r r h ! j "liT The OREGON STATESMAN, Salery Orron, TccsAtT Konrini December 3?), 1923 fy iL iJ ews Mnefe . - TT IB " Vf OfntM f Sfti1rAi4 Y a. -a lira. Ell Gllktnson, Route 1, suf fered from shock and bruise. undsy afternoon, whea the car ,walc a w riding-wa com pelled to drive up onto the curb to aToid an accident; Edna V. fi . ot Ro1 operated the ve hicle. The latter stated U her report to the poUce that the acci dent occurred at the corner ef Commercial and Hon etreete at 4: IS o'clock, v She did not get . the name t the other driver in yolved alnce he did not atop. She claim that the -other driver did not atop at the eton Hm ti h proceeded from Hoyt street lnte Commercial atreet. , 1. Dollar dinner ever night f:4S to 9 at the Marlon hotel. Aatoenobtlo i, Upset When Hash W. Hosmer. Route 1. and H. J. Leaf, Marahfleld. akidded their cars Into each other's at the cor ner f High and -Court streets. . Sunday morning: at : 30 o'clock. HoimWi machine was tipped ov er on its lett side, breaking; & win dow and damaging the front axle. Leaf reported to the police that he was going west on Court atreet and the other was approaching on High streej. at a high speed and tried to pass at the intersection with a sudden spurt of speed. The .attempt waa not a success. Bos sier completes the story with the statement that the two were at the intersection at the aame time. Car; Occupants Missing State traffic officers reported to the Sa lem police that a Ford sedan, li censed with a Washington plate, 'number S77-S74. left Portland at :Se o'clock. Sunday . night for Eugene. - The occupants were a man and bis wife and baby. They failed te arrive at their destina tion. . Campbell Church of Eu gene, requests to be called if the - car or it occupants are located. Security Benefit Aes'n. Dance Tues.. evening. Yew park HalL TCheel Smashed The right - wheel of the machine operated by Carl . Pettlt. S04 North 14th atreet. was smashed by the ma chine driven by H. H. Hall. 2040 Monroe street. Corvallls, In an accident at the corner of court and Liberty streets, Sunday at 11 .a.m. Hall was arrested by Salem police fox falling to tire the right 'of way. ' Miller's , year end - clearance now. ' . . ;. . Charge ' Reckless Driving -Hugh Hosmer. Route 8, was ar rested Sunday morning on reek less driving charges. He was re leased Monday after his license to drive waa suspended for 30 days by Police Judge Poulsen. Bernah Goffey. Sllverton. arrest ed early Sunday morning1 on the aame charges, was fined Sues for Divorce Edythe E. Norman haa filed divorce com plaint against Erie W. Norman, to whom she waa married In Mult nomah county in August. 1927. She alleges that he deserted her in October, 1929. She asks that her maiden name, Edythe E. Chambers, be restored. 4 , f - Notices Mailed Reminder no- tlces of the annual meeting of the Oregon State Pox Breeders' asso ciation, have been sent out this -week by Eugene Finlay. secre tary. The gathering, the first of . the conventions scheduled for Sa lem, Is to be held, here Saturday. January 2. Shed dry wood-coal. Prompt de livery. Tel. 12, Salem Fuel Co. Eakfa Back Snappy weath- ther, considerably colder than In the valley, was found by Harold E. Eakin. trust officer of . the First National bank, who made a holiday vacation trip to LaGrande last week. While there he was , entertained at his brother's, home. Demurrers to Complaint -Nellie c. Williams, defendant with I. p. and Myrtle Shutt in suit brought by T. M. Hicks, has filed demurrer to complaint on grounds that It does not state suf . flelent facts, to constitute cause of action. - Miller's year end clearance now. ; . . . f ' Want New Patrolman Thlr , teen taxpayers ot road district No. 45, have petitioned the county court to appoint Solas Rods a par trolman of the district. . Roda would be new to the Job. Copper In South Percy A. Cupper left Sunday night on a . business trip to Grants Pass and other southern Oregon - points. He will be gone for several days. SPECIAL NEW YEAR EDITION ORDER BLANK J :u In iU annual edition of January 1, 1931, The Oregon Statesman will tell the story of the year4. . . dus trial development, building governmental advance, educational progress. 1 - j. And in addition there will be depicted the outlook for' 1931; as leaders of Salem and the state foresee it. You win want extra copies, and should order them now. The price is ten cents, including postage for those mailed out. List the names and. addresses be low, we will do the mailing. , Name iMail cr fcrin- the list to ' ;' . Seat by - Salem people were tn Keiser ouaay 10 attend the district Sunday : school convention of churches held there, w. Ernest Savage Is president of the dis trict group, the meeting Sunday of which waa one of the - out standing sessions of the year. Salem folk appearing on the pro s' "rfjolnded: Rev. and Mrs. W, H. Robins ot the First Bap tist church; Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Shank of the First Methodist church ; Mrs. W. H. Buek ot the Jason Lee church, and Mra. Clif ton Mudd of the First BaptlaC Get Printed Report Mem bers of the ': county court have received eopiee ef the printed re port of the annual convention of county Judges and commission ers held In Portland the middle of the month. , This is the first time the sessions ' events have been made a matter ef "perma nent, printed- record. Commis sioner , Jim ; Smith ot Marion county. It secretary-treasurer, of the, group. ,' See rental cat BCcke A Hen dricks on classified page, also ta office window; 189 N. High. : . - ! ' - - ; . ' m Account Accepted - Final ac count of O. i H XTllt1nn ministrator of the estate -of M. c. Lneiian, has been approved by the county court and the de seendent's widow and eon de clared onlv heir ta th Mtitu The order directs administrator to assign contract of ' sale exe cuted by deceased and" issued to John and Lena Batter to the heirs. - i . Crasher Throstsli Trxla-r Th last rock crushing 1oS nt th year will be completed today. wnen tne Eiiverton plant grinds out the final batch of rock on its season's run. This plant, which broke down ' several weeks ago, haa been operating: for the past two or three days and will fin ish the outnut todav. This Is the last crusher in the county to do opera iing-, this season. Mrs. Lillian VInn now at Mir ror Beauty j Shop. Phone 184, Balcony Gunnell and Robb. . . - 1 . . - Hits Tewed! ear Max Janhsen saya In report to sheriff that as he was being towed Sunday into town by a wrecker from the Marlon garage another car driv en by A. R.Bevens of Hubbard struck the Janhsen machine. The accident occurred when the tow rope ;, Blackened, causing the Janhsen machine to swerve to the left. - !' Program Tomorrow The Men's Brotherhood ot the Leslie Methodist church will be in charge of the watehnight serv ice at that church Wednesday evening. A social time will be gin at 8:30 o'clock, and tlje ever nlng will close with the usual religious service at the advent, of the new year.; ".....,..... Old BeaMesrt 'Here - M. ' O. Evans, who was associated "with the old Oregon Growers organ isation here, was In the city yes terday for a few hours while vis iting in the north from his home in Burbank. Calif. Evans left here five or six years ago. He is now buying tor a wholesale firm in Burbank. j Miller's year end clearance now.r j ;;. - Stops Short: Gets hit Cedric Reaney ot route eight says in ac cident report to the sheriff that he ran into ! the left rear wneei of R. Minor's .automobile when Minor made a sudden turn to the left. The accident occurred on the highway near : Oregon City, . which is Minor's home town. ; .;.; i . :. ... , . Sues on Note Angle L. War ren has started suit - in circuit rt arsinst ' Georse D. Grace and O. W. Vail to collect on a nrnmtaaorv note. Warren seers that his interest in property ot Grace be declared prior in tei est, Inasmuch as O. W. Vail,, also claims interest la tne property. - T. n na t-v n.rnmt and stock reducing sales at : Elliott Dry Goods company, now. . - t n.. rknW1in CI aorta rvrflit siad another motorist vrere driving around on a curve near Liberty Sunday afternoon tney met head-on, Dofan aaya in a re port to the aheriff. He did not get the name of the other driver. Account FOed Final account iktv. Miit. of Elnora WItsel has been filed and hearing set for February 2., - Street City The Statesman Office. . . ; - , ' .. ; HBEHIEQ Changes h Criminal Ccds To ts Rcctmnicndsd by Judicial Assembly i Various amendments te the ex isting laws relating to insanity pleas ; in criminal , cases win . be recommended to the 111 legisla ture by the Oregon Judicial coun cil, according to . announcement made at the offices of the state supreme court hero last night. One proposed ' amendment vO provide that a perron convicted ef a crime, to which he pleaded in sanity aa a defense, shall be sen tenced : to serve not less than three years in a state Insane asy lum, without the privilege of hab eas corpus. " ' - Another amendment : will nro- idetthat in easesr where a defend ant in a criminal action relies no on an insanity plea as a defense, he shall notify the prosecuting ef- PaildhsK Permits Standard Oil company took out four building- permits. If on day, for work to be done in Salem. Their plans are as follows: erect grease shed, 100 North Commercial street, es timated cost, flsfl; erect grease shed.' 802 Commercial street, es timated cost, g 100; repair: ser vice station. T1S State street, es timated cost SIS; repair service station, 180S State street, estima ted cost, $100. MeerhiA The First Christian church has . scheduled its annual fellowship dinner and business meeting- for New Teara day at the church. The dinner will be served promptly at 1:00 o'clock and to it all members and friends of the church are invited. A aongtest and abort program will precede the election ot offi cers. .( ' , Benefit Dance by the Indepen dence Firemen Kent! Hall . New Tear's eve. Admission SOe. La dles free. ; Motion Day Friday Motion days will be on in Judge MeJfa han's department of circuit court Friday and Saturday, when motions and demurrers will be heard, and cases set for the January term of court, which opena Monday, January f . Home for Holiday -Miss Lu cille Chapln la spending the holi day with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. 8. Chapln ot the Red , Lan tern auto camp south of town. She is home from La Grande, where ahe is attending the east ern Oregon Normal school, January Clearance and atock reducing: sales at Elliott Dry Goods company now. Robertson to Portland Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Robertson, 1170 Nebraska street, are leaving for Portland to spend some time vis iting with relatives. Mr, Robert son has Just recovered from ; a siege of the grippe. Christmas Baby Mr. and Mrs. R." V. Stewart ot route six. Salem, are parents of a seven and a half pound boy, born Christmas night. The young man has been named Donald Deloss. Released Front Jail 7. J. Chaves, -;- who haa been in the county JaU alnce December zt. was released yesterday through Justice court. He was held on a non-support charge. ; Repairs - Warehouse F. N. Derby waa Issued a building- per mit by the city engineers office. Monday, to repair the two story warehouse at 210 State street. The estimated cost is 115,000. ! ... - - - Would Borrow Money F. N. Derby, administrator of the es tate of T. W. Steiger. has peti tioned the county court to bor row $500 to pay taxes and Inter est. ' Miller's year end clearance now. - .'-.-- -.? - - At Newport County Engineer and Mrs. Hedda Swart and chil dren are at Newport, where they will remain until after the New Tear'a hoUday. - : Statements Approved The county Judge has Issued order approving final account of Lloyd Rlgdon. admlnistratpr ot the tate ot William Elmer, licensed to Wed Marriage li cense waa Issued here yesterday to - Ernest L. Hove, Hubbard route two, and Marie Hanson, Woodburn. Recklessness Charged Ray mond . Olson. Corvallls. was ar rested and balled for $10. Satur day, on reckless driving charges. If you suffer from itching, blind. 'rotrudlng- or bleeding Piles yon re ikelr to be am&xed at the soothing-, leallna power of the rare. Imported Chines Herb, which fortifies Dr. Nixon's Chlnarold. "It's the newest and fastest actlng-treatment out. Brin? esse and comfort In a tew minutes so that you can work and enior life while it continues its soothing healins: action. JDon't de lay. Act in time to avoid a danrer n and epetlr operation. Try Dr. Nixon's Chlnarold under our roar, ante to aatlefr completely and be worth 100 times th small cost ox your, money back, Perry's Btujj Store, - US S. Commercial St. nnn n?P c:niE$E nm V'1 uwmn y iJ J i t M But Mystery Man Makes Up in Full for Less HAYES STATUS PROBED Salem police' ' department had Its aharw' of the excitement that resulted front the escape of Carl Rrumslehv eonviet of ths Oregon state penitentiary. In addition. It holds Wiaita J. nayes. 11 College Hill road. Salem, Maaa, tor investigation oa a susplcton of being mentally unbalanced. . Krumslck escaped early Satur day in order, he said. Sunday nlxht. to urrv. to- the aids of a daughter lyinr near death In Om aha, Nebr. Sunday, morning, Sa lem police headauarters received a notice from Eugens Bally, dep uty warden of the penitentiary, to the effect that Krumiek- had left Portland at 9:20 o'clock tn a Brown and White . ttxieab and was bound lor Salem . Such was the belief of several people who ffeef or officer before his case is call for trial. :. Seek Coxupetcst Observation i JL third amendment provides that la eases where Insanity is suggested as a defease, the .per sons aecused shaU be aotnmltted to a state liuttnj asyfilBf for ob servation by an alienist. - The legislature also will be asked to enact a law providing that Jury panels shall be. approv ed by a Jury commission, and that all Jury prospects shall be exam ined under the supervision of cir cuit court Judges. It was declared that such a lav would improve the Jury panels, and expedite the work ot the courts. Under another proposed law the state and defense would have nine peremptory challenges - Inl which the penalty la death or lite imprisonment, five- peremptory challenges in other criminal cases, and three peremptory challenges in eases Involving misdemeanors. The Oregon Judicial assembly. which includes members ef the Oregon Judicial council and cir cuit Judges of Oregon, will meet in Portland next Friday, when the proposed legislation win be sub mitted for final consideration. Chief Justice Coshow ' of the state supreme court is chairman ot the Oregon Judicial council. MIT HIGH-UPS 10 SPEAK. 81 Eight prominent men in the field of retail and wholesale credits as they are related to business, have been secured for the first annual banquet ot the Salem Credit Men's association. The affair Is to be held January 7 at S:S0p. m. at the Marion hotel here. Two hundred and fifty local business men are ex pected to attend. ; . Included on the list of speak ers are Don Rlssm, vice-presi dent of the National Association of Credit men. ' He speaks on "Credits and the Wholesaler". B. E. Ross former president ot the National Association ot Credit men, is a speak on The National Retail Credit Associa tion and What it Meana to the Individual'. Grant. Braman, manager of credits for Bedell's in Portland, is to talk on "Your Local Credit Association". C. C. Colt, presi dent of the First National bank of Portlard, has for his topic. "The Merchant and his Banker". Other, outstanding . speakers secured tor the banuet include John Keel en, , national Retail Credit association; B. Can toe, credit manager. Portland; Stu art Bliss, director - Portland as sociation; O. F. Tate, secretary Oregon Retail. Merchants' asso ciation. School Leaders, Portland Meet George Hug, city superinten dent, Fred woir. nign school principal, and J. VC. Nelson, prirfclpal emeritus of the high school, were among the local ed ucators -who left yesterday for Portland to attend the annual meeting of the Oregon- State Teachers association. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Tavenner plan to go down today and among those who will go Wednesday will bo Miss Lyle Murray, MUs Mabel Mur ray, Mra. Eula S. Creech and Miss Lillian Davis. Oa Oasa Last OaV aese atsdicla. ISO S. 0 irrlU St, Saleaa Offiee bean iwr Staiasy S:SO te S:SO ass. amrlac ta BMBtas et sad Jan. PIANOS . TO RENT lit'. OO 2103, rjsed Fs-rmltarr-Department 151 w. nigh 1ET w had seen a ' man answering Krmmslek's description, hire the taxicab. .. 1 . . t; "-;-"; : Local officers fmedtatety set a wafrh- for the taxicab in uuestion aad at 2:19 p. nu. Officer smart and Sergeant Fisher took into their custody William J. Hayes, who -xPoved tor be the mysterious passenger of the taxicab. Investigation proved that Hayes waa fairly well to de. and had a considerable sam of money en his person at Salem. He diw missed his taxicab and then went to a hotel where he deposited all ef his money but enough te buy a one-way ticket .to Portland by Stags. It van at the stags office that the officers finally took htm into custody.. VIED EVETITS Oil FfilDAY PII0&B - - M. C.i A OutHnes Its Activities Until 'way Flext Spring The Friday night programs which have become a regular part of the T.'M. C. A. activi ties, are planned for each Friday night ; until ' May . 1. - Through these affairs, the public, wheth er they are members of the as sociation or not, an opportunity to hear a variety of programs throughout the year. The following- la a tentative schedule of the season: November; 14 'Frank Cross, Bill Dyer, and Frank Spears Trip to Orient. November IS Thanksgiving Program Dr. Carl O. Doner spoke. December I Dean Roy R. Hewitt Trip to South America. Decern Dcr lz w. A. Eliot Bird talk. December 21 Christmas pro gram Salem churches and. Sal vation Army.- January New Tear's Pro gram. - January 9 Ray Conway. January If Beethoven Club. January It Play. January SO Scotch Program. . February 13 Service Clubs. February g Washington Birthday. February IT International Program. March Musie from O. 8. C March 13 Irish Program. March SO Japanese Program. March 37 Normal School Musie Program. April 3 Chemawa. April 10 Easter Program. April 17 High school music clubs. April 34 Willamette music dab. May 1 Musie Week. The Social- committee in charge of the Friday night pro grams is Joseph H. Albert, chairman, Mrs. Herbert Gordon. Mrs. C. A. Kells. Mrs. Roy Lock enour, H. B. delayer. William McGilchrist, Sr.. Dr. D..B. Hill and William Wright. Mathias Dvorak, Known as Good Violinist, Dies SCIO. Dec 39 Mathias Dvor ak. Si, a name of Bohemia, died hero early this morning. Funeral services have not - yet been . ar ranged. Dvorak came to Sclo with his wife It years ago1 and the two, having retired - from their occu pation of farm owners and oper ators, resided here steadily. The widow survives. is a doctor's Prescriptiosi for COLDS and HEADACHES It Is the most speedy remedy 666 also In Tablets. PILES CURED et sms ef DR. MARSHALL sss dragon zus- ; VSCHAEFRS Throat and Lung , - Balsam ;' :: For the "treatment of : coughs and colds due to exposure and minor Bron chial Irritation, also for temporary hoarseness and for huskiness. Pleasant to take and effi cient for adults or children 50c MO $1.00 . sold only at . . Scfeeferls Dreg Store The origiaal! yellow front can dy special, store of Salens 133 N. Com! M. Phone 197 Penslar Agency Home of Schaefer Remedies 666 fPfUIHTTO DTM1D llbUUilliU 01)1113 II OTOIMffl Ysristy of Events Listed In Annual Event of V' Organization 1 The annual New Tear's swim- mmg program ot the T. M. C. A. In their, tank will take place Thursday night at 7:3 otlock under the direction of Charles Gim. The organisations that will take part are the boys division. Junior Life - Savers,-- boys and girls, and the Senior Mixed Life savers. Several independent swimming and diving stara are Included. ' j . - Underwater and surface swim ming by 30 "T" boys will com mence the program. They will be followed by. eight girls who will shew methods of ' recovering drowning persona from the water. , -, Several races by the Senior Life savers will then take place followed by a boys ping pong race in which the balls will be blown . across - the water fol lowed by the swimming boys. - ; Blaay strokes to ho Seen .- A demonstration of the fol lowing strokes will bo exhibited: Bids stroke. Boardman and Bal der; crawl. D wight Adams; trudgen. Vera Gilmore; trudgen crawl, Esther Arnold; elemen tary back. Mrs. NUes; racing back. Fred Paul; breast stroke. Fred Smith; double kick, single overarm. optional participants. - The following dives will be exhibited: - swan, ganer one-half ltuary Cobb Edward H. Cobb died at the residence ot his son on route 3. box 115AA. December 38. aged 73 years; husband ot Mary; fa ther of Mrs. Bertha L. Winner of HiUsboro, Mrs. Elisabeth Cook of Portland, Mrs. W. M. Dodd of Alturas. CaUf.. Mrs. A. B. Monl of Llvermoro. Califs Mrs. Helen Miller of Sparks, Nev., Walter L. Cobb ot Molalla, Clarence E. ot Los Angeles. Calif.. Ernest E. and Herman both ot Salem. Fun eral services Tuesday, December SK at 1 p. m. from the Terwllll- ger funeral home. Rev. J. M. Comer officiating. Interment at Hayesvuie. Clarenc T. Mornn. mm1r ot a pioneer North Howell fam ily, died at San Francisco. Calif December 33, aged about 4 a years: brother ef Virell Morns. Mrs. Sylvia Baughman, and Mrs. Elsie Dunn all of North Howell: father ot three minor . children, Leslie. Priscilla and Virgil all of North Howell. Funeral services Tuesday. December 30, at 1:3 1 p. m. from the chapel of the Clough-Barrick company. Inter ment Macleay cemetery. , White Claude Leland White died at the home, tiOt Nob Hill street, December 29. aged 7 months; son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude C. White . of - Salem. ' Funeral an nouncements later by the Clough Barrick company. . Dent Ellsworth B. Dent died at his residence on route 1 near Jeffer son, December 39, aged 18 years; Husband ot Jessie; father ot Mrs. Raymond Daniels ot Medtord, Miss Ruth Dent ot Medical Lake, Wash., Wilbur of Snake River, Wash-, and Ralph of Jefferson; brother ot Albert of Seattle and Mrs. Mattlo Wsynlck of Califor nia. ' Announcement of funeral later by W. T. JUgdoa and Son. City View Cemetery Established 893 . TeL 1200 Conveniently Accessible Perpetual care provided , for Prices Reasonable Pelcrest iHemorial iParfc Fae S3 OS Meet llederaulr A Park Cemetery with perpetual care Just ten minutes from the heart of town TTERWILIIGER'S JL rrnrajLUBrtrcToma T7S CHXMXXXTA Oes SerrMe to T Oar Fnees Ai Owe Ra Is aCeaera t4r Zasalsasr Clough-Barrick Co. MORTUARY 12S Church ai Ferry St (t.(T5tSlt!sn LLOTD S. lUCSC tZgt. Ob and fall. Jack knife,' back flip, front rip, one and ens-half. back dive, one-half twist and back Jack, The men who will exhibit them are Adams. Gil more, Smith, Paul. Gill, Cun ningham, Compton. Kaylor, Arn old, Hug, Reed, Emmett, Cross, Needham, A group of the most difficult dives will bo shown by Gene Cunningham, an expert direr and life saving expert who has had 'professional experience. Cunningham has done stunt dives' tor moving pictures aa well aa life saving at Oregon beaches. A miscellaneous - group of dives "and swims will be the por poise, tub swim, torpedo, scnll back, crab, tandem aad sub marine. Charles Gill will demonstrate artificial respiration. He. and Vern Gilmore will demonstrate the ssddle and flreman'a carry. Following this Fred Smith and Dwlght Adama will show life saving methods in bringing; per- aona from the tank. - McMahan Hears Lien Testimony; : Asks for Briefs Tastimonv in - th eaa -f Korb vs. Clark. ' started bfar Judge L. II. McMahan several montna ago when he presided over department two of the cir cuit court, was sUrted again Monday morning- and completed that day The case was trans- xerrea to department one in or der that McMahan, now in charge of that denartment. mltnt nar the rest ot the case which in volves foreclosure of a mechan ic's Hen. After hearing the balance ot the teatimonv vmmtmrAm-r fhm Judge ordered the attorneys to suonm memoranda In the case. Judge McMahan succeeded to the first department ot the court upon appointment ot Judge Percy Kelley to the supreme bench and bcana nf hat chnre had been unable to hear the r-' mainder of the ease until this time. Popular Pagean t To be Given for Third Audience By" request ot the many hun dred who were again Sunday ev ening turned away from th pa geant. The Light of th World at the American Lutheran chureh, the pageant will be presented for a third time next Sunday ev ening. Although Sunday evening's weather was cold and adverse, th church was filled to capacity be fore 7:30 o'clock, and hundreds o) O) n n s II II J I MM!- ONE-WAY FARES -EAST I O A Tkk,,8xlISfoncJord u YY : Pullmans on payment ef uol Sleeping Cor y chargea I OWFD, I" d Tourist , uy VT Sleepers on payment' off ' ol Sleeping Car v' ''.''charges. LONAFT. T,cket 0d ,B Coaches US VY CO I . and Chair Cart only. . -Wfifo or con on Local Agent for full Information . regarding- " - ' special rirsucno::s --h Ons-WoyCooch and Tourist Sleeping Ccr Fares to points East, effective January 1 t General Passecjrer DepL, 637 Pittock Block, Portland, Ore. FAGH FIVE had to be turned away. Those wis saw It Sunday were greatir pleased with the produc tion and praised the work and' study given to the subject by the author and director. Max Cehl bar. seventy-nine costumed charaetera participated la the six episodes. Fee or Not, -She Desires HerDivojrce! It's going to take more than the divorce decree to make happy one woman whom the Marion county courts gave freedom." Here's why; Some time ago the county clerk' received a letter from the woman ' in Question asking the charge for a certified copy ot her divorce de cree. The clerk notified her .of , the usual fee In the matter. Yesterday, the clerk received another letter from her, saying that ahe had the information on the cost at sand, and "Would the clerk please advise her how to make out a postotflce money orderT" Cherrians Plan Festive Banquet Tickets admitting Cherrians te the annual banquet echeduled for January t at the Marlon hotel. were aent out yesterday to all members who have paid the re gular 85.00 assessment. Men who have not paid the money have been asked to remit at once to the King Ring's of rice at the chamber of ; commerce. One-Way Fare East ' Slashed! EXAMPLES Tourist Coach Chicago $05.00 S30.0O St. Paul 53.00 40.00 New York ... 05.70 80.70 Winnipeg fiS.OO 40.00 Proportional fares to many other plaees. Tourist fares good in tourist sleepers (on payment of berth charges) or coaches. Coach fares good la coaches only. FsH iaf orntatlosi frosa E. 7. Roberta, City Paegr. and Tkt. Agent L. F. Kaowlton, General Agent. OREGON ELECTRIC THAT. ARE OVERDUE SHOULD BE PAID NO Wl A LOAN FROM US WILL PROVIDE THE NECESSARY CASH. WITHIN 24 HOURS w YOU GET THE FUU. AMOUNT NO DEDUCTIONS! w . coumous SERVICE SMALL REPAYMENTS . TO SUTf YOUX INCOME l'o an s $10 to $300 Licensed By The State 3 on e f i c i a 1 Loan Society; 119 New Bligh Building Second! Floor SIS State Sc. Tel. S-7-4-0 o nces