The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 24, 1930, Page 2, Image 2

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i n
lsmore and Capitol Taken
Over by big Firm on
20-Year Lease
ICcattaaas tnm par 1
1 57 5.0 Oft. The leases run direct
srtth th Individual theatres.
Georae B. Guthrie of lb Elal
noro and Frank Bllgh of the Cap
"The deal Is .: expected to settle
-dennltelv-the, status ot the two
principal theatres of the city
-which hare been operating trader
some uncertainties for some
months vast. The Fox West Coast
-theatres leased tho Elsinore in
hi surrendered the lease
i after one year.' Since October 1.
the two theatres hare been run
iivni holdlar company the
General Theatres corporation
whose officers represented con
cerned Interested in the financ
ing th theatres. The new 20-
': Iasoa im ezoeeted to solve
the, difficulties and preserve the
Interests of all eoncernea,
No present change In - person
nel is announced. John Stiny,
fnrmArl manager at the Elal
core, -now in Aberdeen is expect
ed to be assigned to uaro-super
vision of the- local houses as soon
-as -he can be released from Ab-
"The theatre business la eom-
'lug OUI PI iue uuiui -
-ur TiaiMtr in dlscusslnr the
deaL -Warner Bros, earnings the
;lat three months exceeded those
tfn th nrerious elsht. We are
Jannchlne an expansion program
-for we think now is the time to
xnove forward. We have five the-
.atma nnder construction in Cal-
jfimJa Most of our more than
-aort-thaatres are east of the Mia- j
wissippL We have 25 on the coast, j
'alem is the nrsc town w
diave entered as operators in i
nrffti. Wo feel that saiem U-ai
rogreeslve city and a city which
arlH prove a profitable point for
-us." .
Operations on the Paciiic coast
-are airectea oy w o i receive them.
Hollywood. He is expected to Cardinal Plgnatelli de Bel
rcaph Salem next week to make I mnnt i. tn makn nhnrt aAAtmm
jlans for-the future operation of
the theatres here. Mr. liaiper
nredicted his company would
.continue their expansion In key
jMilnts on the coast.
"So -fa aa nlctures are con
cerned we' select our films from
tho best productions of the ma
jor -producers, and can assure the
-people of showing the very best
feature productions." said Hal-
- - Q
LAHORE. India. Dec. 23
AO The nam of Sir Geoffrey
de Montmorency, governor of dhe
Punjab, was added to the grow
ing list of British officials who
fcav been targets for the bullets
f aronld be assassins. He was
wounded today by bullets from
: the revolve! of a youth who fatal
ly wounded a native police offl-
cial at tho same time.
jThe police officer, aub-lnspect-'r
Chanan Slneh. died tonight In
a hospital after he was struck by
. Btrar shot. A woman physician
also was bit by a stray bullet but
received only a minor injury.
It was the eecond time that Sir
fiaoffrev had been shot at and
the attempted slaying occurred
yust a year from the day an at
temnt was made to bomb a train
carrying the viceroy. Lord Irwin.
and Ladv Irwin to new DelhL;
The Punjab governor had at
tended a convocation of the Uni
versity of Lahore and was lear
i ing the senate hall when a young
i anan among the spectators, said
to be a Punjab Hindu student.
tired four shots at him ; point
blank. Sir Geoffrey was grazed in
the neck and hip. t
, He was taken to a hospital
' where bis wounds were dressed
and he walked home a few mln-
utss later, smoking a cigarette.
The. assailant was immediately
arrested, and with him - another
youth who sprang ,to -his aide
when the shots were fired. A
woman doctor and Chahan Singh,
a aab-lnanectoe of police, suffer
ed minor hurts from stray bul
The attempt against Sir Geof
frey recalls, the recent killings of
F. J. Lowman. Inspector general
of Lengal police and N. 8. Simp
son. : prison inspector. In recent
months aereral bombs have been
found planted j In public build-
.. tags. -j
New Fog Causes
Serious Illness
In Belgium City
BRUSSELS. Dec 23 -(AP)
The death of a workman at Tll-
lieur today caused' the spreading
f reports, that a dread poison
ot like the i mysterious mist
wMeh caused' more than SO
deaths ftw the Mouse valley early
tMs month, had' returned to pla-
mrt the country. ;
'n official investigation, bow
ever, showed the man dted of '11
llmunatlng gas poisoning. But
the fog was heavy in the vichrtty
of Tillieur nevertheless ana tne
authorities took no chances ob
taining samples ot It for labor
at y analysis. -
e newspaper Libre
aid the new , fog baa caused a
r Tiber of serious. Illnesses in
the towns of Flemelle and Her
znalle-Sous-Suy. .
PORTLAND. Ore., Dec. 23.
(AP) Charley Belanger, Cana
dian light heavyweight, won a
ten round decision over George
Manley, Denver, in the mala
event of a fight Card here tonight.
! Tttr mTW cw.4Tffqt aw h.L n ra-nw Morning. December 24. 1933 '
I 1 , - -J-
. , 1
More powerfal tfaaa a.O0O,0OO worth of radian, this giant x-ray tube,
of Technology at Pasadena, 1 being Med eat for poMlUllN la tue ueaaawt oc cancer, nr. vunei
Packard-ef Columbia university, who la directing-the work. Is pictured above with the machine. At
present device is being used in experimentation with fliea eggs in bottles. '
- w w" . i
CAP) Pope Plus will celebrate
Christmas -eve in simple-fashion
in the midst, of the Cardinals of
im c aria. mn is, carainais resi-
dent in Rome.
iipaAf,A:hvth rfun nt th
cred college, cardinal Plgnatelli
de Belmonte. the wearers of the
purple will gather in the consist-
where the pontiff will
Congratulating the pope on the
completion of another year brim
ming with achievement, and on
being, despite his heavy work, in
good health.
In his reply the pope will
thank the dean for his good wish
es expressed on behalf of all the
cardinals, according to long cus
tom, the pope will briefly review
the year's ecclesiastical develop
ments. This year he will utter his
regret that the Christmas greet
ings could not -have been convey
ed by the venerable Cardinal
Vannutelli, former dean of the
sacred college, who died this year
at the age ec 93.
Finally the pope, will impart
the apostolic benediction. Then
he will say farewell to each car
dlnal with the hope he may see
him again at the same time next
year. Afterward he will retire
early in preparation for mass
Christmas morning.
(Coatlmu4 tnm rag X)
petting these - fellows like Norrls
entirely too long," be told' news
papermen. Wood is chairman of the house
appropriations committee and
chairman of the republican con
gressional committee. His state
ment, after he had discussed the
Norrls row with tho president.
was, regarded fn some quarters
as notice the administration does
not care for control of the next
congress if it depends on repub
lican independent votes. Both the
senate and house of the new con
gress are now republican by just
one vote. '
The senate republican regulars
are keeping silent, insisting that
the issue is not now before them
and is -one - between the national
organization and Norrls. ,
Father of Local
Woman Drowns in
Tillamook River
TILLAMOOK, Dec. 23.-(AP)
William Henry Buffum. 61,
committed suicide here today,
He tied a weight to one end of
arope, tied the other about his
neck and jumped into the Trask
river. The -body was recovered.
Ill health and financial diffi
culties werw cited as the motive.
Buffum It survived by his
widow and five children, lnclud
ing Mrs. Atta Rach. of Salem.
Theatre I Folk's
Bank Closes Up
NEW YORK. Dec 23 (AP)
The Chelsea Bank and Trust com
pany, a small institution patron
ised mostly by. theatrical people,
was taken over by State Superin
tendent of Banks: Joseph Br od er
ica: today following heavy with
drawals. Broderick said he clos
ed the bank to preserve Its assets.
The ran developed laat night and
continued tats morning.
Larmer Transfer
'Phono 32BII
We also handle Fuel Oil and Coal
The Call
Today Robert Montgom
ery and Anita page in "..War
Thursday Jack Oakie In
"Sea Legs."
Today Bebe Daniels In
Friday George O'Brien in
"Rough Romance."
Today Helen Kane in "Dan
gerous Nan McGrew."
Today -Marion Davies In
"The Florodora Girl."
Today Lee Moran in "A
Soldier's Plaything."
Thursday Jackie Coogan
in "Tom Sawyer."
Harry Langdon- is all that he is
reputed to be In the pictnre, "A
Soldier's Plaything." now at
Bligh'a Capitol theatre. Funny in
looks, voice, actions, and lines, he
blunders along through the story
and brings bursts of laughter with
slight movements of bis hands or
a round-eyed stare from his round
eyes. ' i i
The show Is nothing much but
just laugh material, but laughs
are what make the day's bard
places smooth out and it would be
my advice to anybody with: a
grouch or a headache to laugh at
and with Harry Langdon and bis
support, Lottie Loder, Ben Lyon,
Jean Hershalt and Noah Beery.
Optimists? Head
Called Beyond;
Was Prospector
23. (AP) William Jay Robin
son, financier, gold prospector,.
poet and philosopher, died today
at the age of 62. Death found him
ho3t of the Stage Coach inn, in
which he busied himself for Che
last 10 years.
Robinson was born in Ireland,
son of tho Rev. William Robin
son, a Westeyan. minuter, com
ing to America at 17, he went
south, making a success la the
utilities field. The panic ot 1907
wiped him out, but he organized
the Optimists' Club of America,
which enrolled 300,000 members
and still exists.
During the Alaskan gold rush,
ha-went north and Is said to have
shipped the' first ton of gold out
of the .Klondike. Later he was a
member of the ataffs of the At
lanta Constitution and the Chi
cago Tribune.
Head of Nurses s
Resigns to Take
California Job
Miss Agnes Campbell, super
visor of nnrses at the Marion
county public health unit for the
last 19 months, has accepted a
position as nursing supervisor in
Eureka, Calif... and will leave
next Wednesday to assume her
new duties. It was - announced
yesterday.:. ;- ' .;
Immedlately prior - to coming
here. Miss Campbell was study
ing in California. '
Her position on the health
unit staff hero will be taken
temporarily at least - by- Miss
Elizabeth Freeman, regular
member ot the unit. Mlas Free
man will handle the supervisory
duties and also her field work.
It is possible that under the re
duced budget nofull time super
visor will be chosen. -
bum at the Calif orsrfa Institute
DANVILLE, Va., Dec 22.
(AP) Writs of -possession ra
QUiring 14 strikers tamilieato
vacate mill-owned homes- are ex
pected to be served Monday,
Constable R. M.- Foster said to
night. The writs were granted
today by Magistrate .W. E.
Griggs at a hearing resulting
from eviction proceeding's taken
by- the management of the Riv
erside and Dan -River mills,
whose nnion employes are on
Constable Foster said he ex
pected to receive the write by
Friday, the day after Chriatmas,
but that the serving of them
probably would not be dona un
til next week. ' No defense was
offered against the eviction pro
ceedings at the hearing today.
Union leaders said the evicted
families would be cared for In
other etrikers homes.
A Christmas party for chil
dren of strikers' families was
held this afternoon under the
direction of strike leaders. Pres
ents were given to approximate
ly 7.000 children.
Justice Coshow
Will Take Head
Portland Firm
Oliver P. Coshow, who retires
from the state supreme court
January 5, has accepted the
presidency of the United States
Holding company in Portland.
He will practice law In Addition
to his duties with the holding
Justice Coshow, a democrat,
waa defeated for reelection by
Judge J. U. Campbell of the
Clackamas county circuit court.
Officers' of the holding com
pany, other than Mr. Coshow,
include R. H. Fetty, vice-president;
W. B. Adams, secretary
and treasurer, and Frank Kel
ler, Jr., and J. H. Stockman, di
rectors. Italian Cities
After Population
ROME, Dec 23 (AP) Three
Italian cities Naples, Milan and
Rome- are racing tor the million
population mark. Naples . leads
with less than 15.000 to go. Mi
lan lacks 22,000 and Rome la
short 50.000. Present growth In
dicates all will reach the goal
within- two years.
Home ot 25c Talkies
Today and Christmas Day
Continuous Performance
- Christmas S to It P. If,
Tonight is Turkey
Bring Your Tickets
A ballet-proof
baby from the
beckwooda cats
forward with
bey at - Beep-
tm RffS3IK3
Also Comedy, Cartoon
Comedy and Review, -Turkeys
at O P. at.
If) X)W"
e sni
Protests Come : Quick on
Discharge off Members
Power Commission
Demands for a reconsideration
of the senata's confirmation ot
three members of 'the power com
mission arose today close behind
the dismissal of three commission
employes.- .
In their first day of operations,
the only . three members of. the
commission . who hare taken the
oath ot off ice Chairman George-I
Otps Smith,. Marcel Garsaud and
Claude L. Draper discharged F.
B. Bonner., executive secretary of
the commission: Charles Av Rus
sell, its solicitor, and William V.
King, tba chief accountant, be
cause of Internal strife In the past
few months.
Bonner announced be bad re
signed from the government serv
ice shortly before Dr. Smith an
nounced the three had been re
moved from office. Dr. Smith said
he 'had accented no. resignation
from Bonner and that so far as
ha was concerned, each was in the
same class.
An immediate protest arose on
Capitol hill against the discharge
of Russell and King. '
Hurried conferences In- the sen
ate resulted tn halt a dozen de
mands for reconsideration of the
nominations ot the three members
ot the- commission who partici
pated In the action. Senators and
members of the house, both re
publican and democratic, con
demned the commission for dis
missing the two employes. Under
the senate rules the rotes by
which the commissioners were
confirmed last week can be re
considered. King;, pointed out he was a civil
service employe and Indicated he
would challenge the commission a
authority to dismiss him. Russell
declared the commission's action
was "a signal to all men who are
trying to protect the public In
terests they had better ba care
ful." Frank Patridge
Named Successor
Senator Greene
MONTPELIER, Vt., Dec. 25
(AP) Frank C. Patridge. 6
year old business man- and law
yer, today was named by Got.
John E. Weeks to fill the vacan
cy created by the death last Wed
nesday ot Senator Frank L.
Patridge. a republican, will
occupy the senate seat until
successor is elected. A special
election for this purpose was or
dered by the governor today to
be held March 81.
Patridge is a native .of East
Middlebury and now a resident
of Proctor. He Is president ot the
Vermont Marble company.
Law to Look Into
Death of Prasso
(AP) Prohibition Administrator
otAMATie tincTacit op tmi aeis
You won't get into
Hot Water
you have an ELECTRIC
Water Heater Iq.
stalled a a holiday tdft
for the amHr. It wilt "
insure hot water for
sharlng...for bathings
fee house clnarilng-,for
laundering alwayu
ready! It will mean
apartment house or
hotel service In YOUR
home. A small payxnexxt
Installs a modern Qeo
tile Water Heater. Cotv .
auUonr mglneers aboct '
this ideal gift I
Ofxly $5 down
Portland cencdal
electric company
l 1
SfTT.'Nfl TH1 HiAtT C Rt Vtia
237 N. Liberty
Salem, Ore.
WUllam O. Walker said today he
Intended to investigate-tba recent
shoo Un: to death of Ugolino Praa
sa. atttnected bootlegger, by pro
hibition Agent Martla J. Buckley
darin a. raid la Napa county re
cently. At an inaueat at .Sonoma
laat week Agent Gus Morgue tes
tified Buckley waa "too drunk ta
drive' their car and he iert mm
ta continue the raid alone. Oth
er witnesses also declared Buck
ley had beea.drlnlunr.
W or ral Finishes
His Case Against
Leading Lawyers
PORTLAND. Ore., i Dec. 2S
(AP) Fred CV WorraL Port
land, -who.' seeks disbarment of
eight' Oregon attorneys, - com
pleted a day and a half testi
mony before the State Bar asso
ciation's j grievance committee
here today.
The disbarment Is being beard
by Nicholas Jaureguy, John O.
Cleland, John M. Pipes. Earl F.
Bernard and George R. Wilbur,
appointed as referees by the su
preme court.
The defendants are J. P. Kar
anaugh. Jay Bowerman. and
James L.. Coaler. Portland; E. B.
Tongue. Hillsboro; H. T. Botts.
George P. Winslow, Claude Bar
rick and A. A. Hall, Tillamook.
Worral charged the attorneys
dissipated the estate of his fath
er, Phillip J, Worral,
Hewitt Held on
Shooting Matter
In Lane County
t EUGENE. Ore., Dec 22 (AP)
George W. Drake? SO. was In a
hospital here tonight with shot
gun pellets In his face, arms and
legs and L. H, Hewitt was held In
jail in connection with the shoot
ing. Officers said Drake apparently
ran into the line of fire when
Hewitt shot prowlers near his
barn. Drake heard the shots and
ran out to Investigate and was
struck by a charge ot shot.
Hewitt told officers three men
were prowling about his barn.
They were not apprehended.
t i I Ifrfr T--i i ru5-j i i l aa
Last Times
eJ Today
fcx ,fTbe big gun comedy of
tF4 tithe year unlimbers
yfj ifli sweeping . broadside of
I fy howls, screama, laughs and
Sr Sf5 roam.... "
j:iriX'o:i A
Kari iiur::8xr If
ST ibA
A i , v w
f ' rl ruav far all
Saturday Brings THE DOORWAY TO HELL"
A Picture Gangland Dared Hollywood To Produce
- se-i- .. ' ,. . . .-..-
; sassisssseBsseUBBBsepe j
Largest Peacetime C o n
struction Program for
Country Launched
f WASHINGTON, Dec. 22.
(AP) Moving to the aid of the
jobless, the American grovern
ment wilt spend $724,eot,0r0 on
nubile works during the calen
dar year 1831. the largest peace
time construction program tn its
The amount compares with
the average fiwal ecpendltura of
approximately 2T5.O0tt.00OV
Figures announced by Presi
dent Hoover today ehowed the
largest amount or any purpose
-was the 1219.922.000 to high
ways. Running a close second was
public -buildings construction
with sm,S9.000 available.
Rivers and harbors will receive
219.8ST;000 and ship construc
tion $122,920,000.
Fifth on the list waa aa item
which 20 years' ago would have
been considered an Impossible
dream. A total- of $20,182,000
will be used for building air
craft. . '
Of the $724,000,000, a total
ot I11C.O00.O0O was made trail
able last week by congress as an
emergency unemployment relief
In addition to the appropria
tlons for public works the gov
ernment; will expend $170,000,-
000 for agriculture relief. $45,
000.000 of which will be used
for seed and fertiliser loans to
farmers stricken by last sum
mer's unprecedented drought.
In order to arrive at the ex
penditures tor the calendar year
1921 President Hoover took hair
ot the 1921 budget flgnres and
half of the 1922 budget figures
and added the emergency and
acceleration appropriations to
the amount.
At the same time the presi
dent announced the government
Intended to sea that Its contrac
tors maintained the wage levels
existing before the business de-
Klamath Falls was threatened with m seriouJ
firea brick .wall stopped what the firemen
could not stop. ''
The Archerd fire was confined within its own
four walls. Brick are subjected to intense heat
when manufactured and come through serious
fires without injury.
In addition brick hare an enduring beauty that
makes them Ideal for residence construction.
Watch the Sprague house grow at Center and
Lllgh streets.
During the holidays look at the Mott home on
South , High, the Johnson home on Lincoln, the
Fry home on LefeHe.
Thtzt brick tsere nsie by tkt
Salem, Oregon
e said that
through conferences a year aro
Industry and labor had reached
aa agreement whereby the wage
level would be maintained wher
ever possible and that certainly
ui tuiwaiuvut coma not
slstently do otherwise.
Whitmore, Loan
Chief, Resigns
On Heels Attack
(AP) Charles A. Whitmore,
state building and loan com.
mission er, today tendered his
resignation ot Got. C. C. Young,
effective January 5. Got. Young
accepted the resignation.
Whitmore recently was at
tacked by Governor Elect James
Rolph, Jr., who said he blamed
Whitmore for the Gilbert Beese
myer financial debacle In Los
Angeles. Rolph Intimated Whit
more's - untamiliarity with th
building and loan commission
work made it easy for Beese
myer to commit an $8,000,000
Withdraw Move
For Appeal and
Goes to Prison
(AP) John H.-Edwards. Jr., one
ot three convicted of an embetzle.
ment conspiracy ta connection
with the affairs of the F. H.
Smith Co., Washington real estate
investment firm, today withdrew
a petition for appeal and began
serving a three-year term.
Ills associates, G. Bryan Pitts,
sentenced to fourteen yeara and
C. Elbert Anadale to nine, who
are appealing their conviction,
were held withodt bond.
Drama I
The frank
story of beau
ties who lived,
and suffered
on the West
ern Front!
Sound News
jk a