The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 23, 1930, Page 6, Image 6

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    r FAGE SK
"At Home" Honors
Anniversary and
Dr. and lira. George' Lewis
were hosts for an attractive "at
borne" Sunday evening betwen
tbe boars ot. t:30 and 10: St
'clock In compliment to their
seventh wedding anniversary and
also too birthday ot Dr. Lewis.
Aboat 80 invitations -were ex
tended for this pleasant occasion
and meets called all daring the
receiving hoars. Miss Elsie Mill
ar assisted la. receiving the guests
A. boaffet supper was serred. The
truest rooms were ray with
rhrktrau trmboli and here all
daring- the evening, a. pleasant
octal time wa enjoyed.
A surprise Introduced into the
occasion was the announcement
of the engagement of the engage
ment of Miss Dada wmiermuie,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
. Wintermate. to Albert Walker.
The wedding data is indefinite.
Eastern Star
Children to be Feted
An annual affair anticipated
bt children in Eastern Star fanv
ily circles is the Eastern Star so
cial club's Christmas party. tms
. year's celebration will take place
tMs afternoon he-dnnins: at. 2:30
o'clock in the social rooms of the
Masonic temple. Mrs. Louie Ol
son, who has been j social chair
man for the clubWhls year, an-
, nounced that the committee has
Christmas tree and profram al
ready to entertain - the young
guest as well as club members.
The committee who has plan
ned the afternoon's program is
headed by Jlnr. Bern ice Blodgett,
; and she is assisted by Jennie Ut
ley, . Florence Ferrey. Gretehen
Olson, Emma McCarter, Marjor
i Merriott. Lean Clinton, Minnie
c---trt. Minute Baker. Hazel
. Pickens, Gussle Xiles, Josle An-d-..on.
Mrs. Blivens, Josephine
Chrlstenson. Marie Flint McCall,
Blanche Wolcher, Margaret
Montgomery Shafer, Nellie Tay
lor and Pauline Robertson.
President and Mrs. LeTi T.
Pennington were entertained at
lunch In the White House re
cently by President and Mrs.
Hoover. President Pennington
Iron a year's leare of absence
from Pacific college, and is vis
iting friends and relatives in the
central and eastern states. With
Mrs. Pennington, Pres. Penning
ton plans to sail for Europe
early in March, where they will
spend several weeks in England
and Ireland. They expect to re
turn to Newberg early In the
e a
Mrs. Mae C. Gingrich has Just
been notified that a bracelet de
sign originated by her to be used
a.4 a national honor In Campfire
work will be used by . Everygirls
magazine and will be sent to na
tional headquarters for adoption
n i part of the Campfire- sym
bolism, y
i - gran
PATTERN 1035 i
A flared model with beautiful
ly fitted hip yoke that points
downward in slender fashion.
Pattern 1935 may , be obtained
only for 30, 32, 34 and SS Inch
- waist measurements. Size SO re-
onlrea 1 3-4 Tarda of 40-inch ma J
teriak . " . ,
r,: - r- PATTERN S030 -"
This stunning model with clev
erly pointed hip yoke adds an la-
Teriea - ironi picmt v ita mm
.lines. Pattern 2030 may be ob
tained only for 28, 30. SS and 34
Inch waist measurements. SixeXS
requires 1 7-8 yards of 40-Inch
fabric . .
' Ke SreaeaaMas axperieaea 1
aeceae 117 to aaake taia ndil with .
ant pettera. Tarda far eerr
aita. a ad linspla, exact taatrae
tioae ara Siren. :
Seas flfteea eeata ta eelaa tare
- fully wrapped, ar ataapa for ck
eattara. Write alaialy year asia.
addreee aa atyle aaeaeer. Be sara
ta etate ia waated.--.
Oar aw fall a ad vriatac faakiaa
teak eentaiaina esqeieit aaedels
fa . a4alu ealldrea sad aa
exealleat enortMea of traaafer
.aattaraa aad etaaaped aeeaittee. Is
. aav eaady. Priee CXteeei aeaaa.
Baak vita patter. 15 eeata. Ae
draas all raaU sad ardars ta Etil
ma a Patters Dapartseat, HI
Yaa4Tta? tract. kv. a'aak-CUy.
Nevs and Club
:OLTVE M. Doak.
r f- Tuesday, December JSS
Pot lock dinner. C: 30 o'clock, program following:
Woman's clubhouse, for Sons ot Union Veterans sad
auxiliary. , -
. Eastern star Social club Christmas party for East
era1 Star children. Masonic temple social rooms, 2: SO
o'clock. : - j ; - - : , : ri
Dinner board meeting, for Encinitis club at Blue
Bird. . , , -..."
Miss Sutherlin
Entertains i
Mrs. Bertha Carl Sutherlin en
tertained with a Christmas party
at the 'home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. G. Carl Saturday ev
ening. Prof. Herman Clark was
aa honor guest.
Eaeh guest broaght a gift and
following an evening of fun and a
late supper the gifts were gath
ered together to be distributed to
those in need. .
. Prof. Clark as honor guest was
presented with an. attractive gift
as a token -of esteem from the
group gathered for this Christmas
Guests were Miss Barbara Bar
ham. E. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. R. A.
Forkner, Raymond Carl. Prof.
and Mrs. Herman Clark, and
daughters, Ml.s Carol and Miss
Carliss Clark. Miss Frances Gra
ham. Miss Helen Ney, Mrs. P. L.
Frailer. Mrs. J. W. Clark, Mrs. C.
F. Haeeman, Miss Ruth Baum-
gartner, Mrs. A. L. Skewls. Mr
and Mrs. Mark, Wilbur, Miss Mil
dred Gardner. Miss Bernlce Rick
man. H. R. McWhorter, Clinton
One of the many happy Christ
mas parties or this season was
that enjoyed by a group of the
girls from the Grand, Elsinore and
Capitol theatres Saturday night at
the home . ox Mms TPelores Mills,
with Miss Florence" Allport and
Miss Eva Kerber as asistant host
esses. ;
The guest rooms of the Mills
home were bean tl fully arranged
with holly, mistletoe, red tapers
and la the living ' room large
Christmas tree, beautifully light
ed, shed its glow over .the guests
as cards were in play at four ta
bles. Later ia the evening there
was an exchange of gifts and then
the hostesses, assisted by Mrs.
Mills, served a lat supper.
Miss Ann Maroney and Mrs.
May Kelley held the winning
scores for the evening of cards.
Guests for this event were Miss
Ann and Miss Mary Maroney, Miss
Leona Gardner. Miss Mildred Tal-
lon. Miss Florence Allport, Miss
Eva Kerber. Miss Fled a Hickman,
Miss Larelle Keene, Miss Dorothy
Hoage; Miss Annabelle Rosenthal. !
Miss Elm a Jantzen, Miss Mildred I
Kirk. Miss Blanche Hewett. Miss
Irma Green, Mrs. Mary Kelley.
Mrs. Lila Wilson, Mrs. Lucile
Mitchell. Mrs. Aldlno Scott. Mrs.
Alma Gooch and Miss Mills.
a a a
"West Salem Mrs. J. A. Gos
ser entertained a group of Juniors
Saturday evening, honoring the
thirteenth birthday of her sen,
Winston Goaser. Games occupied
the evening hours after which
Mrs. Gosser serred refreshments.
Guests were Margaret Raster;
Doriene Baker, Eleanor West,
Maizle Radkey, Merle K aster,
Raymond Griffin, Robert Lang
hoff, Harvey Griffin, Jack Gosser
an Winston Gosser. .
A banquet and program will be
given in commemoration of the
martyred Filipino here. Dr. Jose
Rizal, Saturday night at f o'clock
at the Marion hotel by members
of the Salem Filipino club,
a a a
Salem Heights .Miss Maida
Caldwell, who Is teaching at Jo
seph, arrived at th Heights Sat
urday to spend orlstmas vaca
tion with her pafShts, Mr. and
Mrs. Willis CaldwilL
Miss Ruth S. Parsons has left
for Eugene where- she will spend
the weekend with her brother.
Dr. Phillip A. Parsons.
the qnalitrj
tjott would insist
iipoa if got hnew
all ot the facts-
Tt. m Yaoraat
tst like your coffee!
is just as vital for one as it fa
for, the other, to pet rent tha
eraporatioa of ' th fragrant
volatile oils that pre them botsV
their flaTor. Science has beta
.longer dtscoTering how to do It
for tea. It requires a special
proem so far & Schilling se
cret. Try it, and nii what jtm
hare been musing all thess
Society Editor
Mrs. C. M. Robinson
Is Hostess
Salem Heights -The Chatenseaa
elab met Friday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. C. M. Robinson at a
potluck dinner. Christmas wai
the central theme of the meeting.
The luncheon table was decorated
la the center with a mialatnre
tree surrounded by red tapers.
Names were drawn previously and
presents were exchanged aceord-
inr to the number drawn toy eaca
guest. Those present were sirs.
L. Reed Chambers. . Mrs. D. D.
Craig; Mrs. Carrie Trudgen. Mrs.
W. R. Davenport. Mrs. - Francis
Wilson, Mrs. Harry Haldeman,
Mrs. Harry Scott, Mrs. F. Polan
ski, Mrs. Wayne Robertson and
the hostess, Mrs. C. M. Robinson.
Rainbow Officers
Chadwick assembly. Order of
Rainbow for girls, elected Miss
Esther Glbbard to succeed Miss
Dorothea Corey as worthy advis
or to ' the Order at the annual
election held Saturday night. Of
ficers to assist Miss Glbbard were
elected as follows:
'Worthy associate advisor. Miss
Jean Eastridge; Charity, Miss
Betty-Mae Hartung; Hope,
Eleanor Wagstaff; Faith,
Roberta Smith; secretary.
Alta Johnson: treasurer.
Betty Vaughn. .
, Robert and Harlan Boals are
spending the' holidays with their
parenta. Mr. and Mrs. R. T.
Boals. Robert Boals Is a stu
dent tn the TJniverslt yof Wash
ington and Harlan Boals Is tn
the University of Oregon.
t Tub 4 Screen Grid Thcz
tW- OutltK Deaotifpl Wtlssl
CaSlnet. Regular $163.8. NOW
Specially Priced at
Was $VtM '
Uzhts la a Cei,
Christmas Parties
Form Campfire Fun
Numerous ; parties ars being
planned by . the Campfire groups
of. Salem. Among those that have
already been gtren was the Sat
urday eTeninx party given by
Maxine Stout as leader of the
Rose Blue Bird group, at the
home of 'Mrs. John. CampbelL A
play "A Quarter to Christmas
and presents gtren ont by a real
Santa Clans and a group of read
ings and Christmas enrols made
up a happy evening.
Parents were Invited to this
party and the guest list Included
Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell and
Miss Echo and Bwain Campbell.
Mr. and Mrs. . Collar, and Miss
Edith and Ada. Collar. Mr. and
Mrs. H. O. Malson and Mllly Mai
son, Mrs. Marie Pntnam and Reb
ecks and David Pntnam. Mrs. O.
Schults, and Ruby. Freda and Al
bert Sennits, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Kllnger, Jnanlta Kllnger. Mrs.
Lepper and Marjerie and Brace
Lepper, Muriel Ltadstrom, Mrs.
Schmltt. Ora McDowell, and Mri
and Mrs. L. Stout and Maxine
Stout. - I
: The Stalsuye Campfire group1
held Its annual Christmas party
at the home of Mrs. Belle Brown-
Saturday night. The group went
In a body to sing carols at sever
al different homes, and present
ed the Old People's home with a
beautiful plant.
After the carols the group re
turned to the Brown homo and
there games and an exchange of
gifts were enjoyed. Refreshments
were serred after the gifts had
been exchanged.-
Those who were present for
this occasion were Maxine Stout,
Marjorle Schomaker, Esther Hun-
aaker, Wanda Rose. Virginia
Myres, Helen Moullet, Louise
Brown, Betty Brown, Mrs. L.
Stout, and Mrs. Belle Brown. .
a m
Mrs. Gordon Black, ' advisor
for the Wesley Epworth league
of the Jason Leo church was
happily surprised Saturday
night when the members of the
league came to assist her tn cele
brating her birthday. Christmas
formed a jolly part of this pleas
ant evening.
i a411 cf thesa Cats nro brand new and aro Fully Guaranteed
Encinitis Club Has
Progressive Party : v
Miss Mildred Judson was hos
tess at her homo for the. first
part of Saturday evening to
members of the s Encinitis club.
Cards were tn play and refresh
ments were served?" From Miss
Judson's homo the group went to
the home of Miss Esther Hllmer
where games were enjoyed and a
second course or rerresnments
were serred. The evening of pro
gressive fun closed with a Christ
mas tree beautifully decked with
gifts. .. .
Those who enjoyed this pro
gressive Christmas party were
Mrs. W. E. Jndson, a special
guest; : Mrs, William Hamilton.
the club advisor; Blra. Elizabeth
Gallaher, T. rw. C A. secretary;
Miss Betty Elofson, Miss Evelyn
Foulsen, Miss Esther Hllmer,
Miss Anona Welch,. Miss Mil
dred Judson, Miss Elizabeth
Welch, Miss Mabel Currle. Miss
Gertrude Chamberlin, Miss Bes
sie Tucker, Miss Alice Falk, Miss
Marguerite Farmer, Miss Lora
Parker of Monmouth, Miss La
Veda Carter and Miss Lulu East
ridge. KIngwood - The Book and
Thimble elub met Thursday af
ternoon at the home ofYMra. Ray
uaceir lor us regnwr mum uij
meeting. A short business session
was held, after which the period
usually devoted to a program was
given to a Christmas gift ex
9 a 1 1. 1
change and surprise Christmas
boxes were packed for two friends
of the club members.
A beautifully trimmed Christ
mas tree lent a festive air to the
Lacey home.
Mrs. Elmer Cook will be host
ess to the club members January
S. with Mrs. Charles Schwartz and
Mrs. L. H. Brown In charge of
the program;
Ladles present were Mesdames
Mary Beaver, Ross Damrell. El
mer Cook, E. W. St. Piere, A. J.
Kreuger, Ray Ferguson Charles
Schwartx, Charles Adams, Conrad
Fox, Jr., Charles Hathaway, Het
tle Simpklns and the hostess, Mrs.
a a a
Woodburn Mr. and Mrs. Law
rence Rolling were agreeable sur
prised by a group of friends Sat
urday night who ealled to enjoy
an evening of playing "600." A
midnight supper concluded the
card playing. Guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Reillng were Mr. and Mrs.
Pearl Gibbons. Mr. and Mrs. Will
LIchte, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibson,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Glbbens, Mr.
and Mrs. Stere Bauman, Mr. and
Mrs. C. Saunders, Mr. and Mrs.
Kfdjo frseucney, Tttple Screen
Cfcl VaSaus CsbmM
$165X0 NOf
A Few Christmas
WATFLE IRONS. Rezular $9.85 Notr
RDIK0 T7AFTLS IRONS Rejrular $15.50 Now ; ,-.
HEATERS--Pftrx-ioBnt Cireulatlnjr Typo Heaters. Wert $1150 Now
CERSTED HOT PLATES Reirnlar $90 Now ,
COCKTAIL SiXJ Glass. Regular $16.25
ASH TIAYS fiota of 4 Brass Asi Trays.
tZAtt CrOKlNa SETS. Rezal& $2QUrNov
CLOCKS- Brock-De-Luxe.
ema fnw4
Was SSjN '
Now, $40
.rr y i M U f If
yTvJv? n n
Santa Claus' warehouse is Jammed to the roof ,
f With every conceivable thing -
To bring Joy such lots! to dear little tots
JVho. world over, Santa songs sing. '
St. Nicholas Is busy. forhe is the king, .
; And Is anxiously waiting to hear "V-,,
.From the girls and the boys
' What they're wanting in toys.
And how all their hearts he can cheer. ,
He's opened his big heavy order-book wide,
-And around ft are clustered a host
Of cute little elves. -Waiting
there by themselves, ,
To take airplane, express, or the Post,
From every known border have yon put In year order,
Ruth. Raymond. Max, Gilbert. Pauline,
... ' Fred, Bobbie and Kate
- ' Be sure you're not late, -
."For If missed youll think Santa Claus mean.
-Perhaps mother or daddy have fooled you, dear taddie,
And told you he'll not come at all!
But pause! look and listen! ,
See crispy frost glisten! I
(I hope the dear elves will not fall!)
And I know in the toe of each stocking, ho! ho!
That Santa will leave something for "all!
Today's Menu
Cnriatmas Recipes
Steamed Christmas Padding
IK core, aagar
1 capa f laar
S taaspoaaa baking powder - ,
ltt teaapaaaa tail
1 U toaapaaas sada
9 taaapoaaa einaamoa
1 taaapoea elova
1 taaapaaa antmer
t cup grated ar finely ekopped raw ear
rota 1 eap chopped or grated raw potatoes
IK enpa raiaini.
1 capa earraata '
Mtx all ingredients and pour In
to 4 one-pound baking powder
cans. Seal tightly and steam for
2 hours. There will be sufficient
pudding to serve IS persons and
it can be made several days prior
to serving and then reheated In
the cans 20 minutes before serv
ed. Whitefield Sauce
i eap aeft batter
IK enpa dark browa aagar .
H cap eaafectioaer's sugar
1 arr
tablespoons liet craaaa
4 teaapaaa aalt
1 teaapaaa eiaaaaaaa
t teaapaaa vaailla
Chrlstenson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Nn
delL Miss Mary Gibson, Miss
Edith Reilinc. Waldo Glbbens,
Anthony Rolling. Winning scores
went to Mrs. A. Nendell, Mrs. Era
Reillng, Steve Bauman, and
Charley Saunders.
Was $W0 NOW $51.40
Waa $109JS0-NOW $69.63
AD Oomplete WtUt Tubes
Gift Suggestions -
Beffnlar $10 Now
Regular $5.00 Now
i teeapeoa leatoa extract '
S tablaepaoaa chapped auta
Mix the butter and sugars. Beat
2 minutes. Add the egg and cream
and beat well. Add rest of Ingre
dients and chill. This is good for
any steamed or baked pudding.
Christmas "Trew "Dessert
S 2-inch aqnarea of cbacelata caka .
Chaealata treating
1 flttart vaailla ice cream "
't rap tier eandiea tfvm dropt)
Spread the cake squares with
chocolate frosting. Top each
"box" with a cone shape of ice
cream. Sprinkle candies over the
top. Insert tiny tapers and Just
before serving, light the tapers.
This serves eight.
Chocolate Frosting
4 tablespoon batter
2 tableipoont hot areani
1 tt squares chocolate, melted
1 teaapooa vanilla
H teaapoaa salt
1 enpa eifted ceofectioner'e eager
T-TbU All Electrk Radio in Wl-
nttt Consott
An Ideal
to $1.00
: WAS $64.00
Was 3Ut
8 UU la a rt rirr
Two Liquor Men
Admit Guilt in
Justice Court
Unlawful possession of a still
and operation .of the same was
charged against H. Johnke when
he was brought Into Justice
court Monday. Johnke plead
guilty to the charge, waived a
preliminary hearing and asked
the court for sentence. Justice
Small will set sentence on John
ke this morning at 19 a. m. Ball
set at $600 could not be fur
nished by Johnke who was
therefore confined In the county
Pete DeGutre . was charged
with possession of liquor and
fenced at 10 a. m. this morning.
DeG nlre is a several-time of
fender.' His ball was set at 1300
pleaded guilty. He will be sen
yesterday but he could not fur
nish the sum and was confined
last night in the county Jail.
Mix the butter, cream and cho
colate and heat slowly. When
chocolate has melted, add rest of
Ingredients. Beat until creamy
and stiff.
Because the Dollar Sign
caught your eye.
By the same token the
pnrchase of "Scrip", the
Ideal Gift for Christmas,
will catch your eye, and
will save you money.
C2.JSO Books
$3.QO Books K450
910.00 Books $0.00
Ask at Box Office
.La Ji
Was asut
Now. aJlO.25