ONLY 19 DAYS MORE Lest yoa forget, it's only - Iff bum shopping days , tU Christmas! Early bnying Is easiest and best. EIGHTIETH TEAR Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, December 3, 1930 No. 215 on- I . . Mill ' III 1 II 1 1 II n LA T w - 0 TI l"Vr I I I I I I ll I I I I I I I I I I I I I oay. ueaue winas. Jiax. I - I mm help TO HEEDY Kl i - ' '- Drought, Relief too Loom 1 As big Subject Whl' ; Bills Pourip McNary and Robinson Both Introduce Measures to Provide Loan Fund ': . J,' J- By -FRANCIS M. STEPHENSON WASHINGTON, Dee. 2 AP) Congress .went to -work, today with its ' attention centered on unemployed and drought relief after pausing to hear President Hooter's views outlined in his annual message. Republicans and democrats heaped varied forms of relief remedies into the legislative fun nel through the day and tonight committee chairmen were calling meetings far later in the week, to organize for handling them. In his message President Hoo rer asked for $100,000,000 to $150,000,000 to accelerate con struction ifor employment relief, and a fund for seed and. feed loans tor farmers whose crops dried up. i He pointed to an estimated de ficit for the present fiscal year and a narrow surplus margin In prospect for the 1932 fiscal year and said: - "I can not emphasize too, strongly the absolute necessity to defer any other plans for Increase of government expenditures. Most rigid economy is therefore nec essary to avoid increase in taxes." Senate Silent When Hoover's Address is Heard The president's recommenda tions were heard with customary silence in the senate. In the house the republicans stood and ap plauded, at its conclusion but a number remained seated with the democrats. v One of the iwr bills offered in the senate, wis by Senator Glenn, republican. Illinois to authorize the $150,000,000- emergency funds requested by the president to be used in speeding public buildings construction and In land waterways improvements. But the outburst of democratic crtticTsm InT the senate which fol lowed announcement of Mr. Hoo (Turn to page 10, coL 2) MRS. MILLER WILL FLY Oil TO vtt xt T Dee. 2 . ( AP ) Mrs. J. M. Keith-Miller and Cap tain W. N. Lancaster, her living partner, expect tor fly to Miami tomorrow with the plane in which she saia sne waae -forced landing on Andros Island Friday, John Liggett III, Pitts burgh, said tonight. un Keith-Miller arrived in Nassau by fishing boat yester day. Lancaster and Liggett, one of the backers or a xiigm sue waa ATTtdcted to make from Pitts burgh to Havana and return. flew in a rescue plane irom an- - - 9 ami to Nassau ana Anaros isiana today. They picked up Mrs, Keith- Miller at the former ptace ana proceeded to Kemp's bay on An dros Island, where she and Lan caster left the plane, taking gas oline and oil for the proposed flight to Miami. Morrow on Deck For Oath; Will Succeed Baird v WASHINGTON. Dec 2. (AP) Dwlght W. Morrow came to Washington today to take his seat in the senate as a member from New Jersey. , He will present himself for the oath of office tomorrow. Morrow takes the place of Senator Baird in completing the unexpired term of Walter E. Edge, ambassador to France. On next March 4, he begins a six year term of his own. Mrs. Morrow accompanied the senator elect and she will be the only member of the family pres ent when he is, sworn. . 6 Statesmen of Greatest Value To U. S. Named CHICAGO, Dec. J (AP) In 'the opinion of Harry E. Atwood, author and constitutional author ity, the . six greatest American statesmen were:- v "Benjamin Franklin for pre paring the constitution;. George Washington for creating it; Alex ander Hamilton for ratifying It; John Marshall v for , Interpreting It; Daniel Webster for expound ing it and Abraham Lincoln, for preserving It." J Atwood, bead of the constitu tional education , association, made the selection in an address today before the military, iatelll (fenee association. in Salient Points in Congress H ERE are pointed sentences short session congress which was received with cheers fFAm tll. VA.fl hi aTl ,a,rAa mm m.,. .- remarxs: . .. -r , .. .'-, . "Economic depression can not be cured by legislative action . or executive i pronouncement. Economic wounds must be healed by the action of the cells of the economic body the producers and consumers themselves." !, "Some time ago it became evident that un employment would continue over the winter. We have as a nation a definite duty that no deserv ing person in our country suffers from hunger or cold."' ' 3 . "As a contribution to the situation, the fed eral government Is engaged upon the greatest program of waterway, harbor, flood eontrol, pub lic building, highway, and airway Improvement in all our history. This, together with loans to 'p,ee$ fcii.iaririt. ii in a MaeeetvHootw merchant snipDuuaers, improvement oi ine navy and in military aviation, and other construction work of the gov ernment will exceed $520,000,000 for this fiscal year.1 j "To Increase taxation for purposes of construction work de feats its own purpose, as such taxes directly diminish employment for the next six months, and new plans which do not produce such immediate result or which extend commitments beyond this per iod are not warranted." "Our Immediate problem is the Increase of employment for the next six months, and new plans which do not produce such Immediate result or which extend commitments beyond this per iod are not warranted." "I urge' the strengthening of our deportation laws so as to more fully rid ourselves of criminal aliens." "The political agitation in Asia; revolutions In South Amer ica and political unrest in some European states; the methods of sale by: Russia of her increasing agricultural exports to European markets; and our own drought have all contributed to prolong and deepen the depression. "In the larger view-the major forces of the depression now lie outside cf the United States, and our recuperation has been retarded by hte unwarranted degrees of fear and apprehension created by these outside forces." FRANCE STRONG FOB jnftHJEHE Chamber of Deputies Adds $24,000,000 by Vote of 433 for, 139 Against PARIS, Dec. 2 (AP) Addi tional military credits totalling $24,000,000 and earmarked for national defense were voted by the French chamber of deputies today, 433 against 139. Staunch opponents of the gov ernment Who have voted regu larly against the Tardleu ministry on other problems, switched to Its support when the question of na tional" security was raised. War Minister Andre Maglnot, urging passage of the measure, declared that the additional cred its would be used in fortifying France's southeastern frontier. M. Maglnot said the . govern ment planned to call for an in crease in the-period-of military training of reserves among the populations living close to" the country's frontier. Low Birth Rate to Reduce Enlistments The war minister explained that because of the low birth rate In France during the war years the number of men joining the colors from 1935 to 1939 would be between 140.000 and 150,000 instead of the 240,000 men who are now called. "Thus when that period is reached we shall have to bring, forward new military arrange ments." M. Maglnot said. He concluded: "We faTor interna tional solutions of these problems bu a country invaded three times in the course of 100 year must insure its own security, par measures of security will dlscohr age those who might foster plans for attacking us."- Truck z 'Fags' ' Stolen in South - SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 2. (AP) Two men who must have heard about reaching for a cer tain kind of cigarette reached Out and took a whole truck load here today. flam i I LICENSES GET BIO REVENUE PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. Z. API Fimree released from the office of the Oregon state game commission today showed a proi it of. $95 for the fiscal year end ing September 30. 1930. Receipts amounted to $449,523 while expenditures were $449,433. Hunting and angling licensee and fines for law violation nro- vided most of the revenue. DEMAND ALLEN'S RETURN EUGENE, Ore., Dec. 2. : (AP) University of Oregon etadents were elrralatiag peti tions today demanding the rein statement of Robert Allen, de posed ' managing editor of the Oregon Emerald, etadeat dally. Allen was one of three sin dents removed from office by the executive conncfl of the atadent relatione committee for hie alleged connection with pre-game raDy. J VICTORY RALLY PLANNED CORVALLIS, Ore.,. Dec-J. ? (AP) The Oregon State football team ended Its triumphal tour here today. A throng of students and townspeople met the special train which brought the squad and the Oregon State, band back from Chicago.-: v, .v -". Part of the convocation hour on the campus tomorrow wm be de voted, to a victory rally at which Hoover's Address to on Tuesday 'i ' ; from Hoover's message to the Meier Looks Over Houses, Stays Silent Julius L. Meier, governor-elect, spent virtually all day Tuesday in Salem gathering information for his inaugural message and in specting a number' of houses and anartments. He conferred with T. B. Kay, state treasurer; Hal E. Hobs, secretary of state, and other officials. Meier told the state treasurer that he would send a man to Sa lem next week when his quest for information will be continued. The governor-elect Indicated that he would have his mesasge com pleted and ready for the printer (ate this month. Although Governor-elect Meier Inspected a dozen bouses here to day he has not yet determined definitely which one he will lease. The rentals were said to range from $40 to $160 a month. Mr. Meier was accompanied to Salem by Henry Hansen, ex-newspaper man. who probably will serve as executive secretary dur ing the Incoming administration. Hansen already has leased an apartment, which he will occupy later in the month. The I rovernor-eleet said he would I move to Salem early In January. He will be. accompanied by Mrs. Meier. Archduke Clear Oi Guilt Over Necklace Sale NEW YORK. Dec. 2 (AP) Archduke Leopold of Austria was entirely free today of entan glement in the allegedly Illegal sale to a New York Jeweler last winter of the Napoleon necklace which belongs to his aunt. Arch duchess Maria Theresa. Last week the archduke was acquitted of a charge of having aided and abetted the theft of the necklace. -Another Indict ment charging him with complic ity in the theft was dismissed today. Charles L. Townsend and his wife,, both under Indictment in connection with the sale, have never been arrested. - ' Tnrnmp Seek Editor's Return Aggie Team Back Home Bride's Smoking Irks members of the team will be guests. BLOWS LEAD TO DIVORCE ; ALBANY, Ore Dec 2. (AP) Lawrence Masterbrook didnt like to see his bride of five months smoking cigarettes. . His mild remonstrances, how ever, were answered by blows, i he alleged In a divorce salt filed here today. He charged owelty. ; FILM SHOT AT MEDFORD MED FORD, Ore.. Dec 2 (AP) Ben Lyon, motion picture actor, and a company of other ; actors and actresses have been In south ern Oregon for several days film ing part of a new picture. , The actors were in the Klam ath district today. . : . SUFFOCATED IN SAWDUST BIN KLAMATH FALLS, Ore., Dec 9L (AP) -Lawrence Pippin, 4T, fireman's helper, was saf- , located here last .night. : -: He fell head first into a saw dns bin a a sawmill here. : HARVEY NEW RAKER MAYOR BAKER, Ore., Dec . (AP) Bert Harvey was sworn la as may. or of Baker today. He succeeded J B Messicki ; ; nirvey Immediately appointed a new police chief, a new munici pal judge, and one new police officer.- - - - - - - ':: RAIL LEAD FOR WEST OUT TO JUMP RATES Delay for Year at Least in Effecting Grain Reduc- tion Is Sought Study of Western Situation With View to Increase Tariffs Proposed - WASHINGTON, Dec. Y (AP) Western . railway executives contended today that the entire transportation problems of that district should be gone into by the Interstate Commerce commis sion and a policy of upward re vision of freight rates adopted. In a letter to commission the association of western railway ex ecutives asked that the effective date for putting into effect re duced grain rates already ordered be postponed for the period of the depression and for not less than one year from next Janu ary 1. They asked the commission to adopt a general poller of revis ing rates upward instead ' of downward. Investigate rail, mo tor and water transportation and oil and gas pipe lines. Recommended to congress leg islation fer regulation of motor vehicle and pipeline transporta tion. Revise water freight rates from a flat 20 per cent under rail rates to a "basis that would en able private water carriers to op erate at a profit." - Immediately revise long haul freight rates upward. Eliminate overhead rates and continue the present combina tlon .based on Chicago and re lated western gateways. Asserting that net operating revenues of lines in western clas sification territory had declined $112,332,733 during the first nine months of this year the ex ecutlves said they had later re ports indicating further losses of $20,000,000 yearly. The executives indicated In their letter that only the business depression . prevented them from asking an immediate upward re vision of all western rates. They expressed a "sincere desire to ameliorate the difficult problems now confronting the commission, the railroads and the general public to the end that there shall be no Impairment of railroad ser vice in the western district." Alleged Passer Of Counterfeit Checks is Held Charged with passing a coun terfeit traveler's - check, J. E. Green of Portland was brought into justice court for arraign ment yesterday pending a prelim inary hearing before Justice SmalL Green is alleged to be one of a group of men who passed a num ber of fake traveler's checks on local merchants last month. The checks closely resembled those Issued by the National City Bank of New York and the coun terfeit was not discovered until the unpaid checks were returned from New York. Green was arrested in Port land. Widow is Placed As Oiiicial in Husband's Road ST. LOUIS, Dec. 2. (AP) TWaniiA of a nersonal interest In the railroad of which her late hus band was president, Mrs. Charles N. Whitehead today-aecepted a nmitinn as assistant to the presi dent of the Missouri-Kansas-Tex as railroad. - I Mrs. Whitehead, probably the Mr.t woman to take the title and responsibility of a major railroad executive, was appointed by M. H. Cahlll, president of the road, to direct Its service and organisation from a woman's viewpoint. Bartender Puts v Up Own Toast in Closing Minutes NEW YORK, Dec. 2. (AP) Gus Eckhard, one time bar tender, hanged himself today. . On a table la his room, he had left this verse: " , u w ibMni - mm " y steady ... ' - v And . drink to your comrades' " eyes. - . v . . . Here's to the dead already ' And here's to the next who dies." Mooney Plea to I Go BeioreRolph NEW YORK, Dec J (AP) The national - Mooney-Bllllngs committee today, following the California supreme court's denial of a pardon to Warren K. Billr lags.' wired' to Tom Mooney and Billings In the 'California prisons pledging "redoubled efforts with the new governor . of California, James Rolph, Jr.," who takes of fice next month. : Chinese Proves to Be Model Husband; Here's His Secret SEATTLE, Wash!, Dec 2. (AP) Federal Probation Officer Adrian B. Miller waa questioning Jang Ah Lang, 4, today, who had been giv en a suspended sentence on' charge of , possession of narcotics. "v "How long have yon been married?" Miller asked. "Thirty-eight years," the oriental replied. "Ever . have . any trouble with your wife?" "No, no trouble," answer ed Jung, smiling. "Where Is your wife now?" Miller inquired. "Oh. she been in China all the time." ATTEMPTS MADE TO Mrs. Howard. Stale Witness In Bowles Case Told to Keep Close Mouth , 'PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 2 t (AP) Police announced tonight an attempt had .been made to In timidate Mrs. II. W. Howard, one of the state's chief witnesses against Nelson C Bowles, 34, and Mrs. Inn a Locks Paris, 28, charg ed with the murder of Bowles' wifeMrs. Leone Bowles, 33. An unidentified man today walked into Mrs. Howard's home, police said and after assuring himself of her identity, said: Kicks, Scratches Woman Report to Police Taking of testimony In the in quest into Mrs. Bowles' death Is to begin tomorrow and Mrs. How ard told the man she expected to tell the truth. The man then knocked Mrs, Howard to the floor, police said, and kicked and scratched her. Then he drew a revolver, po lice said, and told Mrs. Howard that unless "you keep your mouth closed, this is what you win get next." A police guard was placed about the Howard home tonight. Police said attempts to intimi date other witnesses for the state had been made by telephone. Selection of a coroner's jury was completed today. BELIEF FOR VETS IS IIP III CONGRESS WASHINGTON, Dec. 2 (AP) Relief for 4.133 disabled vet erans will be provided during the eurrent fiscal year in the build lng program of the veterans' bu reau outlined today by Frank T. Hines, its administrator. Hospitals with from SO to 400 beds will be built In the follow ing cities and states, but sites for many remain unselectede: New York, Texas, Albuquer que, N. M.; San Francisco, West Virginia, Indiana, Kansas and Salt Lake City. Facilities will be sdded to the hospitals at Somerset Hills, N. J.J Northport, N. Y.; Camp Custer, Mich.; North Chicago, 111.; Knox vllle, Iowa, Bedford, Mass., snd Tucson, Ariz. Approximately $16,000,000 has been authorised for the program. Local Men Will Go to City For Chamber Dinner - ..!-.. - - j A number of members of the Salem chamber of commerce are planning, to attend a dinner in Portland next Monday given in honor of William Butterworth, president of the United - States chamber of commerce. Repre sentatives from chambers throughout the state have been invited to the affair which will be held in the Masenie temple. Men who have indicated they would attend from here Include Hal Hobs, secretary 0f state, C. P. Bishop, J. N. Chambers and C. E. Wilson. Major Says His W He Drank Her Way to Disaster KANSAS CITY. Kas., Dec' 2 (AP) Facing trial In federal court here Thursday for the al leged poison murder of his sec ond wife. Major Charles A. Shep ard, in a statement today,- char acterised Mrs. Zenana Bhepard as an instatlte drinker who filched whiskey, from his army physici an's 'kit in which he also carried poisonous antleeptics. The major. St.-said his deceas ed wife was a secret drinker and that fearing Insanity she became melancholy at-times and express ed n wish to die. , - - FERACI BEATS EUGENTTE : POCATELLO, Idaho, Dec 1 (AP) Charlie Ferael, San Diego weltemrelght, and Wlllard Nor ton. Eugene, Oto- fought tea round to a draw here .tonight. The bout was tame. The referee voted for Ferael and the- two judges called the tight a draw. Each weighed 147. Chuck Her- berger,' Eugene, knocked out Kid Sims. Pocatello, -' la the first round, -.i " -1 QUASH WITNESSES SUITOR SHOOTS ES LOVE UP John M. Llewellyn, Portland i Manufacturer. Fires on Waitress, Lover Woman. 26, Dies, and man In her Apartment Crit ically Wounded PORTLAND, Ore.. Dec 2 (AP) John M. Llewellyn. 68. prominent Portland business man, in what police described as a moment of extreme Jealousy, today shot and killed Mrs. Ida Hume, 26, a waitress, critically wounded Jack H. Lovett, 30, Se attle salesman, and then went to his summer home near here and took his own lite. Police said Llewellyn arrived at Mrs. Hume's apartment while she and Lovett were at breakfast. Llewellyn broke the glass in the door, reached through and open ed it and entered. When he saw Lovett he whipped out a revolver and fired two shots at him. Lov ett told police. Then he turned on Mrs. Hume and shot her through the arm and neck and as she fell he shot her in the back. Llewellyn Found Dead In His Summer Home Without another word, accord ing to the story Lovett told po lice, Llewellyn left the apart ment. Two hours later he was found dead in his summer home, a shotgun beside him. John Moore, caretaker at the place, said Llewellyn had borrowed the gun and two shells from him. Clara Merrick, a waitress em ployed at the same place as Mrs. Hume, told police Lelwellyn had threatened to kill Mrs. Hume If she did not stop associating with other men. Llewellyn is survived by his widow, two sons and a daughter. He was president of the Portland Bolt and Manufacturing company. Lovett's condition tonight was said to be falr." L The annual convention of the Marion county school officers will be held In the courthouse Saturday, December 6, beginning at 10 o clock In the forenoon. All school board members were wel come to attend the session. which Is designed to bring chair men of school boards together to discuss their common problems. The program for the day in cludes call to order by Grant Murphy of Stayton, president of the association; annual roll call by districts; round ' table 1 on school sanitation led by Harry C Sinks, county sanitary in spector. The afternoon session will be gin at 1:15 o'clock, with mlscel laneous school problems to oc cupy the first 45 minutes. An explanation of the Smith-Hughes work In the high school will be given by Warren Crabtree of Sll verton high school. Commltteee will be appointed and adjourn ment will be taken at 3 o'clock. N6tices of the meeting are be ing sent out to chairmen of all school .boards by Mrs. Mary, L. Fulkerson, county school -superintendent, who called the first meeting of school officers a year ago. . 4804 Enrolled In Schools is Latest Report :' Registration In the Salem schools reached 4804 boys and girls for the month-ending No vember 28, according to reports of principals compiled at the of fice of the city superintendent. The enrollment by schools fol lows: : Englewood, 325; Garfield 27 1; Grant. 274; Highland, 346; Lin coln, 200; McKlnley. 186; Park, 226; Richmond. 248; (Washing ton, 330; Pa Irish, 833, and senior high, 1X41. . : Jails Crowded, . Charges Mount, In Harbor Raid HOQPIAM, Wash.. Dec 2 (AP) Total f arraignments on charges of violating the prohibi tion law had mounted to 72 In Grays Harbor county - tonlghfas federal prohibition agents all but completed their wholesale clean up of Hoqulam, Aberdeen and Consmopolls. Congestion in the eounty Jail at Montesano was relieved when many of the 67 who passed last night there sleeping on the floors were released on bond. - Federal agents Indicated pros pects for conspiracy charges hinge on persons arrested divulg ing suspected higherups when brought before the federal grand Jury at Tscoma. Most of. those -rre-ted waived preliminary hear ing and were bound over i direct to me grand Jury, THE 0 to in s Japan, U. Si on Better Grounds .w ' " . J . j1. ' " - . J - V I: f x , -; ( . - : 7 Japan and the United States are the , best of friends and their good will and understanding Is Increasing, declared Prince Ijr seato Tokugawa on his arrival In San Francisco this week. Prince Tokugawa Is president of the liouse of i peers of the Japanese parliament and presi dent of the Red jCross associa tion of Japan, in 1022 he was head of the Japanese delega tion to the Washington confer ence for the limitation of arma ments. . r ; - Outdoor Shows Look For Fine Season in 1931 CHICAGO. Dee. 2. (AP) The outdoor show i business the "barometer of public attitude" Is looking forward! to Its biggest season. - . Crowded midways, t where throngs gather with money to spend at concessions, was the forecast for 1931 made today at the Joint convention of the in ternational association of fairs and expositions and the show men's league of America Before the three-day meeting ends, it was said! that approxi mately 380.000,000 In contracts would be signed for more than 3,000 fairs and expositions. Rep resentatives of 440 carnivals and outdoor shows were on hand bid ding for business. ! Seine River on Way Down; Calm Back in Paris f : PARIS, Dec. 2.-4-(AP) The swollen: river Seine began, to re cede at sunset tonight, and offi cials believed all danger to the city proper was past. The river rose to a peak of 20 feet 3 Inches above normal at 9 o'clock this morning and after staying there fori several hours began to go downt The weather is improving and the forecast Is continued fair. Flood measures are confined to feeding about 20,000 persons who were forced to abandon their homes in the suburbs by invasions of water. ! . i T Lingle 'Slayer Out on Bond as New Clue Opens CHICAGO. Dee. 2. API . Frankle Foster, the dapper gun man accused of ! slaying Alfred t Jake) LlnrlA. TVihn rnjrtmr was freed on bond today when authorities discovered what they said was a new clue implicating another man as the killer. , Prepared to go to trial, Foster was released on iio.ooa bdnrf h special court order and the . ease was continued until February 16. It was indicated If the new tip were accurate, he would be permanently freed. J - ROGERS BUTS PONIES AIKEN. S. C. Dee. 1- API- Six nolo Bonlea . were shinned from here todarf to Will Rjimn. cowboy humorist, at Beverly Hills, CaL, by Fred H. Post. The animals are to bo added to the stables i of Rogers and his two sons. i - . ..; :-r : : i - -"VI TO SEEK II OF lUHS TO FORCE VOTE George Putnam Threatens to Have Court Proceedings For Special Election Governor Stands pat; Would Let Legislature act Under Amendment That proceedings may ha brought to compel Governor Nor blad to call a special election for picking a senator from this cons ty Is Indicated in the receipt of a letter by the governor from George Putnam of Salenv makir g formal demand that he Issue call for an election. The govern or replied setting forth his rea sons for not Issuing a call: the nearly unanimous objection of residents of Marlon county to the cost of $4000 or 35000; and the fact that the new constitu tional amendment empowers the legislature to fill th!s-vacanry by enacting an early law on the subject: and the further fact that Wlllard Marks, prospective senate president, agreed to save desirable committee assignments for the new senator. Putnam's paper last night stated that mandamus proceed ings would be filed Wednesday, directly with "the supreme court hoping for an early decision to that if favorable to the petition ers an election could be called. It is further set forth that the petition will seek to ascertain whether the legislature can fill a vacancy by means other than an election since the new amend ment did not specifically repeal section 17 of article 3 of the constitution which directs governor to call elections the lor this purpose. Gossip Says Delzcll Cause for Action Proceedings are not Initiated . by the democratic county organ ization as such, said VlUrd Wirts, secretary of the democrat tic county committee. There was (Turn to page 10, coL 6) III FIRST JT CHICAGO By GORDON M. SESSIONS CHICAGO. Dee. 2 (AP)-For the first time In the history of the International Livestock expo sition the most coveted of all the big show's many laurels the grand champion of the steers today went to a Missouri breeder. The winning animal was "Jim my," a summer yearling Aberdeen-Angus owned and bred bv J. F. McKenny of King City. It Is the 16th of Us breed and the 13th yearling to rule the realm of beef cattle. Its victory ended a two year reign by the offerings of Iowa youngsters, and it marked the first triumph by a commer cial breeder since the Kenfcaryl ranch company of Colorado won in 1924. 'The new champion has. earned his right to glory by first win ning top prize among the Aberdeen-Angus summer yearlings and then splashing ahead of all the other steers and Herefords of his breed. Iowa steers hare been the most consistent winners of the Inter national steer grand champion ships having won the ribbon eight times. Redding Girls Not Kidnapped As First Told REDDING, Calif., Dec. 2 (AP) Six yonng Redding girls. reported "kidnaped," were at their homes today and It was dis closed they simply had gone for an automobile ride. Mrs. Mike J. Banna of Shasta, yesterday reported her daughter. Luta, 18, and five other girls had vanished In an automobile with a man recruiting girls for the movies at Hollywood. Women of Note Are Honored; for Once There're Ho Tclks! LONDON, Iec. 2. (AP) Ladles of high degree representing almost every branch of human endeavor were guests tonight at a din ner and reception la the home of Nancy, Lady Aster, at which waiters were the only men present and that waa a mistake. They were women high la law, medicine, politics, bnal. ness, diplomacy, literature, arts,1 aviation and even In crime detection among the SO dinner guests and the 400 who later attended the reception. Since there were no men present. It was not learned what -the women talked abont when they are with each other, bat it was re vealed that there were bo peecbee scheduled. MM COMES