THE WEATHER Generally . - cloudy today and tomorrow; casional rains on - the coast; frees Ins; temperature Interior. FOUMDED 1851 EIGHTIETH YEAR Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning, December 25, 1930 No. 234 rrro-ii! The -maddening rush ' of December is over;' every one now, rich or poor, can rest easy for : day. PRISONERS TO HAVE SHARE IN nnrnnv nnnrmin iVurkey Dinners and Special - Shows at Asylum and At State Prison Only 'One man in City Jail 1 But He's to get all Turkey he Wants While Christmos , trees glitter and sparkle in priTtte homes. to day, family dinners are enjoyed and rifts dainty, pretty and use ful are exchanged, several thou sand: "hidden" residents of the city will also be treated to spe cial observances of some nature. They -are the inmates of the state- institutions, the county and city Jails and the patients at the hospital. At the county Jafl a special feed will be prepared by the chef, although there may not be turkey. Last night 17 prisoners were held In the Jail, all of whom : win be fed today. At the Oregon state hospital, a Christmas tree and trimmings has been proTided for the par tients and a Christmas dinner of special , attractiveness and preparation has been arranged. A Christmas gift of SO boxes of prunes was made to the institu tion by Paul Wallace. The- state penitentiary gang will hare ;a turkey feed, about 60 turkeys and all trimmings In cident to a real Christmas will be served at the noon meal. And as the long line of men pass from the dining "oo after en joying a -turkey dinner, each will be presented with a package containing fruit, candles, nuts and orange. "As a special treat, a moring picture will be shown, two showings being arranged la order that all might-see it,-. - -Turkey, toowuxeatureljhe day's cheer at the tuberculosis hospital, and the other Institu tions will hare a dlnher appro priate -to the day. Chief of Police Frank Minto says he has only one man in the city jail, but that , he will get plenty of lurkey. Christmas caroling by mem bers of the Jason Lee church at the Salem General hospital brought nearness of the Yule time tOthe patients there. At the Deaconess hospital, a Christ mas program for the old folks was held Monday night, and Tuesday night a program for all the workers was held, and carol ing was done by members of the Business and Professional - Wom en's club. - Last night two Meth odist ehurch groups sang carols ' at the hospital. And today there win be turkey and goose and all things associated therewith for all who can enjoy them. ' A surrey completed by the state highway department here last night showed that 60 crews, with a total of 1162 men, has been organized under the emer gency employment plan adopted by the Oregon state labor em ployment commission and the state highway commission. In eastern Oregon 15 crews, with 340 men, hare been organ ised. Central Oregon has 10 crews, with 201 men, and south western Oregon nine crews with a total of 210 men. Sixteen crews, with 411 men, hare been organ ized In northwestern Oregon.. The surrey also showed that 185 extra men ha Ye been added to the regular maintenance pa trols operated by. the state high way department. ' Approximately 235 men are working on extra crews, tasking . a total of 1581 men actually at work In addition to those usually employed at this time of the year. ... . Many of . the emergency crews are rotating on a three day a week basis,. More crews will be operated on this plan If the num , ber of men registering exceeds i the Jobs available. Meteor Seen in i : Idaho; Dozens ? Of Towns Rock LEWISTON, Ida Dee. 24.' CAPJ A meteor, preceded by a brilliant flash that lighted; up the countryside over an area of (0 or CO miles, wss reported to fcava fallen at S:57 tonight. ' Buildings In a dozen towns were rocked by the explosion that came when It struck the earth. Several hundred persons in nnrth central Idaho , said the flash which lighted up the conn tryslde with . a. brilliance that was almost "like daylight, vre '' -ded -- the , explosion by - about i n CHS TO AID EMPLOYMENT xee . minutes. - ; - - , t Dr Carlton Stri Fa U s t o 2nd Delegation Member Called Dr. W. Carlton Smith, well-known . Marion county physician, who ' died in Portland yesterday fol lowing? an operation. . ' ClISTiS MAIL IS High! Mark; Reached Mon day With- 87,500 Stamps In Machine More Christmas mall was hand led at the Salem postoffice , Jhls season than l In ... 19 2 9 ,, xeporta Postmaster J. H. Farrar, with the high mark in the history of the office being 'reached Monday when S7.500 pieces of mall were put through the cancelling ma chine. .This mark was 11,000 pieces more than the previous record. . Early prediction that the Christmas mall was falling short of a year ago went quickly to smash when business piled up the first day of this week and con tinued heavy every, day, even up to yesterday. With the TOlume of business done by the postoffice a major in dex of business conditions, those who are grumbling .- hard times may ' take heart that things are not as bad as they seem. Last Four Days Make Up For Earlier Deficit The last four days mailings at the postoffice overcame a 10 per cent decrease in the business of the mailing period from Decem ber 15 to 19, and established the mark above that of last year. In the 1929 Christmas mail period from December 15 to 24, $10,870.83 wbrth of business was handled. In the same period for (Turn to .page 2, coL 3 ) 500-Pound Man Dies in Portland PORTLAND, Ind., Dec. 24. (AP) George Butterworth, 60, reputed to be one of the world's fattest men,) died at his home here today following a paralytic stroke. He was said to have weighed nearly 5Q0 pounds. He had traveled with show and car nival troupes. I mmmmmm n i i i 1 1 i w. LARGEST OrJ RE&ORD "Tired but Happy" Says Ensign Williams of Army THE SALYATIOX ARMY. "GOOD-WILL FUND Prev. reported . . .$1,012.00 First Cons;, church , . 11.69 Mrs. G. J. Pearce. , S.OO Gertrnde Maea .. . " 5.00 J. Lb Lankennan . S.OO Women's Relief Corps ......... -, .0O F. D. Bowma ... 2.00 Rath Thayer . . . . v ' 2LOO Gasale A..'fles S.OO W. H. Burghardt . -r ; : v 8.0O Mabel Mills ..... , 8.00 Carl D. Gabrielsoa . 10.00 W. B. Morse . . 20.0O Street kettle for . Dee, 24 ....... '8. - aaMaaaaaaaa Total to Date.. . . -Tired bat happy,! describes the Salvation Army workers this morning, after a strenuous day yesterday filling and delivering 110 Christmas boxes. , ; r -- - Ensign ' Williams states that this la the largest number ever de livered by the Army In Salem any Christmas. ? ' ' . : : s - - x " . t ' ; , MAnd such magnificent dona tlons of foodstuff I have never be fore seen, the ensign stated. Our building was simply jammed to Smith is Operation Sa ve Li fe Marion County Physi i dan and Legislator v " Dies in Portland 1 Dr. W. Carlton . Smith, prominent Marion county physician, native of this county, and a member of the state house of representa tives, died in the veterans hospital in Portland early last night following an oper ation performed Tuesday. Dr. Smith had been-in poor health for several months and went south on a trip recently for a respite from work but his condition was not considered grave. - - - He went to Portland Tuesday for further medical treatment and an operation - for gallstones was advised Immediately. Physi cians 'found upon operating that his condition was grave and while he rallied somewhat early Wednesday morning he failed to survive the day. Salem Friends Shocked, Illness not Thought Serious Salem friends were shocked last 'night at the news of his death, having not considered him as gravely ill. His wife was with the doctor at the time of his death and bis sister who lives at Klamath Falls was in an auto rushing to his bedside. - Funeral arrangements had not been completed last night. The doctor's sudden death 'marks the second fatality among Marion county's delegation of (Turn to page 2, col. 2) LOS BELES LOJII ' -AssoeiATion FAILS LOS ANGELES, Dec. 24 (AP) The Consolidate Building and Loan association-a local or ganization, is In the hands of the state building and loan commis sioner, it was revealed tonight, ; Before Charles A. Whitmore submitted his resignation as state building and loan commissioner he appointed Carleton W. Hol brook custodian of the associa tion and filed a petition In super ior court asking approval of his action. The petition sets forth that the association is "In an unsafe condition" and the custodian was appointed December 17 a to "prevent waste or diversion' of funds." The ' consolidated association, which was licensed to do business March 1, 1928, is a much smaller institution than the Guaranty Building and Loan association which recently was placed in the hands of a receiver because of the huge defalcations of its man ager, Gilbert H. Beesemyer. , Snow Lacking at I Ketchikan Today KETCHIKAN, Alaska, Dec. 24 (AP) A rowboat and umbrel la would be more appropriate than a sleigh for Santa Clause when he visits this ."far northern town" the weather man predicted tonight. Though one degree north of the' historic 54-40 line, Ketchikan will experience its tenth snowless Christmas , in 14 years. . ' - .' ' capacity and it was very difficult to make even a pretense at any effective kind of organization in connection with the fiUing of the baskets." Williams said and i I surely hope that this will be the last Christmas effort which we will have to make in the present building." ; Hope to Reach 29 Mark I " The fund amounts to $1109.12, but Williams says he feels that it will probably reach approximately the same figure as last year, $1459.10. The Phllco radio donated by the H. F. Stiff company remains to be disposed of and there are other sources of income which will swell .the fund, Williams states. - , ; . Among numerous contributions reported by Williams there la the 4 3 H eases of fruit from Hunt Bros, cannery 49 cases from the Northwest cannery and $4 boxes of pears from Paul Wallace. - - "Everybody has been the very essence .of kindness and we wish Salem to k sow that the Salvation Army deeply appreciates the help and - cooperation given so gener ously during this Christmas sea son j the. ensign said, rand we wish - one and - all a very happy Christmas. HIGH SPEED IS 1 IS BELIEF Captain Hawks Says Pace Of 150 Miles an Hour Must be Regular 20-Hour ; Schedule Across J Continent not far Distant, Leader View By FOSTER HAILEY -NEW YORK, Dec. 24 (AP) Speed, speed more -speed. That's the dish Captain Frank Hawks would serve aviation for 'Christmas.- ' . . "I'd like to see all schedules speed up to at least 150 miles an hour cruising speed," he said today to 'the Associated Press in commenting on the year which . lies ahead of aviation. - - "We've got the plush Interiors, the heated planes, the ash trays," he said. "What we need is' more speed." Captain Hawks has flown dur ing 1930 the' fastest commercial plane in the world his little low winged Travelair, the so-called "mystery ship." Continent Record of 12 Hours, Held by Audacious Flier He holds the transcontinental record, at less than 12 hours fly lngi time. He has made the trip between New York and Washing ton, between New York and Bos ton, between New York and a lot of other places faster than any aviator ever flew those distances before. At 250 miles an hour he has dashed around the country telling manufacturers, pilots, flying exe cutives: "Speed up, speed up." That's where the real value of air planes lies, he believes in their ability to get you somewhere in a hurry. If his wish should come true a schedule of 160 miles an hour the flying jtime fromjtoast tjqt, coast would be cut from its pres ent rall-alr time of SO hours to 20. With lighted transcontinental airways a reality of the near fu ture It only remains to perfect a plane which can hold that speed and the passengers can have an early breakfast in New York and a late dinner in Lot Angeles. (Turn to page 2, col. 1) PRAISE OF CANAL NEW YORK. Dec 24 (AP) A view of the Panama Canal inr spired .Professor Albert Einstein in radio Christmas greetings to the United States today; broad cast from the steamship Belgen- land at sea. Describing the can al as "one of the greatest works of American labor," he said: "It was not only a difficult en gineering feat, but also those who worked on the job needed to be guarded against Malaria. In the solution of these problems it is shown that the American people have not only great technical skill, hot a deep consciousness of social responsibility. ' Certainly this peace festival should serve not only to keep this feeling alive, but to deepen it. -In this sense, I wish yon a merry Christmas." 10fl00 Men Will Be Back on Full Time January 5 SACRAMENTO. Dee. 2 4 (AP) The Sacramento Union will quote officials of the local Southern Pacific company head quarters tomorrow as saying ap proximately 10,000 shop and maintenance employes of the railroad's northern district are to return to work January 6, on -a full time basis. The men have been working for two months on part time shifts of three days a week. Two ten day layoffs were put Into ef fect during that period. The northern district includes that part of the system between Tracy, Calif., and Ogden, Utah; Oakland, and Portland. 'v- .. ; Newspaper Goes To Press Sans Any Crime News POPLAR BLUFF, Mo.." Dec 24. (AP) The American-Republic - local afternoon daily newspaper, went to press today without any crime, disaster, or otherwise depressing news . on page one. - The newspaper said today's policy -could prevail on each Christmas eYe. "We want to forget the sor rows of - life and cling at least for a day to the threads of love and charity and proclaim to the world -. good will toward all men," . s in LEGE BEHIND TO HOLDf PRICE Slump in World Markets Could be met Through Embargo, View Capper and Farm Head Will Confer; Imports Fata! To Domestic Crop WASHINGTON. Dec. 24 (AP) Chairman Legge of the farm board suggested today to members of the senate' agriculture commit tee that a temporary embargo would be the most effective step if world wheat prices continue to slump below domestic Quotations to a point permitting imports of Canadian wheat. . . Senator Capper, Kansas, a re publican member of the senate ag riculture committee, in making public the chairman's proposal, of fered to sponsor such legislation If Legge's fears of imports ma materialize. Burdensome Surplus Justifies Move, Legge Writes A temporary embargo would seem justifiable, Legge wrote, "in view of the fact that we will have a burdensome surplus without im porting any wheat." The embargo. Capper pointed out, could probably be obtained more quickly than an Increase In the tariff, now 42 cents a bushel. A study would first be required of the tariff commission before it could make recommendations. Before the Christmas recess ends, Capper expects te-confer with Legge. Briefly reviewing the world wheat situation, Legge said the Liverpool market on Tuesday had closed at 60 cents, .while the (Turn to page 2, coL 1) BLOW UK Iff J. - W. S. Stanford of Stayton, who Tuesday was arrested follow ing threats by mall to blow up the Bank of Stayton unless $500 were delivered to him through the Su blimity postoffice, was lodged -In the county jail here yesterday af ternoon. Stanford, a woodcutter whose arrest was due directly to an at tempt to cash a $30 check which officials believed was not backed by funds, was brought here fol lowing appearance in the Stayton justice court on charge of forging a check. He was committed to the jail here for trial, and wllf probably be returned to Stayton for that. Stanford admitted to officers yesterday that he had written the letter which was in possession of Stayton bankers and which threat ened tbe bank. Steeg Talks to French People Through Movies PARIS, Dec. 24. (AP) Pre mier Steeg set a precedent in France tonight when, 'speaking to representatives of a French talking pieture company, he gave a message of Christmas good cheer and good wishes for tbe hew year to the people of France. In his message, which will be broadcast in movie houses and theatres throughout the country tonight at the stroke of twelve. Premier Steeg declared the gov ernment held good will for all Frenchmen and wished peace to reign In the world. He called upon his friends to support him' and asked his po litical enemies for fair play. Loose Maniac Captured With Tear Bomb Aid CHICAGO, Dee. 24 (AP) John Redeker, a farmer describ ed by his physician as a danger ous maniac, was captured late today on ah Isolated Cook county estate. ; . " Redeker had barricated him self In a cabin, holding off dep uty sheriffs and county highway police with rifle fire. He fell asleep and was routed out by of ficers who dosed in on the eabln and tossed tear bombs. ; The maniac had three rifles and a shotgun. : : VET COACH DIES : UNIVERSITY, ,Vav Dee. 24. (AP) Henry Haden (Pop) Lanigan, grand old man of ath letics at the University of Vir ginia,' died here today. He was C5 years old and for more than a - quarter of a - century had coached basketball and track at this institution. He retired 1 la June, 1929. , ; I Senator Cameron Morrison new i Senator From North Carolina A., , : ;5 t f 1 L Senator-elect R. J. W. Bailey of North Carolina has been elected to take office March 4. The state's other new representative In the upper house Is Senator Cameron Morrison, former governor, who was appointed senator to succeed the late Senator Cverman. Hundreds Worship at Mass in Bethlehem as His Natal Day Dawns Pomp and Splendor Mark Rites in Church of The Nativity at the Traditional Spot Where Jesus was Born : . BETHLEHEM, Palestine, Christmas Morn. (AP) This little City of David, which is called Bethlehem, rang again today, with sounds of the newborn King. In the Church of the Nativity which, according to tra dition, stands on the site of Christ's humble birthplace, midnight mass was celebrated with ritualistic pomp and splendor. Hundreds filled the great edifice which replaces the little shed where Mary and Joseph sought shelter after they had been turned away from the Inn. Others over flowed in the surrounding fields where shepherds still abide tending their flocks by night. Time has passed lightly over Bethlehem and in the duck before this Christmas morning it was tosy to imagine It still the little City of Juaeao as it was In the days of Herod the King, when Joseph and Mary came out of Gallilee to pay the tax that Caesar Augustus levied on all the world. Chorus Appears Like Host of Tears ago As the service continued the choir from the cathedral In nearby Jerusalem sang carols In the field of the shepherds out side. The dimly seen and faint ly heard singers seemed. In the magic of the moment, to be that multitude of the heavenly host who reassured the simple shep herds long ago when they were sore afraid as the glory of the Lord shown about them. And like that heavenly" host, the choristers lifted their voices In praise, singing "Glory to God In the Highest, and on Earth Peace, Good Will to Men". The pontifical high mass be gan just at 11:30 in the church whose spires are believed . to point upward to the exact spot where the star of vBethlehem hovered over the young child after it had led the wise men trading from the east with mighty vision and gifts of frank -(Turn to page 2, coL 1) Brodies Hpme to Vacation; Finns Are Given Praise PORTLAND, Ore., Dec 24. (AP) E. E. Brodie. United States minister to Finland, ar rived In Portland - today en route to Oregon City to spend the holidays. He was accompan ied by Mrs, Brodie and their daughter. ' ' - Brodie had high praise for Finland and the Finnish people. He said 94 per cent of all auto mobiles used there were of American manufacture. Rich Junk Man - Gives Fortune To His County WENATCHEE, Wash., Dec. 24. - (AP) After a life spent ac cumulating about 175,000 by buy ing and selling Junk, BeiT Green- burg, Cf, who died here Saturday, left every cent of his fortune to Chelan county. It was revealed to day when his will was admitted to probate. Greenburg came her penniless In 1900. r . . '- xo,;.-:;:;-.- exceeding joy in adoration of Family of Six Dies on Way to Church Program LOMIRA, Wis., Dec. 24. (AP) Bound for a Christmas eve program at the Lutheran church six members of a Lomlra farm family were killed tonight when their automobile was de molished ' by a Soo Line passen ger train at a, downtown grade crossing here. The dead: George schuitz, 4?, his son. Edwin, 13; his daughters, Es ther, 9, and Meta, 3, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schults, 72 and 70. The son and one daughter were to have taken part In a Yuletide program. BANDITS GET S3SOO NEW ORLEANS, La., Dec. 24. (AP) Bandits made two raids on banks here today, a quartet escaping with 23.500 in one noiaup wmie anotber was frustrated and two youths jailed after - a policeman was fatally wounded. "Prot&erfjoob'' A Thought at, Christmas 1 By EDWIN MARKHAM nPiE crest and crowning of all good, ' x Life's final star, is Brotherhood; For !t will bring again to earth , Her long-lost Poesy and Mirth; Will send new light on every face, , A kingly power upon the race. And 'till it cornea, we men are slaves, And travel downward to the dust of graves "Come, clear the way, then, clear the way s Blind creeds and kings have, had their day. Break the dead branches from the path: Our hope Is in the aftermath Oar hope Is on heroic men. , Star-led to build the world again. To this event the agrea ran: Make way for Brotherhood make way for Man!" -V'-v"- : : ' '; '., 5 BILLIONS IN NEW BUG IRK 01 Public Work Being Pushed; Utilities lay out Enor mous Schedules Many Workers Give Part oL Pay 7 to Relief; Apple " Selling Plan on NEW YORK, Dec. 24-(AP) Five billion dollars worth of construction defies America's un employment. Year-end reports compiled from all sections of the country snow spring roads and building being pushed ahead for winter la bor, public works getting under way with Increasing volume, new rails, and pipe lines creating. swelled 'payrolls. and ready aid being extended . 'everywhere to persons who cannot be put to work. Basing his figures on contracts let during tbe year, L. Scth Schnitman, chief statistician Jor the F. W. Dodge corporation, es timated the cost of construction now under way at more than $4,- 700,000,000. 8724,000,000 For Federal Building In Next 12 Months . Besides tbe 1118,000.000 ap propriated for immediate use, the federal government plans ti spend $724,000,000 for building In the next 12 months. Another $80,000,000 has just -been made available for federal aid roads, which, matched by the states, rolls into a total of $100,000,000. State commissions and county and city committees, coordinated by the president's emergency commission, are pushing public (Turn to page 2, coL 1) m REFEREES Willi en UEMB PORTLAND. Ore., Dec. 24.--. (AP) Hearings of disbarment proceedings brought -against eight Oregon attorneys by Fred C. Worrall of Portland, were con cluded here today. ; Nicholas Jaureguy, who pre sided at the hearingsr'announccd the next procedure would be for the referees to meet and prepare their findings and recommenda tions which will be submitted to tbe supreme court. . The referees have no author ity , to pronounce judgment but are merely acting in an advisory, capacity. They were appointed by the supreme court to which they will report. I. H. Van Winkle, attorney general for Oregon, prosecuted Worrall's petition. Kenneth Youel Does Well for New York Paper SILVERTON," Dec . 24 A SI1 verton youth who is cutting his figure In the "world's metrop olis" Is Kenneth Youel, graduate of tb Sllrerton schools. A recent schedule of special ra dio features in tbe New York Evening Post included a 15-mln-ute talk over WRNY by Yeuell, who Is assistant financial editor of the paper. The talk was on "The Human Side of Wall Street" j Youel's father, B. T. Youel, was formerly superintendent of the SHverton schools. Mr. and Mrs. Youel now reside at Mol alia. ' . THROUGH - I