The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 30, 1930, Page 6, Image 6

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Institution Group
Entertain With
i Program
; Monday alter no,' the patients
of the feeble minded school, were
delightfully entertained with an
informal program ot Yoca.1 and In
strumental numbers arranged and
presented by the Benner family
and Delbert Jepsen, under the di
rection of Joseph Benner. The
" program was sponsored by the In
stitution Department of the Sa
lem Woman's club under the
general chairmanship of Mrs. L.
. M..Purvlne, who was assisted by
Mrs. S. M. jsnaicoit, Mrs. j. t.
Bernardl and Mrs. '- E. D. Lloyd.
The program twhich was thor
oughly enjoyed by the group in
. eluded the. following numbers:. -.
America by the audience.
Violin solo, 5th Air Varie, Dan
cla -Delbert Jepsen.
"Whispering Hopet'The Benner
. Readings,- Joseph Benner.
Piano solo, Rigandon, MacDow-
ell Helen Benner.
. . Vocal solo. A Brown Bird Sing-
lng. Wood ViTian Benner.
i Violin solo. The Old Refrain,
Kreisler Delbert Jepsen.
. Selected readings, Joseph Ben
ner. ' , .
The Bells ot St. Mary's, The
Benner family. ,
Trios, Out of the Dusk to Yon,
. Lee: Venetia, Vamecnik Vivian
Benner. Helen Benner. Delbert
Campbells Entertain
With Informal Supper
. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Campbell
entertained a group . of young
married couples with a smart
, Sunday night supper party at the
Campbell home on Cbemeketa
street. Tuletlde deoratlons were
arranged effectively . about the
living room where, cards were In
play for the evening. These in
cluded In the group were, Mr.
. and Mrs. Bertram Thompson, Mr.
and Mrs. William Stacy, Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Bonesteele, Mr. and
Mrs. Karl Heinlein, Mr. and Mrs.
Ivan Brown, Mr." and Mrs. L. B.
Endicott, Mr. and Mrs. William
Gosser and the host and hostess,
Mr. and Mrs. , Ralph . Campbell.
Mrs. Campbell was assisted in the
serving by Mrs. William G. Stacy
and Mrs.' Iran Brown.
On Tuesday evening of this
week, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell are
- planning an evening ot bridge in
their home.
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Kearns and
Infant son, Walter, returned to
their home in . Portland, after
having spent the Christmas hol
idays at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. F. Bnchner. Mr. and
Mrs. James B. Englehart and
Mrs- Thomas Champlain were
, additional dinner guests at the
Buchner home on Christmas day.
Smart distinction Is, given this
pron with slender, surplice clos
ing. The daintiness and grace of
the added ruffling 'of self-mater-
IaP lends a feminine touch that is
most welcome. Also there ls ev
ery protection for both the back
and front of one's frock, against
the unavoidable spots and splash
es when working around the kit
chen. ,
- Pattern 2072 may be made ot
gingham, . broadcloth, percale,
cretonne, dimity, . rayon, etc.
Light , and dark . grounds are
equally smart and - attractive,
particularly if printed with, small
colorful designs. ; , .- "
May be obtained only. In sixes
34. 36, 38. 40, 42 and 44. SIxe 34
requires 3H yards vof 36-inch
Ha drecx making- cxpericaea U
aacaaaary t. ait, tai noaai wit
pattern. Yard aca for avary
Ua. aa (iapl. axact -. Uatrna
tioni ira gift. ...
Band flfteaa ceaU la eqtaa rare-
fallf rtnM. ar ataaapa lar aaclT
pattara. Writa plaial? yaor saaMi
an atyl. aaaaar. Ea aara
ta iUI aixa waatc4.
Ou aaw (all and wiatar (aihlaB
baas eaataioiai azqaiait asodala
tar - adalta and caildraa aad aa
axealleat assartmaat ot taafr
aattarns aad (tan pad aoTttoa. ia
w raady. Priea riftaaa casta.
Book vita pattern. 15 east. Ad
Araaa all mail aad ardara ta Statra
. maa . Paitara Department. 24S
a lit .treat, hrm Tark vrty.
if 9 fcSrfv
News and Gliib
:Ouve M. Doax.
Wednesday, December St .
First Spiritualist church will hold circle at home
of Mrs. George Stoddard. 1420 North Fourth, Wednes
day evening, S p. m. Mrs. Luell Lavnlley, Portland,
special guest. ' .
Ladies Aid of First M. XL church. Wednesday, at
2:30 in church parlors. Interesting program,
Thursday January 1
Chapter G of the P. E. O. sisterhood, Mrs. A. T.
Woolpert. Program .will be constitutional quis given
by Mrs. C. A. Sprague.
; Friday, January 2
The Hal Hibbard-Auxiliary of the United Spanish
War Veterans will meet Friday, 1:30 p. m. at Armory,
for business meeting and drill practice.
Saturday, January 3 i
- W. R. C. tegular meeting in Millers hall Saturday,
2 p. in. Installation of officers air nrged to attend.
Ml Shoemaker
Becomes Bride
One of the outstanding pre-
nuptial affairs of the Christmas
season was the dinner given by
Miss Mlnnedel Baker and Mrs.
Mrs. Edward Weller, at the home
of the-latter, last Tuesday eve
ning, announcing the marriage
date, December 23. of Miss Mar
garet Shoemaker, bride-elect of
Delbert W. Daniels. V
The long table which was at
tractively decorated in holly,
mistletoe and Christmas appoint
ments, was centered with a small
glittering Christmas tree with
tall green tapers on either side
reflecting a soft glow. From
the side centers of the table,
two smaller groups of balloons,
being held in place by red rib
bons leading to Individual places,
occupied the attention of the
guests. Between courses "tne
cat was let out of the-bag," wnen
scores of tiny cards In the form
of eats, dropped from the bal
loons, on which bore the date of
the marriage of the - young
Covers were placed for twelve.
which Included, the honor guest.
Miss Margaret - Shoemaker, Mar-
cella Caapell. Frances Marshall,
Helen Krnger. Ella Smith, veraa
Olmstead, Opal Kruger, Susie
Hawkins, Mary . Kruger and tne
hostesses. Miss iMinnedel Baker
and Mrs. Weller.
Immediately following the
Sunday morning service at the
Court street church. Delbert W.
Daniels was ordained a minister,
with Rev. B. F. Shoemaker in
charge of the ordination services.
Lucille Schutt delighted the au
dience with a vocal solo, "Ob,
Jesus I Have Promised." accom
panied by Miss Mary Kruger at
the piano. Asslstting at the or
dination services were the two
elders of the church. Rev. T. W.
Lee and Rev. E. Horton.
Immediately following the or
dination of Rev. Daniels. Miss
Rosalind Hull sang, I Love You
Truly," which, brought a happy
surprise to the entire group. To
the strains of Mendelshon's wed
ding march, which was played by
Mi3s Mary Kruger, at the piano,
preceding the bride was the
matron of honor, a life lone
friend of the bride, Mrs. R. E.
Ladd of Portland, who was at
tractively dressed in an ensemble
of black and white.
The bride was frowned in an
ensemble and tarried an arm
bouquet of roses, 'garden helio
trope and lillles of the valley.
She carried a beautiful rose point
lace handkerchief, brought from
Belguim for a gift from the
bride's missionary sister. Miss
Gertrude Shoemaker.
The wedding service which
took place at high noon, was sol
emnized at the altar, decorated
elaborately with mistletoe, holly
and Christmas greens, under an
improvised wedding bell, where
the impressive single ring ser
vice "Was read by Rev. B. F-
Shoemaker, father of the bride.
After the informal reception lu
the church, Mr. aad Mrs. Daniels
were complimented with a wed
ding breakfast at the home of
the bride's parents. Rev. ami
Mrs. Shoemaker on South Winter
street, where covers were placed
for immediate friends and rela
tives, including a number of out-of-town
guests. Mr. and Mrs. R.
E. Ladd. Portland ; Frank Wray,
Silverton: Mrs.. Lucy Wray. . Sil
verton; Mrs. A. A. Webb. Silver
ton; Mrs. Frank Henson. Walter
Peterson and Donald Peterson, of
Great Falls, Mont:, and Miss Vir
ginia Webb, of Corvallia; Rosa
lind Hull; Mlnnedel Tlaker. Mary
Kruger. and Helen Kruser. The
hostess was assisted in the serv
ing 1y Mrs. Lney Wray and Miss
Helen Kruger.
Mrs." Daniels. who- is the
youngest daughter of Rev. and
Mrs. Shoemaker and was gradu
ated from the St. Louis Music
Teachers' college.! St. Lbuls, Mo.,
last year, attended- Willamette
university, noth Mr. and Mrs
nanlels are comnletlnc work at
the TJnivrsitv of 0-eon Bible
chool. H Is the eldest son of
Mr. , and Mrs. W. Ar. Daniels of
The vjslle. , Ore. iRev. mniels
ha Just Accented a stndent pas
torate at Lorrie. Ore., near En
e. Td will'be "at home" at
?1 Alde- strest. Ei'gene. after
January 5. j
Members of te chol M the
advlsorv ' committee of . St. Jo-
senVs Catholic ehnrefc wer cr
ertained Sunav evenin with an
interesting- rt Inner te fJrsv
Welle by. Reverend J. R. Wnck.
Covers were placed for Her-rr
Kronn. Joseph i Dona on ila. F.l
mer S"inr. Twrence Barr.' I
ats Rteiner. Lawrence ..Alle.
Richard MeXuItr. Frank Lvneh
r. Edvard LeboM pn& Bernard
Kronp. Thomas i WIndlsbar. Mrs.
Theresa Albrfch. M!m Josephine
Barr. Mbs Marcella DeMytt.MIs5
Boris Corbfa. Mrs., -F. H. Al-
brich. Miss Mardefte Tfeenan.
Mrs. Anna Nash ana M!s Jose-
Society Editor m
Mrs. E. Bonesteele
Hostess for Luncheons
Outstanding in their attractive
ness are the informal bridge
luncheons being given on Mon
day and Tuesday of this week, by
Mrs. Ernest Bonesteele In her
home In the Royal Court apart
ments. At the bridge luncheon Mon
day, decorations, carrying ont the
Tuletlde season, were used most
effectively. Green tapers In sil
ver holders;- were artistically
combined in the eolor scheme of
green and sliver. A miniature
Christmas tree, glittering with
silver, formed the centerpiece for
the table, where smart favors
marked the places for, Mrs. Cur
tis Cross, Mrs. Claude Steusloff.
Mrs. Gordon Hadley, Mrs, James
B. Young. Mrs. W. A. Johnson,
Mrs. Conrad Paulus, Mrs. Jack
Elliott, Mrs. Sterling; Smith. Mrs.
Lewis Griffith. Mrs. A. M. Jar
man, Mrs. J. H. Garnjobet, Mrs.
G. T. Chambers and Miss Doro
thea 8teuslof f. and the hostess,
Mrs. Bonesteele.
Guests bidden for the bridge
luncheon Tuesday will inelude,
Mrs. Walter Kirk, Mrs. Wallace
Bonesteele, Mrs. Harry N. Crain,
Mrs. Ronald Jones. Mrs. Burton
Myers, Mrs. Karl Becke, Mrs. Ed
gar Pierce, Mrs. William Mott,
Mrs. Ernest Thorn, Mrs. William
H. Paulus, Miss Nan Putnam.
Miss Bertha Eckerlin and Miss
Louise Williamson.
a a a
Informal Tea Given
At Mason Home
One of the delightful informal
affairs of the holiday season was
the pretty tea given a few days
ago by the Misses Viola Duval and
Hazel Mason at the home of the
latter. The affair honored a group
of friends home for the Christmas
vacation. The Mason home was
attractively decorated with holly
and mistletoe, and a scintillating
Christmas tree formed an appro
priate background for the occa
sion. Guests, bidden for the tea hour
were the Misses Vivian Burk, Es
ther Black, Elaine McCarroll.
Ruth Jackson, Barbara Walker,
Gretchen Gammer, Eleanor Barth
and Rachael Toucum.
a a a
Aurora Mrs. Frank McAllis
ter entertained with three tables
of bridge, honoring her mother.
Mrs. John Wilson of Seattle, who
is spending the holiday season
with the McAllister family. The
guests assembled on Saturday ev
ening were Mrs. John Wilson, Se
attle: Mr. and Mrs. Chester Gil-
breath, Mr. -and Mrs. U. Eiler,
Mr. and Mrs. E. Bradtl, Mrs.
Diana Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Stoner, and the host and hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. McAllister. Mrs.
Gllbreath and U. Eilers, received
card honors.
a a a
Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Teel enter
tained on Christmas day their
children and grandchildren, Mr.
and Mrs. Chester Goodman and
Mr: and Mrs. Joseph Teel, Lee and
Margie Goodman and Eileen, Ellis
and Idah Mae Teel.
a a -
Miss Genevieve Morgan arrived
home Monday morning from her
home in Florence, Ore., where she
spent the Christmas holidays with
her parents.
r ,
Evert TTime v
Ar you "Watch conscious when
j you hear the correct time broadcast I If ..:
Tours is a Loogines you will find that its time
corresponds exactly with ; that of Longine
announced daily orcr 75 radio ata
tions from coast to coast -
We have a foil aotment of Loogines world
famed watches from $35XO up.
Ask for illnstnted booklet.
4 it State Street Next to Postal Telegraph .
OREGON STATESMAN, Salesv Oregon, Tuesday Morning.
Butler Clan Holds
I 50th Reunion
i I Christmas
Monmouth The customary
festive celebration and family
reunion of the Butlers was held,
at the home ot Dean and Mrs. J.
V. Butler Christmas eve with 73
relatives present. The event
commemorates the toth anni
versary of the assemblage ot the
descendants of J. B. V. Butler,
Sr.. and Elizabeth Butler, all ot
which have been held at the old
Butler homestead in West Mon
mouth. The rooms were gay with
streamers, holly, mistletoe and
green boughs. Two large cakes
each with 50 lighted candles
graced the table at which- the
older members were seated. Dav
id Fawks of Portland gave the
presentation address ef the
birthday cakes.
t The dinner was followed by a
program. "Auld Lang Syne"
was sung by all; address ot wel
come. Dean Butler; . letters of
greetings and regrets from the
absent ones were read; a Spanish
serenade In costume. Marlow
Butler and Berdlne Derby, ac
companied by Betty Sue Mc
Cready at the piano; reading.
Orville Butler; Mrs. ..Jane
Grounds, 81, of Portland, the old
est member present, told ot the
early family history and first
reunions; reading, Margery How
ard; tap dance, Shirley Jay Mui
key; dialogue, Berdlne Derby
and Kenneth Mulkey; violin solo.
Shirley Mulkey and a piano se
lection by Maurice Booth. The
new members, Ruth Butler and
Maurice Booth, were introduced.
Moving pictures taken of last
year's party were shown by Dr.
Frank Butler. Pictures taken
this year will be given at next
year's reunion. Lora Bntler of
fered a solo, after which the
large tree, with Santa Claus and
gifts were enjoyed. An original
poem by Edith Starbuek of Port
land was read.
' Dancing and music in the spa
eious living room concluded the
i The following committee were
appointed at a previous meeting
and made the event a most suc
cessful one: Tree, Claude .H:
Boothby and Dean Butler; lunch
eon, Portia Mulkey, Lillle Booth
by and Fannie Butler;, decora
tion.'. Hilda Bntler and Ruth
Butler; program, Lora Butler
and David Fawks; music, Claude
H. Boothby; finance. Dean But
ler and Dr. Frank Butler.
, Guests enjoying the evening
were: Sara Jane Grounds, Portia
Mulkey, Sr., Dilla B. Fenton. B.
V. Butler, Sr., W. J. Mulkey. Sr.,
Mrs. J. B. V. Butler. Sr., Frank
W. Fenton. C. W. Butler, DaVid
Fadks. J. F. O'Donnel. Ardella
N. Butler, B. F. Butler, G. A.
Butler, Ruth Gill, C. C. Mulkey.
A. B. Starbuek, Sarah Gibson
Patrick, Ada Butler, Lottie Zle
ber, Mrs. David Fawks. Lillie
Boothby, Mrs. Frank E. Butler.
Ruth Butler, Mrs. Clitus R. But
ler, LaVearne Fenton Upenee.
Francis Spence, R. M. Howard,
Orval Butler, Jr.. J. M. Booth.
Nellie B. O'Donnel. Edna But
ler, Bernice Butler. Helen Butler
Howard. Opal Derby, Irma Mul
key. Noame Fresh, Mrs. C. C.
Mulkey, Dorothy Chauvin, Mar
ion Fresh, Larry Fresh. Edith
Starbnck, Maude Butler. Ray
mond Derby, Jack Cauvin, V. E.
Kuhn. Robert Smith. W. J. Mul
key. Jr.. W. D. McCready, J. B.
V.B utler. Jr., C. H. Boothby.
Maurice J. Butler, Frank Butler:
Robert Smith. Jr.. Margery How
ard. Jack Smith. Lida McCreadv.
Eva Booth. Marlow Butler. Bettv
Sne McCready. Berdlne Derby.
Lee Bntler. Lora A. Butler, Ada
Belle Gill. Kenneth Mulkey.
Shirley Jay Mulkey and Zero
Miss Florence A. Howe arrived
in the city Sunday evening from
her home in Brownsville, to spend
the remainder of the holiday sea
son with her sister. Mrs. Walter
Kirk on South High street. Miss
Howe Is a former Salem girl who
is now a member of the teaching
staff of the Klamath Falls schools.
She will return to Klamath Falls
by motor the last of this week to
continue her work. Miss Howe
will be accompanied on the trip
sooth by her brother, Carroll
Howe, who is also connected with
the Klamath county schools.
W ie dMcPa w
' Sunday
Sunday evening. December 21st
the Jflrst Christian church ot
Jefferson became the scene ot a
pretty Christmas wedding; when
Frances Genevieve,' . daughter of
Mr. Frank F. Wied became the
bride : of Mr. William Leonard
MeCaw, son ef Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam O. McCaw. . A:
A large electrically lighted
done of tinsel and pink and white
crepe paper with Christmas trees
on either side served as a back
ground for the service. The stage
was banked with ferns- and fir
bows and baskets ef huge chrys
anthemums. Preceding the ceremony Mr.
Herbert Muller of Portland sans;
-I Love You Truly.'
To the strains of Lohengrens
wedding march played by Mrs. J.
C. Van Winkle, the wedding par
ty, led by the ushers Gilbert
Spragg and. Harvey Thurston, en
tered the auditorium. Misses
Kathleen Wied and Emllin Mc
Caw, bridesmaids and sisters of
the bride and' groom wore
dresses of pink organdy and car
ried bouquets of bronze chrysan
themums. Following the brides
maids came the maid of honor.
Miss Ida. Van Order, wearing a
lovely . gown of eVchid georgette
and carrying a bouquet of orchid
chrysanthemums. Then came the
ring bearer, Richard Van Win-!
kle and the dainty little flower
girl, Mildred Thurston carrying a
basket of flov petals.
The bride, .earing a charming
princess gow.i of cream silk and
veil held in place with tiny sprays
Of orange blossoms and ferns and
carrying a bride's .bouquet of
rose buds and sweet peas entered
on the arm of her father.
The wedding party met the
groom and best man Mr. Norman
Olsen before the altar where the
impressive ring service was read
by Rev. Ard Hoven, minister of
the church and close friend of
the young couple, before a crowd
of more than 100 people.
Following the marriage Mr.
Muller sang; "Because" accom
panied by Mrs. Van Winkle at
the piano.
A reception was held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Mc
Caw during the evening, to which
relatives and close friends of the
bride and groom were bidden.
Mr. and Mrs. McCaw have been
very active in church work here
for several years. Mrs. McCaw
baa acted as musical director and
pianist at the Christian ehnrch
for the . past three years while
Mr. McCaw has been president of
the Endeavor society.
Both young people will leave
a host of friends when they go to
make their home in Alrlie, Ore
gon where the groom is engaged
in farming.
The Toung Catholic People's
club of Salem will sponsor a
dance Monday night .in St. Jo
seph's hall. A feature of the eve
ning will be a tumbling act by
Fred Smith and . George . Fowler.
Christmas decorations, with a
large . electrically illuminated
Christmas tree, made a pretty
setting for the dancers.
Patrons and patronesses will
be, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Smith and
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Barr.
The committee In charge of
arrangements include, the Misses
Josephine Barr, Margaret David
son, Anna Karst and Mr. Clark
a a a
Miss Florence E. Emmons who
is instructor in the high school
in lone, Ore., is spending the hol
iday vacation with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Summons on
Court street. Miss Emmons is a
Willamette graduate in the class
of 1930.
a a a
Mrs. P. G. Heath and daughter
Beokra, left Sunday morning tor
their home in Redmond, Oregon,
after having spent holiday period
with Mrs. Heath's mother, Mrs.
Cora V. Hunt of this city.
Felicitations are being snet to
Mr. and Mrs. Mae Brown of
Portland, upton the birth of
their second son, born a few days
ago. Mrs. Brown will be remem
bered as Miss Gretchen Brown,
formerly of Salem.
lit Vacuum
just I Use coffee I
It is just as necessary for one
as for the other, to prevent
. the evaporation of the f ra
grant volatile oik that give
them both their flavor. The
West discovered how to pre
serve coffee flavor in vac
uum. And the" West has
found the proper process for
tea, but it still remains ex-
"i elusive to the originator -
. Schilling. It is literally the
onlj'freih tea vou can buy.
Ijoziiroiild insist
upon ifxjon UncvD
ail of the fact si
December 30, 19313
! . -
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M. Paul ClaudeL French Am
bassador to the United States
(left) presents Guy Longevialle,
of Paris, to President Hoover
at the White House. The vial-
Today.V Menu
Rollae Kit Rbaat and Vrgatabla
Cranberry Saaea
Bread Bat tar
Eaad Lettaea and Runiaa Drcsaing
Caramal Pia Coffee
Rolled Bib Roast
4 pauad relied rik roaat .
taaayoaa aalt
4 teaapaoa paprika
3 tablaapaoaa flanr
H V water.
wipe off roast with camp
cloth. Sprinkle with salt, paprika
and flour. Place in baking pan.
Bake 15 minutes in hot oven. Add
water and Hd. Bake 1H hours.
Baste frequently
S lar (a wftita potatoes, peeled
S larffe ear rota, peeled
8 alieaa greaa pepper
S alieaa aaioaa
8 tablaapaana dlead aalery
1 taaipooa aalt
1 cn water .
Mix vegetables and salt. Ar
range around meat after it has
been .cooked 4S minutes. Add
water and cook ,. until meat is
done. Baste frequently.
Cranberry Sauce
S eupa karriae
a caps water
3 anps sugar
Carefully look over berries and
remove ail stems.. Add water and
cook in covered pan until skins
have burst. Add sugar and boll,
without lid, 4 minutes. Cool and
Caramel Pie Filling
1 baked pia aball
1 cap dark brown aagar
5 tableapooaa floor
1-S teaspoon aalt
arc yoika
a eupa Bilk
1 tablaspooa batter
1 teaspoon vaailla
Blend sugar, fiour and salt.
Add egg yolks and milk. Cook in
double boiler nntll very thick and
oreamy. Stir frequently while
cooking. Add butter and vanilla
and when mixed, pour into baked
pie shell. Cover with meringue.
a a a
Clear Lake Mr. and Alea
Harold were hosts at a dinner
given Christmas night at their
home. A tiny decorated tree and
four, red tapers served as a een
terpiece for the table.
"So that's
the old wins;
chairs go, but
91 IU
And, of course, being a mere business man he couldn't be
bothered itto sen it No wonder he was surprised at
the twentj five dollar check she had received as thrresuit
of a want ad she phoned ns two days ago.
You can sell thing,, too, if you put a clasiiflcd ad in The
Statesman. The want ad page U a market place for all
sorts of things and opportunities. Read it,-and USE 1T1
tor. In turn, presents the Presi
dent with a large rase which
was sent to the White Bouse by
young people of France.
Covers were placed for: Miss
Christina M. Harold ot Salem.
Gus Harold of Stayton, Robert
Massey. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cole
and children Erma and Howard
of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Harold and son Yerel, Andrew
Olson, Marie Harold and the
hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Alea Har
Wood burn A very pretty
wedding took place at the home
of vir. and Mrs. Boye In Wood
burn Friday evening when Wllma
Trulllnger, daughter of. Mr. and
Mrs. R. A. Trulllnger. was mar
ried to Howard Richards, son of
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Richards, also
of Woodburn.
Many friends and relatives
were present at the wedding and
all wished them much happiness.
Immediately after the ceremony
the newlyweds left for Seattle,
Wash., where they expect to
make their home.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Richards
are graduates .of Woodburn high
sehool and are well , known and
liked by people of Woodburn.
e -
Mrs. H. W. Persons and small
daughters, Melissa and Odilla, are
guests at the home or Mrs. Fer
son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ar
thur E. GIbbard, who make their
home In the Royal Court apart
ments. Mrs. Persons and chil
dren expect to return to their
home in Medford after New Tears
chair for months. It wasn't
LTD li u ui) IJ U
- ,
for some silly reason he wanted to gt rid
Miss Ooal Larson
Wecte Roy Redburjr
At a pretty ceremony, iwa
1 S o'clock hih noon, Decemoer
.Rth. Misa Onal Larson previous
ly ot Turner but now living near
Cloverdale, Oregon, became the
bride of Roy Recberg ef Oreton,
Oregon. ' . , ".
The wedding was solemnised In
the Grange hall at Oreton. in the
presence of about 75 friends and
relatives. Following the wedding
a large dinner and reception was
held honoring . me onae aui
groom. Mr. and Mrs. Recberg
will make their, home in Clover
dale, where - Mr. Recberg is en
gaged in bnjineaa.
w m w
Saturday .'evening, December
27. the home of Mr. and Mrs. O.
W. Emmons en Court street was
the scene of a gathering oi m
adult. Bible class .of Mill street
Methodist church, of which ciaS
Mr. Emmons is the leader.
The evening was spent in mus-
le and games of various kinds,
in recounting anecdotes, read in ss
and conversation.
Those preaent were Mrs. Anne
Stenstrom. Mrs. Alice Brown,
Mrs. O. F. Boyer and daughter,
Patricia - Ann: Misses Esther
Erickson Mildred Erickson, Eve
lyn Erickson,- Swen Okerberg,
Margaret Barnqnest and Norma
Crasson, and Messrs. Egll Ol
sen, G. F. Boyer, Orville P. bow-
.. m i It
ers, Joe wnuman ana jtusseu .
Gentry. .
A two course plate luncneon
was served the -guests by Mrs.
Emmons, assisted by Mrs. C. A.
Emmons and Misses Florence
and Genevieve Emmons. -
a a
Aurora Mrs. Charles Beck Is
having house guests through the
holiday season, the family were
all at home tor Christmas ere. On
Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Ro
bert Hendricks. Mr. and Mrs. Ed
gar Pierce, Richard and Barbara
Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Karl- Beck
and daughter Miriam. Salem;
Mrs. Charles Beck. Mrs. Lou Erb
saland, Mrs. Aurelia Powers, Ro
bert Powers and Walter Grim,
had Christmas dinner at the Hub
bard Mineral Springs. -
- Mrs. Josephine Stuart !s a
guest in the city at the home of
her son and , daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. 'iBJehard Slater and
her sister, Ms. fEdward Stevens.
Mrs. Stuart .wjjl , return to Eu
gene where t she-is Gamma Phi
Beta housemeiher, at the close
of the vacation period.
Saw Horse Club
Is Now up to 18
FRUITLAND, Dec. 29 The
Knights of the . Saw Horse club
held Its business, meeting at the
home of their president, P. I. Mc
Guire, Friday evening. Great en
thusiasm was shown by the
members of the club by the way
they responded to the different
Issues brought forth by different
members. Sylvester Honkola was
initiated into the club which
raises the membership to 18.
E had b e c n
fuising a bout
a tar! rhafr
ot thf
vln. L
and '
eon Ilo
r.rar .'.
tnine Jaecler.