P. "1 SIX r: -"l -'-:'T -'? : ;i :- - -r rr" ?-f vyjiC : -j- - cnw"01 gTATESAl Salem 'dregoiC Friday BienafrrrJassary 2, ' ."f.- -7 " v v - - ' ' , - -' r " ' . . - - .' ,, , , , in . .1 " . ' 111 1 I . " . . ? j r "-t. - t.v 1 . : ; . . . f . - - .r : r Officers instaiieaixw Sociefv News and C uh. Attairs 0" SST" ' Pretty f Mwrrie - s -Yew i Tb marrlare of Edna M. Card, - membr of Delta. Phi aororitr or , v Wlilaiaett uniTersity, and How ard B.. Fleming occurred at one- o'clock New Year's da- at the . ho'me of the bride's sister, .Mrs. Jack Hansen of Woodbara .The ceremony was read by ad old ' friend of the bride's father. Her. - . I. Harrington of Woodburn. ! Carefully arranged yellow and pink flowers and tapers formed the decoratlre background for the . . erent. I ' The bride wore a dress of brown 'chiffon and cream lace. She car Tied a bouquet of yellow rosebuds and f reesia. The-, bride's only attendant was Hiss Oorotha Young of Dallas, .. who wore an Alice blue crepe dress trimmed la cream lace. She i carried a corsage of yellow and ' Dink rosebuds. Lorence Shultson acted as best ! man. Mrs. Tleming is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Card of Ore- :town, and the froom is the son i of G. A. Flemine of Kearney, Neb. ' ! BoHi are gradnates of the Dallas - i high school. Mrs. Fleming, was a 1 member of the class of 1931 of L Willamette. ' After a hort tHp Ir, and Mrs. Fleming will be at home in Dallas where he is employed. . i Several Silverton Couples Are Wedded SflTerton Weddings of Sil Yerton people both here and else where haTo been the Interesting topic daring the holidays. 1 Among the weddings is that of Conrad Dalseid who was married to Miss Georgia Wray of. St. Hel ens there on Sunday, December 22. lr. Dalseid owns a home at Silverton and has lived here sev eral years, until a short time ago when all unmarried men were f ; laid off at the Silver Falls Tim ber company mill here. The Dal r selds wtlf reside at Portland ' where Mr. Dalseid is employed. Miss Anna Johnson and John Taylor were recently married at Portland according to announce ments received by Silverton ''..friends ".Mrs.. Taylor is the daugh ter of L. A. Johnson of Silver . ton. She attended the Silverton high school, later being gradu ated from Grant high school; at . .Portland. - Mr. . and Mrs. Taylor I . will live at Vancouver, Wash. I , ..Mrs. Geneva Pettyjohn (Mrs. , t Frank Pettyjohn) and John Tom- i ' mingfr were married Friday 'noon: at the parsonage of the ('Congregational church, the Itev. : 'Mr. Ward reading the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Tommlnger will make their home at 306 North Second street Siirerton. Mr. Tom mlnger la one of the employees of ;the Silver Falls mill. . Miss Zelma King and Elble E. Dale Here married Monday at Portland at the home of Henry 'Dale, a brotheT of the groom. : ; Theyreturned to Silverton Tues- day night and I will make their - ; home here. Mr. Dale la employed ..at the Taylor Barber shop. Miss Dorothy Gllham, who for , merly - attended the Silverton high school, and John Hasehe were married December 21 at the bride's home-. - - . , ' Sllrerton. Mr. and Mrs. F. E, ' Clower and daughter. Elaine, were hosts Monday nignt to a group of friends.- Those attend : ing were Mr, and- Mrs. Vernon Day, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Sylves ter, Mrs. Ruth Kottek, Mrs; P. A. Loar, ! Bert Day, A. H. Smith, LeKoy Rue, ' Burton Murphy, Max Scrlber, Roger Comstock, H. F Sprick, Mrs. Helen Ambler of. Portland, Dr. W. S. Gordon ' and I. B. Alfred. - A board meeting at 2. o'clock will precede the regular business , session of the: Woman's Alliance i of the unitarian church, to be held In the Emerson room of the church at 2:30 o'clock this aft , eraoon. Mrs. Blanche Jones 1 will conduct the review of the book, "Our Unitarian Heritage". An Informal bridge party and late supper was enjoyed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gibson Fol- .: lis Thursday evening. Those pres . ent were Mr. and Mrs. Earl An- dresen, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Follis, , - Mr. and Mrs. M. Pearce, Mrs. Jes sie Follis and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Gibson Follis. Ours M. TiQAKSccietx Editor & HER PARTY: COSTLY I O 'ft . 1 . O :' ' i " -. , : : , : '' - : , ;-- ' . i i "'. - '' - v.- . . " '"."' :- f '.. :.,,. ' . -. t-' - " v , ' i ', -r - - 1 'r l ; - 3v4;'f:-'i - y - V , - J ! I Miss Helen Lee Ames Doherty, utante party seen la Washingtoa adopted dansrhter of Henry X Doherty, multi-millionaire oil man, and Mrs. Doharty, as sis ippeared 1 during her - debut. Over one thousand guests were present at this most costly deb- in many, many years. The guests representee the cream of eastern society. ' Many of them came to the Capital in a special train provided by their hosts. For Your 11 Christmas Dinner Dressed and 22c Rich in Protein , Economical and Tno Ideal meat , SHAEFER'S RABBIT SHOP 180 8. Com! Tel. 2S12J Open every- week day except Monday Post-Nuptial Shower Happy Holiday" Event Riftkreall On Tuesday eve ning, December 29, there occurred a very delightful affair when Miss Ruth Bihl entertained & group of young -ladles at. her home here with a post-nuptial shower hon oring Mrs. Joseph L. Weat (nee Beulah Burch), a recent onae. The gifts were presented to the honor guest on a small brightly- lighted Christmas tree placed in a child's wagon gayly decored for the occasion. -' The 12 young ladies enjoying the games and stun. provided for their entertainment were: Mrs. John -Robinson, Mrs. Derrel Hew ett, Edna and Dorothy Middleton, Doris Goodeli, Katharine Price, Etora Hart, Gertrude Larkln, Lu selle Crippen, Eva Hamilton, Mrs. G. B. Rag3dale and Mrs. West, the honor gue3t. Ji3s Bihl was assisted by her aunt, Mrs. G. B. Ragsdale, in serv ing the dainty refreshments at the close of the happy affair. Younger Folk Watch Old Year Out, New In A group of the younger set was entertained at a lovely New Year's eve party at the. home of Miss Marion Ross, the event compli menting Miss Dorothy Clark of Medford, who is visiting at" the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ross. Games were enjoyed during the evening, and the guests watched the old year out and the new year In, the boys leaving shortly after the advent of the new year. The girls remained to enjoy a slumber party and New Year's breakfast. Attractive decorations, employ ing an orange color scheme, were used. The guests include Dorothy Clark, the honor guest, Gretchen Rockenseller, Broota Billings, Barbara Rodgers, Frances Sher man, Wilms Stortx, Betty Abrams, Frank Chapin. Max Morrow, Ar chie MacDonalda, Dale Johnson, Darrell Guthrie, Sidney Weeder- horn, Riggley Miller, Lloyd Ford and the hostess, Marian JIom. Dinner Party Honors Charles Kay Bishop An attractive dinner event was held at the Gray Belle Thursday night when Carl Ga brlelson entertained in honor ot Charles Kay Bishop, who Is leaving this morning to resume his studies at Culver. .Military academy at Culver, Indiana, aft er spending the Christmas holi days here. The guests Included: Mr. and Mrs. John J. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad W. Paulus, Mr. and Mrs. John Caughell, Jr., Mrs. C. D. Gabrielson, Miss Dorothy Moore, Miss Ruth Fick, Miss Unique Fireplace Ocqasion For Party - A delightful Informal holiday affair was had Monday evening when a group or old-time friends of Mr. and Mrs Aim B. Stew art surprised them at their new suburban home i Culver Lene. Salem Heights, and Informally MdedIctedM . th Stewart, fire place, probably, with few. excep tions, the most interesting and artistie to be found anywhere.. Two-tone corrugated tile.! In original design, forms the motif for this ' unlqas fireplace. Di rectly beneath the mantel - of which -Is a generous embellish ment ; of beautiful mineral speci mens from the f mines ox airs. Stewart's . brothers ; at .Butte, Montana, and at Daggett Cali fornia, and other points at the gateway to Death Valley proper. The guests enjoyed a pleasant Interchange of chat: upon' inci dents of travel, by horse-drawn vehicles- and by rail, steamer, motor and the : air. Refresh ments were served at a late hour. Those enjoying the hospitali ties of the evening were Mr. and Mrs. J. V. I. Hill pot. Misses Jane and Hester Hillpot, Marlon Cupples, Edna Garfield, Walter Hillpot and Dr. George Rette man, of Salem; Miss Sylvia Tho mas and Miss Helen Stevens, J. R. Kildahl, George . Pettlbone, and J. Craw, all of Portland, and the host and hostess,, Mr. and .Mrs. Stewart. 5 I The annual holiday party of the Adolynk club will be held this af ternoon at the home of Mrs. Al bert Gragg, with bridge and an exchange of rifts to he th fea tures. Holiday decorations and a tree are planned. Stayton. - nth appropriate ceremonies - the officers ef ' the Eastern Star and Masonie lodges were-- , Instilled - on." Saturday nlghU .-"mT-; , ... ( - v". Those Installed la ' tha Star were! W. M., Edith Winters J W. P T. V. Sanders t 'A. If., Bertha King; secretary, Emma Eloperj treasurer, Julia English; - con ductor, Edith Hart; chaplain. Ann Bobeoa; marshal, Mildred Tietxj Adah, Elsie Potter; Ruth, Grace Netbertt Esther Lena SH havy; Martha, Vlvlaa Harold j Electa. Ellen Blakelyi warden, Thelma" Sorrj, and sentlnaL John English. Willis Browni as sociate patron and Clara Brown, associate conductress, will be in stalled later, v . '-.' Mrs. Vivian; Harold was f the Installing , officer and many high complements were paid to both her and her associate for their fiOCTAL CALENDAR - . -; ' ; The Cal mbDard Auxiliary cf the United Spanish' JWai - Tfterana will meet Friday. tif w nu at Armory. for business meeting. and drill practice. ' ',!"..- Degree ef'Honoe will, hare mstallaUon ef ;efflcers . Friday evening. Woman's club house, jlorthjOoftage : street. Social hour follows; ' j h i '. f Woman's Alliance First 1 Unitarian church board neetinr 1:90 o'clock, regular -mestinf ' 1 :J8 j Mis J- Blanche Jones In charge ef book review, . :'-; A? Saturday, January ' - . .. . W. X. O. regular meeting in Miller hall Saturday, 1 9. m. XnsUUatlon of; officers all urged to attsnd. RegenU' club of the D.1A. R- meeting in Green r Gate room of the Spa, lS;3t e'clock,. ' '..7 splendid xemplificatlon of ths work; . ; Masonic i officers Installed were: Hugh O. Hurt, worshipful master; Denton Brown, Sr. W.; Roy King, Jr. W.; W. H. Hob son; trees.; Frank Blakely, sec- r; ' it1 O. retary; B). O. Wood; sr. DA Kot Harold. jrr D..'l Roy PhlUlpi. Sr. SL; Elmer ,Phlillpl,L Jr. S.; T. L. Sanders, chaplain; Dave , M. John Tyleh W. IL Hobson was lnsUlllng; officer. ; Mr. Blakely has been 'secretary j of . Stayton Clara Bjontegard's Betrothal Announced . Sllrerton. rhe engagement' of Miss Clafa 1 BJontCgard to Louis R. Zabel of Central Point; Oregon, was announced; at din ner at which Miss Bjantegard'a mother,. Mrs. Karen BJontegard, was hostess Sunday evening. : ' Covers were placed for Ma. and Mrs. Blaine Finch of Port land, Mable Alrick, Bernlce Stand of Salem, Coa Beverson, Marie Bolme and Clara BJonte gard of Sllrerton, Ardis Egan ot Palo -Alto, . California, Francis Coughlan of Salem, Mr. Zabel ot Central Point, Roy Larson and Perry Larson of EUverton. - lodge for II years. i During the intermission muslo was furnished by Mrs. Mayo, Patsy Mayo and Mrs. Korlnek. W. J. Clendon gars a reading. Later following brief talks by old and new officers, a lunch was .served. There were many visitors ' present from out -;-ot town. Barbara DIelschnelder of Mc- Minnville, Miss Margaret Wag ner. Miss Lois Scharf of Eugene, Miss Beatrice Johnson, Edwin Cross, Robert Bishop, Tommy Llvesley, Reynolds Allen, Charles Kay Bishop, David Eyre end Carl Gabrielson, the host. Iffl'ILR3I5S 477 Court St. telephone 713 Specials for Fri. and Sat. January 2 and 3 Yacht Club Peaches, 2z size, 3 for ....50c Monarch Highest Quality Coffee, 3 lbs. $1 Best Eastern Cranberries, per lb ;...20c Bananas, 5 lbs. for ...25c Monarch Genuine Dill Pickles, 12 for 25c Best Salem Creamery Butter, per lb. ...29c 30-Day Charge Accounts, and I f : ' !!": "! ' . . ..!' of Our Price-Slas hing, Store-Wide " i ' 1 : ' Saturday Some satisfaction it was to us to see the crowd in this store in the first days of our CLEARANCE SALE, and the surprise they received, in being able to buy merchan dise so cheap of such good quality. Are you in doubt of our sincerity? Really, wo are giving wonderful bargains. Let's make the last 2 DAYS BIG SALE DAYS ' Come on. f FRIDAY ONLY " i I An Remnants At y2 Price: f . Hundreds of Remnants On Ladies' Underwear " Men's Underwear Ladies, Men's and Children's Gowns and Pajamas " Silks and Satins ; Linings, Percale, Prints, Uingrhams ' I Sheetings, Sheets. Pillow Cases Boys' Clothine ! " Men's, Ladies and Boys' Shoes I'urses and Hand Bags 41 1' SATURDAY ONLY ' ah - v !; Ladies'" "-.;.; j Umbrellas Silk, Gloria, Amisilk !. Taffeta at ? , ' ' I. Price . Ladies' Coats, Now V2 Price Children's Coats, at 33 1-3 Less Ladies' Knitted Suits -33 1-3 Less V A HAPPY HEW YEAR to Ml Our Friends ant Customers . i 1 II 1 11 a -rs ti ti -v ; v-pe- - iiiai. mm m rw m - mm mm mm 11 or m Bwm$ wMei Kiie More 4 Deliveries Daily Covering AU Salem I jf 0regn j 1" 220 North liberty , f. :v ' :: ;" ;i TTeiiwiii ieos ; I r 1 ....... 1 Where 1 the 1 Hostess Is Declared Perfect , ; - : . .n- ; - t .'".;.-...".'. . . . There You Will Find Honey Bread . . . A delightful afternoon; Mrs. Jones, (and tell us, do you bake your own bread? 'Trjank you, ladles, but those were Honey Bread sandwiches, J'rri glad you liked them." r And in homes where perfect; entertainment is a habit you will find Honey Bread . .;. sometimes; In sandwiches .j . . so netimes in - dainty thin slices and sometimes In golden' brown, toast j . . always Inviting . . . because It Is home i- like throughout. Hlliman's Snowflako Honey, Bread fstbaked as housewives want It ! of the same Dure Inarediehti they, would use, homelike In ap pearancetexture and! with that added Honey flavor. SAY- "HQNEY BREAD" WHEN YOl ORDER TODAY HE R R V C IT Y D A K I N G CO SAISM, ORBOON . . : ( . ''J ': ' 'I'1 - " ;- ' S - : Yr 1 ;', ';.:!' -V. ' 1" i YY''- :'ni f , .. i-