PAGE ELEVEN mmmme Tfte Place tor. and teller. The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thursday -?.IornLn;r, Jan nary 8, 1931 Save Time I 1 V ClAZUXVO AOTSSTISDta ;,. Readme notice, pet On . SBe Classified Advertlstcg, per MnelO Classified Advertising, par line 3 time Se Classified Advertising, per Uoe times 10 One month, dally end Sunday per line -J10 Copy tor this pes accepted m Ul :S the evening before publi cation fev -da I flc tion. .Copy re ceived atter thia time wlU be rva under the beading Too Late t Classify. HELP WANTED firunsirir ------------.." - Wane flSC-t $2000 YEAR Gov ernment job. Ilea women. 1S-50. uadr work. Short bon Common education -usually eufftetent. Pimple roarhfaic and partteulara FRKB. Write today aura. Box. 44.. Statas rnan. HELP WANTEDFEMALE Jirxjxru-ei'Vb'fJf''' aas ADDRESSING ENVELOPES TV'OKK AT liOMK during spare time. Substantial weekly Pay ; eperfeee tinneaeesary. Dignlf ied- - employment tor honeet. sincere, ambttloui per sona WORKERS LIuAGUK, JiA- I'Brvtllk. ill. SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Live m-tl Mm n Rai 198. real estate) WANTED Lire ' wire salesmen. r... VvnrlAiMe unneces- mw v ' v . - e&ry. Tel. tils or call at 1& 8. Com L itm flftleaa. SITUATIONS WANTED llsnsework Kxper. TeL 11SF1S. 113F13. i nere rtrl deni res work for room and hoard, box zzis. v Buuen. NURSS reasonable Tel. S07SW. Capable woman with little girl T l-eare old would like position as iMMtaekeeper In a refined motherlees Locne or In borne where conpin are employee. A. u. . 7 cuteenuui. ajwMwwwwaMwwwaaaMwa EOT II, would like to set wort ol any kind la town or farm. Phone 1506J. nnniirinfi-ii Bxpetienced accountant and office fnanager desires local position, tsox 7, Bttmnn. FOR SALE Miscellaneous j ijuirir'ir- jr- Raled elorer bar. S12 per ton. TeL 9 1 in. rt rLuLaj-t j.n.n i.r in- - -- - -- - ; Boys wool suit $5.00. elec vacuum eleaner, guaranteed In good running arder, le.0. Lupragre carrier 76c ISttV Aiaraet oireei Fine Spltzenbergs. Fpectal at c TV U Meyer, R. 6. h ml. E. Out Outer street. vt)R BALK Small aised canary fcroodins; cage. In excellent condi tion. Pay 3 for cage and get pure tred female canary free. Inqulra Box j . Htatesmaa. Kconomy Kins; . cream separator. rneap. ritone it ArinyWMVi"iiVii' " "i " Apples, S0o and 60o box. TeL 7r IX. VnV)(WvyitiiVi .-.. " " FOR SALE 8 year Id apple trees, all varieties; Pear treea Also ahrubbery nnd full line of nursery atock i Tnllv north on Pacific high way. Willamette Valley Nursery. TeL tvFj. - - cvtR HAT.'K! shaftina. nulleva. hang- era btaieamaja niDuxuim v-u. for SALE Old pacera, lee a bun- ill- HiiiMim Ft f firm. r u-n wl t r 11 makii ua and rsed. Adders and typewriters torrent. TypewTtror Ercrmnee. 4tt Cmrrt Pt. WANTED- Miscellaneous WANTED Used pianos, in ex Change on radios, phonograph, or fur- mtwre. H SHff FnrtrttiTTe Qnrnrenf FOR : RENT ROOMS Whttt! rtvm, clo tn. Tt. gw. ROOM and BOARD Steam- heated rooms with board. Hot and cold water. TeL J547R. PLEASANT rest homa tof setai-tn aiids ar elderly persona, - Best of rare and food,, box 7 IX, States man. EXCELLENT board and cheerrul yooms In rrvte home. 79 Center. rOR RENT APARTMENTS 3 rooms and kitchenette tarnished ; wnter. lights, phone. Close In. S41 Hill street, $14. . S room, newlv I furnished apt. Oks. lights, water, wood free. 1 WV1 aun, 8 blocks north of publlo max- aet. Adults only. Heat. apt. Private tath. 452 Marion. FOR RENT Furnished bungalow apt. with ffar- ga, $ without garaga, $28. . nqulre at f IT MiU St. Phone SS4-R VL ft ROBERTS Masonle Bids. TeL $01 WGfJL furnished rooms and apta. for rent at 8241 Basel Ave. TeL 1MW. Virginia apartments I nicely fur ; si4ahd room a Clean ' and desirable. fclectrlo range, electro-kold, heat and water, voo t miss tnia Phone 2S7S First Coor furnished apt. 1SSS FOR RENT HOUSES NsaaaeeeaesbjeaassaaaenaMba FOR RENT Houses and Hate. l?1855 Tew. $14 S1 & Com'L II e rooms with garage and fire place West saiem. ze its iuco anend. 8 rooma. S2S SS8 Leall. ( rooms, furnace and garaae. $Xk 474 M. 16th. 8 rooma $& Ferry. room flat. ttS 7Ce Marlon. room Jlac $49 t$a N. Summer.-1 rooms, t batha. 1501111 8. Church $S V. nice bom ouutde iiouta soutn. We nave also H furnished houses. rent from $14 to 5. 889 N. Hlah Street TeL 1L TILLIE, THE TOILER "TfeifcE. THB A4f V5r WifvlS iOOOQW -Wo I VL SHOW 'EM i ' rFTfir- -that CiatMB - C jrfL 1 vmowt i pxy - f'y FOR KENT HOUSES ' '1 TOR RENT ' ! Best Iwncalow and house for the money ta team. Drive O-t, look them over. 8S5 and $96 Columhls. eacb 4 R., nook. S bedroom, furnace and garage, each 810, irat tie. also coxy R fireplace at till N. 4th;for$18. Otbera from $"! t $r6. ! FOR XUSNT FURNISHED A modern S R. house, fireplace, furnace, i good furniture at Si!.. 8. Llbertv. rent J5 month. SEB I BECHTKi. or THOMASON lit Stat Street . i Room 4. Shown by aa appointment. Phone H. i s House For .Bator No Down FOR RETNT-- room modern bouse. MCS So. Liberty fit 1 I : . FOR -It KNT Homes rurntaoed aad unfurnished. ; F. X. WOOD ! til State Street room plastered house, with orient. 1 Mill St. SlfceO. 'I FOR RENT- 4 room: Tmuae.! also a fumtuVwi howae. Tel. 7154J. FOR RENT FARM LEASE FOR SALE) 'I ! J v-.- !.. An 4 A A him n-! and . equipment constating Of J e cow, S heifers, S brood sown. 0 bens. 24 ton enaitase. bay. kale, cream sep arator. - i Fair build-in and : rood road. Pricft for all only 99 cash.! SEB rKKRINE MARSTEU3 SIS Justice Court BuU-lnff j 14 acres, near Salem, t room honee. barn and rhlrkjpn hotaaa. TeL &59J1. WANTED TO RENT WANTED Ta rent r lease i for Ions term, atrlcfjy medern, unfurnish ed booae, with -farase ' and four or nra bedrooma, close to state bidcL Best of care. Adulta Most oe reas onable. Box SC Statesman. FOR SALE Real EstaU FOR SALE - i i 2SvM0 barealn. Almost 'new I room modern homo aad furnished. Fireplace, basement and furnace. Terms. room noose worth in good locattea. Win exchanae : for South Saaam. Will assume or pay cash difference. ' lbl Acrea. flood soil and 115 acres In crop. New ttouae and new barn for Z2 eowa. All woven wire fenced. Run- ntng; water. Price 110.0 per acre. Will la ice tacaswe property- Inr part. ZMt N. Caoltol Street: Phono 1807 i Rea. 23CS. Choice lot oa improved I street. owner soinc; away. KS09.nO far quick sale. Inqaire 189 So. 13 til St. $1250. Bungalow, t rooms, and nook. plastered, bath, lights, i water, et&. close to bus tine, paving pd. Terms. i 17S0. An attractive English type home, t rooma and nook, I garage and paving nd. $150. down. $2330. Almost new bungalow, living room, dining room, nice . oak floors, kitchen, large nook.: t bed roema, cood furnace, garage and naviiuc vdL. below cost. 8160 down. $1000. A real borne, T rooma, full basement. Hp furnace, nice bathroom, large lot, treea aOd shrubbery. W ill trade for ema!)es house.. . i ,' 3000. to loan. Fire & Auto Ins. - MELVIN JOHNSON . $20 XT. S. Nafl Bank Bids. TeL 837: 4 rma. and bath: earage. Daved street, near Wootea miU $1600, will take small 'car, part-pmt. it rm.- colonial home. Uwd. floors, furnace. 1 ireolaee. lanre corner - lot.' trees. S43oe. will take cheaper noma as part pint. - WTNNTK PETTYJOHN. Realtor 175 .South High Street One of the Rut ' Vrm Ban In Valler (2K -Acres, aood dark soil. 80-A. cul tivation, 1U-A. ea ana v eaten, 4-A. fine atrawberrtea, all fenced, woven wire, running water, good C R. bouse with bath, toilet, hot and cotd water and water sys tem, tan, alio, poultry house, 14 mires of Salem, on I market road. 12 mttee oaved. price is a sac rifice at $Sl9.04. WBI trade for cltv orooertw dear: up to - S3. T90.04 or will sell with $1500.00 down payment. . If 1 taken in 10 days will snve l geoa norses. Sampeon tractor, all machinery and O0 hickena We will be glad to show you this place as It will please you. Two Dandy Suburban Homes 1-Acrer good sotL seme fruit and wal nuts, apod nouse, oasement. bath i and toilet, electric water evstean. oa naved blahway. V mile city Ihnits, price reduced to -; $300.00 down wiunan dia. XL. -Aem. , fine place. beautiful . lawn. riowers, ana 11 large oearms , cherry trees, modem up to date a H honaa with basement, fur nace, laundry trays, good well and electric water syvtem, good concrete walks. ' IXxuMe Karage, , improvemefita. cost more than the price. Sacrifice aale price $4350.- 00. Bey -this and make $2000.00. $S0O0 oowa will liandle. These place are real buy a To see Is to buy. So call SRAKS A- TTTCKER 2111 or lit & Com'L St. for ap pointment. EXTRA .SPECIAL 4 room benaniow oa choice lot In N. Salem, l Uocks from capitol buTldlnra Priced away below value tor. Quick sale. Only 1390ft. part terms, ere it toaay. . Mr Ellis with t.ktj nr. cnrLDa m. Realtor $20 State Street , . TeL 1727. POOR SCAN'S CIUNCB ev Kiiv a. huu MiMn Wttl l Itttla money down, balance Uk rent. Lnmedtate poaeesaion cf a 4 room plastered .Mngalow tn Kast Salem, garage and woodshed, good lawn and enruDDery. mc v. aa f v a 41800 - for a comfortable S room V ; Q.... W Cmlm mweA mrmMt- tu . m A , . , i - -. - - MAraM with rruit ana anaoe uww in uuu ua m JLi9-m m TlAlljrma all eat aeral-rnodorn. Price $1X00, cash $100, WW.. "-'". z . si4 era saijb avxeoo. i uk kunMBt aood araratre. street paved aad walks In. Liberal term 88 State Street - TeL 1737. Fin modern booses located ta the W-m mv4- mM B1mb. tAm aala at redu ced price. Tow nan the location. aad Z will Had a barrels for yea. i u n BHiciJia Oregon Beer. TeL 1T84. ' ' ' I VI HAT VUASl ill -WAT! BAG? VOtfO aa Viuo rTB$-w MB MlCAJJSS V'tA. FtM OUT AMV- WAY FOR SALE Rea! Estate Uood . homes at barzaln nrices: North of Salem 4 miles, we have IS aood acres with 8 room house and fair barn aad outbuildings, good road ana electricity u House price .00. i fr ! splendid acres with Improve ments, splendid soil and all tillable, 1-4 mile-from highway for only $, 040.09. i " - ti , JS splendid acres 1 mile east, on parement, modern howse . and good barn, large chicken house could sub divide a snap at S850.0ft. ! 90- fertile acrea ont pavemit, ' 1 miles good town. 18 mllea Salem, liv able house, fair barn, some fruit, near school, price $&0.v0 Ti ieo acre dairy farm, rood house. living- water, all tillable worth $10, . aad will trade tor srosll farm: lie acres on aood road with atock and equipment worth! $10,000.00 and win trade lor email arm near faelem. We have 0 SDlendid acrea with modern T room new bouse, large chicken bouse, some bottom land, some timber and never failing rnmll creek a rare bargain for only $8600. 00 mljtht consider a laxKect ixarna In exchange. i- f i 40 acres or splendid timber n good road 14 miles of 'Salem.- clear to trade for Impraoved acreage near Snienx 120 acrea of timber, relinqntaliment. to trade for car or lot Li A good 7 room house in ttaiero to trade for farm value $5500,00. ' McGlLCHRIST it PENN15TGTON 209-10 U. a -Bank Bide TeL 140. Start The Mew Tear Right lion into i thia modern' ; (excent basement) room home In K, K. Sa lem, toui pnee $Z4, loan 01 $1800, email payment down. caL easy, terma Don't miss thU. 6B2 j E. K. ROBERTS Ground Floor Masonlo jBlda. Telephone 8. 1; FOR. SALE Fab-mount Hill resi dence with a wonderful view, BuOt for home by owner. A. J. HABa, lklO Fairmount Street. Phono ltT. 8S0 State Street TeL 17X7. Br owner R. cottage, double garage, S Illy pools, lawn and shrubs. tl&aO.oe. like rent, or wDl rent $16.00 per month. Call 1UUL t a math Iimik TK-1 lrf atraet: Kfake store or shop, business district. 710 N. High. ; i i EXCHANGE Real EstaU IDEAL COUNTRY HOMS 1 1Z .ma 1 mlla frmm i 'alrlClnn- vlUe. T room modern home with fur- nace, fireplace bullt-mlsi buffet. breakfast nook. bardw4,' lleore; double srarave. two poultry honses, electrto lisht and pomp. Team, farm and orchard equipment j Included. Small stream. aO walnut : and - 850 cherry trees IS years old and m aa exceiieni comuuon. Appivat grapes and berrle. A paytnir Invest ment at a great sacrifice. ; W1H con sider small modern Salem home as part payment. 'f I lYAiiUririi ri. iviuijcis, ypLgeai farlton. Oracmn: i uxfxrunjxruu-i r i r i i -i -ir-, i-i -Ti- -- Prices Leas Than Cash Tallies 4fton Two daldr bungalows. 5 rooms each, both rented to good ten ants. Income $40 month. Gctod times would rent for more. Located at To ledo, Ore. Trade for Salem S property or close In acreage. i J J Also 1 Hhums isontn natem -SSiOO. All clear. - Will trade for acreage same vslue. Near some town in the vaney. wnai navo you i For Best Trahs in t'roperTy SEE! -BECHTEL-THOaiASON 841 State Street i ;Koom . 4. for TRADE Good 10 1 adres . close Jn for house of same value, ilf Inter ested, call SalV. ,FQR SALE FARMS ij.n.nruxn.iirinrM-.-. "- -- ---SACRIFICE a good 90 I aero farm. Excellent buildings. ! Accept Pari trade, your terms on balance. OWN KR 515 N. Summer St. ! ACREAGE 25 acres, 8. E. from Balem, on pavement, prac. all In i cultivation. Some fruit, gooa sou, room ihjuw, fair barn. Price $5500. $230 loan. Take Salem property. 8 acres, close to city llmltdt good room house, basement, barn, variety of fruit. Fine home tor $5500. Take small house In trade. a x , Jackson with j W. O. KRUEGER 147 North Commercial acres close to Salem, small bouse, cood barn, well, and pump, good mnti tisol with tlEOl down. II acres t ml from Salem, all, culti vated, fin Soil, gooa puueunsa. ivui tntA tnr hnmia in Baleen. 34 Acres 6 raL east of iiem, fair farm bioga, - some- wuuiru, uo best of soiL WUl trade for amall- tMi elnaa ta Saleim. iaa a a mi fmm R. Ri eeod farm 1)1 dK-. creeK, spring: water pipev n horn, n nA twirn. alii in cultiva tion, lays well. h ml te school, fine for dairying or farming, no waste land, will take Salora or Portland property. Price per acre. i MELVIN JOHNSON ' 350 TT. P. Nafl. Bank BUr Tel. gT WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED farm from 80 to iso a. Must be priced right, (Write in. Statesman. MftKRY Tft TJOAN mt m duq arr rr RRAL FS- TATB. LOWEST INTEREST RATES. BEKT T. H'KU ru.31 ri-xwA OA On plain Botes, endorsed note, furniture aad pianos. ! All i tran sactions strictly oonfldentlaL j STATU LOAN . COMPANY 11 Oregon Bldg. Second I Floor Corner State and Hlah Office bra. 10-00 a. xn. te :90 n. m. Telephone 933. uosnsea ny Btate s)sirrishjslBsf4 P-TRSONAL LOANS ) MADE on furniture, cars, salaries or other rood security. Repayable monthly. " When in financial need see na before closing a loan. 1 GENERAL I NV EHTUENT mRPORATIOS i First National Bank Bids. Phone 1280 CITY AND FARM loans at lowest eataa. Best terms obtainable. Oar Insurance department offers nro ex pert advice and eervfoe In all lines. XT A WKTXH a RARERTa flh TeL 1487 34- Oregon Bide Federal Farm Loan. OH per cent. T. I WOOD. 841 state bU K. "The "nsoUJ TttXIE nr ST ' 'sa . w i t a t v J I rV r V Ja7 1 i-r I k i i tv h xi MONEY TO LOAN WANTED to loan on live atock and personal property. Terma to suit your convenience. National Loan and Finance Co. 410 Bank of Com. Blag. Licensed by state. MOMTCT LOANED ON AT7T03 - Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce year paymentaV , ; YOd keep the car.) P. A. JBHvER Cor. Liberty St. and Ferrr - Phono 1X1 Sabjm, Ore. AawataawMwwwjwa NEED ' MONEY. QUICKLY! ' Cesh Loans of $14 te $300 tnthia Si Hours Small alonthly Kepayznents Yoall be surprised naer easQy a leaa can bo arranged. Oar- friendly -and courteous service : has helped many when they needed money qalckly. Come In. 'phone or writ for full In formation. There Is no obligation. BENEFICIAL LOAN SOCIETY 118 Bllgh Bldgv TeL S-7-4-0 Licensed by the Beat loans Wanted WANTED Private . mnnev to loan' oa real estate. ' l W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS 184 P. Liberty Ht. Tel. ST 8. LIVE STOCK and POULTRY Hanson bahy chieka $18' hundred, custom hatching. 8 9 Fit. IX B. Max field. R. 5, Box 118. 8 S-4 per ecrg. WORK horses and mule A Come try them. W. H. Street. 54 Ferry St. FOR SALE WOOD lb-hsesetahttaajas-tr Large 1C In. old fir. $C.(0 a cord. TeL 28F38. - e-lhssesiehe-aha88 FOR SALS OR TRADE 1 -to. old fir 4 0-00 cord. TeL 49F4. . W deliver all kinds of good wood. Satisfaction waaranteed. O. K. Fuel Co.. 140 N. Front. DRY, all xdsds, any lsxtsruw TeL S7S9. DRT fir and oa wood, coal and fuel oIL Call on us for price. We give ood measure, good quality and good service. LARMER TRANSFER ft STORAGE Telephone 180$ WB have 10 wood on hand all the time. Prompt delivery. 849 S. 12th. Cobb A Mitchell Co. Phone 81$. 1$ In. and 4 ft- wood on hand at all tlmea AJsopIaner wood. TeL 2986 Tracy' Fuel Tarda GUARANTEED DRT Wood coaL TeL 13. Salem Fuel Oo 7St Trade WOOD SAWING ' ... For bttrvr wo-tva gawlng, TH. ttg. LOST and FOUND LOST Between Roberts apt, and chamber of commerce, bracelet wrist watch. Reward. Tel. 93. FOR SALE USED CARS UNUSED MILEAGE Just Waiting for the Proper Owner 1927 Chrysler Coupe, new Urea Good paint, good me chanical shape- i . , i. $285.00 192S Whippet Sedan. New rub ber, uooa snaps zs-t.ov 1929 Ford Model A Tudor, first class shape . , 425.00 1929 Chev. Sport Coupe, fully equipped, rumble seat, looas new - . j 525.00 1929 Chev. Sedan, perfect con dition - 523.00 1930 Cher. -Sport Roadster, ran onlr 000 miles 150.00 19S9 Chev. Coach, looks like a new one ... - 495.00 1927 Star coupe, raps and loose good .. ,, Sa.vo 1029 Chev. 4 Coach, We repoe- aesaed this one and will . . make a good price ' 1929 Model A Ford roadster. iMMn ItiMt -liira m. new one ana' not run much - $55.00 1937 Chev. Coach, new, tlrea. paint, upholstery and motor perfect S65.00 Douglas McKay Chev. Co. $39 Center Street TeL 1808 Ford and Buick Used Car Lot Goarantes satlsfactioa with every car pnraiased. 192S Bulck Coune 8285.00 142S Buick Standard Sedan. 85.00 1925 Buick enclosed Urin 175.0S 1927 Chrysler 50 Coach - 235.00 1928 Chevrolet Cab Coupe 865.00 1929 Chevrolet 1 ton truck 45.0 1927 Chevrolet Coupe - . , 175.00 1927 Chevrolet tttach ,. - zza.os 192 Chevrolet Sedan 185.00 19S4 Chevrolet Sedan, runs i tit aa ..ii ., ii i i ,. I., " 1928 Dodge 8 Standard Coupe 450.00 1997 Dodge Sedan ,. 300.0 ZSZs Keeex oac& - sv.vs 1930 Model Ford Coupe K15.00 1929 Model A. Fofd Coach, - 425.00 1928 Model A Ford tojrlng 285.00 1928 Model A. Ford apt. epa. 825.90 1930 Model jl r-ara trucic - 1929 Model A Ford truck 445.00 192 Model T.Ford Coupe 105.00 19X0 Model T Ford touring 76.00 ltlS Model' T Ford nlckuo SS.O 192$ Model T Ford roadster; Te.OO it z Model, x rora coupe 1928 Model T Ford Sedan . 100.0 1923 Model T. Ford pickup 85.00 1923 Model T Ford Sedan 45.00 Unnmnbll. S Oouna i 495.00 1925 HupmobUe 8 Roadster 800.00 192T Oalriand Coach .. , 285.00 1928 Oakland Coupe . 246.O0 1937 OkbsnoMlo Coach , .., , 875.00 1924 Studebaker touring 06.00 1920 Star 4 Coapatar 125.00 1924 Star 4 ton ring . 40.00 1920- WUlys-Knlght r 00 Road ster ., . i i i i ZvSJSS 1983 Willys Knight tree ran. VS. 192$ Whippet Coach 1921 Whippet' Coup 850.90 256.00 Salem Used Car 'Center North end of Ford Agency. Telephone 10 ST. BieT-Hearted Boss1 oh r rir.. -siMPtQus- Ala, wo KtDrlAPQitlOOOO 4OP.V0Jrei OVUM MOMfeV MAC CAM SO WrorrR w AKin KaAC tAinU'T MAVQ TO PAV THn MtOMBy rTMU ( J ( MAC CAM J Buixness AMUSEMENTS Ralem Golf Com as f ' miles aoath en River Drivek. 38 hots watered fair ways, large grts-s. riee Tc, unaays and h-Uda va Ql;e- ? - - - AUCTIONEERS P. N. Woodry IS Years Salem's Leading Auctioneer and Furnttura Dealer Residence and Store , , III North Bomnwf St. . ' ' Telephone ' St BATHS To rid ah baths and raasange. 8. TL Logan. - Telephone 8914. New Bank. BATTERY ELECTRICIAN R. D. Barton National ' Batteries Starter and generator work. Texaco Station, cornel -Court and ChPTch. BICYCLE REPAIRING LLOYD EL ' lW3tI Col-mbla Bicycles ud repalrtnsl' 38T Court. : The pest tn blcyrla- and lepah Lig. n. W. Scott. 147 R Cow'l Tel-t CHIMNEY SWEEP CIimOPRACTORS Dr. GCbert. Or. Bid. TeL $155. . r. CX L. SCOTT, PSC, Chiropractor. tS N. High, TeL $7. Rea. X104-J. DR3. 6CCELD, i Palmer Chlrs practoia X-Ray and K. CL M. New Benk Blda. : COSTIBIES For snappy .party coatumet call Sa lem Co i;t N. f th. Tel CLEANING SERVICE Center 8 ValeterSa. TeL 8 3 ST. tar(d Cleaner i fevers. Call r4S8. ELECTRICIANS HALTS. ELECTRIC CO- New toca tlon, 887 Court St. Tet. No. r. FLOOR 1 CONTRACTING FLOORS of all kinds sanded' and T FLORISTS Polnsettla. Cyclamea, ferna, com. blnatlona Floral ptecea TeL 12$ft. E. A. Bennet Nursery, Co. 22J8 Fair grounds Rd . Complete flower aerv Ice, Premier Flower shop, lit K. High. TL'5 8818. FlWERS FOR ALL occasions Olsen's. Court ft High St. Toy. SOL ALL kind of floral work. Lata Florist, ISth ft Market. TeL 2124. CTTT Fin were, weddlna bonaoets funeral wreaths, decpratlona C F Breithaupt. florist. 018 Stat Street. TeL S 80. t FOR SALE USED CARS High Grade Used Cars 1928 Studebaker New paint and tires overhauled and guaranteed .J 1928 Buick' Standard Six Sedan Original finish like new A-l mechanically, 80-day ervtce 1930" Essex Challenger Town Sedan Can hardly be told from new Ideal family car This car has the L-xr-tvat bodr of anr ear ta the individual price field . , 05 0.00 1929 Dodge Victory Six Sedan S Thls Is an excepUonsily good one one ever built 1929 Whippet Six Sedan Original finish instd and out extra Keen trunk and many other extras .027 Riiiclc standard Six Snort Coune , A-l niect-uilc-iiy. Fiaisa Inside and but like new .- 48U90 I 1928 Essex Coach , S New paint new tires overhauled from stem to stern 1926 Dodge Sedan Leather upholstery 1926 Hudson Coach Overhaaled from stem to atom new extras . STATE MOTORS, INC. HUDSON. ESSEX High and Chemeketa TRADES TERMS Open V(jytjV)ViiiVVAVii' -t-fc--i, , aaa UUVU lllll : Guaranteed Used Cars I9tt Oldsmobil Sedan 1927 Nash Cabriolet 13T Oakland Sedan i .$(75.00 . 475.00 1927 Star Sedan . 8 15, 04 4 1950 Ford De Lux Coupe 1027 Cher. Imp. Landau . 4929 Oakland Coach . . 950.0 . 050.00 rot 9 Oakland Compe . 850.00 Many others ta choose from. Wood-Wheaton Motor Co-, Inc. C-klaad i Phone STJI Pontlad FOR SALS OR TRADE 1 torn Bethlehem track rot; nay. Want) 1 heavy i FOSHAY Vi AU TTimhw rn, Qrearon Tel. ftFlt. WANTED USED CARS tAjMMwaMiMaaMa'wa)a 1U sere of land alps to Salem to trade for good 1930 or S0 model light oar. TeL IS9J1. Rt. 9.. Box S4BL n a m AMD I tCUOVAf tOy-kC-. s. Wi-t. SO TOO Of VOU TO V3U "THANKO t i GARBAGE Salmi SScave-ger. TeL 1$T or X290, J HE3IST-TCHING a-. NEEDLEWORK.' Marcarefs Shoo. 415 Court. . s . INSURANCE JtTXJJL-LETTBI ynsl agency -.i - ' Wm. BUven, Mgr. -IV ... ' Kxcraaire Battovfll Agent V S18 Ussanle Bids. - TeL 088.; : BEC-3S ft HENDRICKE 1 119 N High Tel Jit LAUNDRIES THE KEW SAXKM LA tTNDR y i THE WE1DEB LAUNDRY Telephone 25 843 a High . CAPTTAL OTT LAUNDRY 1 !W rTash Ereryt-lng tn Lai:" Telephone 3145 1384 Broadway B1ATTRESSE3 llattreases from factory to hetna. Ask about our wool mattresse. Rea ovatera and fdraigatorm Capital City Bedding Co. TeL 19. 8030 North Cap- MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Plan os. Ph ana graphs, sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies, itepairtng pnono- araphs and sewing machlnea 431 Ftte street, saietn. OFFICE SUPPLIES Everything tn office suppllea, Catn- mereial book tore. 143 N- Comt Tel. 64 PAPER HANGING Paper hacsring end palntfauc Ka man's Paint Store. 183 N. Com! PHOSTE GLENN ADAM3 for house decorating, paper hanglnc tinting. etc. 'ReUwhle workman. PLUMBING and HEATING PLUMBING 'and general repair work. Graber Bros, 148 So, Liberty. Tel. 50 ' PLUMBING & SUPPLIES Mesher Plumbing Supply Co- 1TI 8. Own Tel. 8700. PRINTING FOR. STATIONERY, carda pamph lets, programa, books or any ' kind of printing, call at The Statesman Print ing Department. Zi - uommeraai. -Telephone R00. ' RADIO ninrA cr-n v iia ru every type radio. 1295 N. t8th. TeL 84BS. William ttecntei-u. h. wuiaw. FOR every purpose, ror everyprse AU standard sixes of Radio Tubes. EOFTT ELEUTKIUAI, tirtl If. set Court St. TeL $95. FOR SALE USED CARS at One-Half Their Value Commander Sedan 75.00 of the most popular cars Dodge C28.0O good new aia play tires Karl- 835.00 t$$0 171.09 paint trunk and many . . other S50.O9 AND STUDEBAKER Telephone 1000. Evenings and Sunday a Valley Motor Company Used Cars . I 1919 Model A Sport Coup -.$400.00 1030 Model A Sport Redster $50.00 is -fll A Tudar Sedan 421.00 192 Model A Tudor Sedan $45.00 192$ Model A Sport Coup 192$ Model A Roadster 195.00 198 Model T Touring . . - f.0 1084 Model T Touring , ,.. 8800 1930 Model T Coup , 100.00 192 Model T Tudor Sedan , 115.00 1924 Model T Ceupe , ,. 40.04) OTHER MAKE m ra i I09T Chevrolet CabrtobH - 193T C-evrolet Coupe - 1T Chevrolet Coach 1938 Chevrolet i Roadster . 180.00 1780 . I450 . TA00 , 8A00 1924 Cbavrotet sedan Terms Trail 1 We pay caah for good ud earn , Center at Liberty Tot 1IA Valley Motor Company Center at Liberty ' TeL. I9M JewwU aedaa fully eejirnped. . Fin shape. $7$ this week. B, V. Boa. 88. aaiem. out gsroosi nia way. By RUSS WESTOVER Directory im -ma .vohoi-o vaoiu IT AX3MrES-rsv'W . OO "Vm " -t4rrs ALU3rAG TO Ii i Bite For Breakfast -U i ; . i -o , I Con tinned from page 4) l&-rs ontiaeers offerlnr to bnlld a now bose near th stto of the old lop.. .L- . ! j A reader traveling from. S- em !ttI11 seo that boose. It he will not the first one on tho left, facing tht Pacific highway, after be- passes the beaatlful fir -grove north! of the White school bouse (Whit br -name and olor. or ab- sen of eolor, to b more particu lar) ; i or at least the first boose north of the grove that has an p- per as well as a lower porch. That npoer porch would Identify the houaa aa one of the old -colony homes; for most dwellings built by ibis colony people', where they bad two storiee, wero provided vltb aAi epper porch. ; T Mr; Link did not exactly own the! log boose where lie lired. for that ! was a commnnutie settle meat- However, be owned an In terest tn all tho 18.6 tf acre of thei colony, and a rule of the col ony grave htm the same -right to hiali "borne a 1( tt trer in bis own name. And be was lost Mas ' persistent la his objeo- tlohs to) moving bis log booae if ! he had owned the land $T as his onm. name. i i..-f , r - So i Ben Holladar rave In read ily. and Mr. Link was provided with a new and better boose tor his. family than: be baa before STOVES TSTOVES and stove repairing. Stoves for sale, rebuilt and repaired. All kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and plain.: hop baaketa and hook& logan hooka Salem Fence and Stove Works, 203 ChemeKefs street, n. n emirg. I- TAILORS D. H. MOSHER Tailor for men and sromen. 474 Court St. TRANSFER Let tie eolre vour haullna problems. Uau ie. illAKB AUG II TRANSFER CAPITAL City Transfer Co. 224 State St. TeL 02 A Distributing, for- wa rating and storage our specialty. Get our ratea FOR local or distant transfer stor age, tall S131. Larmer Tranioer Co. Trucka to Portland dally, Real Estate Directory t Ibeckb 1$9 ii. H!h HENDRICKS . TeL Itl ' f I 324 N. & M..EARLB H!h SC TeL S34S J. LINCOLN EIAJS 4$3 tate r TeL l$Tt HOMER Dl FOSTER REALTY CO 870 hk Stat St. TeL 848 I W. H GRABENHORST ft CO. 114 8. Liberty St. ; TeL 11$ i ' t socoLOFsirr a son 804-C First Nat. Bk. Bids. TeL 970 I ! J. F. UUEUCH 111 N. Commercial . . TeL 1114 I 4 i F. L. WOOD 442 State St Tel T94 Cross -Word Puzzle Br EUGENE. SHEFFEIt fcpzzISl: 2-- -r- i "ST 3v 35 5 i is HORIZONTAL. 40leral , a - - I 1 elaima -! S.? i name for v mvwi fEc7Ptian ' . i sum KoT aUfandy tl ba arreda able IS whoU . .amount - I vavr t cooa-ni . , 1 : utetuiLj 10 beveraga f 1 rirer in i Eossia : ' It livelr If evorre - swaa4 a central point . 17 -In Uw. t- thine . I9- otrao-' ; , : tion for I . WOOld earl Enr Uah (abbri t5prleetlf part ex cimrui 1 8V obese 18 poetic i name fet. - Persia ; . , lt---proo-a ' tt-pejts-iac I ta pnltr- ; ! ment tlbalf aa axm 99 place -.if. VXJtTICAL, t 1 ainersi' r tprinx ' r r ewsnmess . j mere narewita Is Cie aolatioa ta rea Itrda's -unto tS-kUpart tioa ' with ba-j . T la I t - , t-l Creak let- r. j,- tr '':-". S3 female et - the deer - tt -ecrada n shooting -if-' star 40 pertala- : u.: lot to ,',:; 41 toa wb i hod ... 4-aaIst , 44 -aote of tiaa ,i tl i D AJlTD Sl 'A ETBDJ T ay. m MS4Bieu4 man the railroad came. That Was one of the last dwellings built by the colony people, for there was in 1172 a tentative division ox the property among the individual members though the whole matter was not completed and final adjustments made until af ter the death of Dr. KelL found er and leader of the I colony. which occurred December SO, 1877. In fact, the final dissolu tion did not come until Auc. 1, 1881, when all members were legal? notified that they, were on their own. ; The beads of the state fcf gli- way department are constantly studying on the problem of het . ter tskine care of the danger ous places on the. Pacific -highway on 1U passage through An- rpra. Every . new . proposition presents some difficulty or ob jection.- It will have to be set tled some day and the sooner this -is done the. more cer tain life and limb will, be for ante travelers and the general public. Perhaps it will finally result la building the highway over the Southern Pacific track at either" one or two places. I . ! i , BOX IS BORN r INDEPENDENCE. Jan. T. - Word has been recelvsd of tho birth of a son to i Mr. and "Mrs cure KODinson, was uto ui c4 MlnnTllIo. NOTICE OP BOXD BALEI I Sealed bids will be received bf the undersigned until 'the hour of 7:30 o'clock p: m on Mon day, the 1 9th day of ; January, 1931. and immediately thereaft er opened by the Common Coun cil of the City of Salem, Oregon, at the city half in said city, for bonds of the City la the amount of Seventy-five Thousand Dol lars, described as follows: City of Salem Sanitary Sewer- Bonds in the amount of !. 000. 00 in denominations or $1000 each, being dated January 1. 1931. maturing serially la nu merical order at the rate of $6,- 000.00 on the first day of Janu ary in each of the years 1932 to 1948. inclusive, 1 said : bonds to bear interest at the rate of four and one-half (4 pr cent per annum, payable semi-annually. t These bonds are a part of a series aggregating $500,000 par value in amount, : authorized y an amendment to the Charter of the City approved by the lesal voters of the city; at an election, held on the 28th day of June. 1927, and of which 8100,000.00 have been heretofore Issued and sold. ' j i . I , ' Each bid must be : accompan ied bx a certified check for two per cent (2) of the. par value of the bonds. The approving legal opinion of Teal, Wlnf ree, McCuIloch ft; Sbnler will be furnished the suc cessful bidder. v I ! The right 10 reserved by the) Common Council to accept any bid or to reject all bids In the Interest of the City. .1 MARK POULSEff. City Recorder. Salem, Oregon. J-7-80-10-11 iVTe-tairg 20 portable I sunsbadt. XI chief jjcorrel- I . ! atlre i ' 14 the deva 5 uproars i j 17 -ores ! I supposed te prouacl hypnotisra I t that whldi is woven . . Jn a looxa tl American Confeder ate reaerO 14 make 5 blot ont ' 15 prepared for pubUs 1 eatioa , IT bouse- - hold CS flattenei -attls : poles 49 note f tLS , ; tnnslcal ' i scale . ) tl riyor ia - Eirgland 4J Insect 47 aees 43 euUb ; j ilshed ! - vain 49 -tate Island (bbr.j: Jl birtb- place of . Abrahaxi f2 prm;t 84 six in ' Komaa rnmeralr 15 Bibieai pronena t a loft mounts la ne for fear that 1 plural safi3E ' 5 protect 6 withhold 7 indefinite article fuel La - combos ! " tion fruit 10 writing Implement 12 pen-name of aa Lrl, peat 14 not of tba r musical scale -IT conjano. tioa - V , Mk . . S n ; F l yur Oil Pi ;ti A K fc PfAlC E O 1-.ftlr,l laatcai &IJ. IB acala CwM U41. Klas N'