The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 06, 1931, Page 9, Image 9

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    ' !
fhe OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, OrcJftm Tuesday Morning, January 6. 1931
pace nine
Society News ;" ifetii)cl 1-"5li jff aigs; j
firivi! 11.. DOAK, Society Edilar i-- ' ) '" . 4
Delphian Chapters
Have Interesting
V Meetings
Chi Delta ehanter ot the Salem
Delphian society met at the home
of Mri. Carl Helnleln Monday
morning at 10 o'clock (or the
regular meeting following the
holiday season. At this time the
date for meeting . was changed
from Monday to Tuesday morn
ing and will continue so from
. now on. The next meeting will
be with Mrs. E. B. Millard Jana-
, ary It. . ' . ..
. Mrs. O. E. Lewis was Delphian
j trareler for the Chi Delta chap
I ter Monday. Topics were, taken
by Mrs. E. A. Collier. Mrsr T. T.
Anunsen, Mrs. It. II. Kletsing.
Mrs. R. M. Watls. Mrs. O. E. Lew
is, and Mrs. It. D. Barton.
An interesting addition to the
program was a letter read by Mrs.
lielnlelntrom her sister who baa
spent the past months in Russia.
Condition! at teen first band were
described and made much of in
terest for discussion In the group
following the reading of the let
'ter.' -
Sigma Nu chapter of the Del
phian society met Monday after
noon in the auditorium of ' the
city library. Announcement j of
Interest to the members was to
the effect that nominations for
the supervisors for the coming
year's work would be made at the
next meeting. - Mrs. r George Itoss
znan bas been the supervisor for
this year, but according to ' the
rules ot" the society three super
Tisors are elected for tbe second
year's work. '
The topic lor Monday's meeting
was "Anarchy to Empire" t with
topics being taken by Miss Loretta
Ford, Mrs. Albert CTagg. Mrs.
George Rossman, Mrs. Byron Her
rick, Mrs. c. I Newman, Mrs.
Russell Catlin, and Mrs. William
Merriott. 1
One- minute current erent- top
ics were taken by Mrs. Hal Hoss,
Mrs. P. A. Eriekson, Mrs. Lewis
Griffith, Mrs.' Charles McElhin
ney; and Mrs. George King. 'Host
i osses for the afternoon were Mrs.
Ernest Thorn, Mrs. J. C. Perry
and Mrs. Sam Kozer. Mrs. George
Rossman gare la resume of the
work gone before.
; . .
: Studio Display Will
Feature Tea Afternoon
Thursday, Friday and Satur
day bare been designated by
Mrs. Monroe Gilbert for the at
, tractive and unique Christmas
card display, which she is ar
, ranging with the cooperation of
interested townswomen. Cards
are coming in in large numbers
and promise an unusual display
for the benefit of all those who
call during the three day exhibi
tion. Anyone baring unusual
cards la inrited to bring them
.to the studio to swell the inter
est In the exhibit.
' An,: additional feature of in
terest will be tbe tea afternoon
Friday between tbe hours ot
3 and t o'clock at which time
Mrs. Gilbert will be assisted by
Mrs. W. H. Burghardt, and a
group of prominent matrons.
General Hospital
Auxiliary to. Meet
The Salem General Hospital
auxiliary wlll meet todayat 10
o'clock In the chamber of com
merce rooms. This auxiliary has
done much toward the growth
of the hospital in the past year.
It is comprised of those who
. wish to support the development
ot the general hospital as a
neighborhood Institution. Mem
bership may be taken out by any
one interested and the larger the
membership the more desirable
It is to the present organisation.
The meeting today will be for
the purpose ot electing officers
for the year and for planning
work to be done this coming
season. Mrs. W. It. Dancy has
been president of the organiza
tion since Its inception two years
ago, and will preside at the
meeting today.
Brooks An attractive party ot
(Wednesday night was that for
which Mr. and Mrs. Willard Ramp
were hosts , at their home In
Brooks. Cards occupied the early
part of tbe evening, and a mid
night supper saw the old year out
and the new one in.
The rooms of the Ramp .borne
were appropriately decorated with
Yuletide decorations. Guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Ramp were Mr. and
Mrs. Chris Otto. Mr. and Mrs. J.
E. WalLtfr. and Mrs. C. A. Bail
or, Mr. and Mrs. SusseeJMr.. and
Mrs. A. J. Rasmussea, Mrs. Maude
To mm, Alrin Reed. Mrs. J. S.
Dunlary, Oliie - Schendei, f Leo
Reed, Cleo Ramp, Eart Ramp and
. Leo Ramp.
- .
Brooks Mr. and Mrs. H. H.
Bosch were hosts In their homo In
Brooks for a watch party Wednes
day, night. Holiday decorations
were used effectively about the
rooms. Musle and games were
enjoyed until midnight, when re
freshments were served by . the
In tho group were Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil V. Ashhangh and daughter,
Kreta Fae Ashbaugh. Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Harris, Miss Laronne
Harris, Mrs. BerU Barker,. Albert
Harris, Marie Bosch. Jack Bosch
and tho host and hostess, Mr. and
Mrs. H. H. Bosch. '
e .
Mr. and Mrs. t William R.
I Sennits and Mrs. Grace Humph-
- 1 reys from : Springfield, Illinois,
are guests at the home ot Mr.
! and Mrs. F. J. Rupert on Cbe-
- ! mekeia street. The guests are
now on their way homo to Illi
nois after baring spent some
time visiting in southern. Cali
fornia. Is as doctor's Prescriptkm for
It U tho most speedy remedy
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Miss Beatrice Walton, vromineht Kalem. woman, haa
turned from Eurbpe to take
uovernor elect, Jtunis Li. Meier.
Tuesday, January 6
Music Teacher's association, meet with Bertha Junk
Darby, 679 North Cottage street; Elma Weller assistant
American War Mothers, regular business meeting,
American Lutheran church.
Etokta club at home of Mrsi R. S. Keene, 3 40 Le
felle street: Mrs. V. A. Hughes, hostess, 2:30 o'clock.
Salem W. C. T. U. will meet 2: 30. o'clock at hall
corner of Ferry and Commercial (streets.
Englewood club, midwinter party, home of Mr. and
Mrs. A. R. Car tar on Garden road.
- Annual Epiphany dinner, 6 30 o'clock, St. Paul's
parish hall; reports of year's activities.
Wednesday, January 7
Spring Valley Missionary society at home of Mrs.
W. W. Henry; Mysta Hendricks assistant hostess.
First Congregational church. Woman's Missionary
society, 2:30 o'clock, with Mrs. W. D. Clarke. Professor
Ralph Winn will speak on topic of "Russia."
January meeting Salem Dakota clubs, 6: SO o'clock,
American Lutheran church; all folk from the Dakotas
ar welcome.
Knight Memorial social circle, business meeting,
-S:30 o'clock, Mrs. Avis Martin, 775 North Cottage
Thursday, January 8
Hayesrllle Woman's club, 2 o'clock, Mrs. David
North Salem W. C. T. U. With Mrs. J. W. Hunt,
1374 North Capitol street, 2 o'clock.
Eastern Star, 8 o'clock, in Masonic temple elub
rooms, installation. j
Ladies Aid society of W. R. C. all day meeting
Fairgrounds; potluck dinner at noon; annual election
of officers.
Friday, January 9
t Daughter's of Veterans, in (Woman's clubhouse,! 8
o'clock. Installation of officers. 1
Salem Woman's club, board meeting at 2 o'clock;
business meeting 2:30 o'clock; program at 3 o'clock. ;
; Silverton Mrs. Ida. Neum
berg, who with her son Wilbur,
has been visiting Silverton friends
for the past few days has been
the Inspiration of a number of
parties. Friday night Mrs. George
Hubbs entertained for . Mrs.
Neumberg. having a. tew friends
in for a social evening.
. Saturday night Mrs. L. C East
man was hostess at a little bridge
honoring Mrs. Neumberg. Guests
Included Mrs. Neumberg, Mrs. Ed-
ill Jti.-
to the position of secretary
son Comstock, Mrs. F. E. Sylves
ter, j Mrs. Frank Hubbs. Mrs. ID.
McCleary, Mrs. George! Hubbs,
Mrs! John.T. Hoblitt, Mrs. Joe
Kircher. 1
i i
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Davles and
Chris Jackson of Weiser, Idaho,
are the house guests of; Mr. and
Mrs. T. W. Davles, and; Mr. and
Mrs. George York. They expect to
remain for the week.
Sale of iGossar
Only once each year! are we enabled to Dffer Salem women a special clear
ance sale of these splendid nationally known GOSSARD CORSETS 1 This!
is not a sale of odds and ends, but the very models you are wearing- in Gos-i
sard. We have a full range of sizes and a very comprehensive showing o!
models.' An early visit to this store this week will repay you we feel sure.
No. 9(12
No. ls
No. 60S
No. 2306
r I
No. 2311
- j
IS'o. 2307
No. 1431
No. 6811
j -"J.
No. .1430
I : i j
No. 2309
Delegates Appointed
For Newberg Meet
The Daughters ot tho American
Revolatlon will hold the state con
vention in Nowhere in March.
Members of the Chemeketa chap
ter ot Salem elected delegates to
this state meeting Saturday after
noon in tho regular monthly meet
ing held in tho Salem Woman's
club clubhouse. ;
Tho following delegates and sl
ternates were elected: Mrs. John
Orr, chapter regent; Mrs. W, H.
Byrd, Miss Edna Ming, Mrs.
Russell Catln. Mrs. A. K. Austin
ot Woodburn, Mrs. Frank Settlo
meler of Woodburn,. Mrs. J. E.
Sibley ot Dallas, Mrs. H. T. Lore
and Mrs. Lewis Griffith.! Alter
nates nominated were Mrs. W. F.
Fargo, chapter rice-regent ; Miss
Lillian Applegate, Mrs. V. B.
Newcomb, Mrs. C. T. Ellison, Mrs.
A. A. : Underhlll. Mrs. C. A,
Sprague, Mrs. C. C. Best. Mr. W.
O. Johnston, Mrs. Francos Looney
Cornell and T Miss Marguerite
Looney of Jefferson.
Mrs. John Orr, Mrs. William
Fordyco Fargo, Mrs. Seymour
Jones and Mrs. A. 13. Austin of
Woodburn were nominated Cor
delegates to tho national conven
tion in Washington, D. C, to be
bold in April.
Officers Installed
By W. R. C. Group
Mrs. Hattle Cameron was in
stalled as president ot tho Wo
man's Relief, corps Saturday af
ternoon in regular meeting at Mil
ler's halt Other officers to take
office were Mrs. Hattie Kennon,
senior Tice-p resident; Mrs. Mettle
Schramm, junior rice-president;
Julia E. Blodgett, chaplain; Lau
ra B. McAdams, treasurer; Ida
Traglio, conductress.
Rose Hagedorn, patriotic In
structor;; Mary Ackerman, guard;
Maud Chittondon, assistant con
ductress; Myrtle Henderson, as
sistant guard; Sarah Peterson,
press correspondent; Lulu Boring,
Rose Verls and Ada Simpson, col
or bearers, and Bernlce Boat flour,
Lorraine Robins, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Robins of
North Liberty street left Saturday
morning for Seattle, where she is
a student at the Northwest Bible
school. She has been visiting her
parents during the holidays.
e J
" o
repaired the IDorld ouer
Whether in Soviet Russia or right here in
your home town, should your Longines need
a new hairspring or any of its parts repaired
or exchanged yoa can hare the work prop
erly done. Sold in seventy countries, Longines are backed
the World over by a complete repair service. We have m
fine selection of these famous watches in our store, letV
tell you more about them. They are reasonably priced
from $35.00 up.
Pomeroy & Keene
879 State Street Next to Postal Telegraph
Gos3ard SoliUire Reg. 1.50
Special Sale
Oossard Solitaire Reg. $15.00
Special Sale
Gossard Solitaire Reg. f 15 .00
Special Sale
Gossard Solitaire Reg. $8.10
Special Sale .'.................
Gossard Front-Lacing Reg. $7.50
Special Sale ................
Gossard Step-in Reg. $5.00
Special Sale
Gossard Step-in Reg. $10.00
Special Sale . .
Gossard Hook-Around Reg. $10.00
SpccUl Sale
Gossard Hook-Around Reg. $8.50
Special Sale ;
Gossard Hook-Around Reg. $3.50
Special Sale
Grim-Powera Wedding
Solemnized Sunday
. Aurora A wedding ot much
interest la Salem was solemnized
in Aurora Sunday at lt:S0
o'clock when Aurslla Powers be
came tho bride of Walter Grim,
Rer. IL L Orations reading the
simple services before only Imme
diate members ot tho two tamll
(les. Immediately following the1 cere
mony the wedding party motored
to tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
gar pierce la Salem where a wed
ding dinner- was served. I Mrs.
Pierce and Mrs. Grim are sisters.
Mr; and Mrs. Grim then left for
a short wedding tour after which
they will bo at home in Aurora
until spring, at which -timet they
will take up their residence la
their now suburban homo which
Is now nnder construction.
"This marriage unites two prom
inent pioneer families. Mrs.
Grim is the daughter of thi late
Charles Becke and Mrs. Anna
Becke and Mr. Grim is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Grim. ;
Young Matron Will
Make Home in Eugene
Mr. and Mrs, Delbert W. Dan
iels whose marriage was an event
ot December 21, left Friday tor
Eugene, where they will make
their home. Mrs. Daniels was for
merly Miss Margaret Shoemaker,
daughter ot Rer. and Mrs. B. F.
Shoemaker. .
The young people were delight
fully surprised with a miscellan
eous shower in connection i with
the annual church dinners, and
business meeting held! New Year's
day. A large table centered' with
a mirror upon which was a tiny
boat and at the edge of which
atood a miniature bride and
groom, was heaped with gifts for
the departing young folk.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniels wfil both
eater the University ot Oregon for
advanced work this term.
Sunnyside. Sunnyside , did
much entertaining this holiday
season, starting 1 Thanksgiving
day with the big turkey dinner
In the homes, with guests from
near and far and continuing Into
the Christmas week. Christmas
day was kept sacred for the
home and family. Taylor's had
a live fir tree that was illumi
nated every night of the week.
The Chandler clan held its moot
ing at Guy Chandler's home on
tho Paciflo highway. Mr. and
Mrs. King of Walla Walla visit
ed with the latter's brother,
George Heckart. The young
people gathered at tbe home of
Isabel Taylor for fun and frolic.
Cecil Pearson, of Clinton : Cor
ners, New York, has as guests
i Ti
A Lonqines
m.iA l
Prsstdsnt an. lira. Lot! Pan
ningtoa ot Newberg coUego, wko
wore vlstting New York prior to
tho start ot their trip abroad. ,
' C II. Tarlora entertained with
a small party! rrldar, January X,
it being tho h birthday anniver
sary ot Mrs.iTaylor. Music was
enjoyed and ref resbmsnts
served. : ; V .
L- I ' i
Epiphany Dinner
Celebrated Tonight
Members ot St. Paul's Episco
pal church will celebrate their
annual Epiphany , dinner tonight
at tho parrlsh hall at :I0
o'clock. Mrs. 'i E. A. Robblna.
Mrs. V. E. Kuhn, Mrs. Robert
Neimeyer, and Mrs. deLlsle. '
(There will bo an election o
res try, reports from the- rector,
tho restry, guild's church schools
and other church activities. .
Members of the Knight Me
morial church will meet sit tbe
home of Mrs. Arts Martin, 775
North Cottage' street, Wednesday
afternoon at 2:30 o clock. ,
1 I .
Here It Goes!
Just One Day at Johnson's Folks and You Can BanU
on. a Real Sale
1 h-
LOT No.l
Coats fur trimmed and
Regular values up to f
LOT No. 1
163 dresses, all this season's dress
es. Wo hare no old stock. Regular
values up to $24.50. Tuesday only.
frhlle they last
Beat this if yotf
1 If 8
Birthday Party Honors
Miss Towrisend " J ..
OA. delightful surprise party
was gtTsa j following tho Salem
SllTertom basketball game la
honor ot Hiss Claudia Townaend
on her eighteenth ; birthday at
the home! of Mr. and Mrs.
Claude W. j Townsend.
K Tho evsnlag was spent In
dancing and card playing, (and
at a lata hour, refreshments were
served, r f
, Guests for tho evening were
the Misses! Veaa steward, Mau
rlne Carmlcal. Doris Steward.
Marjorie Humphries, and the
honor guest. Miss Claudia Town
aond.l. . .-- , , j.
! j. Messrs. 'Lloyd Rellley, Clyde
Johnson, Ray Handel!, Duane
DeMarats. Sam Earle. and Herb
ert Townsena.
Monmouth Monmouth's Re-
bekah lodge observed the opening
of tho new! year with installation
of officers Thursday night as fol
lows: N. G-. Mrs. Minnie Price;
R. 8., Mrs; Alts, Rogers; Ij. 8.,
Mrs. Myrtle Halllday; P. N. Q..
Mrs. Let tie Johnson; V. 0., Mrs.
Ever;y Winter Coat in the Store
The Price will do it
fully lined.
Coates fur
Kegular values up to $34.50
Ask yourself
Sales Must be Strictly
Ben Friesen; R. 8., Mrs. Lily
Roothby; It. 8.. Mrs. Susie Sun
ton; i. O.. Mrs. tthsl M or eland ;
O. G Mrs. Una Jones; warden,
Mrs. Louise Koser; conductress.
Mrs.. Ivy Ilamar; chaplain; Mrs.
Riley , Matheny; musician, Mtis
Bernlce Winegar
- (A social party followed the
work, with cards and dancing and
a late luncheon. - -j ;
I ' ""I
Aurora The Aurora Woman's
club will meet Wednesday, Janu
ary 7 with Mrs. N. E. Maosock.
Mrs. Lester Reed will be assistant
hostess. Capital punishment will
be the subject ot a talk by Mrs,
L. I. Snyder, followed by a talk oa
criminal Justice by Mrs. Lor an
Glesy. i The business meeting will
be conducted 4y the president.
Mrs. George Ehlen. j i
i ' ' " 'I
Mr.-and. Mrs. John P. Robin,
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Gil
bert Wrenn, left Salem Friday
morning by automobile tor Palo
Alto, Cat
i e e j
Mrs. D. W. Eberlla of Seattle
lkf t Ralam UondiT mnrnlnr n.
'eluding her holiday visit l'n the
home of Mrs. W. II. Dancy.
.'.-.if' ;
'. ' " i ' ' '
' If f:
'' 5 " 1 "
s -
I .
must go.
LOT No. 2
trimmed and fully lined
i 1 r
I. 11
LOT No. 2
819 dresses lit this lot and; well say,
they are real hot numbers Are well
worth $5.95. Our price during thif
one day sale, Tuesday only
how can their da It
'' " i
- J
- M
; ' . known.
CSft also In Tablets.