t I i . . : - -'; The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Sundav Mornimr. NWmhr 20. 192ft L PAGE NINH o ' rm ; : : r- : 1 1 . ' I V-- - -. . . , -- - ..: . . -.-I.- - . - - " - mtt .mi iihikih n .."-i.- , uiuuia normw scaooi is ai Her i Mrs. J. i. rame spent xaes- I !j j 1 11 1 J" - Hayes Vllle I hom r the holMays. . I day in. Salem Tisitlng friend. I ' JL I Carl Voeller took his, daujch- I JDorotha Frewin of Monmonthl t SUDTB HOTEL PROJECT APPROVED SILVERTOI, Not. 29 -The preliminary surrey which , has been conducted at Silrerton to determine te advisability of building a hotel at SllTerton has been completed and a- represent atire of - the Hockkenbary Hotel Systems of Pennsylrania. recom mended to a group of SllTerton bnslness men construction of a modem $100,000 hotel. - - Definite suggestions 'for the best site or the hotel has not hn ynAm v representatl? said that the 35 site which had been considered bad. by a process of elimination, been brought down to four. The matter - Is now In the hands : of the Silrerton chamber of com merce hotel committee . for fur ther study. Roberts i ROBERTS. Not. -. 2 Mrs. Priscllla Julien. and two children. Miss Rem Hobbs and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hobbs all of Port land were ThanksgiTing guests with, their relatires Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rice and family. ' , Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pettyjohn, Miss Maxine Pettyjohn, George Veall and Mis Ruth Bihl were dinner guests with Mrs. Esther Query and family. Thanksgiving evening. About-. 70 people attended the dance ThanksgiTing evening giv en by Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Fidler and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Petty john at the hiopyard hall. v Miss Melba Davenport William Hilary and .Gordon Greenstreet of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Darenport of Salem spent ThanksgiTing with Mr. and Mrs. C Daren port. " , Mr. and Mrs. John Orsborn bad as ThanksgiTing visitors Mrs. Osborn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Judson who are now living In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Blanken shlp. Frances and Earl Blanken shlp, Mrs. L. A. Ferguson and Miss Verio Smith spent Thanks giTing with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blankenshlp. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McClel laa of Salem were with Mrs. Mc Clellans parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Croisan on ThanksgiTing. Ed Clymer who is working near Roseburg came Wednesday and spent, ThanksgiTing with his brother. I. F. Clymer. Mr. and Mrs. George Hlgglns. Raymond and Janice Hlgglns had dinner with Mrs. Higgin's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J B. Parker in Salem ThanksgiTing. . Mrs. It. L. Clymer went Thurs day to Seattle to Tisit friends un til the end of the week. Hlgglns. Raymond and Janice Higgins went to Salem and spent ThanksgiTing. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Much spent ThanksgiTing with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Much. ; Mr. and Mrs." Charles L.eeper had Dr. Harry Bancroft, Dr. Al ice Bancroft and Miss Eurma Lents for STlyanksgiTing dinner Mr.! and Mrs. Merrin Fidler, Jeanne Fidler and M. N. Dun gan of Salem spent ThanksgiTing with Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Fidler. I Mrs. Forrest Edwards went to vPortland Thursday erening to vis it her sister, Mrs. Charlie Thom as.. ," ' ' ' Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Lacy of Sa lem spent Thanksgiving with air. and Mrs. H. B. . Carpenter and "family.5 : ' "' ' . J Libert I - - o LIBERTY. Not. 19. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Dencer entertained members of the San Soucl club at their borne Friday erening. Spe cial guests were Mr. and Mrs. Rex Turner of Seattle. There were n of the regular members present. Mrs. M. ..-Yaura of Salem Heights attended the supper gir n by the Sunday school Friday evening.' ... " - . Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams and Joe. Jr.. spent ThanksgiTing day with Mr. and Mrs. Tony Roschlo ef Salem. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Steinke and Mr. and. Mrs. Algie Sweet of Sa lem were guests of Robert For ester Thursday; : . Miss Florlan Hmbets, a student atO. S. C. to Corrallls, was a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hrubets. Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scott were hosts Thursday for a family din ner. Those enjoying the day were Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Trick and children. ElTtn, Virgil and Vei led of Rosedale; Mrs. Emily Adair and son Lloyd, and Carl Trick, allof Salem, and Ormal Trick of Schotls, Ore;- Onrar Rerndt. who has been con- ffni to his bed for the past fire weeks with rheumatism. Is now able to be around Che house on crutches. ... - . J- t Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Free were guests of Mrs. Free's. sister. Miss Mae Cleveland, on ThanksgiTing day. - Mrs. P. J. Forester of Halsey, Ore., is the week-end guest of her son, Robert Forester, - W Steve Crockett of Portland Is a guest of his mother. Mrs. W. D. Olden, orer the Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. Howard Robinson of Raymon. Wash., spent Thurs day wltH Mrs. Kownson s parenis. Mrs. W. W. Westenhouse and daughter Etta are spending sey eral days in Portland. D. J. Richards spent. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this wV In Portland. ' . Mlaa Vlornc ftArndt. who is attending the Oregon Normal r at ; Monmeutn, m spenamg u noil days at the home of her parents, . Mr and Mrs. William Bern dL ' " " Mr. and . Mrs. - Ray Clereland nt tutn R Aland and Melvin. and i Leonard : Oraybell were Thanks giTing guests bf Mrs. Clereland' sister, Mrs. Clyde Comstock. rat West Stayton. . - Mr and Mrs. uFresne ot Port- ' land' were dinner guests Sunday mt h n j. Richards noma. xi r mnA Mr. William Zosel tad thii dinner ruests ThanksglT- tng day, Mr. and Mrs.fWalter Zo- ael and two cnuaren ok taiem. Mfn KaMna.ficnmidt. a student at the Monmouth Jfonnal chool. Is spending her racatloa with her DIPLOMAT f - - " . , 4 , - - t " - -I "" ' ' " ' ..'::': .:;v.s,, : , , -:: ' ' '7 , (! , js 4- : J. Hayesville Mr. Laarits a Swensen. of Min-eanolis,Mmn-, who since 1911 has been the American Minister to Norway, pictured on the S. S. Lenathan when he returned -from yslo. Mr. Swensen is retiring from his post and will- make his Xuture home in Norway. ; In 1897 be was appointed Minister to Den mark by President McKinley. mother, Mrs. K. Schmidt- ' The boys and girls of the up per grades' at school are organiz ing basketball teams. Charles Krauger has kindly consented to let them 'practice In the hall orer his store. , Back-stops and baskets are being installed this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cleeland hare closed out their business at the Liberty store and are morlng on Mr. Cleveland's father's place. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dencer were guests ThanksgiTing day of Mrs. Dencer 's sister, Mrs. Mary James ot Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Beckman hare moved from Salem to the White Arrow auto camp on the Pacific highway, which Is owned by Mrs. Beckman's sister and her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rlck- ett. Misses Iris and Ruth Whitney of Vancourer, Wash., are Thanks giTing holiday guests of their cousin, Catherine Dallas. Mrs. John Dasch and infant daughter. Donna Marie, came home from the hospital on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Patterson and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Price haye rented a farm in the Fair Tiew district and expect to more there soon. Mrs. Patterson and daughter, Jerry Jo, hare rented rooms in the Westenhouse home for this winter so that Jerry Jo can continue attending Liberty school. The girls of the Bake "Km Good club are planning a miniature bazaar at the next Community club meeting. The money Is to be used for a fund to send some of their members to the 4-H club summer school at Corrallls. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Whitney of VancouTer, Wash., were the guests of Mrs. Whitney's brother. W. R. Dallas; and family on Wed nesday, t Dale Dasch, who Is a. student at O. S. C. In Corrallls, was .a ThanksgiTing guest at the' home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Dasch. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dallas and children, Catherine and Robert, spent ThanksgiTing In Corrallls as the guests of Mr. Dallas' par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Dallas. They attended the reunion dinner of the family at which there were four generations present. Bruce Cunningham had the mis fortune to run a nail In his hand this week. Mr. and Mrs. James Fair hare as their guest for the ThanksgiT ing holidays. Miss Rqth Davis of Corrallls. Mrs. William Bellemy and daughter Dora were the guests of Mrs. Bellemys parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Coleman of Lebonan, recently. : Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Anderson ot Portland were guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Brooks on Thursday. Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Brooks are cousins. Rer. 'and Mrs. Robert Payne and family of Salem were dinner guests Friday erening of Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Dencer. LONDON. Nov. 28 CAP). Lead by women members of Par liament a bill was passed on sec ond reading today glTing to Bri tish women marrying foreigners and foreign women marrying. Bri tishers , the right to choose their nationality. HAYESVILLE, Nor. 29 Mr. and Mrs. R L. Phillips and sons Boh and Alvin, were ThanksgiT ing day guest of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Van Wagner at La Comb. , Dorothy Smith has been spend ,..the ThanksgiTing vacation Tisitlng with friends In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stiffler and Children and Miss Helen Little of Salem, were dinner guests at the C. H. Tannage home Thanksgrr lng day, Wi F. Powers who Is a teacher in the Gates school is spending the ThanksgiTing racation at his home, ' Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Pruitt and son of Salem, were dinner guests Of Mr. and Mrs. .Charles Reed, ThanksgiTing day. - - t " Amity -o ! AMITY, Not. J9 Mr. i and Mrs. J. W. Rogers enjoyed Sun day Tisitlng- at the John Gross home at Crowley Station, Ore. Mrs. W. E. Rogers and daugh ter Elsie Is Tisitlng ; relatires this week at Willamette. Ore. They will return home ThanksgiTing." : Mr. and Mrs. Harrey Stanton and daughter Pauline, of Salem, were Sunday r erening . dinner guests at the Methodist parson age. " .. -..'f .,,; Miss Helen ' Jerman . of Bay City spent the weekend as guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Sheldon. r s Fredrick Fortune and Oscar Schlappl. nephew of John Zahler. are visiting the Zahler ,r family tor an indefinite period. They hare Just taken a: motor trip from their homes at Watertown New York, going down! the At lantic coast through southern United States and op the Paci fic coast.: After their Tisit here they expect to to to Central America. Mr. and Mrs. M. William Moore of , Los Angeles are. spend ing a few weeks Tisitlng Mrs. Moore's brother. Dr. J. J. Hall and family. They are planning to locate in Portland as Mr. Moore' has been placed a north western representatlre for S. M. A. Baby Food company. Miss Pearl GroTes of Mon mouth. Normal school Is at her home for the holidays. Carl Voeller took his daugh ter Elisabeth to 'Portland this week to consult a specialist to determine whether or not It will be necessary to remove the bul let 'she reeclred in her neck a few weeks ago when she was ae eidently shot by a playmate. "' Mrs. A. Watt, Mrs. MIlo Hen derson and Mrs. John Umphlette went on a shopping tour In Port land Monday. " x . . Mrs. Cliff Munkers. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Allan and son Gran-Tille- spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claud Munkers at Greenwood. -' Mrs. L.- J. Rawland ot Turner epent the weekend at the George Thomas home. a'Bo . Tisitlng ' a number of other friends. Mrs. J. JL. Payne spent Tues day in Salem Tisitlng friends. .Dorotha Frewlng of Monmouth Normal 1 spending ThanksgiTing at home with her parents. Mr. and ' Mrs. Strand and two small daughters of Silrerton were Sunday afternoon callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas. :i - Dr. and Mrs. R. L Hall and family are spending the. holidays at Mill City Tisitlng -the Mason family and a number ' of other friends. The W. R. Osborne walnut plant, shut down Tuesday; It Is now oelng cleaned and , repaired for the walnut craeklng and dry ing for the next ; year's erop. This Institution affords employ ment for; a large number of local people during the walnut season. i iris hp Christmas Do ft now - And haveiitjcionej WE CATER TO WHO BUY FOR WOMEN SHIPLEY'S IS ALL PREPARED TO TAKE . CARE OF YOUR NEEDS FOR THE LADIES ON YOUR SHOP PING LIST - Remember.... SHIPLEY'S For Women's Wear 7 and SHOP EARLY While Your Choice is Complete t Slil P u U: U u n Jx a U U t. V. Us I for Q GEIIQITG Fin broadcloths ia checks or stripes, values to $3.50. Ol A C Special .ePl.flD I -"I Tics it Value f ! J $1.00 Special for tho J early shopper ; j I 1 ; . ! 1 vV !,---"' v r Fasicy aslimcsrc IHcso Regular ralaes to 85c : Special 2. pairs 95c t - GIC& BOXXC3 Free WITH ALL SHIRTS, PAJAMAS TIES, HOSE, ETC. r Day Uaa : Buy EaUy Avoid the ; Rush - Better J Selection 0 ooa 469 State Street n If n in f . it i if I I! in m Ir.1.'1 ')i'11 More Crowd Compelling Values v... , .( . ,- . ,a- CP'SQQQSiQQ S Handreda of jewelry- buyers from I miles aronnd filled Hartman Bros. Co. Jewelry Sale to the doors all jiay Sat urday. And here's more of the unusually attractive val ues to fill the store again Highly desirable gifts bear ing the brand of America's finest quality silver and gift goods. Buy Jewelry for Christmas Select a gift that will last! Don't Miss a Day of This Sale. Special Monday at 9 A. M. Reg. Values to $4.00 All individual patterns no two alike with and with out, covers-f-painted in all the favored pastel shades and modern! designs. While they last Monday 98c each Reg. $90 Solid Gold Ladies' VatcIaco Fun Jeweled r I Special Tuesday 9 A. M. up to Your) Choice 1 Close-out lots of ELKS TEETH MOUNTINGS CANDLE SETS TIE PINS y2 UU WortWhfle Reductions on All Perfect Blue-White Reg. $50 Diamonds Reg. $75 Diamonds BIG SAVINGS ON MANTEL CLOCKS $15 to $20 Ladies' or filen's VottcEaoc With Mesh Band 09.05 .. v . r I - ' f rj O Rer. $11.50 Modern Mantel Clock! S-dMj strike morement eat to ae5 Reg. $11.10. To-Tona Strike B&ntel Clockman ogany cast 8-dsr strlks morement, cut' to $7.5 R g. Ilt.tl Westminster Chime, Sessions 8-daj, nr. strike mshotsny case, larC slse, melodr tone. . .v. .$23.45 S35.0O Mtoa Wrist WatchesWith ' emer ald and ' sapptlrs set bracelets, oblong case and . 16-jeweled ebot ment f 17 JSO SSO.OO Etoa Wrist Watcbes IS Jewel dependable iOTement la new nataral color, solid gold cases, on sale at. . . . . . .S20.75 : SSSjOO Grmea Wrist Watches Grnen's fa mous 15-jewel more : ment . In 14-1-jewel morement la 14-kt. white gold tiled eases, splendid tlmekepeers, : cvt to . . . . ...$27.09' 8AVE3 KT CffiLVESQ Iiearieet I ! Reg. $30 20 Piece C2iyci? Stainless Llades Bee. 917JSO larce quadniple pUt Silver Fralt i 59.35 Res. 17JSO Frost Etched Ice Racket, satia finish, - fine sil ver plato with. 1 O Oft swing handle ... j $10U .Rag. S21.00 large SUrer-Chop Blah, extra qaallt Sheffield Plato, with tight 1 1 C ft flttlms; sUrer corer V 1 XoJ Rec f 1S.00 bearjr Etched Re lief BUyer Fralt Bowl, m very rich looking- es ft OC ajuaeatal dish. . v V0 D Res. SSjBO SllTer Crumb Tray. Rest grade quadruple o f plate ............. .sV)D Reg. 18.00 SUrer Relish Dish, hear? qaadraple plate,, ail rer baae and remorabla class compartmeata. Extra special s".r......... so.05 i - On the Corner at GffAtfE cad EEDEnOT- C"i Opposite First National TJank I 1 X. ! i 1