KM . - i ' nnmin - : GROUP SOOfl TD MEET Rev. W. H. Robins of Salem To be Leader; Topic is "Friendship' HAZEL. GREEN. Dec. 17 The 150tn Quarterly conTenUon of the Hayesville Sunday school dis trict will be held at Kelzer school house December 2: Rer. W.- H. Robins of. the t First Baptist church of Salem will be the prin cipal speaker ; tor afternoon ses sion. The program will Include a number of special musical selec tions and a temperance address. The general theme Is 'Friend shop." Miss Alice Uassey'of Clear Lake will hare charge of the jun ior division of program. - The choir will meet at the Q. G. Looney's home Friday eye-ning- to practice for Christmas program ; to be siren ' December 21. 11 o'clock. Endearorcrs to Bleet The Christian Endeavor socie ty will not meet Sunday Decem ber 21. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dunnl gan Sr. started to Los Angeles on Wednesday morning for a two months' Tlsit with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stlteley. Mrs. Stlteley Is sister of Mr. Dunnigan. They are motoring. While south they will Yisit Rev. Francis Fisher of Pur ute, a former pastor here, and other friends who have moved tfom our community to near Los Angeles. ,( CROWD PLEASED Df PLAY AT HEISHTS SALEM HEIGHTS. Dec. 17 The Salem Heights dramatic club presented their play. "The Little Clodhopper" to a large audience Tuesday night. After the curtain rang down on: the third act a large number crowded back stage to congratulate the players, saying that they considered this presentation much better than that of a year ago. . The players In order of char acter were: Dr. D. D. Craig. E. E. Pruitt, Cleave W. Bartlett. Mrs. L. Reed Chambers. Mrs. D. D. Craig, Miss Berna Sautter and Mrs. Gladys Washburn. On account of other activities occurring elsewhere many were unable to attend the show and a demand has gone up for repeti tion of the play. Nothing has been decided in regard to this however, but it the play commit tee, a further urged ' a second presentation may . take place some time in January. A re quest has already been received from Jefferson that the play be presented there in the near future. Hanzen Looking Up Speech Data Henry Hansen, . Portland news paperman, who. it was reported, will act In an advisory capacity to Julius L. Meier, governor elects spent virtually all of Wed nesday, gathering statistical In-, formation in the a various state departments. ' It was said that much of this Information would be used by the governor-elect In preparing his message to the 193 1- legislature. It previously was reported that Hanzen would serve as executive secretary to GoTernor-elect Meier, but this was denied in Portland today.' Tn 03EG0N STATESMAN, Salen Oregcn. Thnrsday Mcralnsr, December 18, 1929 page seven o BACK IN HER MOTHER'S ARMS 1 t -T--'l- I - - I I . . Lillian Tonsky, 4, back tn the arms of her mother, Mrs. Jo sephine Tonsky.' after the tot was kidnaped and held for eight hours. ; The .girl, second to be kidnaped in Newark. N. J within a week, was located by police tn a nursing home. , Mrs. . Josephine Kinkowltz is said to have admitted kidnaping the girl to avenge herself on the mother. - ?, National Head of Baby Chick Group Present at Big Meeting in Portland By W. C. CONNER Editor. Northwest Poultry Journal 1 A lively and Interesting meet ing of the Oregon branch of the Baby Chick association was held at the Heathman hotel. Portland. December lfi, and there was prac tically fall attendance of the membership. The meeting was called to order at 10 a.m. by President C. N. Needham, of Sa lem and the minutes of the for mer annual meeting were read by Secretary-treasurer Lloyd A. Lee of Salem, and approved. The principal speaker at - the morning session were B. C. Young, president of the Interna tional Baby Chick association, of Belllngham, Wash., who discussed the various problems facing the hateherymen and poultrymen. In cluding the national campaign recently Inaugurated to increase the consumption of eggs and poultry products through exten sive advertising In the newspa pers.: magazines and by radio, the National Baby Chick association having already contributed $50, 000 to this fund to be matched by other national poultry and poultry auxiliary associations. Price Drop Explained Another prominent speaker was Reese V. Hicks, managing di rector of the International Baby Chick association, Kansas City, Mo., who explained In detail the causes of tne present crisis In the poultry industry resulting In the lowest priced eggs and other poultry products in years, one of these contributing factors being the importation of great ship ments of Chinese dried -egg pro ducts and he set forth the need of a higher tariff on this parti cular product used so extensively in bakeries and by candy mak ers of this country. Advertising Vital Need Another factor in the low price of poultry products, he said, is the lack of advertising and be stated so i many other breakfast food products and meat products are being so extensively advertis ed that the consumption of eggs and dressed fowls is becoming less and less, until now a near crisis exists, which requires some prompt and vigorous action to save the poultry Industry of the country, t It was stated that a Portland radio program recent lr included a talk br a well known dietltlon and this lady an 7 nounced: Now to all housewives listening In I will give a recipe for a very good cak that can be made by the use of only one egg." The Joke was that the Oregon Co-' operative Egg Selling association was conducting an expensive cam paign through the same radio sta tion to encourage the use of more eggs. It was stated that the av erage cake required 20 per cent of eggs In its Ingredients or 7 per cent of Its weight. It Is vari ous causes, as the one instance cited above, that Is reducing egg consumption. Banquet Is Served At 12 o'clock the meeting re cessed for the noon banquet at the Heathman hotel which was largely attended by the hatchery men and poultrymen. President Needham of the Baby Chick as sociation served as toastmaster and the principal speech was made by Mr. J. I. Taggart, of Cleveland, Ohio, who Is connect ed with a large Incubator manu fasturing company and who is also interested in the National Babr Chick association. He used larra rhnrtV tn nnflin tha mh- Jects of his address among which west of the Rocky Mountains read: "Would yon o Derate a larra factory without a selling and pub licity department!" "Give tha era- a proper place in the human di et." "To increase egg consump tion we must foster: 1st, quality products; 2nd. consumer educa tion; 2rd. research on food value of eggs; 4th, egg advertising cam paigns, similar to California's ci trus fruit advertising and milk products advertising." "Cooperate with chain and Independent gro ceries to feature eggs, as well as delicatessen stores, restaurants and soda fountains.. These were only a few of the import phases of the campaign to Increase egg consumption stressed by Mr. Tag gart. Mr. Toung and Mr. Hicks also delivered brief speeches. - New Officers Cboeem The annual election of officers resulted in the reelection of tha old officers for another year as follows: C N. Needham. Salem, president; Lloyd A. Lee. Salem, secretary-treasurer. Merle Moore, CorvalUs. vice president. ' The association then voted a donation of 110 0 from Its treas ury and from f 5 to $25 per mem ber, about $260 total to the na tional association to assist in the nation-wide advertising campaign to increase the consumption of 1 poultry products. - This action ! was followed by a general discus-! slon by the hateherymen of ques tions vital to the industry. It was alleged that many mills and feed dealers had not reduced their commercial poultry feed products at all in proportion to the general reduction and low price of cereals, and It was brought out that one of the large Oregon Poultrymens' associations had appointed a committee to dis cuss this lower feed question with the mills and feed dealers and un less some favorable assurance of cheaper poultry feeds Is forth coming the poultrymen will or ganise a cooperative feed buy ing and distributing association of their own, similar to that or ganized by the Washington State Cooperative Poultry association some years ago and which has saved Washington poultrymen hundreds of dollars. Some of the largest feed milling plants la the state of Washington are now op erated by the state cooperative poultry association. Prominent Men Speak Among the most prominent speakers at the afternoon ses sion was Fred H. Cockell, Mll waukle, Oregon; Ambrose Brow nell, president Pacific Coopera tive Poultry Producers, Milwau kee; Chas. E. Armstrong, Corval Us; Joe Russell, corvallis; Prof. A. O. Lunn, Oregon State college; Lloyd A- Lee, Salem and A. E. Leary, Woodburn. it was voted to hold a regional meeting of the Baby Chick association at Port land or San Francisco, subject to call of President Toung, sometime in Januarr or February. This will include all state associations ATLAS BOOK STORE Will be Open Evenings Until Christmas "Give a Book" GIFTS AND CHRISTMAS CARDS las doo 465 State Street k Store Salem, Oregon Several Hundred Pairs Women's 11 M sum Am. i 'X French and Cuban Heels, Values to $7.85, Special Mi SLIPPWSIJPPERS---SnPPERS' Women's Suede Soft Sole Bedroom Slippers, Reg. $2.00 Values; While They ; ; Last -- ) ; B IKHIBTO TO REM 1 E ROBERTS. Dec 17 Mrs. George Hlggins. who has been staying with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Parker In Salem for the past two months on account of the illness of her mother, fa of Falrvlew planning, to be at her home here after j Christmas, She win bring her parents out here to stay for a while so that she may care for her mother. , Albln Hsnningson underwent an operation for appendicitis Friday in Salem. He is getting along nicely. - Mr. and Mrs. Ora Martin of Sa lem were visitors Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Forest Edwards. - Mr. and Mrs; J. H. Crawford and Mr. and -"Mrs. Charles Rugglos of Liberty -visited their relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Blankenship Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lee per, Is abelle and Harold Lee per, Ken neth and Robert Karstens all of Salem were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Carpenter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie King spent -Sunday with Mrs. Alice Coolldge. Mrs. Charles Ekin went Satur day to Forest Grove to Tlsit rel-1 Medical, Miss atlves for a few days. From there the leader. she will go to Idaho and spend the winter with her mother, Mrs. A. Davis. HAZEL GREEN D. IT. The Leila Luckey chapter of the Otterbela Guild met Sunday af ternoon at Joseph. Cook's home. Misses Alice Hasel and Stella Cook were hostesses. The subject was "Missions In China. Evangelistic, Educational loia Luckey was TOILETRIES REMEDIES TOBACCOS CIGARETTES 184 N. Commercial From now until Xmas exceedingly low prices will prevail not only on gift merchandise but on almost every item in this store. YOU CAN GIVE MORE WHEN YOU TRADE AT BYRNES, INC. Cbffistaas 5c oc ioc jioc i5c enc 25c one Values aV DOZ. Values 40 DOZ. Values W DOZ. Values DOZ. ; 25 Steel die Embossed Christmas Cards (with envelopes) 19c CARDS Candies French Mix 25e lb. 2 lbs. 45c Old Fashioned Chocolates 10c lb. 2 lbs. 85c Satin Mix lte lb. S lbs. S5c Jelly Beans 15e lb. 2 lbe. 23c Quantity prices to churches, lodges Assorted Chacolaics 51b.HoUjrBox Fresh Oregon Made , 98c Hoabigant Toiletries SI Perfumes 79c $1.50 Bath Salts 89c 1.50 Floral Toilet Waters 98c $2 Fougere Royale Shaving . Sets 51.79 S3 Fougere Royale Shaving t Sets $2.79 $1.50 Dusting Powder $1.29 85c April Showers Toilet Water 79c $1 April Showers Dusting Powder and 25c Bath Salts all for 89c $1 Floral Set 2 cakes soap and toilet water all for 79c In Xmas Cartons TUXEDO 16 oz. Tins EDGEWORTH 16 oz. Tins EDGEWORTH 16 oz. Jars PRINCE ALBERT 16 oz. Tins VELVET RALEIGH PRINCE ALBERT 16 oz. 87c $1.19 $L47 95c $1.19 ' Manicure Sets ft.SO Cutex Boudoir Sets $3.19 fZ.SO Cntex Marquise Sets 2.10 $3 Glaso Set 9229 1 Kranks Nail Care 69e (Set of 5) Rally Parlams Paris 2 oz. Assorted Extracts 89c 8 oz. Assorted Toilet Waters 89c $1 Satan Extract 89c 2 oz. Nuit Bleue Extract $2.39 4 oz. Rhapsodie Extract $2.89 16 oz. Rhapsodie Toilet Water $5.29 32 oz. Rhapsodie Toilet Water $5.29 Yi oz. Adam and Eve Extract $1.29 2 oz. Adam and Eve Extract $2.89 8 oz. Adam and Eve Toilet Water $4.98 CiigairetttteG In Xmas Packages Camels. Chesterfields, Old Gold, Luckies Ctn. $1.19 Give Him FORXMAS i Van Dyck. Bankers, Corinas, -Websters, Anrelias, Chancellor and all other popular Brands lOc Cigars nJ 8 for' &DC Box f Q Aft SO for 0?U Wm. Penn, Cremos, Carabana, Websterettes and all other popu lar 5c brands for 25c SO for $1.90 An Christmas Wrapped. Coty Toiletries $1 Perfumes 73c $1 Face Powder 69c $1 Talcum 79c . 4 oz. Toilet Water $1.49 $1.50 Perfume Metal Case $1.39 $1 Dusting Powder 79c $5 Obelisk Bottle Perfume $2.93 $3 Manicure Set $2.39 $4 Manicure Set $3.39 t $1 Face Powder Compact with- 50c Refill all for 69c $2.50 Men's Shaving Set $2.19 Prophylactic Heir Brushes $1 Gift Sets 79c $L25 Gift Sets 98c $1.50 Gift Sets $1.29 Package Perfumes $1 Societe La France Assorted Extracts 49c $4.50 Carons Black Narcissus S3.89 $3.00 Carons Black ' Narcissus $2.69 . $1 Karess Perfume 89c $1 Fiancee Perfume 89e $1 Evening in Paris Perfume 89c Yardley Lavender Combinations $1.25 Gift Sets $1.19 $1.50 Gift Sets $1.39 $2.75 Gift Sets $2.49 $3 Gift Sets $2.79 $3.25 Gift Sets $2.98 $3.50 Gift Sets $3.19 $5 Gift Sets $4.39 J PRESENT THIS AD TO BYRNES, INC., AND RECEIVE WtfQG OUR GIFT TO YOU With each our chase of on 75c Box of a face powder made by Colgate to bring out all the natural beauty of the true skin tones Specially priced at .......... ...... ......... Snede or Leather 50c Jergen's Lotion ....29c 50c Melba Creams 23c 30c Bromo Quinine .... 18c 50c N. R. Tablets 33c 2 qt. Hot Water mt at Bottles, Pastel hvVUlO shades J)S guaranteed 25c Feenamint 19c 35c Papes Cold ..........27c $1.20 Sal Hepatica ....78c $1.50 Pctrolager ...98c $1 Evening in Paris Face Powder 79c $2 Evening in Paris Toilet Water $1.79 $1-Evening in Paris Bath Crystals 79c $1 Evening in Paris Bath Powder 79c $1 Evening in Paris Sachet 79c , 50c Evening in Paris Talcum 39t $2 Karess Face Powder $1.59 $1.50 Karess Bath Crystals $1.39 $1.50 Karess Dusting Powder $1.39 S2 Karess ToUet Water $1.79 5Qc.I?aDGG 25c Asst. Shapes,- Styles and Sizes. 51 Ovaltine ...........69c $1 Nujol 59c 51 Listerine ......63c 100 Aspirin, 5-grain ..35c 85c Kruschen Salts ....59c 85c Radox .59c 50c Diapepsin .. ..42c l ib. Montags Marie Louise Writing paper and 25 envel opes to match 65c Ponds Creams .39c 50c Frostilla ......33c $1 Lucky Tiger .....J.:.69c 51.25 Absorbine Jr. ....98c XHHHMHMiseHSBBMSBBMMeassnHseaseBBeHeHBBeei 51 Thermos Bottles 69c 50c Aqua Velva .....:..39c 85c Jad Salts ..............59c Shaving Sets 98c $1.25 Mennens Set 89c $1 Williams Set 79c . $1 Jergens Set 79c $1.50 4711 SeU $L39 S2 Colgate Sets $1.69 50c Pepsodent j........r..29c tvlUSO Palm OHt Set bars eoap Sbmrtng Creaas, lottom tale and sew Gillette ra zor with one blade " all for 50c Kolynos ...29c 50c Ipana ........29c 65c Vapo Rub ............49c - .i "SMBSeMMiSBeaBBBeMBMWSeSBSMeBMSeSeiBBBBBBW SI Milkweed Cream G9c HOLLYWOOD : ; a or - one on. )C Doz. OVC : Bou CLICQUOT 3 CT- Ont ft AO BoU Jit Doz. ?le7CJ Ijiree Jar ImAj Jean Beta Salt and Dstlng Pow derassorted ; ' i odor ChristBsaa ' Wrapper m 50clCI eenex 29c una v . 184 N, Commercial (Strings of 8) 69c (extra globes S for lCc) Sh We Reserve the Right to Reasonably Limit Quantities EIEE3EEMIEO (Q)(S ironLEirnnEc