The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 05, 1930, Page 5, Image 5

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enUy. a group of elht fellow, ot answer and erSaT! ? I bckla out from the eurb.lri!
tna T. II. C A. met to organize J-fr JT complaint has Baker elaima.tliat the other dr
new dub. Their program will J6 led by Aana and Bertha r didn't atop until ho had rone
be aelt-made and Nrtn laoinA Luthr. defendant . orer SO feet; Rtrat v'.T
be aelt-made and will include LLuUlr. defendanta
Helping- la the Tarions actlxitles 1 tonnt by Claud
Bf tK T r m. . . IATM i-
"iual ' w Ttnoai actmucs I ur viand A. Johnson I waaa 1 coins orer is miles an
f the T. M. C. A- The leader 7er B .Uyway In block 2 of ".. Tae tire carrier and part
ot the rronn i Vnma tcii.a. line Yew Park .fdttin.. 0-1 I of th. tuutv . . ... w
t the croup ia Vera Wilson, Park addition to Salem.
vxmtwi uvuiuei i u6 ,i' ua . uuia umeniea the
itndent at Wlllametto ttnlrer- nth half of tho block from Mar-
tty. Wednesday mights will be rtta nnd Peter Luthy. and they
the regular meeting time. - Mem- elalse tie present suit la holdlni
bers are Marker Jones, president; administration, of - tho estate
Alra Culp, seereUry treasurer; nd depreciated Talue of th
Arnold Kahle,. Howard Ramekin, premise. Johnson claims ; that
5ferLnill Williams; "ey is net In the proper 4o-
Bllly West and Louis Boon!,. Uon according to the la. and
. i -ciajm it is In th
Bl Opening- Dance.
Dec $, at Hasel Green,
aion 50c. Free.
Bros, oreheetra. , -
Many. Enrolled
Bradfleld-Xeisonx Injured -a r
lty of Oregon extension JtSSki
in Salem enrolled It nuin. .- Wl store.
tag th present term and record- oration, a? rVsott Tthclr ta
Ud th.secondest record In any which thet were," T.-4
term since the classes wer start-1 info -i . v " .
4-hore. according to W. G. 7
tie. director, who waa in fiiim Lf s.i.. .r"
- h. r. cm. ww wK ' n . w m
v weu as a rractur in the bona in
SneaOW . gTe! WlllvCfU?Qe P' 'orearm ar T a urtlSied
during th winter term, be sinning by . Mlaa ' Bradfleld. NaloNTZM
January 5. and . an nddlUonal larbono waTfi?&n Sd hi w
5J7 ni lUrTil conomlo prob- cut about th. fac.. X glTlnl way
TZ . V : - i mo aiwnnr apparatus of tbivir
autriclent. - Th. , classes , meet la
th. senior high school building,
i ' ". . - '
, Bay Stamp Early Postmas
ter John Farrar Is sending out
adrlc. . to patrons to purchase
stamps now, befor the Christ
mas mall rush begins, in anoth
er week or 10 days business at
the stamp window will - be so I emphatically in encouragement
uu.jwrwnii neip girea to the
lndlrldual or group. Dean Roy R.
Hewitt of WlUamett nnirerslty
told th. ZonU club in dinner ses
sion last night at th. Gray Belle.
Hemberst of ,tb club declared his
talk to be most' helpful and In
teresting. 1
hearr that neraona vtshin 1nt
a few stamps will be required to
stand In line along with those who
nr. mailing out packages. .How
erer, if . th few-stamp purchaser
will buy early, much time wll be
night, Dec. S, 1M0.
Wf flection ot officers, 7:30
ir V n m - lioniMinliir urn-
gram and banquet, 9 p. m. Salem
lodge No. 4, A. T. A A. M.
Boys' Study Courses Follow
ing their -regular gymnasium
hours at th Y. M. C. A., the Ca
deti, ages . 9 and 10; th Preps,
Mfa 11 and 12; and the Junior
.V1" ll liool hori will mMt for
U nr 1(1 mlnntci In "th den" for
a short study course each Satur
day morning for 10 weeks. The
first meetings will be Saturday.
Leaders hare tentative courses
outlined. " The leaders are Roy
Fouke, Jr., Grover C. Burtchltt,
and C. E. Ward.
Bicyclist Fined William
Cross was fined' f 1. Thursday, for
riding nis bicycle on the sidewalk.
H. was allowed some time to pay
It. " T
Barton -Vi
' Frank Stone Barton died la a
local ' hospital December 4, aged
60 years; brother of Mrs. William
I Wlble of Portland and Rich
ard D. Barton of Salem... Funeral
serrices Saturday, December f , at
2 p.m., from the chapel of the
CIough-Barrlck company, auspices
of Masonic lodge. Interment City
yiew cemetery. " .
Jcofge W. Harrey died at the
residence, "137 . North Winter
street, December - 2, . aged f 4
years; father of Xeroy S., George
,W. Jr., Florence Smith, and Blos
som Dunlap, all ot Salem; Fran
ces Sytsma of Amity, Hazel Hoa
xer Of xaaima, wasn., Keinnin
H. of Denrer, Colo., Leon C. of
Erlekson, Neb., and Clarence of
- Creaton.' Ia.; also surriTed by 25
grandchildren. ; Funeral aerrlces
Saturday. December 4, at 3 p.m.
from th chapel of W. T. Rlgdon
and Son. Interment City View
cemetery. .
( ' '
Mrs. NelUe M. Cronlse, 72, pio
neer, who died here December 1.
was buried in City View cemetery
Wednesday In a grare beside that
of her husband, Thomas J. Cron
lse who died in 1927. Rer. W. C.
Kantner conducted the serrices
at the W. T. Rlgdon and Son mor
tuary. Mrs. Hallle Parrlsh Hinges,
a lifelong friend ot Mrs. Cronlse
aang "In a Garden." and "Abide
With Me." Pallbearers wer
Judge L. H. McMahan. Dr. M. S.
Skiff. Edward WeUer. Carl Ga
briels on, George Martin and Karl
Hinges.; '.. -1 ' '
I Z20S
etcregt ntmonnl
A Park Cemetery
with Deroetual care
Jnst ten minutes from the
'-. heart of town
City View Cemetery , ;
EsUbUsbed 1883 , Tel. 12M
Conrenlently Accessible ..
Perpetual care prorlded for -';
Prices Reasonable
LIV W 1LL1U.1V 0
JL renrxsix craxcTomg
Ou Smc la TtfttmaX
Omt rrim at
Oar Btwe ia KMm
Uesastd Laay rniilr
Clough-Borrick Co.
1 m m
la a n t 1 01
A . Ia)hmii W
ear caused the crash.
Dollar dinner erery night 6:45
to t at th. Marlon hotel.
'Addresses Zontas Serricas
the term Is used by serriee elubs,
does not consist enly In financial
w wuinu assistance; but more
Auxiliary lleers Members of
the Auxiliary to the Veterans of
Foreign Wars ; met Thursday af
ternoon at the Woman's club
house where sewing for charity
work was don. and where plans
wer. completed for th. public
benefit dinner which will be serr
ed at 4:30 o'clock Monday night
at the Woman's elubhouse. Mrs.
W. L. Moorman is taking the re
serrations for the dinner.
Cooked food sale, Presbyterian
ladies, Saturday, December 4,
High and Ferry.
i Peers Given' Away The 10
boxes of pears offered to th. lead
ing men of the young men's mem
bership registration of th. T. M.
C. A. will be glren to the follow
ing: C. L. Litweiler, Fred Duncan.
Bob Boardman. Bert Crary, C. A.
Paige, Fred Remington, Harry
Stone, Verne Wilson, William
Hammond and B. Allen.
See rental list Beck. A Hen
dricks on classified page, also In
office window, 149 N. High.
Refund TaxesPetition' has
been tiled with the county court
seeking refund of 4402.C2 In
taxes paid by James G. Theodor
tan, incompetent, on real proper
ty purchased entirely with funds
received from th U. S. veterans
bureau. Petition Is signed by Carl
T. Pope, guardian.
Garb) Crash Th ear driven ir
Herman Struts, rout 4, crashed
Into the rear et that drrrea by
Mrs. ' Warren' B. Baker, Salem,
near in raierMMim. t v
and Chemeketa streets. Thursday
nrer 60 feet; Strata says that h.
Of. the bodT. frame ef th Tt.v
ear were bent. , The accident was
reported by trus and Warren B,
Baker to police department rec
ords. . -
Baxaar. 1st Christian church
Parlors Thurs. P. M. and Ere.
60 Chicken-Dinner 5:30 to I; In
charge of Mrs. Olmstead. Publle
Invited." k e
- Pants Bern Someone threw a
pair of pants up through the scut
tle hole near th; storeplpe In the
small house on the alley, baek of
Broadway between Jefferson and
Madison streets. They might have
thrown them, there last summer.
When a fir was lighted In the
store Thursday th. atoveplp got
too hot and th panta caught fire,
at 3:30 in the afternoon. North
Salem fire department answered
the alarm and nut on the blase.
Cooked food sale. Catholic lady
of St. Vincent He Paul parish. Sat,
Bee. 4, S., P. office.
Glad to Get Back K. W. Ar
chibald, who has spent the past
six months In Alberta, Canada,
was a business visitor la the city
the first of the week from his
farm south of Salem. He says he
Is glad to get back . to Oregon,
for conditions In Canada, for the
farmer at least, aren't so encour
arlnr. .He renarteA aAlna min
loada of wheat put on the eleva
tors at Edmonton for 22 cents
a bushel, and oats were selling
at 10 cents a bushel.
: . - v
Big Opening Dance, Friday,
Dec. 6, at Hasel Green. Admis
sion 60c, ladles Free. , Thomas
Bros, orchestra. , I
Would SeD PropertySadie
Scholl, executrix of the estate of
George J. Wolf er, has petitioned
the probate court for an order to
sell personal property belonging
to the estate at private sale. The
estate has been apralsed at real
property, 97,145, and personal
property, 14.473.25 by L. A.
Beckman, C. M. Crittenden and
E. Cause.
Collins Arrives H. B. Collins,
new manager of the Pacific Tel
ephone and Telegraph company
here, ha arrived In town to stay
permanently 'and yesterday was
on the job at the headquarters on
State street. Collins has been In
Seattle for some time, but comes
here from a post at Klamath
Falls and will arrive here Mon
day. Bazaar, Lady Macabees. Sat..
Dec.Cth, 387 Court. ,
Gates Coming Rer. C. I P.
Gates, district superintendent,
will be here this weekend to con
duet sendees n the local Evangel
ical church.- of which Rer. A. P.
Layton is minister. Gates- Urea
in Portland.
o ; o
i Raat Ta Mr an A V-rm Pan!
Kewl Bassett, 495 North 16th. a
boy, Donald . Wayne, born No
vember 27. .
Originators Of Low Prices.
351 State St.
Is the opportunity offered you at this market. We
carry the largest stock of fresh meats in Salem. Our
business is steadily increasing in spite (or maybe it's
because) of the "repression".
For Friday and Saturday We Offer.
! The firm white meated kind
Veal Roasts
18c lb.
23c lb.
Choice .
Veal Steak
20c lb. j
Delicious Loin
Veal Chop
23c lb.
"Nuf Sweet" Sliced Bacon, per lb., 30c
I Famous for flavor I
Young Piff
Pork Roast
Dainty Lean
Loin Chops
25c lb.
Best Oleomargarine, "2 lbs. ...i- -25c
(Tender Sirloin
20c lb.
,, Finest -.
Pot Roasts
14c lb.
Fancy Frying Rabbits, per lb. ...... .,
The famous OakhiH Farm Variety
Fresh Chopped
15c lb-
Aii Pork
20c lb.
Useless To Pay BIortwRisiy To Pay Less
Out of consideration to oar employes we clost)
Saturday at 7 p. m. Harry M. Lery, Mgr.
public aerrie eommlaaton Wed
nesday dismissed tho complaint
ot 8. D. Flerea and others' aralnat
tha rates and eharges for eJeo
trlc serriee tornlahed by tha West
Coast Power company at Barns.
Reports reeexred by the commis
sion Indicated that tho ratea
haro been adjusted and there la
no need for further . consldera
tlen ot tha. complaint.,
" : Get year scratch pads 'at the
Capital City Bindery.
; Payn City Tlslt H. W. Talbott,
whose home has been lr. Ara, I1L,
near If arphyaboro, la 1b Salem tor
a few days looking at some busi
ness opportunities la the Talley.
While here he Is escorte.1 by C.Td.
Leo of tha - United Purity stores.
Talbott la somewhat desirous of
remoTinx to tha west - and has
made an extenslre tour of a num
ber of states during his Tlslt here.
: Lerlonnaircs - Shta; Tonight
Two groups ot numbers will be
presented by the quartet of the
Salem American Legion auxiliary
at a program Friday night at Am
ity, when the Yamhill county Le
gion will hold a pow-wow.M Sev
eral members of tha Salem Legion
and auxiliary. will accompany the
quartet to Albany. . -
Intersection Collision R. W.
Baser, route 1, slowed to giro the
right of way to C. A. Hee. 318
North Front street, at the corner
of list and , Chemeketa streets
Thursday, at 10 o'clock In tha
morning, and then speeded up.
crashing with the other car.' Thla
report was xnada by Hee to police
records. ,
- Stolem Tools W. R. Gould,
route t, reported Thursday to the
police that some carpenter's tools
were stolen from his place Tues
day. They were all stamped with
-W. R. G." Tha list Includes a
hand saw, hammer, plane, square.
15 pounds of nails, a ehalk line
and a rule.;
' An opportunity to buy two
lexely pieces ot apparel , for the
price of one Is to be found at
Mack's, where they are aiding tha
busy Christmas shopper with their
annual 1 tor 1 sale. Mack's, SIS
N. High.
I Stolen Bicycle A speedway
special bicycle was stolen Thurs
day from the .high school. Its
owner la Robert Osland, 17 85
South 12th street.
Released to Sheriff .Henry
Becker was released te Sheriff
Bower by the police department
Wednesday at i O'clock.
XT. Lead-
better, president ct tho Oregon
Palp A Paper eompany was hart
oa busiceea tor; a short time yes
terday. He consulted Karl Hsln
leln, offlee manager, and Walter
Keyes, attorney for tha eompany,
during his Tlslt; ,
Stypea ia City A. W. Stypes.
president of A; W. Stypea, Ia&
a - newapaper advertising . repre
sentation firm, ; : was in tha dty
Tuesday on hia wsy. north from
San , Francisco , to Longrlew.
Wash, . y- r; . , : , . . , .
Speeder Tlned Harry Bonxo,
HIS North Liberty street, was
fined '15 ' Thursday - for -speeding
on October 4 at a rata of i miles
an hour Inside tha dty limits. Ho
was glren So days to pay the fine,
according to police records. -;
. Do the ladles of Salem reaJQy
realise what marreloua yaluea are
being offered at Mack's from now
until Christmas In their annual
1 for 1 sale 7 Macks, 2S5 K. High.
' Albrich on Jury Daty -Among
the list of 40 names of persons to
report for federal grand Jury serr
iee W Portland, S o'clock; Decem
ber 16, ara F. X. Albrich of Sa
lem, and H. B. Latham, of Sllrer
ton.. . ; . ; .. , '. "
- - -
. Stolen -CanA- Ford roadster,
number 40-1(0, owned Iby L. E.
Libby of Jefferson, waa' , stolen
from bis home Norember 2 9, . ac
cording to police records. ,
' Ferer - Reported A ease ot
scarlet f erer, tha second in two
weeks, was reported to tha county
health officer Thursday morning.
Tha patient Is a school child and
Urea In the Englewood district.
There la no connection ' between
tha two eases. : . . ,
T Marriage License License to
wed waa issued! hero yesterday to
John' D. Rowland, 2230 -North
4th. and Maria Trembath, ICS
South ltth. I - -
- Set Parry Pate Thursday, De
cember If, haa beea set aa date
for th4 aomblned ladles' night and
Christmaa party which tho lions
club' sponsors annually. The erent
will be held in the erening, al
though the place of meeting haa
not yet beea -determined.' O. D.
"Froity' Olson and Kenneth Fits
gerald will be in charge ot tho
program. j . . ; -
Final Accowat In Final ac
count in the . estate ot: A1U ' M.
Dean has been filed by United
Statee National bank of Salem,
administrator, and . shows . assets
on hand of $4,17.07. and t.
5 1 5.8 0 ? assets forwarded to the
Cleveland Trust eompany. . .
--....- - . - i .- ,"
Breaks Hip ia Fall Mrs. Mary
Feldman; who resides with her
son, W. B. Feldman,. on Court
street, sustained a fracture of her
hip In a fall in the home Wednes
day night. Despite her years, she
Is resting fairly comfortably,
- Claim Dlaalowed Claim - of
Harry Strous against the estate
of B. M. Dimlck for 8105.75 has
been disallowed by the county
court,' - following hearing in the
matter. : . '''
Xew Lion Fred Kiat was In
troduced as a new member ot the
lions - club at the luncheon ses
sion yesterday noon. s,
Floor Sanders
to Rent -
Call S103. Used Furniture
Department j
v 181 N. High
Are you reading-them? - More details today. Hats Foot
wear. Underwear. Hosiery. Dress common and work Shirts.
Dress glores. Horse hide leather Coats. We do use tha
Bergman shoe made in Portland. And the Hardmahi Hat
made in Seattle. And we do use hundreds of suits the cloth
of which la made In our own Mills in .Washington and Ore
gon. 1 Mora tomorrow, watch for It.
Spends . Kothing Dewey , - 8.
Miller,' candidate for constable
of tha Aurora justice of tho peace
district at tho general I election
has filed expense statement with
tha county clerk, declaring he
spent nothing on the election. -
An ' encouragement to early
Christmas shopping is tha annual
S for the price of 1 sale now in
full awing at Mack's, S95 N.
High . '
Transcript- Filed Transcript
of Judgment In the case ot Bus
iness Men's Adjustment eompany
rs. Fred 8. Bynon and wife has
been filed with the county court
from Coos county. '
Judgment Greeted Order for
Judgment fori the plaintiff has
been entered by Judge L. H. Mc
Mahan in the ease of Bearer In
reetment eompany rs. Anton
Pokerny and.TUlle Pokorny.
Grant Visitor Frank Grant,
city attorney ot Portland, was a
business risitor in Salem yester
day. .;,
Ob. Caaa lm CM
M aiIrta. . ISO
X. eawiitlal St,
Salata. Office koers
T Saada S:se
to S:SS arta
ta. i.nftt f Zm
u4 Jm. -
Saturday Surprise Special
Assorted Chocolates
in light and dark also
: nut ' tope ; , .
for 10 euncee
Two lbs. for 70c
Five lb. Box for Xnsaa. f 1.00
Only at
Schaefer s Drug Store
The Original Tcllow Front
and Candy Special, Store at
Phone 107 18S X. Coaal St.
Penalar Agency
, Kotloe . Sorred Notice .has
been glren la esse of Asmus H.
Jess ra Roy J. Hoffman and ott
ers that defendants will preectt
at the next motion day for order
to file amended answer.
Farmers' Day
Every Saturday
1:30 P. M. and
Furniture Auction
Every Wednesday
7:30 P. M. at the
F.N. Voodrys
Auction Market
1610 N. Summer St.
list for this Satarday
SO Sacks good Corn, 2d R.
J. R. Pallets and Other
Hens and Pnlleta, Carpen
ters Tools, Carrots, Onions
Apples, Cabbage, good
Range. Heater, Drop Head
Sewing . Machine, Hooaler
K. Cabinet, Oak Tables,
Chairs, Dressers, Chiffo
niers, Iinoleam, Linoleum
Rags, Carpets, Sanitary
Coach, Cloth Box, Writing
Desk, Beds, Spring, and
Mattresses, and Many other
Miscellaneoas Articles.
If yon have anything joa
want sold bring It in,
Rags, Ranges, Heaters, etc.
Special Sale from now sua
tU the new year oa eTery
thing la the store, big
stock te choose from. Toe
can alwajs bay for leas at
F. N. Woodry, Summer Sc.
Cash Paid for Furniture,
w ' - Tools, etc.
Phone 511.
15 Vrs. in Salem.
The F. N. WOODRY AUCTION MARKET - - 16i0 N. Summer St.
' ; Sturdi
- .. .....
4 Bill Overstuffed
0 r)
: ' i . .
Velour Davenport and Chair (reverse cushions) . j $74150
Tapestry Davenport and Chair (reverse cushions) . : $84.50
Antique Velour Dav. and Chair (reverse cushions) . , $110
100 Chase Mohair Dav. and Chair (reverse cushions) $110
... asssaasssKsssramamssaB
Two large overstuffed Sturdi-Bilt Rockers, have four legs and look like regular arm chairs. Very comfortable
and lovely in appearance. Distinctly different from anytiiing you have ever seen, j Built exclusively by the
Sturdi-Bilt factory. A charm for your home, and priced to sell. A wonderful Christmas gift.
rA large assortment of Occasional Chairs in mohair, tapestry and velour, from 98.00 to $15.00. Lovely dou
ble bed Blankets, now at half price. : f ;
Twin Beds Heavy Steel with Panel, Sells Regularly
Everywhere $17.50 Each
- Our Prlew TWO For $18.50 While They Last
. sa"ssaMSBBBmBBaaMsaaaSBssaBSBBasaeasBBBsassaasaanBasa f
--. -
2 inch Post Beds In Ivory or Brown, Sells Regularly $&0
- - Our Price $650
Regular $1&50 Heavy Double Deck Coil Spring
- Our Price TWO For $190
Extra Special CoU Spring Guaranteed Only $0 1
Extra Special 45 lb. Cotton Mattress," Regular $10.50 '
I - . Our Price $7.50
Extra Special 40 lb. Silk Floss Mattress, Sateen Tick,
Regular $24.00 Our Price $16.50
Extra t Special Spring Filled Mattresses,. Regular $29J0
Our Price $14.50
Extra Special Prices on All Floor Coverings, linoleums.
Dining Room and Living Room and Bed Room Furniture.
' Heaters and Ranges. ; r
Ton always bay for less at the
F. N. Woodry Auction Blarket 1610 N. Summer St.
Telephone ' fill.-;
I pay caih for u$d IHirtuture, tools, etc Auction, tales every Wedassday niht, 7:30 P. M.nnd every Satur
day afternoon, 1 s30 P. Ma Tha larccst Auction Market cn tha Pacific coast 15 years in Salnn.
fhozsM 123-Cs3x2t it ray s