.The 'Me'lMU M OigSSTTTE-t ABTXXTX-XXa Reading notices, per IInel$C Elaaslfiad- Advertising, per lmel4e Uss Klsd Advertising, per Um 8 imea . 20o CUMUed Advertising, pec Uns.. mm , -q On month, daily and Sunday ter line H.00 Copy -or this pas tcnpud - tll :J9 the arming beor pubU cUo Tor classification. Copy ro ooired after this tiro wO be rim vwder tha beading TioUl to Ctaasify. SALESMEN WANTED WAOTEIV-Live -1 real estate) SITUATIONS WANTED : WANTED Work by day. Heuse ' work or car of children or elderly ! people. ?!. per day. 2512R. WANTED Restaurant or house work by- reung woman. 1294 Oak St. n nri i. ri. i i 1 1 i i i innO o.i Housework Erper. TeL 112F13. 111K11. NTJES1B reasonable, TeL 207 SW. mrx "iiyinnn rwrtirMwiriri wv"iiir,"i HOT 14. would like to tet work of Any kind la- town or farm. Phone 1596J. Kxvertenced accountant mad office manager desires local position. Box 30T6, ' Smt- tan. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Piano bargain platn caa Hardmaa plane, party says to -aer-riflce- for utck sala. 117 take It. Terms caa be arraiyred. see at. TAU.MAN PIANO STORE 1 jwttt litli, gni I ' Baled clover bay. fit per too. TeL sirs. Bot wool salt fS.eO, elec. vacuo eleaaer. guaranteed la good running a-rder, $10.90. lAiage carrier 75c 19S4 Market Street FOR SALTS Small sued brooding cage, la excellent condi tio, i Pay S3 for case and ret pure bred female canary free. Inquire Box 1 15. Statesman. ' Apples, JOo and too box. TeL tint. : port SALE; shafting, pulleys, hang ars. Statesman Pubilahinr Co. FOR ALE: Ola papera. Ile a ban die. , Sta teaman ofKce. . Typewriter, all makes. Bew and peed. eVaders and typewriters for rent, rypewrler V. rchawye. 4tT Cowrt Pt. WANTED Miscellaneous WAJCTBD Used pwnos, tn ex chaase ea radios, pnonagraptas, or far tltr.. H Tj. SKff Fmvirfire Cwumtw FOR RENTROOMS ROOM and BOARD ftteaiB- heated rsoma wfth board. Hot and cold water. TeL Z547R. PUBASANT rest borne for seml-ln-Talids or elderly persona Beet of car and food, box T13, States- EXC EIXENT board and cheerful rooms In privete home. iGO Center. FOR RENTAPARTMENTS NIc fur. apt. 69 Union. Close la furn. apt. tSS Center. i ' rowm and kitchenette furnished ; water, llxhts. phone. Close In. 641 Mill street, fli. a room, newly furniabed apt. Gas. Hxttta, water, wood free. tt IMrl aton, S blocks north of public mar keC AAplt only. . . . . . IleaC apt Private bath. 412 Marion. FOR RENT -i Fiimlabed bunealow ant. with AlkVA. 1 . . . . Iff AA Inquire at 17 MU1 8u Phone 2SI-R r see - ; HE. ROBERTS Masonla Bldg. TeKj WBX.T. furnished rooms and apt, for rent at 22(1 Hasel Jive. TeL 1I39W. : Slrat r.oor furnished apt. 1336 Pne - - FOR RENTHOUSES FOR RENT Houses and flata til ! Tew. IH-I5I a CwtfL It a eooms with xarsxe end fire place West - Salem. S2 37s Rich mond, f rooms. $25 452 Leslie, ff rooms, furnace and garage. $15 674 N. 16th. ft rooms. $30 4it Ferry. S room flat $85 70 Marlon. room flat. $40' 1 SOS N. Eurantr. rooms, I oaths. $302113 6. Church 6 V. airs home outside limlu south, rooms,' We hare also 13 for&Ishad houses, rant from $14 to $6. BRCK.E 4k I IK ND RICKS . ll N. Hish Street TeL 111. FOR RENT House close In to bus iness district. Inquire, Mr. Simpson at Simpson Grocery. RK.NTAXS -Bun gal owe, nooses, fit to $16 furnished $12.60 to $76. Rentals a specialty. - BECTTTELr-TIIOMASON 341 SUte Street Room! Houses for Sale; No down payments. Modern boncatow. N. CoUaa. FOR RENT room modern house, 146 So. Liberty St. FOR RXNT Bouses furnished and -m furnished. F. I WOOD 341 State 8treet ' FOR RENT I room bouse, also a r"rnl2jetAt2Tei;ijL FOR RENT ' FARM LKASB1 FOB SAUS 4 year lease on II A farm for sale and equipment consisting of 4 cows, ti hatfsra, t brood sows, ( hana, 34 toa ensUaxe, bay, kale, cream sep arator. I - . Fair buildings and good road. IVieo for all only $ caah. , SB PERRINB e MAKflTEHI SIS Justlca Court Building TIIXIE, THE TOILER -Njci&y-miKiG' is isaiMtS" n " -th. ft ST a r-s a -e , fk m 4Tk ! av a a ft fS9j aV 4 -" V4-.l " 4T-a6 vfm ham e,sofia tAK.eC V- 1 - FOR KENT 24 acrvs, i near -Oaf sui 4 f ootu house, barn and- htofcea bouses. Tel. I59JL WANTED TO RENT. ..SV....W wANTa--TTa rant or lease (or lone term, strictly modem. tmfurnUn ed house, v4h cre- and four - or five te diwM, cIdw to .state bids. Best I care. Adults, Must be . reas onable. ox fc, . Statesman. . FOR SALE Real Estate rHAfdkaa -srt4 i Aa -taM.ssA.eM.JB a.. a a w 1 iMi iii'i Trw7a HLIWI owner goiaer away. g2M.4U for quick BOMB OF THB BEST LAND 'At reasetaatde .prices. - . ... plow-a rarod hljchway. PHoe $o000. 0: terms $su0U4 cash balance reasonable terms. -85 ACRES ON 000.44. . " V ' H S4 JUUIE3 " 1 Fratrie eolL 4leao -to Pratum. Or. goo at 7fcS per acre. ' ! 61 ACRES OF " I ' Ren-r tad. -rai lani ill plow, iuB k of bufkUinffa. Price $2,- AM BKHSW St EUP1EET at ! 1 South High Street $134 Boagwtow. 3 rooms and nook. piaawrm, win, iignts, water, vi to -bus liue, paring pd. Terms.' $175r. Aa attracrVre- Cngllshi type 'home t ajeme aed nook, garage ....and a4a gtd. Si0. dawn, j 2S4. Almost new Htngaiow, 'llrlng mnv steleg awom. ric' oak floors, fcttchan. large nook, S bed rooms, 4rod furn&ce. garage and DavaM-d 4eiaer -cost. tl&M dnvn $4400. A loma, T rooms, full wiiiiwi, isMpe inrnace : nice batltreom, large- 3nt trees -and shrufcbery. Will trade for smaller llOIUK. .. ; $540. to ku. ' Fire 4V Auto Ins. MB14TIN JOHNSON ! $34 TJ. A Na Baak Bldg. TeL 437. 4 mu. and -bath, raraee. eared street. er Wtootea mill. S1S00. wUl take senatt ear-,: part past. rm. coiotHai mom, awo. rioora, furaaee, Xiresiaca. 4arr corner lot. trees. ft8. wUl take cheaper home kaa part prnt WINNIE PRTTTJOHN, Realtor ITS Dmmnm. lMt$l Street ' -On tf the Best Farm Buys in Valley (2-Acxea. good dark soil. 64-A. cul , tlvatioa. U-A. oats and reatch. -A Ssm strawberrtes, all fenced. . ae'ea s4ra running water; good 1 R. Ttousa ith bath, toilet, hot ' and eld -water and water sys tem, barn, alio, poultry house, 14 mtles -t Acteso, oa market road. anHes -paved, price is a sac--slttos at $650a,ee. Win trade for crty property dear up to $$, 740.44 or w4U sell with $1600.00 . -down- payment, i It taken in 10 , dara will .giro 3 good horses, -Sampsow tractor, ail machinery and 104 -atrtckena. Wo will be glad to Show you this place as It wis pieaae ; you. ivm iMMsay Suburban Homes 1-Acra good aoiL some fruit and wal nuts, good 6-H. house, basement, . bath and toilet, eWtrio- water aystem, on pawed highway, H mile city 4tmits, -price reduced to ; $2960.401 I300I&4 down wUlhan dfe. -Acre, flno place, beautiful lawn, flowers, and 19 large bearing cherry' trees, modern up to date R.'heusa with basement, : fur . naco, laundry trays, good aell "and 1ectrlf a-ater tystem, good concrete walks. Double garage, imprarementa, cost more than tlte price. Sacrifice sale price 4360. 0. Iiy ns and make $2004.00. ttftOO.O down will liandle. These plaeea are real buy. To see is to buy. So call SHAKS TUCKER 2161 or 181 3. Cam'L St. for ap pointment. EXTRA SPECIAL 4 room bungalow on choice lot In N. 'Salem, L4 -blocks from capltol bafldinga. Priced away below value for quick sale. Only $3900, part terms. See it today.-, Mrs. KUls with LEO 3(. CRILOS1 COm Realtors 334 Stata SUeet Tel. 1727. POOR SCAN'S CHANCE To buy a 3isswa lieap with a little money down, balanco like rent. Immediate- possession of a 4 room plastered buotgalow in East Salem, garage and woodshed, good lawn and shrubbery. Price $1164, cash $20 and $34 each month. $1344- for a comfortable 8 room house in South Salem, pared street, close to school, eheice- corner lot with fruit ane shade trees. $16 down and $16 monthly. I room cottage on Belleru street, semi -modern. Price- $1309, cash $100, bat $16- monthly and interest. $1669 will buy a good 4 room house with basement, good garage, street pared and walks la. Liberal terms. - LEO- M. CHILDS CO Realtor 324 Stats Street TeL 1727. Good homes at bargain prices: North of Salem 4 miles, we have 13 good acres with 6 room house and fair bare- and outbuildings, good road and -electricity In house prlca . $4. 440.04. 19 splendid acres with fair Improve ments, splendid soil and all tillable, 1-4 mils from highway for only $6, 049.09 S3 splendid acres 1 mile east, on pavement, -. modem house and good bam, large -ctUcken house could -subdivide a snap at $8600.00. 94 Certila acrse oa pavement, 1 H mites good town. It miles Salem, 11 v abio house, fair barn, some fruit, near school, prioa 44400 09. 194 acre dairy farm, good house, llrlng water, all tttlabla worth $10, 999.09 and will trade for small farm. 129 acres oa good road with stock and equipment worth $10,909.09 and will trade for email farm near Salem. Wa have (4 splendid acres with modern T room bow house, large chicken house, soma bottom land, some timber and never failing arwll creek rara bargain for only $800. 99 might i consider a larger farm In exchange, i - 49 acrea of splendid timber on good road II mHea of Salem, clear to trade Cor Impraoeed acreage near Salem. 129- aeses sf timber, relinquishment, to trade for car or tot. A good T room house fn Salem to trade far ' fares vah.e $6190.00. MoQtLCHRIST t PENNINGTON S49-14 . a Bank Bldg. i TeL- 149. By sum 4 B. cottage, doubts faraga. t lily, pools, lawn and ahruba llit.-OA like rent, or will rant $15.04 par month. Call 143S1L i - 4 room ttousa Division street. Make store or shop, business district, f 14 N. High. i j nr-- .mm mm $G 4F- mo.mimo -you - 7RSr4T4 FOR SALE Real EsUU FOR SALE FsJrmnnnt Hill denes with a wonderful view. Rent for home by owner. A. JT. RATTM, 1614, 310 j State trtreet fiL XTST. EXCHANGE Rel EsUte 1 . KXD TRAMS $2500. House f Pw completely fur nished. Trade for Portland lroperty same -value. , 7 . , 1H A. 4 R. bouse f 1111. Trade equity for car, .sonve caaa. coxy 4 R. bouse, $2114; take lot land some cash baL terms. 4 FINK FARM 146 ACRKS All stocked aad equipped. Crop tn, good bidgs aott, some bottom and soma hlil land, running water , all rear. Moat ideal, tor dairying. Prloe 12,000. Take .part trade. Wtuit hare tout xms would be a good buy at $126 per acre. SKE ! BECHTEL A THOMASON 341! Stats Street E Uoom 4. IDEAL CdTJNTRT HOMB . 11 acres 1 mil front licMlnn rlUs. 7 room modern homa witk fur naoe, fireplace, built-tn buffet, breakfast nook, hardwood' 'floors ; double garage, two poultry, houses, eleotrio lights and -pump. Team, farm and orchard equipment tnctuded. Smafl stream. 49 walnut" and- 264 cherry trees i 3 years -old and in an excellent condition. Apples, prune, grapes and berrlea. A pirtiif' Invest ment at a great sacrifice. WiU con sider small modern Salem - heme as partpayment. (WARREN E. KTDDER, Agent ' I Carltoo, Oregon FOB TRADE Good 19 acres cleaa la for house af -sun value. If Inter ested, call S319W. FOR S ALL FARMS RAfTtTIPTfte a. mil l . frni Excellent 1ufldinga. Aocepc '-part trade, your -terms on balaaca. OWN ER' 61 4 N. Summer St. ACREAGE FOR SALE 33 acrea i In Howell Prairie. Price $1604. 39 acrea,- Jnst off Jefferson high way. Old bouse, good barn., chic Icon house and well. Prlca $4504. Take good house la Salem. x .i . . 1(0 acres In North Dakota. Dood bldas. Prsea- Sssoa. Take farm tn m ley, and assisa aom. Come in, will sriow you picture or oiog. A. F. Homyer with W. Q. TCRtfEGER 147 North Commercial I have a farm lease for mile In cradmg stock and equipment. Farm Is located on Pacific highway not far from Albany. Jf yoa are looking for a place to rent, let me show you this, I H. C SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. TL 1784. S acres close to Salem, -small house. good barn, svell and pump, good solL 81609 With 4164- down. 10 Si (acrea 3 ml. from Salem, all cult!- vaiea, line sou, guoa oiiiiauixm Will trade for house in Salem. Acres 6 "4 ml east of Saltan, fair farm bldgs., some orchard, the best of solL Will trade fo- small er tract clone to Salem. Acres mi. from R. R-, go4d farm bldgs.. creek, , spring water piped to house and barn, all in cultiva tion, lays welL V ml. to school, fine for dairying or farming, BO waste land. Will take Snlem or Portland property. Prlca $124 per acre. MELVIN JOHNSON ; IT. S. Nat'L Bank Bldg. TeL 437. 100 220 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED farm rom 84 to 144 A. Mutt be priced right Writ 18, Statesman. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS AND CITY REAL ES TATE. LOWEST rUTEREST BATES. ! BERT T. FORD FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDO. LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLB On plain notes, endorsed: notes, furniture and ptanoa. All tran sactions strictly confidential. ! STATE LOAN COMPANY 313 Oregon .Bldg. Second Floor I Corner State and High Office hra. 10:44 a, m. to 4:34 p. Telephone 433. Licensed by State I PERSONAL LOANS MADE on furniture, cars, salaries or i other good security. Repayable monthly. When tn financial need gee ua before closing a loan. i GENERAL INVESTMENT ! CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg. Phone 1200 CJTT AND FARM loans at lowest rates. Best terms obtainable. Our Insurance department offers rot expert- advice and service 4n all tinea. HAWKINS ROBERTS 4 Ino.) TeL 1427 SOS Oregon Bldg. Federal Farm Loans, IH per cant F. jU WOOD, 341 Stats Street. WANTED fa loAti on liv tor.k $uid aassAnal nranartr 1Aeamea wA. SSI iff- your convenience. National Loan and innance ca no uuut oi vaa. rung. Licensed by state. MONET LOANED ON AUTOS i Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce your payments. xou aeep toe car. P. A. EIKER Cor. Liberty St. and Ferry Phone 111 Salem. Ore. NEED MONET QUICKLY 7 Cash Loans of $10 to $109 -Within II Hours i . Small Monthly Repajaents : You'll tta surnrised how easllr a loan can, be arranged. Our friendly and courteous service baa helped many whan they needed money quickly. Come In, 'phone or writs for full In formation. There la no obligation. f BENEFICIAL LOAN SOCIETT 111, Bllgh Bldg. Tei. 4-7-4-4 Licensed by the State LOANS WANTED WANTED Private . money to loan nit iml aatala. ;W. H. GRABETTHORST CO. 184 4a, Liberty St. ' TeL 414. -1Y-1 ie-fr Comb om.i 1 1 OH, cc'S tf iXT'uu OUJ tin a I ! WHvr f yov stiif it. voas - " fcTH& jiooa rr JAl ISyiT " ViC JT ajith J-rrta Evoq amd novo vma3 W J L,W :- my S X? . J 'TsL-L-U -t " V- wa lead -them To SOPPOSH3 M ( rT- rlV 'f: Hfj iV 1 TBg QVMraSTfeOS ' r- il t ; :"':. , - - ; i :-:3 'j,' ;;:-x j ' -. Ij x' ':. :x"x.. x x -:--.r'j -, j-' : .:xxx"x-;; -:"-. xx j,x-' .,, UVE STOCK and POULTRY Hanson baby xW-a lis hundred. custom hatertlng. llfll. D. B. Uax- iieicL- s. , uax lis- l B-40 per egg. WORK horses ui imiku Cum far them. W. IL Street, 464 Ferry St. FOR SALE WOOD - . XAnrr 14 la. aid fir. S4A4 A cord. TeL 14FSX t ". FOR" SALB OR TR OB It In. old -Or 44.44. cord. TeL 19F4- We deliver all kinds of rood -wood. Satisfaction guaranteed. O. . K. Fuel . DRT, an kinds, . any : length. TeL DRT Cr and oaa wood, coal and" rnei on. ctu oa us. car ariosa. - .wa Iglve goaa measure, good quality and gaoa .sen ire. ? LARMKR TRANSFER A STORAaB 'letepnose isas t WH ha va 14 wood oa hand all the time. Prompt deiiyery. 349 8. 11th. Cobba MltchaU4Do. Phone. 111. , - 14 tn. and 4 ft. wood on hand at an times. AJsotManar wood. Tel. XII Tracy's Fuel Tarda. GUARANTEE! DST ; Wosil rnal TeL it Salem Foal Co 163' Trade. WOOD SAWING Per "tetter--wood eawio. , Tel. Utr. LOST and FOUND LOST Atsseea -Reherts apta aad cnaTnoer ox commerce, bracelet . wrist watcn. , iiewaro, tol f i$j. WANTED USED GARS ltd acre of land dose to Salem to trade f or geod 1984 or '34 model light car. TeL Kt V, 0OX & FOR SALE USED CARS Ford and Buick Used Car Lot; Guarantee satisfaction with) every 192S-Su4ck : Coupe . 4285-49 1934 Buick Standard -Sedan 48 40 1426 Buick enctosed touring 1764 L27 Chrysler 69 Coach 886.90 1924 -Chevralet -Cab Coupe 846.44 1929 Chevrolet 1H -ton truck 496.99 1917 crhavrotet Coupe w 176.44 193T Chevrolet Coach t , ttgftfl 1924 Chevrolet Sedan 185.04 1024 Cbevroiet Sedan, runs good - 1 45.44 1928 Dodge. 4 Standard Coupe 466.44 iw3, uoage oeaan , seore 1924 Essex Coach 40.00 1990 Model A Ford Coupe 616.99 1999 Model A Ford Coach 42S.09 1928 Model A Ford touring 85.00 1988 Model A Ford spt cpe. 826.40 1939 Model A Ford truck 666.00 1929 Model A Ford truck 446.90 1926 Model T Ford Coupe 166.00 1929 Model T Ford touring - 76.00 1926 Model1 T Ford pickup 95.90 1924 Model T Ford- roadster ; 76.40 1915 Model T Ford coupe 40.00 1925 Model T Ford Sedan 100.09 1923 Model T Pord pickup j 34.99 1921 Model T Ford Sedan 45.44 1926 Hupmobila 4- Coupe 495.90 ,1926 HupmobUe 4 Roadster 340.94 192? Oakland Coach . i -, 266.04 194 Oakland Coupe , ,,. 545.00 1927 OldsmobUe f!oah , ., -, ., 175.00 1924 Studebaker touring: 45.00 1926 Star 4 Coupster . 126.00 1924 Star 4 touring ;0.04 1926 Willys-Knight 44 Road- ster st.oo 1923 Willys Knight S passen- srer ran. .. 1928 WhiDPet Coach '48.49 340.O9 160.04 1928 Whippet Coupe Salem Used Car Center - North and of Ford Agency. Telephone 1027. McKay's for Used Cars With an O. K. That Counts 1929 Chevrolet 4 door sedan, snubbers. bumpers, spare tira. finish and unholatanr like now , ... $515.04 1 A O fi aVtArTtft1ck Qnai Xvsalasaaa 1 Av Atw a viwv fk-xrvra v A wsjviovot 0 heater, aide wlnrs, bumper. spare tire, ' wire wheels and run only 4404 rrriles .454.44 1929 Whippet 4 door sedan. t Has had the best of care, . and looks fine. New tires J 15.09 1929 Ford Model A roadster like new ., ,, .., , , 1$B.4 1929 Chevrolet Coach as near - perfect as coach could be 498.04 1928 Chevrolet Cabriolet, rum ble seat, fully equipped . 886.99 1929 Ford Model A Coupe, . new rubber, new paint .. 155.00 1928 Model A Ford Touring, good condition 195.49 1939 Chevrolet Coach 686.94 1927 -Star 4 Coupe . 846.44 It takes more than price to make a bargain. : Douglas McKay! j Chev. Co. $33 Canter Street TeL 1802. twweeeAMMfMWWWMwi Valley Motor Company! Used Cars 1924 Model A Sport Ompo J44.49 1924 Model A Sport Roadster 369.49 1929 Model A, Tudor Sedan 425.04 1928 Model A: Tudor Sedan 845.44 1924 Model A Sport Coup 836.44 1924 Model A .Roadster 195.04 1924 Model T Touring ' - 40.44 1921 Model T Touring 85.44 1924 Model T Coupe - , ... 100.40 1934 Model T Tudor Sedaa 115.44 1984 Model T Coupe . 40.94 OTHER MAKES T Chevrolet Cabriolet . 1937 Chevrolet Coupe 1927 Chevrolet- Coach ,154.94 176.44 . 14A.04 ', . 11'44 19S6 Chevrolet Roadster 1934 Chevrolet Sedaa Terms 9rades Wa car cash for rood used cars. ' Center at Liberty TeL 1991. Valley Motor Company Cent at Liberty - . TeL 1191 Jewett sedan fully aaolBoed. Fine shape. $76 thta week. P t. Bi uaiom, out garasa nignway. FOR SALE USED CARSj S SAVE $ 5 3 0 Used Cars at LESS Than the j ' Northwest: Appraisal " S COMPARE OUR PRICES .mm 'II Nash Special T sedan car. looks ascomooue a-1 mecnamcaiiy '34 Dodge- D- A sedan gnaranteed car Car CAW nntrp-npHnmtmA. as image ..victory if AAixe ! iirougnaai trunx 6 . wire t1 Chevrolet Coupa---- nrir tires A-1 .car" 14 Chrraltr. 1 8 Coach' (a anulne bnv 'ST. Buick, Sport Roadater (RecondiUofled IS - 'Mdre Car for the Money BONESTEELB MOTOR COMPANY 474 South Commercial See the Sensational 193V Dodge Six $ 5 SAVE 5 High Grade Used Cars 1928 Studehaker New paint and - tlretr overhauled and guaranteed , 445 s I 192S Buick Standard Six Sedan : Original finish like new A-l mechaaically. S4-day service a 930 Essex Challenger Town Sedan f Can hardly be told from new Ideal wrsest Bvoy oc any car la we 1929 Bodge Victory Six Sedan TMt It an exceptionally rood one one w v wa vuui 1929 Whippet Six Sedan Original finish Inside and out extra- good new six play tires Karl ; ; Keen trunk and -many other extras , ' 125.94 j 1927 Buick Standard Six Sport Coupe A-i mechanically. Finish Inside and out like new I , . . iftS.OA M j lussex woach New paint new tires overhauled from stem to stern 1 1926 Dodge Sedan Leather upholstery -1926 Hudson Coach Orertiauled from atom to stern new paint trunk and many other extras ..........y.. , ,,. , . Z,..,- . 154.44 STATE MOTORS, INC. HUDSON, CSSEX AND STCDEBAKER ; High and Chemeketa i'S : t Telephone 1004. TRADES- TERMS Open Evenings and Sundays. 'dood WUL' Guaranteed Used Cars 2929 Oldsmoblle Sedan 1937 Nash Cabriolet 1927 Oakland Sedan .$675.00 . 47:5.00 . 465.00 . SS5.00 . 650.00 . 250.00 . 450.00 1937 Star Sedan 1939 Ford Do Lux Coupe 1927 Chev. Imp. Landau 1939 Oakland Coach 1929 Oakland Coupe 650.00 Many other to choose from. Wood-Wheaton -Motor Co,, Inc. Oakland TTion 21 IB Prmtfae NOTICE OF BOND SALE Boated bids will bp received by the undersigned until the- hour of T:30 o'clock p, m, on Most day, the 19th day! of January, 151,. and Immediately thereaft er opened by the Common Coun cil of tba City of Salem, Oregon, at the elty hall In said city, tor bonds of the City in the amount ot Seventy-five Thousand Dol lars, described as follows: City ot Salem Sanitary Sewer Bonds- In the amount of 175,- 000. 09 in denominations ot $1000 each, being; dated January 1, 1931, maturing serially in nu merical order at 'thai rate of $ 5, 000.00 on the first day ot Janu ary In each ot the rears 19 S 2 to 1941, Inclusive,' said bonds to bear Interest at the rate ot four and one-halt (4H) per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, f These bonds are a part ot a series aggregating $500,000 par value In amount, authorized by an amendment to the Charter ot the City approved' by the legal voters ot the cityat an election held on the 28th day of. June. 1927, and of which! $400,000.09 hare been heretofore Issued and sold. I " i X Each, bid must be accompan ied by s certified check tor two per cent (1) ef the par value ot the bonds. ' ! The approving ' legal opinion ot Teal. Wintree, MeCulloch Shuler will be furnished the suc cessful bidder. ; 1? ' ' The right ts reserved by the Common CouneU to accept any bid or to reject all bids In the Interest f the Cityi MARK POULSEN, City ' Recorder. Salem, Oregon. -7-5-9-10-11 JTOTTCB TO CXtJCDXTORS Notice U hereby given that (mo andersigned; by an order ot the County Court ot Marion County, Stat ot Oregon, duty made and entered on the 18 th day of De cember, 19X0, was appointed d- rmlnlstratrix ot the estate of Wal ter W. Johnson and that she has duly dualltled aa snch. AU per- j FOR SALE USED CARS 5 SAVE. S 3 : ! COMPARE THE CARS! ;S -and Derforma like a. , , - , , 1760.04 HMO leather VDhoisterlmT . t 725.00 T64.44 9.44 496.04 3144 T6.4 175.00 t-124.44- 309.40 40.4 : 5 -Telephone 428. $ SAVE $ at One-Half Their Value Commander Sedan 475.44 family' car This car has the inaivrauai price field 4-9.04 tf the moat popular cart Dodge I1J.44 111.91. 375.00 Valsetz Family Cheered by Son a-tst-te VALSETZ, Jan. S. Mr. and Mrs. I R. Turner are the proud parents ot a 10-pound baby boy. born i Tuesday, January 5. Both mother and baby are doing nicely. Melvln Moen, operator ot a lum ber carrier for the Cobbs and Mitchell company, was badly bruised and shaken up when the carrier overturned recently. No bones were broken. T Valsetz yVALSETZ, Jan. 8 Raymond Dodson, was a very happy little boy Tuesday, when his mother gave a party In honor of his sev-i enth birthday. ' Those invited were Junior Da Vies, Pat March, Bobble Ballls, Harold Murphy,, Ray Gordon. Bobble. Bloyd. Milton Ferguson, Hilda June Ross, Harriet Hud dleston, Charlotte 'Jean Massle, Evelyn Dodson, Asa Foshang. While a lovely lunch was serv ed, Raymond opened his many presents. The birthday cake boasted ser cu red .candles. 4-H CJLtJB MEETS SIDNEY. Jan. 8 Tuesday af tornoon the 4-H club of Sidney school" held lilts first meeting since vacation. Hereafter the lcub will be known the dood Cheer i Circle.' An enthusiastic meeting was led by the president, Georgie Gllmpnr. Norma Hamp ton, vice-president, taught the club a; songclub 1 work. Each member gave a report of work dona. Anita Gllmour And Ida Bel knap became members ot the club, having gained permission from tho county club leader. Roll call for next time is a suggested motto for the local club. Sidney school Is the proud owner ot a large eand table. sons having claims against said) estate are hereby notified to pre sent the same, duly verified as re quired by law, at the offices ot Kowits Cook. 401 Salem Bank of Commerce Bldg., la the City ot Salem, Marlon County. Ore gon, within six months from the date ot this notice, to wit Decem ber 10. i9o. ;. i FLORA EL JOHNSON, Admin istratrix ot the estate pf Walter W. Johnson. ! -I ' 1 - . KOWITZ ft COOK, Attorneys tor Administratrix. D. 19-I4M. t-0-18.- ; By RUSS WESTOVER ElfiL SCOUTS IV1LL Reorganisation ot the : Girl Scout community . , commit tee. Which sponsors -the Girl 8cout troops 4a- and about Salem, was perfected at a meeting held Wed nesday night at the tome ot the secretarn Mrs. B. A. Victor,; lit Oak. This step ts the first one la a. renewal ot Girl Scout activities fn the city OBpeclany. , i?.-'- .,,1, - - .Tho : community ' " committee, which consists. of . representatives ot the American Legion auxiliary, the Business and Professional Woman's . clab "and the Kelzer community club, acts In advisory capacity : to the Acotitlng groups. The representatives - from ; the Kelzer club are "new. this year, however that community has two active -troops.- - t The members ot the committee present at the reorganisation were: Mrs. R. W, Clarke, r Mrs. Mabel BUtte. Mrs. H. R. White and airs.. Victor, all ot the auxil iary;. Miag Helen lionise Crosby of the Ttaslaeea and Professlenat WomaVrr club; Mis Ruth Rulif bn. Mrs Etta "Melsota and Mrs; Hay Betzer Of the Kelxer club. Russian Wheat! Outlet Doomed , With Machinery .Hv ' ; ' . '.'rr. WASHINGTON, Jan. $.---( AP) - Chairman FlsV ot the special house I communist investigating committee said In the house to -7 the use of American farm machin ery In Russia would do away with the-world market tor American wheat -- :) :' ; Production ot Russian wheat will be so .greatly Increased by the use of r American machinery -he aid, Russia will be able to aup- jply the world. I j tie asceo. m nouse 10 approve his resolution by which , the- Red -Cross would distribute some of the wheat hold by the farm board to the hungry. is. Fish added; would decrease the surplus la the united -States ana prevent a drop In the price. ' . 6EAI SALE GOOD i AURORA, Jan. 8 -The Christ mas seal sale, is reported to have been tiidte satisfactory, by Mrs. William Wurster and Prof.: E. F. Morrison, who had charge of the sale this season. Seals were sold through the school, and the: pupils are to be congratulated tor their efforts, t The Aurora Woman's club hare . always supported this movement, and to stimulate) Inter est offered prlzeB to the boy and girl who made the Jargest sale Eldonl Harrison and Hazel Furgu son were those rewarded! Mrs. George lEhlen, president (of the Woman's club.- made a neat little speech In behalf of the club, when making line presentation. Decern - ber 24, in Mr. Morrison's room. Gross -Word Puzzle -. V1lrwss r cnnrt'rr ! By EUGENE H0R1ZONTAL. 1 heavy cluo 17 -always 19 character . . . 1 Spenf-I 1 ers-FaerI0 Queene" 49 numeral 41 unit of . -electrical resists nco ' 44 exclude 47 pertatolnff to laughter 51 aper 51 strong cart 1 -k for carry ing heavy :. loads -14 despicable - 55 of each an equal-v rpiantlty r . 8 projecting lower edge : - of a roof 87 Greek god fenuOe OS tho ' domestlo lowt, ! $r-Usvtalnf that : suMtoges rain - 12 Persian IS before 14 percenUgO paid xor , exuAangn of one i i 1! - : . " ... . . ' . mmm& -7s-3ii 2H 25 W WWW' ' WHZ 1,3 1 i Ti 3r : A 1 1 Bh I HH 1 1 SB99-9-9bT99S . 4a M , . j eorrency . ''''J Into . j . 'anothetj . X 5 Italian 1 - monetary - trait i il6 kind of ' snake (pi) 18 newspaper exacutives tO 'aasanyts -tlnlky piece of -, unshaped I timber 2 level -Si character ' la Ehaks , - - Apeare's , t --Henry: rr? -18 mother of ' Helen of Troy : 8 Roman 1 ' patriot 82 wore !away :'X $4 one who ' - requires 18 elty in i Nevada ox war- Herewith, is terday's vosxle. R EWA ft 0 NJAiL L ED DID GROUP : IIS'EfHIl ROSEDALB.. Jan. 8. The foU lowing; .ladles attended the mis sionary meeting at the home ot Mrs. Esplln of Sunn yside Wed nesday afternoon r Mrs. A. ,J. Haldy. Mrs. R. Ladd. Mrs. W. 22. Way,: Mrs. M. Cammack. ' Mrs. J. D. Alexander, Mrs. Norman Alex ander, Mrs. Albert Bramlee. Mrs. D. 8. Pearson, i Mrs. E. Beckley, Mrs. 1- C. Tucker, . Mrs.. Brorn Mrs. Walter j Allen, .11b,i Helen Cammack.-: I 't ..t'v'iji. The time! was spent lot sewing and tho study of a book on xnla slons. It was announced that Mr; and Mrss Carroll i Tamplin, former pastors here, left Port land i Tuesday evening.' tor Ban Francisco, from where they will sail Jan nary 11 for La Pas, Bo livia. They expect to make e a OLe trip , to ChlquJmula. Guate mala, where they formerly were engaged In trnsnonary work. . Mrs. M. Cammack Spent Mon day in Portland. - -' Two new pupils entered school Monday.' They are from - tho Woods family who have recent ly moved Into tho tenant houso of R.; D. Teter. -Cass. Palmer who has been confined In a Salem hospital for several weeks, is convalescing at the-home ot his sister. Mrs. Ws E. Way. , , : V-NHS' BCISSUS CHECH County Fruit Inspector S. IL Van Trump has been busy the past two days making a close survey of the narcissus bulb In dustry In Marion county, follow ing request from the state -board of horticulture to submit data. which will bo used in tao near- . lnr on the narcissus bulb in Washington, D. C. January 29. Whether or not the 1 embargo will bo taken off bulbs from Hol land and other countries will probably be threshed out at the hearing, and the state j Horticul ture board is anxious that all facts (concerning the growing j la Oregon be submitted tn an effort to keep the restrictions on a while longer. '. " .' t j .Van Trump found la his rounds that while not a great many nar- . c las us bulbs were xnarLeled I la Marion county the past iyearj, a great man were produced and1 re planted. The plalntlug j is esti mated at close to 40 acres. . While Hftin of the embargo; might be disastrous to the Indus try in this county at present,! In spector Van Trump :s of the opia- Ion that sooner or later the nar- j-cissus tariff will be changed and 1 lifted; along with drastic changes I In tho entire tariff ot the country. SHEFFER CS cooking 9 erase nteasu It vehicU on runners VERTICAL, 1 small ' animal living , " 2 among t set of bells 1 muse of amatory poetry 8 German title of respect $ rubbed out t traa ' 8 Instru ment for . weighing 10 lullaa I coins ! 11 peat box 17 artificial . - mound 1 19 vfew witij amorous glances j 28 weather ' cock j ti pronoun 1 15 exist j 17 paradlifti , 29 snady j SO numeral 81 Angle- v fiaxoa 1 tuoneyof account 88 Con tributes 85 Greek goddess -v love ' tS city la iuly 41 man's -name the solution to yes : - X 48 secludes Lit 44 prima I donna 45 Arabian chieftain 45 fluid ! secreted by tho i 5 liver 48 poetic name fsr , Persia j 49 wash JO-glanced j at 1 i--'. trie j lightly ;