The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 18, 1930, Page 6, Image 6

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    PAGE SIX TKe OHEGON STATESMAN. SaXen. Or. Thnrsdar Morning. December 18. 1933
111 POLK GO.
Radio Listeners Hear of Di-
verity in Program of
Dallas Chamber ,
DALLAS. Dec. 17 The fol
lowing article was part of tbe
.radio program siren orer station
KOAC, "Wednesday ereming. De
cember 17. describing tne various
resources and products of Polk
conaty. It was aien by Mrs.
Charles N. Bilyeu. secretary of tbo
chamber of. commerce In Dallas.
"la the past 25 years 41,000
acres of timber has been cut orer
In Polk county. Tbere now re
mains of Tlrfln and second
growth : timber. .185.000 acres
with an assessed valuation of $1,
200.000. Many small mills are
operated, but the largest single
plant at the present time Is that
of the Willamette Valley Lumber
company. In Dallas, with an an
nual payroll of $750,000 and 430
men employed; Palp chips, pulp
cants, lath, shin el es and ho? fuel
are shipped In addition to lumber.
"If you have ever had occasion
to observe a tall four legged ma
chine dodging around a mill yard,
- picking up and quickly transport
ing a huge pile of lumber, it is a
, hydraulic lumber carrier, Inyent-
wed and manufactured by Carl Ger
linger of the Dallas Machine and
Locomotive works, having a
world market. All types of work
is turned out by this plant-hav
ing a payroll of $90,000 annually.
Prune Industry Important
"Another important Industry
results from the 10,000 acres of
bearing prune trees in Polk
county which normally produce
15,000.000 pounds of fruit. The
. dried prunes are processed in the
three packing plants located la
Dallas, giving employment for
some three months of the year to
many persons at a cost of $60,
000.00. Much of the fruit is exT
ported to foreign markets, while
ome for the domestic trade la put
up In boxes of several sizes and
cellophane wrapped packages.
"Dallas has long been known as
the little city with the big pay
roll, averaging $1,250,000 annu
ally. This has not been affected
by conditions during the past
Come, now don't yon wlshil-ness. and other forms of mod
you were a kid t again back . In I en Christmas celebrations well
tne dayg when Santa Claus was I offer yon this on a lovely white
your incentive to wash your neck
and ears; and Christmas meant
the front parlor closed up for a
week, mysterious whisperings
among tbe grown-ups, sly Tain
peeking Into the. keyhole; dis
cipline relaxed, bedtime hoars
extended? And at last Christ
mas morning! . N t You hadn't
meant to go to sleep bat , yon
did! . And sneaking downstairs
in warm flannel "unmention
ables'" yon found well
new world!
V After all. Isn't Christmas based
on memories all tucked away
in a corner of your heart, so near
asbestos coated? Christmas
the new red freight tra.i a doll
with blondish curls. (She said
"Mama when punched gingerly
in the ' solar plexus) Christmas
dinner at granamotners wnen
you tried to taste everything
even to the last bite, and finally
gave in. defeated and groaning.
but happy!
Trr Christmas at home this
year If you have to rent a-home
for the day! For a souring
heart we give" you the old-fashioned
Christmas! '
Now after we've relieved our
minds of that grievance against
unintelligible menus of French-
School Children 1
Will Present
Christmas Show
llever little invitations have
been made by the pupils In our
local school inviting parents and
friends to the Christmas program
at the school house on Tuesday
afternoon, December 19.
Miss Florence Oddle who was
drawn on the grand Jury list last
November, will report for duty
on Thursday of this week.
There will be a week's Christ
mas vacation for the North How
ell grade pupils and teachers,
with school beginning again on
December 29.
A surprise birthday party was
given Saturday evening for Miss
Myrtle Kurre whose 13th birth
day It was.
Tho3e present Included Doris
RIckard, Evelyn and JsOis Coom-
Ier, Caroline and Dorothy Bump,
Luclle Waltman, Ellen Vinton,
Edna McPheeters, Celia Jeffer
son. Anton Woelke. Raymond
Jefferson, Dale Fuller, Stanley
Vinton, Ernest Pickens, John
Coomler, Clarence RIckard, Glen
RIckard, Carl Hasan, Edwin
Shubert, Wayne "Wiesner, War
ren McPheeters, : Merle Kurre,
Frances Kurre and the hostess.
Myrtle Kurre.
Refreshments were served by
Mrs. Kurre and at a late hour
tbe guests departed, wishing
Miss Myrtle many happy returns.
linen tablecloth. If yon pie
with slender red candles In clear
crystal sticks, and ; gleaming
silver, and low centerpiece at
English holly.
Christmas Kltchew Tricks
Color schemes at Christmas
are so easy to carry out greens
and reds there Are galore.
If yon ars .senring a frs
cocktail or a grapefruit on a bed
of rou can make te - tee
match your color -eeneme u yon
have any way to freese It your
self. Easy enough witn me
electric refrigerators. Color tna
water the desired tint with vege
table coloring used for candies
and cakes. These Uttie coiorea
ice cubes In cold beverages are
auite IndiridaaL
Soun is stimulating ana gives
tone" to a dinner. Because tbe
meal Is heavy the soup should
be a clear stock of bouillon.
Flavor counts. Bay-leaf, thyme,
pepeorns intelligently used lend
a "dash or tomorrow", to me
dish. Incidentally, it should, be
a crime punishable by law to
serve lukewarm "soup or coffee!
Slender toast , fingers but
tered bread sticks browned In
the oven and tied In a bundle
with red and green ribbons fit
well In with the scheme of
Fish may be served Just a
tidbit of salmon with a delicious
Salads may be either vege
table or fruit, depending upon .
the other courses. Polnsetta sal
ad is Attractive and good. Use
rather small tomatoes, one to a
person. Peel, cut in quarters or
eighths, but not flulU to the bot
tom. Lay em lettuce, open out.
cut -to center if necessary and
garnish the eentsr. Cheesa balls
or xrosea cheese, blrdseye onions
or mayonnaise may be need.
. Fruit salads are appropriate.
because of their tartness. We
concocted a different - dressing
the other night Just by experi
menting with cupboard content.
Whipped cream plus mayonnaise
and paprika was flat, so we ad
ded a, bit of vinegar from a bot
tle of id Icy gherkins. Wa think
you'd like it " .
At a rather exclusive tea room
the other night we had head let
tnM aaina witn a oreranr ox
whipped cream to which naa
been added salt, white pepper
and vinegar, and the whole dust
ed over with paprika, it was
most delicious.
The main course of Christmas
dinners is pretty well standard
ised by tradition. Not too many
starchy vegetables! Asparagus,
conliriower ana nexea onions ox
silvery green, buttered. peas.
flurry zaasnea j pouwws
Celery hearts, radish roses.
stuffed olives and chopped par
sley garnish the table and menu
as well.
Serve parkerhouse, napkin or
dinner rolls wkh dainty butter-
balls. They're so easily maae.
hane them as carrots witn a
sprig of parsley at the top.
Luscious golden pumpaun pie
under a cloud of whipped cream
and a roofing of chopped walnuts
or perhaps a little sliver of spicy
mince pie along side its partner.
pumpkin. Is, after all, the most
Chrlstmasy desserts ana iiuie
Individual plum puddings. Then
black coffee and cheery chatter
while tbe men smoke their
Christmas cigars.
For your Christmas dinner we
revise the old adage to read.
"Simplicity is the best policy."
And a great big merry Christ
mas to yon all!
Extra Agent to
. Work on Market
Problem Sought
' EUGENE, Ore., Dec. 17 (AP)
Further Investigation of- the
possibility of raising and market
ing more small fruits and vege
tables by Lane county farmers
was urged la a report by the mar
keting committee of the Lane
county agricultural council at
the annual meeting here yester
day. To help obtain tbe necessary
information a bill will be intro
duced at the next session of the
state legislature asking an appro
priation to permit hiring an assis
tant county agent who would
work with the state college on a
study of possible crops and markets.
Market Diig Store
At Special Prices This Week
Pens and Pencils
$1.25 2 Yr. guaranteed
Fountain Pen,
stylo point
$2.25 Ambassador Pens,
large size, ff C
in Color . 01. OD
$1.00 Conklin or 7 A
Durolite Pencils.. I 51 C
$1.00 Williams
mas Sets
for Men ;
$1.00 MeHriglo Gift Sets
Powder and QQn
Compacts' ;OeC
60c Bath Salts, 12 pack
ets to a 00
Box ... OVC
Brush, Comb and Bevel
Plata Mirror in Gift
box. Rose, Green and
Amber with inlaid gold
Regular $1.50 J
$2.75 Chests, with
brass trimmings and
full of Stationery
We still hare a large assortment of smaller toys and
games at reasonable prices and a good assortment of
Trucks, Busses, Diggers, Tractors and Wagons at 98c
and $L39.
'O Vv o
21 1 N. Commercial St.
A Home Owned Store
Phones 1371-1372
49 Pound sack of
Fischer's Flour
(Pride of the Waldo
6 Pounds of red
Mexican Beans
4 Pounds of
3 Pounds of
Powdered Sugar
" 2 Pounds of
2 Pounds of
3 Pounds of
Pop Corn
5 PohikLs of large
Italian Prunes
20 Pounds of
(fine for 'boiling or
1 Pint of Nalleya
2 Pounds of Hoody's
Peanut Butter
1 Pound of Calumet
Baking: Powder
19 c
3 Pound tin of
Crisco t
-fee heme that went
the best In cooking ,
1 Pound of
Superior Coffee
per pound
6 Pounds of fancy
Large can of S. & W.
: Pineapple
(12 slices in each can)
More women use this talanced" flour than any other.
4d 49-Pound Sack of PILLSBURY'S BLUE TOP FAMILY t -i
flour ...2.:-.- ..::....:. j. :.: ' UoiJ
FLOUR ... .......... .... ..;. vlLoJV
Domett Bros, J,wds-rW O. To. W-'"" lh CoaSt
Wot only large&i v" wvr --
7 Sjf y'i-7' ii . .'..............v.v..vj
The Burnett Jewelry Stores
are all operated on the the
ory that people are funda
mentally honest and pay
their bills ... And this, pol
icy has won the greatest Jewelry Business "on the
Pacific Coast and one of the largest in the United
States. Tonight we tell of "Gifts that Endure and
En-dear." They are all offered to you at the fairest
Cash Prices and you may take all you need and
pay after Christmas. There are no extras no in
terest no red tape. The opening of an account is
as simple and easy as we know how to make it.
Select your Gifts today Pay next year.
4 '
' - .. -
II for
i tit? ii - a iii hi it rt ii mi nr?
llnU u , ;
War Her WblU ko14 Norelty Rings In
liny set with dla- new styl aaounttnt.
moada. A wonderful Emeralds, Sapphirea,
value at Ametheysts and all
m thsrest
and tha balsaw af. Pay a dollar down
tar Christmas. $3 a and tha balaaea next
arsek. Tear a dollar week.
11 7 - nil hi
mm m. mbm. m ,m m m mm m mrT w w
ft 1 rm a III .' mi
- V . . .
SeUi Tluxnu UaoteA Clock
' mm '. ... with Westminster Chimes
rV featured at
" 039.50
. ')) 03rJ. : :' -r-: ATOrb for tbe homa. C.'y
Si ( Taka ona f or - ataZ.
11 nr..' 11 ; - .m. m .
ffjl . : '457 State St. I
' ., . . . . .'V; m
iv r
. ... V.'- AJ.
Elgin Dress Watch
with Katie and
chain to match all
Bulova, the Ambas
sador model for men.
Nationally advertised
Mn's Rings Signet
Blrtnstone, Initial,
and all tha new style
rings for men.
0E9.CO 037.5O 0EO.OO
Take tham for half a
dollar Pay aftet ,
Christaiaa a dollar a
Pay Ma down. Bal
sao nasi year a
dollar a week will do.
to 110. Par a dollar
down. Balance after
'Diamond est Wed
ding Rings ranging
m prlca from
depending on the
number of diamonds.
Pay dollar a week.
Here's the new Klgla
Strap Wstch for Men-
nationally advertised-
It has a metal wrist
band to match the case
Take ona for a dollar
Pay after Christmas a
dollar a week.
New "Step" Mountings
For Lovely Diamonds
Here Is the Gift that a Woman wm treasure
her life.
A blue-whlta Diamond of remarkable quality and
also In one of the new mountings as suggested la
tha sketch, and offered at a price that cannot be
matched outslda tha Burnett Orranlzatlon. t
Take one for a dollar blU
Hare's a dainty white
gold died wrist watch
with a flexible metal
band to match. A guar
anteed timekeeper for
Pay 50o down.. Pay the
balance after Christmas
a dollar a week. - -
A Diamond Set Sngaga.
mens temg at a surprla.
tagly low prtoe
exchanged for a
larger diamond Uter tt
desired and tha fu5
price allowed. Terma
a weak
Dresser Sets Tha cor.
rect gift for milady
and we show aU tha
new styles in lovely col.
era of PearlokL Many
are aet with eml-prt
doua atones. . Prloed
Pay after Christmas