1 ' The OnCGON STATES ?.IAN-Calec Orr 7edaegday rnlnr, DgcemLcr 3 1. 13C The Meeting Place for Buyer and Seller. &a:Tui0 PAGE SEVEN mm This Page man ft Lldren near. rnoon with v.m. turned re sbo? Helen grand-l LyonsJ at the Kate rKS '1 , LETT r (1 ford; I'l'i RPHY CX-4SSX-D ADTUTZtXSa Readhte nollcesL. per en. .. 28 Classified AdvertUUri. .per Un19e Claastfled Advertlaln-. per lin time Z 20 Classified Adverthrfns. Per line On ntmudally andJBcraday per tin JIT fl.0fl -p uun - . MWO -wr ror triis pae accept Ul 4U9 tb eveninc before- pubU ratios for classification. Copy r eeivod after tM tlm wfil be run tinder th beading Too Let to Classify HELP WANTED -----. r ri-irr-r-i--inj-LrLnjL'-T-ij' Bookkeeper wanted. On with ao tomobtl rpertenoe preferred1 Box Mat or female are win par to th light -party 3399 for th next flv month. Addree Box 180, States man. v . HELP WANTED MALE Weeieeayaeaaasaa - - - RAILWAT MAIL. CLERKS, Hen 18-3S. Commence 9168.49 month. Steady work. Paid vacation. Exper ience wmecessary. Common educa tion sufficient. Full particulars and sample roaeMn1 FRKK. Write to day sure. Box 145, Statesman. WANTED Man to do papering m exdiana for apartment rent. 8 ejorth Cemraerrtel. HELP WANTED FEMALE TR.TJSSTXr E N V K I. OPKS WORK AT" HOME during; spare time. Substantial weekly pay; experience Unnecessary. Dignified employment (or honest, sincere, ambitious per Bona WORKERS LEAGUE, NA PKRVTT.T.K, ILK SITUATIONS WANTED Experienced trentleman bo---ep-er. Wnote or part time. Tet iSW. MAMAAAMAAWWwVMVWV- . e Experienced cashier wishes posi tion. Best of references. Tel. 1081R. Nvrslns; or care of elderly person. Tel. 4-R. Niirw Treasonable. Tel. : 207 CW. FOR SALE Miscellaneous LAST CALL! Have you seen those used pianos that, we are selling at $25. $45. $55. $ At, '.id $98 at $4 and S per month? The new upright pianos at (18 and MP. and the new Baby Grands at $925 1 Terms to suit. Also the complete line of beautiful Bald win pianos we will sell for the next few days at nearly half the original p-"e. TaP n P!-no Ktore. 815 . 12th St.. Salem, Ore. Open evenings by appointment. Phone 1659. DOORS, windows and flooring for sale. Henry Toelle. R. 7, Bx. IS, Sa lem. SAVAGE electrio washer and dryer excellent condition. Call 74 1 Si. Capitol evening. CLOVER-HAT. Tel. I1F2S. A-l coon and cat bound, $40.00. XX. O. Hayes. McKensio Bridge. Ore. Apples, ZOc and iOc box. TeL . 17K1 fit. Fresh crabs, clama and salmon stand Fairground and Sllverton Rd. Intersection. . Many shrubs and trees, reasonable. George Scbreiber. 20(0 Neb. Are. Apples 60c and up. TeL 14 Fit. - FOR SALE: S year JtfaW appls trees, alt-varieties." rear trees. Also shrubbery and full line of nursery stock 4 snlles north on Pacific high way. WHlamett Valley Nursery. TeL ' tors. TLn-rxaruiOi-ii-i-ii--i -- - FOR BALE aiammota acs. ttouts a. Box 103K. FOR SALE: shafting, pulleys, bang ra Statesman Publishing Co. MMMrfMMeeewee FOR SALE: Old papers. 1C a DUA- l CKaiesman oiiicsw Typewriters, - all makes, pew and used. Adders and typewriters for rent. Typewriter Exchange. 421 Court St. WANTED Miscellaneous WANTED to leas faess for oah. Vlust hare barn for dairy oows. hare equipment. Writ C Bayer, Box M. aresnam. Oregon. Ladle tailoring and all kinds of drasmnakrag. Coat linings, etc At 6S4 H. Liberty. I XfJJ"UT-''UJl-r"a'-1111 sa aaamsa WANTED Used pianos, la x ehengo on radios, phonographa or far rtt'rre. H T. Stiff Fienlture OoTnrmny MISCELLANEOUS AH Ktjaa or trucKimr atm- rei-wi- FAR RENTROOMS WARM rooms 1 block north of State bouse. Chemeketa. TeL IU4W. R0031 and BOARD MMWWWWMWMW ) A A A A ' Steam heated room- with board. Hot and cold water. TeL 1847R. PLEASANT rest bom for sml-ta-trallda or elderly persons. Best of car and food, box 718, Stat- 1. jXCKlsLKNT txartf ana clvwrtul room 4n pHat horw. t0 Ontyt FOR RENT- APARTMENTS CLOSE tn front apartment tXr plaos. C6 Cent-r. - -i.i-i.i-Lrumi"M-i-i-i - - - Heated apt. Prtrat bath. 482 Mar- loo. -ji--.rLaAn-rvjirLririni-i-i'i- - Seat baa ted apt. in saiam, t. asmAaasLwjra - CS4 N. Summsr Street . NOW INVITES your Inspection of ur beautiful warm apta. newly ren ovated, hardwood floors, electrio ran m and reft Ige ration. Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Smith 'uLn.yjL uinni n- i-- -- -- -- -- -- BONOALOW- apartment in Palmer Court 4t MUX- St. TsL t$4K. TI1JLIE, THE TOILER OU FA! KATE D X3TX1MK Of this wvrre- L. b.- 1 BHK m OR RENT APARTMENTS WBXL rurnish4l rooms and apt. fX-ES0 l Haael Are. TaL 19X9 W. - ' ' " ' i n ,-mri iinriniirwii won nlsbed noma, Clean and desirable. Electric vange. elsctrokolcL heat and water. Don't ml as this, , Phono l7t FOR RENT HOUSES oos wtth parage and fire- won soosna. $5 Sit Leslie, !J0,ni.'o and garage. $15574 IV. 1 tH 4 M-tattM tin sir d eJn.?ft--!f-rT Marton. tm ..- . mnniDer. - rooms, J hatha. 150 aii S. Chureb C V. race bom ontside- limits south. 4 rooms. Te luM-atM 19 ....1 a L rent from $14 to $45. , CKB -at HENDRICKS 189 N. High Street TeL 1IL m m M 'ar-rar-iruxjarr i n jrruLii n roxwi isi ' REWTALS . Furnished R. kungalow. fireplace, at 212S U. 4th : 2160, also unfumish d 4 R. at ti and SS& Columbia st. Bach has nook. bit. Ins, bath, furnace, laundry tubs, rent $22. Also mod. R. bungalow, furnace, fireplace, piano, good if m ulture. $36 month. Others $10 to $ month. "8 KK BECUTKL or THOMASON" 341 Stat Street Room 4. Large, modern bouse, nicely ar ranged for maternity home. City and well water. -Electricity and gaa Two tota llul mrn nk..rv 44.11 line N. Liberty street. TeL t274W. FOR BKNT SI ft -tn tS ner mntith See seme of our bungalows. BECHTEL A THOMASON 841 SUte- Street- Room 4. For Furnished or trnfurnlshed Houses SMALL furn. home. 210 So. 23rd. Modern S-room tarnished Anderson Court. Phono .57. house. roam nlsstered "bouse, with base ment. t4 MIU St. 118.00. FOR RENT Houses furnished and furnished. . . 9. .L. -WOOD 241 State Street FOR RENT 2 -and 4 room aota.. -furnished, tf S and $1S per too. Sleeping rooms $8 per month. 24ft -Marlon. -------- --i-i .-M---M-irriru-uu'uif 14 acres, .near Salem, 4 room house, hnrn and crrt-Sren hrniwa. Tel. 859JI. WANTED TO RENT WANTED 4 to room bouse, modern, well furnished, close in. Rea sonable price. Adults. Write S3. Stat wins n. FOR SALE Real Estate ------ - ,.iii,iiiiiiirui-r Large, well built bouse In two apartments, separate baths, well fur nished wtthhi two blocks of business district. $2fc0. North High street nronertr. lot 84 by 185, aliey pared, four furnished apartments. 4 garages. $10,660. Will consider smalt- acreage or house : as pare payment. Tnese two- properties are tn tn business -son and will giro good bom and income while location Is making yon money. rm iter and strict! r modern home, double plumbmg. $5.00, free of uicumnranos ana -wm take semi-mod em Hrnne wttb larg-lot as part ptnt- as ecg ox city aeceptanie. WINNIE FETTIJ ohn, Realtor . 17. South High Street -i-i -i-,-ir.ii-,-.-ii-wirwii ri m n i-ion ii n iiwuvw - TOUR OrWRTUNITT To aet'a ftwe lot in R. Blem for future building, large oak trees, east front, 2 room rentable bouse. Price only $1804, term-. leo it. guilds co Realtors $W State Street TeL 1727 PRICED TO SELL $1180. Buys a good 4 room home with Z ea rooms, cement. Basement, near ochsoL $470 cash, balance tlm at :... INVESTIGATE THIS BUT NOW- $1278. Ba-yaa -seat 2 room bungalow roen, -near -school and on bus lines 49tt sash, balance payable, $20 per month Including interest. SACRIFICE BALE $24SO. Buy a neat 4 room bom with basement, mrnaoe, pared street, east front, near bus line. $450 cash. baL time at Int. A REAL BARGAIN. KINOWOOD PARK BUNOALOW $24a0. Buy a neat I room bungalow wttn uasemen-, zirepiace, garage, all nice large rooms, immediate possession. $160. cash, balance $31.20 per month to include int. SOUTH SALEM BARGAIN $3100. Buys a neat modern late built 6 room borne with -electric range. has basement furnace, fireplace, oak floors, garage, corner lot, botb streets pared, near school. $800 casly balance time. - NEW HOME $4500. Buys a -nw modem up to date f room with large attic on corner lot, dose in location, located north. $100. cash. baL time. Will be completed In about two weeka. If you are Interested In buying a ' hmt see ns as w bay many real bargain. Seal Estate, and Fire. Insurance W. H, ORAB8NHORST A CO &BALTOR3 184 & Liberty 8tret TeL 818. Cash buyer- from Zanau City for hotel. 28- to 0 rooms; preferably tn Salem. SEE ME i x H. OL SHIELDS Oregon . B!dg. TeL 17$4. House and S lots, N. -mater street Trad for small farm. 40 acre K. SL of Salem. Good bouM and bam, . oows. 3 horses, chick-ens. grain, bay. all equipped, price $42,000. i Trade for acreage or house In town. 1 1$ aare sovtb. 4 room bouse, well, bam. Price U0. So A. 7. fiomyer with 417 Worth Commercial U-L-LrL-i.ru- --- ma 1831 bargala 2 acres, new room house, double garage, city wat er, electricity, eewsr, on pavement, less than two mile from U. a Bank corner this side river, price for today nerer again 8183T.M and terms. SEE Ward I McCafferty, Boom 15. 180 North Commercial St, TeL 841M. nrHA-Mbc, KM ALL. B-1GHT, feoT THE MCrTBt, VMlTH POOR MAC t"S I HE s r - a - T w -v-a. -. . St FOR SALE Real EstaU wwwwwwswwomiM'wwwwwwwwi FOR SALE $2M00 bargain. Almost new : g room modem bom , and furnished. Fireplace, -basement ft. and furnace. Term. - , - . C room boos worth $2000.04 tn rood . location. Will exchaags for South Salem. WEI atmrm or pay cash difference . 151 Acre. Good soB and 111 acres In crop. New bouse, and new bam for 23 cowa All eroren wtr fenced. Run ning water. Jc -fllO.OO ner- acre. Will take lacom property Cor part. HOLLYWOOD REALTY 8OO0 -N. Capitol Street i Phone 2801 - Rag. I$t. Ta-M-Ml-s. plastered. batb. lights, water, etc., close to bus line, paring, pd. TermsL 11750. An attracttT English type home, 3 mm -and nook, g-g-and paring, nd. 2150. down. $2850. Almost new bungalow. Ilrtng room, dining room, ate oak floors, kitchen, larva nook. 3 bed rooms, coed furnace, garage and paving pd- below cost. 15 daam. M0. A teal borne. 1 rooms, full basement, pipe : furnace, niee bathroom, large lot. tree and ahrubbery. Will trad for smaller house. $5000. to loan. Fire A Auto Ins. MELVIN JOHNSON 320 t7. a Nat l Bank Bldg. TeL C37. GOOD BUXS OR -EXCHANGES 50 A. farm, bldgs all la -cult $. 0. 20 A. sub. home, real buy, 85040. 67 A. bldgs timber, stock, A4544. 85 A, bldgSL, -timber, fruit. $2800. 10 A. close In, new bldgs stock, tools, feed, r-ared road. $4500. For rent 0 R. bungalow, $20.00. 6 R. cottage and garage, $12.50. ' i R. duplex, elose in. 20.60. PKKRIXK A MARSTERS - 213 Gray Bldg. SPECIAL INDUCEMENT IN TEAR END BARGAINS Choice corner lot with large 'fruit and shade trees, comfortable 4 room house. Price only $1150 and paring extra. Cash $10 and $10 per mouth. int. 4 room house tn East Salem, best of condition, paved street and walks in. nice garden spot, choice fruit and nut trees. Price $1800, cash $20. bal. $20 per month Including Interest of 6. Employment ran be furnished to right party to make part of payments. Nothing down and $15 per month will buy a neat 4 room, plastered bun galow, garage and woodshed. Price only $1500. SEE us for good buys tn homca LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street TeL 172T. DO TOU PAT RENT7 Why not 11 v in your own home? Tou can if you go and see Bechtel or Mr. Thomason. Start the new year right. No down payment ; just 920-825 or t!0 per month, good homes $1500 ana ud. Also close-in improved acre age $1100 end up. KKUHTEX, A THOMASOYi 311 State Street' Room 4. FOR SALE Fan-mount Hill resi dence with a wonderful view. Built for home by owner. A J. RAhN. 1510 f "nii-mount Street. Phone 1027. 320 State Street TeL 1737. EXCHANGE Real Estate TO TRADE Good 4-R. bouse and 8 arood lots In West Salem. Also a good 5 room house, basement, furnace, all 1 refln- tshed Inside. Both properties are good. Want to trade for small acre age. SERVICE STATION CABINS 18 cabins. 2 Dumo station, rood store building that rents for $26.0 per month. CaMns are doing good business. All' furnished, will trade for a ranch up to $12,000.00. HOW ABOUT GOINO TO THE DALLES TO LIVE T Two arood houses at The Dallea fine location. One 9 -room and one f room bouse, one rented for $30.00 per month, price tor both 87600.00: win exchange for a raach; wants good soil, don't car so much for Improve ments, just so- they are livable. Tou can get a good trade, as these people want a tower rrrmate. SEH SEARS A TUCKER -. 184 South Commercial 8 nru house to trade for acreage. Price $3000. IK A In berries, fruit. 8 rm. house; 4 chicken bouses, good well with electric pump. $3000. Will trad for 8 r 4 nu. house. 2 A. Just north of city, new T-rra. nouse, plumbing, lignts. river bottom land. A wonderful bargain at $200. 8-4 A. south of city limits. 4 rm. house, good welL Will rent or selL J. F. TJLRICH COMPANT 323 State Street TeL 1354. SNAP 146 A. Farm $12.000 All Stocked and Eauipped Good Soil Good Bldgs. Good Rd. Take Some Trade -, For-particulars, SEE BECHTEL or THOMASON 341 State Street Room 4. FOR SALE FARMS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJVWW t FARM BARGAINS $19,000.00 will buy a well improved 40 acres of good prairie soil, close In, modem buildings, equip ped for dairy. Term. $5000.09 will buy well Improved 49 acres 9 miles from Salem. Modem bouse. 13 acres orchard, a real buy. terms. $5000.00 will buy Improved 39 acres close la, buildings, orchard, run ning water, term a $8500.00 will buy 299 acres 9 miles from Salem, running water, oldl buildings, some Umber. .91000.99 down. $8290.09 will buy 294 acres from on good road and close to -railroad, terma y If you are looking for a real buy la a, xarni. on a W. H. GRABENHORST A CO.. REALTORS. 114 South Liberty Street ACREAGE WB have 199 acres of fine tim ber near tbe coast, cabin. Spring and oa public road; owner will take car or good lot. - A suteaaid modern room nous for only $3359 and can oee a small ear la good condition as first pay- 19 solsadld acre north with fair Improvements worth $6009.99 to trad tor good S room modem boat. lis acres good improvement, gra vel road;; stocked and equipped, worth $8900.09 and will trade for Idaho or eastern Oregon land or small : farm near Salem. Trade. . McOILCHRIST PENNINGTON ' 299-19 U. & Bank Bldg. TeL 141. 'Why Mac V-K"S KIDNAPED LjOOK AT THA.T LBTTEU. I MUST V I HQ V mac: i ?i -1 i ACREAGE 11209. For 2 A. 1 mL east of 810-9- room heusa. bam. well and tieae. mmmA anil lis Awk- f 1999. For 9 A. 1 sal. from Seleea, - smu nam, mara, well,- good otL. easy payments, $1190. For 1 A. 14 mL from Salem. - room boa alactile lights, baa eukdlemcken house, elsctrte water . aj-stem. tUSd. down. $4599. At A. 7 from Salem. H cul trotted, good- aofl, yooag orch ard, -small bouse. weH and pump. Win. trade tor Se3em reatdence. $12.-909. For 10 A. 8 mi. -from R. R. -39 mt from Salem. me soil, all In cultivation, burs fine. - running water. T room ttous large bam.i noee ecneeL rnaiiiy orenaro. no waste load, -fine- for dairy or farmiag. WUl trad for Portland mm or .Salem property. IS999. to-loan, Mrs A Auto Isa MELVIN JOHNSON $29 V. &. NatX Bank Bldg. TeL 937 INSTALLMENT ACREAGE $199:09 down and balance terms at 9 -will handle- 20 acres f first das -walnut -or filbert sod, all cultivated, price $2600.49. $50.00-down and balance $14,44 per month -will 4my 14 acta located on -good road, close to highway 4 acres pranea, some timber, bal anc cultivated, price $1009.00,: . Int t. $25.09 down and balance $14.99 per month will handle ft icrw of good dark prairie soft, all cultivated, best of fUbert aoiL.Prlce $1259.00.- $25.94 down will handle t acres of fit-st class pnriT-i eoll ctos to Salem, price $824.99. If you are looking for a small acre age, SEE W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Street Business Opportunities WOOD BUSINESS FOR SALE Fully equipped, best of location and a real money maker. If Interested In this line, call at our office for full details. LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors -220 Stat Street Tel. 1T2T. MONEY TO LOAN -i-" t riTr-'vrt-fijmifys(f ON FARMS AND CITT REAL ES TATE LOWEST INTEREST BATES. BERT T. FORD FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDO. LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE (m plain notes, endorsed oote furniture and pianos All tran saction strictly confidential. STATE LOAN COMPANT 212 Oregon Bldg. Second Floor Corner State and High Office bra 10:00 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. Telephone 833. Licensed by State PERSONAL LOANS MADE on furniture, cars, salaries or other good security. Repayable monthly, when In financial need see us before closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT - CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg. Phone 1200 CITT AND FARM toans'at lowest rates. Best terms obtainable. Our Insurance -department offers von ex pert advice and service r1ft- ail llnea HAWKINS A ROBERTS (Inc.) TsL 1427 205 Oregon Bldg WANTED to loan on live stock and personal orooertr. Terma to suit your convenience. National Loan and Finance Co. 419 Bank of Com. Bldg. la can sea ny state. Federal Farm Loans. 9H Per cent F. L WOOD. 341 Stat Street. NEED MONET QUICKLT7 Cash Loans of $10 to $SG0 Within 24 Hours . Small Monthly Repayments Tout! be surprised how easily a loan caa be arranged. Our friendly and courteous service has helped many when they needed money quickly. Come In, 'phone or write for full ln- lormation. 1 tier is no obligation. BENEFICIAL LOAN SOCIETT 119 Bllgh Bldg; - TeL 2-7-4-0 -Licensed by the State MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to redac your -payments. Tou keep the car. P. A..EIKER Cor. Liberty St. and Ferry Thon 421 Salem, Ore. LIVE STOCK and POULTRY iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavwwmm WORK bocses and mulea Com try tbetw. W. H. Street. 6&4 Ferry St. FOR SALE WOOD W deliver all kinds of good wood. Satisfaction guaranteed. O. K. Fuel Co., 1449 N. Front. Small oak $4.54, 4 ft., medium $7. 00. 4 ft fir $5.60. Old fir $7.00. TeL 3819. 2069 N. Church. DRT. all kinds, any length, TeL 8739. DRT fir and oa wood, coal and fuel on. Call on us for prices. We give good measure, good quality and good service. LARMER TRANSFER ft STORAGE Telephone 189$ Large 2nd growth fir. 19 la. 26.09. 12 la 96-76. TeL 8F22. WB have 16" wood on -hand all the time. Prompt delivery. 849 8. 13th. Cobbs Mitchell Co. Phone 813. 18 In. and 4 ft. wood oa band at all tlmea Also planar wood. TsL 3184 Tracy's Fuel Tarda GUARANTEED DRT Wood coal Tel. 13 Sateen Fuel Co.. TS8 Trade WOOD SAWING FOR BETTER WOOD SAWING, PHONE 131& LOST and FOUND town Monday night. Sprockets brand. a a a a a m sas, uuw aaoney. itewara. LOST Sorixurer aanlel Aom -near falisiL-aiida, smalt black and whit reward tot ieooey or mformatMn. Clayton Dickson. Re 9. Box 14L LOST In or near Johnson's ready to wear store. Siberian gam amethyst ring; set with four diamonds. Reward. TeL 631. LOST Ring with keys on N. 9th or N. Cottage. Finder please leave at Statesman office and receive reward. Disappeared' f TVKIOMAPED Jf I Me. 1 W-a Tuwyk SlPW FOR SALEUSED CARS wwwwwwieewwawwewawaaiwea UNUSED MILEAGE Just Waiting for the Proper Owner 1J28 Ford Model A Sport Coupe, run only 9944 mile ..$235.99 1328 Model A Ford Touring . 15.99 1929 Model A Ford Roadster, new point, new tire . , . . $66.99 1938 OI da-mobile Tandau aedaa. First class condition thruout (85.94 1939 Chev. Sport roadster. -heater, side . wings, wire wheeia ramble seat and run only 8949- -miles $59.99 1927 Cher. - Coupe thoroughly reconditioned 295.99 1924 Cher. Sedan, run only 8094 mile 825.49 1929 Cher. Coach, looks like a one 1 1 m , ., .. 43--.ff 1128. Durant Coach, fin ataaoe. new tire , -295.99 19 ST Chrysler Coupe, fine shape, new tires - , , 285.90 1929 Cher. Sport Cabriolet, perfect condition . 525.99 1926 Ford Touring, ruxtel 85.40 1927 Chevrolet Touting - 125.00 Douglas McKay Chev. Co. . - $33 Center Street TeL 3893 Valley Motor Company Used Cars " All reduced for month of Decem ber. Check these new pricea 1929 Ford Tudor, new tires 425.09 129 Ford Sport Coupe, good - condition 425.09 1928 Ford Sport Coupe 325.09 1928 Late Ford Business coupe, overhauled ,, 350.00 1929 Ford Sport Roadster lots of extras . 275.00 1928 Ford Roadster, good con dition 310.00 1928 Late pickup . SSS.OO 1928 Ford Phaeton repainted 300.04 1926 Ford Tudor good shape 115.00 1928 Ford Touring, good shape 60.00 1926 Ford Roadster, a bargain 1924 Ford Coupe 124 Ford Touring 76.04 50.00 SS.00 83.04 25.00 1921 Ford coupe 1923 Ford Touring Terms A Tradea We pay cash for good used cars. Valley Motor Company Center at Liberty TeL 1995 'Qood Will' Guaranteed Used Cars 1928 Oldsrnobrie Sedan 1927 Nash Cabriolet 1927 Oakland Sedan 1925 Stndebaker Touring 1926 Oakland Sedan 127 Dodge Coupe 1937 Star Sedan 1927 Chevrolet Coupe .$635.60 . 475.00 . 465.00 . 885.00 . 875.00 : 345.00 . 335.00 . 325.00 . 165.00 . 165.00 .. 95.00 . 85.00 . 90.00 . 65.00 . 85.00 1924 Essex Caoch 1926 Ford Coupe 1926 Ford Touring 1924 Ford Touring 125 Chevrolet Touring 1922 Ford Touring Overland Delivery , Wood-Wheaton Motor Co., Inc. Oakland Phone 2125 Pontlao MWA-AAAAAAWWWMWWMWWMWW Ford and Buick Used Car Lot 1928 Buick Standard Coach $150.00 1926 Buick enclosed roadster 250.09 1925 Buick touring overhauled 159.09 12S Buick Standard touring 116.09 1928 Chevrolet Landau sedan 35.00 127 Chevrolet Coach over hauled 250.09 1137 Chevrolet Coup over- hauled 195.99 185.00 1926. Chevrolet Sedan 127 Chrysler (0 Coach . 235.40 128 rodge 3-4 ton delivery 160.00 123 Dodge Coupe 76.00 1029 Essex Coach- - 60.00 129 Model A Ford Coach . 459.09 1929 Model A Ford Roadster 376.00 1928 Model A Ford touring - 300.00 1928 Model A Ford Spt. Coupe 325.00 1930 Model A Ford track 666.00 1929 Model 1929 Model 1426 Model 1926 Model 1926 Model 1925 Model 1924 Model A Ford truck 600.00 Ford touring 75.00 Ford pickup 95.00 Ford roadster 95.90 Ford Couoe 150.00 Ford Coupe 60.00 Ford Conpe 60.00 1925 Model Ford Sedan 100.00 1926 HunmobUe 8 Co-id 45.09 685.00 250.00 715.00 215.40 275.00 25.99 95.00 1928 Oakland AA Sedan 1926 Oakland Coupe 1930 Pontiao Coach 1927 Pontiac Coach -., 1427 Oldstnohlle Coach 1924 Willys-Knight 86 Rda 1923 W. IC enclosed roadster Salem Used Car Center North end of Ford Agency Telephone 1027 WANTED USED CARS WANTED Good used car for my equity In 8 room cottage, paved street, close to school. $2709 to be assumed, easy payments. SEE Mrs. Elite-with LEO N. CHILDS CO, Realtors 220 State Street TeL 1727 1 acre of land close to Salem to trade for good 1929 or '39 model light car. Tel. Bif JI, Rt 4. Box MB. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THB COUNTY COURT OF THE 8TATB OF" OREGON IX)R THB COUNTT OF MARION IN THB MATTER OI THB) ESTATE ) OP ) LLOYD T. REYNOLDS, Da-) . . eoasod) Notlc Is heraby giTon that th undersigned has been duly ap pointed executor of th Last Will and Testament of LLOYD T. REYNOLDS, deceased, and hu duly qualified. All persons hav ing claims against said deceased. or his estate, are hereby notified to present the same, duly veri fied and with the proper Touch ers, as required by Uv, to the undersigned, at the office of Ladd 4b Bosh Trust company, Sa lem, Oregon, within six (f) months from the date of this no- 1 SHIP LISTENS j - - ' ;A - C. M. Stevenot, San Francisco khipplng official, shown above at switchboard while contributing to onc-balf of tlie flint train-Pacific two-way radio telephone conversation Christmas day. On the other end, at Manila, 7000 mile away, was his brother J. K. Btere. not, Philippine telephone company general manager. By coinci dence, R. K. Mjrick, radio operator on one of Hterenot's freight ers was in mid-Paciflo when he chanced to tune In on the initial trans-oceanic talk. PUT OUT FIRE HMD III HUBBARD, December SO A fire at the Hubbard Feed Mill Saturday morning caused by an over-heated coal oil stove in the office proved less disastrous than was feared at first. The siren of the fire depart ment sounded at 9 o'clock and firemen end eltlxens rushed to the scene of the trouble but the mill employees had succeeded in getting the fire under control, and the damage was slight. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. BeTens and daughter Anita motored to Eu gene Sunday to visit until Tues day at the home of Mrs. Bevens' sister, Mrs. James Merrlman and family, and also to take part in the celebration of the birthday anniversary of Mr. Merrlman. Despite the wintry appearance of - nature here , little spring flowers, the Spring Queen, har bingers of spring, have been found recently, and apple trees I and wild shrubs have a goodly supply of new green leaves. SOCIAL AFFAIRS OGGUPy MANY BETHANY, Dec. 80 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Torvend were hosts to a group of friends here Fri day night. A very enjoyable eve nings was spent. Guests Included Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Haugen and children, Mr. and Mrs. Os car Satern, Darold Satern, Joan Satern, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Got tenberg, Mr. and Mrs. John Moe and four cildren, , Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hatteberg and two child ren. Miss Alice Jensen and broth er, Reuben Jensen, spent Sunday at Government Camp on Moant Hood enjoying the winter sports. They report the weather up there was marvelous Sunday and they saw none of the heavy fog which covered Sllverton all day. Mrs. Joseph Lais and son Jo seph of -San Francisco, have been spending several days visiting relatives hero and at Mount An- tice. . Dated and first published De cember 10th, 11. : Date of last publication, Jan nary 14 th, 1911. Reynolds, - Flegal . A Smith ft Ronald C. Glover, . , Attorneys for executor. Ladd Bush 'Trust Company Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Lloyd T. Reynolds, Deceaseds D 10-1T-Z4-31-J7. By RUSS WESTOVER IN ON PHONE 1 V- -- "V gel. The Lais family moved to California some months ago and report that they like It rather well, but miss Silverton friends and relatives. Miss Evelyn Lais, who was formerly with tbe Fis cher Flouring Mills here, is cow bookkeeper with a San Francisco firm, and her brother Otto is with a railroad company. Mrs. Lais and son will return to their home soon. Oliver Lais, who has been at Sllverton this fall plans to accompany -them but Edward will remain here. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Jensen en tertained at dinner Sunday eve ning after which the annual Christmas tree was enjoyed. Cov ers were placed tor TOr. and Mrs. John Moe and four children, Mr. and Mrs; Ben Funrue and two children, Mr. and -Mrs. Martin Hatteberg and two children. 'Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Satern and two children. Mr. and Mrs. Melrla Moe and children from Eugene. Ludvlg Moe- from Portland and the Hans Jensen family. Gross - Word Puzzle Oj EU(iENE ii " W" 15 W'T5 16 t& nzzio -mii 22 " 23 2T 25 32 33 " " 3 ' 36 37 whv 1 1 1 B4 1 1 m HORIZONTAL lfrulU of the palm tree one of many small loops ' forming a border II go to bed IS satiric 14 pronoun IS company traveling through the desert IT -Egyptian sun god 18 under mine tO threads used to make an ' issue tl ink la the center it plaited x petticoat . worn In the Hisb lands II trap 25 yield 28 part of a garment covering tbe arm tS falfiUs the need 8 bird of th " cuckoo ' family tl recline 88 deserts Stcome forth 88 Greek god of war 89 toll it brownish red carne llan 42 made 48 ImpUed but not - expressed 45 sheltered side of a vessel 48 plural suffix 4T place where King ArUrorhad his court Herewith is the solution to yes terday's puxzle. a if pooy ELIEf Aumsville men Have Wood Cutting bee for Benefit Of Needy ATJMSV3LLE. Dec. 10 A group of men . gathered Friday with a wood rutting bee for a woman and children who are in need of wood this cold weather. R. M. Fuson gave the trees. The men went to. the woods, cut. hauled and sawed the wood, ready for use. Tbe workmen are as follows: John Howard, C. Beam la, Harland Turner, Leon ard Lee, J. Hartley, C. C. Pars ons, P. "B. Collins. Harvey and Leonard Snyder, Gilbert and Car bon. Donker.. Frank Bowers. Jack Corser, Floyd Nichols, Earl anil J. IL Prunk. Donker Bros, fur nished tbe truck to haul the wood; Frank Bowers furnished the wood saw. Election of officers was held Sunday at Bethel Sunday school as follows: Superintendent, Win. Frlson; asst.. John Mix; secre tary, "Doris Nlccolson: asst., Wes ley Mix; treasurer, Ed Donker; organist. Miss Helen McCollogh; asst.. Miss .Neva Bowers; song leader, K. F. Wallace; asst.. Mrs. M. McCollogh: librarian, J. IL Prunk; asst., Wesley Mix; teach er men's Bible class, Ed Doux er; women's Bible class, Mrs. M Howard; young folks class. C. M. Dregnle; intermediate class. H. A. Reed; primary class. Miss R. Donker. Harvey Snyder motored to Portland Monday taking his sin ter. Mrs. Newcomb and small baby to her home at Portland after spending the week here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Snyder. . Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Speer re turned home Sunday from Se attle where they spent Christ mas with their sister and broth er, Mr. and Mrs. P. Speer and family. Death Summons Ex-Resident PER R YD ALE, Dec. 80 Word was received Saturday that Mrs. TrynUe De Jong had died at the Emanuel hospital In rortland late Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. De Jong made their home west of town on tbe Dick De Jong farm, for several years, and made many friends. Mr. Do Jong died several years ago and Mrs. De Jong had lived in Portland since his death. She leaves Dick and Jake De Jong, Mrs. August Rhode and Mrs. Nick Mekkers In thla community. Mrs. Peter Spaan of Sheridan, Mrs. W. G. llulet of Chehalls, Wash., Mrs. II. Jongjaa of Seattle and another son, Harry who t sin Fort Worth, Texas. Though Mrs. DeJong was 71 years, of age, she had enjoyed good health until a few days be fore Christmas. She died quite suddenly Friday night. SIIEFFER 49 one 80 depart uddsnly ' It exit li satisfies ((creator of Sherlock Holmes VERTICAL 1 minor point 2 by 8 involun tary twitching 4 periods of time 5 calm 8 spins aibout a ,. center 7 poetic nam for Persia 8 pore ove f upon 10--arangrie 11 hazards 18 enclosure! for eon- ' fining birds 16 -consumed 19 satisfied 21 a few 23 canvas shelter 25 weeps 27 contend 294hade tree 82 walked la water 83 ascends 84 imprints 85 banished 88 animal fat 87 paradises 40 air hero 43- domesti cated 44 Japanese admiral during - Russ-Ja war 47 domestic animal 48 attempt 61 symbol fcl calcium 53- Hebrew ' name for God H-91 CIA PIE jdAJrjMlujT BMX9ic stTHm i ??a SgiT t o":p a e 4 j fvi r y vie- en 0 Ola K rm,t.m. Im. C y3 II IJ I 5 trN