The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 23, 1930, Page 12, Image 12

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    PAGE TWELVE - i - The OIIEGON STATES3.LAN, SaUa, Ortrsa. TccsZay Morels?. Dicesibcr 23, 1923
. , . .... , . . . -v.- . .i-. . . - .. 1 i iit mTtn - ian. 11. imwvj
i -a. -4. l k m m v w . .... i ... .... .. i
' vi iiniiiiiiiii lruiiiii ii
i 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 uiiiiiii ii : -
Technique of Elections Jo
- Be Improved If new
; Measures Carry .-;
. -If embers - of the ' legislative
Mmmltte of the Oregoa County
: Oerka aaaoelatloa held a meet-
tar here -yesterday and decided
to' recommend a number' of pro
posed amendments to tho- elec
tion laws ' to the 1931 lecisla-
On amendment' Trill proride
Chat eountinc .boards shall meet
la the precinct on, election day
ax 1 p. m or at snch other hour
mm tho county clerk may direct,
ftaatead of at 10 a. xn. as tho lav
wow demands. - Another pro
ydsed amendment would proride
far a book -.test In admlnlateiinr
-Uca literacy clause of tho election
laws. A third amendment would
fix tho compensation of mem
bora of election boards at 40
cents an hour Instead of 1 5 per
day. - -.
Cat Sample Ballots '
The' " committee also T wll
recommend an amendment pro
Tidinr that at least half as many
ample ballots -shair be printed
as there are qualified Toters In
m precinct. - Under the present
law - It Is necessary to print as
many ballots as there are ornciai
-ballots. There also will be a
recommendation that ballots and
ballot stabs need not be re
tained by county clerks longer
than SO days following the offi
cial count. "
-There also' will be reeommen
- datlons for amendments fixing
the time for filing petitions for
elections In road, port and other
special districts at 45 days be
fore the day of election. Other
proposed amendments . will pro-
Tide for closing the election
polls at 7 instead of S p. m., re-
Tlsing the boundary lines of pre
cincts ; so that . 500 registered
electors i may be embraced in j a
precinct and closing of all coun
ty offices at noon on Saturdays.
Members of the legislatire
committee include Donald J.
Ryan, Clackamas county; W.' B.
Bfilard, Lane; Hugh G. Black.
Polk; U. O. Boyer, Marion; Ra-
fus M. Russell, Linn; H. L.
Mack, Benton, and Albert Per
kins, Yamhill.
Bond Sale for
Sewers Needed
For More Work
Work oa sewer construction
will be at a standstill in Salem
after January X and when ft Is
resumed careful check will be
: made of men working to see that
they are employes who are really
in need of the work. One of the
counellmen expressed the opinion
yesterday that a number of the
employes this fall had been good
v workers but not me-n who were
urgently In need of employment.
Nearly $50,000 of work on
sewers has been done under war
rant payment, and to retire these
warrants additional bonds will
need to be Issued. Of the $500,
00 issue authorised by the peo
ple, $400,000 hare been sold. Of
the bonds remaining, authorized
but unsold, the first $50,000 ap
proximately will go 'to pay for
- work already done. Further work
. on sewers this winter must come
from additional bond sales.
Mr. and lira. P. V UCler, W
' Cincinnati, Ohio, - who were
cruising In ihe idnity of the.
'Hi-fated excursion beat "Enre
'ka oa their yacht the "Lei
Ajffi and picked up 82 eur-.
tItow from the shark Infested
waters off JiiamL after the e
cursien boat had sunk to the
bottom, . The: -Lela AyrT also
recorered the bodies of two of
the Tietima, . ':.L
HmnnmiiT rhiod fr
lUlblll IVIHOO 1)1
A Christmas ere midnight
mass will be held at the St. Vin
cent de Paul Catholic church, an
nounces Rer. Thomas V. Keen-
an. pastor. The first high mass
will begin promptly at 12 o'clock
and will be sung by the pastor as
sisted by the adult choir. At 11 :-
40 o'clock the Choir will sing the
Christmas hymn, -Silent Night,
traditional. and "Adeste Fidel-
Is." f"
The choir will be under direc
tion of J. L. Prang with Mrs.
Gertrude Shisler presiding at the
organ. Members are: Margaret
Thompson, Lucille Doerfler, Hon
ora Reidy, Agnes Meyer, Hatel
Bittner, Marie Pillette, Dorothy
PUlette. Mrs. E. A. Pruitt, Mrs.
J. Albrich, Mrs. W. Bliren, E. A.
Pruitt, Roy Maier, Louis Bittner
and B. Braun.
Masses for Christmas morning
are: Losw masses at 8, 8:30, 9
and 9:30 o'clock; second high
mass at 10:30.
Everyone is invited to any or
all of the masses.
Mountain View
Has Eihe Crowd
For its Program
Pupils of the Mountain View
school gave a Christmas program
Saturday evening under the di
rection of the teachers, Mr. and
Mrs. J. V. Starret.
The program waa as 'follows:
recitation, "Christmas Wishes."
Jean Tansey; exercise, "The
Song, -the star, the story," Shir
ley Adams, Irenee Qrice. Annie
Bletz; recitation, Lucile Halbert;
exercise, "The road . to . Santa-
vllle," Claudlne Ferguson, Irene
Grice; recitation, Roy. Tansey;
reclUUon, Not Lettln' On." Am
nion Adams; exercise, "March of
the Christmas Hours," 12 girls:
recitation. Dorral Blnegar: song.
Claudlne . Ferguson, Lucile . Hal
bert, Marie Tansey; . .recitation.
"Little Boy Blue," Wendell Em
mett; recitation, Marie Tansey;
recitation. "The .Christmas Kid.1
Elaine Lynch; recitation, "A Pos
sibility." Dorothy Halbert; reci
tation, "The Big Question." Jim
mle Smart; recitation, "The Lit
tle Christmas Tree," Mildred
The last - number on the pro
gram was a play, "Santa Claus at
school" in which all pupils of the
school took part.
Following; the program pop
corn balls and candy were served
to all under the supervision of
Mrs. Walter Busch, and Mrs. G.
B. Bietz. refreshment commit
Dr. Walter C. Menden-
hall, chief geologist of the geo
logical surrey, today was ap
pointed . actinic director to suc
ceed Dr. George- Otis Smith, who
becomes chairman of the federal
power commission.
HUBBARD. - Deoember It
The young people of the Federa
ted churches of Hubbard enjoyed
a party at the community church
building ' Friday evening. Games
were - played and refreshments)
served. .The decorations were in
keeping with the festive spirit.
Carols were sung to shut-ins by
a group of the young folk earlier
in the evening: before the party
began. '' ' - V.. .... ;.. , '. . .
Miss Vera a - Bmolnisky return
ed home' Friday ; from the Uni
versity of Oregon to spend the
holidays witn ber parents. Mr.
and Mrs. John Smolalsky. w
Mr. and Mrs. ' Charles Miller
and ' little daughter, Betty Lou of
Portland spent Sunday with Mrs.
Miners parents. Mr. and II rv
Roger Williams, u ..
Mrs. Anna Speight became the
bride of ' Lawrence Aekley of
Crawfordsville at a Quiet - wed
ding at the home of the. bride at
t. o'clock Saturday eveninr with
Rer. T. - H. Downs of Canby. a
friend of the groom, officiating.
iter, and ura, W. J. Branstet-
ter of Hubbard, friends of Mrs.
Speight, . were the only guests
present; - - I'S --,
Mrs. Speight Is well known In
Hubbard- and TicinJty, . baring
owned a farm north -of the city
ror manz year and also owner of
her present home here for a long
time. --. . .
Mr. Aekley formerly owned
property, at Crawfordsville but
old it and he and Mrs. Aekley
will reside here.
i Mr. Ackley's mother. 4 his
brother and sister and his son.
an only child, lire In Portland.
Legion Party at
Hall Tonight is
Attractive Fete
A Joint meeting of the Ameri
can legion and the auxiliary Is
scheduled for tonight, the affair
being a Christmas party staged
in Miller hall. A Christmas
tree, a musical program, gronp
singing, followed by dancing and
refreshments are events listed
for the evening's entertainment.
All legion members and mem
bers of the auxiliary are cordial
ly invited to atetnd.
On the committee for the af
fair tonight are H. White, chair
man, L. A. Hamilton, Mrs. Walt
er Zosel, Mrs. D. J. Bowe, Mrs.
J. T. Delaney and M. C. Moyni-han.
WEST . SALEM. - Dee.-" J I All
church, cervices Sunday had as
their subject the Christmas story.
Rev. M. A.' Groves preached in
the morning on "Christmas Her
iia." Visa Trnla Grant and the
Junior choir f nrnlshed - musical
numbera. " . ., ; '
At the senior Epworth league
meeting in the evening, ; with
Wesley Warren, leader the topic
was JfWhat does Christmas mean
today T" Christmas carols were
sung, - Misses Kntn ana iueua
Rees rave a piano duet and Miss
Martha. .Warren and Earl Henry
a vocal duet. -:
Beainnlnx at ?:3e and filling
the evening eburch service hour,
the Intermediate league present
ed a. pageant. JThe .Wise . Men
and the Newborn King." The
rausle for the pageant ' was fur
nished by the Junior choir under
the aireeuon .of ineir ; leener.
Miss Trnla Grant.-. Mrs. A.' C.
Henningsen directed the -pageant-J
Mrs. -Rose Kendall Burieign ar
rived home on December H7
from a month's .Tlslt with friends
and relatlvea In Seattle',, Centra-
flia, Kelso and Portland. - V
t WEST 8AIKM, Dee. y-nri
and JUrs.' W." P, Lewis and son.
Merle, Jeft week . ago -by motor
West Salem News
my vy
3 0 0
i .... .
IN J W t
1 A)jmtrasL.
TV ' i
- -i . It,.
G dim Amir mnfiai
trmmu rmrm fur tmna
' tlrtptr trril mlsm cmt.
; - 1 ... r ... - t- .
Chicago.. ..... $50-00
New York...... S0.70
'Washington, D.C 77.7S
Des Moines ... 45.10
New Orleans .... 6X50
ScLoois ...... 50.00
Oklhom dry . .
Fares east cut to new low levels
, with die added privilege of going
to jour eastern destination through .
the sunshine of California at no
additional cost over going via other
- routes. - '-. j . . . -These
fares, good in coaches on
fast trains, give you tne speea ana
: ot soatnern raancs sex
vice at lowest cost. Chicago, foe
example, only X, saying aV.
Similar reductions to other "easttni
points. Tickets on sale January 1 to
June .30. Fares, good for tourist,
sleeper travel, also greatly reduced1.
Liberal stopover at major point
You may visit San Francisco, Los.
Angeles, HoIlywoooV-oow at the
height of their gay mid-winter sea-
soos and many outer ernes enroute.
Cfiy Ticket Office, 184 TS. Uberty. Teir?hae f)0 . . "
Passenger Depot, ISth aad Oak - Telephoae 41 . ...
Creates . . . Capitalizes
and Conserves -
For a friendly," professional
Financial Service that Pays
i a "-.
i: M Consult .
Portland, Oregon
TlUrTl ' ' BOHDl AKD fZCUUTIlS " f
Tnu DnuxiMca AasraAcrs , nomn camcncaiv
nomn utmcmnmrt
Licensed By The State
B e n of i c i a 1
Loan Society
110 New Bllgbv Building;
Second Floor
518 State St, Tel. 8-7-4-0
for .Los Angeles . where they .will
be the gnesta of relatives until
the new year.-.
Ur. and sirs. Clyae ncha ana
baby daughter.. Thelma, are Irv
ine at Now- 1S27 Plaxa street.
They moved here last week from
Salem. ,:-; C'-': ". ' ' I'.
Mr! and Mrs. L. - T. Wallace
and children, Bobby and Larry
spent Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Rhodes at
Brooks. Mrs.. Wallace and Sirs.
Rhodes are; sisters-in-law and
daring; the afternoon the, Wal
lace children and other small
folk, all relatives of the hostess
were guests at a little party.:
drove to Kewberg Friday where
tney attenaea wo
Mrs.7 Rameyg father, A. J.
Davis. . . '
Taadys Eatertals Guests
. Cauda ygnsest ot Mr. and Mrs.
O. B. Tandy were Mrs. Tandy's
mother, Mrs. William McDerby,
her brother. Willis McDerby, and
her . grandfather, T. O. Harris,
all of whom reside In Salem. '
Mrs. C. H. Chaifant of Seat
tle,' Is the house guest of her
mother. - Mrs. Jennie Griffin.
Mrs. Chaifant will remain until
after the holidays. - i ,
. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nix of
Gervals were Monday visitors of
Mrs. Rose Burleigh. ;
Contest - corn averages have
been foend better In South Car
olina this year than . last. V -,
Early Closing
Tomorrow, Plan
Retail ahopplng in 8alm will
be. at an end Wednesday night at
:30 p. m. Save tor a few stores
which will remain open for two
more hours to catch last minute
trade, the bulk of the retail estab
lishments will -all It a day In time
to permit' their clerks the Christ
mas eve at home. Christmas Is a
legal as well as a social holiday.
All statehouse, courthouse and
business offices will be closed all
day Thursday.
' A three-passenger car. planned
to sell for $250 at Hagerstown.
Md.. 'has a 40-mlle speed and a
wheel base less than six feeL
'S . . . . . . A Haivfen for
Last Minute Shoppers. : -:j r
Thousands of Gift lhings. . : ;
Croup of s
Mens and Women's
5 or 3. $4
1 pair pairs 1
in Fancy Gift Boxes
Men's Lined Cape Driving Gloves, Special $1.95
l 'miujr mrMmM&mrt&
New, complete, full-toned,
Here is what you get:
1, Seven balanced Philco tubes (3 screen-grid), power,
distance abillrj, selectivity, sensitivity.
2. Fbllco Balanced-Unit construction tbxongbotM.vjnre,
sJcar, mid Istorted tone, ';
8. Tbe genuine nest PbUco Electro-Dynamle Speaker
' j. with nibberined parebmen t cone . full tone valoea. .
. 8. Pnsb-pull amplification tmaendotts volume. .'
6. Ilandsonie cabinet f specially selected walnnt and
biroTe-eye maple... m beantiiul addUlon to any room.
Nothing else
Now on Display'!
A sensation wberever it Is sbownl A big-performing, 7-tnLa
(three screen-grid) Balanced-Unit Pbilco with tbe famous
Pbileo Hectro-Dynamic Speaker for only $890... tubes
tnclnded. Beautiful lineal Perfect proportions! Volume, dis
tance, selectivity, power and pure, clear, undhtorted tonel
MYem Demonstration
Tesnr FhHeo dealer wBl gladly let yoo try the Baby Cnm4 Console
Wtthoot aay obligation whatever! Place It anywhere la your home..
WpsUlrs or dowa. See how Its beauty accords with lu sorroimdinga.
Test Its exeeptloaal pcrforauaeel SXaxrel at tubeanly of tonel
JVejsr Emsg Paffmmnt ui,."
Tee, yen can have the Baby Cram4 Coasole en very easy terms. Here
Is yowr chance to snake the family a Christmas present that wCl give
ysaxrevndplMuoreonabasUyoncanwella&ordl , .
JVI 1-?T -t- - .. . - - -
. t LX i ' ii ww m mvv twwMi9wmm
eiae n n n n s a- n ad i o enn n got iia a i
Terms ;
Within Reason
ICl?IMUa in: Mill
Trade in Your
Old Furniture