1 "PAGE TWO - i : c v . . , . . . . . - - Tfce CnSGCN STATTanAN. Safea, Oregon, TOiaf Moraine December 23. 1333 . .. . . . . . . ......... .... , - O - Ob vwobd n MM. m SPOT OF STAR Rim Leaders Prote Jast Like Ordinary People; UoycTs Tree: Huge . HOL1.TWOOD. CaL. Dee. 1 5 (AE) This is Hollywood' big Mit Axr. rpietures will cont and eictures rKl go but there Is noth ing like ChTisanas -ln the mm capital.' The studio are dark. Not Klleg light shines.- Santa Clans rules - supreme and -every work men of tha movies Is closed while the .workers revel with St. Nick. Christmas Is the one day of the year that the home can claim all Bollywood. At that, there Is not much dlf- frinrR between Christmas In Hollywood and Christmas In eonntless homes 'throughout the land. The home of nearly every film nersoBMte has a - Christmas tree and a boat the only Tiralry -of the k feolldiv- is "Who has the biggest tree?" Harold Lloyd has one of tUe largest, an immense natural tree that blazes like the colors on . a painter's easel at night. Chfldrat Slake Merrr Those who -have children still wraooed In the tender fiction of Santa Clans, steal downstairs jrith them at the break of dawn to see what the quaint old gen tleman has brought them. After all the packages hare been explor ed, actor dad and actress mother lip off for a few hoars, more of sleep, while the children raise the usual noise with toys. Bat Hollywood Is young enough so that the children arent the only ones who awaken early. There are many young stars srhose curiosity is sharp enough to bring- them out of bed at dawn. Throughout the day, merry making continues. Every house Is open house. A stesdy stream of well-wishers and gift bearers flow from one home to another. If anyone in Hollywood says Be sure and drop in on Christmas," It is not an idle invitation. Presents-range from socks to automobiles. Purses are bard hit by Christmas but that is a small matter In the spirit of the fay. . And - tomorrow, everyone goes back to work, just like John Peo ale and everywhere is heard: "Have a good Christmas." "Ton beti- Kiddies in Desert Have x Fir Tree Through Air- ; ' M Kindness The! Call Boards Bj OLIVE 4L;D0AK e e'e e KLS1XORE Today Bebert -afontgom- err and Anita Page in -Wax Nurse." ' ! "v Thursday -Jack Oakle In "Sea Legs." : THB GRAND Today 3ebe Daniels in Dixiana. Friday George O'Brien In 'Ilough Remanee. THB HOLLYWOOD Today Helen Kane In "Dan- gerons Nan UcGrew." Today Marion Davies In' "The Florodora airL" HUGH'S CAPITOL Today Loo Moran In A Soldiers Plaything. Thursday - Jackie Coogan In "Tom Sawyer. TUMBLERS ID GIVE EXHIBIT! AT MEET Alpha Delta Pi House Fire Cost $1000 at Eugene EUGENE, Ore.. Des. IS. (AP) Fire of undetermined origin wept through the Alpha Delta Pi sorority house here tonight. Dam age to the house alone - was esti mated at about $1009 and dam age to furnishings and' clothing amounted to several hundred dol lars. The fire started in the base stent and had burned through the riving room floor before it was discovered. Several trunks In the basement and the clothes In them were damaged.' None of the members of the sorority were in the -house at the time of the fire. 14 Planes Make Ready for Long Oceanic Flight BOLAMA, Portuguese Guinea, Dec. 25. (AP) The Italian trans-Atlantic seaplane squadron of 14 planes en route to South America, arrived here at 4: SO oV'ock this afternoon, local time. They left Villa Clsneros, Itio do orq. this morning. After fitting for the flight X ef the planes will hop" of: hero some time next , week for Port Natal. Brazil. The gym leaders at the T. If. A. are working-out a-tumbling act in preparation for a gymna sium exhibition which will be giv en at the meeting of the north west gym leaders convention of the Y. M. C- A., which will be held in Bremerton. Wash., January 2. and 4. The associations of Oregon, Washington and British Colum bia send delegates to the conven tion and each delegation gives a gymnastic exhibition of some sort with a prize going to the winner. Tumbling, trapexe work, high bar. torch swinging In the dark, long and abort horse work, and other special gymnastic -work was shown at the convention in Ta- coma last year. , Fred smith. George Fowler. Robert Parker, Phil Bell and Jim Natter are the five who win represent the Salem T. M. C. A. at the meeting. All have had experlenoe In tumbling; on various teams and are working out a combination tumbling and pyramid building program. Fred Smith, who la director of physical education for the younger boys at the "T." and "Jim" Nutter both attended 'the meeting at Ta- comalast year and reported that much was learned by the ex change of Ideas and methods. . SPOJCANX. Dee. 1$.AF) A grown ef .youngster in-a tittle community somewhere lathe des ert near the Utah-Idaho line lucre probably- Their first - Christmas tree today. It came tot of -tneJ sky to them. . Jack o Brian, varner ear -snail pilot, told abent It tonight aehe finished his run. - , Last fall. O'Brien said, he struck up en acquaintance with the -youngsters and - their school teacher. ItxotK that every time he approached the- Utile group would. be out on the ground wait ing to wave -as he flew past, Ha acknowledged the greeting bydlp- ptae the wings of his plane. . He doesn't know - the name of the community, he said. It is ao small -that "he hasn't '.found ft on the. maps. But It is In the middle or a monotonous expanse of sage brash, miles and miles from any tree. Someone seat him a Christmas tree the other day and he at one thought of his friends In the des ert, most of whom probably had never seen a real Christmas tree. so ne loaded ft Into the mail com partment of his plane aa he atari ed south. The school yard waa deserted yesterday as he flew over. Ha cir cled the building twice and gave his motor "the run." The roar could be beard . for miles in the frosty air. The youngsters and their teacher poured out of tha building and started their waving. At 800 feet above the yard ha released the tree. It bounded twice as it hit the ground, base first and was not damaged. As he flow on to the south, ho said, he looked back to see. the youngsters and their teacheri dragging the tree into the school- house. TO OH MIT Idaho Farmer Happy in His German Castle BOISE. Idaho. Dec. 25. (AP) Walter Blareahottx, erstwhile Boise valley farmer, has- settled peacefully iato his inherited Ger man baronial castle and likes the. life,' Gustavo Kreeger. his attor ney, said today, when ha returned after a three months' stay in Ger many. He accompanied young Maren- holtz to Germany to establish his Inheritance of the baronial estate Into which ha came with the death -more than a year ago of an aged aunt. At T resect the 32 year old farmer is sharing- the estate with another aged aunt until her death. He is married and has three children, all born in Amerl ca. . ! - - His father emigrated to Ameri ca some yean. after the Franco- Prussian war. ! - North Yields up Bodies of Men Lost Year Ago MONTREAL. Dee. 28. CAP) From the frosen hinterlands of Quebec came . word today "that the bodies of two fliers lost since October 9, 1929, had boon found. - A telegram received from J. A. D. MeCurdy. president of the Curtlss-Beid Aircraft company. from Arthur -Llzotte. said that Indiana had returned to Rebe ri val and reported finding the bodies of Pilot W. W. "Bill- Cannon and Mechanic Leonce ri sotto, son of Arthur Llsotte. north of ' Lake St. John. They brought with them-parta of" the plane's wings.' The fliers disap peared while on a flight from 8t. Fleicien. Que., to Chibougamau. Pool Hall Owner Killed in Raid OKLAHOMA CITY. Dec 28. (AP) Emmlt Neat. 22. pool hall proprietor,, was killed and P. K. Durkin, a patron, wounded seri ously by two unmasked robbers in tha robbery of the pool hall late tonight. The robbers escaped. The victims had refused to pat up tneir hands and attempted to dis arm the robbers. Too Late to Classify -"-" i-rriynrrrmnui ori FOR BALE Veateh and tm.tm. hv. tt4.t ton. J. D. HartwelL HI a lsth or phone ft. HOLLYWOOD 25c -SrBSSfaBBSSBaBBBsBISBrsBBSBBBsVB ffEao I3ESIIN(5)EiIS LAST ffJ Ifi5r' 11 , times Vurfr.: -f & Y today ; ) nirin'l' S! t.i "s& II II ni First Showinj in ! T Hit Salem I KSINEPAUim Jfp ' DEZT : rt " vS y dol. Home of Talkies TODAT and SATURDAY . Mickey Mouse Matinee Saturday 1:30 P. M. POTJRTH EPISODE OF RINTYS GREATEST i PICTURE 8ALTA. ArgenUna, Dee. (AP) -Vew earth "tremera and heary raiaa today added to' the miawrr -Af the papulatias or Xft Poma. la the Andes, when 12 persona ware killed and - more tknnt lnyeresV 'when-asi eartl qnake- destroyed that village yes- turaay. A relief expedlUoa which ar rived at Xa Poma teday after 24 -hour march over a rough mountain road found the sur vivors, atia 'terror stricken, cammed amidst the wreckage of their homes. Six aaw shocks fett this morning throughout -ths Province et Saita, but: no fur ther deaths or material damage were reported.' The enake 4eft -behind it 'two huge cracks fa the earth -which today were oozing hot water. In the panic, of the first: shock It waa reported that a number of persona, fell iato the newly opened cracks and disappeared. Neighboring mountains emitted smoke during the shocks. ' . Miss Gayl Nurse, Finds Accident Victim Mother - r BERKELEY. CaL, Dec li (APJ Miss Charlotte Gay. 18- y ear-old student nurse In a Berke ley hospital, had to work: Christ mas day. Another automobile accident, a doctor commented as a woman patient was brought in. "Hand me those- bandages, Jis Gay. A the n&raev reached for the bandages she looked at' tha pa tient. It was her mother. - An hour later arrs. Henrietta Gar. 48. died in her daughter's arms. Corvallis Man Held for Speed And Bad Driving Raymond A. Olson of Corvallis was arrested on a charsre ef iMd. ing and reckless driving last night waen ine uaxiand sedan which he was driving - struck -the "Ford delivery Car driven- br E. T. Wart. well of Salem, at the inteneetlon 01 wasnington and South. Commercial. Hartwell waa enterlnn- Rnntb Commercial from the west side and -had stopped at the Intersec- uen, stnee . Commercial Is a through, street He reported that no cars ware fa sight when he tarae4 earth M Cemmerdal. lie. fhad ne sooner gotten straixhtener ent.than nia car was wtrucsr on ths right rear featfar by the Oak-J land, wtoch was also going nonn. It to alleged that Ohroa wm sTteerTTnr STrd rTtif act, hare ths right of way. - Skid, marks of Ol son's ear measured IS steps. OW se waa released en bail of tl aad wGl appear -beforw JadceJ Ponlsoa for a hearing at X P. today. - poldo Chcchcd mm Df oodtn vaporizing ciatsieQtJust rub on Bank Ron Traced ' I To Communists; 0uick Halt Made K&sr YORK. Dec 25. (AP) TChe state banking department announced tonight it had traced to communist sources a run of 1.808 depositors on -a bank last Saturday, the run being; stopped only by the prompt intervention of Joseph A. Broderick. strvte su perintendent of banks. Tha name of the bank or its location was not disclosed. Some officials believed there might be a connection between communist rumor mongers and some brokers engaged la short selling operations on " bank stocks. This the officials said, would be in i Una with the ru mored communistic campaign to disorganise tha country's finan cial structure. pan in i;i NEW YORK, Dec 15. (AP) Poison liauorr klDed tea pr- J sons, including a woman, today ana sent eignx vuhhi tals la serious condiuon. Among those gravely HI Is sixteen year, old boy. Deadly 1 1 u o r apparently t flowed to all sections vt the city. Ambulance calls, cams, in -rapid succession. Tha woman. Mrs. Lena Gorman, 65 and homeless; was found dead is a vacant lot. The boy, Thomas Tracy, of the Bronx, was found "helpless in a downtown subway station. TOary Brennan. 80, was found dowatowa, uffsrlng from acuta alcoholism. Somw died In. tha Bronx., some In Brooklyn and some on- Loag Island. Ths lower East aids as usnai bore the nt of' the cas ualties. Tire Tictlms were tm tdemttried; Unofficially- It was reported that streams et -poorest grade aia. and whisky Yloeded the city to be consumed as drlak offer ings to- the- aptrtt of Christmas. iDuck Hunters Alter Air Route BALTIMORE. Dec. 25. (AP) Ducks have driven, the air planes Tut the sky at least 1 n th vtetnftr .of one- Baltimore rruirt. Keeanse the drone ot Mrs. 4 the motors low Hying planes In terfered with the Shooting unas on rivers north ot tha city a delegation- ot sportsmen visited the officials of an airway passenger Hue operating between New York and Washington to pro test. Una officials Instructed their, pilots- passing- over the area to swing: to the north or south or also climb te extreme attitudes. m Geo. O'Brien H. No Riots Bother Germany During Yuletide Days BERLIN. Dec. 25 (AP) Christmas day passed quietly In Germany and the whole country at least today forgot politics and other troubles and gava Itself or- er to the traditional Yuletide Joy. There was no repetition here of street demonstrations which for a while yesterday marred the holi day merriment. Berliners who insisted on a "white" Christmas entrained tor the snowclad Bavarian Alps and the Hari mountains, for there waa not a vestige of 'snow in the metropolis. li I Q FUN FIT FOR A KING NEW YEAR'S EVE VAUDEVILLE SOUVENIRS FAVORS Talking Picture Mall Orders NOW Any Beat ai.OO The Elsinora Now a Warner Bros. Theatre o 11j)avde in a most unusual musical picture of the Gar Nine OSilL LAST TIMES TODAY YonTI Lot "The Kid" AH Over Again When Yon Hear Him Talk! 0. Now a . VVARNER BROS. THEATRE Saturday - Sunday . . BELLE BENNET In J3 V Marriage was boredom to him; intrigue was ro mance. But his wife spoiled his love affair by making him marry the other woman I A word to the wivei is sufficient. Come and brinir your husband to the best matrimonial comedy ever screened. SOUND NEWS Vitaphone Short Subjects ON THE STAGE 4i FANCHON & MARCO'S Dreamy Romance ... Tinkling: Guitars ... Pulsating Dances , . . Comedy and Song: ' and the. SUNKIST BEAUTIES MICKEY MOUSE CLUB HOUR 1:00 to 2:00 I I til tlliSI I Anaerlca's favorite younger actors the most of the Lsoxhs and The thrills of Stark Twain's Joyous comedy. TBsrapsk aew JACKIE CO0C-AN f A. A tm the tears roll S Cfaeekat Thrin with the yoeOifal here of tha world's famous story! it's au herel All alive and real la word aad action before year eyes! All Talking Comedy Selected Short Subjects Leak Holt at Ascending; WarUtaer Saturday Bwnday - - Monday Doonvay to Helf with Lewis Ayres The picture Gangland dared llolly jJAKE that unoccupied room oF i yours do its part in paying the monthly household expenses an in expensive descriptive ad in this paper, giving accommodations offered, loca tion, etc., will quickly find a desirable tenant.. -y--'-- ' . " The Statesman's classified ads are not ed for their ability to quickly produce gratifying returns that's why prac tically all the available rental property in Salem will be found listed in its classified columns. with ' LAWRENCE j GRAY - WLTKIl CATUCTT OUOBO lSI. : CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING wood to 11