t 5 ' - r silvertd:i folks IIEJSIl OF DHSES ?.!any Erierids' and ; Former Residents : Stricken in i Last few .Days i T: - SILVERTON. Jan. 1 A Hom ier of SilTertonlan hare receiv ed trord of deaths of relatives or old time friends during the past few dayi. : These Include the news of the' death of A. W. Kills former SU vertonlan. who passed, away at his Saa Diego home on Christmas might. Throat trouble was the cause of his death. News was sent to MrtC Ella Goss. an aunt of ; Mrs. Bills. Mrs. Goss Is now staying at the. home of Mrs. Me Kee mt Woodburn. . Mrs. Caroline Fink, who died at ' the Deaconess hospital at Sa lem Friday night was a , former Silrertonlan living at, one time in tha house now owned by Oscar CaTender. At that time Mrs. Ftnk was Mrs. McKinney. She Is the stepmother of Mrs. Ed Gunder ison of SHverton and of Mrs. Jen nie Davis of Houston, Texas. Mrs. Caroline R. Hansen, the daughter of Dr. Adolph Wj Han sen, passed away on Christmas day at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Olsea at Portland. She. Is survived by her widower, on ; daughter, Mrs. Olsen and one son. Halmer Hanson of Seattle. Thej Olsons lived ; at Silyerton about IS years "ago at whicfr-,time Mr, I Olson owned and managed the i Palm Confectionary which was then In the building now oc cupied &y the Water Street Meat Market. Mrs. Olsen will be re membered as Mrs. Cora Hanson Olson, a favorite vocal soloist in the Willamette valley at the time ' of the. World war. Mrs. Mahlon Hoblitt received word Monday morning of the death of her rapt her In Kansas. Mrs. John kndvikson received word of the death of her father, Peter Brlen at Enumclaw, Wash., Saturday. Mr. Brien was known In tha community having made his faome here until a few years atoo when he moved to Washing ton.!' : :.!."'.,'. Silverton friends have learned -of tha death of Claude Leland White), the seven months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude C. White at Salem on December 2$. Mrs. White will be remembered here as Miss Mattie Erikson. iC-CZt TATZ31tAXft Calera; Ore-ron. Friday icrc!s jniry 2. IS3T - yt' .- k ii 1 1 rX'As pact? nsvEN o j PR MICH2LC0N EZ.GSU 7DTH YEAR I To live; long, a man should do what Rives him the most pleas ure, says Dr. Albert Abram Ml ; chelsoii, eminent scientist who . today entered his 79th year of life. "My work has been game In which I have pitted my brain against perversity of Inanimate object s," he declares. "My greatest thrill Was experiment ing toward measuring speed of the solar system; My avocation Is painting." Photo shows Dr. Mlchelson with some of bis art at bis Pasadena, Cal., home. in r 'rtE '. 556 GIRLS GET JOBS IN 1930 THROUGH YW. AID 2 1 02 Applications for Work Gome to Office; Highest Peak Last December Birthday Party At Country Home Monday Night ' JEFFERSON. Jan. Robert Hart ' was guest of honor at a birthday party at his country horns on the Green's bridge road, on' Monday night, the occasion being his Seventeenth birthday anniversary. After playing games, refresh ments -were served. A large .birthday cake adorned the table, i Robert received many gifts j from-hts friends. Those enjoying ' the evening were Kelthel Smith, i Jeain McKee,' Jessie IIart. Mur I rlnl Tharston, Mina Wright, Dora Marcum, Lucile Pratt, Bessie Ba inter, Louise Hart, Helen Hart, John Wright, Ralph Beach, Fran cis Gatchell, Lester Stephens, Mllb Harris, Clinton Hart, Hart Barnes, Charles Hart, Royal Hart, Robert Hart, the honor guest and Mr. i and Mrs. Charles Hart, the host and hostess. An enjoyable family-gathering was; held at Mr. and Mrs.-S. D. Sanderson's home during the hol idays.. This is the first tiiae la three years, that all the members of the family were together. The children coming, from a distance were Cecil Sanderson of Sher wood; Mr. and Mrs: Ed Miller of . Hood River and Opal Sanderson of San Jons, Calif. Many Teachers From Monmouth : At Association MONMOUTH, Ore., Jan. 1 J. S. Landers, president of the Oregon" Normal school. Dr. A. 8. Jensen, Barton DeLoach, II. S. Dodds, A. C. Stanbrough, Merle Baaney, Delmer R. Dewey, Miss Gertrude Deutch, Miss Katherlne Arbnthnot, Miss Edna Blingna, Mrs. Edna Culver, Mrs. Grace Parker Morris, Mrs. Baulah Thornton, Misi Helen Deutch, and Mrs. W. A. Barnnm, faculty members of the Oregon Normal school were in Portland this week to attend the State Teachers' as sociational gathering. , j Many students and alumni of Analytic g the figures covering a period of the last eight months of the present year, Mrs. M. B. vvagsuiii, ine employment sec retary of the Y. W. C. A. reports that 2102 women and girls. have applied ; for work during " that time. There have5 been 609 calls for help, out of which 55 S posi tions have been filled, 248 tem porary and 30S permanent. This means that 2711 persons have applied to the association for as sistance in securing either work or helpers. " The highest peak of the em ployment period was reached in September, when 122 calls for help came in, and the lowest point in (November, when only 40 calls came for help, showing a decreaso of more than E0 percent as compared with October. The Y. W. C. A. supplied help for all kinds of work; office, store, demonstrating, soliciting, the Normal plan to attend the annual holiday dance to be held there Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. IF SJ Portwood are hosts to their children who are spending the holidays at the Portland farm. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Beard and daughter Barbara of Astoria, Miss Elta Portwood, a Portland teacher; and Donald Portwood formerly of Lcs Angeles who now Is located in Portland. Miss Patricia Portwood " who Is attending high school in Astoria is spending her vacation at home. . Frank Swearingen suffered a bad cut on his right hand recent ly which severed the tendons of the third finger. He was butch ering a goat, assisted by his bro ther, George Swearingen, and a sharp knife used in skinning the animal h slipped, striking Swear in gen's hand. ' William Riddell, Jr., and Ed ward Rid dell have completed the purchase of IS 00 acres of logged over land west of Leona, near I'Drain. They plan to use it as pasture reserve .ror weir Angora goats, Lincoln, Romney and Cots wold aheep. RFIU ICi: ANNOUNCED RICKREALL, Jan. 1 There will be 1 church service in the Rickreail Evangelical church at 11 o'clock Sunday morning, Jan nary 4th. The pastor, Rev. F. E. Fisher will bring the message. Election, of officers of the Sunday school for 1931 will take place at tha close of the Sunday school session. ' Rev. Fisher presiding over the elections. . j r Rubber Stamps Manufactured to your Order -Indexed so you can see the stamp easily, - ! . We make them to fit your particular need save you time and money.: ,; Any size any type any style Our Typewriter Dept. is equipped to clean and orer haul your Typewriter for the New Year's business. Typewriters, Sold-Bented . ! ' t . ' Atlao Book! Store 4Zi Stat Clrtet, Salem, Ore. "Offlw Cuf psr clerical and domestic. In several Instances husbands and wives have been placed where the work required the services, of both. Not only does the employment department supply t help in Salem, but many .calls come from Port land and towns nearer Salem. AH women and girls are wel come to register there for work. No discrimination is shown, and as far as possible, the girl Is fit ted into the position best suited for her. Stayton People At Home; Guests From California STAYTON. Jan. 1 Mrs. Es ther Stamp and daughter, MIs3 Mary and John McCulloch, all of Portland have been guests of Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Brewer. Complimenting " Miss Marion Conklin of O. S. C;r-and Harold Conklln, of Los Angeles, brother and sister of Mrs. Dave M. Johns, the Johns entertained with an evening of bridge on Saturday. The Harry Humphrey family went to Eugene Sunday for a vis it with Mrs. Humphrey's mother, Mrs. E. Steward, !!D OUT FDn '30 ; . ' lv . r Scouts to Pack Into Schcd . lite - Regular . Activities; ' ? Summer BnngsXamp 3w . "-.'-' : i; 't -'i': ' v . , 1 ' I r" ' : " .' January Annual 1 meeting- of eotnell. Preparations for the 21st birthday of scouting- in U. 8. A. First add school conducted by the Red Cross, at Salem Fire depart ment. . ' - . ' February Observance ' of list birthday ; of scouting, by sll troops la their own. troo meet lng places. Arrange, eeout ser mons in all churches possible. Start scoutmasters training school at Willamette university. March Meeting of camp com mittee to prepare plans tor sum mer camp. Follow up of troop or ganisation,' and. registrations. April Summer - camp rally. Outdoor, meeting of scoutmasters training school. Clean, up week. . May Scout Held meet. Mem orial day services. Last outdoor meeting of scoutmasters training school. Prepare i budget I or . fall drive for finances. June Last meeting of execu tive board until September. Camp training school for all adults. S days session. Registration of all scouts going to camp. Camp im provement work. Campaign to get scoutmasters to attend camp. July qummer camp. August Summer j camp con tinued. Check up of camp re ceipts and expenditures. Prepare for finance campaign. September- Finance campaign. Campaign for new members for troops. Reports of summer camp activities. First meeting of exec utive board after summer vaca tion.' :- ' October Advance course, in. seoutmastership; and life saving course. Summer camp reunion. Cultivate new institutions for troops. November Thanksgiving good turns. J . December Christmas good turns winter camp.: j APPRECIATION helps to keep tht established order I of things moving in the right direction. Our auto van service will win your expressed appreciations Mens Suits Cleaned and Pressed Ladies' Plain Dresses, $1.00 ij Cash & Carry Call for & Delivered Service 50 75 J Quality CairUs Anytime Always at Your Service; CHEMEKETA CLEANERS & LAUNDRY SERVICE Dry Cleaning - Dyeing - Pressing i : 121 Chemeketa St. Phone 2236J ; Sub-Station Now, Open At 17U Center j I BOIL MMMMMPWWMNWIHIMWnnMMI : P' L THAT ARE OVEjRDUE SHOULD BE PAID NOWI A LOAN FROM US WILL PROVIDE THE NECESSARY CASH WITHIN 24 HOURS YOU GET THE FULL AMOUNT NO DEDUCTIONS! COURTEOUS SERVJC8 .-,! , SMALL REPAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR INCOME O A ' N" S $10 to $300 '-' licensed By The State B e D efi c i a 1 Loan Society . - 119 New Bllgh Building ! . . secoaa ioor . J518 State St.. , Tel. S-T-4-O TOILETOIES ItERlEdlES x . -3 1 rUaHES--ntmGo: tobaccos 'M&mtiKCcM .Ar'' CIGARETTES ; ' ..1- - '-iri- 'C V ii Besin New aear.RiihL Save ch Tofletries Remedies and Tobaccos. ;j 4 - , . y; yd 5cU the Most of the Bcit for the Least , - i . Fred Meyers f 1 .Fresli Ground tN T? T? T? T? Fn stttmgth. ' Boy All Ton Want Full Weight 2 pounds for 35c 10c IVORY SOAP, (limit 10 cakes) 10c LIFEBUOY 72 (limit 10 cakes) U , j 5 lb. box Assorted Chocolates 98c . ! 50c Prophylactic or West's Tooth Brushes 29c $1.50 Pinaud's Eau De Quinine and 50c Shampoo All for $1.29 35c Life Buoy Shaving Cream and 10c Life Buoy Soap All for 25c Threes 45c Kotex and 60c Eoter Belt All for $1 $1 April Showers Body Powder and 25c Bath Salts All for 89c , 25 Colgate Tooth Paste 12e ) 1 ; f t - 100 Aspirin 5 jErraln Tablets 35c j ! i 35e Paint Qlive or Colgate Shaving Cream 19c i i 10c PALMOLIVE (limit 10 cakes) 50c Jergen's Lotion ...:29c 50c Melba Creams i.,...23c ' ; - i . .::. 30c Bromo Quinine .18c 50c N. R. Tablets .... 33c 25c Feenamint 19c i f I - 35c Papes Cold Comp. 27c $1.20 Sal Hepatica 78c SliSOjPetrolager ...... ..98c 50c Diapepsin f ......42c $1 Lucky Tiger :.........69c in ' .' m " t j t $1.25 Absorbine Jr. ....98c $ 1 Thermos Bottles ...69c $1 Ovaltine .ii..,........69c $1 Niijol ..... ...59c ; ' ; $1 Listerine i.i.......::...63c 75c Balm Ben&ay ..... . 49c 85c Kruschen Salts ....59c 85c Radox ... j......... ..59c 65c Ponds Creams ....1.39c 50c Frostilla 33c 50c Pepsodent 29c 50c Kolynos ......... ..29c 50c Ipana :L... 29c 65c Vapo Rub! 49c i - $1 Milkweed Cream ..69c 50c Kleenex .i...... ...l 9c 50c Hind's Creams ,.....33c t ' i U , ' ' Given Away Free JVIiles "Weather Chart Calendars Ask for one when you come in Vsn Dyck Bankers Aurella or Chancellors ' Box of &O QA 50 1 for $0W 10a Clgari t for - I ! ' 1 " 1 William Penns. iCremos. Carabana, Rocky Fords,. Webstrettes and all So clsars - i oe. Box of i oa K0 tor pl.i'U for $1.20 Bromo Seltzer ..98c 85c Jad Salts ..LL... ..59c 50c Proback Blades ....39c : ,i ; ,- : -i, -vr 1 50c N.R. tablets ...33c '' .. .'h .. 1 50c Valet Blades ........35c 60c Mistol 1 .. . j . . . 42c 50c Arzen 36c Witch Hazel Pts. 25c Italian Olive Oil Pts. 49c ! Rubbing; Alcohol Pts. 25c j Epsom Salts for! Bathing: 10 .lbs. 39c ' I Petrolatum (Mineral Oil) Pts. 39c Qts. t69c ! Gals. $1.89 Cod Liver Oil (Norwegian) I Pts. 55c Qts J 89c i Gals. $2.98 89c VELVET; 1 Pocket 4r - 16 os, tins tins GRANGER 8 Pocket OCa 18 . 7J.i packets muC tins iTtC 75c Star, Cllfiax, Horse Shoe! S5Sgai?ettS:e Camel, Chesterfields, Old Gold Lucky Strike Packs gas O f? 1 Cartons f fA of 20, 2 for 3C of 200 Olslv $1 Miles Nervine .....j..69c 98c Turpo Vaporizers 89c $1 Pacquin Cream ......79c 50c Iodent Toothpaste 29c Coty Toilet Water .;$1.39 J ; - ; t ii 25c Packers Tar Soap 18c $1 Marmola Tablets ..79c 25c Chocolate Ex-lax 1. 19c 25c Hinkle Pills 19c 25c Cascaretts 1 9c 75c Malted Milk 49c $6 Nue Ovo Clicquot Club 19c $1.98 Doz. Rainier Lime Ricky 19c $1.98 Doz. Hollywood pry 3 for 25c 89c Doz. Canada Dry 19c $2.09 Dot. 45c Oronite Cleaner 29c 35c Enierorine 26c $1 Horlicks Malted Milk 69c $1 Psylia Seed 69c i $1 Lactp Dextrin 69c I fl Squibbs Liquid Petrolatum 79 $1 Squibbs Cbd Liver Oil 79c 50c Squibbs Milk Magnesia 39e Squibbs Shaving Cream or Toots Paste 3 for $1 New Gillette Razor with a new Gillette Blade all; for 9c 1 Gillette Blades Genuine 35c Auto Strop) Bladesl 34c-67c Gem Blades 29c Ever Ready Blades 27c ! Durham: Blades 37c Eziders Blades 27c r 75c Darwin Blades 69c ..$4.25 $1 Vapex .... ......79c $2 S. S. S. - ......$1.49 75c Doans Pills .. J ... .L49c 60c Mentholaium ......39c i ; , r ! " - i: $1.25 Emerald Oil 98c 25c Mavis Talc 16c $1.25 Creomulsion ....98c $1.25 Pinkham Comp. 98q 3 Scott Tissue 23c $1 Coty Face Powder.. 69c 60c Pompeian Powder 39c TOILETHIEC INC. ! . ! 184 NV Commercial We Reserve the Right, to Reasonably Limit Quantities .... . REMEDIES - - - - - 2 Quart Guaranteed Hot Water Bottles (pastel shades) 59c TOBACCOS BUY WHERE FOUR DOLLAR WLL GO THE FARTHEST Merchandise' is being offered now at Director's at prices which are the lowest in years. This STOCK SACRIFICING SALE offers merchandise to menand women today at astonishing savings. Come in-rflook over our windows examine our mer chandise and convince yourself of the values we offer. -! : i ' Dry Goods Men's Clothing Shoes for men, women and children, and hundreds of items in our bargain basement at great savings. Pe one of Director's satisfied customers for 1931 ' i DIRECTOR'S DEPARTMENT STORE Aloats Sdh far Less T ' .-"-f':: ' " .' i' ! - ' I Ccmtr Cesrt'esd Cczmirad 4! r,i,