EIGHTIETH YEAR ; . ;. : ; j Salem, OreceC Thursday Morninz; December 4. 1930 : 1.1 No. 216 HEIGHSTAG AT BUTTLE PBIfJT Program if Bruening Would Trim $345,000,000 Each m mm s Tear ior renoa National Socialists Will Make Fight; Stop Out go, Premier's cry -i BERLIN. Dee. 3 (AP) The Aelchstagr meeting today for the first time since last October, lis tened an hoar while Hermann Dietrich; finance minister, oat lined a program of financial re form whlchjwould cot Germany's expenditures by 1345,000,000 a year, then adjourned, postponing: debate until tomorrow. Tomorrow's session probably will be a battle royal. The gor ernment party Is ready to support Chancellor Bruening's program. The national socialists, and the other opposition blocs are pre- harfiil til ffvht nrAnnaflli The social democrats, bystand ers, probably will get a drubbing from both sides. When the general debate be gins at noon the points at Issue will be both the 1931 budget and the opposition demand for revo cation or Bruening's emergency decree enacting a series of harsh financial reforms 'over a period of three years. "Some of the communists Inter rupted Dietrich at several points In his speech, but on the whole It was a quiet session. Unemployment Insurance Made Self-Sustaining The new budget, Dietrich said, has slashed expenses by- about 2C5.190,000, but. Its . measures can be made to stand up only by the Bruening decree which cut&4 gorernment salaries -.and appro priations for the states, places unemployment . Insurance on a self-supporting basis and taxes cigars and cigarettes. "Even if ' we should hare a greater Income than we expect In the- next three years, Dietrich said, "we shall hare .to .use, any such excess to. get. ourselves out of debt.1 Under no circumstances can we spend more than 10. C87.000.000 marks (about 458,010,000) a year. Our taxes hare been pushed up to the very limit. We can't go farther that way. We're got to stop spending. " lie warned - bis countrymen ther mint make no their minds rtd lire like Spartans until Ger many is on her feet again. "I knew it will be-unpopular ..lUi i& M 'hut every department Is going to feel these reductions and they . must extend ot only throughout the national gorernment but to every state government.. ' THIRD MEMBER OF MILE 10 LI PORTLAND. Ore., Dec. 3 (AP) Physicians . said today Jack H. Lorett, 30, Seattle sales man, will recover from bullet wounds allegedly inflected by John M. Llewellyn, Portland busi ness man, here Tuesday. " After shooting Lorett, Llewel lyn, turned his gun on Miss Ida Hume, 20. and killed her, Lorett told police. Two hours later Llewellyn was found dead in his summer home near Portland. Po lice said he had shot himself. The shooting occurred in Miss Hume's apartment. Police said Llewellyn forced his way into the apartment and . shot - during a jealous rage. Miss Hume's friends told police Llewellyn frequently had threatened her life. Lorett was shot through the arm and in the back. His back- dans said, causing it to pass downward ,lnto his hip. The bul let was remored today. 38-Day Child is Out to Win Huge Damage in Court SEATTLE, Dec 3 (AP) Thirty-eight day oia james aer, believed the youngest piuuuu ever to appear in superior court here, today was seeking f 4 0,0 00 damages from Dr. John E. Lydon, for the loss of his left arm, in jured at birth. , . The complaint, filed by Rod ney Sears, the baby's father, stated Dr. Lydon wrapped the child's broken arm too tightly, preventing circulation. The arm was amputated at the shoulder eight days after birth to prevent blood poisoning, the . complaint said. .:.: A :.-.',. i,'r- . Gift Suggestions ' ' Watch for suggestions n der this heading In The Statesman , dally, starting Friday morning. These sug gestions will appear on the sport page, opposite the classified I advertising and will assist : ron gTeatly la shoppinav - i OVER BUDGETS mower saus Tax tJut iJant tu Kunr Htn Made To Appropriate Billion is Up Half of -Funds Asked For Coast Guard -For Dry' . Use . WASHINGTON'. Dee.. 3(AP) Ending the formalities of opening, the house-began carrying out administration plans to arold a special assembly today by plunging into consideration of the $1,083,553,943 treasury-post-office supply bill. , Debate on the measure carry ing appropriations for stimulating the American merchant marine, public building construction and air mail development began Im mediately after President Hoor er's annual budget message was read, with a view to passage by the end of the week. The bill is $86,906,095 lower than expendi tures for the curent year year and 320.72S.410 less than Che budget estimates, the reduction largely was accounted for In a slash of $104,000,000 for tax refund, only $26,000,000 plus the existing sur plus being allowed for this pur pose. . Although $61,000,000 was set aside for publie building construc tion and Increase of $10,177,220, as an unemployment relief mea sure, the bill reflected efforts at economy by both the administra tion and the appropriations com mittee. Xo Prohibition Appropriation' Is Provided For No appropriations were made for the prohibition, bureau, trans ferred to the Justice department last July. However, the industrial alcohol, and the narcotic bureaus were granted $4,814,420 and $1, 708.928, respectively, a total in crease of more than a half mil lion over current expenses. Nearly 50 per cent of the $32. 897,582 given the coast guard Is to be spent to prevent smuggling of liquor: and narcotics, while sums were alloted for construc tion of new life saving stations along the coast and Great Lakes. Approximately 50 ships under construction in- American ship yards are to profit by $36,000,000 allowed for ocean mail contracts. Of this the American air snail service in Latin American Is to re ceive $7,000,000. The domestic sir mall was giv en $20,000,000, an Increase of $5,000,000, for new routes over the county that practically com plete the postofflce department plans for this development. The permanent and definite ap propriations, made automatically, amount to $1,075,369,339. May Commence Legal Action For Election No further developments oc curred yesterdsy in the matter of mandamus proceedings to force the governor to call a special elec tion for a senator. The report was that the pleadings in the case would be filed Thursday. Talk about possible successors to the late Lloyd T. Reynolds has subsided until the court proceed ings are carried through or aban doned. If an election is held par ty committees will nominate as well as Independent assemblies. If no election is held, then the leg islature, will determine In the opening' days some way of filling the racancy from Marlon county. INSURANCE DATA UP PORTLAND. Ore., Dee. 3. (AP) The final open meeting of the insurance interim com mittee of the Oregon legislature was held here tonight. Adjourn ment was taken until December 17 when the committee will be gin to prepare its recommenda tions to the legislature. Wilber Henderson Is chairman of the committee. Other mem bers are Hsrrey Well and Earl C. Bronaugh, representing the house of representatives, and Gus C. Moser and Milton R. Klepper, representing the senate. WITHYCOMBE CALLS CONCLAVE ARLINGTON, Ore., Dec. 3. (AP) John Withycombe, presi dent of the eastern Oregon wheat league, said today speakers from seren different states would be here for the league eonrentlon December 11, 12 and 13. The seren states : are Illinois, Minnesota, Montana, California, Idaho, Washington and Oregon. M. L. Wilson of Montana State college, will discuss Russia and the future world supply of wheat. u : ; ; MONTHLY PAYROLL 2500 MEDFORD, Ore., Dec 3. (AP) James Reeres, of Eureka, Calif., has-.asked permission to build a factory for polished wood products and rubber goods here. The factory would haTe a month ly payroU of $2500. - K. D.t AGNELL KILLED . THE DALLES, Ore., Dec. 3. (AP) E.' D. Agnell, 41. a sales man, was killed Instantly here s 1 axyutiuan't be With Income Less:Bill Conducts Probe' Of Russian Men Behind closed doors. Comrade N. B. Krylenko (above), chief pro secuting attorney of the Union of the Soviet republics. Is fin ishing a dramatic probe of al leged espionage activities In Kussia, to which foreign gov ernments. Including Great Bri tain and France, hare been linked.' e ABOUT AFFAIRS UP County Court to Consider, Later in Week, Demand For new Routes Hearings on six road matters will come before the county court the latter part of this week. The petition of Ed Dunigan. Jr.. and others for a stub road off the main road In the Howell Prairie district will be up again. This was continued from the No vember session of court. . First hearing wlflvbe glren to the petition of J. H. Prunk and others for a road near Aums rille. The court will again take up the petition of C. A. Pelland and others for a road in the St. Paul district, this case having been continued from the last term of court. Just before the last session, a number of names on remonstrance to the original pe tition was withdrawn. Road petition by M. B. Mitch ell and others for a short road connecting the Salem-Silvertoil road with the Pacific highway from the tracks north of town will be up for final hearing, fol lowing farorable rlewers report. First hearing will be glren on the petition of Fred "Weinman and others for a road leading to the public school in the Waconda district. Petition of T. T. McClellan and others for a short road In the West Stayton district will also be presented for the first time. A M IMS ROAD Interim Croup Meets Wheat League to Meet ' Medford Factory, Plan Death In Fog's Wake last night when his car collided with a truck drlren by William Masten. according to traffic offi cers. Dense fog was blamed for the accident. Agnell Is survived by his widow in Beaverton. WILDER OUT FOR JOBS EUGENE, Ore., Dee. 3. (AP) Mayor II. E. Wilder to day called a meeting for next Tuesday to discuss plans for un-, employment relief. Unemploy-: ment is most acuteamong lum ber workers. Nearly 2000 are said to be out of work In Lane county. STEEL REPLACES WOOD THE DALLES, Ore., Dec. 3. i (AP) Jack Milne, chairman of the. city water commission, an nounced today 12,000 feet of old wooden mains will be replaced by steel pipes this wlater at a cost of $30,000. The lmprorement will create a payroll of about $15,000. Only residents of The Dalles will be employed for the work and heads of families will be glren prefer ence. . 1 - PATROL SEEKS HUNTERS ! . EUGENE," Ore.. Dec. 3. (AP) Eight experienced . woodsmen began a search today tor R. W. Dimmlch and C L. Nystrom, of Oakrldge, who are three days orerdue In returning from ; a cougar hunt. ' i - ' ; - The two men left their homes Friday and said they intended to return Saturday. Members of their famines fear they are lost In the woods or hare met with an accident. THE DAY IN WASHINGTON President sent budget message to congress. - Senate receired more than BOO nominations. Senate ' debated Parker Con zens naotorbos bill. House tackled treasury postofflce appropriation bilL - Senate passed and sent to president a bill to relieve court congestion. Hoover Not Worried By Deficit; Debt on Way to Payment WASHINGTON, Dec. 3 (AP) A deficit lies ahead and tax rates must be increased. President Hoover today told con gress, but the government's fi nances are In a thoroughly sound condition. The deficit' he estimated at $180,000,000 and he said, in his annual message transmitting the budget, that the one per cent in come tax reduction granted a year ago could not be continued. But he submitted a balanced budget for the fiscal year 1932 and a statement that rigid econ omy in legislation would give the nation a surplus of $30,600,000 for that period. "A heavy decrease In probable Income and the necessity lo in crease public works and aid em ployment," he said, "do not war rant continuation" of the tax re duction. The chief executive found no cause for concern in the impend ing deficit. It amounts, he said, to less than tire per cent of the total gorernment expenditure. "When we stop to consider that we are progressirely amor tizing our public debt, and that a balanced budget is being present ed for 1932, even after drastic writing down of expected rev enue,' his message ratf, "I beliere it will be agreed that our govern ment finances are in a sound condition." Thinks Drought Situation Can be Readily Handled Although asserting appropria tions to reliere unemployment and help farmers of the drought area would tend to Increase the deficit as estimated, he expressed the opinion these needs could be met without undue danger. The president was emphatic in warning congress against extra vagant appropriations. A total of $3,932,842,000 was requested to finance the gorern ment through the fiscal year. He recommended increases orer cur rent appropriations of $109,620. 000 for reterans, $51,500,000 for federal aid roads, $10,330,000 for public buildings, $2,480,660 for prohibition enforcement and $35, 000,000 for the shipping board's construction loan fund. The decreases were $92,000, 000 for tax refunds, $33,697,000 for national defense and $22,000, 000 for interest on the national debt. Total receipts for 1932, exclu sive of postal revenues were es timated at $4,085,119,000 and to tal expenditures at $4,054,619, 000. Receipts for the current year were set at- $3,834,865,000 and expenditures at $4,014,941, 00. Better Legs on Bull Frogs Late Science Object KINGSVILLE, Ont., Dec. 3. (AP) Bigger and jucier hind legs for Canadian bull frogs is the latest objective of Jack Min er, widely known naturalist. Miner Is experimenting at his game sanctuary to determine whether Ontario's marshes can not b eeonrerted from breeding plaees for toads to froggerles for raising beauties whose succulent legs are in demand as table deli cacies. He has Imported several thousand pollywogs from Kansas to wiggle themselres Into matur ity in the sanctuary pounds. Army-Navy Mix Expensive One In This Affair NEW YOSK. Dec. 3. (AP) Irving P. Coleman's about-face from the navy to' the army meant a difference of $4,000 in bonds for him today. Coleman, already under $1, 000 bond in removal proceedings Instituted from Washington where he Is sought for posing as a naral captain, was held today under $5,000 bond for posing as an army major.. " ' The gorernment charges that Coleman, in bis - army pose, passed bogus checks aggregating $25,000. , , - i 'Educate Slogan - For Churches to War on Liquor WASHINGTON, Dec 3(AP) An educational campaign to pronrote prohibition was advoca ted today in a resolution adopted by the execuUre committee of the federal council of churches. IUI III1IUII I.UIU 15 FIRED. AT; SHOT MISSES Ex-Reporter Says Pistol not Shot to Kill but as Po litical Protest Premier Berenguer, Unhurt, Proceeds Calmly to Take Place at Cabinet MADRID, Dec. 3 (AP) A newspaper reporter resigned his Job today, and then, armed with a pistol, went to the office of Pre mier Berenguer and fired a shot orer the premier's head. The reporter, Joaquin Lllzo, denied be had intended to shoot the premier, declaring he wanted only to shoot at him as a protest against conditions in Spain. However, his pistol jammed after th first shot and he was promptly seized. Berenguer who had been about to hold a conference with assem bled newspapermen, walked up to LUzo with perfect coolness and said: "Well, why did you do that?". "I came here, replied Lllzo, "to make a bloodless but energetic protest against the social regime presented by your government." Berenguer then turned to the other newspapermen and said: "I am all right." The premier then proceeded up stairs where he presided at a meeting of his cabinet as if noth ing had happened. "Philosophy is Against Killing" Reporter's Statement At police headquarters, Lllzo In a statement to Chief Mola, said: "My act' was a protest against the political and social conditions which exist at present in Spain and which If continued will car ry Spain to chaos, i Everything is going bad in Spain. I did not care to kill Berenguer as my philosophy caused me to oppose killing. "I also did not care to kill be cause I entered the building as a newspaper reporter and would not want to cast shame upon my brethren of the press. It was for the purpose of preventing repor ters as a class from being sub jected to humiliation that I re signed this morning from El Sol, and thus not a reporter when I shot. I alone am personally respon sible with no confidants or ac complices." Lllzo is about 40 years old, speaks several languages and Is regarded as a student of foreign pontics. HUGE Ml GOES TOWARD GAS VATS NEW YORK., Dec. 3 (AP) -Fire, originating In a terrific ex plosion, swept the Pratt works of the Standard Oil Co. In Brook lyn late tonight, bringing all available land and water appar atus' to the scene. A 10,000-gallon tank of crude oil exploded and caught fire and the blase quickly spread to seven or eight more tanks. The flames followed underground pipes to the East River waterfront and Ignited eight turpentine tanks. The fire threatened 25 more rats, each holding 10,000 gal lons of crude oil. Thirty fire engines and four fire boats were rushed to the plant from Brook lyn and Manhattan. Efforts were being made to confine the blaze1 to a limited area and prevent it from reach ing the nearby plant of the Brooklyn Union Gas company. The Standard works are located between 10th and 12th street near the East River, and the confla gration was ' risible from Man hattan and outlying districts. Hear! Hear! No Jobless in Town NEW HOPE. Pa., Dec. 3. (AP) Here's a town: There is no ; unemployment. The JaU is empty. . The one industry, a paper mill, is running three shifts a day. Dr. John A. Flood revealed this fine state of affairs today. He ought to know. He's mayor and chief of police. 75 Per Cent Valueless SAN FRANCISCO, Dec 3 (AP) An educational revolu tion of far reaching importance Is sweeping "America, Prof, E. A. Rogers, Montesuma Mountain school president. . said today in, explaining hereafter - eurrieuiums should be fitted to the child rath er than the child to curriculum. "" Prof. Rogers, who " attended the White House conference in child . health- and protection, Washington, D. C, warned par ents not to worry if your child gets poor marks in arlthmeue and regards the date of the bat tle of Hastings as unimportant.' "Parents of sueh children First Lady Opens : 4 Charity in V:' -"V V4 r i mmmmk Mrs. Hoover cuts the birthday, cake at the second anniversary cele bration of the' Thrift Shop, in Washington, where a group of well known women in society and in diplomatic circles are conducting a philanthropic sale during the pre-holiday season. Proceeds go to the Children's hospital, the Children's Country Home, the Child Welfare society, and the Prenatal Clinic of the Columbia hospital. u 1 on REBELS IN SOVIET Some Hope Held That Trial May end in Long Term Of Imprisonment MOSCOW, Dec. 3. (AP) Eight Russian engineers accused of plotting overthrow of the so viet government may know before the week end whether they must pay with their Ures for their acts of treason. . It was generally admitted that Prosecutor N. B. Krilenko will de mand the death penalty in his summation tomorrow night, -but some doubt existed- whether the extreme penalty would be exacted .from all the defendants. There was a strong belief1 the death sentence would be Imposed on all eight, but later would be commuted In the cases of some of the defendants to 10 years im prisonment. This Is considered a long prison term in soviet Russia. Hundreds of Other " Conspirators Rounded Up In rlew of the fact most of the defendants hare bared complete details of the plot for foreign In tervention and hare aided the gorernment In rounding up hun dreds of others as conspirators it is thought probable some degree of leniency might be shown. None of the defendants seemed apprehensive over their fate to day. Prof. Leonid Ramsin, the leader of the conspiracy, placidly smoked cigarettes, smiled occa slonally and studied documents relating to the case. The others listened Imperturbably to the court proceedings, more like cas ual spectators than defendants. The greater part of the day was occupied by a closed session at which activities of two agents at tached to a "certain French Inst! tutlon in Moscow" were gone into in greater detail than permitted by the court at open sessions. BE MOST POPULAR WASHINGTON. . Dec. . (AP) More and more persons are sticking to the old car or buying a used one. Figures on Installment financ ing issued today by the com merce department showed new cars purchased on the install ment nlan exceeded used cars so sold in only three of the first nine months this year. In September new car Install ment sales dropped to 92,248 while used cars purchased the same way totaled 120,875. For the first nine months l. 144,973 new automobiles were purchased on the installment plan and 1,237,304 used cars changed hands In the same way. During the corresponding per iod of 1020. 1.517,520 new cars and 1.213,703 used automobiles were sold on installments. , of Studies Says Teacher should be glad.' the educator said, "they are ia step with the most . progressive theories of modern education." "Seren ty fire per cent of the educational material children re eelre Is useless and they forget about 10 per cent of what they learn. Prof. Rogers said. -; "Memorising Latin or study ing foreign languages does not make a child a better ' thinker," he said. "Neither does study of algebra, and geometry broaden or strengthen the unwilling pu pil's mind." ; He suggested specialization. ODCR M TO Drive For Washington, D. C 5 I 7 s, mcr" TV! Kettles and Bells Signal Campaign On Heralded by the tinkling bells which annually tell the world the Salvation Army Christmas Good will campaign is on,, a number of army kettles sponsored by sol diers of the Organization, : made their appearance on downtown streets this morning. Each day unfil Christmas, Sun days excepted, the Goodwill campaign of the army will be on, with 1930 requirements making necessary 1 even larger donations than In previous years. "We have had more requests for help this year than In any season since I've been In Salem," (Turn to page 2, col. 2) TO Doctor, Testifying in Case Of Bowies Says Strain Caused new Version PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 3 (AP) From the I witness stand at the coroner's inquest Into the death of Mrs. Leone Bowles, 33, Portland society matron, Dr. Paul B. Cooper today repudiated a statement police seren days after death. i said he made Mrs. Bowles' Mrs. Bowles died from a knife wound November 12 in the apart ment of Mrs. Irma Locks Paris, 28. Mrs. Paris and Nejson C. Bowles, 34, Portland capitalist and widower of the dead woman, are charged with Mrs. Bowles' murder, i They told police they were in the Parlf apartment at the time of Mrs. ! Bowles' death and that she stabbed herself. -Facta in Doubt About Time Woman Lived Dr. Copper, whe was called to attend Mrs. Bowles, told police Mrs. Bowles lived i about 20 min utes after he arrived and that he called an ambulance prior to her death. Seven days later he ad mitted, police said, his story had been false and tht Mrs. Bowles lived only two or j three minutes after his arrival, that she was dead about. 2 5 minutes before he called the ambulance and that he called W H. Cullers, Bowies' business associate before he call ed the ambulance to remove the body. j; . (Turn to page 2, col. 3) Engineer Turns In Ticket Just As-Run is Done MARIETTA, Ohio. Dee.' 3. (AP) ;As the St. Louis-New York Express of the Baltimore ft Ohio railroad sped across the Ohio river bridge into Parkers burg, W. Va., today. Engineer Wallace Williams; (5, Chilli cothe, Ohio, died at the throttle. Denver ' Conner ef Chlllicothe, fireman, saw . WllUams collapse as the train approached the Par kersburg. yards and holding the dying engineer with one arm, brought the train to a stop with the other. " , j ' . Trio Men Not To Seek Rights " Of Extradition TACOMA. Dee. 3 (AP) With Sheriff R. Jennings enroute to Tacoma from - Medford. X)re., to return George J. Bennett. 39: A. J. Bennett, 19 and C. B. Smith 23, to that city for an alleged burglary, the three tonight vol untarily signed extradition walr- crs. - -; ; . , GOES BACK 01 STORY REQUEST HELD IIP FOB ITER. POWER RIGHTS Norblad Says He'll Vote to Deny Power Group Per mit: City Presents Case No Action From Hearing Be fore Reclamation Board ..." . Here Wednesday The application of the North west Power Company for permis sion to appropriate the waters of the North Santlam river and Mar ion lake was taken under advise ment by the uate reclamation commission i late yesterdsy after additional testimony on the mat ter was offered at a meeting held in the state capital. The hearing concluded one begun in Septem ber, 1929. the matter having been carried along since that time at several other meetings. Governor Norblad announced Informally, ; as a member of the commission, that he would rote against granting of the applica tion but State Treasurer Kay and Secretary of State Hoss, both members of the commission, said they would like time to consider the matter. Early in the bearinjr the com mission made it plain that the only matter before it was wheth er or not the application of the North west- Power company should be granted. The applica tion of the city of Salem, made at a later date, was considered an Irrelevant matter by the com mission although City Attorney Trindle and Engineer J. C. Baar, both appearing to urge that the power company's proposal be re jected, made It plain that the moment the slate was clean, Sa lem would press for favorable action on its filings. Kay Bays Repeatedly He ; Wants to Delay Artion State Treasurer Kay repeated ly told the commission and the witnesses and auditors at the meeting that he would oppose any grant of water rights by the reclamation commission until the 1831 session of the legisla ture was concluded. Kay. indica ted that considerable legislation was impending regarding the disposition- of water and power rights and said he thought the commission could beat .wait until these laws were made before dis posing of any additional sights. In presenting the objections of Salem to the grant of power and water rights to the Northwest company. Engineer Baar said the North Santlam and Marlon lake offered the sole supply of water for Salem apart -from the Wil lamette river. Baar said that pumping and filtration costs, in creasing as the city increased in water needs and as the river be- (Turn to page 2,: col. 4 Man Who Killed Grandmother to Sit in Hot Chair LOUISVILLE. Ky., Dec. 3. (AP) A member of a Jury try ing Robert Lee Bennett. 27, on a charge of slaying his grandmoth er, Mrs. Rosa Bennett, 69, report ed to county officials late today that a man had appeared at tEe window of the jury room and menaced him with a pistol. Officers found a ladder lead ing to the window. The Juror said he bettered another man with the Intruder. ' A few minutes later the jury returned a rerdict conrlctlng Ben nett of first degree murder and sentencing him toi die in the elec tric chair. Bennett was Sentenced to death at two previous trials but had been granted new trials by the appelate court. Campaign to Bring Early Shopping is . Producing Results TINSEL in the windows and red bells, and green wreaths, and. stores fuU of toys and trinkets and oth er things fell the story of the beginning of Christmas shopping. Crowds of hurry ing shoppers are further ev idence that the . campaign sponsored by the Salem Li ens club for "Buy Now" stimulation is gaining head way. Members of the com mittee which is headed by Harold Eakln held a meet ing at The Hps yesterday, checking results of the cam paign and planning to give it a push in the remaining days of the week. Shoppers are urged by the Lions to make note of the special features and to be sure to get tickets with their purchases. ; So far no general decora tions have appeared on tlte streets. Individual stores hare their own decorations, but the streets lack their customary CTergrccns and cedar ropes. These are ex pected to be up in a few days, and 'Will serve to give the city more of a Christmas atmosphere.