The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 06, 1930, Page 5, Image 5

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    ! ,- .1.
The OREGON STATESMAN, Salcia, Oregon, Scaday Morning, December 7, 1930
1 IMews Briefs
, lifts Canvas; Not Man Charles
Tree land of Portland, while driv
- ins south on the Pacific high war
sear here" Satnroax morning." hit
a roll ot canvas carried oyer the
: back of a man. he reported to toe
- sheriff. He was passing ears com
bing toward him, and hit a rat In
. the road which swerved the car
, slightly toward the nan walking
. along the road. The man was not
: hit at an. - ..;. v ; .. .
Dollar dinner every night 6:4S
i, to I at the Marion hotel. " y
'- Cbolr Make Trip Mem hers of
the Calvary Baptist church choir
were in Oregon City Friday night
' to nresent the cantata "Belshax
xar.M- before -the Baptist hurcb
: there. About 42 persons made the
. trip. Following the program., the
. entire choir was treated to a. light
? luncheon : br . . the Oregon , City
. church . group. A; large crowd
heard tne concert. ..- ,
"1 ninit filim Crash - Frank-K.
' Nones, route . failed to stop at
the stop sign at tne corner 01 nia
. and State streets," according tod
'j report to the police. H tried to
' use his brakes, but they were ho
good and he crashed into the car
' ot John Mlelke, 175 State street.
' The accident happened at 3) p. m.
Saturday. ' '
" - An excellent Christmas - grit.
Give each member of your family
.' one Vf The Statesman "Accident In
surance Policies, c Inquire at the
) Statesman office for particulars.
From Oakdale Mrs. Lepra Ste
Tens, teacher of - the Oakdale
- school, was a Saturday caller at
the office ot the county school
superintendent. Mrs Stevens re-
ports considerable interest among
- her pupils in a geography, project
J which' sh la i lust j periling, ,tpr
tthflee' efsths nTadn) t-ti-'.
'"'cwrVcotosioB 2-fhed Ml'M.
Caplan, 99S North Church street,
backed from the eurb near the
corner of High and Chemeketa
streets at 1:30 Saturday after-
. noon, he collided with the car
driTen by J. B. Edmund. 3409
North 4th street, it was reported
to police. '
See rental list Becke Is Hen
dricks on classified page,-also la
office window. 189 N. High.
Curb Accident When Kenneth
Morris. 2015 SUM street, backed
from his parking place on North
High street Saturday morning at
9 o'clock, he smashed into and
dented the fender of the car own
ed by O. J. Hull, 441 North High
street, according to police reports.
Returns From Eugene Mrs.
JL C. Bohrnstedt has returned
-from Eugene, where ahe has been
spending a week with her son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
"""H. Earle Pemberton. Pembertpn
Is on the faculty at the state uni
versity. - t " . '
i, - - ---.
ntersection Crash Involved In
an interseetioa , collision at the
corner ot Trade and High streets
at 12:50 Friday, were Mr. Rock
and Thelma I. Coffer. 1020 Lila
road, both Ot Salem, -say police
records. 1
A Christmas gift that will
reach the receiver 313 days in the
year. Give a year's subscription
to The Oregon Statesman. Call
800 for rates.
Recovered Auto Officer Miller
- recovered an automobile, number
32-135, on South Commercial
street in the 200 block Saturday
: morning at 3 o'clock, according
' to city, authorities. :- -
Htolen Car Gus erdreck. 777
Northr Cottage street, reported to
. police Saturday that his Oakland
roadster license 25-544, had been
stolen within the past 48 hours.
Mrs. ii. E. Clark. Spiritualistic
minister and medium, will hold a
circle at her home Sunday night
" at 7:30. 631 Union, phone 2975.
All welcome.
' ' Get your scratch pads at the
Capitol lty Bindery.
Chimney Fire A chimney fire
at -030 State street caused an
alarm to be turned in at 10:40
p. m., Friday.
Powers in Town W. R. Pow
ers, teacher at the Gates school,
was in the city Saturday from his
home at Hayesville.
Where to
Dine Today
Gray Belle, 449 State Street
Special dinner 80c. '
Gray Belle dinner 75c.
Dollar Dinner DeLuxe roast
turkey, steak or grilled half
V spring chicken.
Gray Belle Silver Grille -.
Dollar Dinner De Luxe
.- Special Concert
I to 9 p. m. No cover charge.
For Dinner This Evening.
Special Sunday dinner 31.00 at
' The Marlon Hotel today.
Special Roast Turkey "
Dinner The Spa. -
Hotel Argo Dining Room
Special Turkey Dinner' today
60& - ; - '
rurkey Dinner, OOe
Argola Cafe, all day.
Special Prices ;
December . 6 To 13 '
E. L. Welch t Electric
; Shop ;
"' 1015 8. Commercial St. ,
. Decorative Lighting Sets
Electric Wiring-Fixtures-'i
. j fl Supplies '
- Estimates Furnished. -Phone
2561BL .' r
Awarded Custody Judge L.
H. McMahan of the circuit court
has ' signed order temporarily,
awarding care and eustody of two
minor children of Charles R. and
Minnie E. Moore to Mrs. Moore,
who has Instituted divorce pro
eeedings against htm. Defendant
is restrained - from interfering
with the plaintiff and minor chil
dren, and is also , ordered to de
liver to plaintiff an automobile
and to pay 50 support money for
the children nntii further order.
i College Conference Invita
tions ;wer sent by Dr. .-- F. 0.
Franklin, 'Willamette librarian
and secretary ot the independent
college conference to the members
of the colleges to a meeting to be
held' on Linfleld campus Decem
ber 13. AH faculty members and
one - member of the student body
were i invited. Members - of the
conference are Albany,' Eugene
Bible. Linfleld. Pacific college,
Padfie. university. Reed and Wil
lamette university i . .
Have enough" lnsnrance Night
and day Hmee Autos House
hold goods or "what hare you?1?
phon Becke ft Hendricks and be
protected. Phone 111. Office 18 1
North HIgh.jtreeLrV "
Salem Poets Recognised Prof.
C. P. Camblalre of Willamette
university and Mrs. F. G. Frank
lfn. wife ef Willamette's llbrsxiah
will have poema in Henry. Harri
son's: new book, -"Grub Street
Book of Verse." Mary Alethea
Woodward of Portland is the only
other; Oregon contributor.. , Her
poems ' often appear in the ' Ore
gonian. Dr. cainblaire's poem is
concerning The Dollar," while
Mrs. Franklin relates the "Lost
Bird Song." '
Mn -Hobart Riggings - has ac
cepted ti rpQaitloa jwju the. it w
Monarch) Cirocery 4U fCourt iS,tl.
wiKrt iB wm ne -pieaeeaiie meet
his old customers and friends.
WUlamette Salaries . Old do
cuments came to light recently
that showed that the , president
of the university received, some
time between 18C1 and 1S70 the
am of 50O a year salary. The
records were sent to President C.
O. Doney by Fred Lockley. Port
land writer, who is Interested In
early Oregon history. . Salaries
were , paid quarterly.
J. William Belcher, tenor, of
Portland, Oregon, Teacher of
Voice. Will be in Salem Thurs
day of each week. " Will accept
limited number of pupils. For in
formation call 2714. Mr. Belcher
is director of music at the Leslie
Memorial church of this city.
Firms Consolidate Two au
tomotive .concerns were combines
last week when Knewles top and
body shop formerly located at 272
North High street consolidated
with the Hains top and body' shop
at 207 'South .Commercial street.
The firm name will be Hains Top
and Body shop. - v
'iJLfehSavittg Corps The Jun
ior boys' life saving corps had its
regular- practice Saturday after
noon. Ten practice hours are re
quired before they take their tests
for certificates and badges for
life saving. Next Saturday will
start the examinations.
Christmas, piano sale at Tall
man's Piano store, 398 S. 12th.
" Appointed ' Administratrix
Doris Woodburn has been ap-,
pointed administratrix . of the.
SSS9K fat of Rattle fiiwrcr.
There are three heirs, Roy Bnr-',
ton. jesse (jampoeu ana v. .w.
Sawyer are apprlsers. , - i ;
Speeder Arrested ' Harvey
Sharer, 498 North Commercial
street, -was arrested -by Officer
Charlton for speeding, - Saturday
morning, at 12:18 o'clock. He was
cited to appear at 2 p.m Satur
day.: ......
An encouragement to early
Christmas shopping is the annual
2 for the price ot 1 sale now in
tail ; swing at Mack's. '296 N.
Compton Conralescins Louis
Compton. former physical di
rector, and penitentiary warden,
is convalescing in the TJ. S. Veter
ans ! hospital In Tuscon, Arizona,
from tubercular trouble.
Attachment Made Certificate
of attachment made in the ease of
Marie Stenkamp vs. Chas. and
Jennie O. White has . been filed
with the county clerk. r
Case Dismissed Order of dis
missal has been entered in the
case of General Tire and Rubber
company ys- Z. J. Ray, doing busi
ness as the Ray Tire company.- ;
Ray M. Walts,! M.XD., expeclal
attention to obstetrics, gynecol
ogy and surgery, 904 First Natl
Bank. ; '
Bastness Volleyball The busi
ness men's class in volleyball of
Salem T. M. C A. Journeys to Cor
vallls. Friday night, to- play the
faculty team of O. S- C. - .
j Fresh Meats :
A Choice Selection in a
. Sweet Sanitary Ultra
i Cold Display Case by
at ;
, Your Iiocal Grocer "
1275 N. Charch, Phone 817
j Floor Sanders
I to Rent "
OB 2103, Used Furaltnre
-: r. Department
, State Toxr Sacocea More than
17,000 people saw tha agricul
tural exhibit to Oregon State col
lege which toured the state dur
ing the summer through the help
of - ths Oregon Electric and- affil
iated lines. Kenneth a Miller,
agricultural and livestock agent
for the eompany, said, when on a
visit hero this week, that the tour
might not bo repeated until 1232
althourh the interest of visitors
this season was marked. f -
Services Gfrea ' Church an
nouncement of the Court strjeet
Christian chnrch was inadvent
ently omitted from - tho church
page of The Statesman Saturday
morning. Rer.- B. Fv Shoemaker
reports he will preach this morn
ing en ..The Second Command
ment and at .7:20 o'clock to
night on VA-Great Revival, How
and Why ' Other regular serr
ives will be held. : ' v -
- ri '.U
.Mr. Iyan Browm has accepted a
position with the new Monarch
Grocery 477 Court St where he
will - bo pleased to 'meet, his old
customers and friends. ;. ;
' Toong Bryant Honored Mor
ris Bryant, son. of Mr. and Mrs.
A. ' N. Bryant, SCO North Cottage
street, had been notified . of' his
selection for - membership in the
league -of Curtis salesmen, honor
organlaztion ot the Curtis Pub
lishing company. His admittance
to this organisation -depends
upon regular school attendance
and a record of efficient service
to eustomers. J .
- Demurrer Filed Sarah Wil
met, one of the defendants, in
case of Henry Wllquet vs. J. P.
Wihiuet as administrator . of the
estate of Mary Gregolre, and oth
ers,' has tiled demurrer to second
amended - complaint of plaintiff,
averring that the complaint falls
to state cause of suit in favor of
plaintiff against her.
Wanted 1000 Christmas trees
has -exchanged a farm near Min
neapolis, - Minn., for' a 40-acre
ranch in Benton county,- in the
Alsea country. The deal was
handled by A. C. Bohrnstedt.
Greer purchased a 10-acre tract
south of town a few months ago,
and will continue to reside there.
Inventory Made In the mat
ter of guardianship of Glen
Powell Eoff, a minor.' appraise
ment has been made at 0930 by
Carl T. Pope, Svea Okerberg and
Ivan O. Martin. Report of sale
of real property, of which, the
estate consists, has been made
by Beulah P. Eoff. guardian. W.
C. Wlnslow purchased the prop
erty. Now Is . the time to check up
on .your insurance, needs, and
place it with the Oregon Mutual
Fire Ins. Co.. of McMInnvllle.
Standley & Foley, agents. . Phone
Chemeketaas to Hike Che
meketans will enjoy a short hike
over . the " hills this afternoon.
Gathering, at the TJ M. C. A. at
1:30 they will go first to the W.
M. Hamilton homo on Fairmont
hill, and .from there hike along
the ridge to the E. M. Hoffnell
country place where a Christmas
party will be enjoyed about two
o'clock. v "
Able -to be out Miss Estelle
Kaylor, clerk In the money order
department at the postoffice
who submitted to a major opera
tion a month ago, paid a visit to
the postoffice for the first-time
the . end of the week. While she
is much improved, she, will not
be able o work for some time.
From McMlnnviHe Mr. and
Mrs; Royal Mumf ord and email
daughter of McMlnnviHe were In
Salem Saturday. - Both Mr. and
Mrs. Mumf ord are graduates of
Willamette university. ; . For the
past three years Mumford has
been science instructor at the Mc
MInnvllle. Junior high school.
.Examination Given Civil
service examination for federal
agent was held at the postoffice
Saturday. r -
De nison
Robert Keese Denison, three-months-old
son ot Mr. and Mrs.
Edwin K. Denison of West Salem,
died December 5 at the residence,
916 Gaines street. Funeral serv
ices Monday at 1:20 o'clock at
the W. T. RIgdon chapel. iev. W.
Earl Cochran officiating. Inter
ment Lee Mission cemetery.' .
A Park Cemetery .
with perpetual care
JTnst tent mlnates from the
heart of town i
V Oty View Cemetery :
Established 183 Tel. 12Cd
Conveniently Accessible"
. Perpetual care provided tor
. Prices Reasonable
Omx SarriM Is 7monl
. Ow riium Art ImniMi
Ow Hew ta Mlwi -
Clotigh-Barrick Co.
. rboees 12S-Chnrch at Ferry Si
: Tax Determined Inheritance
tax in the estate of August Ney
febauer has been determined at
$22.41 on the $7,414.12 which is
divided equally among the two
sisters and two brothers. Final
hearing on the estate has been
set. tor January S.
. Administrator Named Bar
ry W.. Croniso has been appoint
ed administrator of the estate ot
Nellie M. Cronlse. Probable value
of the estate Is $3500. Apprais
al wfU bo made bj George C.
Will. Mark 8. Skiff and Carl D.
Gabrlelson. - ' :'"'-?
u' Cox ' to CltrSherman . Cox.
Portlander with the Mutual Ben
efit Sa rings tt Loan society, was
in the 'city for a short time on
business Thursday. ;v.
' Z: Chemawa - Basketball . The
regular T team beat the Chemawa-basketball
team' to a tuna
of 41 to 10, Friday night at the
TVM. a;jur,...;..-;
" College Basketball Tho Cap
itol - Business eollego played - the
Evangelical- chnrch ot Portland
In basketball, last night at t : 1 8
o'clock at tho local Y .
Citizenship Class The'regu
lar ciUxenshlp class of the "Y"
was postponed from last night un
tl IMonday night. It will be on
Mondays until further notice.
Willamette Sign A new met
al sign wiU be swung soon- from
the pWards in front of Eaton hal-l
on' tho local campus. - The word
"Willamette" will bo on the sign.
One License Issued Marriage
license was - issued -here late Sat
urday afternoon to Francis E.
Wldnes and Agnes Gustafson,
both of Corvallls..
From StaytoB H. E. Toble,
principal of tho Stayton school,
was a business visitor in tho city
Goes to Portland Mrs. Helen
Parker is spending ths weekend
I Tilting rejatfires In Portland. - j
New York State
And Oregon Keep
Population Pace
Interesting current facts about
various states as compared with
Oregon are contained in the cur
rent number of the chamber of
commerce bulletin.- - t
Oregon's population increase in
the past 10 years kept almost an
even pace with New York state,
the latter gaining 21.2 per cent
In the last decade while Oregon
went up 21.2 per cent in the last
ten years.
Cleveland, Ohio, has popula
tion slightly smaller than the pop
nlatlo not the -entire state of Ore
gon. In Cleveland are 900,240
people while in Oregon the popu
lation according to 1920 figures
Is 959,780.
Oregon and Wyoming, the bul
letin reports, are virtually the
same alio in area. Oregon has
9S.6S9 square miles -and Wyom
ing 97,914 square miles. ' . . ',
KEIZER, Dee. 5 The east for
the -home talent play to be given
sometime next week is having
their, nightly rehearsal. The play
is a light comedy entitled "Ex
cuse Me," and Is being coached
by Mrs. Eva Kelso, . teacher ot
fifth and sixth grades in Kelier.
Trie persistent and increas
ing demand for Schaefer's
Throat and Lung Balsam
and Schaefer's Cold Tab?
lets is ample testimony to
their high quality and ef
fectiveness. Tney are Im
portant articles in your
medicine cabinet to stop
that cough that keeps you
(and everyone else) awake
or to break up a cold at its
Get a package now
.- " at "
SchaeferVDrug Store
The Original Yellow Front
and , Candy Special Store of
' . Salem.
Phone 107 135 X. Com! St.
: Penslar Agency '-
1200 ROOMS
Al rooan ore outside, g
Al room ksve, ServioW
Al soosm kevw Orcubtisfl
opposm pinna; station
Archer d Loss in
Fire Not Known;
Some Seed-Hurt
r A fire caused unknown dam
as; la the building: occupied by
the Areherd Implement company.
2ie State street. - when a Cre
broke out there Friday night at
7:30 o'clock. The blase started
in ths spaco beneath ths stairway-
and : ucked its way upward,
chairing- woodwork and burning
sacks of seed.
: Damsges of the conflagration
art unknown since some ot the
seed was wet br water, thrown
upon, the fire by the fire depart
ment.: Some of it was spilled on.
the floor when it burst through
the burned sacks. It is estimated
that nearly a carload of seed was
damaged. - - .; . ? 4
One of the machines used for
operating on clover seed was dam
aged ' considerably by the Ore.
Some of the timber in the stair
case and underthe floors will have
to bo replaced, according to offi
cials, sines' it is charred through!
a half -inch of wood. y v - : j
:--' f , . ,J, " ?!
New Service to t I
China by Radio i
Ready for Use
A new direct radio service be
tween San Francisco and Shang
hai was'otflclally opened Saturday
by the RCA and Western Union,
reports Erie Butler, manager of
the Western Union office here.
This service eliminates several
relays formerly necessary and ex
pedites services at no added cost.
Mr. Butler also announces that
a new night letter and weekend
letter service has been Inaugur
ated to Venezuela with the excep
tion of Port Lamar, with rates as
follows; night letter, 25 words.
2t.SAand 18 .cents for additional
KQrdsv weekend letterlHS words,
s3i?B. and 15 cents al4f Mdltion
ai word.
A reduction of, 10 cents per
word on full rate and five cents
per word on half rate service has
also been made to the following
i Announcement ,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Wilcox, new proprietors
of the
i Argola Cafe
222) North Commercial
street, invito and will ap
preciate your patronage. x
Turkey Dinners
a Specialty .
17 EE. I
Low as $10.00 per ton
Warehouse Fire
OREGON. Bishop Oothlnsr and Woolen Mills Store
- ..... . : . . ,
. - . i ' - -
1- : Q A I 17 I 1
J. I A II A o
places: Guadeloupe. Martinique,
Salutes, Marie G slants and places
la French Guinea.
Payne, McMahan
In Accident on
South Highway
A sedan car driven by J. R.
Payne, 1C4S South Cottage street,
Salem, was struck and driven, into
a ditch alongside the Pacific high
way about 2 o'clock Friday morn
ing when Judge I H. McMahan,
driving a car attempting to pass
Payne, slde-wlpped the latter's
automobile. . . .
..Payne's ear rolled on its side
and was ,. considerably damaged,
while Payne, sole occupant.-was
bruised, hut not seriously hurt. :
The . accident, according . to
Payne; occurred four miles north
of Jefferson. .- Both -. men were
driving to Albany.- Payne claims
he was driving 20 miles an hour
when the Judge attempted to pass
him. . -. - - .
again we call
'.!-. .i ' . at , : , ..tJ-s .
'k ij ti ii
Itlfili'i yit
everything going
lit t-j i . - "I
m i r. J - .. -
Still Coming
During tho 40 years of continual business in. Salem, ft has
always beem in tho mind of tho proprietors 'that the store
had some responsibility In the civic development of the com
munity, and has cooperated to the extent of many thousands
of dollars during; this time, every time, that ft has bees call
Vd oa. Had no seed to wait for Instructions from Hew York
or San Francisco.
Every Pair of Women's Slippers
in the Store on Sale -
A Timely Event for Christmas
;-roggTSasS3S5o '
: . ,-. SK09fi . , . .7:.: .
Filial Check is
Given on Policy
W. W. Wlene. S89 Trade street,
Saturday received a check for fin
al settlement on his Statesman ac
cident insurance policy. Mr. Wis
her was Injured when struck by
an automobile at liberty and
Marlon streets August 17. His
investment of 11 In the States
man policy paid him $108.57.
Claims totaling over $2500 have
been paid to statesman subscrib
ers on their ,$1 policies.
More than i 27,000.000 brooms
were produced In 'the United
States last year. ; " ,
Dt. Cfcaa Xsa CM--sM-staitaM.
Itlta.' OIOM san
vsry- SaaSay 8:90
U SSS bjb. asftag
Us .BMatas at J
aa4 Jan. ' ,
your attention; to
before Christmas
to $15
L . -.r,. ... .-' . . " -:
! Christmas
Piano Salt
rprtrhtaCrs nda Wsrwrs
rtuces WEitr neves
VF m nhr la aell .
m w ,
lm assortment at new and
ssed pUntts regardless ef .
profKs, ft snakes ae sffer
enos hew Utile yen. want te
pay. we have a piano that wCl
easiest kind ef nsoBthly pay
snents. ; . ,. . ., ,
At a' record
low prist .
truly a re-.
markab 1
You may trade in your old In
strument or what hT you of.
value, as Oown payment, start
paying In January. -,-
Br all means
dont miss
this won-"
Oerful - ot
rlns. .. -v
f 0 win msx T1UAL
Wi safeguard your purchase If
after SO days you are not sat
isfied wltn piano you select,
we will sxebanc st no coat to
you. ' -1 '
Nation si 1 y
st a n d a rd
nut, bet.
tr be hers
to secure It.
Five geed practice, going at
$65, $75, 185, $95, $110
Saper Specials
We have the most attractive
pianos at $125, flit te 1175.
Namereas ether lovely toned
pianos, new and slightly used,
are being sacrificed at IMS
,te S22S red acton from their
ntanufaetured values.
New Is the time te buy
Easy Tt rim Smashing
. Redactions
Open Evenings
Piano Store
395 S. 12th Sty Salem
f7 H