The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 04, 1931, Page 7, Image 7

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The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Sunday Morning. January 4, 1931
Society News and Club Iffaiiis
MacDowell Club
Chorus Resumes Work
With the advent of the, New
Tear the Salem Mac Do well club
chorm will again take up It prac
tice and will meet for Us first
work Tuesday at-7:10 o'clock la
the masle hail on Willamette ual
erslty campus, according to the
announcement made : by Miss
Frances Ylrginie Melton,? presi
dent of the clnb.
Work will be begun at this
time on aa elaborate spring eon
cert which will be siren sometime
the latter part of Jane. There are
atill a few vacancies In the chorus
personnel and for a limited few
there is a chance It they apply im
mediately to become a part ot the
spring chores. Any Inquiry will
be - answered by Miss Melton at
. - '
Dinner Party Pretty-Semi-Formal
Miss Bessie St, Clair and Miss
Gladys Hllflker entertained In the
' home of the latter oa Mission
street with a delightful semi-formal
dinner Friday evening. They
were assisted by the Misses Verna
XIaverlaad, Leila Ford, Jewell Ir
in. Irene Stover aad Mrs. Hll
flker. The table was attractively
decorated with pink and green
streamers and flowers adorned the
An Impromptu program and
music followed the dinner. Cov
ers were placed tor the Misses Mil
dred Dengs. Dorothy Carr, Joyce
Phelps. Nadean McWaln, Helen
Jean Lytle Margaret Englehsrt.
June Backe, Elra Anlt, Dorothy
Badertscher, Kathleen Phelps,
Jean Fowler. Theresa Ulrlch. Ruth
Falk, Wlllamlna Hllflker and the
hostesses. Bessie at. ciair ana
Gladys Hllflker. i
. . .
Salem Woman's Glub
To Meet Friday
'The first meeting; of the rear
for the Salem Wotnan's clnb will
be held Friday afternoon In the
."Woman's clubhouse en North Cot
tags street. This will be a regu
lar business and program meeting
Plans will be made for the annual
"guest day" one ot the big events
of the elub year, which will be
observed on the meeting date fol
lowing Friday. . i
Mrs. J. C. Nelson will nave
charge of the program which will
be developed by the applied edu
cation department of which Mrs
Kelson Is general chairman. At the
nrorram meeting the first of .the
lOreaon nroducts talks will be
made: the subject anticipated is
wool" and will probably be giv
en bv Mrs. Mark McCalllster. who
also has charge of the music' for
the day.
-Valsetz. Milten and Mearl
King I enterUlned with a New
Year'sT eve party at their home
December 31. r
Those present were I Virginia
Morldy. Virginia Brown, Dorris
Massie. Leona Green, Blanche
Green, Katharine Hahn. Bernlce
Johnson, Clifford Brown, Gordon
Brown. Curtis Grant. Robert
Johnson. Donald Ferguson.
' Games were played through
out the evening.
A lovely lunch was "served by
Mrs. George King.,
J Mr. and Mrs. Allan Carson are
receiving congratulations because
of the birth of a daughter, born
Saturday at noon. Mrs. Carson
aad wee daughter are at Salem
General hospital.
Mrs. Evelyn Staldenger of
Tillamook Is the house guest of
;Mrs. Mary Watson. -
EOUVE M. l)QAKtS(UtV Editor
i . Sunday, January 4
Students of Marjory Walker and Jessie F. Bash.
In recital, o'clock. Nelson Hall.
I' Monday January 5
Chi Delta chapter ,of Delphlans. with Mrs. Carl
Heinleln. Hi Miller street; f :S0 'clock. Life ot Homeric
.Age to be discussed. i i
Sigma Nu chapter of Delphlans. 2 o'clock, elty li
brary, 1 f .
Hal Hlbbard auxiliary and Camp V. S. W. V., Joint;
installation. 7: SO o'clock In armory. I
Salem Garden, club, chamber of commerce rooms
Hugh Bryan of Portland, speaker on subject of shrubs, j
Rainbow club meeting. Neighbors t of Woodcraft,
Mrs. Alieo Hlcferaan, 1041 Hunt street, j ! $
McKintey P. T. At o'clock In school building:;
Miss Carlotta Crowley, i Miss Ruth Draper to speak on
home study; Mrs. C. Ai Downs to conduct round table
discussion. j i
! - 'l :
Tuesday, January 6
Music Teacher's association, meet with Bertha Junk
Darby, C79 North Cottage street; Elma Weller assistant
hostess. ; j j
American War Mothers, regular business meeting,
American Lutheran church. t
. Etokta elub at home ot Mrs. R. 8. Keene. 340 Le
telle street; Mrs. V. A. Hughes, hostess, 2:30 o'clock.!
SaJera W. C. T. U. will meet 2:30 o'clock at hall
corner ot Ferry and Commercial streets. i,
Engtewood club, midwinter party, borne ot Mr. aad
Mrs. A. R. Carter on Garden road. -
j j i t
, Wednesday, January 7
Spring Valley Missionary -society at home of ! Mrs.
W. W. Henry; Mysta Hendricks assistant hostess, j
First Con rr aeationaf church. Woman's Missionary
society, 2:20 o'clock, wjth Mrs. W. D. Clarke. Professor g
Ralph wtna will speak ion topic ot "nussia.
. , Thursday, January 8
Hayesrllle Woman's; club, 2 o'clock,
Greig. i M I
North Salem W. J. T. U. with Mrs. J
1274 North Capitol street. 2 o'clock.
Eastern Star, 8 o'clock,! In Masonic temple; club
rooms. Installation. j j '
Friday, January 9 I
Daughter's of Veterans, la Woman's clubhouse, 8
o'clock, installation of officers. j
Salem Woman's club, board meeting at 2 o'clock;
business meeting 2:30 o'clock; program at 8 o'clock.
David ',
i. I
W. Hunt,!
Miss Sally McLellan
Luncheon Hostess ; j
One of the very attractive
events In the younger maids set
was the pretty luncneon 'given
by Miss Sally McLellan Satur
day at 1 o'clock In the home of
her .parents, Mr. and Mrs j Dan
McLellan, in compliment to her
own birthday. !
The color scheme carried out
the Idea ot yellow In tapers and
flowers and made a delightful
setting for the young guests who
included the Misses Wilda Jer
man, Nancy Strlcklin, Betty
Byrd, Janet Byrd, Patricia
Llvesley, Margaret Huckestein,
Eleanor Brazeau, Maryleej Fry.
Dorothy Engel. Sally McLellan.
A line party at one of the lo
cal theatres concluded sn attrac
tive afternoon.
Salem W. C. T. U. will meet for
Its regular meeting at the j Union
hall, corner of South Commercial
street and Ferry, Tuesday! after
noon at -2:30 o'clock with Mrs.
Mary Charlton leading the devo
tions. There is much business to
be attended to and there will be
a discussion concerning the advls-
fbility of sponsoring a banquet In
the near future. " i
The Rainbow clab of I the
Neighbors of Woodcraft will
hold Its fagular meeting Monday
at the home of Mrs. Alice Hick
man, 1048 Hunt street. .;
Dr. Ralph Winn will speak on
the subject of "Russia" before
members ot the Woman's Mission
ary society of the First Congrega
tional church Wednesday j, after
noon at 2:30 o'clock in the; home
of Mrs. W. D. Clarke. Mrs C. E.
Ward will have charge of the de
votional study,, and; Rev. H. C.
Stover will present the musie for
the afternoon.; Mrs. Clarke! will
be assisted by Mrs. L. H. McMa-
han. Mrs. Harry Elgin, Mrs. W
F. Buckner. Mrs. George Alexan
der and Mrs. Louie Olson.
, - i !
I 5" A
Miss Helen Jean Lytle, enter
tained In the nomev of her! par
ents on Riverside drive with a de
lightful slumber party Monday
evening. The evening was s pent
in dancing, and refreshments! were
served at a late hour by the' host
ess' mother, Mrs. Lytle, i Those
present were the Misses Gladys
Hllflker. Jewel Irvln, verna Hav
erland, Julia Shepard, Wlllamlna
Hllflker. Bessie St Clair. Lela
Ford and the hostess, Helen Jean
Lytle. i - j;
Mrs. V. A. Hughes will enter
tain members ot the Etokta club
at the home of Mrs. R. S; Keene,
340 Lefelle street; Tuesday af
ternoon at 2:30 o'clock. TMrs. P.
E. Graber will lead th study on
"Oregon History." p ;
Mrs. A. L. Adolphson was host
ess Friday arternoon to memoers
of the Bono Tempo club.
Clubwomen Leave
For Eastern Trip
TOO lil f,IH
AURORA. Jan. 3 The holiday
season was not marred by want
la any family, nor did any per
son seek or have to receive aid.
Mrs. Charles Bllyen and Mrs. I " V-t 1, . . ' .7VZ
Sadle-Orr Dunbar jwlll leave rmiiiimnk whra
Z l:rJZ!ii Tn."rUn Tndthn
?21f!-S2tlL S! erenlag program, to large aadl
eral federation director for Ore- .n.A. -iA
Mrs. Dunbar Is chalrmaa -rf.' ...t.v. AMh.
of tn. iaa 1 nuu'thonghtfnlly
li 2j..f i? ISSSU PWvWed. Almost without ewep
as oldest ranking chairman eftian home was rbrLrhtend
v,ir1 f departmeat b a Chrlitmas tree. If one could
e.lrtn. S6 !ft.lsf halrmVi well-bred and
of Institutes for the Oregon fed- 0eekd mto pantries, there would
eratlen. . kMi1 found Urre wsll-fUled
Mrs. ! VT. O. mcnoisoa eilA.Va nnrnn rnnVUi that
. ll.1l : . .ivw. va: vww.w-i,
aiia. rm. wtiraw w rfr w rewly naitersallr gees
"VL Ari"CM. w"P. m" elsewhero. Home-made eandies.
miiiee,: nas Deen appoimea a i fattA ri,t knm .mm A
The county road between the
Emma . Bruck tana and the Rob
ert Clark ranch Is being - surrey-
ed. '; "' -I .v-.M i-'--
, This road will extend Into the
Martin. Hensel farm so that it
will eat off the large rocky hill.
K number of cart trying to
reach ther homes oa New Tears
eve got stalled on the hill In
front of the j Harry E. Martin
home owing to ice on the sloping
paremenL Some were forced to
leave their cars and walk home.
while ; others managed to turn
around and go a different way.
Mrs. c. Moisan and children
Clarence and Lucille motored
from Noti, Oregon to spend the
noudaya with Mr. and Mrs. Fer-
man T. Nash and family.
aeieKaie 10 meet wun me con-. . .hmm mnA liverwnrat
stuffed dates.
m . - I
zerenee on cause aaa cure oxiwer- .lao TemAr tor the VMk of
war which will follow the aa-1 ..i.),.,tiA. M.n..miiu.T.,1.
tional board meeting: Mrs. G. L. aer t0 old euatom aad giro
qi -oruaK iw tt( ontire week over to enter-
Prfa appomtea as.a eeieswe u talnlne. ealUng on friends and
wus coherence our not yev .hut-Ini . Tho hours have been
certain tnat sne win no a Die io fufl to ovarl lowing with aoclal
attend. I.viim. n v,r. ntrK ih
commercial ciuo, uwtgi cuien.
president, entertained the . rest-
dents of Aurora and vicinity, with
an Invitational daneiag party at
the hand hall. There wag
urKB si iHnnanris. gnu
isrman was aostesa ror a ciever-t i ,trictly local affair.
noma or ner parents, Mr. ana
Mrs. l. d. Waterman.
Over the table, balloons word
suspended and at the close of
Engagement is
Cleverly Told
New Tear's Eva Miss Ruth Wa-
HUBBARD. Jan. 3 The a J.
the dinner hour these were cut I Smith home was the scene ot a
and aa they fell each guest caught I delightful bridge party New Tears
one. 10 sacn bauon u was die? lave with. Mrs. Smith and her sis-
covered a card was attached an-Iter, Mrs, Elmer Stauffer, f the
nouncing the engagement of Mist 1 hostess. Seasonal decorations
waterman to Jwe Tompkins, son I added to the festiveness of! the
or Representative aad Mrs. M or 1 1 occasion which was also a watch
ton Tompkins of Dayton. Oregon. I party. Five tables of bridge were
ine guesis xor tnia interesting I u play during the evening with
announcement were Jirs, Loweu high scores held by Mr. and Mrs
F. HoDiitt or suverton, Mrs. Earl I Julius SUoffer aad second by
Wilkinson of Dallas, Mrs. Reu-1 Mrs. Kathryn Win and Edward
bin Hllflcker, Miss Edna Prescott lo. Erickson. Refreshments were
Miss Dorothy Johnson, Miss MUh ( served by the hostesses assisted
dred Juason, and Miss Lois Plum-1 Dy Miss Mildred Smith. Those
mer. : . i nreasnt wm Mr. lad Mrs. Waldo
miss waterman nan aa yet et w Brown. Mr. snd Mrs. L. A.
no aeiimte wedding date. IBeckman. Mr.- and Mrs. Herbert
J . TT J - . . t S
Ueiphians to KeSUme Mr. and Mrs. George Grimps, Mr.
C. 1.. M . ; land Mra Ivan Stewart, Mr. ; and
OtUdy lYIeetincrS Mrs. Julius Stauffer. Mr. ; and
Following the Christmas holt- Mrs. Lester Will. Mrs. Neva Me-
days both chapters ot the Del-1 Kentle, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
phlan society, will begin their re- Stauffer and Mr. and Mrs. A, J
gular, meetings Mondsy. The Chi- Smith and daughter, Mildred.
Delta chapter will meet with Mrs. O . . . . .
Carl Helnleln at her home 234
Miller street at 9:30 o'clock Moa
dav morn f nr. Tt tonlit tn ha
cussed will be "Life ot the Horn- MACLEAT, Ore January 3
eric age." I The cold weather has stopped
The Sirma Na chanter will all farming operation in and
meet at 2 o'clock Moaday after-1 around Maeleay
noon ' in the auditorium room of I , Mabel Sherman of Shaw was
tb city library. The topic for the guest of Emily R. Brack
Sunday. Monday both attended
the "all day home gathering" of
the Aumsville alumni, with
banquet at :30
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Banta of
Baker, Oregon were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wilson for
the. holidays,
Howard Frlnk, son ot Mr; and
North Cottage street Mrs. w. B. Frmk was home over
evening. Miss Elma I the holidays. He Is employed In
study will be "From Anarchy to
Empire," and current event top
ics. Mrs. E. P. Thom, Mrs. Sam
Koser, and Mrs. J. C. Perry will
be hostesses for this meeting.
The Music Teachers' associa
tion pf Salem will meet with
Bertha Junk Darby s her home
at 679
Weller will be the assistant hos-1 Portland, Oregon.
tess. his will be a regular busi
ness, meeting and It Is expected
that as a special speaker Miss
Helen Calbreath of Portland will
be present to meet the Salem
Loale E. Bean returned to-his
home In Engene Saturday after
having spent the holidays la the
home: of Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Devers as the house guest of
their son, Joseph Dover, Jr.
and Mrs. L. Henntes are en
tertaining air. and -Mrs. A. J.
Weber of Dallas, Texas. Mr;
we bar is a brother of Mrs. Hen
ntes aad this Is the first visit at
ine Hennies' : home i since they
have lived in Cloverdale, which
is zo rears aao. Mr. and ' Mn
Weber spent, some time visiting
m California before coming
here. Weber la a, manufacturer
of soft drinks and has a large
Business in riaiiaa. Th, rt
January 2 for their home. . ;
but. ana Mrs. i wniism Morris
and dauxhters. Ruth and mini
spent several days of the Christ
mas aoiiaays at tne Home or Mr.
ana Mrs. josepn Ryan of North
Bead. Mrs. Morris and Mrs
Ryan are sisters.
Aside from the purpose of obi
"" wniunii. ine irip was
made to celebrate the 18th birth
days of Ruth Marrla and Trn
Ryan aa their birthdays are on
unnstmai day. and there is just
three hours difference in the
ages or too cousins. The Morris
ramiiy returned December 29.
Turner Youths
Come to Salem
To Attend Meet
t -
TURNER, 'Jan. 3 A number
of the young people of the local
Christian Endeavor society ac
cepted the Invitation of the
young peoples' society of the
Bungalow Christian eh nrrh nf
Salem to join them In their New
Yesr's eve program.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Wagner
of Seattle have returned home
after spending a part of the holi
day season with Mrs. Wagner's
mother. Mm U. S. Talbot and
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Riches en
tertained New Tear's day with a
dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
Riches and son, Gordon. Miss
Ruth -Robinson. Mrs. R. O. Has
slet." Rachel Riches and Waldo
Charles Mote of O. S. C. spent
part of his vacation with his
friends. Mr. and Mrs. E. S.
Prather. Mr.' Mote Is a member
of the Turner high school alum
nt. X. L. Robertson of Mllwaukle
made a business trip to Turner
the first of the week.
- FRUITLAKD. Jan. jS The
Frultland basketball taam trfll
play the Jason Lee Quintet at the
i. M. c A. Tuesday night In a
practice game In preparation for
the Sunday school league in
which both are going to Join.
spring Valley. Janl s.
Mr., and MrsJ John Child ers 'enter
tained 15 at dinner ! Christmas
a ay. in tee aiternoon a unrist-
mas tree and exchange of presents
wag, the feature. Those present
were: Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Haekett.
the Misses Blanche. Mary and Lu
cille Haekett. M". and Mrs. F. B.
Windsor. Misses Irene aad Doris
Windsor .Vernon Windsor. Harley
McKlnney, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mc
Klnney and the hosts. Mr. and
Mrs. John Chllders. , i t
: Mr. and Mrs. Donnel Crawford
and daughter Gladys spent Christ
mas day as guests ot Mr. aad Mrs.
Edgar , Crawford In Salem.
Mr. land Mrs. Elmer Ray and
children Elmo and Johnnie of
Dallas, speqt Sunday with Mrs.
Ray's mother, Mrs. Belle Slmklns.
MUs Davidson Visits
Cloydlne Davidson, older" daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry David'
son, returned home after spending
the week end with Mrs. Boyd Wil
kinson. ; i
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hedges and
daughter Theodora of Portland
were holiday guests at the home
of Mrs. Hedges' parents Mr. and
Mrs. Phillip Damon.
Lawrence! Wilton of klckey was
the Christmas day guest, of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred McKlnney.
Mr, and Mrs. George Snead are
the proud parents of a baby girl
Janle Patricia, born December 28.
Mr. and Mrs. Snead hare two boys
Billy iand Tommy who . welcome
the new baby sister. j
Mrs. M. J. Wilkinson spent
Christmas day at Eola with her
granddaughter Mrs. D. D. Wallace.
Mr. and Mrs. John Chllders re
. cently received word from Twin
Falls. Idaho, telling of the sud
den death lot their sister-in-law
Mrs. WA. iChllders who had suf
fered a stroke of paralysis.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Windsor
spent Sunday at McMlnnviUe vis
iting Mr. Windsor's ahat Mrs.
Elisabeth Pratt who i een vales
elng from a recent Illness,
. Sunday dinner guests at the
Fred McKlaney home were Harley
McKlnney jof Portland, Mr. and
Mrs. D. D Wallace and) Wayne
Wilkinson iof Eola and Mr. aad
Mrs. Ben McKlnney. j
AURORA, Jan. 3 The canta
ta, "Holy! Night," presented at
the Presbyterian church! Decem
ber 21, to a large congregation,
will be repeated at Can by Sun
day evening. The cantata Is one
ot great spiritual be'auty, aad the
18 trained voices under the lead
ership of Mrs. E. C. Dlller, pre
sented it la an Impressive man
ner. " :LV
Endeavor Youths ,
Give .Party for
Contest Victors
HAZEL GREEN. Jan. 3. The
Christian Endeavor Society spons
ored a watch night party at the G.
G. Looaey home Wednesday even
ing. arlous games aad stunts
were enjoyed. The contest in the
C. E. society between the boys and
the girls closed Sundsy la Decem
ber. The boys being looters were!
to treat.' Points were given! oa
quality ot program. Interest, and '
attendance. ' j ,
At the midnight hour Her. 8. A.
Long, pastor; conducted a devo
tional service. - The members of
C. E. pledged themselves anew to
Christian service. Earnest Luckey
fired two sticks ot dynamite to an
nounce the arrival of 1331. Pres
ent were: Imogene Wood, Pearl
Darklns, Nelson Darklns, Helen
Davis, Nora Rutherford, Arthur -Clemens,
Iola Luckey, Cecil Luck
ey, Alice Cook, Haiel Cook. Belle
Hufford, Eugene Kuenil, Stella
Cook, i Earnest Luckey,- Harold
KueasL Hazel Hufford. Guy A.
Looney, Glen Looney, Rev. 8. A.
Long, Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Looney.
Record High ior
Lohg-Term Work
In Sunday Class
TURNER, Jan. 3 Mrs. Fi C.
Delzell has the distinction ef be
ing Sunday school teacher j for
the same class for the longest
period In the local Sundsy school.
In the 11 years many new mem
bers of young - people hsve 1 en
tered the class and passed on to
other localities. Last Sundsy
members of the class presented
their teacher with a fine rase- as
a token ot esteem.- i I
BRUSH CREEK Prsctlcally
all ot those on Paradise road who,
expect to hare electrle lights have
their houses - wired now. " The
holes tor the posts have been dug
and the posts distributed. '
The future welfare of -your-famlly de
pends upon a properly prepared and up-to-date
will. Consult with us on a plan
to meet your family's needs, and then
have your ' attorney prepare Able imppr- i
tant document.
add & Bush Trust Company
A. N. BUSH, President. " ,
WM. &! WALTON. Vice-President. -L.
P. ALDRICH, Secretary. (
' JOS. H. ALBERT, Trust Officer. v
We do trust work exclusively ' '
i ill
GERVAIS, Jan. 3-Mr. and Mrs.
John Cntsforth and their children
held their annual Christmas tree
and exchange of gifts Sunday
evening at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Harper. After the
gifts were opened the time was
spent playing cards until a late
hour when Mrs. Harper served
refreshments. Those present
were Mr. and Mrs. John Cuts
forth, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cuts
forth and son aad daughter ot
Gervais; Mr. and Mrs. Elton Rae
and two children and Mr. and
Mrs. Lamont Frye of Salem;
Frank T. Cutsforth and family of
Can by and Mr. aad Mrs. Zeno
Schwab and son and daughter of
Aurora; and Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Harper and son.
Guests Sunday evening for
cards at the J. P. Fersch weller
home were Mr. and Mrs. R. P.
Horning and daughter. Florence:
Mr. and Mrs. James Lelth and
family; Carl Stettler, Joseph Ru
bens. Ethel Vanderbeck, Mr. and
Mrs. Mayhew, Mr. and Mrs. Col-
, vlni, Mrs. J. P. Smith and sons,
Ray and Bernard; and the hosts
and family. Mrs. Mayhew re
ceived the prise for high score
and Helen Ferschweiler the prize
for low. score.
Mrs. Ion a Dorcas and - son,
John, of Portland, and Mr. and
Mrs. Fulton Small and two sons,
Robert and Richard, of Helena,
Montana,' were guests at the S. D
Manning; home Tuesday. .
Frank Etcher, nephew of Mrs.
Frank Ad elm an. narrowly , escap
ed an accident when his tar up
set at the E. W. Manning corner
Wednesday forenoon. He escap
ed with a bruised elbow and bad
ly bent fenders. '.
Mrs. . A. B. - Adklsson returned
Wednesday from Tho Dalles
where she spent . the weekend
with her parents. - '
William . Kuhn. who la attend
ing an electrical school la Seat
Ue. spent the holiday season at
tha home of his parents; Mr. and
Sirs. Joe Kuhn.
A house and an contents be-
-Jotvging to Joe Wllquet was de
stroyed by nre aionaay wnue Mr,
Wllquet was In Portland. The
-Ore started while the hired man
jras rettlnr his dinner and he
jmma severely burned In trying to
of Dr. Luke S. Smith at Redmond
December 24, to Miss Lenora
Wood, a teacher In the i Redmond
schools, has been received by
friends and relatives In Gervais.
Dr. Smith wss born on ai farm
east ot Gervais, but most jof his
time was spent In and near Ore
gon City until he graduated nl
dentistry when he located at
Redmond. Ht . Is a nephew of
Mrs. Sam H. Brown and Li A. Es
son. Dr. and Mrs. Smith spent
the weekend with the Gervais
relatives. . j . J .
Mrs. George Roeser, has re
ceived word of the death of her
sister. Mrs. Bradfish, ago 70, at
Edgar, Wisconsin. Her death
was caused by a ruptured appen
dix. ; !
O- . i O
LIBERTY, Jan. 8-A number of
people who were out to ! New
Year'a celebrations had consid
erable difficulty getting home
owing to the Icy pavements, es
pecially on the hill south of Mrs
Holders. Those who did not nave
chains were - f orced to abandon
their cars or return to town.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dencer had
as their guests Tuesdsy Mrs. Den
cer's sister and husband, Mr. .and
Mrs. Bert Latbrop of Crescent
City. Calif. i I .hi
The Jolly workers club neia
their regular meeting ! with the
new officers presiding, those be
ing president, ! Rowena iWesten-
house; vice president. Virginia
Polk; secretary, Paul Freej
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Gilbert re
turned onMonday from Spokane,
where they spent Christmas with
Mr. Gilbert's slater. j
Mr. and-Mrs. Alfred! Johnson
of Wandena, Minn., left for home
Friday.! after spending several
weeks with their aunt! and un
cle. Mr. aad Mrs. William! ZoseL
Mr. and Mrs. A. Whaiey are
leaving i for-their homo In Iowa
oa Moaday, after having? spent
the past month with their daugh
ter aad family. Mr. and Mrs. Ai
Brown of the Cascade 1 View Or
chards. ! ' - '
Mr. and Mrs. Heaiy Gilbert
went to Corvallis on Wednesday
to spend New Years with Mrs,
Gilbert's brother, Harry Asbahr,
They returned Friday, i .
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Harpole ot
Eugene were the guests of Mr,
and Mrs. L C. Brothertoa on
! i i
again. i
Lester Browning spent' his
Christmas vacation , in Klamath
Falls, returning home Monday.
A number of visitors and for
mer students attended 'I Liberty
school this week, j Among those
were Mrs. Mamie Bostrack. teach
er at Rosedale; Francis and Car
ol King ot Central Howell; Betty
and Peggy Van San teen pf Salem;
Velleda Trick, Leslie andj Robert
Ladd of Rosedale;; Mens j Kains.
Mrs. Judd, Mr. Tjarson and Mrs.
Cunningham. Also1 a number of
former pupils. j j
O j , til O
I Clear Lake; i I
; u- o.
CLEAR LAKE.! Jan.!. 3 Miss
Elaine Chapln of Taft is spending
the holidays at the home of her
parents, Mr. andi Mrs.;; Luther
Chapln. !
Miss Anna Englebrecht has re
turned home after having visited
relatives In Portland for the past
Nina Latourette, a student at
Salem high school. Is spending
her vacation at her home la Es-
tacada. i
RICKEY, Jan. 3. Mrs. Addle
Smith of Scotts Mills has been the
guest of her daughter. and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brougher.
B. B. Gesner the oldest member
of the community spent Saturday
In Salem.
W; H. Horner has returned af
ter spending some time at Ms
ranch at Rose Lodge.
The 4 M Clnb will meet at the
home of Mrs. M. M. Magee Wed
nesday, i
Caff & Downing arc having
their house reshlngled. j
i i
No. 9612 Gossard Solitaire Re?. ?16.50
Special Sale U ,
No. 1429 Gossard. Solitaire Re;. $1$.00
Special Sale L--
a 1 i
No. 9609 Gossard Solitaire Reg. $15.00
Special Sale
No. 2304Gossard Solitaire Reg. $8.50
Special Sale
No. 2311 Gossard Front-Lacing Regri $7.50
Special Sale L, i .
No. 2307 Gossard Step-in Reg. $5.00
Special Sale I.
No. 1431 Gossard Stepiln Reg. $10.00
Special Sale
Annual Gossard
Only once each year are we enabled to offer Salem women a special,
clearance sale of these; splendid nationally known GOSSARD COR
SETS! This is not a sale of odds and ends, but the very models you
are wearing in Gossard. We have ft full range, of sizes and ft very
comprehensive showing of models. An early visit to this store this
week will repay you we feel sure. J "
No, 6611 Gossard -ftook-Around Reg. $10.00 '
Special Sale
No. 143CM-Gossard Hook-Around Reg. $8.50
Special Sale
, No. 2309t Gossard Hook-Around Reg. $3.50
' Sncrial Sa1
Elxtra Special!
A Bigt Sample Line of Gossard Solitaire, ;
Brassieres, Stej-in Girdles, etc., to be Sold at ;
.houie. ' !
Mrs. John Miller, who has been
Announcement of the marriage
seriously 111, Is now able to be up
- I
save soma of the contents ot the