CIRCULATION TOE WEATHER tTnscUled with occaslon al rains. Normal tempera ture. Ulad west, and oathwrst. 7104 . j ... ' i - ( ; 1: 'XsvtaVtr, S Net Paid,- 8788 Member o( A. B. C. 7 - FOUMD.CO 1031 EIGHTIETH YEAR Salexn, Oregon, Friday Morning, December 19, 1930 a No. 220 v A,, JS i i t l V - : o l.:rr ' :n " - A i ... : : ' 77 -77 :' - . " o77rnBr BH no 8780 CUT 10 STIEMPI ' FOB) IS 01 SB---a-S-' " Two-Mill Levy for Firemen Trembles Under. Attack To cut It Down tlayor Uvesley Casts Vote To Break Ties; Dancy Battles for Fund.HIf That ; much debated budget child, the Marion county health unit, was - siren Its candy and dropped Into the city budget bas ket In a hurry last night , when the council approved the increase of the 1131 appropriation from $8000 to $8000 by an 11-to-S rote. A biff fir was on In the city. Alderman Purrlne cautiously rais ed the health nnlt matter at the close of the budget consideration. Quickly Alderman .; Kuhn second ed Purvine's motion to raise the city's share 42000. Without discussion, the coun cil romped through its approving Tote while curious aldermen peer ed through the city hall's win dows to see the Archerd blaze. The council was not so charit able or so hasty in Its treatment of other ailing members of Its budget family. Ruthless Councilmen Nearly Scalp Flrenuut Levy . The fireman's child, a special two-mill lory authorised years ago by rote of the people; trembled tn the wind as the wrath" of the Al derman Kowlts clique at too high fire costs In Salem was manifest. When the roll was called lhe two mill lery - stayed In .the budget , through the kindness of Mayor T. A. Llvesley, who came to the' res cue of the item after the ruthless councilmen had hnng it on the precipice of a 7-to-7 tie rote. It remained, likewise, for May or Llresley to keep the $3000 item "for relief work In the budget. I Ruthless councilmen, bent on bud- get redaction, sharpened' their (Turn to page 1, col. 7) Mrs. Rice Makes ; Fight to Break v Her Dad'-Will ff ' ' THE DALLE3, Ore., Dec. 18. - (AP) Mrs. Lilly Seufert Rice, of Portland, filed ' a peti ' tion in probate court here today . asking- the will of her father, the late J.; A. Seufert. fish packer, be declared null and void. -Mrs. Rice alleged her father : was mentally Incompetent when be made bis last will and testa meat and that her brothers; Ar thur. William J., and Edward Seufert, used coerclan in obtain ing execution of the will. V Under the will. Mrs. Rice was ' to receire $80,000. Is bonds and the executors tha remainder of the. $1,250,000 estate. Big Merger of :- Truck Lines is t . Being Talked . . SEATTLE, Dee. IS (AP) Merger of sereral Pacific Coast Motor Track manufacturing com--panles Is being negotiated, local officials of . the Fageol Motor Truck company said, and prob ably I will be completed , within two weeks. ' Firms reported ln rolred are the Kenworth Motor Truck company, of Seattle; . the Moreland Motor Truck company of Burbanr. Calif.; the Klelber Truck company and the' Fageol . Motor Truck company of -Oak-land. Day in Yashington (By the Associated Press). ' Senate and house confer ees agree on 9-45,000,000 drought relief blU. House rejected the senate $60,000,000 drought relief bill and pprored 830,000, OOO. Senate agreed to giro President Boorer power to ase proposed $110,000,000 public works appropriation lnteirhangeably. Bin to giro farm board additional $150,000,000 was passed bjr house and ap prored by senate appropria tions committee. ." Secretaries Stlmsoa and Doak opposed tho Reed bill to stop immigration for two years. : Samuel R. JIcB lelrle, f arm board member, summoned to testify before Nye committee on Nebraska senatorial cam paign. ' Italy's Ills Due to Crash o f U.S. Stocks Is mem Biting Irony in. U DuceV Speech to His Senate; Depression in America Held Knockout " . j Blow to Iuiropean Countries i ROME, Dec 1SV-(AP) The American stock market crash and "money! crisis? of the fall of 1929 are principal ly to blame for, Italy's financial . ills, Premier Mussolini told the senate this afternoon. -;-. V' r:,iu: i ;? In a speech marked . by bitinsr irony, - frankness and characteristic Vigor, the duce declared Italy was Rearing port, was perhaps in view of port when the American crisis broke pat unexpectedly and exploded like a bomb". His placing the blame on ; the American situation was . part of the duce's defense for his drastic cut of 12 per cent in the salaries of all state employes. PITIFUL flEED IS FOUND BY Widow Woman and 8 Chil dren Struggle for Life in This Very City . THE SALVATION ARMY GOOD-WILL FUND Previously ed ; report- $303.04 Woman's Press Club 2.50 Mrs. ; Arthur -E. Horstaottle . S-OO Tbos. Kay Woolen- -f MU1 Co. .-. ' - KjOO Myers S.OQ, Street 'Kettles Dec lSthv ' . 23J TOTAL TO DATE $m40 The American War Moth ers through their president Mrs. A. A. Lee, donated 15 splendid girts. One of the most worthy and needy families ever . to come to the attention of the local Salra Uon Army workers was reported to Ensign WUlams yesterday. A Salem fireman - who observed a child crying in the street stopped to inquire and - the child - in nocently i admitted that It . vis hungry and that the family had been on short rations for two days. . - Ensign WiUIams and Charles Tlbbet of the Salvation Army re sponded to the call and in the driving rain last evening took a generous : supply of provisions in their car as they went out to In vestigate being prepared to meet the: need ? immediately should the ease prove a worthy One. .: '!!': . : ! "We witness so mueh distress and hear : constantly such stories of struggle and privation" Wil liams said, "that we become to a degree ; inured to tales of woe but tears 'came to our eyes as we saw the conditions in this Uttle home where the widow woman and her : eight : children - were - (Turn to page 2, col. 4) Bad Weather is Retarding: Hop Of 14 Airplanes CARTAGENA, Spate. Dwx IS. (AP) - Unfavorable weather tonight continued to hold Italy's trans-Atlantic air squadron apart, six of the fourteen planes which, left OrbeteUo, Italy, yes terday remaining at Iviza, one of the Balearic Islands, f t : , t The six planes were expected to Join the other eight, whleh come ' down at ' Cartagena, : to morrow, and it. was believed the whole squadron would resume the flight to Brazil probably Saturday.-. "r-M" : . ;- : 5 m Negro, 30, Confesses He Beat Teacher to Death MARTVILLE, Mo., Dec 18. (AP) County Attorney Paul R. Jones . , announced . tonight that Raymond Gunn, 30 year old ne gro, had confessed he beat to death Velma Colter. 19, teacher at the Garrett rural school Tuesday night.: '- -'r-- Miss. Colter, for whom funeral services were ; held today,'1 was found dead Tuesday night by T. II. Thompson, . at whose home she lived. Thompson - went to school, at whleh the girl was the only teacher, when she did not return home at the usual time. Clothing had been stripped from her body. - ofmussblim ' "For us poor prorlncials of old Europe," he said, "the explo sion was a great surprise. ; We remained shaken and confound ed like the world at announce ment of the death of Napoleon. We had been siren . to under stand the United States was a country of prosperity, indefinite and absolute without eclipse, without decadence; all were rich.- ; V Duce Waxes Ironical Alleged IT. S. lxtraragance "Ererybody played the mar ket. . As the shares went up er erybody baring bought - at 20 sold at 100 and vlth it bought an automobile, radio or tele phone or made a trip to Europe, paying . on the - installment plan and perhaps bought . a - country house In the neighborhood. - "All that was marvelous. Then we had a series of black, black est days. Shares lost 20, 30, SO per cent 'of their ralue. r That crisis Isn't yet cleaned up. : "It "Is with profound sadness that I realise this and you will understand why. "The: fact is, from that day we were thrown back into a high sea; from then on area tor us aarlgatlon has been extreme ly difficult." Italy's Financial Throes . Held Caused by TJ. 8. The financial situation in the United States . so affected Italy, Mussolini asserted, that a ' sur plus of 05,000,000 lire had turned into a deficit of approxi mately 900.000.000 lire. "Such a deficit Is not grare, like a lost battle, like the ces sion of territory or t national catastrophe." he said. "It Is a thing . extremely serious, how ever, which imposes on the gor ernment the duty of converging all its attention upon a recor ery, and imposes on citizens, in cluding the senators, - the duty not to . put - forward continually demands , for new expenses for which we must find revenue- which signifies taxes." Passpor o" no Passport, He'll Have Fine Trip! NEW YORK, Dec. IS (AP)---A man of quick decision Is Rich ard P. Murray, president of the Murray Xntelope company of Chi cago. ' -;' . Murray boarded the Hamburg American liner New: York to . bid bon voyage to R. D. Cornell, also of Chicago., who said: "Why not come along, Dick?" Karray. re plying, said "I believe Twill,? and sailed without passport or bag gage.. Informed he- probably would not be permitted to land without the passport, he said' he would make the round trip, as he had wanted an ocean voyage for a lone time. . - .... ---, HUGH ROAD BUDGET ASKED SACRAMENTO, Dec. IS (AP) . The. California highway com mission', formally - recommended today a $$3,322,500 budget for all state road purposes and from all funds for the ensuing two fis cal years. . 1 ? ' ; Investigators found that .after dismissing; school the ' girl had swept the " floors' and 1 prepared the furnace for the night. She evidently was attacked as she went for coal. A coal scuttle was-fonnd beside her body. -. According; . to the , confession announced . by the prosecutor, Gann killed Mlsa Colter, who was teaching her first yec-, aft er a terrifle struggle. J Jones said the girl fought him and bit his thumb, then Gunn rushed at her with a-club, the prosecutor declared, and beat her, about the head. Marks of the girl's teeth were said still to be risible on the prisoner's hand, c . ' - Disabled Pleasure Boat, on Way to sea Takes 5 . Women to Death Fishing Party Tries to Help : But Frantic Woman 3 Capsizes Boat : SAN FRANCISCO. Dec IS r (AP) Fire women and a man were beUeved to bave drowned early tonight when their pleasure launch capsized at the entrance of Tomales bay, Marin county. .The boat overturned while Grant Gray, 21, and his brother Ornburn, 25, Dillon Beach, were trying- to get a line aboard. The Gray launch was also overturned as one of the women tried to climb aboard. The Grays reported they were fishing when occupants of a 14 foot launch began shooting; for help. 4 The launch's motor had gone dead and It was being car ried rapidly towards the Pacific ocean on a strong tide. Overturns Rescue Boat As She Climbs Into it . The Grays made three attempts to throw a line aboard the launch before it was grasped by one of the women. In her excitement she j tfmped overboard and was pulled to the: Gray boat. Her efforts to climb Into the Uttle rescue craft. capsized It. . A moment later a huge wave overturned the disabled launch. The Grays reported the last they - 3 (Turn to page 2, coL 2) Parole Rather Than Sentence Held Effective PORTLAND. Ore- Dec. 18.- (AP) The annual state ; meet ing of district attorneys opened here today. . John Baker, Hood River coun ty district attorney. In the prin cipal talk of the day said he ho llered In many eases parols of first offenders would do more -good than a sentence - to the re formatory . or to JalL He said he had tried the plan and found it successful. C. C. Proebstel, district attor ney of Umatilla county, said the "average district atorney : and the average sheriff is more com petent to sentence a man than the average circuit Judge".' He criticized the present parole sys tem, declaring that a man who has friends too often gets a pa role or pardon while the friend less ; man must . serve his sen tence. , . - . ' . - Mrs. Doyle Sure : Arthur's Spirit Is Near Earth CROWBOROUOH, Sussex, Eng land, Dec 18. (AP) Her pro found conviction the spirit of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is deliberate ly Ungerlng near earth in order to help those still living was ex pressed by Lay Doyie today. .This conviction, she said, was based on messages she herself had received from her dead husband. Saying; she had heard that in an article reporting; conversations through i Mrs. Eileen Garrett, a medlam, the . term "earthbound" was- used in connection with Sir Arthur, Lady Doyle declared Sir Arthur was "certainly not earth- bound." Goose Hangs Low , i In Germany Now BERLIN. Dec IS. - (AP) Installment buying has made pos sible a goose on nearly every Ger man table this Christmas, despite hard ' times. Many dealers" hare accepted payments equal to about 25 cents a week since early Octo ber. A Christmas goose means the same thing in Germany as turkey means in America. . , Forked Stick is Road to Heroism ST. RAPHAEL,' Franee," Dec IS (AP) In 54 B. C, Cessar's engineers gsre up hope of find ing water here Now Father Lam bert of Nice has shown the way with a forked stick and is the hero of the countryside Wells were dug and - water ' found in three places In carrying" out his instructions. 90 Per Cent of Normal Mailings ; : Farrars Report -' ' Salem" people' are purchasing only about SO per cent of the Christmas giru to send away that were bought In - the past " two years, according : to mailing of parcels now being handled at the local postorxicc: ' - ---- - "It isn't good news, but it Is a fact that the Christmas mailing is about eight or 10 per cent below last year.'" Postmaster John H. Farrar said yesterday. That is his observation on the mall that waa handled up to Thursday af ternoon. ' Mr. Farrar looks for the great est, tush of Christmas mail at the' office today, Saturday and Monday. While there hare been pretty good crowds at the post office every day this week, the business has not been up to that of a year ago. JAVA: 15 ARE DEAD Lava Stream, 200 Feet Wide, 70 High, Engulfs Citizens of Village BATAVTA. Java. Dec. 18 (API Fifteen persons died to day In the sudden and violent eruption of a volcano at'Merapi, Central Java, which had been ac tive for two weeks. Many ' surrounding villages were evacuated as a heavy stream of lava slowly filled the neigh boring valleys. The eruption was accompanied br loud rumblings which are in creasing' bnt it was beUeved the rain of asnes had suDsiaea. - The victims were engulfed by a lava stream 200 yards wide and 76 feet high whleh surprised them as they were , working near a Tillage fiTe mUes from the crater. The fiery wall, containing" mil lions of tons of red hot liquid, ad vanced so rapidly they were nn- able to escape alter they saw It. Volcano Horrible Sight ' Covered by Hugh Cloud Tonight the volcano was a ter rifying sight, It was covered by a huge - black cloud which, was stabbed from time to time by viv id flashes of lightning. - ' Merapi, a Javan volcano, in the Kedu district, was In violent erup tion ones before. Sept 14-17, 1S4S. . ' Eruptions are nothing new to Java, for the island contains within a small area as many as 49 great volcanic mountains, some of them dormant and extinct. The most famous Is Papandayang, whleh erupted with a great sud denness and violence In 1772. . Anne Goes up to High Court for Redress on Play WASHINGTON, Dec IS (AP) Abie's Irish Rose is going to hare ' a hearing before - the - su preme court but its run probab ly won't last as long as it did on Broadway. - - . Anne Nichols, author of the play, is preparing to. ask the eourt to review federal court decision that Universal Pictures corpora tion, Carl Laemmle and a few others did not infringe her copy right. .- - v ...... She charged their "Cohens and Kellys" was a complete "steal. piracy and infringement' of her play and sought damages and ac counting, but the lower court found the picture as based on two other ; plays : and ordered her to pay $10,000 counsel fees. i. Portland Banks To Give Bonuses PORTLAND, Ore, Dec IS. (AP) Officials of tire Portland banks announced - today . they would distribute cash bonuses to all their employes this week and next' The United States National and the Bank of California said their bonuses would equal half a month's , pay for : each employe. The others did not announce the amount they wonld give. - Bill Calls-for B New Road Work WASHINGTON"Dec 1 8 (AP) Federal aid on highways in In dian reservations .would' be au thorized by a blU introduced to day -by Representative Sinclair, republican, .North Dakota. The measure would empower the sec retary of agriculture to cooperate with the secretary of the' interior on the construction of roads, as sisting . with-: funds - allotted for road building. , . . - ram erupts in STUDENTS 1111 HELP TO 1 FIG GIFTS TO POOR Schools Observing - Season In Cheery but Unosten tatious Spirit . Grades Have Programs; Leslie Junior High has Fine Decorations v By GENEVIEVE MORGAN With Christmas vacations start ing in the local , schools at - the close of classes Tuesday after noon.' practically every buuding is making final preparations for some kind of holiday program. The vacation will extend until Monday morning. January 5. In all the schools, "white Christmas" is being observed by the students, who have concen trated their attention on gather ing food, clothing, vegetables. fruit and toys lor the needy ana unfortunate children of the city. In only a few of the schools will general assemblies be held. At the senior high school, a home- (Turn to page 2, col. 1) MADRID, Dec IS (AP) The strong hand of the Spanish government tonight was grad ually restoring; order throughout the country, torn by civil strife after Monday's abortive revolt In Madrid itself, it had suc ceeded completely and the city was going about its affairs as if there had been no such incident as I the brief rising at Cuatro Vientos airfield when rebel lead ers proclaimed the end of the monarchy and the establishment of a republic - This was also largely true . in the . big provincial centers where those general strikes which were proclaimed yesterday and Tues day had either ended or were pe tering -out.-'-. There was no report of fight ing anywhere in Spain during the day. . ----- With the return to normal life the country began counting' cas ualties of the disturbances of the last three days and found that 38 persons had died and 42 had been wounded, authorities ; em phasised that all the deaths and woundlngs took place in indus trial disputes and none In mili tary operations. Poincare Out of Danger; Deputies " Are Very Happy PARIS, Dec IS (AP) Pa- rlslan headlines which yesterday Informed the. city that Raymond Poincare was so seriously ill that he might die tonight announced that the wartime president was out of danger. V Even the chamber of deputies resolution expressed satisfaction at the former president's recov ery. - The paUents doctor, however. said. that the period of convales cence might be long and that it was doubtful that M. Poincare ever would be able to resume the activities which have filled his life thus far. . QUIET HIS III SPANISH CAPITOL Federal Reserve Banks i Repoit Abundant Cash 1 - WASHINGTON, Dee .18. (AP) Member banks of the Federal - Reserve system entered the Christmas season of increased demand for currency with . a smaller volume of " indebtedness to the reserve banks than at any time since IS 17. - The federal reserve - board made, this announcement - today in its monthlyrevlew and said the system was in an exception ally strong position to meet the demand. , . It reported a decrease in de mand tor reserve : bank . credit had reflected a slack demand for currency due in part to "the de crease in payroll disbursements by factories and to the continued decline In commodity prices." The board reported that chan One Queen Who - Rests Easier vicroKJ.- Quieter days as the week closes in Spain, brings ..relief to Queen Victoria, wife of Alfon so, and first coeKln of King- George of England. Miner Killer Of Partner, is Given 1-10 Years OROVILLE. Cat, Dec 18 (AP' Joe Stanley pleaded guil ty to a charge of manslaughter here today and was sentenced to serve from one to ten . years In San Quentin prison. He pleaded guilty to shooting and killing Bob Ika; his partner during a quarrel last Friday in their mountain cab in m the wild Bald Creek canyon section. Stanley and Ika were both re sidents of Medford. Ore. The shooting climaxed a.quar rel over whose turn it was to do the cooking, officers said. Stanley thought it was Ika's turn but the partner refused and the disagree ment flared Into a fatal fight. Poisoned Grain .. Solves Problem Of Dead Geese ' - MERCED, Cel., Dec 18. (AP) The mystery of the mur dered geese was solved today. . Hundreds of dead geese have been-found around Lake Yosem- lte, near, here, and investigation of. their stomachs revealed today they had been poisoned. The poison, it was determined. was set out by farmers, and oth ers to- exterminate rodents. The geese ate the grain and died. ' 9 KILLED IS Am CRASH BELLOWS FALLS, : Vermont. Dec 18. (AP) Two men were killed . and - a third waa injured as an airplane crashed into a field , beside the . Connecticut river near here this afternoon. The. dead were: Carlton Wright, Saxons River; Arnold Knowlton, Saxons River. . . ges in monetary gold have not been large during the period from July to November cither this year or on the average, for the preceding seven years. - 'When the two sources of reserve-bank funds are combined it appears that this year the in crease during the autumn' was $88,000,000 as compared with $232,000,000 on the 7-year ave rage," the report said. "This diminution in . the .growth is ac counted for In part by the de crease In : the seasonal demand for currency, which was only half as large this year as oil the average for the preceding years and in smaller part by a decrease of about $80,000,000 in the growth of member bank reserve balances. ' . v. : ; -v r j l- V' - - -v " - ' 1 -X . " - s - - if t 4h ' - ' ' ' I v ' - ' I ' ' i C; -t 'V- J 1 , -- ' - A 4. I $80,000 Loss Results In Downtown Fire -:.;-;''''IMtllisbt' Derby Building, Cor ner State and Front I Streets, Goes FIRE again struck Salent a hard blow last night causing a loss estimated at from $80,000 to $100,000. The stock and equipment of the Charles R. Archerd im plement company was Te stroyed with the exception of a few implements. The building, located at State and Front streets, was com pletely gutted. The freely expressed be lief was that the fire was of incendiary origin, as the night of December 5 another fire was discovered at about the same place and extin guished without much loss. The series of fires has served to alarm people, and the Archerd fire was taken by the crowd of several hun dred who viewed it as final proof that some fire-bug or pyromaniac is at work in the locality setting fires. The fire wss discovered at 8 10 p. m. in the mill portion of the structure. The Interior was ablase by the time the fire de partment got ..streams of water on the front, and had broken through the rear before hose was strung from that side. Fire Wall Probably Saves Nearby Building; Both ' pumpers . from the cen tral station were used, the north. taUon crew and equipment coming in for relief at central station. The blase broke through the roof and then advanced steadily along the npper struc ture of the brick. The building of the Capital City transfer ad jacent was threatened for a time, but a strong fire wall pre vented the blase from breaking through and while the roof did catch fire, this wss extinguished by the firemen. The stock of the Archerd Im plement company consisted ef farm Implements and Supplies, a large stock of machinery repairs, and on. the second floor and in the mill portion large quantities of .grain, clover seed and feed. Mr. Archerd estimated bis stock at from $$0,000 to $40,000, It Is a total loss save for the few pieces which volunteers removed from the building. Archerd said he was quite well covered by in surance. ' (Turn to page 2, col. 4) Oregon Briefs, e (By the Associated Press) ASTORIA The first Col am bin river imelt of the seitKen were brought to local markets today from Clatskaaie. , e ALBANY Sheriff Newton said today Rov Moreland. Hirnlrf ifnr. Ian, Bob Maxwell and Bob Mar tin Jiaa confessed to robberies in Linn and. Benton counties. BAKER Announcement ws made Wednesday George V.". Miller had resigned as rha! man of the Baker county repub lican central committee and as committeeman from precinct No. 2. . A meeting will be hlJ next week to name a successor. EUGENE James K. Pollr. 0. Lane county resident, was burned to death early Wednesday when his house caught tire. Neighbors who' hurried to the place were un able to enter the blazing struc ture. BAKER An item for gir'l for a county nurse was incla : 1 in the Baker county ha $ here Thursday. The total amount to be raised for t " budget by taxation Is f riT. 431.07, or $jt39l less ll.zi' last year. ASTORIA The countr eonrt announced today Clatsop 'a warrant Indebtedness now is 17: -883. the lowest elnra Anril. 131. The indebtedness a year ta v 1 1191,700, BMP'- -