The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 04, 1930, Page 14, Image 14

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    '- 1 I
The CHEGOU STATESMAN." Calrrru Orr-cn. Thcrsiay ITjtbIe- Dectrafcer i. UZJ
o 77.;.
2i .yl
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! 1 :
Kr.v Hardwood Floor Placed
In Club Woman's Home;
j Uany use Place . v
- DALLAS, Dee. J A debate
. between members of the Junlpr
ul senior classes of the-Dallas
high school farmer the program
for the December meeting of the
J Dallas Woman's elab. " The ques
tion,. "Resolved that the chain
store Is detrimental to the best
. Interests of the conn try" received
a affirmative decision from the
Judges. - The negative side of the
enaction was apbeld by Ruth De
Meade, Edith Dun ! and Doris
Newelll. seniors. The affirmative
team was Otto Fisher, Caroline
Mellln and Bill Garner, Juniors.
Mary gtarbuck rice . president of
the stadent body, presided daring
the debate. v , . - .. . ,,
Members of the club were sur
prised to find a new hardwood
floor already la place in the 11
brary . hall and the seating ar
rangement changed' since the last
, meeting. The woman's dab has
leased the rights to the club room
aad kitchen from the library
board for a term of years, and
plaa additional improvements la
ter. The room and equipment
will be rented to organisations or
Individuals . wishing to aso the
room for parties, etc. .The busi
ness men's class of the Christian
church is renting the -room for
each Sunday morning for at least
a year. : - ; . .
: -.Rental Price Arranged
A scale of prices for rental of
the room will be set by a commit
tee with Mrs. Oscar fiayter, chair
man. Mrs. J. R, Allgood, Mrs. A.
JJ. Starbnck. Mrs. Ora Cosper,
Mrs. W. G. Vassail and Mrs. C. N.
Bilyeu. , i 1
The club will contribute $10 a
year for a. period of 10. years to
the' Waverly Baby home which
will giro them a permanent mem
bership. A contribution will al
so be made, later to the Doern
fcecher hospital fund.
Hostess for the afternoon wereV
Mrs. C U Foster, Mrs. W. V. Fnl
ler, Mrs. H. D. Peterson, Mrs. J.
J. Wick and Mrsi R. R. Imbler.
A Tiolin . duet was played by
Rachel Uglow and Irene Soehren.
The! rinatructor Alexander Vdo
Tin was present. -
signing of the church for the elec
tric lights has made it possible
to extend the power lino from
Lloyd Lee's place to J o h n
Knmm's farm r distance of one
mile. Fire . signers were needed
for the extension of the line.
: Mrs. P. R. Coul&on's father Is
visiting with his grandson,. Bob
Coulson, of ' Toledo for the re
mainder of the week.
Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Fagx mo
tored to Forest Grove Wednesday
morning to tlslt their aunt Mrs.
Marshall. They will return Fri
day evening by way of Portland.
Llecdes in Third i
yCrcde ct School; Q
Stzierdsd llzziz
" WOODBUR3, Dee. S. .
Bocaaoe of possibility of the
spread of ateaetee fa Wood
bans 4. achooas, Um third
grade room at the new Lin
cola grade stbool has been
closed for a week.
;': Owe -of the papfls la the
room, broke oat la echool
with the disease, so Harold
Aspinwall, the ncbool'a prin
cipal, decided tUat the room
be closed for a week.
The child rem who are not'
attending school are repair
ed to stay , at home.' There
are 25 pupils la the room'
qnaraatiaed. Miss Carol
Miaakecis the teacher.
Farmers Take Out PoUcy :
To Insure Their .Ghickens
Against Menace of Theft
Pratum Farmers Experiene
Excellent Season;;Po- f
;. tato Prices Good
New Merry-go-Round for
i H KWs at Grade School
Brings I Pleasure
PRATUM. Dee. t Sowing Is
! almost completed. Farmers - hare
worked early and late., and the
ground was in fine shape for fall
plowing and sowing. . Some
plowing is to be done . yet for
corn and " potatoes, but ' that - ean
be. done anytime between ; now
and spring whenever weather
permits.. ;
.Several farmers hare sold their
surplus' potatoes at 91.50. a hun
dred before the drop in price
came. Some will hold till later.
hoping for a raise In price, 'and
many farmers - hare none to
spare. - :
. HsyMorag Well
Hsyr is moTinsr oalte rapidly.
It Is almost a dally occurence to
see truck loads of hay, mostly
rofnr south Moat of thm hir
has been, serflng for $12.00 per
ton. some here, are holding -for
$13.00. - . - ' ' .
Carl vogt. E. Gerber and L.
RICKEY, Dec a - Sereral
farm en ta this, community hare
takes ' .out . protection -Against
thievery- aad have' their' farms
posted. -Daring the last two years
there has been, a great number of
chickens - taken by f thieve.
A. Hagea at one time had all but
three- of ' his - flock of Plymouth
Rocks stolen, r -.;
The majority of those who
Whcqhdal People
xHekr of Serious
: Hurt to
WACONDA," Dee. . George
Brwa aad Mrs. A. W. Nusom re
cently received hews' of ; the ser
ious injury of their sister, Mrs.
raise poultry la the community va wtiii.m. M mtonu
aave gooo swea aa wey sou i noth Mr.' and Mrs. Williams were
i L I . J- - 7? J1." lQO badly hurt when the car in which
loss very heavy as it takes years 1 ,v' iha-a with
n n . iuv e tiiv... i anomer car. .
-rhVic VT rV"'' . ' Mrs; Williams Is well known
was entered again a few nighUl?er' many fDn? affairs having
ago and several chickens taken. .
This makes the hm tim. ith y- . when she was a guest
In a month .nrf h fnnrh.Hm.l" th homes of bar brother and
within the last few months that
thieves have stolen chickens from
the Magee farm. In .all over 100
Rhode Island Reds have. been tak
en. - The Oregon Farmer has of
fered a reward for the conviction
of the thief. . v .
her aister.
Kingwbdd Woman
WEST SALEM. Dec. J W. H. I h..h ir r o.iif im. I TF 'LL W-iI' Tf..
Saunders, editor of the West Sa- X r Mr v XnLUIJie : r rOIII V JS1Z
lem Star has moved his printing
plsnt from Its former location In
the C N. Needbam building to
the McDowell building just east
or the Capital Tourist auto camp
Pupils la the-lower grades are
deriving much pleasure as well as
much healthful exercise from the
new merry-go-round recently In
stalled on the school ground.
intermediate j leaguers were
guests Sunday evening at the sen
ior Epworth League meeting and
enjoyed the playlet "Epworthia
which was a feature of the meet
ing.:.'.. " . : ' ,
Camp Cottages Futl
turn before spring in time to
work-his farm.
The basaar and social ; even-
Inc sponsored by the young, wom
en -of the Mennonlte church Fri
day evening, . December '6 la the
cnurca basement promises to be
a very interesting a well, as pro
fitable event. .
- w
XINQWOOD. Dec. S Mrs. R-
a. xausey .. has returned from
uudstone-where she was a smest
for sereral - days- including
Thanksgiving day, of her aister.
Mrs. uoya. MUler. -;- -
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis P. White
of Longview, Wash We Wed
nesday night and Thanksrlvlnr
day guests of Mrs. White's par-
Clodhopper" is
Play to be Put ;
On in Community
Mrs. Myra Sawyer who is direct
ing the Salem Heights Dramatic
club's Play, entitled. ."The Little
Clodhopper, annonnces that the
play will soon be "ready for pre
sentation about - December 16.
This play is a three act comedy
of two hours duration. .. U :, ,
Mrs. F. . Buuer wao nas been
visiting her son the .past - few
days in Portland, returned to her
home In Salem Height today.
Elsie Solberz
In New York at
Resple Joljr
ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cannoy. I Ml CCfinafW A t fTt
They . returned . to Lonrvlew lv j
Tnnrsaay evening.
Topic lor Meet
SILVERTO. Dec. 8. M. P.
Proprietors of the S. L. Burke .X",: 'iC; J,,". '
their eight new cotUges are oe-l... vil ,.t. . --- Mrtvinm.w ; -
JSyX.J " at Port- dShter wa, born Saturday at a
tt - "'mjr i The women's Missionary associa-
rr 1UUW. m OZner tion wm have Its annual Worn-
most of the other camp houses
are full. They have a -number of
permanent tenants, i. ; t '
Mrs. L. A. Dixon, proprietor of
the hotel at Mehama . and her
little daughter, June are ' house
guests of Mr. and Mrs.- W. P.
Lewis. Week-end guests at the I jition.
Dr. Johnson to J
Speak to Young
Fes Group
SILVER TON1, Dec. 3 Dr. H.E.
Johnson will be the speaker at
the December meeting of Trinity
. Young People's society at the so
cial rooms of the church Sunday
following services. A buffet lunch
eon will be served at 12:30 and
the program' will begin at 1:30
o'clock. , - . '
' Other numbers include selec
tions by a quartet composed of
Mrs. A. O. Nelson, .Miss Frances
Nelson, Alfred Jensen and Rev,
II. L. Foss; selections by Trinity
orchestra: piano solo by Haxel Ol
cen ; recitation by Juanita Moe.
and a reading by Ines Lee.. I
Lewis- home were Mr. and Mrs.
Edgar Meaker of Taqulna.
Thanksgiving fday guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Theodore Laehr were
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rockafellow
of the Pasadena apartments.
Mrs. S. L. Burke is again at
home after a visit at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Clyde Rogers
of Scio who spent Thanksgiving
at the Burke home. - - '
Mrs. Hubbell Toung aad
daughters, Carol and June, are in
Albany where they-will be guests
for two weeks of Mrs. Young's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. P Nut
ting. : . . - u .i
Mrs. W. S. Fitts la home from
a Salem hospital where she spent
three weeks ; following a major
operation. - - '. :. - .v -.:
Fruitland Plans
? Pie Social fori
Friday Dec. 12
FRTJITLAND, ; Dec! - ; 3The
big pie social will be held at the
next community meeting Decem
ber 13 at 8:00 o'clock at the
Fruitland school house.-Dr. Bar
rick's Quartet will help ! la the
program as well aa Mrs. Woodry
and her sons. I . There wUl be a
two-act comedy ; given by local
talent. i'-. '
F. N. Woodry," Salem auction
eer, will auction the pies. -
Legion Members
To Molalla Meet
bert Reeves post and its auxiliary
of the American Legion motored
to Molalla Monday night to hold
their regular 1 business meeting
there. Fifty members made .the
trip. The next meeting to be held
In two weeks will be at the new
city hall at Mt. AngeL
land, but formerly they lived both I Portland hospital to Mrs. David
in the Bethany district and at SI1-1 Rid dell of Monmouth. The child's
verton. - Mr. Solberg reported that I father, David R. Riddell, well-
hls daughter Elsie, who has been I known Polk county stockman.
employed In Hawaii for some time I died. October 24, at the family
has returned to New York city, j home hero following- a month's
where she has a responsible po-1 Illness. Mrs. Riddell has an old
er child, Constance, who attends
Miss Solberg is a graduate of I the Monmouth training school.
the Sllverton high school and was
one of the popular basketball
players on the noted girls' team
of a few years ago.
December 7. - The theme is ?Ye
Shall Be Mr Witnesses." The
Otterben Guild and choir of local
church will assist. An offering
will be taken for home and for
eign missions, yi z.'.fi"
Mrs. Crease to s
Roseburg Over .
A Weekend Period
Fruitland Quint
Out to Win Cup
SILVER TON. Dee.: 3 A " baby
son was .bom to Mr. and Mrs.
Lowell Hoblltt at the SUverton
hospital' Sunday. . The ."baby
weighed nine and a half pounds
and' has been 'named Lowell
Robert. . , .
iILL 6
Cobbs-Uitche!! ; Plantjllsar
Falls City Taken; Ua
chlnery'is Saved r
7 FALLS- Crrr, Dec. SDurlnt
last . night and early Tuesday
morning. . the old sawmill plant of
pobbs-Mitchell ; Lumber company
burned to the . ground : with, the
exception. of a couple of outlying
buildings. ri ; f--- v
.. The company, have had a crew
of about It men employed dar
ing the last two weeks' in remov
Inr'the most valuable machinery
and' storing it away in the outly
ing buildings. When the fire was
first discovered the greatest part
of the "plant was In ' flames , and
could not. he saved. Theiure de
partment .concentrated all its ' ef
forts on saving the office; and the
buildings in whieh the machinery
was stored. '"These efforts suc
ceeded. I':; ;-.r' - . . . j . j
The usual watchmen had been
discharged a couple of days pre
vious to the fire, which probably
was the reason the . fire was not
discovered' before it had 'gotten
out.'of control -". , ' " r : 1
As the weather .was rainy it
eliminated . the, nosslblUt. of the
blaze spreading; to other parts of
the city. -. ; .- , 1
The conflagration gave; cituens
considerable thrill . and no re
gret was felt, as the old plant had
for some time heen somewhat of
a nuisance to the city, v '1
Orchestra is
Scotts Mills
orchestra has been recently or
ganized which consists of nine
members including violins Da
vid Delano, Joe MeCracken, Hel
ton Thurman, LIU Nelson and
Margaret -' COulson; saxophones.
Phyllis Macy, Herman Macy; ac
eordlan, r Ira B rougher; J pianist,
Ruthanna . MeCracken, Mr. and
Mrs. Merle Scott and son Teddy
of Culp, Oregon, visited relatives
and friends here over Thanksgiv
ing and the week-end. j
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Haynes and
small aon. of llehama, visited Mr.
Haynes' parents, . Mr., and - Mrs.
George Haynes over, the; week"
end. M. Z: 'y- :
,R. JL Lawrence has moved hi
house around and is building an
addiUon on Jo IUn.. V
Miss . Beatrice . Amundson re
turned" to Stayt on Sunday, after
spending her Thanksgiving vaca
tion with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. N. Amundson. .
Tickets' Ready ,
A For Comedy by: -EpvrtlGrdi
.v..;::. w- .v' v".
! WEST SALEM,' Dee; $- Tick
ets are on sale for a three-act
comedy dram, which. the young
people of .the- Epworth league
will put on Thursday . evening,
December 4 in the community
halL v- - ; r: . --A--.
' The setting of this play is a
town in California during; a real
estath boom.- - - i t
) Proeeetls . will be applied on
new song books and on budget
expenses. . ; i - :-;. .... ,
Lights liew in
: Bethany "Area;.
Bring Pleasure
oo " y'
. BETIULNY, Dec. 3 Bethany
residents are rejoicing this week '
because of the electric line exten- ,
slon which has been put through
their districts. The light .was
turned on 'Wednesday. :
Among - htose who have the.
electricity added to tbelr home,
are Henry Torvend, Samuel . Tor
vend, the . Gilbert Gunderson
farm.- Silas Torvend, W.-E. John--son,
G. B. Bentsou farm. Oliver :
Luadbackea, KarlV Schmlddlke,
B." L." Frtnk," J. T. Bowea farm,
Frank Gregor," Carl ' Zimmerman,
Albert Grinde. Albert Mlckelson '
and Oscar .Welgle. . .
- HAZEL GREEN. Dec 3 John
Rutherford, student at O. 8. C.
spent Thanksgiving vacation with
parents. Mr. and Mrs. w. Ruth
erford. His brothers. Earl and '
Leonard took him to Oorvallis
Sunday In an auto.
Yes, I can sell' profitably
at lower prices '
r.'; :;- ' : y'; ''-'; : ', ' -. . .
: ; Here's How:
Food CosU Have Dropped 10 to 30
. i i 1
You Are Entitled to the Difference
WEST SALEM, Dec. 3 Mrs.
Charles ' Creaser went to Rose
burg Saturday where she spent next .Sunder in order to be ellff-
the weekend with her . husband. I oie zor mis season
FruiUtid basketball team will
organise sometime this week and.
prepare for the church league of
saiem in which they . woa the
championship last : year. All
members of last year's team are
urged to be at Sunday school
Lights to Help :
Biddies Produce
who Is employed there by
state highway commission.
' Mrs. H. R, McDowells her
mother. Mrs. G. W. Porter, of
Janctl i City, and Miss Mabel
Porter, went to Portland Friday,
where they visited until Sunday TRUITLAND.V Dec : 3 Leon
with Mrs. McDowell's brother. Brown ha started to build his
John Cavltt. an employee at the new JOxBO - foot chicken house
Portland post office. ; i . where he Intends to house about!
Guests Friday af the F. M. 500 chickens. Electrle lights will
Moore home on Edgewater street I be installed In the chicken house
were J. Brown and son Virgil of I so as to give the chicken a long
snenaan ana Mr. ana Jirs. w.
A, Thomas of Monroe.
er day. .This aids in egg produc
State Lecturer
To be Guest at
Election of officers will Te held
at Brush College grange Friday
night. "L Mrs. Marie Flint McCall.
sUte grange lecturer; will ' be
present, and give a special num
ber in conjunction with the short
Christmas program to be given
folio wing the fi : 3 0 e'eloek din
ner.' ; V r: : . u ,. . .. -V .-4
Mrs. E. Utley ' and Mrs. &
L. Blodgett will entertain mem
bers of Brush College helpers at
their home, nrlantle - Ranch"
'; Thursday afternoon, December 4.
Stitch Chatter
Club to Gather
X BETHANY, Dec. 3. The Stitch
and Chatter club members will.
motor to -Gerrais. on the second
Thursday : of the month, where
they will be guests of Mrs. Lewis
Hall, who formerly lived in the
Brush Creek district and attended
the club. The clubtaembers plan
to spend the afternoon with Mrs.
Hall. -, i -
i FRUITLAND, Dec S T h e
Portland Gas company la: Install
ing gas meters in the school and
at the P. R. Coulson home. The
school intends to light the house
and also have a fas plate.
1 -1 -1 -1 i Irrtn 1 ti nr -nrnLr t n trvi
Tl n
I- AT Af X J
Fine ; broadcloths in . checks or
stripes, .values to $&0. 1 Jl C
Special ' ' " ' i oftD
ii UC3
Values to " -'
Special for the
'early shopper:
Fancy CacEinicro Uczo
.- v . Regular taloes to 85c
- Special ,
50e pr. QC
2 pairs vJt
Buy Ilea
Bay Early
Avcli the
: Better y
1 1'
w ...v. " a a rH. a at r . a r v i , v i i
y J V5
' : . : G22C Donee Free
: I TlfcS, HOSE, ETC. : ; .
A gamine, MHKrformsaiee,liiglra
doe more than many acta costing twice iu price... for only
$89.50! Read the list of advantages this act bring, you! Look
propoitoii. Think of iu eeren tubes (three screen grid), iu
genuine electrn-djnamie speaker, lu Philco Balaaced Unit -
connrncuon . . . ai uua low pricel f--s;.::' ':;;i
fa" htmrt?rJomdthww aMrveloy it performi i mamad
JSsm.7 J0srss.4.Te eaa aave this woirfcroeeiver-a v3
rw Kara wi - -.
AU Wdcl, Hand Tailored
; 7 Why Pay Mere? .
c j
- r i .
1. Seven Balanced Philco tubes -(three
screen grid)
2. Genuine ffafaDyriGmic speaker
3. Betifulcubinetof specially selected
vcnuf and bird's-eye tnapla '
- . iruiiTAEIXi : VLL1
Wo q!JO
. .. - -
469 'State 'Street
. nsssBBaaaaMsassBsBissaaaM " "
.. Terms ;
Within Reason 1 K
7 ozoir?r
i -i
' If
Old . Fumiluro