-i .. TWO YULETIDE ITS Knight Memorial Plans Sun day Vesper and Christ mas eve Play A three-act play, The Little Boy Nobody Wanted" by Edna Randolph Worrell, will be given Christmas ere at the Knight .memorial church by the young people of the -Sunday sehooL The 'action Is laid In a little town of Central ' Europe, a few hundred years aro, among simple folk steeped In the legends and su- . perstltlons of their day. The characters are: Widow Fisher. Mrs. Fern Daugherty; doodle. Alice Fay Daugherty; Frits, Robert Charles Newgent: Town crier, Johnnie Ritchie; a bystander, Dorothy Murphy; shop keeper, Margaret Kingston; Herr " -Schmidt, Ralph Eyre; Herr Molts, Earl Warren; Fran Braun, Mary Burgess; Gretchen. Laura Hedlne; Frau Gunther, June Johnson: the boy, Ray Drakely; peisnichol, Vem Adams; Burg melster, Lyman Simons and Prince Karl, William Drakely. Preceding the play the primary and junior departments will sing Christmas carols. r 'THE HOLY NATIVITY" VESPER SERVICE The chorus choir of the Kn!ht Memorial church . will present the cantata "The Holy Nativity" at a reaper service Sunday af ternoon at 4 o'clock. The text of the cantata Is by Edith Sanford Tlllotson and the music by Hen ry WHdermere, The eleven numbers Included In the cantata are: Organ prelude Donald Alli son, organist; "Look Above, Opening : chorus; "Tidings of Joy," tenor solo by H. L. Braden and choir; "Unto Tou Is Born A Savior., tenor solo by Ronald Craven and choir; "The Song of the Shepherds," soprano solo by Pearl Eyre. ' "Within ,A Lowly Manger Ly ing," soprano solo by ' Beneitts Edwards; "Glory to God," men's voices and choir; "Let Us Go To Bethlehem," choir; "Tell Far and Near" ten'or solo: Ronald Craven; "Wonderful Night," men's voices and choir; "Christmas Joy Bells" final chorus. A candle light processional will precede the singing of the cantata. . GIRLS OF ST.' PAUL HOLD BUM. PARTY EI The Girls' Friendly branch of St. -Paul's Episcopal church held its annual party in the parish house Wednesday night. A cov ered dish dinner was served on tables beautifully decorated with the colors of the holiday season. V ' The lighted Christmas tree and the Christmas crib with the Holy Family, Wise men and shepherds drew the interest of the girls to the true meaning " of Christmas. Gifts in abundance 'were brought by girls to needy families. A pro gram prepared by the girl them selves followed. Those present at the party were: Mrs. W. N. Pintler of Stay ton and Miss . Ethel Adams of Willamette university.', group leaders. Mrs. Clare Lee, Mrs. U. R. Griggs, and Mrs. H. A. Wjlie. associates. The girls .were: Shir ley . Cronemiller, Alice' Swift, Cora Ed ?ell, Francis Paris, Francis i LaVelle, Jean Wylle, ' Virginia LaVelle, Audrey Scovell, Jean "Bcovell, Eleanor . Swift, Janet , Robertson, Betty Simmons, Betty .- Nelmeyer, Dorothy Williams, El eanor Perry, Eznlyn Griggs, Nor ma Clark, Threlsa Hecklnger, El bert a HeckengTer, Pauline Zoe Chambers. Christmas Event At Castle Church On Sunday Night " The Englewood Sunday school of the Castle United Brethren church. North 17th and Nebras ka streets, will give a Christmas program at 7 : 3 0 o'clock Sunday evening. v . ! .". s The program . will consist of recitations, exercises, ' vocal and , Instrumental musical numbers. . There will be a Christmas tree ' nd a treat, for children of the ' church. An offering will be . re ceived for Baker Home " for : re tired -ministers located at Puen- te, Calif., and also gifts of food .and clothing for needy families of the city will be accepted. Last Part of Show Sunday Evening - Sunday evening In addition to , special , Christmas music and a short sermon on "Jesus the Lib erator," the last fire reelsof the movinr picture. Uncle Tom'i Cabin' will be shown at ' JMrst Congregational ;hurch. the -: Younger Children of First ll.E. ' -, '. Will Hold Christmas Missionary Party This Afternoon at Church Saturday afternoon from -1 to I o'clock, a Christmas missionary party will be held In First M. E. ihurch parlors for - all children in the church school .12 years of age and under, with their moth- a One of the features of the pro gram will be an illustrated lec ture, "The Madonna In Art" by Mrs. Viola Price Franklin. The children will give a dem onstration of handwork at the opening of the program ' period. A mite box offering for (he chll- SACKED MUSIC IS SPECIAL FEATURE - . j , . -da - as - a Outstanding Soloist : Will Take Part in Various Entertainments OF SEVT "Hail Messiah: Choice Of Leslie Church Chorus Choir ':' i " ' ' - rpHE chorus choir of Les X lie Memorial church, on- aer tne direction of J. Wil liam Belcher of Portland trill present Ira B. Wilson's beautiful Christmas cantata. "iiail Messiah", at the 7:30 hour Sunday evening. The numbers are as follows: Opening chorus: Good Tiding, with solo by Mrs. Irene Love. Bass solo: "A King Shall Reign. Wendell f Scott. Soprano solo with choir accompaniment "There were Shepherds,"- Lillian Garnjobst. Women's voices and choir: "Glory In the Highest. Soprano solo and choir: "Even Unto Bethlehem," Ruth Hazelton. Two-part men's . chorus and choir: ."Crown Him. Chorus: "He Shall Have Dominion." uontraito solo with men's quartet: t "How Can I Crown Thee?", iMr. Mason Bishop. Bass solo and choir: "The Glory of Israel," ' Vernon If. Saekett. Chorus: ' SoBg . to the Christ Child." f Final chorus: -Hail, Messiah I " . The members of the chorus are: soprano: Mesdames Jessie Bush; Irene Love ' and K. M. Scott, Misses Margaret Chapin. Lillian Garnjobst. ' Ruth Has el ton. -Isbbel Huston. Gladys Miller and Bessie Tucker. . Contralto-: Mesdames L. T. BealL Mason Bishop and A. C. Bohrnstedt, Misses Helen Ingrey and Carla Williams. Tenor: Robert Hue ton, E. D. Roseman and P. L. Scott. Bass: Alfred French, Glen Huston, Darlow Johnson. L. Cv MrShane. V. M. Sackett, Wen dell Scott and Everett Whealdon. LESLIE CHILDREN'S EX ERCISES WILL BE TUES DAY EVENING Christmas exercises at Leslie Memorial Methodist ' Episcopal church, will be held Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. - The numbers are: Processional Joy to the World juniors: song Silent Night, Holy Night juniors: tab leau Virgin and Child; Scrip ture lesson Three Shepherds- Lawrence Lloyd, Bill Judson and Donald - Ellis t song We Three Kings of the Orient Are Men's chorus; Scripture - lesson By Three Wise Men; prayer Rev, Darlow Johnson: offertory. Greetings to Shut-ins, report ed by Mrs. Unroot: son? Away in a Manrer primary: introduc tion of ministers and wives to the congregation by Dr. Pound. Mr. Sakett-and Rev. Johnton; song We Shan See the Kins Some T)sv Francis , Asburv Leagne: njfts for-the King Life Servle Volunteers: , s-nj O Come AH Ve Faithful- Men's chorus: and Benediction and singing of the Doxology. s TO B E. 6. GERMS Rev. Eira S. Gerlg, who Is iu perintendent of the Union Gos pel Mission In Portland, will bring 'a special message at the Sunday evening services at the Highland Friends church. He is speaker of unusual ability. He is used much by various church es in the city of Portland. But so far aa known, this win be his first time: in Salem. - Sunday morning-h will speak at the Emanuel Baptist church. "If yon like the old time messages that ' will aave men. and' women go and hear Brother Gertg, rec ommends Rev. Edgar1 P. Sims of the Highland Friend ehurch. The Christmas exercises of the Bible school will be held In the ehurch Tuesday evening Decem ber 23. and are open to all. This wUl ' be made a gift Christmas, when money and provisions for the needy ; shall be presented as thank offering. Congregational Program Slated For (Tuesday Eve The Sunday school Christmas program of the First Congrega tional church will be given around a beautiful Christmas tree Tues day at 7:39 O'clock. This will he a "White Gifts- for- the King" service with Sunday school class es bringing gifts "for the- King." The program will Include a pa geant "No Room In the Inn." given br a large east from the Sunday school. There will also be Christmas I carols and a r visit from Santa Claus. AXNCAL MKKTINQ The regular annual meeting of the First Christian church will be held New ; Year' day at , the church. Dinner will be served at '1 o'clock, i -? . -i ' .- : . dren'a division of the Women's Home Missionary society, will be taken. ''.AHj;f' --, The party Is sponsored by the cradle roll, beginner's, primary and Junior departments of the church school with the following die roU: Mrs. IL F. shanks; be ginners. Mrs. R. D. Barton; pri mary, Mrs. E. C Miller; Junior. Miss Jessie Martin. , ' -. Miss Margaret Stevenson, edu cational director, win announce the program numbers and, wel come the mothers. U n Li Prof. E. W. HobsoB, who directs the choir of the First Christian . church. The choir wUl present the . sacred moste. VThe Mes- SosHlay evening. . Eternal Life Cantata for Evangelical The choir of the . First Evan gelical church wlu present the cantata, "Life Eternal," by Petzie, Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The cantata has been directed by Laurence Mauer. and the pianist is Mrs. Etpel Palery Phelps. . Special solo parts are: Tenors, Laurence Mauer, Roscoe Plow man and LeRoy Ruden; baritone. Ruben Hllflker; bass, Stanley Mauer; sopranos, Wlllamlna Hel- jelks and Savllla Phelps; i con traltos, Kathleen Phelps and Elva Aulb. The choir consists of 27 voices and the cantata Is unusually beau tiful In harmony and text. SS VOICES SIB IN VESPER SERVICE At a 4 o'clock vesper service Sunday afternoon the chorus choir of the First Presbyterian church will give Loveland's can tata. "The New-Born King." The choir of 35 voices is under the direction of William Wright, with Fror. Frank Churchill as organ ist. The program follows: Organ prelude; baritone solo. Hearken Unto Me," Leslie Springer; chorus. "The People that Walked in Darkness;" bari tone solo and male chorus. "Now When Jesus Was Born"; trio and male chorus. "We Three Kings," Dr. Groom. Mr. Scott and Mr, Teed; chorus and alto solo, When Herod Heard These Things. Mrs. Vera Suko and chorus; tenor solo, "For Unto Us a Child Is Born." Mr. Howard Leach. Baritone solo and male chorus. Then Herod"; ladles chorus. And. Lo! the Star": alto solo. "Silent Stars." Miss Joseohlne Albert; tenor solo. "And Whn They Wer Come." Dr. A. L. Grom: nuartet. "There's a Sons in the Air"; soprano solo. "Break Forth Into Joy," Mrs. J. I. Teedr double chorus. "Sing. O Heav- i"; soprano solo. "Thy King dom Is from Everlsstlir. and chorus. "Praise the Lord. HEHKARSATi KU.VDAT Rehearsal of the Christmas program to be riven Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock bv the Re formed church is scheduled for z o'clock Sunday afternoon. T ' CHURCH I I NOTICES -I FIRST CHTTECH OF OOI Corner Ho4 and OotUr ptrett. C. W. HkteK. por. P1mb H80-J. Morn In rr!r 11 o'rloek. Subject, "A niortona RoTolotinw." .ETnlntr merrie Cro." 6aMUT kIxmI 10 Mim: Jokir Vm Vyirmt. r.t. Vi-jrek rrajw errte 7:30 n.nt. Wrtuiaw. mk ule'e eertnr S:80 G9' Herhrt. XSOiATKTJZL TVLXt QOMTZL -" ' Comr Xrtk 171k an4 CkemeieU H-Mta. Sunday - ackol at )0 a.m. Meniaff wwrmhip at 11 m.m. T.-rtnimg arrrlea BselUtis t 7:45. Itiil-waek sarriee TiaT Friday. Prayer meettnr wmuuit Tiinr. C .WTll Sosada, paatar. Pbm S09-X. ' . OXJLD TTDnfOS KXSST.OW ' 25S Cnrt rtreei. C. 8, Jobaaoa. pas ter. Sand ay acknnl kt S .. Servfea at S aa4 8 a.a. - Bible atady Taeasay e. eninr. Meetiar Tkaraday and Batar- day ereslaga. . rail saepel teacbias. i rzxsY srrnzrvAXJtR :-: fUrrleae at V :0 .a. Tbe renlar IMater. Rrr. Illa Ls Valler wiU be the aeeeker. Tsple. "The Bab BetbUbeaa." ' Hesiasaa. - Cf teles will be hel4 frobi S:80 le 7 p.m. by accredited read art of tits eiurrb. AH servieea VU hi tba Kelaea baildiac ea Cbaaaeketa street betweee LlWrty and Ceanasreial. I5tk ass Mm atreeta. Waaler Dexter OeHaa. "patter. - Senear aebool 1ft sjb. atorniar. werahia. 11 e'rieek; seeet: Ckriatniaa After SOOO Taara. Frea tnr vsrahla T:SO e'elaek; anbieet; Tbera will be a pretraaii preaentad by yeaar seeple ef tbe ckairb. - a .,. ran gxkxa BArrxtr : Worth Cettare and D atreeta. O. W. Katark atiltUr. Seaday acbeel :dS a.av Sana 8ebiraiaa, Rapt. Berrfe 11 a.m. nan topie, "Hi BaaU Bo Uall4 WeaderfaL" Chair aatbeas. Rev. r. Bneeraiaa wfl -hweaeb at 7:30. Tba refaler aiia'weck prayer servke ea WeeV aeadar Will be cancelled: laeteei "The Cariatnaa Messaca" kv the faster st XI 'deck Tbaraday morning. -r masT maaaonuAi. H. C. Sterer. asiniatar. blerainr war- bi at 11. Benson The Bethlehem Ina Keeper. Aatkem by the ebelr Glory to God bt the Hi cheat" (WIW ) Vetper eervlee at 4 p.m. Chriat aa Caau "The Bely KatlTity" by WiW dermere. Candle Liffbt rrereetienat "O Come It Cs Adore Him." - Sunday DIRECTOR (Con turned en pas j . - The OREGON STATESMAN, Salcra, First Christian to Give "The Messiah oh : Sunday ipHE choir of the First JL " Chriatian church, under direction of Prof. E. W. Hob- son; will present "The Mes- iah , an oratorio by G. F. Handel, - Sunday , night at 8 o'clock as its outstanding contribution to the Christ mas Drofirams of - the citv. Miss . Lois Plummer is .orjran- aua accompanists zor tne con cert are Miss Ruth Bedford and Mrs. Kenneth Rich. -- Soloists Include Ronald Craven. Everett Craven, Wendell Robin son, Miss Josephine Albert, Miss Lillian Scott and Miss Aldeane Smith. The arrangement follows: . ' 9AM.T eVB ' OrerUre. Chare and Allegre Hod era to. Mi as Lois Plammer. - - Beeitatire and Aria Comfort To Vt Peeple. iTery Valley BhaU be ExalUd aeeaie.avTSTaa.- RecitatiTa aad Aris Behold, A Ylrgia SbaU Ceaeeire, O Then The Tellest Oeed TidiBfa Visa . Jesepbiae Albert and ebeir. Paiteral symphony Kiss Xeis Plnm- BeeiUtlva Tbere wart Shepbcrds AUdiaf in ike rield. And Le, the Anrel e the XjotA Came Upon Them. Aad the Ansel Said Uate Them, 'Aad . Seddealy Tbere Was With the Anri Weadel) oomioa. Cberas Olerr te Ood ia tbe Blckesi. Aria Rejoiee Greatly. O Daagbter ef lion Hits Aldeaae Smith. Beeitatire aad Aria Tkaa BhaU - tbe Eyes ef the Bund be Opened, He SbaU reed His Flock Hiss Xesepkiae Albert sad Miss Lilliam Seott. Offertory- Mary's Man re r Sena; jaus uuiaa seott ana cnotr. PAST TWO Cboras Behold the Lamb ef God. BeeitstlTs He Was Petplsed sad Se lected Mias Jeseobiae Albert. BeeitatiTo ead Aria Thy Bobake Hatb Broken His Heart, Behold aad See if There be Aay Sorrow Wendell Kobin sea. Jteeitaure wny the nations se forlornly Sage Together Ererett Crsr- Cbo HallelBjak Chore a. JAPANESE TO Gl YULETIDE PROGRAM The following; Christmas pro gram will be at the Hayesvllle Baptist church, at . the rerular service Sunday night: Prelude, Hoshle Watanabe; con- areg-atlonal singing; Bible readlns by Rev. S. Nlwa, Japanese pastor; nrTr walrama hr ITIrn IbTIn sons by the primary pupils; read ing, "Hanging Up a Stocking.' Ko Tada; piano solo, KImi Tada; pantomime, r Suml Agona, Mary Terusakl and Meg Terusaki; vocal solo. "Vivian Williams: duet. Mar tha Okroda and Mrs. Okuda; mu sic, Seiko Watanabe, Martha Na- kashima and Jessie Fukuda. Piano. "Soldier Boys' March. Symlo Mlo; vocal solo, Taul Wa tanabe; talk In Japanese, Heroshl Kaneko; piano selection, Emll Tada; exercise, Shlg Watanabe, Don SngaL Migulre Kim and Ort Sugal: pageant by senior class; trombone solo. "Star of the East," by Mr. Kites; benediction. Rev. Nlwa. Southern Baptist Evangelist Here Early in February Dr. James A. Sutherland, well known Southern Baptist evange list, and a member of the Moody Bible Institute extension staff of Bible teachers and evangelists. will be with the First Baptist ehurch In a campaign for several weeks beginning; February 8. A mass meeting will be held Feb ruary 7 for workers. During January visitation evangelism will be planned In preparation for the coming meet ings. Prayer !s asked ' by Dr. Robins, pastor of the church; that broken hearts and homes might be healed and united, and maar be redeemed during this time of special effort. Ford M. Pageant On Sunday Night The , pageant- "The Wlsemen and the Newborn King will be presented by- the ' Intermediate Leagueat the Ford Memorial M. E. community ehurch ' evening service i Sunday. This la' a fine production and . will 'be accom panied by singing , byV the Junior choir. Wesley Warren will give a whistling solo. There will be other features of Interest, Leaguers to Sing Carols to Shut-ins The youBST folk of th Asbnry and Leslie leagues of the Leslie Memorial church will glnr Christ mas carols for the. aged and shut ins of the' congregation Wednes day night, Following the caroling- party, the group will be entertain ed by Mr. and Mrs. E.'A. Rhoten at their home on South High street. , 4 r Oregon, " Satgrday Morning, December 20, 1830 THE MIITY' AT FIRST fl E. hT--"- - "J r.- eamnmnsamBnammaa . '. y . Pageant In ' Four Scenes Promises to be Color ful Production The Sunday evening service at First M. E. church will be given over to the presentation et "The Nativity,- pageant of the birth of Christ In tour scenes under the direction of ; Mies Margaret Stevenson, educational v director. Program will - begin at 7:30 'clock. - -. . Special staging and lighting ef fects have been executed for the occasion. Beautiful costumes will carry out the rich Oriental back ground of the period. Musical numbers will be offered aa Inter ludes between scenes and accom paniment for the action. Soloists will be Miss Eleanore Moore, so prano, and A. A. Schramm, ten or. Prof. T. 8. Roberts will play organ numbers throughout, The pageant text will be read by Prof. Herbert Rahe. The ae tion In time comprises the period from the time of the prophecy of the birth of John The Baptist through the nativity of Jesus and tbe fllgnt or Mary and Joseph in to Egypt. The east la composed of the following: Zacharlaa. the high priest. Earle Carkln; ; Mary, Pauline Flndley; Joseph. L. L. Nelson ; Gabriel, Lottette Shutt shepherds Marlon Kfcmler,- Sam Holladay, George -Waterman Wise Men Ted Parker, Lee Ellr maker, J. Burton Crary: Nativity Angels Gwen . Gallaher, Myra Belt, Wllla Ames, Betty Parker, Hanna Eymann. Menalkas Selander will act as stage manager; Blanche Reece has charge of stage effects and nroperties: Forest Holladay and Kenneth Mosher will produce the lighting effects. Community Program at Ford Church The Sunday school community Christmas tree of the Ford Mem orlal M. E. community church will be held at the community hall on Tuesday evening at 7:30. Tbe fol lowing numbers will be Included on the program: Playlet. "Tne New-rasnionea Christmas": motion song, "Ting- a-Ling-a-Llng." primary class; i Christmas acrostic, by Mrs. Grove's beginners: song. "Santa's Visit." four boys; playlet, "Little Christmas Spirit." by Intermedi ates. Recitation, "Bobby's Letter to Santa Clans, Danny Adams; son. "Silent Night. Holy Night. Miss Grant's class; recitation. Baby Mary's Gift." Margaret Kaster: pantomime.. Christian Forum class; recitation, -Annie's and Willie's Prayer." Naomi Al sop; song, "The Little Lord of Christmas Day," three . Junior classes; recitation, "A Christmas Dilemma," Opal Thurman. Vesper Program Sunday Scheduled By South Friends The Christmas exercises of the South Salem Friends church will be given Sunday evening at the time of the vesper services, SiOO o'clock. A pageant, "When . the Star Shone," is being prepared, Prophecy and History introduce the pageant and the prophecies of the coming of Christ have prominent place In the different parts and In the choruses as the pageant proceeds , It la a vivid portrayal of the testimony of the shepherds and the Quest of the wise men as they come In search of the new born King. Turner Christian Christmas Event Is Tuesday Night TURNER, Dec. 19 The Chris tian Sunday school announces that Its Christmas program will be given Tuesday evening, De cember 23. Mrs. F. C. Delzell Is chairman of the arrangements for the evening. A full program given. The public la cordially in vited. - German Baptists Planning Program An Interesting program of dia logues, recitations, song- and story will be given at the First German Baptist ehurch Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock by the young people: of the church. - P. T. A. MEETS TONIGHT WEST SALEM. Dee.; 13 The Parent-Teacher association will hold Ita monthly meeting- Friday evening, 'December -19 in the community ball. Mn. Le Molne Clark, principal of Leslie Junior high school. Salem, will be the principal - speaker. Her subject will be. "The Objective ; of the Parent-T a e h tj association. Mrs. ' Clarke will also lead In community alnglnr. ;-: CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Hlgis and Ferry Sta. Roders Blda. Church School 9:40 a. m. W. T. Jenks, Supt. Preaching 10:50 a. m. B. T. P. U.'s :30 p. m. 7:30 p. su Dialogue and Musical program A. il. "A CHRISTMAS MESSAGE" by parr tor. Anthems: "The Heavenly Vision", Har ris. Incidental. . : soloj, f Mra. Taylor-Mr. Schnnke, - "The ; Prince of Peace" Wilson. Incidental solo, MrsT McAllister. ; : .. P. U. Dialogue -JOSEPH AND THE INN KEEPER A Musical Program by the Cho rus Choir. . - . - . . . ; . W. Earl Cochran, pastor. - XYeek's Sermonett 1 That Great Shepherd By CHARLES CL WESTON - (Pastor Evang-ellstle Tabernacle) . Text: Heb. 13:30. Sheep have need of a shepherd. They are helpless before so many ills that prey upon them. Mankind also baa need of a ahepherd, being a prey to many ills which he is powerless to entirely overcome. V Man's greatest enemy Is selfishness and greed. From that tyrant the human race has suffered untold miseries and sorrow. Another great enemy to man is lust, This deceiver lures his prey with rosy prospects, and has been able through' bis en chantments to ensnare both the atrong and the. weak.. Oh, the heartache, the bitter shame, the fever of remorse caused by this monster. But,' the most subtle enemy Is pride. He would have us to cover eur needs and assume an air of self-safllciency and independence. He is a thief with polished manners. . He would rob s of our. rightful shepherd, How. simple, yet how sweet and . appropriate, 'these loving words. "Oome unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give yon rest. Take my yoke upon yon, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find rest to your aouls." God's Son, seat to shepherd us in the way of life, gives the call, and adds, "Hlnv-that cometh to me I will In no wise cast out," ' - , 7- Most everyone wants this kindly Shepherd aa their pathway draws nigh to the valley of death. Why not follow Him now and learn to know the depth of His holy fellowship? He who went to the cross unflinchingly will inspire your heart to play the man. He will never lead -you in any path that you need be ashamed of. Walking with Him who overcame, you .will find strength also to overcome. Following Him whose very spirit Is . peace you may have real peace. The springs of true nobility are found in Him. He is God's great gift to us on the first Christmas day. , 79 Costumed Characters Will Appear in Pageant Arranged hy Lutherans Among: the most elaborate and spectacular of the Christmas programs to be given in tbe churches of the city will be the pageant. "The Light of the World," to be seen Sunday night at the American Lutheran church, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. Seventy-nine persons, all in costume, will present the six epi sodes portraying the events leading up to the most dramatle act of all ages, announcement of Christ's birth by the shepherds of Bethlehem. 11,1 O In addition, the Sundav school MIDNIGHT SERVICES Regular Choir to Furnish Music at Christmas Eve Music Hour A midnight Christmas euchar- 1st service will be sung at St. Paul's Episcopal church Christ mas Eve, commencing at 11:30 o'clock. The music will be given by the choir, under direction of R. H. Robertson. Numbers will be Prelude Organ and Violin Mrs. Dalton and Miss Jeanette Scott TeDeum Kotschmar Anthem "Sleep Judea" Fair Short Kyrle . . ..Haynes Gloria Tibl Haynes Gratia Tibi . ..... Haynes NIcene creed. Haynes Sermon Hymn "Welcome Hap- py Morning" . . Offertory solo "Birth of the King" Coombs By Mrs. Robertson Comfortable Words Merbecke Sursum Corda Haynes Sanctus Haynes Agnus Del Haynes Communion Hymn "Oraw Nigh" Gloria in Exeelsls Haynes Sevenfold Amen Stelner Nune Dlmlttis , , Brown Recessional "Angels from the Realms of Glory Luther Leaguers Plan Hike to Get Christmas Tree The Luther League to which the decoration of the beautiful Christmas tree at Christ Luther an church. 17th and State, , has always been entrusted, has arran ged for a unique hike for Sun day afternoon for the purpose of getting a Christmas tree. Those who were entrusted with the task . last year have a fine tree in view and the committee for refreshments has arranged for a welner roast in the weftds at the Journey's end. 44i 0 Come Christmas has a message Christ was born a little child In Bethlehem's manger. Through the "-redemption -wrought by him we may brine oar babes In Holy Baptism to Him that He may regenerate and renew them; such then we will also seek to "rear In the nurture and admpnltlon of Lord." " . . '. . " ' : . ..;.,. - - - Mary In the beautlous bloom of young womanhood was chosen to be the mother of our Lord and Joseph In the fullness of his manhood to take a father's place to the Son of God made flesh: truly He today yet Is, worthy that those In the best years of their lives should bow to Him In faith and. serve Him in love that their lives may be enriched by the one thins worthwhile. Simeon was privileged to cradle the wondrous Babe In bis aged arms; thus when death comes to the hoary-headed believer In Christ of today he too may pass on with the swan song of Simeon: Lord, now lettest thou thine servant depart In peace 1" We Still Preach the Old-fcshloned Gospel Every Stzday will present a program Christ- mas eve, also starting at 7:30 o'clock. For the pageant Sunday night, it is announced ushers will seat no one while the auditorium is darkened for five minutes at 7: 30 o'clock. William McGilchrist Sr. is directing the choir for which Lougene Brletske and Ol ive Schurts are organists. Mrs. Ted Gordon Is pianist and Max Gehlar Is author and director of the pageant. R. A. Arpke is nar ator. . Leading parts -will be taken by: Dorothy Rogan, Henry Ahrens, Cecil Quesseth, Orlen Rogan, Lloyd Reinwald. Kenneth Pe ters, Lougene Brletske, Isla Bjielde, Helen . Dunning, Jean Bahlburg, Victorian Schneider, Olga Gath, Miss Cook, Gladys Anderson, W. G. "Krueger A. F. Homyer, Ed Ahrens, Gordon Krueger, Verdi Sedarstrom, Ser geant Horn, Ward Horn, J. E. Finden. Arthur Lake, Alfred Quesseth, Mark Gehlar and Carl Newton. The Christmas eve program will be given by the children of the Sunday school. Haworth Slated To Address Meet Of Local Pastors The second meeting: In De cember of the Salem Ministerial association will be held Monday at 10:30 o'clock at the Y. M. C. A Rev. C. E. Ward, pastor of the First Congregational "church4, will, conduct the devotions. The scheduled address of the morning will be given, by Itev. C. C. Haworth, pastor of the South Salem Friends church, the sub ject being "Protestant Work in Latin America." AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH Churth St. Bt. Chemekela and Center. 11 A. 51. It Is Time to Think v Anthem by Choir and Solo by Leon Jennlson 7:30 P. M. "The Light of the World" Pageant Presented by 79 Costamed Characters Rev. P. W. Eriksen, Pastor. Christ Lutheran Church 17TH and STATE STS. , Rev. Amos E. Minnemari, A;M. ; Children's Service 7:30 ,P. M. Christmas Eve ' December 24 German Services 10:30 A. M. Christmas Morn ,s December 25 Tliflmfl T T"T TTQ TT A CTtTXT Ff TitrtrT TTTrtr English Services 8:00 P. &L Christmas Day Dee. 25 Theme : rVVTTH WISE MEN AND SHEPHERDS." Geraah Serrkes 8:00 P. M. 2nd Chrlslnss Day December 26 Theme: THE GOODNESS AND THE MERCY i ; OF GOD." Let Us Adore Him, Christ The Lord." for all. PAGE THREE - PR0CR1 HAS inyfiLES Christ Lutheran Event Will Be Given Wednesday - Evening . The annual Christmas program of the Christ Evangelical Luther an church will be held Christ man eve, December 24, beginning at 7:30 o'clock, announces the pus tor. Rev. Amos E. Mlnnem&n. Songs, recitations and musle. In cluding 47 numbers, will compos the elaborate program. 'The program follows: Aathem: Glory te God. ebolr; Sonff Jejr te the World, Bandar eeheel and eonfrcfarioa : Prayer, paater: ' Chant I Gloria Petri, eoafreratioa Ketponaire Readier, paater and 8uoday school-1 Song: fchoat the JI4 Tiding I. Band? school; JrVotgrait. Irene Zaaixew; He ritations: The Old. Old Cltrietraae Slory, Hilda Heaae; Her Chrlatmaa Gift. AN dene Fry; Holy Night. Dorothy Hini Queatlena aad Aatwrrs ea the ChrUtmse fctory, Bible aad Intermediate tlassee. Soar? Jo Little Baby, prtaury elass- Recitation!- The Little St ran err, Ruth Hinneman; The Holy Shrine, Kliie Kook; Holy Jabe, Lois Barries; In m Iwly Jaaacer, Arthur i Kiehl; Songt Kail te the Lord's anointed, Sunday srltoel; Qseatioaa and answers ea the Christmas Story. Bible and Informed ate elaases; Reeiutioaa: All Halll He Comes!, Lois Lick; Tbe Christmas ftplW ln( Leasee, -tlordoa 8nmner, AnaoS Miaaemaa, Leis Lick, Jtlria Battalion, Alfred Preps, La a re ftirbens. Jeene;te Boat beck, loaa Baah, Stella Mlaaeman Boas: Little Children Can Yea Ttlly Jnaier Olaas; Becitatiom: We're Only Mttle People. Myrtle Klehlj Uerry Christmas. Raymond Kook; O Blestedl Little Star. Donald Barrick: First Cbrit mas ef All. Kdwsrd Fox; Qneatieaa nndl Answers ea the Chrlatmaa Story E'ble and Intermediate clatiet; Bonn Hark a Bars ef Heseealy Mnsiel, . Banday school; Recitation : And Worth I p Him, A Wan Pry; Christmas A Vlclon. Joba Mianemaa; Cbriatmas Stara, Elmer Zam sow; ! Boas: Silent Kifbt; Conrresstloe and Sanday school; Qnestiona snd Answers as the Christmas Story Bihle aad Inter mediate clsaee; Recitations: Only a Pair Yeans; Mother, Oncer Miaaetnan. Roth - Minnen-an. Plord "Tain, f.iie Kook', Irene Zamsow, Ixl "Barrick; Why Pid He Comet, AWin Battalliea, Fdne Goeber, Ronald B'nndeH, Dolores Nets, Rdward Pox. Eda Klahande; Bens: 1-one 8herherds Are Watchinc on Bethlehem's Field Sunday aehool; Qneatiena and -At-awers on the CHristmaa Story, Bible and Intermediate elaiaes; Recitations: Cfne and Brins e Gift to Jeiu!, Alfred Henne; Bethlehem. Adeto Fry: The Cniding Star, Arnold Meyer: Bone: Brightest and Bent. Sunday sehool: Recitation: The Chrlxtmes Tree. Unr eel Fry; Address: In the Llrlit of the Christmss Tree. R-r. Amos E. Mlnne man; Bonr: O Christmas Tree I O Chrint maa Tree. Snnday school; Bonr: A lie Jahre Wteder. Irene Zamiow, Rda Kla hande, Jeanette Bombeek, Iyaura SVia. Recitation: Die Schnen-te Zeit, Eda Kla bnnde; Anthem: Cradle of Bethlehem, choir; sad Benediction, pator. Alliance Has Program on Monday Eve The annual Christmas tree and program will be held at the Christmas and missionary alli ance tabernacle Monday night December 22. , . A program, will be given by the choir and Sunday school children and will consist of anthems and Christmas carols, piano solos and recitations. Also there will be the annual opening of the Rainbow banks, the proceeds of which goes to Missions. Last year the children's offer ings amounted to over 50 through the little banks. At the close of tbe program a treat will be given the children of the Sun day schooL EVENT TUESDAY The annual Christmas progranst, of the First Baptist church will be held Tuesday erenlng. . PROGRAM TUESDAT The Church of God will hold Its Christmas program at the church Tuesday evening, beginning at 7:30 o'clock.