The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 05, 1930, Page 7, Image 7

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Tha QltEGON STATECIIAIT, Calsa, Ortrca, Friiay Hernia Decernr P, 1S33
Committee From ML' Angel
Council Hears Carver
MT. ANGEL. Dec 4. Plant tor
a municipal power, system which
he irOBMM In hnfM fnr tha lfw
of ML Ansel were-explained by
Steohen Carrer of Portland. nrnU
cent ot the Oregon Light. Power
and Irrirfcttnn' nmnan-r tn a arv-
, clal committee pt the city coun
cil Tuesday. : - ... -
Csrrar. who alraif fca.
dama built on the Abtqua and
Butt creek, wanlil ltnlM
houses, transmission lines, etc.
ana. men tarn the whole system
oyer to the city at a stipulated
No action will be taken until
the committee goes thoroughly
Into the feasibility of the nrniast
after which they will report back
to the council.
v 'Carrer, who also has filings on
the Molalla and Clackamas rinn
Is. working on a plan to divert the
Water Of tha. Ahlnn tn ln4nA
between 209(1 and 8000 acres ot
rich farm land near Mt. AngeL
If present plans go through the
ditch will be constructed in time
to deliver water during the dry
months In 1931.
Bite For Breakfast J !
! (Continued from- page 4)
that ot perhaps all the past cen
turies. When the history ot our
time Is really properly written,
It will be no longer an enumera
tion ot the battles and lore af
fairs of kings. The account of
the World war will be told only
aa an Incident from the economic
viewpoint with ita effects upon
the progress and civilization , of
m worio. jsver since the begln-
wi 4 iime, engineers have
opened new paths and new
meana for increasing the -com-fort
and happiness of. the world.
The difference between savagery
and clvlllxation. between- Ignor
ance and enlightment. has large
ly, resulted from, improvements in
communication - and transporta
tion. Tnese came first, and The
A ear driven hv Mn oid of
Mill City hit a power,, pole some-
wbotb ; Between stayton and
Lyons' causing a broken circuit.
Mrs. Olds car was somewhat
the worse bv strikinr tha nola.
but fortunately the lady was not
aaru ;
many other ' marralous dereloik-
menu-ot oar times culckly followed.
- Now the most humble citizen
live with more comfort end
sare for the "better thing u Ufa
man in tings or the olden days
with almost an army ot slave
for servants, it is estimated that
every person in the United States
has the mechanical equivalent of
more than one hundred servants
at nla or her command. Of course
it is popular to complain ot the
service and cost; but it has al
ways been 'the custom: to com
plain of our servants. The supply
of the- prime requirements ot
food, clothing and shelter are af
forded quickly and conveniently.
The other necessities, as we know
them, that were once unknown
luxuries, are at our instant com
mand by touching a button, turn
ing faucet, taking down a re
ceiver and the thousand and on
meana , of directly or , indirectly
calling the present day mechani
cal slaves to provide oar needs.
Personally, while my ambitions
are far from satisfied, I am glad
to have had a small part in the
progress made, principally in the
water works field, which next to
pure air is the most essential re
quisite of modern life. -
Car Hits Pole
Puts Town and
Country Dark
k LYONS, Dec 4. The town
and surrounding country was in
darkness tor about three quar
ters of an hour Monday evening.
Buy What You Need
Pay As You Go
skiiii? niis 'irs
Women's Wear
Salem, Oregon
Extreme reductions now prevail on all Coats and Dresses
.Every Coat and every Dress is now marked at Big
Savings The Winter's newest styles are included in this
Department-wide Reduction Shop early for first selec
tion and complete size range
$14.95 COATS
now ;
$19.95 COATS
$24.95 COATS
- NOW !
. 1 - I N
llll I
:' ' fW. SA ' "
,88 M K r'
- .i"
-v frw .At ra-rt 111
siif a n . n ua i i
. $88
W&m & m
t-ZJS H. Iitrty St. ! . STOIffi . .. ; SiL-3. On.
, .. " i
All 57.45 Dresses
'All $9.45 Dresses
Every size to fit ev
ery woman is here in
a profusion of pretty
new styles every
one" from New York'
foremost stylists.
In January Emmons will introduco to the people of
Salem tho most revolutionary clothing value of tho
past 15 years. We must, in preparation, dispose of
every cult and overcoat now in stock. We do so in a
storewldo I
inning 9 a. wL Friday 9 1 BeCo Mh
For the First Time We Now Offer Our Own Stock of
Quality Oregon City Suits and Coats at Sale Prices!
Eur eomplett stock of fins auality Orsfron
Lty suits. Thrtt low crici that will set a
new standard of sals valus. Remember thes
r hand tailored suits of 100 pins "virgin
wool, styled to ths minute, in s complets
assortment of worsteds, casslmere and
Pxtra Pants Availahle with
Every Oregon City Suit ;
A fine $1.50 Silk Lined Tie
to ths first 12 customers enterlns;
ths store Friday momlnjf
' 1 ,
15 . -
utirs prices bscaust;
quota somnarauTS
thejr ar misleading.
Ths reputation of this store for ths
quality of its sales Is! your guaran
tee of sarings such as you hare sel
dom seen. . ' .
Becaose these prices InrolTe a coo
slderable loss for as, they are
vis v v4-k
For years Oregon City overcoats and topcoats-have
been s standard of quality. Now
you can. choose one of thess fins coats at
prices that would be Impossiblef or us ex
cept that, we must move every coat.
All Sales for Cash Only
- ;
During This Sale
Qurs omplete Chrbtmas assortment.
Oblongs, squares, sillcs, wools, casal
meres. Domestio and imported. Cut to
,95c, $1.95, $2.95
For three years this store has catered
to the reputation of Salem's best tie
speciality shop. Imagine, getting fine
silks with silk lined ends for 95o at
any cost, don't miss our showing of
neckwear for gifts. Our finest at
49c, 95c, $1.35
Salem's finest showing of bathrobes,
m flannels, wools, cottons, etc Silk
dressing gowns. With slippers to
match at
$4.35, $5.35,
$8.35, $10.35
All wool and wool and worsted shaker
sweaters with V-neck or shawl collar
at-ae . ?
$3.95, $4.95,
Franklin Knit Sweater and Oolf Hoss
set at 48 j
Bvsry other Sweater Bedueed
at least 20 i
Tb biggest sock buy in Salem. Tfe
invite comparison at ?1.00 and fL5
v ." j I " 'f .
9c: l,:
t Dress Sox Specials at 19s
.':.'?' . j " .
Closing out our entire line of slippers.
If you want . our ridiculously low
prices on these, you must shop early.
i i ' -
and up
Raincoats, $8.95
Gabardino All Wool j
Topcoats, $1L95
Extra Trousers j .
$2.75, $3.75, $4.75
JtoSerweas Reduced 20
Wool Shirts
$2.75, $3.85, $4.65 i
Shirts? Just see our Values
at 99c, $1.35, $25
Handkerchiefs and Tio Deb
fi9c, $L85, $2.35 v
Afl Day
Thursday . '
Open r
9:00 A.M.
) Friday
I - , "V -'j v f.'"-r-'-: m - i :
.. Horsehido Coats
All Gloves reduced 20
Ail Boxed Handkerchiefs
Specially Reduced
Leather. Jackets $9X3
23 State Street
P No Exchanges
No Refunds
Every Sale
ktiitfffiifttfftttti tut ri
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