The OREGON STA'feilr 9, 19 PAGE SLIVEIJ f I I I V r . t ' 4 HQOOR ROLL IS UAL1ED Hazel Green School Re ports Many Activities Recently ' HAZEL GREEN. Jan. alls having deportment of " not absent -or tdr -during the month. received. fourth of a, day holiday Mi 6lr names on b bnr rail. r The - tortunat puU last nmtk W4M Frank Hufford. Helen Zellnskl. Joe Yada. Belea tin f ford. EmI Yada. Sumke Kan- ay a. Shirty Jonnson. Kiyo iUo.jad receipts ample. Klml Tad. Srmlo nue, fcaniora Davis Tom Ulo, Lucille Donni gan, Kay Mlo. Stella. Cook. Beat rix Johnson. Leonard Faist, Earl Johnson, Dorothy Iluffordv Juno Duanlgan. Edna, JRuther ford. Rnth Mantandoa. Dorothy nunnlrnu. Frank Johnson Jr.. Alice MonUndon. Msrvln Van rieare. Daisy Rutherford, Huld Rlattvtm The-latest copy of "The Daily' Junk," the school, paper war ed- lted by Karl Johnson. i The student bodr Is planning ! a nrnrrim. the date to be nounced later. The eighth trade will give a play. A small fee will be charged for admission, the nrncMdii to be used for athletics. - Miss Virginia Parmentler, of the eighth grade" class, will at-J tend school in Salem, faring mored there this week with her comparable to California 'flower, grandfather, George Parmentler. .superior to current local .Mr. Parmentler la seriously ill. production, i L l He will bo at his .daughter. Mar- Apples are in good , demand, Jorie Parmentiers home. : with cheap cooker stock contin Mrs. Geraldino- Porter, a for- uing their monopoly of the mar iner pupil, Tislted the school this ket. Portland dlstributprs are week. Mrs. Foner nas oeea i rueat of Charlotte van Tieare since Tuesday of last. The Porter family lived on Ronald J ones land on the Van Cleaye road, be fore morlng to state or wasning- ton, later returning to baiem. DOWiJ BY OAK : GROVE. Jan. 8 The high wind Monday morning that came as an aftermath of the -heavy . rainstorm of Sunday did uite allot of damage over the Ernest Brunk of Brunk corner bad his large chicken house mov ed off the rounaauons. aooni .feet. The CUPOla was .blown Oil j the hop house belonging to Hugh liana. Nearly every nop nous in the indeoendence district sttf Nearly every hop house ndependence district suf- i ered some damage. Shingles were blown off of roofs snd some iew small outbuildings were blown down. r Trees were uprooted snd limbs broken out In many places. a , aMaBaaaBBBaBaBBaaBBaaaaaaiowaaaaBaaBiaaB . Rabbitry and Stock Swept By Bad Fire WEST SALEM. Jan. 8 Three Hundred and fifty rabbits burned to death Tuesday night when the rabbitry of Ed R- Price in the northeastern outskirts of West Salem went up in smoke. I The fire occurred between the hours of 7 and S while Price was at tho home of a neiglfbbrseter al Mocks away. Price raised fancy breeding stock for which he found a reedy sale, as well as rabbits for market. T His plant which was the result -of five years worK was equzppeu with burglar alarms and lighted by electricity. He carried only aa anu Trir. who is a advv uM vw ',., v Bits ana tu o o hi. anlA Interests in Hie. lie all broken up over tho disaster and says that he will dispose of the few remaining rabbits which were in outside hutches and so urtrwui , the conflagration, and wUl not rebuild the plant. He be-1 li eyes the fire was of Incendiary origin. Order of "O" in I Zleef at Dallas; DALLAS. Ore., Jan. t The Order of the D held its regular in eating at the high nchool today. This meeting came after the PP assembly announcing- the basket ball game with McMinnville Fri day night- . Tho new constitution was read and aDProved. The rhe charter-mem- SSSflt'tt'S bers- made some nation, of' new twrtA next Wednesday at the regu tar assemblj. ' The ' 1 members agreed to put the vice president In charge of ail social affairs be- ginning with the one to be held next Wednesdsy night. ex 1 ISen Will Work ' . For Local -Cbd RRUSn COLiJCUJS. wan- u.a af the Brush College - Com - I. M.V artU hold WOrk meeting at tho school bouse Fri day at T:t P-m. TJ. J. Lehman 0f salear snd Fred wing will faave charge of the work. A. E. TJtley of Brush College la presi de! of the club. Esches and tables are to be far Grange -and Community wMeh ,r. ttalrl . in thai ahAnl hnnaa. aiarh moitth The regular Community clab meeting has been postponed an- tit t vahratrr. CLUBS AIU3 BUSY AnnoRA. Jan. t There are! BIB BHI WlIliB two active sewing clubs In -the (county, txiss Bertha Beck.; aecre echee Ithls- year. The advanced I tary of the -state grange returned rtaaa aii themselves "Snappy I homo with them -and was an over etltchers" and those la group one ajLT chosen. "Button Busters. - Come fine things may bo neara WHOLESALE CORN DOWN ouorar woes up !Dc on Refineries Urging; Butter Weak? PORTLAND. Jan. (AP) Wholesale egg market remained weak at today's opening. Quo-j tatians I. were unchanged bat price shading was In evidence on which basis retailer demand was fair. Receipt wero more than sufficient. Tan let the wholasala "batter market; was also week. Produce excuange quotations were un changed, demand, was limited Wholesale sugar quotations were advanced IS -cents a hun dred today by Portland whole sale grocers, to be- in line with like price- ad ranees -announced by refineries. i ! Government market n a ws in senice i reported conditions the fresh f ruK and vegetable trade-as -follows: 1 1 j Roerbvrjc Caullflawer Goor An autstandlug InnoTation of the winter vegetable season ap peared on the Portland whole sale .market today. In the form of a 100-crate shipment of Rose burr. Oregon, cauliflower. Qual ity was good, slses were me dian to large, and the entire lot moTed promptly to Jobbers. Additional shipments are- prom ised In the i immediate future, weather, permitting. Quality is probably discreet in not i attempt- ing any price-advances;! (thereby maintaining the present L satisfac tory Tolume of distribution. -Celery Supply low Locat celery supplies in stor age will be ' cleaned up within the next week or so. In antic ipation of this cleanup, Califor nia celery will be received here within the next few days. Potatoes continue dull, . with trading confined almost exclu sicely to local Burbanks. and an occasional sale of Deschutes Gems. 1 Prices have remained un changed tor three weeks.! rORTUAjrD, Ore, Jan. 8 (AP) Produce i exeiianre, aet price : batter, extras 23; ataadarda 27; prime firsta- freak medium 20. t- .. r . tit r ruite. Vegetables j PORTLAND. Ore- Jan. 8 (AP) Fmiu aad regetablea. Freak frnttr oraagea, naveli. packed, f3.754.35: Jamble atock. i1.50a t-rapefrait. klorida. 83.50(4.50; Arizona, 88.23: Tunes. Sloa. cartoa. 8350; ba aaaaa. 6a Jb; Jdentone California, S3 6.75 Cabbage local. 101 Ho lb. n CabamWa aolhoaia, 81.50 2? 2.15. Potatoea Oregon DaSAhatat, 1.60 Q 1.70; 1oal. 1115; Klamath genu. 81.&0: Takima. 8161.50 cental Oaioaa -aetriar ariea to - retaileri: Oregoa Ka. 1 grade. SOSOe. i Ilotboaaa rbabarb extra facy, 13.50 bos 15 Iba.: fancy, 82.50. . , Artu-hakaa ll.UUI.73 Ooa. 1 Hpinarb local. 8.8S araago bo; Walla Walla. 81.50 boa; Callforaia, 3.50 erata. M m Creaberrioa eaatcra. 823 1bU Hackleberriea acy. ll12 lb. Cranaa emnaror. SV4 6Be lb. Celery faacy. 075e par dot.; aearts. 81 1-10 doa. baaebea. i Pmmmm, halt, aiaan. liUlt. Street I i potatoes CalMoraia, Mte lb.; eaatem. 88.SO baabel. Caalif lower Oresoa. 810 1-50 i Cali fornia. 81JM&1.75 ere. j . Baaaa CMiforaia. wuf tvo id. Peat Oaliforaia. MOlSc i narii w aiOe. Teautoaa botheaee. 84.75 A85 erata; Ifaaleaa. 84.5034.75 i tag. 1 packed, i ( j ! - Dressed Poultry I I. POBTLA-ND. Ora. Jaa. -- AP) Dreaaed paattry aalliag price retaU- I. .--k. 4- nai tSCSSSc: i go, i0. Portland Produce VOKTLkVTK Ore. Jaa. 8-AP) If ilk batterfat Sa lower. Vflk raw ... - t MA, C , Kwtni: portUad ti- i par c SSuJt Yi. T Taaltry ateady, aaoUtloaa aaeaaag- Petate 1 graded. 81.7$.00; Na. S SMSmJaS; , f Pand GraSl POnTCAMft, -Ore, Jaa. S-AP) Wheat fataraa: ; 1 - I I t Oaeai Hicb Vw: Ctaaa Kar j, ' ' H 68 i 68 . T.J as S 65 Caak aaarhata: wkeatt big Bend blae ateva ,."70; aaf white. aeaeta wbita .66: bard winter, aertaera epnag. iweatara Oau: Va. S 89 fh, wkKa 74.50. Cork: Ma. X. T. abtTnaent. fT5. Stitlraaj ataadard 170, j i "71 I I Portland Uvtock POBTLiHA Dra- Jaa. S-r-iC AP Cttla S5.;eltraa 10. :i. 1 . , Hog ma. tacladiag PS 8 direct; tel ly S6alawa. 1. .Jnued, Wirbt light. 140 ib. -oo; ligb ricbt xso-iso iba,. e.oog 18.265 Hi watebt le-ioo lb,jS.ooi iMftR ar out fa n - 8.35: aaodtoaa-aealgbt SOO-320 llMk. 8.00 W O SS; BMxUaai -weir S2-t5 Iba 7.50 a art? v amieba M4 Ibau. 7.00 & sr S 75 ; aaavy waasas au-a w iml, ratiat auara ire-ouu laa aae I m 7. &0. raedar aad ataekar -piaa, 78-188 lb- food aad cbotea 1 - ateadr. t-amba St Iba. 1 lw, nMdadrbelea 8,7507.00: asedi- Ua AwOS.4. aUl raigkU nt thai work Hhia year. J , The girls bare begun o rork for their aehadanhips earlier thla year. nd it is bored same from each club, j can bo sent to corrauis xor. tne two weeks summer session. . t I ATTI2TD TXfiTALLATIOX I KINQWOOOi Jan. Mr. and i Mrs. a. xaauas, 8cwbbkiu Ibr Ura. -Ciena L. Adams drove to aUlwaukie 4taxuraay wnere vacy I attended InstallaUon of - otrieers of all granges of Clackamas I night guest at tho Tactiss home. 1 Tits folloarlog ay -aho went on i, toher Aome -at Aiany General Markets EGG IRKET IS.WEAK AETOIt HURRIED GAIN Salem filarfe Grade B raw 4 SaCk delivered im Salem, . f249 to 9223 wt. ... i i Batterfat ai farm ST-SOc Salem S7e. - , i trrt AHBTzoKcaxxrg . Prle paid mwnt i Aalaat bams. jbi7 a. mi ... rr. , .ts i , . Osloa . i . u. e. k. i 2. , or. & a , , , m ?atets ' I U. 8. K. S . 8qMlr. pr.Vi, CtfcUcs - , ,, ., 75 JO .OS .75 60 tainn : .r ., .,... ... . .in... Calf : JUUtt lZteM meu. 25 tea. t.SS-l.CS 8rtek. m Cn. wkoU. to J7.O0-40.0O Hill ran. toa 10 00-22.0S Bra, toa i ftft. ft Kcs; auk, ewt. .i.s sooe narlnc FrioM Kxtrsa .IB .IS .14 8taadHL Madiama - FWTOmT Baylas Ptleas Rootters, al 0t BvrxBca Haavlea. haaa . Medium kana . I.irht kaaa 11 Tarkeya. Ufa. "1 2-0 21 Tarwa. B. OSAXBT AJTD BAT ! -Bajtac FtMas. - Whaai, arettara rat . , , .-. . . BS S 8ft waiu ' a n.ri. lu 32.00 to .83.00 Qata. cTcr. ta. 8,H wVita. an. Bar: bartag price a 0ta sad vatch. toa . 11.00-1S.00 ll.00-lt.00 Alfalfa, Tallar. aaaoiid eattluj 18--1. Faatera urocoa . r . nanmaa a . .,..15.00 rEPPEEMTTfT bu I ... : i aora To crad .IS Korth Factfto STna Grow era Atsa. Trieas Fraaqaattaa At rancj -27 Standard, . -It Soft aholl .It .25 .It ranef Larga Standard MICKEY MOUSE "POLLY AND HER iJ9r ON. tAlCXE -( AJu-REAcrr j 0 LET'&erVTl J y r o .o up LTELL fScKiKiljE S B f MAW OJ HERfJM IJTTLE ANNIE Ki JUNE. XoerTraa.giM OW TMAT aSUO eM6U04 8X001110 AXXXSJ. T&TtU.TrXXICCiarAWay.tPVOU "3 SHr-iS II", auat Ttt-tMrm Bti. TOOTS AND CASPER whYtheV pack IXTTLE KaCR BOTTUE5 l A TO MS,1 CfCT TO BB A Nlx&lClAKl TO Let 'em out! 4Mt.jue na8ini iii.fiiMaii.aiaMiiin Weather. Favoratle to Economize With Winter Feed CHICAGO. Jan. f. (AP) Lessened buying In corn- led to lower, prices for all grains today Hear receipts of 'wheat acted as as additional damper. Traders said an eight-cent com adrance Since last week mado v reaction natural., and 'thai weather condi tions- r were favorabla. both for com movement and for economies la feeding. v ; ; ;r -1 Corn closed unsettled, to 1U cents lower t ban - yesterday, . wheat at 1 cent decline to- cent ad vare, oa.ts cent off to cent up. ; - Steels ' Higher In Late Rally: Selling Small. NEW YORK. Jan. s.-(AP) An indolent and. Indifferent stock market squeezed higher to day, thanks largely- to - a last minute rally In the steels and utilities. j Turnover, however, iwas the smallest since- December It. for neither Ihe intermittent declines or: advances Attracted much of Fancy .SI (Dalirerad la t-ou ban) Uaata . I.lrht ambav rialraa Halraa sad ptaa , , . SS. paxnrrs 80-tS 85-40 401 4S-4 S 45-50 -04 -OS 08 .0 .02 to JO MEAT Boytag Prless Lavbt. too .05H-.0B .25 UokK 10-200 Ibs Hosa. SOU) Iba Staora .. Ooira ' - .8.7 S 04 .05 . .5.00 " II Heifara lr aaad ,vaal . Dretacd hoga 2Vi woox. Coaraa , Medium .14 .18 MOEAXB PALS 9t r7V f r Aul. RGMT VSOOM AS I GET WO i OF TUeSt T1H CAMS TRS. 'J PLACE. AOOK5 UKE TH. J LAST SCDP rX rVDBO COMfJEr-CTtOH Si iTs o - li arr-sssamw '"hw ,M SUTTlKttj rsOT YOU MADE; A BUT I 5EErV TH& LIL rJ&W W&ARS BUST RBSOLUTiOhJ , Wl KTDOVS, WITH TO SPEAK tVO rvlV OnaAV EVES EVIL Of- . AKyBiPBy: 4r3 vjuem x'UariK t awtSHtaa weXe fja-n int proofs OUT OF THAT UOTUE tlKEJ tOUfTlHrT 1P I t , 1 -aaSr aaa. r 'br25f X5a jTlJ-r r PLACE"- X' rr. . ; . I following, sales : totaled ' l.TOf,- fahares.v ihVl-t v. I Small early r recessions war recovered around moon when the results of the Berlin sugar con ference were announced. The agreement, . of course, made shorts in the sugar Issues cover cover quickly and gains ' of 1 to T points, mostly in the precerrea members of the group, ensued. Library Board Mecttxcers WOODBTJRN, January ! t Mrs. Corlnne B. GUI and Mrs. Alice Rincham Powell wero again se lected as member lot the Wood- bum library board, at a meeting of -the Woodburn council, held in th city ball Tuesday night. Assessments were ordered xor the residents of Bradley street. which waa . improved this falL- VL XL Wilson requested the use or. city lots on -Second street for gar den, Tho -matter was tea m me hands of the city property com Plans for the marquee being built in front of. Landon's furni ture store were approved by the counsel. The. street commission rendered an incomplete report ton an estimate for; the amount of dtrt necessary, to- improve xuis on Hardcastle- and Toung street. The various regular bills wese ordered paid and I the. city re corder's bond of'$15s0 Iras ao- prored and i filed by Mayor uroyiee. ill 4 County CI E. Group to Meet WOODBTJRN. January I 8 The regular monthly meeting of the Marion county Christian Endea vor union will be held in the Presbyterian church in! wood burn Thursday eyejilag. The meetlnr will start at about 7:45. An interesting program has been arranged by the committee In charge. Stereoptlcan slides of interest will bo shown and Paul Brown, western states secretary of the Christian Endeavor union. will speak. Mr; Brown Is quite an entertainer and it has been oromlaed that . he will bring his ukelele along and! sing some of his songs. ' . ' 'Canned' V2 4. 3kS&3 "A Cagey Bird" rTHAT3 B&SIDE: DEMON THE: R2iNlT, FW. "THAT SEALCDY "An old cxeoMr ovms Tkroe rs sorb w. i-rooc OA.CK our tju tst umcwji X- 1 6TXWO. TTtiS ISA ttUD ( X no3Ao"fiMeuois DOvUiTM f'Setting an I V rr wetws MM. VSTCULJT'OU VON-T LET me buvthat 6own, and rr? a I VSOULDM'T BS j A CM-AT-ATtt: WERE IN TOVa Radio urns i ! raaay; Jtaaary ' i KTX 11SS X TarUasA :4$ Fam ftatbac . ." .-, 7:00 Woita WtoarA T;H Maaalag aaraaaia sal awa T:4S TaaUly Altar knr. S:1S Orgaa riyaoart, BTB9. ... t:00 Elaaara TUaaat. KB 8. i SrlS N.frtbarly ata, KZ8. S:45 BiUia Laadara. blaaa. NBA. . ISOO Eatoa. taaar. KBS. 1S:1S KoWt Maaaoa, taaar. VBS. 1S:S0 &adia Boy- FriaaAa. NBS. 11:00 Maadaw Larks arcaattra. STBS. 1 1 :XS -Moag Bar. una Ta rracaaaar. BBS. If :J W.atBOT anUatta a ad a aire. ' IScOS .Happy Hwr Ciala area.iua. l:Q3 . MaraaaU Waal, taaar. VUS. 1:15 Oaatal tactara, KB8. . 1:45 aa Raytara vavae. . S:1S aattUa Saau HM, :S:S0 Ocsaai aaaaart, KBS. ' S.eO ' afaateU Hackaaaa . XtBS. 8:15 Taahaa loa. -aaptaaa. KBS. . S:S0 Maaatlar. MBS. a:4STaa-TTBM Talaa. KBS. ' 4:00 Ocraa aaaeart, KBS. 4:49 Daaa Oalliaa. S :00 AUaat. :0O Ckweort. S:SO Mf Kxeaaara, KBS. . :00 Matodiaa aad Maaiarica. KBS. 8:80 lea haekay gamaa, KBS. 10:SO Bta- ( Hanaaay. KBS. lltSO Via Mayaaa arehaatra, KBS. - . lJ:00-8rfK) KaraUora. . - : SCOW SSS Xfc rartlaa ' TtOO DavatiaaaC . Til LaaiaU Haarry Tlra. 7:Sfr Start a tha Day; NBC. 8-0O Bappy Tlata, KBO. - - . S :0O KBC. - - i 9:15 Cookiar teboal. t :S0 Batty Crockar. 8:45 Caokiag achooL 10:00 Faania Borrk ' lSrta Jaaaph Oibaaa. 10:30 Mafaiiaa at tha Air, KBO. 11:S0 Vaiterwarks. . 12:00 lioaakaaa coaeert. KBO. ' 1S:1SV Waatara Vara and Hons, KBO. 1 :00 Toara Crier. S KH Orgaar. S:15 Aircraft tatk. " , i2:25 Matinaa. KBO. S:DO World U Maaie, KBO. ' S :15 Orraa aaalodiaa. 8:0 Tetiara. 4:15 CoUag amaaioriaa, KBO. i:0 Onraa tad piano, a .nft VRf!. :00 Billy Joaaa, Ernla Bara, KBC. S:SO KBC. . S.-OO Aaaoa 'a Aadr, KBO. 8:15 Stootligat. KBO. 8:80 KG W Daaca orchestra. t:00 Om ta Orsgon. t: 15 Hill Blllisa. KBC. S:SO KOMO pragraai. 1:80 6ta(( procram. 11 :0012 sOO Ho Owll. I 'I KOIV 940 Kc. Portland -:00 KOIN'a Klock. 7:00 Kovelty duo. 7:80 Karly Birds. 8:00 Polly and Paul. S : 00 Mrry maker. 8:30 DL.B8, Fanialaa Fanelet. Chicken err Ivocrr MAKErS V'SO SUREri THAT 6ERTRUI5E: AXhJtU irrogr ASHUR m M Grudge' aooims oj rpie vcaa3- or us t4ev oor pop LAervKAa Example" ' j mi fcv w . r r a . l nt i :. v y 1 I "V e-aa, 1 CWEAPAT6? ( Vi5HI WERS J $ ) 10:0 ValodUaa. ' '- Vr-. lltSO lataraatiaaal Kiteasa. ll:9 Orchaatra. i l:0O Hartaaa af tia Air. :IO-Oackoa alab. i . S:0e Navtpapar. .'! '. 8:00 Serapbaok of the Air. 1 8:80 Kiddiaa' dak. . j 8:00 lata af Galdaa Draaatr. 8:80 8ta4a pragraam. T:00 Brarittaa. ! I 7:80 CkarUa Haatp;' ULBS. I 8)0 "Staw" aad "Fid." f 8:15 Aady sad Virgtaiaj ! 8:10 DLB9, Uoa,, Taattr. a -OA mfTitm Pwi ( 8:80r Oretra. -- '.-. 1 i ' 18:80 Pi pa Xtreaaa. ! -ll90-i-Jaak a4 JU1 arakaatra. 11. 'SO DLBS, Vat YalaaU'a reaaitra. 11:001:00 Uarry-eBaaad. j KOAO 88 Xv CarraUla 12:00. Faiaa pragTaav. 1 :0 Vaaaaruia. . . r SrOO Maaia by tha ataatara.! - 2:30 Hoaaaamakar kaar. ' ., j''' I' 80 Varaa pragraaa. 7 :80 Baaiaaaa iaatitaU af tka air. . S :fttt Aaaariaaa Hiatary. . liCII GllIP EtEETS OFFICERS SILVERTON, Jan. S ine t Loyal Bereans or the gnrisuan I rhnrch neld ineir annual meenoi hrueadar afternoon at the home of the out-going president n. d. A. Iay. New officers wore elect ed I and installed - as follows : Mrs, Joe Kireher. president: Mrs. I. L. Ktewart. vice nresident: Mrs. Msr- tini nannan, secretary; Mrs. K. J. McCall, treasurer. : ; .;;r, . Direr SO members and guests were.oresent and Mrs. Gay was presented with a lovely water aet for Jher services during tne past The next meetine Of the class l will.; be beld at the home of Mrs. Hannan on the first Tuesaay m February..- :.;.':.; i i 1 8AFETT IS STUDIED I i AURORA. Jan. 8 Traffic Of ficer Johnson Tislted the school Monday; and presented each child with: a copy of Safety Rules for school children. This safety pro gram is a' splendid thing, ana Barents are cooperating splend idly- During It SO ' ten people were killed . on the Pacific high way, within a radius of three miles of Aurora. If this could event be cut in half for 131, the campaign and effort would be very) worth while, j BCrCUSE: 1 KlVOV X ir -rurrv K7A ntTt IM CROVJM UP I4EAUU fBratsvio rtEiec 1 I 1 Trey KaxEol j I cieveu ot-.r 1 MXRwCJ nMSTatSel CPTUSM tATDOtrf V i a. aaa . - A - - - . TOUTJS. TIEEII UB IS TURNER, Jan. S. Turner's new library building Is nearlnx completion. The plasterers hare last completed their, work. Mrs. Cornelia. Darts is the donor of tha property which is to be for the use .of her townspeople. A mi seam will occupy a part or me building. ' The "high scheol glee club has received: its music tor the Forest Drove tournament, and Is busy practicing. ! fuef. and Mrs. J. R. Cox enter tained -wtth a New Tear's day din ner. Covers were laid for Mr. Cox' parents. Mr. and Mrs, Char les Cox of Jefferson, Mlaa Lena Cos. of Salem. Miss Edna McClaln and George Cox of Albany. - The annual meeting of the Tur ner telephone stockholders was called for Tuesday. Lesa than a quoram was present, necessitating the old -officers holding over until an election Is called. Kenneth liickock drove one of the- school busses to Baiem Tues day evening, carrying the basket ball beys, who played with Par rlah junior high that night. The' scoro resulted in a SO-to-7 win for Parrlsh. Mrs. L. J. Rowley returned the first of the week from Amity, where she was the honor guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. Thomas. Mrs. Rowley also attended a meeting of the American Legion and aux iliary at Sheridan. Mrs. C. L. Stanley, who was stricken with paralysis a few weeks ago, has improved enough to be glad to receive her friends when they call. CLUB ORGANIZED SWEGLE. Jan. g - The upper grades of wegle school have or- . ganized a Civics club with Rnben Imlg, president; Edward Schmidt vice president and Otto Fulk, se cretary. Grounds committee, Eve lyn and Kenneth Swingle and Dwlght Hanson. Entertainment committee, Lil lian and Lester Meyers sod Miles r Welty. Room decorations, Clora Mae Dalke. Otto Fulk and How ard Whitehead. These appoint ments are made for a period of one month. i By IWERKS y ByLIFF STERRETT "OH,VTJONft KNOW rJ&LU&, L1K& I DO' SA1TJ TH& hAkJSKTy LlTTLe BIRD ory rVELLIfed HAT. Vi By BEN BATSFORD PVfT" AJOxJ "fitATT ITSJCaMT oe. eMELKtrfgrMaV riESioes.we ccfln UP TO CCAk-E. 1 sas as Cfe-, 1 i w raw m ai w m 7 J w I ta" "V " By JIMMY MURPHY f. "WELL, IF I WERSOU, akd Vovi wxRa Ma r P ay f TD fou i- HERtnocrrq,TAVii r Hl MOU OP UU, AMI (rU h VVT1 THAT OOWN, rVN "Wr-tiUfca - . a .a.a aaaa. a. n in aaaa AT IT DUf A HAT . amp ouppco To match .