There or M Something You 1 I euumm AOTurxsnra Reading notices, pat Ha . 2Sc Class! fte Advertl-in. pr ttn10. Classified Advertising, per line 2- tinea 20 Classified Advertising, per tin tma . XOO On month, dally and Sunday per line . L0 .Copy (or this pas accepted un til :J8 the evening before publi cation for classification. Copy re ceived after this tint will be run -tinder the , heading Too Late to Classify. v HELP WANTED Male or femalewe will pay to the right party Si 49 tor the next fire months. Address Box 180, States- HELP WANTED MALE - - -i-i-,- -ir iru-uij"iru-ji W A "WTirri Daw ak.. K A ..- --a.-- a - ease-- a, A " VF W cnoreaana npc mil time. Writ- SS, SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED Housework with r-mll- or motnertes oome. mas -treys are. uu. , - iiVftvMivwwinftrui Narw Rm son a Me. Tel. 2 9 TRW. FOR SALE MiscelLineoiM h-saaaas0MM 1Vv- w Kern -t ... i tana F-Irground and Bllverton Kd. Intersection. -- -- -- --, irvi rirxnjiji GOOD Violin with bow. 110. Gears- v sail. jvo. jrront. FOR SALE Camla and boseh rears. Apples, cabbage. Tel. tfll. tM iJros. - - - i- i-i-ii"irn"iiriil.i'ji VOA KtT -V . llK OmaaUv 4I excellent conaiuon, iti m Libert. -------------- -i-nJfciBBwii"iniLri.n.iirt Nut sheila, finest kind f fuel, Sl oe per ton at Balem Nut Orewerr fjoop. T . FOR SALE: At state school for the Mind, article suitable for Christ I nan xifts desk- ind chair. IX til t rooking stand, 22-00 ; -magasin rack see; rem stand. Tec; loot stool (leather top) $1.00: stationery and book rack. 7c ; combination book rack and stand, $.69j breakfast ta ble $4. to, tey breams lieu toy wax on SO-tS ; toy wheelbarrow. Sec: bird bouse, 60c : utility wwon, .: doll feasstnet, baskets, needlework and so Kortn. Small bicycles like new. Cheap at uourt street. FOR SALE Man's bicycle and Ford touring car I!0 Model good running order. Tel. 11 ZS N, 4th street. Fine Christmas trees, 10c up. Mis tletoe, ceoar. mm r. .rron e SzOJ. Atwater Kent radio all electric complete, 1(5.09. Teams IS. 00 month ly. Bee Mr. Jans. Geo. C Wills Mu sic store. FRESH Infertile- esse direct from rami. y. i caniieid, icoute 4, box K. Liberty Road. - Msny shrubs and trees, reasonable. George Schreiber. 2040 Neb. Ave. Apples KOc and up. TeL 14F16. FOR elALE 2 year eld apple trees, all varieties. Pear trees. Also shrubbery and full line of nursery stock 4 miles north on -Pacific hi gb way. WHlamett Valley Nursery. Tel. 70F2. FOR ALB Boys new suit. ag 14. Half - price 344 , Chemeketa. TeL S17SW. : ----- - - FOR BALE Mammoth Jack. Route . Bex 1MK. FOR BALE l ehafting. pulley a, bang era -H talesman Publishing Co. FOR 8 ALB Old paper ISc a ban. die Statesman office. - Typewriters, all makes, new and used. Adder and typewriter ror rent. ised. A Typewriter KrHoniret 421 Coirtgt. WANTED Miscellaneons FOR TRA DB -Vacant lot south Id and Ford sedan for larger used car. Phone I4J7J. 1107 Market. WANTED Used crank ease oil. from 1 te 190 eL amount. Win pay 2c per ami. 48S Center street. LniUes tailorina- and all kind of dressmaking. Coat linings, etc At 64 N. Liberty. WiNTRD Used DlanOL In X- ehang oo radios, phonographs, or fur rilM're. H 1" Stiff Fnmltore CotwTwny ROOM and BOARD Rteam heated room wfth board. Xlot and cold water. TeL 14 JR. PLEASANT rest home for eml-ln-ealids or elderly persona Best of tare and food, box 711, 8tats tn.'iHu EXCELLENT board and cheerful rooms In private home. 24 Center, FOR RENT APARTMENTS -.rm ri n PnLTir iif..,ii".""-i K'ewlv furnished and decorated S room apt., gas, light and water free. Just t Mocks north, of Market. SI 9 tHTlslon. Adult only.; ' Hted apt. 1st floor. 4 3 Marlon. -room furnished apirto nt lights, water, furnace heat, garage. tit. Adults. 1044 Oak street. VxrirLrmnrvwwwvi'i " - "" liurtmMti for rent. tit. Damon Grocery. North Commercial. WELL furnished room and apt, for rent at 2241 Hasel Are. Tel. 13W. vire-inin anai uneiit I nicely fur nished room. Clean and desirable. Electrto range, elect re-kold, heat and water. Don't miss th!. Phone 247 1. AMBASSADOR SS4 N. Summer Street NOW INVITES your Inspection f our beautiful warm apta. newly ren ovated, hardwood floors, electric ran ges and refrtye ration. - MANAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith S room fur. apt. Adulta I1S.44. 11S4 Marlon. RiTicnAtxiW snartment In Palmer 1S4 Court. 47 M1U bt. m hik. TILXJE, THE TOILER MAC-. - THE" . NBvi pf aere. PHQTQ Q rAfHEI. VMtL. JS MBI&- Ml MOTS TO T-VKE your. picTope r"""S .. 1 1 -TV . k W , I 1 ."X W . . ft . - I yw Mm Al-Wl 11 "J - fe mnr i iniisi. i. oas litis iw aw ) FOR RENTAPARTMENTS ."'B,fBn-i stttstsAM wne ana three ramiahed apt. 43S aaaaassa "" imnn nnnnr - - jaooern- mmeet apt. Keaemuible: iwwr Ami union. STRATTOJf APARTMENTS i.7 K. Winter Street ' m.,mmrcm a mmUM rOOmS. Equipped evttkt eiectric ranges and re- fH re lAja FOR RENT HOUSES" anaT Houses and flats. iff Taw. )14 52 & Com'L sis rooms with Enrage and fire- vac west -baiem 2i 278 Rich mond, i rooms. $25352 Leslie. rooms. lurnaoe and garage. 125 574 tt. 16th. -rooms, lie Ferry. S room flat. $33 7.4 Marion. f room riat. 4 105 fi. Bummer. 8 rooms, 2 baths. 25 nit H. Church 240 V. nice home outside tlnrtts south. rooms. , .. We her -also 1 3 farnlhed houses. rat ixura l to BHCKE A HEXTtRICKH I8 N. t-rh Street TeL 1SL - . i i"wMywrrwwinanj ij. FOR REiTT Modern C room hnuae. XP1. S03J or ISO. " "ea- i-at. -- ia.i-aTjuJU'i-rJ FOR RKJTT Hooi, , harn. -garage ana paarare. xei. tjirz. FOR RENTALS Be Bechtcl or Thomason. 241 State street, room 4. largest and best list In the city -to select from. 410 to Modern 2-reom ' furnished house. AaaernB una JtnoM eT. T-room house, eloee In. Call Larm- er a warenousa, eiJL. 4 room plutered bouse, with base- IIKUU X Hill DC FOR RENT Houses fuiTiisbed and unxurntsneo. F. L. WOOD 241 Rtate 8rreet FOR RENT 14 acre, sjear 8a! em, room house. para awn cnt-Ken nmiaes. Tel. l WANTED TO RENT WANTED To rent a neat i or i room house completely furnished. Reliable ten ants. LEO N. CHILDS CO, Realtors S3 State Street TeL 1737. WANTED To rent -modern I room house. Clean and priced right. Ad- uita. Tei. lzssw. FOR SALE Real Estate FOR HALS Falrmount Hill resi dence with a wonderful view. Built for nome ty owner. A. f. RAHN. 1510 Fa irmoum Street. Phone 1927. 320 Stat Street TeL 1727. ALMOST GIVEN AWAY 2 1-Acres good land on pared high way about 11 miles from Saiem, 1 mile to scheet and high school. 4 -acres -straw berriea, more land ready for berries, good new bun galow wfth electrio lights and water system. Built in kitchen. New poultry house and good barn.- This place Is way under priced and la a sacrifice at $4, t:0.o down. BaL 4. Ton had better look this orer as It Is a dandy place. SEE t -SEARS TUCKER 124 South Commercial or apeintment to ACRK 1IOMR IH CTTT 1 1750. Buys a -food 4 room plastered borne with plumbing, electricity, chicken hettse, 1 acre of extra fine garden -eoil, lecated on pared street. Jtear bua line. 2260. cash, balance 926. per month. WHY " RENT WHEN TOU CAN BUY LI KB THIS? W. H. ORABENHORST 4k CO., XEAUTOIU 124 8. Liberty Street TeL 611. FOR SALE 12300.0 bargain. Almost new S room modern horn and furnished. Ftreplace. be sement and furnace. Terms. a room fionse worth 220M.0fl tn -good lecatien. Will exchange for south saiem. WHI assuma or oay cash difference. 11 Acre. Good son and 115 acre In crop. New house and new barn for 22 cows. AM eve)n wire fenced. Run ning water. Price- 2110.00 eer acre. Will tak Income property for part. HOLLYWOOD REALTY 2000 K. Canlrol Street Phone 2ST Re. MIL eae4sssa1beB, GOOD -BUYS OR EXCHANGES 12 A. farm, bldas aU In eulL. 242.- 2t A. sub. home, real buy, . 2500r 27 A, btdgs., timber, atock, $4500. 25 A bldga, timber, fruit. $3800. 10 A. close In. new bldga. stock. tools, feed, pared road. $4600. For rent k. bungalow, iio.vo. R. cottage and garage. $12.50. i R. dnplex, close In, $20.00. PERRIKE MARSTER3 SIS Gray BldK. wsi SPECIAL HOME BUY $2450. Bay a 6 room plastered bun galow wrtn Tun cement Dasement, furnace, -garage, large lot, located near th Washington school. $550 cash, balance mortgage to be as sumed, payable monthly. This property Is a real sacrifice. SOTJTR BALEM f 1100. Buys a S room garage house with i rtn iota, l oca tea on cor ner. $100 cash, balance monthly. KTNT3WOOD PARK $275. Bay a neat modern C room Ditngaiow wirn Dasement, garage, fireplace. A wonderful buy for .the money. $150. cash, balance $11.20 per month. . SOUTH ' rHQH STREET BUN GALOW $6500. Buys aa np to date modern $ room oungaiow, narawooa xtoors, fireplace, neok. hot water heating ?'laat, double garage, 70 foot ront lot. A WONDERFUL LO CATION. $3600. rash, balance 4H Interest. A REAL HOME AT THE RIGHT PRICE. MILL STREET $1650. Buy a good- room home. witn stnau casement, parea street, reasonable terms. ACT NOW. THIS BUY WILL NOT LAST. NORTH 1ET7T STREET $500. Bay a practically new modern . room Dum cwnpicw in every way with garage, fireplace, hard wood floors, basement, furnace, rared street, ' doe to bus line. 1000. cash, balance easy terma Real Estate and Fre Insurane W. H. ORABENHORST A CO,- REALTORS B liberty Street TeL SIS. Be vit?HT MAC'S IMPlfeATlOM FOR-' V-C -1 'M GONNA. 3rri S -rUArr-'Sv MATOBAL. n iTHAT VUE'f.8 EMSAIi FOR SALE Real EstaU . -i.r.-.-inir nous completely turntsaedr I bar on, will sell you ar a bargain, terms if desired. Do not neglect to lnreati- gat tola u yea are la th market cor aaouie. it is good I H. CL SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. TeL IT 24. Ranrains la dtr suburban country home, which -you can ob tain for a small payment down. 8&K BECHTEL and THOMASON They will help you so you caa lire in your own bom by Christmas or New YearA Her are a few specials, no down payment. aU you -pay Is 232 per month. Buys 2 room hense, price $1500. Others for $25-230 and no Mr month. A suburban home for $1100 oniy oown. Ktnctiy modern room just outsid of the city for $4, 30. Was priced At $5200. A Its A, 4 R. house, elec lights, not far out for $1250. Only $1G down. A coxy S R. bungalow, elec light, 1 acre beat of soil for $2000. Onlr $300. down. A beautiful doe la 2ft acre tract. No bldga. Cost owner $50 per acre. Forced to aeU. Will take $360. If you bare any property . to sea. rent or trade, w; BBCHTEL-THOMASON 241 State Street Room 4. $1350. Corner lot 4 R. house, car age, pared at. $100 down. $2350. 4 rooms, full basement, fur nace, fireplace, hardwood floors, - garage. Terma $3500. On good terma, buys a fine well located home, near two good - school. Lots- of fruit on large lot. Full basement and piped furnace. . Dearooma. MELV1N JOHNSON 82$ TJ. & Bank Bldg. TeL JT. Fully equipped beauty parlor, well es tablished, large clientele. Price 21250. terma 2 H A. river bottom land, new mod ern house, close to Salem. A real bargain at sisoe. 441 A. on pared highway, all under cultivation, uooa rm. modem - house. $. Trad for city or bo. uam. property. S lota. S rm. house. North Salem. $$, 60. Wul trade for acreage. , J. F. ULRICH COMPANY S2S State Street TeL 1354. - nil i i i 1 1 1 1 I i ii i i r 'J1 .1 L rm. house and acre of around at edge of city, fireplace, elec. water system, small barn, chicken house-. 6 large bearing cherry tree a. Must raise money ana just reduced to lo. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 176 South High Street FOR SALE Estate nroDertr at bargain, room home furnished. In quire 171 ti. irth St. evenings and Sundays or call SO between a. m. and 5 p. m. L. ML Stlffler. EXCHANGE-7-Ueal Estate EXCHANGE Modern residence In Salem, and well improved acreage.. dose In. Will exchange one or both. Clear for stock merchandise anr- where; $3,000. to $10,000.09. Address owner. Box SO, Statesman. . - ii i - i - - - iii i i.Pi r n.i'i. n,i-in WANTED Clear eauipped farm or cattle ranch for choice home and in come " consisting of large house con verted Into five alngle apta. with two extra sleeping rooms also, ' new tlv room modern bungalow, doubt car- age, large lot located In heart of best section in L A near Polytechnic and V.- 8. C appraised at $21. but will sacrifice. Has $7500.00 first mortgage, 6H years at 7. A. L. REED 3110 Oak Street- Los Angeles, CaL FOR EXCHANGE Practically new modern T room ham with 4 bedrooms, has hardwood floor, fireplace, basement, furnace, pared street, near school 'and bus line. Price $560. Encumbrance 4, 700. Owner wishes to trade canity for a lot or a part payment on a cheaper home. This property is a wonderful value. INVESTIGATE NOW. W. H. GRABENHORST CO-, REALTORS 134 8. Liberty Street TeL SIS. FARM EXCHANGES TS-Acre good land, small house, 'out frood. Large oarn and owouJld ngs, all to cultivation and crop in. Running water, located $ miles of Salem, good roads, -trad for city property or smaller tlace. 1 0 0-Acres, 4 A. plow land, running water, . -ouse. good bars and out bundinga, son timber, trad for smaller place. 4 5-Acres. 45-A. culti ration doe t Salem. 6-R. house, good bam. Trad for Portland property or stock ranch. FEARS A TUCKER, Realtor 124 South Commercial Street EXCHANGE Large creek lot with old house rai ned at $50, mortgage . of $3. Will trad for Dronei-tr af aimiiae varus at Seid. Oregon, Modern room bouse la excellent location ranted at $300. Exchange for small horn or vacant lot at Klamath Falls, Oregon, as part. 160 acre stock and dairy xsrm close to Klamath Fans, Oregon, good Im provement Priced very low at $4, 30. Will exchange for small tract well located on highway near Salem, or for small service station. LEO N. CHILDS CO. Realtor $20 State Street TeL 172T FOR SALE FARMS A fine T4 acre coast dairy and stock ranch fire miles above Toledo on Yaauina rtrer -nart rlrer bottom and part hill and bench full set of farm buildings four year old. On spring water piped In house. Price 23500. some cash beX, time, Richard Lowry, Toledo. Oregon. GOOD RANCH. FORCED 8 ALE UT ft Acres, 4-K. house, good large barn and other out buiidlnga, 42 A. cultivation, 10-A. timber, price reduced to $4000.00; $$. down, balance easy. See my agents. SEARS 4t TUCKER 1S4 8. Commercial Street ACREAGE WE bar 110 acres of fin tim ber near th coast, cabin, soring and on public road; owner will tak car or good lot. i A splendid modern S room house for only $325 and can use a email car In good condition as first pay ment. 1 splendid acres north, with fair Improvement worth $6000.00 to trad for good 6 room modern home. 120 acres good tmprorementa. gra vel road, stocked and equipped, worth $2000.00 and will trade for Idaho or eastern Oregon land or amaL farm UcOILCHRIST ft PENNINGTON 202-10 U. & Bank Bldg. . Tel. 110. " 'Heart' tXESiki a -x i tl tiii n-T -. mm w. -faeov I I ACREAGE t JL. speed R gravel road, f 2?6?nn, 11 A fine room shoos, full t. I bedrooms, electric lights. some rruft. on saved road. hllSM to loan. Ti - JTKLvTN JOHNSON 320 TJ. a Bank Bldg. TeL S3T Business Opportunities - - - i-i-.-i -hrw-irrw' le iiMMMMUiaj tvkv wwui eiv.vee. vrui eii-r x change -f car btcome property in Salem. Hotel -in good lows, 22 roesn. fur ntshed. dining room, and pool room, leased fr II5.M saonthly. 211,. C t. Jackson with W. Q. KRUEGER 147 N. Commercial HenaJp araram aatol fHItna? atatlML A -real -bargain If taken at once. Call r write; z? m. nth. MONET TO LOAN tmmmmmmm'tmt00mm000 LOANS TO SALARIED FSOPLB On plain note, endorsed notes, furniture and pianos. All tran sactions strictly -confidential. N 'STATU LOAN COMPANY SIS Oregon Bldg. Second Floor Cooler Stat and .Hieh Office bra 1:0 a. cn. to 4:30 p. m. rreiepnon six, u censed oy mat .rassuiiAL UUNI MADE oa furniture, cars, salaries, r other rood security. Repaymhl montmy. - wnen - tn Trnanciai bom a us OeTev closing, a -toon. . OHNBRAL INVESTMENT . CORPVmATION First National Rank Bldg. Phono ISO VJMAMMMM CITY AND FARM loans at lowest- Best term oboUBtUt. Our. Inseuejmco dettartment off era rott ax- pert advice -end service- In an 11ns. UACVTUNS m BOBKKTS I inc. J TeL 1437 4)0$ Oregon Bldg. Federal' Farm Loana. 4U oar cent. F. L. WOOD. S41 -Stat Street. ON FARMS AND .CITT REAL JS9- TATS. LOWEST OrTEKEST BATES.1 tbhrt t. ford first National, bank bldo. MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS Contract Refinanced Arrange to reduce your payment. You keep the car. . P. A. EIKER Cor. LIbertv St. and Ferrr Phone 131 Salem, Or. NEED MONEY QUICKLY t Cash Loans of f 1 to $300 Within 24 Hours Small Monthly Repayments You'll be surprised how easily a loan arranged, our znendiy and courteous service has helped many when they needed money Oulcklr. Com In. 'phono, or writ for full In formation. There is no obligation. BENKKKMAL LOAN SOCIETY TeL 3-T-4- Stat 11 Bliga Bldg. Licensed by tn WANTED to loan on live stock and personal, property. Terms to suit your- convenience. Phone call will bring a representative. TeL 2140,'Na tloaal Loan and Finance Co. 41 Bank of Com, Bldg. Licensed by tat. FOR SALE WOOD Nut sheila finest kind of fueL M.- oer ton at Salem Nut Growers Coop. TeL 252. FOR SALE First - dass grub oak wood. 4 ft. 04.50. sawed $7.5. Lloyd btepuans, TOL HZ. Bmall oak 24.60. 4 ft medium 27.- . 4 ft. fir fS.60. Old fir $7.00. TeL 361. 390 n. Churcn. DRY. aU kinds, any Ururth. TeL S722- DRY fir and oaa wood, coal and fuel OIL Call oa us for prices. We give good measure, good quality and good service. -LARMER TRANSFER ft STORAGE Telephone 122 lam 2nd growth fir. IS in. 14.00. 12 la 24.7. TeL 2F22, WE Hare It" wood on hand all th time. Prompt deUrery. S4 & 13th. Cobb ft MltcheU Co. Phone SIS. At tn. and 4 ft. wood on hand at all tlmaa Also planer wood, TeL SISi Trgays Fuel Yards. GUARANTEED DRY Wood coaL TeL 11 ' 8alem Fuel Co, 782 Trade WOOD SAWING -Wood eawtnr. Robin a Tel. 2 94 2 J. LOST and FOUND LG3T Boston bulL Black and whit face. Answer to name of Mika." Finder pleas call 3 112 J. LOST Whit gold wedding ring. Call S3S during offic boura PERSONAL Mrs. M. EL Clark spiritualist, min ister and medium. Reading dally at $21 Union, Phono 275. Work guar anteed or - money refunded. A trial win convince. FOR SALE USED CARS 'Qood Will' Guaranteed Used Cars 192$ Oldsmoblle Sedan 17 Tfash Cabriolet $er$. . 4T6.0 . 446.00 . 2SS.00 . $75.00 . 1 4 S O . S 36.00 . $16.09 . 146.00 . 15.0 . . . ISO . 0J . $5.00 , 25.0 Z $5.00 192T Oakland Sedan 12$ Studebakor Touring 12 Oakland Sedan 1927 Xodg Coup - nit Star Sedaa . 1937 Chevrolet Coup m 122 Essex Caoch 13 Ford X3oupe ' 12 Ford Touring . 124 Ford Touring . 135 Chevrolet Touting 12 Dodge Delivery 12S Ford Touring . Overland Delivery , Wood-Wheaton Motor Co. Inc. OakUnd Phone S1SS Ponttae Interest 1 V)H S HS AJEA1X I I 1 1 tJuvr t-t-t , MceeW . . "Tz J FOR SALE USED CARS Valley Motor Company Used Cars - AH reduced for month of Decem ber. Cheek the new price. 12 Ford Tudor, new tire 42J.0 uz rora toport troupe, good condlUon 425.00 1922 Ford Sport Coupe - , 225.0 ivz te Ford Business coup. overhauled : 259.0 12 Ford Sport Roadster- lots of extras S7S.M 1I2S Ford Koadjrier, good coa- dltlcm S10.00 192$ Lata r1ckn 3S5.99 12 Ford Phaeton repainted 2. 12 Ford Tudor good shape 116.0 isie l ora To-rtng,good shape . 12 Ford Roadster, a bargain 7. 124 Ford Coupe . 59. 94 1934 Ford Touring 1923 Ford Coup 1923 Ford Touring 35.90 23.00 25.00 Terms A Trade. We pay cash for good used cars. Valley Motor Company Center at Liberty TeL 1995 eSwMVVWwVVwMaiwwV Ford and Buick Used Car Lot 192 Buick Standard Coach $350.00 12 Boick enclosed roadster 269.0 126 Buick touring overhauled 160.00 1925 Buick Standard touring1 115.0 12S Chevrolet Landau sedan 35.00 1927. Chevrolet Coach over hauled - 350.00 1927 Chevrolet Coup ovsr- haoled IS 1. 00 , 135.00 193$ Chevrolet Sedan 11T Chrysler SO Coach 235.00 122 Dodge 2-4 ton delivery 160.00 1922 Dodge Coope -. . . , . 76.00 13 Essex Coach BO M 1929 Model A Ford Coach - 450.00 129 Model A Ford Roadster 376.00 113 Model A Ford touring 200.0 12 Model A Ford SdL Coune 225.0 193 Model A Ford truck 645.90 12 Model A Ford truck , 500.00 1220 Model T Ford tourin- 75.00 124 Model T Ford pickup 96.00 193 Model T Ford roadster.- 95 09 12 Model T Ford Coupe . 150.90 1925 Model T Ford Coune CO no 1924 Model T Ford Coupe -. 60.00 1925 Model T Ford Sedan 100.00 12 Hupmobtie Coupe 45.00 1922 Oakland AA Sedan , , 635.00 1924 Oakland Coup . 350.00 130 Ponttae Coach- ., , . 71 " 17 Pontlac Coach 215.00 137 Oldsmoblle Coach 275.00 12 Willya-Knight 4 Rda. 35.00 1922 W. K. enclosed roadster 95.00 Salem Used Car Center North end of Ford Agency Telephone 1027 -i i- - - i nnnn n r rui UNUSED MILEAGE Just Waiting for the Proper Owner 1930 Cher. Sport roadster. -rumble seat, wire wbee v vrings, special heater and run only 7040 ; miles. New car guarantee : S545.O0 1929 Cher. Coach. Can't be told from I new 495.00 192$ Cher. Coach, original fin ish like new, new tires - 3 85.00 1928 Durant i Coach, run very little, line shape Z95.00 19 2 S Whippet Skdan, priced under Blue book 285.00 1937 Pontlac Coupe, new paint. new ttreevi nna snaps izj.uu 193 Ford roadster, perfect condition 225.0 1937 Char. Touring In good mechanical condition 123.00 12 Overland 4 Sedan, runs good SS. 80.04 12 Ford Touring 127 Star f Coupe, recondi tioned throughout 285.00 125 Cher. Roadster - . 135.00 Douglas McKay ' Chev. Co. til Center Street Tel 1S0S WANTED USED CARS Lot In 200 block So. 15th tn mile for Ught car. Write 04T. Statesman. -NOTICE Notice Is hereby given to the members of the Farmers Mutual Fire Relief association of Port land that at its annual meeting, which will be held in the Swiss halL Portland, Oregon on Janu ary 21st, 1921 at 10:20 A. M., the repeal and amendment of certain sections of its articles of Incorporation which were auth orized by Its board-of directors at their third quarterly meeting held at the office of the Associ ation, October the 11th. 1020, will be submitted to its members for enactment or rejection as provided In the Insurance Laws of Oregon, Section C3C6, Par agraph 21 A. Signed, L. D. Elliott, Pres. W. O. Kane, Secy. Portland, Oregon December 12, 1920 D-l 6-2 3-30. J. C-13. Thoppinq Days 'til ChriJ-tmar '9 ff4?Wl4ln9T OfJ Duy ChrutaiSeciri a By VOU HaX MB WORRIED MAC THE 4EU-Ppei. Encyst Afia HssSUi I IAMONTS DAUGHTER TO WED I o . y Miss Gertrude Lamont, ' daosj- ter of the Secretary of Com merca and Mrs. Robert P. Lamont, whose engagement to Charles E. SaJtsman (iruet). HE'S NEMESIS District Attorney Ralph P. Fisher has - inaugurated a drive to exile witchcraft practitioners and "pow wow doctors from York County, Pennsylvania. Pow-wow doctors have been held responsible for murders and other less vicious crimes in York County in recent years. No. 7707 ik thb coujnrr court op THE STATE OF OREGON FOR jiariox couimr. In Probate In the matter of the Estate of ELISB SCHWEOLKR. Deceased. First Notice of Administrator. Notice is hereby gtren that the undersigned, W. O. Llenkaemper has this day by an order of the County Court of Marlon County, State of Oregon, been duly ap pointed administrator of the Es tate of Ellse Schwegler. deceased. ATI persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to the undersigned, at the office of his attorney, Henry J. Millie, 601 First National Bank Building, Sa lem, Marlon County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem, Marion Coun ty. Oregon, this 29 th day of No vember, 1930. W. O. Llenkaemper, Adminis trator of the Estate of Ellse Schwegler, Deceased. Henry J. Millie, -Attorney for Administrator, 601 First Nation al Bank Building, Salem Oregon. D. 2-9-16-23-30. NOTICE FOB HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THB STATE OF OREGON FOR MARION COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of August Neugebauer, Deceased. Notice la hereby given that the undersigned, administrator of the Estate of Augnst Neugebauer, Deceased, has filed his final ac count and report In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County and that Thursday the 8th day of January. 1921. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day at the County Court room in the County Court House at the City of Salem, in said Coun ty and State has been appointed as the time and place for hearing any objections to said final ac count and report and the final settlement of said Estate. - The date of the first publica tion of this notice Is December 9th. 1920. and the last publica tion will be January 6th, 1921. Ray L. 8mith, Salem. Oregon, RUSS WESTOVER GT THE XAKBdl FCTUriH WHEN "THB BOSS, Goes out -sum's a GacrA icane. ahq thh I " " 1 " Vj , I , 1 "-x-Tv s !' '$ V r . ,r I lNT-?ariT 7V ' I vr irSS2-SBU o : . I 'J 'T'rJ ! son of Major-General and Mrs. Chartes SsJUman. has been announce-. The date for the wed cU-k has not ret been nooneed. Attorney for said Estate. Hal D. Patton, Administrator of the Estate of August Neuge bauer. Deceased. D. 9-16-22-30-J.-6. NOTICE TO CREltlTORS In the County court of Marlon County, State of Oregon. In the Matter of the Estate of Blanche Drake Henkle, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of Marlon County, State of Oregon, adminis trator of the estate of Blanche Drake Henkle, deceased,, and that all persons having claims against said estate must present the same, duly Termed according to law, to me at 1673 Oak Street, Sa lem, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publi cation of this notice. R. K. Drake, Administrator. Date of first publication, De cember 2, 1930. Date of last publication. De cember 80, 1930. D. 29-16-23-30. Angelo Rossi to Be Frisco Mayor SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 22. (AP) Supervisor Angelo Rossi was elected mayor of San Fran cisco by the board of supervisors here today. He will succeed James Rolph, Jr., governor-elect, Gross -Word Puzzle Br EUGENE 12 13 WW 9 6 ZZA1 3 ? IOtl 2 4&vtt - 12 t$ ZZlH IS I!lil-llEZ 22 WZZ 2112J 26 W - cZl . . ccZl - cllL mil ...,, 28 m.2i 22 L2-2i !! Hl L Hi! :,l:,.i:l ii1 1112 13 hh lIIJi;iIZ 5H S5 5f 57 p SQ - 6 1 , 2 . HORIZONTAL l-04esses 4 Cut by blows with an az 7 evil spirit 12 -on the top 14 ioo,ooa rupees 16 ripped 17 areas . 19 male sheep 21 rodent 12 printer's c-eaiure 23 incline 4he head 25 ethical 27 husband or wife (pi) 19 nothing 31 salt 82 uncovered 24 Egyptian sun god 25 aehlcle 86 peninsula - to Asia , 27 rubstance appearing ,y l at one of . th poles in elec ! trolysia , 48 above '89 passed - through . any ex perience 15 perform - en the '-.stage 41 form ef . caps worm - by the --Tisrka 42 uteruU with meshea 48 not so Ugh 47 unit 48 exclama tion r 19 on behalf of SO scatter seeds 62 steer 84 onter ex tremity 58 path 68 woody plant 59 actions CO obtain CI make a : mistake Herewith Is the solution to yes terday's puzzle. . - 11-7 4BOjRIAJHI:jPRlElUDg A Bi Ell DflSiyfl OEm O t R 6 Mm JO POP ETC s ATA WWr, E RiotD M A M T WMZ mffif A R ITS 1 S EJVV ; N'O N E R I bImaMo fc J A 5 1 AMlW J jl D terete! If r a rc z IsIaItIEIoI lElEiRl lei" CWiiMti Wt XJaa V-u-n- Sr-ltcata las. DALLnS TO PLAV ' HT PERfirDALE DALLAS. Dos. 22. The bas ketball quintet of Dallas hlh will play their third game at Perrydalo Tuesday.-. So far the local boys have made a good showing by wlnnlnr both camel played last week. They beat Springfield It to 11 on Thursday night and RlckreaU 18 to 12 Friday. The Rlckreall game was the hardest fought, being tied 22-all at the end of the regular game. In a fire minute overtime ; period. Dallas scored two field goals and two fouls. The Perry dale gam will be the last one before the Christmas va cation. - Dallas high will play 811 verton. Forest Crovo and Roose velt high of Portland during tho vacation, bat sll three games are out of town, so the folks will get little chance to the the boys play. The probable starting lineup Tuesday is: Forwards. LeFors and Frack: center, Farrett: guards. Webb and Minnlch. Beautiful Tree In Background For Big Program The Sunday school ef the American Lutheran church will present Its annual Christmas pro gram Wednesday night at 7:36 o'clock. The program numbers, to be given with a beautifully lighted Christmas tree as back ground, include: Prelude, "Jerusalem the Gold en." Lou gene Brletzke; song. "Watchman Tell Us of the Night chorus; "The Voice of Propae ey." Lou gene Brletzke; 'Ths Wonder Star Service", presented by the school and church chorus with Mrs. C. M. Byrd, Mrs. J. F. Finden and George Quesseth'a classes participating; "A Christ mas Story." Rev. P. W. Erlksen, pastor; offertory. "Angels Ser enade"; Christmas cheer- for all children; song, audience; bene diction, doxology, recessional; postlude, "Come, AU Te Faith ful". ! This church will also hold a Christmas day service, at 11:00 o'clock Thursday morning. Lean Jennlsen will sing a special num ber, there will be organ musle and a short message by the pas tor. Rest Needed by Poincare Word PARIS. Dec. 22. (AP) For mer President Raymond Poin care is recovering slowly from the illness which sent him to bed last week and ho must have a period of ' continued rest, his physicians announced today. They visited him this afternoon and said that while the patleat was not losing ground his re- corery would be alow. SHEFFER VERTICAL 1 mists 2 minute particle 8 male child 5 raised railway 6 4rmed combat 8 Latin con junction - 9 good 10 verbal 11 trap , 13 pertaining to punish ment 15 rotating piece oa a wheel. It habitual drunkard . 20 coin 24 refuse adv mittanee 26 free from something obnoxious 27 spoil 28 business 50 pale 5 1 undermine S3 modern invention 24 decay 85 drinking Tassel 86 Ubyrint-j 27 congealed water 89 not man 40 avoid 41 furnace -where metal Is wrought 48 finish 44 college ye 45 rock fis sure filled with mineral -4 6 propel with oars 48 always 49 supplied food 61 humorous person 68 anger 55 hort fos? - Edward 57 Biblical ' pronoun