The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 23, 1930, Page 3, Image 3

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Saleia, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, Decerafer 23. 1930
; Decorations " Best The study
ball and classrooms In the sen
ior high school -will present in
teresting pictures to thi gradu
ates who return, today tor the an
nual horn ecoming assembly. Ev
ery ' -room " has been " decorated,
and some of them very carefully
and artistically. - Holly wreaths
hare been placed on manr of the
ball doors. The . homecoming as
sembly today will see about 100
Students Visit Among . the
Salem high ; school - graduates
who were 'callers at the high
school yesterday were: Richard
-Dick" Baker, who is attending
the University of Washington;
Wallace Hug. Harold Ollnger
and Gertrude Winslow of the
University of Oregon; Charles
Kay Bishop of Culver military
academy. ' Indiana; and Kather
ine Gouley, who is attending
Junior college , at San Mateo,
To Mt. Amcel Miss Helen Brfa-1 Bridge Baa Accident ,y hen
tow will be in Mt. Angel today to (the ear In front of J. T. McLangh-
attekd the tnneral of Mrs. Joseph I Un. "i6 ZTt
Keber. who passed, away at the brldreBe too t on his brake,
family lomelnMt. Angel Sunday gjfg .kidded otttlio frosty
night. Mrs. Keber was the mother '"t,"ad took out serenS
09 Mv H Mill KAF HrmTTTII. I - ' -
feet of the pedestrian onage nut-
lng. according to police reports.
old students back to say hello. If Calif. Katheiine is the only Sa-
attendance of past years is dupll- lem high graduate in Junior col-
cated. The Snikpoh dramatic so- lege, . which she reports to be
elety will present a one-act play, yery interesting. She lives in
there 'will be special musical se- San Francisco and commutes to
lections under direction of Lfcua San Mateo. She was the only
Belle Tartar. - Greetings to- the npperelassman to be elected to
visitors will be extended by Ron- an office in the art club on the
aid Hudkins, student body prcs- campus there, and is also on the
ident. and some of the grads wiiM staff of the college annual and
make a few remarks.
An excellent gift.
Give each member of your family j
' one of The Statesman Accident in
surance Policies.. Inquire at the
'.Statesman office for particulars.-
- - -
Many Girls Carol Seventy
Girl Reserves went on a caroling
party last sight, singing the sea-
of Mrs. Rosalie Keber Melntyre,
now of Portland -but formerly of
Salem, and,: of "Dorothy Keber.
who taught school in Salem for
several years. Besides Mr, Keber
and these two girls, she Is sur
vived by another daughter. Ger
trude, and a son. Carl, who is
studying for the priesthood. 8h
has been HI for a year.
rATAS. Dee. .-Dallas vet-
I " . , l
Open evenings till Christmas. I eran postmaster, cnester r.
e 1 r m I & . a w . f . hdk h p n 4
Stiff Furniture Co. and Maraei nauve or roi
Furniture Co. I here Monday morning after an tl
nmw Teacher Here Miss I ti n ooeration three months!
Edna t- Sterling, who was neaaiaro .
of the hich school jengusn aepar i-1 M- fvad served ror gome - is
mMt TiAra aSant 10 Tears tco . Jl Uhm'si aster here, under
The last minute gift problem tn ty for over the holidays, j tn, administrations of Presidents
Is easily solved
325 Court St.
at Gahlsdorfs.
She Is head of the nlgn scuooi
English work In Seattle.
Snedal Flight lessons, $$.T5.
Farther Information at saiem
air port. . - .
Sale Conflrsaed Order eon-
Roosevelt, Taft, Harding. jCooi-
Idge and Hoover. : He had previ
ously held for two terms the of
fice of county clerk of Polk eoun-
tJT ' . : -r1.-
- ha was born in reooet ui
Polk county. Jly, IT, 18C1, the
Bark to Parsonage Rot. and
Mrs. i W Biddle have moved
back Into the church, parsonage at
1743 Nebraska street. They have
been staying eisewnere ior sever-1 - Hue vosnnm w -i-- . 7 e-'", rr.HtL Gil
at moBth!Cwhlle.the paraonage firming sale of real. propert, 'bo- JStSU &
was being remodeled ana repawn longing w es ""IVit the old LeCreole aead-
tion-work at the parsonage was the nroperty tor $4000. - I r taree. 7e . , .
z .... . 1-. 1 -.. - .. 1 iireEOu 111a ibui, -
WLBtrLrenT,tLe Z Higg, ie Visitor - Z. J. Riggs. In Dallas and Polk county. At one
See renui list Becke & Hen- ;5:arTn unit of the new church former Salem, aruggui, was m ine umooeopw.
II!. M I
d ricks on classified page, also is
office window, 189 N. High.
Addresses Pastors Rev. C. C.
Haworth, pastor of the South Sa
lem Friendr church, told -of Pro
testant work being carried on in
the Latin American countries in
city - yesterday greeting old I at Rickreau ana was aiso mB
friends. He is located . In Port- In the hop business.
-U mm TMentlv re-I Mr. Cosd'a fraternal aiuuauons
aawwve I - - 1 -
turned from a trip to Honolulu. I were with tne 1. u. u. r - oi wmca
ine was a memner ior, ye,
Shed dry wood-coaL Prompt de-1 with the KnlrhU of Pythias.
Hit and Run Accident N. D. livery. Phone II. Salem Fuel Co. He U survtved by four daugh-
Darman. Route C, reported mai
plant is under construction.
fWdal Colleslate permanent
wave, Mon., Tues.. 4b Wed.. $3.50. J
. rill ednn Pal
juiu'r onu; b""' - - -
hat I . . ters. Mrs. Claudia Neuens of Sa
iAn for ehnt-lns at six in-this address to the Salem Minis- .nAni att hit his car on the On or Town aire - a smm . M PauUne Ingram of Port'
dividual homes and then winding terial association yesterday morn- rear whel at the corner of Lloer-1 cnunucy iw JT land and Genevieve ana yoni
up at the Old People's Home, lng. This , was the assocUtlon's ty and Mission streets, Saturday im. ",el,," 1.1 Coad of Dallas; a oromer. jrrana;
where their music was especially second meeting In December. Rey. I at 7:45 p.m. The unknown driv-jits on Sopth Comerciii r'BJ: Coad of Dallas, and a sister, Mrs.
MMirf Two trucks were C. K. Ward of the First Con rr era- aa not .ton aceordinr to Dar- was exunguisnea or Ivollv Stumo of Monmoutn.
furnished by the Salem Brick and tional church led .the devotions, man's reDort to police headuar- IdepartmenL - Funeral arrangemenU In charge
THe company- and . the ' western The ministerui ;. association re-1 ters.
Dalrr. and the rest of the grrls I cently turned over 60 offering
were taken In car driven by Mrs:
A. F. Hayes. Mrs. Elizabeth Gai
laher and advisors ; accompanied
-the 'girls. . ,;-; ';.
Boys small' bicycles, also ve
locipedes for sale, 147 S. :ComX
Been In Salem Hayes Beall.
president of the Willamette nnl-
taken at the union Thanksgiving
services.- to - the Salvation - Army
and the T. W. C.-A. for charity
work. The I sum was divided
! equally between the two groups.
Candy Canes, .many sixes and
colors. The Spa. .
Silk pajamas
Miller's -
for Christmas
leial St.
Intersection Accident lw-
rcnM Birr. 185 Norui 111a
HoM Eye' Service A Christ
mas eve children's program Is to
state street, were Involved in
crash at the corner of State and
Hlrh streets. Saturday at :&
Sends Credits J. C. Nelson, I n m . Thomas did not see Barr s
verslty campus "T" and the Ep- principal emeritus at the senior I ear, according to the report of
. ls a. e a. MM - - M I a
worth League Salem district, re- 1 uin scuooi. ou jusi ew on. wea- 1 ootn drivers.
A c.Um.itnriitT nlrht. I its of two former Salem hlh stu-i
,.-, -vt i.a Vi t rh- dents. Oliver Smith of Vannuvs. I Board to
D . . . T ." I 1, v.. I ,9H .
lie atTAnnnn . iii-a.T .ai.. w u 1. ; iia & w-ai a bguw v i
Meet The school
ill hold Its second 'meet-
" . . .1. c.i. rni- r"i iniiin. MitUM inr of the montn toniKQC. I- l
convention comerrina: wim bu-u o.i -. --- - .,, . f . v
v Itt-. i-i.i,4 rit tb i,a . tnrohshle final action will be tax
mencement address next spring, wgion, u. asaea iw w -rcu- ok c -- -r-.
. . .4 - I it. h .ent to r.Pr Washinrton for the band. . No other special
debate? for WUUmetuT unlvrsVty In tie national capltaL business i. scheduled.
Another Salem high graduate, t
Get your scratch pads at the erett Bennett, is now attending
Capital City Bindery. . I George Washington university.
. ,. .. I of Henkle and Thomas, undertek-
1 unniimu i .- --, 1 -- nt anTionro
Cronlse Studio, II N. commer-
Macleay Grange
Wins Applause
MACLEAY. Dec. 11. Minia
tnre Christmas trees, rea can
dies and holly formed tne aeco-
tin of the iwo long tames
After the' dinner tho follow-
tag program . was put on In the
main hall by the young people
under the direction of Margaret
Magee, Dorothy Bowen and Paul
Sllke, Jr.
Musical numbers, M a c 1 e a 7
Junior orchestra.
. Vocal trio. W. EL Branch, ir-
vin Branch, Paul Sllke, Jr.
Response to encore, instru
mental number.
Irvin Branch ukelele, W. J.
Branch and Paul Sllke, harmon
icas.. ' .
Steel guitar solo, Mrs. W.
Welch.'' ' v
Piano numbers,1 valara Amort,
Monologue, Frank Bowers.
Trombone solo and vocal num
ber. Ray Thomas, accompanied
on piano by Era Arnold.
Piano numbers, viola Tooker.
One act play, Restraining
Jothan", characters, young men:
John Rodgers, Allen Baker;
Henry Keys. : Rodger' Baker;
Zeke Hooper, Harry Martin. Jr..
Toung ladles: Anna Aiken, Ann
Fltspatrlck; EUxa Jones-, siane
HUel; Fanny White, Valara
Amort ; Jothan Higglns, Walter
Hlsel; Mrs. ' Jededlah Higglns,
Margaret Magee.
Gas Death Was
Accidental, is
Coroner's View
1 7
William 7 Tanner, 71, who was
found dead In his home here Sat
urday, died from accidental as
phyxiation, from escaping gas,
according to announcement made
at the coroner's office Monday.
Officials are attempting to lo
cate his relatives.
The man was found seated at
a4able'wlth a newspaper In front
of him, and a meal ready to pre
pare set on the gas stove. Cir
cumstances tend to show that the
stove had been lighted and then
had gone out, with the gas still
on. - ,
Funeral services hare been set
for Wednesday at 10 a. m.. with
Interment In City View cemetery
High Number ol
Men Receive Job
Nearly half of the men who
registered for work last week" at
the federal employment office
hr were sent out to jobs. This
is the first time In weeks that so
large 1 a percentage . of the men
s- rr I seeking work round amy mea
PrOgram 1 Omgtlt registered, and 20 got work. Of
w I v . tk oAmmnn laborers.
Baptist Church
School to Have
page 'thiie:.
one offlco clerk, two casual work
ers, one carpenter. four farm
hands, one woods laborer and two
salespersons. . -
Cooly "Claus"
At Club Today,
Santa Claus in the person of
Ralph Cooley will attend the Ki
wanls club's meeting this noon.
Each member will bring a gift and
the presents will be exchanged as
the only feature of the day's pro
gram. Singing of Christmas car
ols will be a feature of the meet
ing. Mr. Cooley will give the at
tendance prise for the day.
Wednesday night at 7:3 0. Rev.
D. J. Howe, pastor, states Santa
Claus will be there.
Answer Amended In case of
Eury E. Howells vs. Charles o.
Hart, amended answer has been
filed. The suit is to recover ou
a mortgage.
. .1 . M , , 1 n ft A
CCUV ruw d. . . ' 1 rrv- jltnnA l
Yew Park Hall tonlte. Gents 25c, tiT !
r t ia. rnnnU Hnm'- I J .- - - -
., - rhrtntm.m dinner and ail tne vi
Elected Teacher MUdred ends served In the eariy aays
vi.b - oi. n aiMt 1 frnm tnrker and dressing to
mi a. vg. - - I- . . - A
teacher at the North Santiam pop corn cans ana nuj sr
w nson cieu
A Christmas program will be
given at the First Baptist church
tonlcht at 8. o'clock, witn eacn
department of the Sunday school 1
to be represented in the colorful
pageant, "The Bethlehem Shep
herds." Mrs. Clifton Mudd is the
director, and . assisting her . are
Mrs. W. L. Meeker, costuming,
Mrs. Ruth Moore Montgomery
pianist, and MUs Minnie MUler,
I organist.
- ; . . . t V a . n
Character parts will be taken as
follows: E. W. Peterson, L.
Wright, Lawrence Morley and
Robert White, .shepherds: Os
wald Morley, Joseph; Marlon
Bretx. Mary; Leta Mattson, angel
messenger: Howard Cross, How-
for the annual grange .nnst-jard ning ana bob rrer, n-
mss dinner given at tne grange eiers. Tnere are zu voices m iuo
hall Friday night at wmcn i e chorus.
Bttgh's Oapitel
ST50 Books Now $-
95.M Books Now 9-
11140 Books New $940
t - J.
6 'v. n vA
Nfl 11 JI
WE write Insurance La the
larKest end strongest
leanreace rouipe n 1 e s
im the world, why not bey Ue
. Call .. '
Homer H. Smith
Insurance Agency
MUler Store Building
Telephone 00 or 2219
Recover on Foreclosure A Christmas gut. that will
George- D. Burdlck has tiiea reach the receiver 313 jays in tne
complaint against W. A. Liston. year. Give a year's subscription
personally and as administrator to The Oregon Statesman. Call
of the estate of Julia A. Liston. 500 tor rates.
ta recover on a $750 note signed iw rwit
by the late Mrs. Listen and by ZttrzAES1
Liston. Burdlck alleges he pre- """V " "1 "V " "7.1, -T.
sented the note to the estate for c"' "fiT'.ir
settlement, but that the admin
istrator' has failed to attend to
greatest health shoes for children
now at the Foot Health Shoe Co.
.. at -
19 DVttlO Bcavw
Special Announcement to Moth- gcnoo, whIch Toted last we6k to the ubles. Dan
. Pled Piper, the worlds, -.tto--, teacher. toast master.
Mrs. Paul
West Salem Fire A small lire
occurred Sunday night at 5:40
o'clock in West Salem near tne
cider factory. Little damage was
? Open House - The boys'
lobby of the Y. M. C. A. is open
same. Tie asks foreclosure.
Holly and holly
sale. O. W. Bean. .
Tel. 212.
wreaths for
595 Center.
Vntemectlon Crash An aeci
dent at the corner of Hoyt and
12th streets Monday at iu:ao a
m. involved D. G. Drager Jr,
1710 State street, and J. W.
.rri.oA in White, of Salem. The iormer nil all this week and next week to
town during the weekend to say White's car at the street Inter- alI the boys of Salem, since It is
hello to old friends. Monday section, he reponea io m the Christmas noiiaays.
morning he went to work as sub- j . . Armments
stltute teacher In the high school. , SnT. w Z.
taking the classes taught by his "V " " -Ainst Smith
Silke. Sr., was In
rharre of the dinner arrange
ment. She was assisted by
Mrs. A. Mader. Mrs. M. M. Ma
gee and Mrs. W. E. Branch.
e hoot Colds
N ub well over
tin oat no enese
vmm fit. Paul J. C. Smith
of St. Paul was a business visitor
in the city Monday.
Audit Being Made The bien
nial audit of the books of the jus
tice court here is being made by
F. D. Hawley. January 1 the new
law will be .effective in h court
here." all Droceeds going to the
county court which wlll .pay the lnJured ln an automobile accident
justiee a flat salary - of $200 a a week ago SunaaT night ln whlcll
monm. xiereioior-, mo j ov-- -
the peace paid the expense of
the office and received all civil
and criminal fees. .
successor, F. O. Bradshaw, who
is confined to his home with a se
vere cold. : Bradshaw will not be
able to return to school today. De
Welt is teaching at LaGrande.
Radios for Christmas, Miller's.
Held Statesman Policy Wayne
Ransom of Aumsville. - who was
Blanche Hutchinson was killed, is
recovering, rapidly. He was re
moved from the local hospital to
his home Saturday. Ransom has
reported to the circulation depart
ment of the Statesman to tile
claim in connection with the dol-
Candy Canes, many sites and
colors. The Spa.
nr Friday Program - Each liar Statesman accident policy he
rhureh In- the city nas oeen Holds.
SJSa"St-f nrorram to Open evenings till Christmas.
l:i!tXZVVZ?Zl Stiff Furniture Co. and Market
year 12 churches participated. Furniture Co.
and at noon, Monday, 10 had CoRecta en Policy Mrs. Dovle
agreed to take part. Mrs. "T nates. 20S4 McCoy, received a
and others was concluded before
Judce Hill yesterday. The Judge
has asked that briefs be submit
ted. The ease Is a mortgage fore
ThA Tmnerial Furniture w.
will be open evenings until
Christmas for the convenience of
Its customers.
Rktddlne Accident Arthur
Irish, 3272 26th street, west, Van
couver, B. C, reported to the po
lice. Sunday, tnat ne naa an acci
dent at 10:15 a.m. at the corner
qf Capitol and Shipping streets
t nihpr cir involved is un
known, .rlsh claims he skidded.
Christmas carnival dance Hasel
Green Thurs. Thomas Bros.
Cherrv Meet Asked A meet
Inr of stockholders ln the Lam
bert Cherry orcnaru companj, i wimam
stock in which is largely held 10- residence.
Cholce selections - of easel
frames, gold leaf, walnut, plati
num, and silver at reaucea
prices. Cronlse Studio, 193 N.
Commercial St.
Return to Albany Judge
Gale S. Hill of the circuit court
returned to Albany last nlgnt and
will not be ln court here again
until January (.
Christmas carnival dance Hasel
Green Thurs. Thomas Bros.
Application Made In ease of
W. H. Burghardt vs. C. P. Bar
nard and others, application has
been made to place on trial
Tanner died at his
1925 McCoy street.
Funeral services
Lockenour will have charge of f"' ""for iVs 17 through "7. bs been - " years. Funeral services
tWs week's affair: Christmas fJrSrMr0onndtatJ day night, December 10. at the Wednesday. December 24, at 10
Suricle'the feature of the iSTSSS j-JSSt . r'Lr
Onen erenlnes till Christmas.
stiff Furniture Co. and Market
Furniture Co.
program. sustained in an automobile colli-1
415 sut treet . was Insured with one of the North
1931 "I" Open House Plans American Accident company's dol-
for this season's annual open lar policies issued to Statesman
house of the Y. M. C. A. are subscribers.
Times demand that you give
a serviceable and usable gift
from Gahlsdorfs. 325 Court St.
Cats in; Crash B. C, Kuenxli,
Rlgdon and Son. Interment City
View cemetery.
under way, according to report
from the directors of the asso
ciation. Several of the organisa
tions of the Salem association
present games, stunts, pool races
and other entertainment for the U35 Bellevue street, cut in on the
hundreds of Salem folk who at- wronr side of the machine driven
tend this affair. ty Mrs. Kingsley, at 805 Oak
,, street. Monday at 3 o'clock, ana
Good Gnese Mrs. H. H. Har
ris, route three, box 112, made
the best guess on the number of
hose arranged Saturday In one
of the Buster -Brown store win
dows. The number was 30, with
guesses ranging all the way
from four to 1,000.
Al Stoops, well-known
when forced to the curb, he bump-
For the convenience of our
customers we will be open eve
nings until Christmas. The Im
perial Furniture Co.
Cases Dismissed Order in clr-
chef. has bought the Central Res- hef M rear fendeind broke
tanrant and is ooerating it. serv- Kn. i.
.. . . . , l. sums vi urn - . i ta- misiuiB--
lng excellent food for which ne parklnjr according to her report cnlt eourt has been filed dUmlss-
nas Dwuuio j -. to tne ponce. ing appeals of William O. seirert
a,trs. . . ? "i A." jsa.s
1I.5. iiM in circuit court lo 9 " ' of court. Appeals were on dam
motion to command Ronald E. ai i okeh The county Judge ages for road right-of-ways
Jones,' as manager of the Lablsh has signed order approving sale
Celery - Growers to produce 0f real property belonging to Glen
books showing status of account Powell Eotf. a minor.
t Mih mncfrn and
. xiriuo- Biivca Lu " ""
City View Cemetery
Established 1893 Tel. 1200
Conveniently Accessible
Perpetual care provided for
Prices Reasonable
For Rent
Good 5 room colt age
with garage. Well furn
ished, newly decorated.
Phone 511
P. N. Woodry
Mtltxt&t iHemoriai
A Park Cemetery
with perpetual care
Just ten minutes from the
heart of town
T. Senba, from whom tne log
ging company seeks to collect
money. . ,r .
Pled Piper Shoes "next to na
ture." 415 State street.
Sale Ordered Order for sale of
real property has been issued n
the matter of estate of C. W.
o- - ?
I Births
, i. &
Elliot Td Mr. and Mrs. R. P.
Elliot, 2860 Brooks aTenue, Sun--
riorember 21. a seven and
one-half pound girl, Nancy Jean,
at : ihe; Bungalow : maternity
-home. . ,- ' - - . ;-- - "
Stewart " To Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence Stewart of Alberta,
rinada. Monday. December 22.
Motion for Default Motion
for default has been made In
case of Lillian D. Vlckers vs. Al-
bin E. Vlckers.
Or. Cbaji lm Ct
aM M-ic, ISO
K. CiircU St,
Sta Offies krrt
very 8anay S30
t S:SO . nlas
fhm Mat-s ( D-B.
o : ' .
Lower Prices!
Lower prices in 'can
dy aa in other things,
passed on to you.
Pure, fresh, home
made. l ;
rowg-AX. nrtrcTOki
Oar Sarric U FarMaai
Oar frtem Ax o-U
Ovr Em Is Mo4t
TJrofS ZeSy
Dollar MinU
Original 12 lb Box
These chocolates are all hand
rolled with
Bitter Sweet
made by Vogan's
Special at
$3.84 12 lbs.
Schaefer's Drug Store
- The original Yellow Front
Candy Special Store of Salem
1S5 A. Com BU mone ivt
PensTar Agency
A-l, S
Xmas Eve
at the
F- N. Woodry
Auction Market
ltlt S. Sm-uner
1:M P. M.
CVws-sting of
jUn. 1 battery radio
eew Miieleum rags, 1
Ax. rag 9x12, B-
yard goodL IN new
bed Maaketa. a flae Xaua
gift; taapected waJI tapestries.
1 decorated breakfast table
and 4 chairs: 1 Wedgeweod
gas ranee, 1 heater, 1 watarat
ftnlshed hew foot bed with
vanity and bench, 1 type
writer, oak rockers. Ivory
ehlffloneer, oak extension
(able and chairs, and'a large
MMrtment ef ether articles
tech-ding apples, potatoes,
lioaey, , etc. Come
earfy and listen te that New
Eehopbone Radio. If yen
want a new radio for Xmas
let me give yea free dem-es-rtratlon
before yea buy,
only SM en terms with C
tabes, S screen grid, guaran
teed. They are sure rtae. Re
member the Cook sale tomor
row en Pactfle highway. !
miU eorfeh mt Salem, time 1
p. m.
Merry Xmas
F. N. Woodry,
a five and three-fourths pound kwi 2.rrvir: I 1 1
srirl. Marian Joyce, at the -Bun- I1mVJI J!V ! f I l
ralow maternity home. 7 . I r
: t2S
Christina .Outdoor Illmnination Contest j
Entry. Blank
Adverti-bg Club of Salem, -
Poetof lice Box 1,0, Salem, Oregon
. Kindly enter roe in the outdoor Christmae IJgbtins Contest.
I have read the rules of the contest and agree to them and prom
Le to abide by the decision of the judges. I smdersund there is no
entry costs whatever. ; " " 1 .
OD 8193, Used Furniture
Dcpart-neat ;
131 N. High
Clough-Barrick Co.
12S Ch-rch at Ferry SV
. . . . ,
Loans and Investments
- W. C. Dyer
' General Insurance
Phone 1637
205 Oregon Bids
FAIR ddjustment and prompt pdy
ment of losses are of course prime
functions of insurance.
Every day Stock Fire Insurance adjusters
meet people who have suffered misfor
tune. Whether or not the adjuster be
Sreeted cordially, he must use tact and
exercise fairness in the handling of each
' loss. The good reputation of his com
pany is ever at stake under such circuo
stances. A Million Firt Loss Rt ports
On an averase, a million fire loss reports
are hied-annually with Stock Fire Insur-
- jance companies not including an al-
most equal number of loss claims
' under other forms of insurance which
'"these companies write such as hail,
- windstorm,, automobile, earthquake,
and the like.
" That more than 99 percent of fire loss
claims from the most disastrous con
flagration to the smallest blaze are ad
justed without controversy is a splendid
tribute to the fairndss of property owners
and the companies.
adjusters and officials appreciate, the
-.' value of good will in the adjusting of
losses as much as they 'do in the acquisi
tion of business.
They are sincerely desirogs of settling
claims In keeping with the rights of all
concerned, p
To such fyir-dealing, Stock Fire fnsur
ahce owes a large measure of the public
confidence which it enjoys.
5fefc Flri fas srsace
Cepass ere Ifepreseatsrf
by CspeUe Agmmts fa Ysr
, f 5 John Street, New York
M-axkawts Eacfcswge Cf
A I'iT f Orgaatss-Iesi cItoct fire lesseeece Cewpswfas ZsUUlJ4 b T-J
.'.Phone Xo.