The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 09, 1931, Page 5, Image 5

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    Xhi OREGON STATE3MAN, Salen, Oregon, Friday Ilcrnin?, January 9; 1531
i 1 i i i i i . i 1 1
libcalSTews Briem
, - - ' j ; . ; - j j ' I
Ftwe towered A new sched
nle of fees lias been worked out
lor the evening sewing class held
for housewives ifceld, at the sen
ior high school under the Smlth
Hagnes work. The new schedule
allows a reduction in lees to all
who ' register late,. Inasmuch as
.r,ri i&asfs have ielready been
held - and more women can; be!
accommodated. In addition, an
extra session .will bo held. The
classes start at 7 o'clock and
continue three hours. Classes
are offered in Salem at less ex
pense than In any other place In
tho state, says T. T. Mackenzie,
director of the vocational educa
tion work In the city schools.
Beat dance. Hazel Green Frt.
; To Conference Fred Tolf ,
hlsh school principal, and Tt. W.
TaTenner, secondary supervisor?
will leave this morning for Eu
gene to attend the annual high
school and 'principals conferen
ces. High school delegates who
left tor the conference last night
werei Clara' Lyons. Clarion edit
or;" Ronald i Hudklns, student
president; Ruth Chapman, annu
al editor: Mildred Zehner, presi
dent Girls' league.
Answers: "Complaint Asking
for $1.000 . lump sum alimony,
custody of and support for two
children and! attorney's ; fees.
Caroline Schmalts yesterday filed
answer to divorce complaint
made by N. D. Schmalts. She de
nies his allegations that sne was
Interested Jn other men, and
eharres that he kept, company
with other women and had ,rela
tions with them. They owned a
feed store at Scotts Mill Jointly.
Card of Thanks We wish to
thank oor friends for tho beau
tiful floral tributes and theex
oresslons : of sympathy received
in our grief at the loss of onr be
loved husband and rawer. Mrs
w Tin mnA mllv
Becker Released--When Hen
ry Becker, accused of stealing
pillow slips and other goods
from his mother-in-law, told Jus
t!ce Miller i Hayden yesterday
that he intended to join f the
-army, he was released and glren
opportunity to f ninjl nis amoi-
tion. Becker,' - who? Uvea near
Gervals. raised i considerable
doubt In the Justice's mind. If he
had really taken the articles he
was Accused of possessing
Final Decree Final decree In
the estate of Mar; J.; Butsch has
ati tor A im mrnbata eonrt. and
distribution ordered in accordance
with the will. Albin Butsch Is ad
ministrator. The estate was ap
praised at SS448. 41. Derisees and
i legatees Included, besides six rela
I tlves. SL Mary's Parrish church.
St. Mary's Parochial school i and
- Rer. Dominie Wadenschwielder.
!" See rental list Becke & Hen
dricks on classified page, also In
nla window ' ISO W Hlrh
- Investigate Pair Randolph
Jennings of Kansas City, Mis
souri, and Clarence Conderman.
Everett Washington, were tar
en lntokcustody by the local po
lice. Thursday, when they were
found trying to dispose of some
watches here in Salem. Officers
expressed the , opinion that the
sair would be escorted out of
the city today.
Willamette Women Pose
Members of the women's athletic
association of the local univer
sity posed for pictures Wednea
day for the Wallulah, university
year book. Other pictures at
; ready taken are members of the
I four classes, xootDau games ana
campus scenes.
Cash paid for used furniture.
Imperial Furn. Co., Tel. 1142.
: Chiropractors to Meet The
Willamette Valley Chiropractors'
society will meet this evening at
the Gray Belle, beginning at
; o'clock. The session, tor ; which
an interesting program has been
- arranged, will be attended by
chiropractors .from surrounding
; towns. ' -f;' "
CSaardlanshlo Cancelled Order
has been revoked appointing Fay
! Almeda as guardian of the estate
of Leslie, Prlscilla and Virgil Mor
gan, minors. A petition; Is In seek
. lag appointment -of Ena Harman
: as guardian. 'A hearing for the
matter will be set later.
I . i
Dance Frl. bight Haxel Green.
" Asks Exception Rosetta A.
I Oroce. executrix of the last estate
: of A. S. Groce, has petitioned pro
bate court to set aside home and
homestead site now occupied ; by
the petitioner. The site is in Al
berta addition to the city of Port-
: land, ; " i .
To Recover Money Suit to re
cover money has been tiled by M.
M. Fleming against Marlon Mut
iny: As part of the complaint,
plaintiff alleges defendant rented
rooms for three months without
paying the agreed figure tor them.
Cooked food sale, Saturday by
St. Joseph's altar society. S. P.
ticket office. N. Liberty.
t Property Held Certificate of
attachment has been returned
showing the sheriff has seised
property of F. D. Kaser in con
nection with the suit of Henry
Zollner against F. D. Kaser, and
others. j - ;
Examination Saturday . Ten
applicants tor posts at the naval
and mlltary academies will meet
la the civil service-rooms of the
postof f ice Saturday at 9 o'clock
te write on civil service exams la
connection with the appointments.
Two Collar Ida Shirts -11.15.
Aaron Aitill, US N. High St.
' Amended Complaint Clarence
Schrock has tiled am- ei com
plaint in his 19553 tfiAge.snit
against C IL Osttln and others
. of the Salem Sanitary Milk com
. pany. : The suit Is result of an
automobile accident. , . - f
j Motion Overmled Motion to
set aside.) decree tor plaintiffs in
ca:e of Edwin M. Hoffnell and
wife vs. Eliza A. Heck. Rosetta
Croce and others, is overruled in
order of Judge Gale S. Hill.
-4 --(-A i
Letters Awarded -i- Football
letters were awardedj. ;In high
school assembly yesterday to !the
following: Howard Adams, Emil
Otjen, j Thornton Coffey, ,$lm
Reed. ' ! Hank Querry,. Russell
Coomler. Winford Gelse. Trurton
Foreman, Don Sugal, jBquee Kit
chen, Lee Weisner, nllen. Sanford,
Duane DeMarals, Howard Cross.
Louis Schriebner. Lowell Wright,
Milton t jameg. Kay Knoten and
Howard Mills. The Stilkpoh dra
matfc society entertained the j as
sembly: with a short skit adver
tising ine piay, rit won t Be Long
xow, to be given in the rchool
auditorium tonight.
Suits -price at Moshers.
: i ; . ( i
Man: Has Say In answer to
divorce complaint filed against
him by Leila Marie Zellar, Oscar
H. Zeller charges that she pois
oned mind of their minor child
against him; that r she jmortgaged
furniture without bis ; consent;
and that she opened i and kept
charge accounts with local mer
chants without his consent. He
asks ; tbat the" minor
! child
placed in his custody.
Agrees to Help onfc; S
Moore,! faced Thursday in Justice
court with the' charge of mot
supporting his wife land three
children, make sufficient repre
sentations of his intention' to; do
so that his case was continued.
Mrs.' Moore has been living here
while her husband lsj in Port
land, She is now to go there to
make her home again with him.
Card of Thanks Wo wish) to
thank our friends for their kind
ness i aad sympathy, jalso the
beautiful floral offerings.! during
the illness and death of our be
loved mother. Mabel Fryer, Bhr
ereti Rardaer. I; I
Class to Meet The Interior
decorating class, organized lor
painters and paperhangers under
the vocational education depart
ment of the Salem schools and
state, will meet - Saturday after
noon at the high school building.
Fourteen are enrolled i in the
elaas, sessions of- which
last month.
All suits reduced.
price at Moshers.
Lewla Is Honored Ronello
Lewis, of Salem, was named I on
the honor roll at the University
of Oregon at the end of r fall term
He is a senior in the; school! of
business administration.: The
honor: roll is made up of those
students wife receive no grade
less than II, and included 12S at
the end of last term.
- ; i . :
. For better. time come to Tur
ner Comm. dance Sat. jnlte.
Siegmnnd in Eugene County
Judge t J. C. Siegmund was ! In
Eugene yesterday, going down! at
request of Judge Barnard of the
Lane county court to meet with
him there for a conference
Folks at the courthouse here
were unable to say what the con
ference was about.
Will in Probate Will of Miry
J. Lemmon has been admitted I to
probate, with Phileamon N. Lem
mon and Plyn Lemmon executors.
Appraisers are J. Fred Braly,
D. Stevenson and J. A. Howard
Estate Is valued at 16500.;
Cash paid lor used furniture.
Imperial Furn. Co. Tel. 1142.
Released on Fine f E. jP.
Crane, arrested recently pn
charges of possession jpf : intoxi
cating liquor, was released from
the city Jail Thursday upon pay-
Ling a 100 fine.
Tiaiting Daughter -4 Mrs. W
H. Cochran of Glide, near Ash
land, is visiting here at! the home
of her dadghter,-Mnr. Harry L.
Wolfe. Mrs. Cochran is a former
Salem- resident.
Extra pants Oee with Moshef s
II! Kft aiiMa fnr- m fftv dan
From Mill City F. R. Olln
of Mill City, where he 1st In charge
of the Hammond Lumber com
pany operations, was in the city
Volleyball at MY" the Port
land and Salem volleyball teams
play on the local floor tonight St
S o'clock.
Dollar dinner ever night 5:45
to t at the Marlon hotel.
Appraisal Made Estate of Nel
lie M Cronise has been I approlsed
at $2775 by George C. Will. Mark
S. Skiff and Carl D. Gabrlelson.
f ederal Judge James A. Lowell has !
eld that the Eighteenth Amend
ment is valid, as ruled by the
United States Supreme Court in
fane, 1920. The case Is rezarded
u a test in Massachusetts that car
ries special sirniflcance in view of
the recent holding of Judge Will
iam worx, 01 mew jertcy.
i i
o- - 1 ?
. - f
: v r ...
! . . , ' -:.
State aid Management Re
ports two-Yearn Term;
Some Loans Bad-
-41- .
Aonroxiniatel V 1 r.O 3 S loan.
representing $28,720,025. have
been authorized and granted un
der the world wa,r veterans, state
aid act, according to jthe biennial
report of the state ' bonus and
loan commission: covering the per
iod October 1, 41284 to Septem
ber 30, 1930. I Thai report was
prepared by Frank Moore, secre
tary of the commission. and was
filed with Governor Jforblad yes
terday. Interest T payments on
loans during the peelod : covered
in the report aggregated l&.sos,
711.38, while repayments on prin
cipal totalled 35. 209207.50. The
total repayments of loans -and in
terest was 310,518,418.41.
Cash bonuses grasici by the
commission number' 122,584 - and
involve a. total of
Of the total number of cash bo
nuses issuea ziii were raanoeo.
These cash - bonuses aggregated
$455,790, with fnterebV payments
totalling $109.244. 5t. In each
case where the cash bpnus was re
funded 'the person receiving the
same applied for a lon. :
Heposseasions Profitable
Inveetmeats of the commission
aggregate 3,40?,932i44. These
include Oregon i municipal, port
district, county, state land govern
ment bonds. The report shows
that properties j on which loans
were made have! been taken baxkr
by the state in the amount of $1.
742.S25. A total of $45 of these
properties subsequently were sold.
The set cost of the properties to
the state was $SJ4.2tl.2s. while
tne net sale price was X670,53--76.
The profit fo this state was
nearly $80,000. ! ji
Of the properties bow In the
hands of the commission 300 are
rented and 178 aire idle. Loans re
paid In full since the Inception of
the commission j aggregate $l,-
655,000. APproxlmStely 1499
loans originally granted to veter
ans under the relief ac have pass
ed to persons not entitled to state
aid. These loans represent $3.-
450,700 and note araw; six instead
of four per cent Interest.
Bonds hare been Issued by the
commission in the amount of
$29,000,000. ! ' I
These bonds have been redeem
ed ia the ameunt of J $1,750,000
leaving veterans: bonds outstand
ing at the present tln)e in the
amount of $27,250,000. '
Ul j
50TH tlliSW
SCIO, Jan. 8. About 40 friends
and relatives gathered ftt the home
of Mr. and Mrs.: J- LJ! Arnold on
Tuesday to heln them celebrate
their golden wedding anniversary.
J. L. Arnold, son of Isaac and
Percelia Arnold, and: Nancy D.
Miller, daughter of Walter and
Harriet Miller, two pioneer fam
ilies who crossed the plains, were
married 50 years ago by Rer. John
which Is the place, now occupied
by Price NeaL They began house
keeping on a farm in Richardson
Gap, where they lived for some
time. Aside from one year spent
In Jacksonville, the rest of their
married life has been spent on the
farm they now eceupyl
Their two sons. M. I; C. Arnold
and E. G. Arnold, and their two
granddaughters, Sylvia and Joan
all of Albany, were with them on
this happy occasion. The time was
spent in remlnlsaences Of old times
and a short talk was given by Rev,
Henry Albers of Albany.
Those present; at the anniver
sary who attended the wedding 50
years ago were Mrs. Riley Shel-
ton. H. C. Miller. Mr, and Mrs
H. K. Arnold of Lebanon; Mr. and
Mrs. A. J. Arnold j' Mrs.: Charles
Rhoda, Mrs. J, J. Shelten. George
Arnold, Mrs. William Rhoda and
A. L. Arnold.
Those who were at ;the golden
wedding . anniversary Were Rev,
and Mrs. Henry Albers H. C. Mil
ler, Mr. and Mrs. George Arnold
Mrs. W. E. Arnold. Mr. and Mrs
Riley Shelton, Mr. and! Mrs. H. K.
Arnold or Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs
William Rhoda. Mr. and Mrs. A,
L. Arnold. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Lef tier. Maxlne j Rhoda, Millard
Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. IS. P. Neal
Mr. and Mrs. Roe Shelton of Mon
roe. Mable Arnold. Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Rhoda. Mr. and Mrs. A. L
Arnold. Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Ar
nold, Mr, ana Mrs. 1 nomas wuig
ley. Mr. and Mrs. J. J, Shelton
Mr. and Mrs. M. I. C Arnold and
daughter Sylvia. Mr. and Mrs. E.
G. Arnold and daughter Joan.
The neighbors and friends gath
ered at their home in the evening
and gave them an old fashioned
charivari. ' . I f, .
Club Leaders
Meet Saturday
1 . :! r
Officers and directors of the
Marion County Community club's
association are scheduled for a
meeting here Saturday night to
determine plans tor the year's
work. : One of the main features
to be discussed will be the com
munity program to be staged at a
Salem theatre this, spring. Dr. P.
O. Riley is president of the county
group of clubs. :
Chiropractors , .Meet Here
Si- -
Meeting in Salem for the first
time in over a year, 'chiropractors
uum u pans 01 ua v uiamecie
valley will gather at a banquet at
the Gray ' Bell Frldav avenlna-.
Dr. George Kennedy of Albany
win reaa tne main paper. Dr. Wal
ter Hagen of cotuge Grove will
speak and a report from a mem
ber of the executive board of the
Oregon organisation will be heard.
The business meeting will be in
charge of the president. Dr. L. I
Hockett of Monmouth Dr. Harry
J. Moran of Salem la arranging
for the meeting. Dr. A.y.L Smith
of Silrerton is secretary of the
Willamette valley association.
Jeaa McNaily, Jean Smith and
Petronilla Rollins, with the many
trephies won by yonnc boy aha
rirl skippers during the annual
Christmas regatta staged en
Newport Bay, Calif., recently.
finortsmen and nature lovers
will be Interested la the pro
gram to be given tonight at the
Y. M. C. A. at S o'clock when
Ray Conway. ; "dean of the
Monnt Hood auldes. will have
charge et the program. He will
show and expiate, the motion pie
ture "Winter en Mount Hood".
Hal Hoes wilt serve as chairman.
Previous to the talk and mov
ing picture will be two vocal
numbers by Wendell Robinson:
"Mount Hood"; by Hal Host,
glorifying the mountain and ded
icated to Ray Conway, ana "Ore
gon, My Oregon'
Mr. Conwavi a secretary of
the "Three A" : auto association,
will explain the motion picture
a it ' unfolds' winter scenes of
Oregon. The picture is ,an hour
and a naif in lengtn. wroier
scenes of Mt. Hood. Crater Lake
and other places are pictured.
: The search for Bromlee and
White, several years ago, in mid
winter, Is pictured in addition to
ih, oxt- lr Anln c h( a hues winter
blizzard on the north slopes of
Mt. Hood in January.
'r Winter Bnorts : and wild - life
ire shown in the picture. Most
of tne scenes. were taaen on me
slopes of the mountain.
; Mr. Conway is well-liked oy
Ralem neonle who' know him. He
has guided, among, many other
. . . . . . , ,
parties, parues 01 emeui uncis
up to the summit of the Oregon
mountain on two different occa
sions. '
SILVERTON, Jan. t Mr. and
Mrs. A. G. Steelhammer observed
their sixtieth wedding anniversary
here Monday. They were remem
bered by the Eastern Star with a
beautifully decorated wedding
cake and by the Masonic order
With a basket of flowers.
Sunday a family dinner was
held at the Steelhammer home at
Which all but two of their chil
dren were present. Those attend
ing were Mr. and Mrs. John
Steelhammer and son. Carl, and
Mr. and Mrs. George steelham
mer and son George Whlttier of
SH vert on; Oscar Steelhammer of
Salem; Mr. and Mrs: L. R. Steel
hammer and Dr. and Mrs. H. vv.
Steelhammer of Portland. Arthur
Steelhammer and Mrs. A. P. Al
len of San Francisco were unable
to be present.
Mr. and Mrs.: Steelhammer
were married atf Winona, .Minn.,
January 6, 1871 aad came to 811
1 erton 20 years later. They have
ISaade their horn here since. Mr.
Steelhammer la well known in
Marlon county and served as a
member of the lower house of
the Oregon legislature.
Mr. Steelhammer observed his
eighty-fourth birthday Tuesday
and Mrs. Steelhammer was 80 last
August. '
Musical Mouse
To be Subject
For O.S.C. Test
Mrs. Lulu Fisher has at last
solved, in part, a mystery which
has bothered and amused occu
pants of the George Fisher groc
ery store at 858 North Liberty.
Fbr several weeks the occupants
have heard . noises, sometimes
sounding Ilk those of a cricket,
and .again of a more, musical na
ture. The noises: came any time
o!do Chcc!;cd
Ey taodera vaporizing
ointment -Jost mb on
A VapoRuo
ovrpf? Mn.ttc jps usn vratrr
Or. . Caa Taia : Chi
M K4ietB. , ISO
N. CsMMreUI av,
Salsa. Office rt
vary aaaaay S:S0
te 30 4. Smrtas
aa4 jraa.
I The yoongstars, in their fragile
ezaft provided more thrQU f or
spectators tLaa did the adult
ia theiy larsrer and more sea
worthy schooners, yawls and
y sloops, ! ; : .s ' i
of day or night.
- Then, last Saturday Mrs. Lulu
Fisher found the nolse-maklngr
creature In e carrot sack. It
was a .mouse. The animal was
eventually captured, and will be
given te the state college where
its vocal . apparatus , may be
tested, ' ?
27-Year Union,
Home 4 Children,
In Divorce Suit
Nearly 27 years of married Ufa
went en the rocks yesterday waen
C. C Faist filed divorce suit
against Anna Faist, to whom ; he
was marrfed in North Bend, Neb.,
in February, 1009. They have
four children, all but one ef whom
has reached majority.
Faist ' alleges ithat hie wife
abandoned him I in September,
1087. He says, the mother should
have care and custody of the 14-
year-old daughter. There is no
property settlement involved. :
Catherine Shields, a resident of
West Salem, died in this city Jan
uary 8, aged & years; sister of
Ephriara Walters of Eyota, Minn.;
aunt of Gilbert Brannen of Minne
sota, Lester Brannen of King wood
district, Walter Brannen of Port
land. Mrs. C CJ Moore and Mrs.
W. E. Helse. both of Salem, and
Walter Frakes of West Salem. Fu
neral services Saturday, January
10. at 10 a. m. from tha Terwii
ltger funeral home. Interment
Lee Mission cemetery.
William Frost died at the resi
dence. 1070 North Mst street.
January f, aged 75 years; hus
band ef Belle. - Member L O, O. F.
lodge. Funeral services Saturday,
January 10, at p. m from tha
chapel of the Clough-Barrick com
pany. Interment Odd Fellows
cemetery.' : "
- - 1 .-.t .y :
, lame-
Jessie A. Lane died in this city
January 8, aged 4 T years; wife ef
Michael; mother, of Francis and
Robert; sister ef Mrs. Eleanor
Parton of Areata,; Cat; Fred. Er
nest, Wesley and Alfred : Ander
son ef California: aad Walter An
derson of Lakeview. Funeral
services Friday at t a. m. from St,
Joseph's Catholic church. Rev.
Keeaan officiating. Women's Cath
olic order of Forresters requested
to meet at Terwllllger funeral
home at 8:80 a. m, Friday. Mem
bers of Ladles Altar society please
meet at the entrance. Interment,
direction ef Terwllllger funeral
home. ''."'
JSelcrest jaemorial
A Park Cemetery !
with perpetual care
Jnst ten mlnvAes from the 1
:', heart of town
Qty yiew Cemetery
Established 180? Tel. 12M
Conveniently Accessible ;
Perpetual . care I provided tor
Prices Reasonable '
- I . : .f- i -:'!:"'' 1
A rumix. jyrsrEcroxa
770 CHXK&nzTA
On (tntct is Jgiiwiil
An Mm IM
Ow Baa kto4n
Tifimi zsy
r Hospital Beds !;
OO 2193, Csed Furniture
- Department !
131 IT. High ' .
President ' Elliott's Letter
; Of Refusal Found Upon
His Visit Here -
- Here for a brief -visit Thurs
day, E. C. Elliott, . president of
the Oregon-Washington Water
company expressed surprise that
a copy of his letter dated De
cember. 17. IS 30. refusing the
city's offer for the plant, had not
been received. Upoa .tracInj;-tho
matter It was discovered that the
letter had reached Mayor T. A.
Livesley who had neglected to
forward It to the city recorder.
4 Elliott said he was stm hope
ful that by some means 1 the ae-
oulsltlon of the plant by the city
could be carried through without
expensive 1 and extensive litiga
tion. He said his company felt
that there was . considerable
doubt about the legality of the
charter : amendment of May 16.
19 SO. and would await with in
terest Circuit Judge Hill's deci
sion, v ' K 'V.: ' ! -
The Judge Is expected i to ren
der his opinion January 1 15 al
though he has not made official
announcement to this effect.
: Water Business tm JesF
Elliott declared that the wat
er business, along with other
lines. Is suffering somewhat front
eurtallmeat of output. Aa gross
has declined in ' various systems,
operating expenses have been cut
a parallel amount, he said. Bus
iness In Salem Is much above
that in other cities, Elliott com
mented, . saying that the capital
city was one. of the least effected
by business depression of any he
had seen. "You have a steady
payroll which means a great
deal." he I said.
The text of Elliott's letter to
the mayor and the council fol
lows: I . . .
"We have received your com
munication of October 30 in
which yon make a proffer of
1875,000 for the . water works
property belonging to the Oregon-Washington
Water Service
company in Salem, Or.
"As both the cost and the val
ue of the property are far in ex
cess of the -amount that you offer
us It Is Impossible for us to ac
cept your proposal.
i "Earl C. Elliott.
,1 ;
Eight 1 applicants in the reeent
Oregon state veterinary medical
board examinations ' 1 iVere suc
cessful, according to announce
ment . made here yesterday by
Dr. Charles H. Seagraves of Ore
gon Cityl secretary of the board.
The highest mark was 'attained
by T. Robert Phelps of Oregon
Other successful' applicants
were Fv M. Bolln, Corvallls; D.
C. Basset, Gladstone; James H.
Horr, Portland; James B. Harri
son. Portland: Pierre PJ Sou 11-
lard. Baker; C. E. Long. Inde
pendence and O. H. Math, Cor
vallls.. The applicants wer from
seven different veterinary ' col
leges, and their ages ranged
from SS to 43 years.
x was set out in ia repvr
the examinations that tha gradu-
Dollar Mints
Light Milk CoatMi
Dark Milk Coated
1 Bittersweet Coated
36c lb.
2 lbs. 70c l
Only at
h Drug Store ,
The original yeDww front can
dy special store of Salens
ins IT. Cosnl ft. rhome 197
i , -.. PensJar Agency
Home of Schaefers Remedies
j Rich "la Protein and 1
. Economical
: The Ideal neat ;
190 8. Coml Tel. C312J
j - .Open every week day '
- except Bfoaday .-y ' t
I and 22c .
Uelea Hlelke, Portalad. (left).
ut& Kancy ThleJsesu Salem, etaw
leats at the Unhreraity ef Oregon,
ahe are taking prominent parts ta
Irnmatlca this season. Both have
and! a great deal of experience la
drama, ties and ! are aeclared by
their Ins true tors to fee exceptional-
ates from the various veterinary
colleges and veterinary aepan
mnta of nniversltles bardlv keen
pace with the loss ta the profes
sion through deatn jano retire
ment. . (
I rfc harater of veterinary
practice has shifted from the
equine family to nairy came,
abesni hors and Doultry. the re
port read. With the increase of
Anrm. mm net animals ana auto
mobiles as a means 01 transpor
tation, inlnrr to docs and other
pet animals is very common, and
demand for tne smau animai
hospital has been created.
Roomers -''Y
Enjoy Banquet;
i ! Organize Hall
r: M. C. A. residence hall oc
cupants were served a banquet
Thursday night in the "l" nail in
tTia. Mnrt r-nt-tnr Ath r this winter.
Prnf Cameron Marshall acted as
toastm aster. Sixteen men were
I In addition to a program of mu
tf and talks. It was decided that
the members would .5 organize a
rttaidene ball council to nanaie
the affairs of the T' dormitory.
The obiect of the new association
will be to better the fellowship of
the men and make the atmosphere
more home-like. :
1 Officers elected on: the council
were Cameron ! Marshall, presi
dent; Verne Wilson, vice-presi
dent, and P. A: Jettle, secretary.
1 ab instrumental qairiw iur
njshed some of the music. Mem
bers of the a uartet were Verne
Wilson and Lester Tompson, vio
lins; Wesley Keener, trumpet;
trnl Prnf Ms.nliA.11 nlanoL'
I Wendell Robinson sang two vo
cal numbers. Group Singing was
indulged in. j
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rUeweeief Patter j
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Jlwsr Pattcy j
Qiack here ifyonwadi new policy.
lam now a
" your newspaper
IVrto hm tmi i
; By - Carrier, 50e: per Month
By Mall, ft. 00 per year la Advance
'. ! .
Land formations within a
short distance of Salem are as
Indicative of oil as those found
in the . fields of Pennsylvania,
Texas or California, and if even
a flow of 10 barrels should be
brought in here, thousands . of
people would flock to the coun
try, Sam Foster, oil operator,
told the Salem Lions' clab yes
terday. Foster is working ba
ton Riggs farm near Rlckreall,
so It is presumed he was talking
particularly of that 'location.
In this territory the operator
has hit gas with 53 pounds pres
sure, coming directly off 'the oil
formation at around .172 feet, he
said. He asserted that this.'
country, was the only place In all
his operations where he has hit
blue shale In 20 feet of the sur
face, which be attributes to ero
sions of the early ages.
. Many failures at oil wells are
due to the fact that water Is not
shut off before oil Is brought in,
Foster said In advocating a law
that all operators be forced to
shut the water out;
Foster was accompanied here
by Vic Carter, who is sinking a
well ln the Corvallls territory.
Reports were current here
yesterday that the Marion coun
ty grand jury investigation of
the operations of Rhea Luper,
ex-state engineer, may be extend
ed to inelude other "state and
county offices.
It was said that two members
of the grand Jury yesterday vis
ited Eugene and Abany for the
purpose of comparing the cost of
feeding county prisoners there
with the cost in Marion county.
Mileage charges of state offi
cials for the operation of auto
mobiles also may enter Into the
probe. It was said,: Including
those of the attorney general.
Luper was charged in an audit
by the state department of ap
propriating to hie own use ap
proximately $100 Interest earn
ed on Irrigation funds. He ad
mitted the irregularity and later
resigned. The money was repaid
to the etate. - j '
Wben the Jury quit for tha
day at about 4 o'clock yesterday,
there was no word how mueh
longer the questions i before it
would need to be deliberated
upon. ; I
1 1 lobicb;
TT77H are not actually betting fljCSO
Vy to your flJDO that you doat fjt
killed bj atstotnobOe, but that's wisat It
amounts to. For if you do jpet llltd bf
aa snitoinoaJs, tkat ia what can? flJC3
policy peya. It oera as much as 10,CC3
It perys for total dsebuity. Travel acd
dents are so numerous, it aeexns to
Suopcotected. Spend that 1X0 today
j m North Aaerican Travel Acddest
I nenraoce policy, fprotectrd! I.SsJer
au; 4- bdn2CXpoowith ftJDO for policy today.
- - -
If TOO WMb oil poIW
Of immwiL write Policy
, Pboc
VJ Cceewsl