The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 18, 1930, Page 2, Image 2

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Alfonso Appears to Have
Situation in Hand as
Troops get Busy
(Continued Croon pas L)
cessfol revolt would receive
i nothing heavier than prison sen
tences, ..: ' v v " '
, A. pretty story came out of the
palace today. Those who .were
close to fae kins daring the
nt teas days and night reveal
ed that bis advisers had a hard
, time preventing Alfonso Irom
'patting aside the weightier cares
of stale, donning a uniform and
taxing an active part tn tne open
warfare against the revolution
ists at Cuatro Vieatos airfield.
Only by pointing oat bis safety
was essential to the welfare of
thA klnrdnm WAK'th ahl 1a
.dissuade the , king from his de
termination. ,
"Inside Story Told '
Of Long-Tine riot frag
The -Inside story" ef the rer-
olutlon .was -revealed today in a
statement by Nice to Alcala Zam
ora, whom the revolutionists
proclaimed "president of the re
public" on Saturday. From his
rison cell he told how the plot
-bad began month ago and was
to have flowered In a general
Strike-1 to begin simultaneously
la all cities last Monday morn
ing, f
Two- tnings wrecked the pro-
: cram. The com man dan te of the
-garrison at Jaea lost his head
and began a mutiny three days
ahead of time, and dissension de
veloped among the plotters them
selves. J I i I
Alcala and bis associates, all of
whom are In prison, said they
were ready to take the conse
quences of their acts, whatever
they might be. .
cirrs budget is d;j
(Coo tinned tfm pac 11
levy providing $17,500 for im
provement work would be ade
quate. Utile Work Held
Kmfol on Street Repair 1
"We've built good bridges and
-no repairs are needed on them;
the corners on streets have been
rounded in needed places; we
have completed the repair of the
major street replacement jobs and
I don't feel we need so much
money In 1931 for this work,"
Paulus said.
I know there's the argument I
'that we should provide more work
but I do not believe we should
provide work which does aot ne
cessarily need to be done. After
all 1932. 133 and all years will
fcrlng demand for. as much work
as possible."
There Is some talk this week
that - the atreet repair fund was
being used as aMslush fund, its
revenues being dlrerted to other
outlet than those of street, cul
vert or-bridge repair as provided
Tor -under the charter. Investiga
tion of tb recorder's records
shows that the only sums diverted
vers S1000 appropriated at a re
lief to the overloaded and ssder
financed incinerator operated by
the city.
-Paulus holds that U Is
ytrZ I
Questionable it the city has legal
right to issue -the remaining
$104,000 ot $500,000 bonds auth
orised la 1st T. unless a consider'
able-amount ot the moneys re
ceived go tor the construction of
sewage disposal plant. He
wToints outt that th charter
amendment authorising the issn
ane of the bonds provides that
the construction ot a sewage dls-
gtosaT .plant -is one of the -objects
tor. which the bonds are Improved.
Paulns-holds that the expenditure
of all the 159.000 moneys with
out the erection of a sewage iis-
-posal . plant Is contrary to the
purpose for which the bonds were
suthorixed. -i-.
Health Unit Chaage
sore to d xaixeo
The sttr of increasing the
CliJ HWtm llU4fc. liuw fwvw w I
1860 Is sure to some up tonight.
Considerable support for the
change . has been evidenced thia
week and it U a fair prediction
that -the increase will pass.
One of -the trenchant reasons
Tor the -increase lies la the fact
that the county court is virtually
committed to such a change In its
4edget if the city council will
take the lead. If both levying
"bodies Increase their outlay-from
the-SCOeO mark to 18000 mark ot
a year ago, the Commonwealth
fund has announced that it would
put an extra $S00 during 1931
into the Salem work.
.Members of the T. M. C. A.
4oard of directors will meet to
day noon at the "T" for regular
meeting 'and to hear a report of
the national convention held a
month ago. 17. O. Dubach. dean
of Oregon State coUeg. and
Harry 8toae, secretary of the
Portland T. M. C. A will make
the reports. "
8SND tic tor "Elactrlcltr at Coat"
and ZS for "Stat Owawt Fvwtr
and 2 for "1I1S-IS Oieo StatUn
ilea" to Si. C. Fwklaad, Rm. 417, Cn.
of Cona, Lm Anaele CaL -
.... '
When Lord William
Astor Reft) visited Alfred E.
Smith tn he Empire Stat
Building, .h -reeailed - that, hie
grandCathei's 'farm -and -hie
father's mansion' were on the
DALLAS, Dec, 17 Dallas will
be represented' in basketball this
year by a ' team of Company L
Oregon national, guard. The team
this year will be composed of
former Dallas high players. Some
of these boys ar Paul Parsons,
Mike Voth, Frank KUever and
Robert Le- Fors. The team is man
aged this rear by Floyd McCann
of Dallas. The boys are looking
for some good games both here
and out of town.
The preliminaries for both out
of town and home games will be
played by the notorious Dallas
Polecats. This team has been in
action for several years but Is be
ing cut down every year by play
ers making the high school squad.
Only two former Polecats are
back this year but there is a pos
sibility of others coming - back
and the boys promise some good
battles as preliminaries.
Any team wishing to play the
Company L team should com
municate as soon as possible with
Floyd McCann, 202 Clay street,
Dallas or phone 1233 Dallas.
Teams wishing to play prelimin
aries for these games or at any
other time can either eommuni-
with Hr. McCann or with
Eugene Morrison, 403 Clay street,
uauas or puone If ss Dallas.
Clothing Sale
Set Today for
Help of Needy
Three girls, able and capable of
doing trained work such as gen
eral office work and house keep
ing work ar on the verge ot be
ing left without a roof over their
bead' u they no not find some
thiac to do within th next few
days. They are only, a few of
the eases -which are wn record at
quarters and-becVuse of them and
so maar lis them the plan was
hit neon by Mrs. Ma Carson to
assist ths folk to mak useful
articles at th association head
quarters. - With .the things made
a aal woald be held and the
money given to the workers.
The erUcles-have been and are
being made and the. first day of
the sale will start Thursday at
IS S. North Commercial atreet. and
34$ North Commercial street.
This sale is dlrecttx the result of
the project now being worked
out by the Associated Charities
to "help others help themselves."
These people do not want charity
they want honest work and this
is on, way to help them set It
las' f- rrrr
Mc!l7 DieS, W lie
-m m m mmm m
7C IVeaTIV 1 3KeH
In Odd Accident
PEORIA. D1-. Dec. 17. (AP)
Tfiami r. Motzei. 78. arose
from a folding bed tost night to
get a drink ot water. The ward-
rob part tell sharply. Instantly
killing him and pinning his wife
beneath so, securely that ahe was
unable to disengage herself un
til noon today, i
The first, report of the acci
dent did not com to th atten
tion of authorities until Mrs.
Metsel eaned for aid. ; Coroner
William XUlett and his assistant
released th man' body.
Mrs. Metsel ; had been impri
soned IS. hoars.
Boss of
Also Talfciug Comedy
Coming Friday
' "'
site ef the world's highest bolld
ang - The two. men are. shows
above irith the . plans of the
ktzge edifice that stands on the
former sits ef the old Astor
Dictator at
Rotary Chib
jXotarlanM were nicked about
$2.50: apieod yesterday noon in a
rust of ralllerr led bv Charles R.
Archerd. The total, soma $18$
will be turned over to local chari
ties to spread Christmas cheer.
Archerd was the Interlocutor who
made the extraction as painlessly
as possible, with C. P. Bishop as
"Jasper" to ring up the money on
the cash register. Past sins ot
omission and commission on the
part of various members were
brought up by Archerd to justify
the assessment, and back talk cost
anywhere from two-bits to a dol
lar extra.
The Rotary Christmas party is
an annual event, and is the Ro
tary special gift for those in need.
Special music was furnished for
the program and a little playlet
given by Girl Reserves of Leslie
junior high to promote sales of
Christmas seals.
Business houses are being
worked this week by la man from
Portland who Is soliciting in the
name of the Seventh Day Adven
tlst church.
He introduces himself as rep
resenting this church and bus
iness firms take it for granted. It
is the Salem chureh. Prominent
business houses in the city hsvs
contributed, as shown by the list
of the solicitor. '
According- to Rev. J. M. Com
er, pastor of th. Seventh Day Ad
ventlst church In Salem, this out
side solicitor has no connection
whatever with the Salem church.
Mr. Comer says th Salem Sev
enth Day . Adventist chureh has
n solicitors out, nor is there any
drive on for money.
The solicitor has- a paper
which he presents with reading
showing that he is asking lor
contributions for the Reformed
Seventh Day Adventist church.
There Is no such chureh la Sa
lem. Grain Lett From
Fire to be Made
Into Stock Feed
TURNER, Dec IT Tho Ore
gon Grain and Flour company
secured a crew ot men for work
as soon as the heat ot th early
Saturday 'morning, fir that de
stroyed their mill, would admit
and had an the grain that was
worth handling aacked to be
shipped fV Portland to be ground
for feed. An office and store
room was opened up In the H. L.
Earl old hardware store; R. Le
Theissen, the local manager an
nounces that they will be ready
to do job- grinding soon.
STORAGE will save
you money; while '
you are away And
oar safe warehouses
will save you useless
' fretting. Ask .us for
an estimate. : We are :
licensed piano movers
DALLAS. Dec 17. Fighting
a gams battle against their for
mer teammates the Dallas high
basketball sauad lost to the
alumni 41 to 15 her tonight,
Th high school Quintet held th
alumni fairly even the first half
and th half ended with th
alumni ahead only IS to 8.
k This was the first time Coach
Shreeve's boys have been In -action
this year and though they
took a had heating they showed
plenty of , fight. If the battle
they put up tonight Is any algn
as i to their futare conduct th
Dallas fans can expect a win
nlng team. Sh reeve Is. not sure
now what the starting lineup
will b Friday against RlckreaU
but h plans on taking the Rick
reall boys into camp.
In a preliminary gam th
freshmen girls won a surprising
victory over the sophomores;- by
a scors of 20 to 15. The fresh
men took, th - lead la th second
quarter and kept it th rest of
to. game. -
Dalle TOgn Alaaanl
Frack.........J.... Byron
Pemberton.....T... 5 Quiring
Forrette !..... C,... 4 LeFors
Webb 4. ...... O.. 17 Parsons
LeFors l...... a.. 10 Xllever
Lewis 1 3,. S Vaughn
Mlnmich ...... 8
Moses X 8
Referee. "Mike" Voth. ,
Espee Puts Two,
Added Crews at
Repair Job Here
Continuing its policy of carry
ing on all repair and new con
struction work possible, in order
to help relieve the unemployed,
th Southern Pacific railway has
put on two extra section crews
Plans call for lowering the
grade on the old Cherry City mill
track tn Trade street, between
Cottage and Church, which will
convert It into a so-called team
track, allowing auto trucks to
operate on this .space. The other
job is construction of a spur
from the Geer main line to the
engine room of the Oregon pack
ing company -at 14th and Mill
streets, to permit supply ot hog
fuel by the carload to the pack
ing plant.
512 Registered
For Jobs up to
Wednesday Night
Number of men who have reg
istered at the county courthouse
for employment under the state
highway department's emergency
employment program reached
612 at the close ot the day yes
terday. -
Despite the fact that men con
tinue to pour into th offices to
register for work, only two gangs.
thos sent out Monday morning,
hare been pat on the Jobs. Six
men wUl be sent out this mom
lag, and Friday morn in a a crew
ot ZS will be sent out. .
Th county conrt. assisted by
Iocs! charitable agencies, is busy
now segregating the registrations,
organising them in order of need.
The Newspapermen! club, with
headquarters in Portland and
capital stock of $109. yesterday
med articles in th state corpor
ation department. The incorpor
ators are Lester Adams, Fielding
Lemmon and Melrin Voorhles.
Portland newspapermen. Th
purpose of the dub, according to
tn articles, is to provide a meet
ing, place for all persons interest
ed in the art of writing.
PARIS, Dec. 17. (AP)
Frenchmen sighed in relief to
night, when a doctor's bulletin
Informed the country Raymond
Pointers was winning, his battle
against the seriotta illness which
yesterday caused fears for his
i !
A small payment in
stalls the ideal si(t...aa
Electric Range!
SHE wUl certainly arise
mod recognize you at
the head of the bouse
If you nave a modern
INGHOUS3 Electric
Range, installed for
Christmas 1 And how
she will enjoy it every
'. day in tlxe year for
: many years to come
And how you will etv
': Joy the delicious things
.hell lore to cook on
" - it! May we explain?
Only $5 down
Electric T company
The Call
Th Qsiaore
Today Charles Far-
re 11 in "Liliom with which
is being co-featured th "Boy
Scouts Jamboree .at Birken-
head, England." Both pie-
tsres being sponsored by lo
cal Boy Scouts.
Bllgn's Capitol
TodayDorothy Mackalll
In "The Office Wife."
The Hollywood
Today Alexander Gray In
"No, No. Nanette,"
Friday Richard Arlen in
Sea God."
The- Grand .
Today Bebe Daniels in
"Lawful larceny."
Friday George O'Brien In
"Last of the Dunnes'
An interesting story, a plot
that mores Quite smoothly, rath
er more than the ordinary
amount of tension for a love
story, - and - with the acting or
Dorothy Mackalll . and Lwis
Stone "The Office Wife" now
playing at Bligh's Capitol makes
an interesting , nour or amuse
ment. .
There are wise- carcks which
must be shady from the amount
and volume of masculine laugh
ter that rose Wednesday after
noon; aside from that they
seemed innocent enough so If
you 'are dumb you need not suf
Lewis Stone does finished
work . and most sincere. One
wonders at times If It be acting
or a genuine bit of life that on
is watching, as Stone goes
through first one scene after an
other first with Dorothy Mack
alll and then with Natalie Moor
head. Dorothy Mackalll does
some superior work a bit out of
her usual appearance.
This afternoon the Elalnore
will open a new show "LlliOm"
and with it will be co-featured
the Boy Scouts Jamboree at
Birkenhead, England, in the re
cent international melting held
The show at the Elslnore for
today and Friday la being spon
sored by the local Boy Scouts
and their share ot the proceeds
will be used in furthering the
work of the Scouts in Salem.
Both shows promise to be ex
cellent feature pictures of an un
usual character.
Reno Students
In Turmoil Over
Coach's Tenure
RENO, NevTDec IT, (AP)
Resignation of Coach George W.
Phnbrook as football mentor at
th University of Nevada today
had thrown the student body into
threatened turmoil as members ot
the grid squad indicated they
would demand a student body
vote on a proposal to offer Phil
brook a more attractive proposi
Pallbrook tendered his resigna
tion when a committee named by '
Jack T. walther. . student presi
dent and center of this year's grid 1
team, failed to agree upon otter
ing him anything more than a
one-year contract at no increase
in salary.
A MilUoa Wive Hav I
Asked This QaesUoat
What goes m la th
office after aoarsT
Tai r 1 Kin
liere For Saturday Only
Added Official
1930 Pendleton Rtrand-TJp
Next Saturday Kita
I and I
f rr
Th Walt Memorial fountain,
which 1 customarily hibernates In
winter. saTing Its colored beauty
for summer time. Is to be pressed
into bm Sunday to Wednesday of
next week to add Its share In aa
Illumlna ted Christmas xor a
lem. Kach'evening from 7:S0 to
8:30 p.m. the fountain will play.
Crowds r. expected from jt he
cltr as well as from surrounding
districts to watch the display.
Th ass of the fountain will be
only on of th mean adopted by
th Ad club to make Salem beau
tiful at Christmas time.
Already the Cherrun tree on
th courthouse lawn has been
decorated with many coiorea
lights as has the Ad crab tree on
th ststehouse grounds.
According to Kdwin Thomas.
secretary ot th club, there were
never more entries in the nome-
decorstion contest than this year.
Entries will be xiosed after Sat
urday. -
Mrs. Dan J. Fry, Sr.. who for
two years has won the -grand prize
by the fin decorative features at
bar home, has announced that she
will not compete this year tor an
award but will nevertheless dec
orate her home more attractively
than ever before. The Fry home
is. on North High street.
Th city' has been divided into
four district for the illumination
contest and a total of eight prizes
are offered in each district. The
four areas are: First: north of
Court and west of Capitol streets;
second: north of Court and east
of Capitol streets: third: south
ot Court end west of Twelfth
street; fourth: south of Court snd
east of Twelfth streets.
Fannie J. Ingram died at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Nina
D. Loron, one mile east of Wa
conda, Tuesday evening, Decem
ber 1C, aged 84 years, 10 months.
23 days; mother of Mrs. Loron of
Waconda, Mrs. Ethel Sheddrick of
Tulsa, Okla., and Mrs. Sally C.
source or
eanae a evsat
th wrls
us. Hemorrhoids
aad other evidences of Rectal and
Cttoa disorders may be looked te
as the cause of most nervous dis
eases, rheumatism, stomach
troabW, scfatlca. mnis. etc. Only
sach direct, specialised treatment as
the Dean Clinic affords caa bring
BvmaseatrcUet OurFRES book
let explains oar
saetbod et weatm
rV A
amjktko or rices
I ScarTus,aN rANctaca
Jt9r AxgUgs
Cmmmr" Frifftdairo
liars Is th beautiful sterling
silver medallion or "Medal 0
Hoaor" chat mttuced to the
cabinet of alt gift FrigJdalres this
Oristsass, at a6 extra charge;
This medsfflon may be engraved
srkk th nam of the sbrsoaat
wrlA bofhher nam wad yours.
etves casei to
ad las he aW
vai nifcner of Warrensburr. Mo.:
Iba anrrived by one brother and
on 'sister, of Oxford, Ind., eight
grandchildren and on great
grandchild. Remains in care ot
Terwllllger Funeral Home. Fn
services Thursday. Decern
her II. at 1 P. m. from th Ter
wllllger Funeral Home, Rev. P.
w. Kriksen officiating. Interment
Pioneer cemetery, near Brooks.
Vesta D. Wood died In Tulare,
Cal., December. 11, aged 38 years;
wife of Harry J. Wood; mother
or Harry J.. Jr.: daughter of T.
W. Cutsforth. Salem: sister of Mrs.
Ethel Chambers. Aubrey and Dal
Cutsforth. all ot Hogeland, Monu.
Airs. Msude Pointer ot Salem, Airs.
Dora Brosius of Lskeriew. ana
Orville Cutsforth of Lexington.
Funeral services Thursday, De
cember 18. at 3 p. m. from the
chapel of W. T. Rigdon and Son,
Rev. D. J. Giunaers oi monnor
officiating. Interment. City view
Blanche Hutchinson, formerly
of Bt7 North Front street, atea
in this city, December 11. agea
19 years, 10 months; daughter oi
Mr. and -Mrs. Guy R. Hutchinson
ot Albany and sister of Guy Inr-
lnsr- ot Albany. Funeral service
Thursday; December 18, 1:30
p. m. -from- th chapel t w. t.
Rigdon and Son, Rev. B. Earle
Parker- officiating. Interment Bel
crest Memorial park.
Salemites go to
W. W. Chadwlck. W. E. ''Han
son. F. A. Doerfler and C. E.
Wilson attended a masting Wed
nesday evening at'Newberg ot
the Willamette Valley Water
Way association. This is the as
sociation that hopes in time to
secure from congress appropria
tions to dredge and erect dsms
- s
-; also:."'' j .
Taken at Birkenhead, England
This Program is
Worth While to
nff jbwbU
XI20 Mt3dxa of noncr Wrl&Zslro
Aristocrat of Christmas Gllta
Now Is the time for all good men to come to the aI4
of their wives and their mothers. This year, let's gire
them something that sbou how much we lore therm
Just consider a moment. The money you'd probably
spend on the usual Christmas knick-knacks is plenty
to put a Frigidalre In your homo. And what a gift
$bmt Is. A gift that lasts a constant Source of enjoy
mentan erer-ready reminder of your thoughtful
ntsu TThat more could anyone hope to receive?,
XThat more can anyone give?
This Ouistmas, Prigldalre prices are lower than
theyVe erer been before. And as ssTspedal Christmas
gift toywr, well agree to accept small monthly pay
ments on any model you selectj
Why not call at our Display Room and make yocr
election shht while we can grill guarantee deliTere
In time for Christmas
in th Willamette river south of
Salem whereby freight service
may be maintained by ba.ges
from Salem to Eugene.
O'Brien in Jail;
Bail Set at $1000;
Loses in Chase
Arthur O'Brien, 22, waived
preliminary - hearing ' aad was
bound over to the grand Jury
yesterday in Justice court on a
larceny count. -Bail was placed at
14500 and O'Brien, unable to
furnish it, was lodged In the
county Jail-
Early Wednesday morning
O'Brien was nabbed when he at
temnted to evade local police
men' in a dash made in the north
part of the city. He Is accused of
th robbery of a service station
on Center and 17th streets. Only
IS cents was taken.
Local . members ot th DeMo.
lay will enjoy a line-party to
night at the Hollywood theatre.
20 couples . planning to attend.
A dance will be held at Grebe's
after the theatre party.
Because the Dollar Sign
- caught your eye.
By the same token the
purchase of "Scrip", the
Ideal Gift for Christmas,
will catch your eye, and
will save you' money,
eaJM Books S2.23
$3.00 Books S4.50
$10.00 Books $0.00
Ask at Box Office
Attend the Kin o'clock Show
aad remain as oar gwest fori
the Preview Show.
W Court
237 N. liberty, Salem, Ore.
Telephone SOS