The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 24, 1930, Page 1, Image 1

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    -"V- vi-
. "Worthy igtult for
charity are nutting needy
homes happy this Christ
mas; hare you 'done your
Prt for this worthy work?
international Relations
- Nothing ti Brag About, -:
London and Geneva Confer
; ences: Some Good?: Rg
: volts Hurt Progress
r WASHINGTON. . Dec. 23.p
(AP)-Unparalleled In, activity
and turbulence sines the World
war, the year end finds the field
of International . relations facing
every prospect' of ..being written
Into history as an unusually bee
tle and uncertain period. ;.
, ternatlonal. war. 1930 has been
- jnarked with', civil strife,' Internal
discontent and .political changes
wnicn naa mainiy as ineir oasis
the- economle depression of Tir
4tually the-entire world.
. liondon Naral ' , . :
Conference Best ..
Most Important of the diplo
matic developments since the
Washington arms- conference of
1922 was the London naval con
ference the crowning event of
the year. After three months of
tedious negotiations, .-clouded
many times with the threat of a
breakdown, the London parley
. succeeded In limiting the naval
arrangements of the three prin
cipal naval powers, the United
States. Great Britain and Japan.
Following closely was the mea
sure of success met at Geneva in
the final session of the prepara
; tory disarmament commission in
laying the ground-work for a
more general disarmament on
land, sea and in the air.
Revolts Numerous
And Change .Powers
Sporadic revolts, .following
upon one another with surpris
ing speed occurred in Bolivia, Ar
gentina, Brazil, Peru and Guate
mala. Administrations nave
changed by force In those coun
tries, and the state department
promptly recognized " all of the
new governments except that in
Guatemala, where a study of the
political status of the new regime
Is being made.
Abortive revolts took place In
Spain and Chile and there were
rumblings of possible upheavals
In Ecuador, Cuba and Venezuela.
While far removed from the
United States, the discontent and
bloodshed In India was watehed
closely by American diplomats In
view of Its possible effect upon
the British empire.
Important In the changes .In
China, where extensive Ameri
can Interests must be guarded
and many American 1 1 r e s
protected, was the gain by
the nationalist government of
Nanking of supremacy over the
northern ' coalition which for a
time threatened the most stable
government China has had for
many years. This success of the
Nanking administration was
countered, however, ftv a bandit
menace, involving the capture of
American missionaries, and
thefts and destruction of prop
erty. Linked with the economic de
pression throughout the world
were the flood of rumors and
counter-rumors Involving the
question of war debts and repar
ations with hints of a possible
more lenient policy by the United
States. Emphatic denials of any
change la policy followed . these
rumors on each occasion. .
Oregon Briefs. .
MARSHFIELD A $20,000 re
financing program has been com
pleted by the Fat Elk Oil com
pany and drilling of the com
pany's well near here will be re
sumed next week. It was announ
ced today. The well at present is
1450 feet deep and an 8-inch cas
ing will be used when the work
ia resumed. .
BEND Ted Tore was arrest
ed today by Sheriff Claude Mc
Cauley and his deputies on a
charge of possession of liquor
and 400 gallons of alleged moon
shine whiskey were confiscated.
PORTLAND E. O. White re
turned to the city Jail here today
to servo the remainder of a 45
day sentence for driving while In
toxicated. White was a trustee at
the jail and escaped December 7.
PORTLAND W. F. Turner,
president of the Spokane, Port
land and Seattle railway, an
nounced today the resignation of
W. C. Smith, general tax agent,
aud - the promotion of Harold J.
Turner, Goldendale, Wash., to
succeed him. "
secretary of the Oregon Bankers'
association, announced today the
dates for the annual bankers'
short course in agriculture had
been changed from January 22
and 23 to February 20 and 27.
, ASTORIA Division of the
Oregon-Washington coast empire
l .iatn' fntn .anarat .state
KCDUU. w w - r
units was advocated in commun
ications received here today from
southern Oregon rountlee. A
meeting will - be held in Coos
county in January,
limn rnininin I. s - - ' : i - - - - - - ...... -t
1 - - : - - .-r-'- ! - ; FOUMDjgp 1651 ' - -.
Famed Mentor
Near Collapse,
; 41 .
Knuto Rockne, Xotre Dame foot
ball coach, whom physicians say
is near breakdown. .
i ' ' '
Physician Calls Halt for
Coach ; Frowns on Air
plane Trip
ROCHESTER, Minn., Dec. 23
(AP) His physician's warn
ing to limit his strenuous activi
ties or face the possibility of a
complete breakdown confronted
Knute Rockne, famous football
coach of Notre Dame, tonight.
Dr. C. J. Barborka of the Mayo
clinic gave his verdict after an
exhaustive examination of the
coach who came here last week
for a physical Inventory, fearing
a return of phlebitis of the leg.
Rockne, the physician said.
shows no immediate signs of fur
ther trouble in the leg. but is suf
fering from fatigue which elosely
approaches the line of exhaustion
and must limit his activities or
face grave consequences.
Dr. Barborka explained his
findings do not mean that Rockne
must eease coaching, but he must
place a curb en his other actlvi-:
ties. Including speech - making.
writing for mazagines and other
tatfks. which, coupled with the
strenuous gridiron season Just
ended have sapped his strength.
The physician also disapproved
of Rockne 's proposed airplane
trip to Los Angeles Saturday, de
claring If the coach "flies to Los
Angeles we will refuse to assume
responsibility for his future care."
BERKELEY. Cal., Dec. 23
1TM Weakened Jit freauent
nhatftnttnn in tha l&t half, the
University of California dropped a
close game to Oregon state col
lege 28 to 25 here tonight. Ore
gon State led 11 to 10 at the half
time mark.
California's defense proved al
mnaf imnreenable in the ooeninx
periods and the Beavers made but
one field goal. In the first half
The remainder of their points wia
made on fouls.
Gorman, California forward,
was high point man, scoring nine
of hie team's tallies. Merril, O.
a f tnrwtrA n second with
seven points. Lewis, the rangy
Beaver center, gave the Beavers
the start on most of the plays as
he rot the best of the tipof I work
Another Judge
Advocates More
Whipping Posts
tVT1A. Ta re a :fAP)
Jnilpn Albert Tint ton MacDade of
the Delaware county court, today
urged the state legislature pass a
bill establishing whipping posts in
Pennsylvania county seats as a
means of stamping out robbery
and crime of violence.
All Postottice Records
Broken in
NEW YORK, Dec 21 (AP)
If there's any business depression.
the postoffice clerks of the nation
know nothing of It they're han
dling the greatest rush In history.
All time records in postoflices
through the country were being
shattered . In the deluge of nrst
class mall matter; everyone seems
to be saying It with cards, at least,
this Christmas.
If the axrrerate equals last
year and indications are it will
surpass It the Christmas -malls
will, have carried 1. 170.000. 000
letters; 20.000,000 packages and
17,000.000 postcards. ,
General belief among postmas
ters la that the peak of the rush
is reached yesterday, and that
the totals of today; aud tomorrow,
while still great, will show a ta
pering off. In Manbatlo and the
Bronx, 15,00 0,0 fr pieces of first
OVER riuou
State's Share in Federal
Emergency Highway Ad
vance is $1,320,000
Klein to CaH Conference to
Study how Money Shall
Be Allotted V
- Federal emergency ' advance
fnnds of $1,320,000 allotted to
the state of Oregon out of a total
appropriation aggregating , ap
proximately 38O.00O.O00,1 are now
available and can be used for
highway construction prior . to
September 1, of next year, accord
ing to a telegram received from
government officials at the offices
of the state highway department
here last night
Funds for Work
Done Before Bept. 1
"Oregon's, apportionment of
the emergency advance fund is
31.320,000." read the telegram.
"This money is available to meet
regular aid funds. Please take
up with the district engineer pro
jects on which you wish to use
advance funds In the same man
ner as for regular federal aid pro
jects. The advance funds are
available for work done prior to
September 1 of next year."
The telegram from government
officials was in reply to a query
as to when the advance funds
would .be available, and whether
they could be used prior to Sep
tember 1, 1931.
Roy Klein, state highway en
gineer, said he would hare to con
fer with members of the highway
commission before determining
what projects would be undertak
en under the emergency appropri
ation. He indicated that this con
ference would be held soon and
that there would be no delay in
getting actual construction opera
tions under way.
(AP) Plans and specifications
for constructing the Cle Elum
dam, sixth and last of the series
forming the water storage sys
tem of the Yakima reclamation
project In Washington, are be
ing prepared by engineers of the
bureau of reclamatj
Dr. Elwood Mead, commis
sioner, of reclamation, today said
bids would be called for Imme
diately after the specifications
are ready, which la expected
The bureau is speeding up
work where possible, Commis
sioner Mead said. In the hope
construction of the dam can be
started In the spring. An appro
priation of $15,500,000 is avail
able. The dam, storage reservoir.
and other ground rights, will
cost approximately $3,500,000
and will complete the storage
-.1,1.1. 1 t v. .
will rait innroifmtlT - Sll.
The Yakima project. Dr. Mead
said, ultimately will cost about
$45,000,000. About halt of that
sum has been spent upon the di
visions finished to date, the com
missioner explained..
Colonel Ryther
Due Soon to Take
Charge Infantry
VANCOUVER, Wash., Dec. 23.
(AP) Lieutenant Colonel
Ernest E. McCammon, acting
regimental commander, said to
day ne naa received wora uoi
onel D wight W. Ryther will ar
rive here December 27 to take
command of the 7th Infantry.
Colonel Ryther Is coming here
from Fort Omaha, Nebr.; where
he has been chief of staff of the
89 th division for five years. He
Is 61 years old and will be eligi
ble for retirement from active
army duty In three years.
Holiday Mail
class mail were handled through
the cancelling machines yester
day, while, an equal amount was
handled in Chicago. The previous'
record tor one day In New York
was 14,000.000 In 1928. while
that of Chicago was 12.000.000.
also In 1928 . : . - ;
In Louisville more than 1.000,
060 pieces were mailed yesterday,
exceeding last year's high mark
by more than 700,000. ' ! s
' In Syracuse, N. Y., it was esti
mated more than 2,000,000 pieces
of mall were sent In the last four
days, reaching the peak yesterday
with $40,000. Similar reports are
received from virtually all sec
tions of the country. t r
While yesterday was the biggest
mailing day In the history of the
Cleveland ' postoffice, expectations
were the present Christmas season
would sot equal the business of
former years
U 0
Salem, Oregon, Wednesday
House M Upset
- Because Everyone
Can Tdk Longer
(AP) Speaker Long
worth's office has been in
vaded either by souvenir
hunters or petty thieves.
" Hie ' stop watch and sev
eral other articles are miss
ing. The stop watch was
ed in timing; members
making speeches om the
floor..- .' - r--.. v
'Hiss Mildred Reeves, sec
retary to the speaker, saldi
."Now . the . members can
speak as tons; as they desire
unless a new stop watch Is
produced.- In the meantime
the speaker will use his In
. The stop watch was mlse
ed Saturday. mornimg and -today
Scrgeant-a t-arms RodV
gers was asked to search
for it, -
Chairman Wood Says Ne
braskari "Demagogue";
Gets hot Answers
(AP) In an assault upon the
republicanism of President Hoo
ver, Senator Norrls, of Nebraska.
today challenged the eontrol of
the national party by those who
are demanding' his own ouster.
The Nebr ask an spoke out in
blunt terms after Representative
Wood, of Indiana, left a confer
ence wUft President Hoover to
urge support for the "eradica
tion" of Norrls which was advo
cated by Robert H. Lucas, execu
tive director of the republican
national committee.
Wood's denunciation of Norrls
from the White House steps as a
consuma.te demagogue stirred
Norrls to question the republi
canism of Mr. Hoover and called
Into action Senator Borah, of
Idaho, another republican Inde
pendent, who answered "let them
get out those who have disgraced
the party."
"The republican party belongs
to the rank and file," said Nor
rls In talking to newspapermen
who gave him the news of
Wood's stuck. "Mr. Wood and
Mr. Lucas, even though backed
up by Mr. Hoover, do not consti
tute the republican party. I was
fighting for the republican party
when Mr. Hoover himself was a
resident and voter of Great Brit
ain. Wood, the first of the republi
can regulars In congress to speak
out in the party quarrel, was
Just as severe.
"We have been palliating and
(Turn to page 2. col. 2)
VfHlTiS HORSE, fukon, Dec.
23. (AP) Captain E. J. A.
Burke died from starvation and
exposure, a coroner's Jury here
has decided.
Burke and two companions,
Emll Kading and Bob Marten, dis
appeared October 11 while flying
in the Llard river district They
began a trek to civilization but
Burke collapsed and died Novem
ber 20. Two companions finally
were rescued and brought here by
Pilot E. L. Wasson and Joe
Walsh, a prospector, December
The coroner's Jury added a rid
er to its finding, recommending
that in the future planes In north
ern British Columbia be equipped
with sufficient food to last for a
reasonable period of time, a rifle
and 50 rounds of ammunition and
snowshoes for each member of
the plane crew. The Jury also rec
ommended pilots be Instructed In
woodcraft. ,
Wasson, a Yukon-Tread well Ex
ploration company pilot, has gone
to Dawson to report to his em
ployers, but will return here soon
to remove Burke's body to Atlin.
B. C, for burial. Burke was head
ing for Atlin when he became lost.
His widow and children are there.
Bride and Camera
Get Big Smiles
From Timberlake
White-haired, wealthy Repre
sentative Charles B. Timberlake
of Colorado and Mrs. Roberta
Wood Elliott, a youthful widowed
former waitress, were married to
night at a simple ceremony.
The Rer. - Dr. James Shera
Montgomery, the house chaplain,
had to wait for them while the
32-year-old bride - gave vivacious
repartee, to wise-cracking news
photographers. .- . ;
As they posed a cameraman
said to Timberlake, who was still
solemn of mien: ,
"I'm going to get a . friendly
look on your face If I have to
break a leg. . - '
"He wants you to grin. the
bride smiled, looking up over her
shoulder, ' as yon never grinned
befqre." : - ;-
The 7 5-y ear-old reoreaeutatlTe
Morning, December 24, 1930
iinnnirn niinini . risT-rjL- j
lAJIInlilrn linllllil LP UlUre Ullltlll
Leading Show Houses Tak
en Over by big Firm on
20-Year Lease
Representatives Optimistic
About Future of Thea
tres in Salem ,
-A deal which has been pend
ing for some weeks came to a
head Tuesday, with the exchange
of leasing agreements for the
taking over of the Elslnore and
Capitol theatres In Salem by
Warner Brothers Theatres, Inc,
a subsidiary of Warner Bros.
Pictures. L. J. Helper of Holly
wood, executive In charge of ex
pansion for Warner Brothers, ar
rived yesterday bearing the pa
pers signed by New York offi
cials of the corporation.
Terms had previously been
agreed to at the Salem end of
the deal. Transfer of the unds
involved today will mark the fin
al step in the deal. The new man
agement will take over the the
atres Saturday morning.
Twenty Year Lease
Agreed Upon
The lease is for a term of 20
years and rental terms are on a
graduated basis, increasing dur
ing the later years of the lease.
The equipment In both theatres
is 'purchased. The cash payment
is said to be $75,000 and the
rentals over the 20-year term
(Turn to page 2, col. 1)
Donations of Food Handled
For Christmas Baskets;
Need Delivery Boys
' "Good-WUl Fund"
Previously report
ed .... f 927.82
A Friend 5.00
Brush College
Community . . 10.07
F. C. DeLong .... LOO
No name 10.0O
Ray L. Smith . . . 2-50
J. R. Carrutbers S.OO
E. 17, Gillingfaam - 2.00
Henry Layman . 2.60
Street Kettles,
Dec. 23rd 4.1
TOTAL TO DATE $1,012.00
The Salvation Army building
last night looked more like a
wholesale grocery store than like
a meeting place, as about twenty
Army workers toiled until after
midnight rilling the large Doxes
which will be delivered today to
the worthy poor of this commun
Bread, butter and meat Is to
be .added this morning and the
distribution will set under way
about nine o'clock, Ensign Wil
liams states.
"And we will be needing help
to deliver the boxes! Williams
said, "If anyone having a car
would like to help we will be glad
for their assistance."
Every year the Army depends
upon volunteer helpers to get the
Christmas boxes into the hands
of the recipients. .
Guard Aids
In Creating
More Work
Construction operations at the
military reserve at Camp Clatsop,
under a federal appropriation of
$30,000, will get under way next
month, according to a telegram
received by Major-General George
A. White yesterday from the war
department at Washington.
The telegram was In response
to a request that work be expe
dited In order to relieve unemploy
ment conditions in Clatsop coun
ty. The telegram Indicated that
plans and specifications for the
Improvements would be approved
within the next 10 days, and that
work then would be placed on the
priority list.
The proposed Improvements in
clude 17 new buildings. - Bids will
be advertised as soon as final or
der Is received ' and . preliminary
work hurried .in' order to provide
work for the unemployed In that
county, It was said. I ...
Statesman-Eliinore Treat to Kiddies ;
r This Coupon and 5c admits any child np to age 12
to the Elsinore Christmas matinee on Thursday
morning. v ' ' .
In Field
.Boomerang Questionnaire Poured on Electrical
Wizard but he Answers Queries; Says
Most men too Lazy 'to Think
NEW YORK, Dec. 23. (AP) Thomaa A. Edison said
today the outstanding inventions of the future will be in
the field of health and that inventors will be. biologists and
chemists. . ' '-'V
Edison replied to the questionnaire from the Review, of
Reviews. : Edisoii himself . is famous for his -questionnaires.
"Sickness is pretty hard on the workman now, said
the 84-year-old wizard of Menlo Park. "It's hard for them
to get a'good doctor, and proper care is expensive There
is too much sickness. Something will have to be done about!
It, and that Is where biology and
cnemisiry come in.
Here are some of the other
questions and answers:
Q. Do yon think your work
would be easier if you were be
ginning now with business
ready' to give money and facili
ties for research?
A. Yes.' I was 45 years hust
ling for payrolls.
Q. Do Inventions come from
necessity- "the mother of inten
tion" or from scientific curios
ity? A. Most of the Inventors
work to earn money to get a
modest living for their families.
All they want Is enough money
to experiment with.
Q. Will science tell us to eat
less, as it has told us to drink
less? , A. Eighty per cent of our
deaths are due to over-eating.
After the age of 21 a large va
riety and quantity of food is un
necessary. All those things
crowd the stomach and cause
poisons. It takes courage to
learn restraint, but all that eat
ing Is necessary. I find that my
weight keeps up on a glass of
milk alone, every two hours.
Q. Is there any Inherent dif
ficulty In making television as
common as the telephone. A.
Yes, cost and complexity.
Q. Do you think the auto-gyro
Is the coming thing. In aviation
the best principle so far de
veloped? A. Yes, and It came
from Spain. They say Spain Is
dead. But that man (the in
ventor) has the egg of Colum
bus. .
On the wall of Edison's office
In West Orange, N. J., where the
questionnaire was presented.
hangs a quotation from Sir
Joshua Reynolds: "There Is no
expedient to which man will not
resort to avoid the real labor of
thinking," pointing to it, Edison
said to his Interviewers "That is
what's the matter with us".
BOISE, Idaho. Dec. 23.
(AP) Gov. H. C. Balbrldge de
clared today In expanding on a
recent interview on the wage
question, that labor had misun
derstood and misinterpreted the
meaning of his advice that
wages must be lower.
"I am not opposing labor," he
said. "I believe that labor Is en
titled to everything It can get.
But I do contend that labor can
not continue to get the post war
scale in present conditions."
While America was able
through the tariff to protect Its
own industry, he sata, wages
could be maintained at almost
any leveL Since the war, how
ever, he pointed out the nation
has produced - huge exportable
surpluses which come In compe
tition with similar products pro
duced in other countries with
cheaper labor. Because of this,
he said, the country Is unable to
export its surpluses.
A wage reduction, he said.
does ndt necessarily mean a low
er standard of Uring, for it all
values are correspondingly re
duced lower wages will buy Just
as much as the higher wage. .
Hoover Pardons
Former Governor
McCray, Indiana
(AP) The pardoning by Pres
ident Hoover of Warren McCray,
former governor of Indiana, was
announced late today at the Jus
tice department.
McCray was released from At
lanta penitentiary in 1927 after
completing one third of his ten
year term for using the malls to
defraud. ' The president's action
today will have the effect of re
storing the civil rights - of the
former Indiana governor.
Before his conviction McCray
was a millionaire cattle breeder
and land owner with a national
reputation as a gentleman
farmer. .
of Health,
Forecast Says no . White
Christmas Here but East
Gets Plenty of Snow
Heavy, marrow chilling fogs
which held Salem in their grips
the fore part of the week, had
changed yesterday into a steady
Oregon rain which served to raise
the temperature. The outlook for
Christmas was not cold but pelth
er was It clear.
Salem shoppers, scurrying
about today, on last-minute shop
ping bent, will find somewhat typ
ical weather at this season of the
Forecasts from the weather
bureau aX Portland last night, ef
fective today and Christmas were:
Rains In western Oregon and lo
cal snows in eastern part of state.
By the Associated Press
It looked last night as though
almost everywhere In the east,
outside of New York City, there
would be plenty of snow for the
reindeer and sleigh tonight.
It snowed In -New York City,
too, early yesterday but what
chance has a snowflake got falling
on roofs and pavements and side
walks that all have steam boilers
underneath them?
Up in New England the pro-
Santa weather man apparently
took his stuff a little too serious
ly. From Boston came reports of
slippery New England highways,
roads littered with branches brok
en from the trees by the weight
of the snow, delayed railroad traf
fic and Interrupted airplane
schedules. A depth of from 4 to,
fl Inches was reported generally in
New England. Traffic was badly
disorganised in Springfield, Mass.
Southward, in New Jersey and
Pennsylvania, however, there was
apparently Just enough snow to
make It nice for Christmas. High
ways were open and whatever the
delays In railroad traffic were,
they were not particularly seri
ous. Snowless New York could have
sympathized last night with at
least one other eastern municipal
ity. But down in Christmas, Fla.,
20 miles east of Orland, they
think It's fun to celebrate Christ
mas in a bathing suit.
Journal on Law
Of Radio Coming
Out in September
CHICAGO. Dec. 23 (AP)
The first Journal of radio law to
be published In the United States
was announced here today by Pre
sident Walter Dill Scott, of North
western university.
The first number will appear
early In 1931 and will be under
the editorship of. Louts G. Cald
well, Washington, D. C, former
general counsel of the federal ra
dio commission. The publication
will be devoted entirely to devel
opments in radio law.
Y. M. C. A .- Prepares tor
Annual Christmas Party
Church organizations of Salem
are presenting Individual num
bers for the annual Christmas
Friday night program at the Y.
M. C. A., at 7:30 p. m. In the" as
sociation gymnasium. Joseph H.
Albert will preside: Mrs. Mary
Flndley Lockenour Is responsible
for the program.
Christmas carols will be sung
by the entire audience through
out the evening led by W. Earl
Cochran. The opening prayer will
be. offered by George H. Swift of
the Episcopal church.
Welcoming the audience will
be the Evangelical primary
group; a recitation, The Christ
mas story" will be given by a
member of the same organiza
tion. Robert Brown, South Salem
Friends church, will present an
accordlan solo. -
A representative of the Court
street Christian church will sing
a vocal solo while the chorus of
young people from Jason Lee
Methodist church will present
All Holy Night,"
The Holy-City" a cornet solo.
will .be played by Rev. G. W.
Rutseh of the German Baptist
church followed by a reading,
On Christmas Day la the Morn
Unsettled with rains today
and Thursday over western .
Oregon and local snows orer
east portions; no change la .
temperature Maximum yes
terday 09, Minim am 51. .
No. 233
Harold-Robinson, 16, At-
tacks C. A. Lewis With
Monkey Wrench
Salem Police get boy. who
"V Training School ;
"C. .A. Lewis, recently em
ployed as parole officer at the
state training r school for boys ;
a a VTakJI n ' k
Injuries yesterday afternoon
when he was slugged by Harold
Robinson, 1, whom he was
transporting! to . the Institution
from Salem by automobile.
Robinson previously served a
term In the school, and was or
dered, recommitted. The boy's
home Is In Silverton.
Produces Monkey Wrench
And Uses It Hard '
The attack occurred on . the
Pacific highway fire miles nort:i
of Salem, when Robinson unex
pectedly struck Lewis on the
head with a monkey-wrench or.
some ether blunt ' Instrument.
Lewis, who was at the wheel of
the automobile, was dazed tem
porarily, with the result that
Robinson leaped from the mov
ing machine and started on a
run In the direction of Salem.
The ' Salem police department
was notified with the result that
George Edwards, traffic officer,
captured ' the youth on the Sil
verton highway a short distance
east of this city. Robinson was
taken to the city Jail, and later
turned over to Lewis' who ac
companied him to the school,
liewls Doesn't Care
To Discuss Incident
Lewis refused to discuss the
incident, further than to say
that it didn't amount to any
thing and that he was not in
jured seriously.
W. H. Baillie, superintendent
of the school, said that while he
had not been advised of the de
tails of the attack, he under
stood that Robinson struck Lew- -is
on the head with a wrench.
Balllle said that Robinson had
caused the school officials con- r
slderable trouble, and had at
tempted to escape on more than
one occasion. ,
Robinson was said to be well
known to members of the Salem
police department. He had been
brought before Mrs. Nona White,
Juvenile officer, Tuesday morning.
J. W. Stanford, woodcutter, is
under arrest at Stayton charged a
with threatening to dynamite the
Bank of Stayton unless 3300 was
delivered to him through the
Sublimity postoffice. It also was
alleged that Stanford attempted
to cash a worthless check for
The letter containing the
threat to wreck the bank was re
ceived at the institution Decem
ber 18, and was later turned over
to Henry Marshal, city marshal.
The check which Stanford at
tempted to cash was drawn on '
the First National Bank of Buf
falo, Wyoming.
Officers expressed the opinion
that Standford is Insane. He is
55 years old.
LARKED,. Kas.. Dec. 23 (AP)
Two 15-year-old skaters, Rob
ert Llgntfoot and Charles Oliver,
drowned this afternoon as break
ing of thin ice plunged them Into
Pawnee creek, a half mile west of
Larned. ,
ing," requested by an enthusiast
of (he readings by Mrs. Carry M.
Chase of the Presbyterla n
The Nazarene male quartet
will sing several numbers after
which the Christmas message, 10
minutes In length, will be deliv
ered by Rev. Grover C. Birtcbet
of the Presbyterian church.
Mrs. R. II. Robertson, of the
Episeopals, will sing a vocal solo,
'The Birth of the King." after
which the Intermediate group of
the First Methodist church will
present a skit or group panto
mime. Kenneth Abbott, Congre
gationalism will sing a vocal solo.
CapL Williams of the Salva
tion Army will deliver the ad
dress . "Christmas in the Com
munity" preceding a collection
for charity purposes. Preceding
the benediction by Rev. P. W.
Erlcksen, American Lutheran
church, a number of his people
will present a selection, 'The
Pilgrim Journey."
A large crowd of several hun
dred Salem Friday night program
enthusiasts are expected tm
crowd the room at the Y. M. C.
A. where the program will be dt