PAGE EIGHT The OREGON STATESMAN, Salcnu Oregon, Sunday Morning. December 14, 1930 S ocie ty N ews aticl Glufc Aff airs :Olive M. Doax, Society Editor t Silverton Club Plans Christmas Party "Silverton A splendid Chrlst- nai nrorram has been planned , i. Mnnitir lfternooa at - 2:30 for the December meeting of the - SllTtrton Woman club wnicn will be held at the social rooms r h MAthodiat church. Mrs. Helen Comstock, Tice president f the organisation, will preside .r thA mctlnc. Following me program tea will be serred by " tka fniiowtnc committee: Mrs. Mrs. Warren' Crabtree, Mr Charles Dans, an. a. c Mrs. V. Day, and Mrs. Comstock t The afternoon's -program con sists 01 two carois sans "j c embers, led by Mrs. Vernon Day and with Mrs. Charles Darts at the slano: a Tocal daet. Mrs. T, U. Powell and Mrs. G. B. TUntinn violin solo. Mrs. Swlfl ; paper on the .Christmas tree situation In Ore ton. Mrs. James Mannlnc; Tocal solo, Mrs. Airm Lgard; a talk on peace. Mrs. George Hnbbs; "The Prayer of Peace." a rocal solo, Mrs. Vern on Day, ... "fecotts MllU A surprise birthday, party was given Mr. and, Mrs. John rias weanesaay Tenlnr at their home. The eve ning was spent - In playing pro gressiva "500". . Mrs. B. I Schmidt receiving high score prize and Reuben De-Jardln the booby prise. At a Iste hour re- present were Mr. and Mrs. John Plas, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Schmitd, Mr. ' and Mrs. Henry Wellman, Mr. and Mrs. - Louie Schaecher, Mr. and Mrs. Renben DeJardln, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Biersack, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. - Klnser. Mrs. John Bartnlk. MUs - Theresa Bartnlk, Miss Grace Smith, Albert Hettwer, Dale and Glenn Maaee and Rich ard Kenman. r- Mill City Clubs at Gates hare been active during the past week. Mrs. Lenn Young was hostess to the members of the birthday club Saturday at the club room, with card as the diversion of the af ternoon. Wednesday evening Mrs Lou Kelle was hostess to the members of the same club with the hus band as additional guest. Cards were again the diversion, with several tables in play during the evening. Thursday afternoon members of the Improvement club met fori a business and social time. This was a no-host meeting and the plans for the annual party of the clnb 1 SOCIAL CALENDAR f ....... , Monday, December 15 Salem Music Teachers meeting, studio of Miss Lena 'Selle Tartars " American Legion auxiliary meeting; Miller's hall; business meeting. . Stated Communication. White Shrine of Jerusalem, potluck supper, o'clock. J ' -f t Hal Hlbbard auxiliary,' United Spanish War Vet-' ersns banquet for husbands and families; veterans room of armory, : 30 o'clock. ' . . '., Sigma xa chapter or Delphlans. 1 o'clock; audi torium of city library. - " - " - ! Tuesday, December 16 , . ' Writers 'section of "Salem ArU league, Willamette Lodge, 256 North CapitoL American War Mothers, social and Christmas par ty, American Lutheran church; each member brine 10 cent toy or non-perishable- food to be gift to Salvation Army. - - Salem W. C. T."U. 2 o'clock. Union hall. Ferry and South Commercial streets; Mr. Mary Tulkerson. to be speaker at 3 o'clock. Bring: donation for Children s farm home, i .. Business and Professional Women, dinner meet ing, trJfl o'cloclii Gray Belle. ' - .. - " ' Wednesday, December 17 '.put '-Noble Grand association,. Christmas party at home of Miss Eugenia Siegmnnd. $ Lee street, 8; 00 o'clock. . J . ",',. - v ' ' ' ; . -Regular buslnets and social meeting. South Circle, ' First Christian church. Mr. Otto Headrick, 1705 South Commercial street. Election of officers at 11 a clock, luncheon at 12 o'clock. ' - Mr. W. F. Shank, 1550 South Liberty treet, hos tess to Woman's Foreign Missionary society of Leslie Memorial church. - Thursday, December 18 Salem Teacher party, Parrish Junior high school, 8 o'clock. White Elephant party. .. .. - ... United Artisans, Capitol Assembly No. -o'clock dinner; followed by Christmas tree, Fraternal UmPNorth Salem W. C. T. U.. 2 o'clock. J. church; Rev. Hugh Fouke. Jr. to speak on "Internation al Relations." Friday, December 19 Annual Christmas party. Past Matrons association, Mrs. Ida Godfrey. . M Mrs. L. C. Hockett. hostess for members of Jason Lee West Side circle of Ladles Aid work committee; 2 o'clock. on Saturday evening occupied a great deal of the time. The plans include card and a cafeteria lunch, with the numbers for the two quilts to be drawn at that time as an added attraction. On Monday evening of next week the members of this same club will be host to a modern health cooking lecture and dem onstration at the club rooms. Clear Lake The Ladles Im provement society has changed the date of its super and bazaar from Thursdays December 18 to Friday evening, December 19. The club will hold Its next meeting Wednesday at 10 o'clock. The Woman' Missionary so ciety will meet at the home of Mrs. Theo Stolk. Thursday, De cember 18, at 2 o'clock. Legion Auxiliary Plans Christmas Members of the American Le gion will meet Monday at Mil ler's hall to complete plan for the Christmas work the organ ization 1 doing this year. Plan for-the Wednesday night boxing match which the auxiliary Is sponsoring will especially . be considered. The result of the boxing match will go directly for welfare work during , Christmas holidays. - Mrs. Alexander McGee will be hostess,, Friday night at her home to ' the member of the committee in charge of the Christmas-party to be given chil dren under the care of the aux iliary Saturday night in Miller's halL . Final arrangement will be .made for the party at that time. -;: e Aaronu Many pre holiday social affairs are scheduled for this - week' calendar. Mrs. George Ehlen and Mrs. James Ogle were hostesses - for a bridge luncheon at the home .of Mrs. Ehlen - Tuesday. Gay touches suggesting the approach of the holiday .were in evidence. Six table, of bridge were la play during the afternoon. Those scoring were Mrs. Strickland. Mrs. Frank Miller, and Mrs. Ar thur Kraus. Attending were Mrs. George Tergen, Mrs. Ar thur Keu, Mrs. B. W. Stoner. Mrs. Diana. Snyder, Mrs. A. I Strickland, Mrs. Norman Tergen. Mr. Zeno Schwab, Mrs. Aurella Powers, Mrs. J. W. Sadler, Mr. Frank McAllister, Mrs. Andrew Miller, Miss Georgia Kraus, Mrs. Frank Miller, Mrs. John Craus, Mrs. P. O. Ottoway, Mrs. A. W. Kraus, Mrs, John Klster, Mrs. Loran Glesy, Mrs. B. F. Giesy, Mrs. Chester Gllbreath. Mrs. F. M. Ferguson, Mrs. E. E. Bradtl. Mrs. U. Eiler, and Mrs. Charles Eiler. An enjoyable affair of Wed nesday erening was the surprise party lor which Mrs. Pearl Pat terson was hostess at her home in compliment to her husband on his birthday anniversary. Cards, unn ma conversation were me I riiveratrm At tha annlnv THnV and white formed 'the color motif for the lunch served. Thirty pink candles lighted the birthday cake. Mrs. Charles Russell and Mr. C. C. Russell assisted the hostess in serving. Club members pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Allyn Ma son. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Kasom, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Felton, all of Waco n da; - Mr. and Mr. Charles Russell of .Hubbard. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Russell of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. C. C Russell of South Bottom, Ray Patterson and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pat terson. ' , - Sllrerton Mrs. M. O. Gunder son was. elected president of Trin ity Dorcas society at it Tues day night meeting held at Trin ity church social rooms. Other officers chosen were vice-president. Mrs. L. M. Larson; secre tary; Mrs. Otto Legard; treasur er. Miss Then Jensen; assistant treasurer. Miss Marie Tingle stad; penny-march treasurer. Mrs. Thomks Le. Mrs. Henry Storlie Is the out going president. . A - repreeentatlTe number of members were out Tuesday night and following the business meet ing, the hostesses. Mrs. Jelmar Refsland and Miss Ann Hatte berg. served lunch during which a social hour wa enjoyed. . Grand Island The regular meeting- of. the Mothers circle met Wednesday, afternoon at the home of Mr. Arka Lawrence. Twelve ladies were present, eight regular members, two new mem bers Joined. Mrs. Charles Nelson and Mrs George Asher and two visitors. Mrs. Holgue and Mrs. George Antrum. Dainty refresh ments were served by the hostess. assisted by her mother, Mrs. An trum.'' ' There will be a special in formal meeting of the club Fri day erening December 19; at the home of Mrs Maude Tompkins. - Zena. A birthday dinner was given at the home of Mr. -and Mrs. Clarence Merrick of Zena Sunday celebrating the anniver sary of Mrs. Clarence Merrick. and Mrs. Bertha Wade of Sheri dan. Guests for the event were Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ridgeway of Bellevue, Miss Eva Wade and Hugh James, both of Sheridan, Mr. and' Mrs. Clarence Merrick and two- children, Audrey and Chester. Sunday afternoon call era at the Merrick home were Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Merrick and three children, Naomi, Norman and Infant daughter of Lincoln. . Mrs. Wells Baum was compli mented with bridge afternoon Saturday for which Mrs. William Busick and Mrs. Jerald Bach strand were hostesses at the Bu sick home. Christmas formed the festive decorative note for the guest rooms where following bridge tea was served. - Standard Bearers elected offi cers In a recent meeting at the home of their leader, Mrs. A. A. Lee. Miss Esther Cook is presi dent; Gladys Taylor, vice presi dent; Fern Colwell, recording se cretary; Betty Parker, corres ponding secretary; Marie Llppold, O- Additional Society on Sec. 1 , Page 6-7- treasurer Edwyna Broadbent, pi anist; Faye Colwell, mite box se cretary; Esther McMlnlmee. effi ciency secretary. Refreshments were served at the elose.of the meeting by Mrs. Lee assisted by Esther Cook and Betty Parker. . Silverton. " -The Trypbena girls enjoyed a pleasant evening when they ' met at the home of Miss . Ora Larson, for their De cember meeting. The wlme was spent in' sewing f gingham dogs and calico eats" for the I. O. O F. -children' home. Mis Lar son, assisted by Miss Lethav Ca vendar. served lunch at a late hour.' Present were Emma Adamson, Zelma King, Lois Riches, ' Ruth Lorenzon, Helvie Silver, Clara Larson. Letha Cavendar . and Miss Larson.. The next meeting will be held the second Monday night in Jan uary at the lodge club room with Miss Clara Larson as hostess. Grand Island A happy group of neighbor slipped in . and sur prised Mr. and Mrs Charles E. Nelson with a, .welcome .party Monday-evening. At the close of a pleasant evening spent together. dainty, refreshments-were served ir. ana : Mrs... Neison : . nave re cently moved-from Salem,' .-r ' Miss Ka therm Goulet i among the arly. arrivals hame from col lege to spend the Christmas holi days. Miss Goulet Is a student In the San Mateo Junior college, at Burllngame, Cal. . Silverton. The Wednesday afternoon bridge club met with Mrs.- James Homngsworth on Grant street Wednesday after noon. . This party completed the an tumn series ana scores were counted up. Each of the mem bers brings a gift of the same value and the winner of the high score has the privilege of choosing her gift from - those brought. Mrs. Rholln . Cooley held the high . score for the series. RIckreall die Aid were delightfully enter tained at the Black Bird inn oy Mr. George Piel and Mr. Arthur- Beaver Wednesday after noon. During the Business uwu report from the bazaar commit tees were heard. The RIckreall ladles voted to affiliate with the third district Federation oi wo man's clubs. A cash prize of 12. 50 was offered the grade school room selling the most Red i i . . . . . ui.- kibu voiea to neip in prwimms the Christmas treat at the local Sunday school. Qulnaby Mrs. L. J. Massey, Mis -Alice Massey and Robert Massey were dinner guests -at the home of Collas and Art Mas sey of Fayettrltle. Independence The U-Go-I-Go club met at the home of Mrs. El mer Busby Friday afternoon. The afternoon was spent in conversation and fancy work. The next meeting will be a Christmas party and will be at toe home I Mrs. Blal on next Friday. . At this YOU ARE READING THIS LITTLE AD $ Because the Dollar Sign caaght yoor eye. By the same token the purchase of "Scrip", the Ideal Gift for Christmas, will catch your eye, and will save yoa money. I I Books 92.25 93.00 Books 4 .50 f 10.00 Books $9.00 Ask at Box Office BLIGH'S CAPITOL THE ELSIXORE meeting the members will ex change gift. Tnis will oe toe last meeting of the year. At the close of the 'afternoon a dainty lunch was served. , Hayesville Mr. and Mrs. ir P. Rose and children - of Salem were guests at the R. L. Phillips home Saturday evening. : Hayesville rMlss Hazel Moran of Salem vras a dinner guest at the Charles Reed home Thursday evening: - Finest Toric Read ing Lens 495 TORIC Eyeglass Intra raace and thor ough examination. Included. V . " M'ly.'i ..v7 i Ask r; About My I Roofless ! : Plate I FalseTeeth $15.00 ret rule Come and see my samples and let me prove to you that I will make you a plate for $15.00. All work done in my own laboratory. Free Painless Extractions of Teeth When : plates are Ordered . 20. Buys the' Famous Double Suction Plate with Gold Pin Teeth. It takes two hands to pry my plates loose. Crown and Brid&rework as low as $5.00 Fillings as low as $1.00 WHEN YOU THINK: OF TEETH THINK OF 9' DR. C. A. Look for the Blue Sign SOS STATE STREET, SALEM 1 1 Ladies House . Ladies Leather Mens' Sox ' ' Slippers-andMules HandBags WoolSilk and Lysle House slippers in all styles, regu larly sold up to $7.50 Imported mules, broken lines but exceptional styles.1 Formerly sold from $10.00 to $15.00. iWe will close out the entire line at ' . r ' ' ' ! two prices $2.95 and $4.95 ,We have been fortunate in buying a sample line of high grade bags to sell at an opportune time these bags selling regularly at from $5.00 to $10.00. We are making two prices for quick sale an $7.95 A 1 a rr Special prices. on fitted bags, gladstones and overnight bags. Regular 50c, 75c and $1.00 Values These are traveling men's sam ples, bought at a big discount and placed on sale at about one-half their actual value. All sizes, 9 to 12, at one price s ... . . ..." s 1 -r -v - U' 3 pairs ; t r as - t-. - m m .'"in -m . mm mw i s I - ; ,. . . , v j . .