The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 04, 1930, Page 2, Image 2

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    fl '1 'sT T7 -T -i. T7 T T vwTTrT7 i TTTTi 1 ATl j 1 . t i I it ft Wit 1 1 1 1 ft II fZJr I 1 .
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- Outlay Would go fop Treas
U uryPostof f ice Expense j
- In Coming Year
f "WASHINGTON. . Dee. t..
HfAP Conxress hoisted svlieavy
leKisIatire harden to its- boul
der today and started "resolute
ly down the roach, rocky - road
of the short session. ;
. For too first V since, the
legislators convened they put in
av fall day at work and when
night fell they had serei-al con
crete accomplishments to show.
The senate applied Itself 'so
rigorously to debating the Con
kens bus bill that a rote was
brought near. i '
. The honro tackled the first of
the annaal appropriation bills, a
"measure carrying. $1,083,000,000
.; . to meet expenses of the treasury
" and post office department, for
Che-next fiscal year. "-
: Both branches paused to re
eelre the annaal message of
President Hoover, transmitting
i (he bod get, and noted his warn
i ing that decreased tax rates can-
not be continued.
"Meanwhile. the president's
proposal that the -unemployment
problem be met with a 1150,
000,000 emergency fund brought
further signs of opposition In the
bouse. ,
Appropriation, Held High
Chairman Elliott of. the public
buildings committee said more
-already had been appropriated
. - a : . : ' : - ";. . . .. s- ; . ., ' . : -) -.
View- tie Geraond hoate.
where, fovr -were stafcbod to
deaU fa om af tbVMst jraa
some crimes - ever . perpetrated
tal PMgUraepaie, N.nrkoaw
staabed were Jarnea Hasted
Germond. ISa wife llabel, their
IS-year-eld daaghter Bernlc
and their 10-jear-oId son Ear
mend. The bodies of the mother
and daughter were - found in.
the kitchen (No. 1). while the
bodies of the father and son
were found tn the barm (No. Z).
Pollee are said ta be searching
for the auftor at Bemice. ,
(CeBttaa4 fro page II -
said Ensign Williams yesterdar.
"A year ago we raiaedT $1500 for
our work at the Christmas, sea
son but if we are to handle ad
equately the request for supplies
tor needy people a. considerable
sentatlre - Byrns of Tennessee, nJ." A .
faaking dnocrat of tlxe appro- to
it w.. to ba snent. . DHy. The Statesman will tell
Bill to proTida a $25,000,000 , r, ""w" la o progress
wi. mo unre ua coopemiBg wim
the Salration Army will, carry
names of the larger donors and
the receipts from the kettles on
downtown corners.
The Salratlon Army kettle has
become a familiar sight on
streets all orer the world. In
Japan, the Christmas campaign
committee and another by Shep-Ifor funds haa already started
pard of Texas, directing the sec-1 while in far away -London the
retary of agriculture to lnrestl- cheery tinkle of the Salvatton
gate transactions on the cotton Army bell is likewise heard,
exchange. - Specific work carried on by
In addition, the first leglsla- Army from funds received at the
tlon was sent to the White House kettles inelcdes relief to needy,
r the senate.' It was a bill to sick families, conduct of a klteh-
rellere court congestion by en where an arerage of 40 peo-
broadenlng the scope of petty of- pie bare been -fed this month by
f enses whieh may be prosecuted I the army, prorldlng of used
fund for seed and feed loans to
farmers of the drought area were
Introduced in both the house and
senate. They had the approval
of ' the agricultural department.
The senate adopted a resolu
tion by Shipstead of Minnesota,
asking President Hoover for a
report from his unemployment
by information without indict
- Nye Probe of Faad Goes oa
Committees got into action,
too. Although Senator Paris of
Pennsylvania had been formally
clothing and bedding for scantily
clad children and adults and as
sistance of various forms to un
derprivileged and distressed people.
Kettles will be placed daily at
seated over Its protest, the Nye three downtown corners while on
campaign funds committee con- Saturday three additional loca
tion ed its inquiry into his pri- tlons for the soldiers Of the army
.mary campaign. will be selected. The locations
.Chairman McNary of the during the week are: at Capital
house and senate conferees on Drug store. State- and Liberty
Muscle Shoals got his committee streets; at Miller's store. Court
together again and they virtually and Liberty street; at Adolph's
greed to report a formal disa- Cigar atore. State and Commer
greement and seek a rote la the clal streets.
house on the senate plan- for Extra locations en Saturday
government operation. The will he at Director's store. Corn
house -wanted to lease the plant merctal and Court' streets; First
to private operators. . National baak corner. State and
. Immigration also received at- Libert r streets: Oreeon halldfnr.
Here's New Vernon;
DadAn-Law Uses Gnn
After the Wedding
SPOKANE, Wash Dee. S
(AP) Irm. Weatherman,
40, prebably never- bad
beard of the old custom of
welcomiag eloped- son-in-law
with a b leas ing. so he
tried av six-shooter instead,
E. It. Toole, who wedded
his daughter on the sly;
came back to find a home
today and foond Papa
Weatherman currying in the
wood. As Weatherman saw
the couple he grabbed bis
revolver and opened fire. A
son 9 'the maa Intervened,
or someone might have got
ten shot.
I Just shot to scare him
the father said. "I thought
he'd done me dirt by mar
rying my daughter, and I
didn't want him around." t
the house -committee which hand
les such legislation introduced a
bill to stop all immigration for
tire jrears.
Bowling Double .
Header to Show
. Works Tonight
State and High streets.
Hot-shot bowling with honors
highly contested is what spectat
ors will doubtless be- treated to
-tonight at Winter Garden when
Commercial league rolls 'out a
double-header, result of having
taken Thanksgiving night oft
last week.
Chevrolet Cubs are at the top
of-the league at present time -of
writing but where they will" he
after tonight's rounds is another
batter. Pleener Electric men,
who climbed brilliantly from a
Seemingly permanent cellar posl-1 Jones.
tion to second place, may show
Tire. And again, Oakland-Pon-tiae,
- whom the electricians
dragged ' down from the top
rune and helped- throw Into the
old basement, may continue Its
latest trend of coming up one
rung at a time, and show up a
.team or two. Commercial Body
Shop generally has some -power had been slain.
mb expeciea 10 - ao
good pin-toppling.
Surprises hare Ten been glr
n on occasion by General Pe
troleum and Pacific Telephone
. teams. So. all in all, tonight is
the night In bowling and plenty
of sparks will fly and strikes be
a truck. : .
DENVER, Dec 2 (AP) Leo
O'Langhtlin, Denver city detec
tive, testifying against his wife
at her trial for the alleged mur
der of her step-daughter, today
said he suspected his wife even
before - he was apprised of the
At the time. O'Laughlln was
seriously 111 la a hospital.
Th child's body was found In
Berkeley lake two days before
OXaughlin had aeked a fellow
member of the Denver of the
Denver detective force. Clarence
to search the lake. The
whereabouts of his daughter,
missing: since Oct. 14. waa kept
from O'Loughlln until October
1. !
No visiters were allowed to see
him except police officers and
they were sworn to hold their al
ienee. !
Yet the father felt his daughter
(Contlnaed from par 1)
Today he returned to his first
story explaining tint long ques
tioning by police had placed, him
under a strain and he had been
confused when he gave police his
second story. Dr. Cooper will be
recalled to the stand tomorrow.
G. P. Stevenson, state's witness.
testified his home is next to the
apartment Mrs. Paris, occupied.
He said the morning of November
12 he heard loud women's voices
in the Paris apartment. He could
distinguish only fragments of the
conversation however, and was
not. positive of what had . been
said. About an hour later, he
said; he saw an ambulance drive
up to the apartment and saw the
attendants carry out something
ne believed to be a dead body;
A short time after the ambu
lance left, Stevenson testified, he
saw two men coma out of the
apartment. Neither was Bowles
nor Dr. Cooper, he said.
tAfJ Tuirtyslx persons were
killed and three buildings : de
stroyed when a freight car load
ed with dynamite exploded today
at tne railroad station at Porto-
nova da Cuncha, state of Mines
oeraes.- - . . ?
Among- those killed was Major
Manuel Lerac, who was com
mander of the Porto Novo sector
for the revolutionists during the
movement, waieh - deposed ' the
Washington Luia administration.
Hla wife and three children were
also killed.
The car of dynamite had been
sidetracked at the station, aince
tne . revolutionary - movement
broke out. The cause of the ex
plosion was not determined, f
on te Explodes
f Continued from page L)
came more contaminated, would
make securing- of water from the
river here as exnensive a a
mountain gravity system.
He nrred that the commlMtan
see the new of the city which he
said Snonld ha one of water anil
power development, the two go-
1lfl lianil In "
' Baar said a number of cities
were. providing water and power
for their Industrial develonmant
as well as for home consumption.
j. a. Lewis, one-time state en
gineer, gave testimony to- the
commission to the effect that the
Portland General Electric com
pany, parent organization of the
norm west rower company, al
ready had anniMnriated anfftHant
SirhtS on the Claekamaa rlvtkr tn
care for future developments for
Kowftx Says Sportsmen
Would Not ODDOse city.
Chris Kowltx. Salem alderman
appearing for a group f sports
men in uus area, said his organ
isation would not oppose develop
ment or the Santlam by the cfty
but would look with disfavor
upon the erantlnsr of any rie-ht
to the power companies. He said
the fishermen had found in for
mer instances that . tha nAw
companiea did not safeguard the
ngnts or nsnermen.
J. G. KeUey, pioneer m the de
velopment of the Marion Lata
and North Santlam project, out
lined In . considerable detail the
history of tnt aroleet. R
expenditures of $54,485 which he
and his associates have made
over a 2 (-year period In eom oil
ing engineering facta concerning
the sower develonmant twalhla
in this ares.
Keller urred the rnmmlutnn
to grant the water rights to the
northwest Power company, say
ing the city had long ago refused
to take any action in the matter
despite the fact that ha hajt Mm
before leaders here on several
occasions, askinr them to take
Keller told tha eommlaalnn ht
that the Br eitenbush river, below
the site on ' the North Santlam
where he seeks develonmant. fa
nearer to Salem and abundantly
able to provide amnio watar for
all uses. . ..
O. B. Cold well. offiMr In ha
Northwest Powar onmnanv
vice-president of the Portland
General : Electric company, ex
plained to the commission that
his firm had only taken an mnttnn
on the rights held by the North
west Power company. He raised
the Issue of public policy as re
gards develonment of tha wo tar
ana power in tne river by 8alem.
He said he did not believe that
the development Of AlartrhMHr fn
smaller units than now being em-
prayea oy nis company would re
sult In lower rates for Salem.
Ooldwell Sara Water and
Power Together Not Needed
The CaU
Today Spencer. Tracy and
Clair Luce In TJp ' the
v River." -
Today Ruth Chatterton la
The Lady of ScandaL"
. Friday Kenneth Harlan in
"Under Mob tana - Skies,"
Rin-Tin-Tln in -rha Lona
Today Conrad Nagel In
. Lady Surrenders.' ..
" tiie onjKKn
Today Edmund Lowe In
In -Good Intentions.-
Friday Double hill with
Jack Mulhall In "The Pall f
Guy," and ,' Rln-Tin-Tin In
"On the Border."
i- '
One of the , most unique olars
to ' appear on a local screen for
months is "Un the River", now
showing at Bligh's Capitol. Maur-
ue watKins, author, has done an
orlSinal Dlav for stire and draarr-
ea a real hand, for she managed
to create a comedy fresh and new
and funny oh, so funny!
It is not slanstick it in nnt
very much of the wlse-cracklne-
variety it la built on the impos
sible made from an exaggeration
oi me possiDie ana the results are
hilariously funny..
The leading characters are con
victs within the prison walls.
Claire Luce is the romance inspir
ation; sna ana Humphrey Bogart
fall in love as they appear In
prison and talk in stolen moments;
Warren Hymer la the hard boiled
"con," who is very happy over
the fact that he passed 100 per
cent as a moron In a prison Intel
ligence test, makes of his part one
never to be, forgotten. It is ar
tistry to the nth degree, for hla
part Is not an easy one and Is
one which could easily hare been
mediocre. ' -
WlUlamr Collier. Sr.. as the
trainer of the prison baseball
team. Is another character to be
remembered, as Is Snen car Trarv
as St. Louis, the knife throwing
con who makes a clever prison
break under the very nose of the
The -whole . nlav Is neatlv de
veloped with excellent applica
tion to detail; the fun Is natural
and the results in eeneral make
for one of the best laugh shows
in months.
flJ KILLED 111
Renegade Hauls one
Landing Crew to 1 50
Feet; Falls to Death
GADSDEN. ; Als-i Dec; I
f AP One man was killed and
another-' was seriously - Injured
here late today aa the- defender.
largest . of the . Goodyear Rubher
company blimps . broke away
from a. landing, craw and carried
the two men aloft.
Isaac W. Phillips, a workman
at the Goodyear plant here, help
ing . the landing crew dropped
16 feet to hla death while Jim
Qulsenbeck of Oklahoma, regular
member of the landing crew, was
knocked loose from the blimp by
a pole and fell 2 feet.
The landing crew wan walking
the blimp to the hangar-here following-
upon Its arrival from Ak
ron, when the ship suddenly
lilted. . -
Jack Boethner. pilot of the de
fender, said the blimp In its last
leg from Nashville here had
bucked head winds most of the
way, using a large amount of
fuel which resulted in its having
a lift of around S 900 pounds.
Following upon the first at
tempt to land the blimp, the ship
was nosed down to earth a few
minutes later and landed without
The accident was the second In
the recent weeks for the Good
year blimps. The Vigilant, sister
of the defender, recently crashed
against a mountain near Plede
mont, Ala. The crew of the Vig
ilant escaped injury.
Hope Pinned on
MacDonald for
Stopping Strike
LONDON, Dec 2. (AP)
Hope of averting a . national coal
strike centered tonight on the
peace- efforts of Prime Minister
Ramsay MacDonald.
The prime minister held a two
hour conference tonight In his of
fice In the house of commons with
the executive committee of th$
miners' federation, William Gra
ham, president of the board of
trade, and E. Shinwell, secretary
of mines.
the Plea Of the Northwest Powar
company, that he did not believe
the develonment of nowar and
water both by the city essential
and he said that other sources
of an adequate water supply were
available for Salem besides the
headwaters of the North Santlam.
City Attorney Trindle. eavinar
he SOOke Without tnv hfndinan
thority. indicated to Engineer
KeUey that some compensation
might be made available to him
for the work he haa done in the
North Santlam district, ahould
the city be granted the right to
develop It and thna to find naa
for his plans.
While no vote was taken. It
appeared, aulte certain - that tha
reclamation commission won id
either deny the application of
the Northwest Power company or
else hold the entire matter la
abeyance for some m o n t h a.
Granting1 of the water and power
ngnis to tne private company ap
peared entirely unlikely- from
mo auuuue oz tne commission.
Dec. 3 (AP) A
21.300.000 bond issue offered by
the state of Idaho was sold here
today less than an hour after it
waa offered. !
The Spokane Eastern company,
an Investment corporation, to
gether with the Bancnorthwest
company, Minneapolis, 'purchas
ed the bonds yesterday at Boise
tor 4.11 per cent net to Idaho.
They are four and 4V4 per cent
refunding bonds, due serially at
the rate of 2130.000 a year from
1032 to 1241. .
Kinz&ocd Ilea is ; l
: ; Severely Injured
Y JBj? Angryllleifer
" -" KTNGWOOD, " Dec. S.
0. AV Leltaut is suffering
from painful lttyafies receiv
ed while wrestlla with m
young heifer he wm milk-
lr The aw Una 1 pressed
him against the aide of the
etall' and fiaally got- him
down, whew he fainted from
When LaRaut came to he
waa nnablfl to snake his wife
hear his cries for help, but .
an aw a e;nd to make hi way te
the iaoose unaided,: where he
again -lest roaerioaancaa. It
la thought that he . has acv
eraL fractnred ribs -
i -
Trunk Which had
Spokane Bomb
Traced to Frisco
( AP) The trunk, which contain
ed the powerful bomb intended to
dynamite two Spokane newspaper
buildings, was manufactured in
San Francisco and sold to a re
tail dealer within the - last two
months. ' I
The Identification 'was made to
day by H. K. Depanger, manager
of C. A. Malm Co., as a product of
his firm. .Police are; checking all
deliveries of his firm In efforts
to locate the dealer .who sold the
trunk. He may prove a valuable
witness, at the trial bf Henry Use
and Thomaa Boyle, accused of the
bomb attempt. Police. Lt. James
Malloy said.
HAMBURG. Germany. Dec. 3.
( AP) One policeman was
stabbed to death and two were
wounded la a clash Iwith a crowd
of demonstrating communists to
night. By the time police rein
forcements arrived the attackers
hsd disappeared in the darkness.
MELROSE. Mass.. Dec. 2.
(AP) Someone dropped a light
ed cigaret stub fn front of Mel
rose city hall today. A' pigeon
picked itu!l and took It to the
nest. The nest happened to be
atop the city hall. Within a
short time firemen (were busy on
me eaves. Damare was about
1200. i
ijLlVE - WUA4A.
Years Wipe Out
r Hatrds; Honor I
For Cornwallis
. RICHMOND. Via., Dee. 2 (AP)
A-memorial to Lord Cornwallis,
commander of the defeated British
army, will be unveiled next year
at the celebration commemorating
the 120th anniversary of the
American, victory at. Torktown.
Provisions for 'erection, of the
memorial, which Also will be dedi
cated to the valor of all British
troops -who fought against the col
onies,, was. made tn A fesolution
sdopted "by the Torktown seaqul
centennial ' committee today. A
committee was directed to select
the form and location of the
monument. r '
New Dinners
5 to 8:30 ;
The Spa
suanaji I i
LnlLnnj3 (fLT
boma during apara time. Subatantial
. 7. Pnmca nnneceaaary.
Dimif law! m m n v nun f fn. Vri.t .1.-
la TiT. 1 1 .1 It! TH
wldowar with t hnn a
Would Ilka mMtml woman a mm
for them tn heme. Small wages. Box
ft ouimnnu.
I ' Hoaae of 25c Talkies
: Last Timea Today
CI -
v With Rath Chatterton,
f i Basal Rathbone and
V Ralph Forbes. ,
Also Corned, News & Act,
Today Tomorrow
UUUilU news
Tathe Studio Review"
Trlip the Frog .
The. Ideal Gift
2-50 Book. $2L25
$3.00 'Book, 4M
' flOJOO Book. fOOO
The . Intriguing story
of a sophisticated wife '
. who made av re ad ex
row for best hwabawd
witn ber . beet friendL,
and then got jeal
owat Front John Era
klnes best eeUer.
Your voice reaches
other cities witK
speed and clarity
' ' ;" ?. v -" " .v ," ' y" V--' . - j; .
IT'S easy to place an inter-city call.
Just ask for the place and number you
rant. - If yon don't know the "number
Information will help you. If you will
talk with anyone who answers, instead
of a particular person, the charge is
usually even lower.
- . . . .. - - . t ;. ; i
i Tns pAanq Teuphotcx And Telegrawi HnMPiw
YS ; . i '
- ...... ... 1
A - - .
rvn opportunity to go
East for the Holidays
Fare and one-third
for round trip to
- w
'. 'v' , - n '. !' . -
Departure dales . '
DECEMBER 6, 1318, 19, 20
Rshjm Kmft February 28, 1931 .
Stopover privileges j .
Portland Rose
v . A triumph '
in train comfort
Today and Friday
11 HOvtrroNT 4
"Up the Hirer
seta its, own hilar
ious standards and
laughs up to them.
As comedy, lt will
make scream his
cause you'll miss
the newest team,
Spencer and Hy
mer, this season's
greatest glee civ
Ills', doom ehaaers
In a robust riot of
, Talking comedy.
News and
Leah Holt.
A real college foot
ball story.
f Enough I
Comedy to
J f keep you
L. 1 f In laughs
y 1 1 for a year.
V football
V gameyoull V
?L never forget A
M aw aa '. '
t wm ever minute and
twice as many laucjhs with
5Iarloa Nixon. Jack Whiting;
and others.
Sunday Brings for a
, : 4 Day run.
Attraction extraordinary
U U lii
tori, . ,
colorful. PA
melodle. VJ
PEnAL passenger" depot
C37 Pittock Block, Portland Ore,
Immorous. dramat.
c, . spectacular and
stupendous acreea
trlanph that
"ka a new en
terta lament la
sound pictures. "
Te see it is to Imve
the greatest - time
f your life.