Tor the wvek: Monday 7:30
p.m. Trnitees meeting- Thorsday 7:30
p.m Choir rehearsal.
Ona block i Booth of Canter on 19th
street. Rer. Fletcher Galloway, pastor.
It a.m. "freni the Gate of the Garden
to the Gate of tha Celestial City on tha
Highway of Holinens 1 1 This Is the fiaal
message ef the series on Saaetifieatioa.
7: 80 p.m. "The Friend of Sinners."
Bandar school 8:45 aim. P. If. Litwiller.
Sapt. K. T. P. 8. and Junior society
6:80 p.m. ; ; . ,,
High and Center streets. D. 3. Howe.
I pastor: phono 1938-J. Morning to rice
11 o'clock: snbjeet: "The Christian Doc
trine or Forgiveness.? 11 Special musie
both morning and evening by the choir
with Prof. E. W. Hobson directing. Ev
ening service .7:80 - ' clock: snbjeet:
"David. Israet'a Great King. Snnday
school 9:45 a m Orville J. Hull. Supt.
Mid -week services: 7; 80 p.m. Wednes
day. ' Toang People's meetings: 5:30
P-m- C. E. Groups meet in their respec
tive rooms. I
Charch street hetweem CkemAeta and
Center. Rev. P. W. Erieksen. pastor. 11
am. "What is a BeeoonsbU Service t"
Special music by vested choir.- By pop
alar request we era for a fourth time re-
E eating the Chriatmas pa react. "Tha
ight of tke World," at 7:80 p.m. Sun
day school at 9:45. Max Gehihar, Supt.
Mill , and 15th streets. Wesley Dexter
Gordon, pastor. Suadsy school 10 a.m,
Mnraingworship 11 o'clock; subject:
"Our WiUs." Evening worship 7:30
o'clock; sabieet : '.'The Better Way."
Toung People's meeting 6:30 o'clock.
- nasr BAPTIST
Corner of North Liberty and Msrioa
itrsct. William H. Robins, pastor. Bi
ble school at 9:45, Pred Broer, Snpt.
Morning worship a Il4 Orgsa prelude
bv Miss Minnie Miller. Sermon subject:
"The Kingdom and tke Chureh." Bap
tist Toting people's societies meet at S:30
in their respective -rooms. Evangelists
Missionary Group
Elects Officers
For Ensuing Year
TURNER. Jan. B The Ladies
Aid society of ' the ' Christian,
church held a business meeting
Thursday afternoon. : Officers
elected for the new year were:
Mrs. J. L. Webb, vice-president;
Mrs. Anna Johnson, second vice
president; Mrs. Ray Hatfield, sec
retary. V
, The missionary department will
hold a meeting Thursday after
noon, January 15, at the home of
Mm E. J.'Gilstrap. Studies in "A
Trip Around the World" will be
taken up (beginning with lessons
on the home land. j
. ; ? 'P I
Silyerton Church
Elects New Heads
-. - - i-; . f
SILVERTON Jan. . At the
annual election of officers at the
First Christian church of Silver
ton the following; were given of
fices: . lj ' ,'' -
Cecil Sargeant was3 elected
older to fill the Unexpired term
of the late William H. Jones
Ira Loren, , John Cage, Merlin
Conrad, - Otto TJickman, Frank
TUhn . aad Harvey Hallet, elders
or terms of three years; Mrs.
Harvey Good, Mrs. Maude Gor
don, Mrs. L L. Stewart, Mrs. E.
Toung, Mrs. W. . H.- Jones, and
Mrs. W. 8. Egan, deaconesses
for three .year terms; D. E. Gei
ser, trustee for three years.
Clerk, Mrs. Carl Specht; fi
nance, secretary, ; Mrs. a Mary An
drews; treasurer, Mrs. Theodore
Hobart; superintendent 6f Bible
school, , J. c. " Bonner; Janitor,
Emil Oeder; ushers, John B run
ner and L. Sawyer,
Christians, Start
Attendance Chart
- The First Christian church ha
just started an attendance cam
aign, which will continue 'tt&tll
Easter and whlh It Is expected
will i materially assist in keeping
np the number of those present
front Snnday to" Sunday.
r ok.
1 1 -------- . I - mm mmm I I ' , i
p1 1
v X
- ; h
oervieo at ' 7:80. 8ermoa subject I "The
Charch ta Apostasy, or Steps to Spititaal
Ruin." Baptism after the oveaing ser
vice, v Wednesday even lag prayer and
praise service. Wednesday oveaing
5 raver and praise service at 7i80. Fri
ay evening Salem Uaioa Bibla classes.
'. t 'fxxoHZAjrs pmesdi J'-.'
Corn or Highland and Charch, Edgar P.
Bima. ; paster, i Bible- school 10 a-a, E.
M. Beckett. Sunt. Morning worship, 11
ta. and ' tk , Eveaiag service at 1 :80
p u i Junior C 8:30 P.m. aad -tke
oaiot C K. at SrSO. Bible Prophecy
elasa Moaday 7:80 pja. Mid-week
prayer aueeti&g Thursdsy 7:30 pu i .
. xabzir aassion XyAVaxUOAZ.
MiDDUE GROVE Charch school at
10 am.'; T. P. Walker, Supt Worship
hoar 11 am. i Subject, "Prayer Need.' '
E- I C. K. mvited U Labisk Ceter for
evening i aerviee. - Mid-week - saeetiag
Wedneeday oveaing. . - !
; IAEI8H CENTElt Church school 10
a.m. . W. A. Starker. Bupt. E. U C. K.
at 7 p.m. Leader. Miss Margaret leitck.
At p.m. a masieal request program will
bo rendered. ; Pre rer service Thursday
evening at the H. E. Beehm homo, n
CLEAR LAKE Church school 11 am.
W. P. Collard, Sapt. Jr. E. Ii C . E:
a til. Mlae Mario Harold. , Sapt. Society,
iavrted te Labis. Center for .atoning aor
vie H. R, acaoaeTssaa. pastor, resiaeaeo
list TJaioa Salem. " h ;,.
T. gOHJrs kuTHXRAY (Ms, Synod)
- North 16th ; and X streets. Rev,, H.
W. Gross, pastor, saday school 9 a.m.
English service t:45. Gerrnaa at 11:00.
'. -"'; yinsi sc. i
' 'Ckarak and State atroeU; B. Earle
Parker, .pastori". Churck oekoe S:45 -a.m.
MoraiaV werahip 11 o'clock; - subject:
Taalky-Uaa TraU. . Evening ' wor-.
chin T:30 o'elack; eubjeet: .'The Words
orThft -Life. Three Young People's
meeting at S:8e o'clock.' ' 5:30 Univer
sity, league Fellowship koar, Margaret
Scaraiber, loader. .
Corner of lTifth and Gains. J. Mark
Comer, pastor. Sabbath school (Bat.)
945 am. Morning worship 11 o'clock.
Babioct: "Tho Sia of Unrighteousness.!'
MiMienary Volunteer meeting 8:30 p.m.
Sunday" evening Pastor Comer will con-
tinna bia aeries of studies on the Book
of Rev.. - .
4.v. CTJlht. Meredith:
Orovee. castor. Sunday school 10 otm.
Morning worship 11 o'clock; subject:
lr. Mi A. Mercy will preach. ( j
Qerth avenue and Third street. Mere
dith A. Croves. pastor. . Sunday .ooaool
9:45 a.m. Morning worship 11 o clock;
sabieet: "Pood in fsmine.'r Piano anm
bera by Miss Trula Grant aad eiorej by
Junior Choir.) Evening worship 7:30
o'clock; subjertr Dr. M. A, Marcy will
preaeh. Choras by choir. Vocal doet by
Mildred aad Erwia 8immon. Young
People' meeting 6:30 o'clock, leader?
M. A. Groves. -
' ChemekeU and Liberty streets. Sun
day services at 11 a.m. aad S p.m. Sub
ject, "Saerameot." Sunday school , at
974 and 11 a.m. Testimonial meeting ev
ery Wednesday evening at 8. Reading
room at 406 Msionie Temple open from
11, to 8:30' except Sundays and holiday.
' T3a30Ur5APTIST I
Corner of Heiel and Academy streets.
Sunday school at 10 a.m. Leesoa: Re
view of tho book of Kumbers. Preaching
at 11 s.m. aad 7:80 p.m. Mid-week
prartr ana tettlmoay meeting Thursdsy
eve inn g at 730. H.
655 Perry, street. Leuiae Pinatll,
pastoT. Phono 758-J. S. 8. :4S am.
ET I. Wtwlller, Supt. Morning sermon
at 11 o'clock. T. P. S. at :80.; Evan
gelistlo servico at 7:30. Special tnoale
both morning, and evening. Meetmg
for tho week include Prayer and Felmw
ship meeting on Taesday night. Young
People's cottage prayer meeting ; en
Thursday Bight at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Korg on Jefferson road, and
Friday .Bight Bible study. t
Gates to Conduct
Saturday Night
Service, Jefferson
JEFFERSON. Jan. 8. Rev.
C. P. Gates, superintendent :of
the Salem district, will, preach
Saturday , evening at 7:15
o'clock, at the Evangelical
church in Jefferson.
Sunday morning worship at
11 o'clock, with administration
of the Sacrament of the Lord's
Supper. Rev. C. P. Gates will
deliver the message. At 7:30
the ; pastor, Jttev. A. W.. Oliver,
will preach. The sermon topic
will be; "Do You Want to Qet
well". :; .; ' I--.. rf
Sabbath school meets at 10 a.'
m. i ' Lesson study, "The Child
hood of Jesus". E. L. C. IE.
meets at C:30 p. m. with dis
cussion of "My Idea of What i a
Toung Man Ought to Be". Mid
week hour of prayer and Bible
study Thursday evening at 7; JO
o'clock. '. '
Joseph Schneider j
Elected P reside n t
Holy Name Group
i i-
--SILVERTON. Jan. 9-Joseph
Schneider . was chosen president
of the Holy Name society at Us
annual election at St. Pant's
church. Other officers elected
ware secretary,- P.- Schmidt;
treasurer, j Thomas Miller. The
retiring president Is E. A.. Dora
agalla. - ' - M
Twelve new members, were In
itiated into the order at this
meeting. - '. : -
r . . : . ! ..
e ".! , 'I--. - i -r :
Rutsch Conducting
Revival in Idaho
:- i . i . i !
Rev, a. W. Rutsch. pastor of
the First German .Baptist church,
has been called to American. Falls,
Idaho, to conduct a two ireeka
series of evangelistic campaigns.
Daring his absence, ' Rer. . G.
Schunke. assistant pastor, will
have- charge of the worship at the
church." : - a - ; i i!
Rodgers Bafldlag mgh and Ferry St.
Church School : 4 0 a. m. t W. T. Jenks,
Sapt. Family Assembly at - 10:10 a.' m.
Preaching at 10;60 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. B.
T. P. U.'s 1:30 p.-m.
i SPIRIT. First in a series on the Sermon
on the Mount,
Anthem: Trast Te In The Lord" by
i- wiisdn.r".- .'-''--r-'-t t -v:
Anthem: ITbe Heavenly Vision" by Harris.
Ton are most cordially Invited to all these
services, T - W. Eiarl Cochran, Pastor
Tairtoonth, aad Ferry streets. C. f.
Weston, pastor. Baadsy school at 1:45
p.m. . Church service at f m. Evaago
liatio . service at . 7 :45 ' p.m Tuesdays
Bihio stady in the Book of Acta, 7:43
p.m. Wednesday. 1:30 Pvbk Woman's
prayer, meeting. Tharsday, church meet.
ing . ana reuowsaip servioe, T :t n.aa.
Satardsy, j Toung People's meetiag. 7:43
and Jeffersoa stroetav.
B. FoBkoL Jr, pastor. Sunday acheol
: a.
" Morning worship 11 o'clock:
rThe Healiag of tho Jfstiona.''
The choir
will repeat a eaoru.rem the
cantata -by request. Vesper
hoar worship 4: SO o'clock; subject:
-The CalUleaa-Model", e servtee isr
Jiraise. msdiutioa aad la formal Christiaa
e41ewihip preceded by a Fellowship hoar,
aa4 meeting of tae Toang Feeple'a Coaa-ell.j-
Three Toaag People's meetings at
S O.clock. 'i f " ! ' '
'r:-!-- v. j. - .1 i ,-.f.-v.--e- - ;
: BUibert i La. Pavaa. minister. Services
are held ia the Frateraal- Temple. Ceator
street, aotweoa High aad; Uborty. Bible
school :45. Morning proschiag aerviee
11 o'clock. Bermoa topic, - "Aboaaotag
lit Unmovable Steadfast nets.' -' - Yoaag
People's meetiag e:0. - Kroaiaff prooea
iagi service t:40. -,Sermoa tope, "Tho
Certainty or; Mall ana . nm - us
There." ' Prayer moating Thursday ev
ening, 7:80. . - - . i . - .
. Services at 7:80 pja. Mrs. Bchwedel
of Portlaad wilt be ; speaker. . Topi.
"Pkileaoahv of Sotritaalism." Meaaages.
Circles from 8:80 to 1:09 p.m.' - All ser
vicoa. hold at the Kelsoa bnildina, Cbo
mekcta aad Commercial, jr
rrxaT TnrirAatiJf
I-(. , . .-J ftkmmmkmlm. atnwta.
Ben Fred Albaa Weil, minister. Ckurch
school at 10 a.m. miles : . .cn-ey,
Supti Church service at 11 a-as. Ser
mon: "Stigmata." Mr.' Truma Hus
ton soloist.' ''
I rxBST chtjbch or oos
fViraev Hood and Cottage streets. C.
W. Hatch, pastor, phono 15SO-J. Morn-
on Thy Strength." Evening service 7:30
o'clock. Subject, 'Erangelistie " Sun
day) school 10 a.m. John Vaa Lydegraf.
Supt. Midweek prayer meeting 7:80
pja; Wednesday. Young People's meet
ing! 6:80 P-m. Claudino GiUlspie, leader.
outEiect, nev. - ,gns jnjer et vnm oin
Trafting School for Boy lo Expected.-
- Keizer schoolhouso is the place of
mooting, '8 miles north of Salem on tho
river road, i Hayes Besll, i pastor. Sun
Amm ukiuil meets at 10 a.m Jo. .
Bartruff, Supt. Tho Official board meets
this week, tho data to be announeea
later. Church servico at 11! a.m. Tho
topic, "Some Travel Gatherings.' will
deal with , experiences and impression
rained en a recent trip and attendance
ot' a national meeting. No evening ter
' South Commercial at ' Washington.
Chaa. O. Haworth, pastor.: Sunday ser
vices 10 a.m., Sunday school. - hatha n
Cook, Supt. 11:00 Morning worship.
Sermon: "Cod's Promises." The on Bi
tot will sing, "Harkl Hark. My Swill"
8:00 p.m. Vetper serrices Under tho di
rection of the Missionary committee who
are preparing aa exceedingly Interesting
and Instructive program. Thursdsy. 7:80
p.m. prayer meeting aad-Bible study.
North, Cottage aad D streets. Q. W.
Rutsch, minister.-, Sunday j school 9:45
a.m. Sam Schirmaa, Supt. . Service 11
a.m. Sermon topic,' "Requirements to
Successful! Work." Woman's Mission
ary meeting; 8:80 -p.m. Evening service
at" 7:80 p.m. Sermon toplti, "four Imr
gortaat i Moments ia the Life of PeterjM
1. 1 T. P. V. at 8 ,p.m. Tuesday, Emma
Sehlfferer, president. Kegolar mid-week
prayer servico at S p.m. Wednesday.
Court and 17 streets. B. F. Shoema
ker, minister. 845 South Wiater. Phone
2589-J. ! Bible school. 9:45 a.m. Mrs.
Prank Marshall, Supt. Morning worship,
11 am. Subject: "The Qualifications
sod Duties of Officers ia tho Charch."
Christisa Endeavor 6:30 p.m. 'Song ser
vice aad sermon. :S0 p.m. Thi aerviee
will be in charge of the young people's
elasa ia the Bible school with special
feature on the program. : Tha sabjeet
of the aermoa by the pastor wil bo "The
Conversion of a City Official." Aid
meetings on Wedneeday and : Friday.
Mid-week meetiag Wednesday . 7 :S0 p.m.
' Center and Liberty streets. Charles
E.. Ward, pastor. Sunday school :4J
a.m. Morning worship 11 o'clock; sub
ject: Trifling With a Ores Task.-Special
musie by a Mixed Quartet. - Even
ing worship 7:80 o'clock; subject:
"Soma; Observations About tke Treat
ment of Crimiaals." aa address by
Jadgo- Boss man. - Tho last part of the
moTing picture "A Man's Past" will bo
shown. I . -.
I IStb' and Ferry streets. H. C. Stover,
minister. Morning worship at 11. Ser
mon' ' The Churche's Unemployed." Ev
ening servico at 7:80. Herman, "The
Ordinary Maa and Progress.' Anthem
by the chorus choir, "King Out the
Cad Messsge" (Adams). Sunday school
at 1 10- a.m. C. C. Harris,' Supt. Young
People's societies at 6:80.
! 338 Court street. C. S. Johnson, pas
tor. Sundsy school 2 p.m.: Worship t
o'clock. Subjeet: Pall Gospel Message.
Evening .-worship at. 8' o'clock. Meeting
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday even.'
lag. "J.
j !' rrasT xvavobucax.
Thirteenth -aad Center streets. '-' A. P.
Layton, pastor. Sunday school 9:43
a.m. Morning worship 11 o'clock; sub
ject: "Triumphant Certainties." Crea
tor warship 7:80 o'clock; subject:
"Paith's Victories." Young People's
meeting :80 p.m subject; "My Idea ef
Wbat Young Maa Ought U Be." '
4 "Cornsr of Winter and - Chemeketa
street. Grovor C. Blrtchet, T. li., pas
tor. Sundsy school at 9:30 a.a. Chris
tisa Endeavor societies meet at .6:80 p.m.
Evening worship 7:BO o'clock. .Sermon,
"Cnfailing Security" .Dr. Birtchet.
Mid-week prayer service on, Thursdsy at
7S80 'clock. .'- f '
Salem Baptist Temple
' Sunday
i , Sunday
Bishop Ira D. Warner Gives
, Main Talk at Annual
!. Event
HAZEL GREEN. Jan. 1 fi-Tte
annual fathers' and sons' ban
fluet; of the United Brethren
church here was hM Th
with a program of snappy songs.
yvua ana an aaaress oy Bishop
Ira D. Warner featuring the eve
ning.' Rev. S. E. Long, pastor,
presided, . , ! r - ,- (.
Bishop Warner counseled the
young men to build character by
fprmlng rood habits, reading the
best books and using wisdom In
the choice ef friends.
-He asked the fathers to et
good examples and said: "If - the
fathers and mothers .would Una
up for God. they could not hall
hoards up' high, enough to keep
tho boys out" i
. Bishop . Warner expects to
show here at an early date p'ic-.
tures which he had made, on ' a
tour of -Palestine. f
Present, at the banquet-were
the following:' Bishop Warner,
Rev. S.- K. Long, j Rev, ! Horns
chuch of Lablsh Center, Rev. Bo
man, Lester Van Cleave, Ken
neth and .Melvin . Van Cleave, F.
W. Ware, Herman I Wacken 3r.,
Joseph Cook, Victor Williamson.
Edward Dunnlgan ! Jr., Donald
Dunnigan, Ben Clemens and sons
Clifton and Arthur, George i
Tkatch, W. W. Ruthford, Earl ,
Ruthford, G. G- Looney, Ouy Al- ;
len and Glen Looney, Mrs. Jo- 1
seph Cook, Miss Hazel Hufford
and Mrs. Looney served. I
Bishop , Warner was a guest at
the G. G. Looney home Thursday
night, leaving the next morning
for Vancouver, Wash., i where he
was to hold an institute on Sun
day school and Christian Endea
vor methods-; !:.' -
Following the fellowship ser
vices conducted this past week
community wide revival services
will be held in Ford Memorial;
church, January 11-23 each eve
ning except Saturday at 7:31
o'clock. The pastor will i preach
and - all organizations of , the
church are cooperating.
Some special features of this
week are: i , f 1 ' ' I
" Monday men's night. Male j
chorus, ; quartet, vocal duet . by
Erwln Simmons and Fell!
Wright, vocal solo by j Fella i
Wright. Sermon: "Samples."
-Tuesday, boys i night. - Boy
Scouts and Friendly Indians will
be guests. Sermon: "The Spirit- i
ual Harvest" '
Wednesday, women's night, j
Ladies quartet and chorus will be
featured. Sermon: "'One j Thing
Needful." i ' A
Thursda y Sunday j school v
night Recognition of- classes)
with largest number present.
Friday night family ' night..
Sermon: ""Influence. Cottage
prayer meetings 9:80 each day.
Justice Rossman
To Address Church
Audience Sunday
Justice George Rouman of the j
supreme court will speak Sunday
evening at T:80 at . the. Firt
Congregationar church on "Some
Observations About the Treat
ment f of Criminals". 1
Along with this addresa there
will be shown the last half of
the moving picture: "A I Man's
Past" a grim .and gripping
story of a prison" scarred inao
who made his wsy back! i
Church Dedica tion
Is Sunday Morning
" SILVERTON, Jan. 8 -- Tha
Christian Science society will ded
icate Its church Sunday morning;
with special services. Accortllng;
to tho custom of this society the
church is not dedicated until It
is free from debt no matter; when
It Is built The local society is
now fre from all debt and obliga
tions. -1 - c'- 1 i
Anericza Lclhcra Clmrch
Church St Chemeketa and Center.
A Dowatown Charch.
11 A. M. What Is a Reasonable Berv
leet Special MusleCholr. Wm. Mc
Gllchrlat. . ' . i -
A Fourth time we repeat the Pageant
"The Light of the World", at the
request-of many hundreds. Come ear
ly. " At 7 last Sunday church wa
packed to overflowing. Max Gehihar,
Director.-" ;-- ' " r " : I .
1:J0 P. H. Annual Church Business
; meeting, reports and election of of
ficers. Wed., Jan. llth, Ladies' Guill.
Rev. A. M. Knudsen, Longvlew, Wssh.,
speaker. At 8 P. M. Booster Club Ban
qtiet. Henry Aherns, Toastmaster, !
Rev. P. W. Eriksen, Pastor, f