The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 25, 1930, Page 2, Image 2

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LUiPinocnc nor
lUlyUIILUd ll 1 1.
Pomp and Splendor' Mark
Rites in Church of '
The Halivity
: f CmUSC . frw Sags 41 -
laeense-and myrrh.
Bat long before that boar the
ewi' were - ersinraed and the
.lle were crowded both wits
nllgriiae from eisr and hundreds
who live r constantly In tt at-
snesohera of the . sacred birth
place ' s
Whea the serrico began
fcnsh fell orer the, ctragregatioa:
nil wan roreTenee -M the -eolorfnl
, ritual unfolded U tne accompan
iment of a choir of Franciscan
monks.. .' ' ' '
Jnat before, midnight a warn
ing bell ran softly and the sol
na words of . the consecration
ended as the tower chime began
to -toll hour. The priests
palled the silken cords with
drawing the curtain from the
xafeeraacie, ; revealing a doll - rep
resenting tJhe babe pf: Bethlehem:
Choir Sings, Coasts
fa ThrMM of Latin
..That orran thundered and the
Voices of -the choir rang out In
isjoneroas Latin: "Biassed be Me
who comes in the name of the
jrd- llosanna la exeelsla": it
was Christ in as day.
Ttia beatitude. Monslgnor
Louis Barlasslna. Latin patriarch
af Jerusalem. reverently lifted
the-bambino, and, as Miry did
with the Christ Child 1930 years
go. wreaped it In swaddling
clothe and placed It In the man
ner "thought to be ineTery oesi
not where- Christ himself -was
The- crowd tiled oat of the
church, the faces or the worship-
$rt -llfhtad with tno beamy ana
vmbolisra ol lbs - pageant they
kad aeesu They called to each
thr -4o . hab4 iiwttna and
4laperaed 4nto ' th. sUg-ht.
rlsrknfio seemed to hold no
The CHEGQN STATZ3MAN. -Cjaj Ore-ran, Tfcnrsiay ilornlit", TJecciaber 25.
Continuous Advertising is
Found Sure Way to Keep
One's Product Marketed
Today. Robert "Montgom
ery and Anita page la -War
Thursday Jack Oakle la
Sea tegs. J -
Much of Food -for Villagers
Also Through Gift off
One-Time Rulsr
Annud Christmas Affair
: Set for Friday by
. : Today . Be be Daniels ta
"Dixlana. !
. . Friday George O'Brien In
ough-Rojaaaee: ,
Today Helen Kane In -Dan-
garous Wan McGrew.
Today Marion Davles In
The Florodora. GirL" -
Today Lee 'Moran in "A
Soldier'a Pleytk Ian.'
Tbarsday Jackie Coogan
in Tom "Sawyer
DOORN. Holland. Dec 24.
(AP) Tula logs were. laid, to
night In many -a humble cottage
of: this crass reads Tillage, hewn
by thnJiand that once held one
of 'the most powerful - scepters in
the world the band of the for
mer- Kaiser TvUhelra of Germany.
The cheery- Christmas blaxo on.
the . hearths was: not sll the Til
lage owed to the exile In their
midst, for much of the very food
upon their tables for the. holiday
feast, and. little presents lor their
children, came, from the yellow
mansion where the former emper
or Urea- out his xears In seeming
In Doom House ltaeir. a-large
bnt unpretentious atone and plas
ter structure -in the center of a
hoar. Look at the . modem air-1 pleasant park, scores -.of candles
plane. l has p4ush Interior,' a I were lighted tonight on Christmas
a quick' takeoff: and a slow land-) trees admirers And seat from Cor
ing speed.- xt-aas-twieerthe soeed I niaay. About -the: base of one gi-
of the lflt plane. The safety fac-1 ant eTergreea were heaped gifts
to ris mush higher, and you're In- ( in "bright wrappings for Christmas
distributions to the retainers who
hare set-red the "kaiser's family
through the -years and for special
meads among Hhe Tillage dignl
The exchange of presents be
tween the former kaiser and bis
kaiserin. with her children by. her
first marriage opening those aent
by WUllams children in Germany,
took place privately tonight.
Christmas morning the poor
will . come, as is their custom.
trooping up through the gate top
side, in a-beated eabin.
He "bellevea; safe 'flyings Is at
least If per cent pilot.
, , ; a - -
Xommandery Here ?
Tomorrow. Friday night; De
cember if, neMoiay-commandery
No. f Knights Templar will held
its aunaal Christmas serrice,' at
which time the regular Knight
TemplaT'erTiee will be observed.
PrallmlxvaryA these serrlces will
be joint Installation of the offi
cers of "Hodson Coimcll No.- X as
follows: ' - ' '
HL , Master. Arthur D. Welch, .
! De. Master. Fred Smith.
Prrn. Oend. of Work, dare P.
Tie. : - - ?:
Treasurer, Glenn C. Nile.
Becorder, Darid A. Wright,
a of Wlllard T. DaTis. .
C. of C Boyd A. Filler. ,
Steward. Paul, Basmussee, :
Sentinel, N. Peter Baamuesen.
'InsUllinf Officer. MUton L.
Following this will be installa
tion of officers tor Multnomah
Chapter No. 1 as follows t
E. H. P.. Fred-Smith. ,
Kim?. C. Phillip Weeks.
Scribe, H. B- 8eagrore.
C of H Paul-Zirkle.
Treasurer, Earl M. Dana.
-Secretary, Glenn C Nlles.
, Piin. BouJ.. Clare p. DaTis.
R. A. C. Joseph P. Stlraaman.
Master Third Vail. O. W. Em
mons. - Master Second Vail, Exra A.
Master First Vail. Roland R-
' KKW TORT. Deft 141 (AP)
Faith lsv the auccess of con-
tinned sHhrertlafas; through per
iods of boom an d-depression is
erprestej by sereral leading ad-
r erasers in the current Issue of
printers' tax edrertising publi
cation. . .- ; ...
What, is the. real. Talue of
continued adTertlslng effort?'!
4he publication asked, r
J. I. Johnson, president of the
.Lambert . Pharmacal " company.
replied; "Our opinion t the lm
pertance of conthmity of adTer-
tlslng effort:' is shown, by the
ten-year record or our adrertia-
ing. expenditures.' " ' :
J. A. Zehntbauer, president
of. the Jantaen . Knitting Mills..
Inc. answered:- Onr experience-
is thoroughly.- conrinelng as ta
the-necessity of adrertising. con
tinuity. . . la Increasing out ad
rertislng outlay for 19S1 we be
Here that we are sowing the
seed" oT future Tolume and prof-is.-
Louis M. Wheelock, Tice presi
dent, , Stephen F. Whitman and
Son. said: wWe belleTe in adrer
tlstag all the time. . . AdTertls
lng Just now Is an expression of
confidence in one's product and
the; future of America.
O. R. Palmer, president of
Claett, Feabody and Company,
te aafd "In BIT OslnlOa the
one euro way to male national
Amrtfafnr count ta tO gee that
it is . continuous. -
l!0U D AY E
- nssrviNG. N. Y.. Dec 14
(AP Four prisoners. aU ahort
term- men, escaped early tonight
from the East View-penitentiary
near here.'' .,
Tboaa who escaDed were: Pe
ter Remolds. ao.-Yonkers: Ames
Clark, 10, Ifewark: : William
Rann is. Linden. N. J..' and
Charles Sirieo. Z. New Tork.
-The XS5 prisoners at Eastriew,
which adlolns the Rockefeller es
tate, are not locked In their ceils
ordlnarilr until f v. m- tonight
they had the freedom of- the cor
ridors as usual. -
The four men made their way
to the prison doctor's .office.
from where ther sawed their way
through the only bars that atooa
between them and freedom.!ul .M t ltrnnnlns n tlimiirli l mtm. Inn.1 TTIar. N. PBter KasmUSSea.
- - - - arsw m a a "rMQ ajF vww uev eeewv I t -
Ir (ii Ih tilt Oftmn lrfaTa.lnMf with tha lmnarfal rrnwn and I Installing OlflCer, LOt U.
tnre. t fienatAr lAovA Rirninl,! the Initial MW" fn eilded frnn IPearce.
passed swtr 'Just before Thanks- J scrollwork. The will hare baskets I Following the Installation of
glrmg. I on their arms in readiness for the-i the racers or munnomaa. cnap-
Irr. Rmith was nrntnlnint fn Ictfta theT know bv errtArianM rlter Nrf. 1. the Officers Of Dea&Oiay
American-Letten affairs and ierr-1 In store for them and smiles of tonrmgnderrNo. f wlu De uuuir'
ed in 'thw-medteai-corpsOTeraeas I anticipation will wreath their fac-1 ed. as follows:
dnrta tsr-r. Since bis lee. WlHrelm -faimaetf. with hia
rtn toOreaei. m eei ea as first I wife, anil her two danahters. will
commander or fa post of, the greet tnem at the door and lead
tears, for it was in the darkness American Letloa, of fialem, tnij thfim Into tU ireit hill, u ii the
f - the nixht in the same spot
that the angel of the Lord said
on the first Christmas, day:
"Fear-iiot.-for X bring you etod
tidings of great joy.'
s bilk in n
Catis4 fra pat 1
work, encouraging prirate work
.and dCTising. means of relief.
'States and cities are appropriat
ing treasury funds and raising
ItubUc: lands. CItIc bodies and
private individuals are contrib
uting ta a hundred different
ways. Jr.
Many workers are contributing
.portion of their pay to relief.
Persons of means and leisure are
producing benefits and serrlng
a rallsf committees.
Banday-Mortes in Some
States Are Now Allowed
Some blue law states are per
mitting Sunday morles with the
proceeds . going to relief.
- Sereral cities are allowing the
nemployed to sell apples or oth
er staples on street corners with
out a license. At least one ice-
eorered state is for the first time
prlnkling sand on its roads that
heads of families might win
their bread.
A few states find existing char-
tty agencies can care for the idle.
annual custom.
Today the men folk came to
the park by WHhelm'a inrltation.
making straight for the rose gar
den, where were piled the stout
beech logs the -former kaiser cuts
dally. They loaded themselves
with fuel until ther were bent
like beasts. of burden.
Wilhelm watched smiling from
the lawn sloping up to the house.
his hair ruffling in the wind as-
white as snow against the green
ness of the grass and trees, which
were leafless, but Tlrld with coats
of moss. When all had; taken a
share of Christmas logs he. waved
farewell, called Christmas greet
ings and returned to the warmth
of his own hearth where also
burned logs he had cut.
(Continued from pas l- -
close at Chicago was It cents and
the spread between Chicago and
Winnipeg was from 26 to 23 cents
per bushel.
Canada Wheat Liable
To Owur in at Price Now
,-Wlth domestle millers ready to
pay a premium on ' hlrh quality
Manitoba wheat, the chairman
feared any farther price decrease
in the world market will prob
ably result in wheat being Import
ed from Canada.
; At the same time Representa
tive Summers, republican. ; Wash
ington, made it known that be had
written to - the tariff commission
urging ft to take action looking
to the Immediate increase of the
duty up to 3 cents per bushel,
which is permissible under the
flexible- proTialo of the tariff
taw .without congressional action.
"The -need for immediate action
cannot be oTer-emphasixed lh Tiew
of the tact that' wheat was lm
, ported into 'this country in 123
and HIS Then the differential
. . . was less thai, at the present
tCoatiaacc tnm acs 1)
That will take time, he admits,
but- he believes it can be done
without any radical change in de-
' sign.
S4 Macs an Hour Not '
"To be Top of Flying Speed
x la txee years, from Lind
erghC?apIrlt of St, Loula to
; tils own mystery ship, the speed
was stepped up-from lt to ISO
miles an hour, captain Hawks
doesn't think that is the top by
any means. 1 . ..."
: Looking back beyond May,
102T. CapUln Hawks. said the
- advantage of the plane of today
over that of 1920 was so great
. that It was bard to figure any
percentage of superiority.
"I flew the first Laird Swallow
to be manufactured," he said. "It
was the best plane made then, we
t -thought. It would make the tre
mendous speed of 00 - miles aa
was accorded - many other military
honors. Or. -Smith, was a member
ot the Elks and - Masonic lodges.
and has served as-exalted ruled of
the former order. . Ho also was a
member of several civic and com
mercial organisations. Including:
the Salem chamber of commerce.
Chairman of "Many
Prominent Committees
Dr. Smith has served two terms
in the- house 4f - representatives in
the state legislature, and at the
1029 session waa chairman of a
number of important committees.
He was reelected a member of the
house at the recent November
election. .
Dr. Smith was a -graduate of
Willamette university, the .Uni
Terslty ot Oregon in-liberal arts
and of the University of Kansas
medical school and Willamette
university medical school. He had
practiced medicine in Salem for
many years. He had served
county physician tor the past two
years, and previous to the world
war waa physician at the Oregon
state penitentiary. .
There are now two' vacancies in
the Msrlen mnnl.. 1laat1nn fn
the legislature. Senator Llord T. 1 (CotiBe ff tc n
tern oids having died a month I this year, the business mounted
ago. Both Tacaneles prebablr will 1 to $11,210.61. an increase of
ee niied or tne legislature when I 51.7 s.
It convenes here January 12. The 1 By no means all of the Christ
actorney general,, in an opinion I mas incoming; mail was. dlstrib
deallnr with the Reynolds Tacan-1 nted yesterday, in spite of the
cy. held that It was not Incumbent I fact that 11 or IS additional
upon tne governor to call a see-1 bands were Dressed Into serrice
aai eieet an-in Marlon county to to assist the work off distribution.
seiect senator s Reynold's succes-1 A. full crew will be on the job
sor. The- same opinion would ap- again all day Friday, which
ply In connection with the Tacan-1 means about 20 auxiliary work-
cy resulting from Representative
smith's -death.
Besides hla widow,. Mrs. Lotta
Smith, Dr. Smith is survived by
two sisieru, airs. ugene Cole of
Klsmath FallSi and Mrs. Cora
uansmore of Los Angeles.
Distribution of packages and
letters ot the Tuletlde will con
tinue until New Years day, the
postal chiefs say. Many packages
and letters will not reach the city
until Friday or later.
Commander. Ray Q-. Hoffman.
Generalissimo. Ellis Voa KU
Captain-general, James 0. Rm-
selL ,
Treasurer, Louis K. Slegmund.
Recorder, Glenn C. Niles
TreUte, Richard C Arpke.
Senior warden, Boyd A. Filler.
Junior warden, James D. Sears.
Sword bearer. Fred Smith
Standard bearer. Ezra A. Rho
Warder, A. D. Apperson. - .
Sentinel, N. Peter Rasmuss It.
Installing officer. Lot L. Pearee.
Following the installation, the
Christmas serrice will be observ
ed. Dr. B. Sari Parker, pastor
of the First Methodist church, will
deliver the address. Music of the
evening will bo furnished by a
trio consisting of Ronald Craven.
tenor: Miss Eleanor Moore, so
prano; and miss uaxei enuri, con
tralto.- with Miss Louise maiey.
at the Piano.
The aervtce. including the In
stallation of officers, la open to
the public, and will be oommmeno
ed at 7:20, in the lodge room on
the sixth floor ot the Masonic
Trees Free as
Carloads Fail
To Get Buyers
i NEW YORK. Dee. II. (AP)
- Everything cornea to his who
waits. And after two weeks
waiting on a Christmas tree
market that war filled with hun
dreds of carloads Of unsold trees
that were priced at 12 tor a
small tree, and T tor a medium
else, peddlers received rre3
truckloads of them today.
Peddling them from street
corners tey ot as low as IS
cents tor a tree that sold last
year for t2S.
We extend our Christmas
greetings both to the friends
we have and to the friends
we shalFyet meet
May all things go well with
3rou this Yuletide ... anJ
good cheer to each and
every one!
Musician Fails
To Get Job and
Takes His Life
ZAGREB, JugoslaTla, Dee. 24.
(AP) Saddened by rIluxe to
obtain a coveted musical position,
Oakar NedbaL SC. well-known
Csechoslorakiaa composed, leap- diately.
ed through a window to -his death
today .while listening to .the re
hearsal of one ot his own produc
tions. Ned bal was attending a prac
tice performance of his ballet,
Lary John,', when he was seen
to flush, grow suddenly excited,
seise a chair and place it at a
window an4 leap two stories into
the street. lie died almost imme-
ContimuMisj Performance Sunday 2 to 11 P.-EI.
v Eyery Thrin In the Northwest Becames Laugh
V - Comedy with V
Also Charley Uurray In "Ilia Honor the Elayor
, Act and Pathe Reriew
YouTl Ioto "The Kid AH Over Again.
When You Hear Him Talk! j
Christmas affords us the pleasant opportunity
to express to you our sincere appreciation
. of the friendly relations we have
had with yoa during the
past year. .-"
We Hope You Will Enjoy A
; t
Today Only
la m
of an.
" America's - favorite . younger actors
Snaking the most of the laughs and
.the thrills la Mark Y Main's
joyous coaurdjr. " ri.
V l
Laugh mil the tears roll down yoat
cheeks t Thrill with the youthful hero
f the world's famous story t It's all
heret All alive and real in word and
action before your eyes!
All Talking Comedy
Selected Short Subjects
Paramount News .
Leah TJolt at Ascending Wnrlltzer
Saturday - ftunday Monday
with Lewis Ayres
The picture Gangland dared Holly,
wood to make.
rfTf Awmougf Pitlwr
237iN. liberty
Sslsa, Oresoa
A Tidal Wave of Hilarity!
Has arrived In your town! So give a heare
on the haw-haw hawser! Tie-np to the
dock of delight! The Craze of the Hour In
the craziest cruise of the year! On a batty
battleship with a crew of Caties and a new
store of wise-cracking fun to slay the
Fox Melrotone News
v Patht
I V It : aV
-r-'?.l', : sT f"aTlT . . a. L. -,J .