The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 27, 1930, Page 8, Image 8

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"We are as Ready as We
Ever be" Says "Holly
Downie Team Good
3irmawa ''""' ' Salem
VIvette. . .. i ; LEi .' . . .'. . Adam
Ttforapgon. .". ;LT. . . ; . .'. OtJn
Arehambean ; . LG . ,! . : . . Coffee
Weeks . ; : C . V - Reid
Ctoirhlll.: HOI Qsery
Jones ... ..... RT. , . - Coom!er
Miller. : V. . ... RE ... . . Gelse
Motschman . V . . Q . . . . Foreman
Hosle. . . . ... .LH. ..... . Sural
' Wilder. . RH . . '. . : Kitchen
Meachem. . ... F. ..... . Weiser
Time 2:00 p.m. sharp. Place
dinger field. .
Salem high and Chemawa tan-v
gle at 2 p.m. on Olinger field to
i day In the toughest football game
- of the season for the undefeated
local team. ' - - : -
"We are as ready, as we ever
will be." said Coach Huntington.
All of the players are in good
condition . and are . hopped up ' to
meet Coach Downle's Indians in a
title game for the Willamette
ralley championship. Salem high
has -defeated all of the larger
schools of the ralley .while this
Is the first valley game that Che
mawa has had on. the schedule for
this season. .Thus in one stroke,
eren by one break. Salem cou Id
be. made the goat which has. pre
pared a title for another team.
i 'Chemaw Barkfleld Strong -'
Coach Downle's ., men , re a
group .that will take advantage of
every opportunity and one which
plays heads np ball. The Indians
are especially good on the ends
and .the baekfield is strong
throughout, ' Downie started the
season with mostly a green bunch
as some of the veterans were kept
out of practice for various reasons
until the middle of the. season.
HoweTer stiff practice has season-
: edthe men and with the. holdouts
all playing now, a Strong lineup
'with abundant reserves will meet
- the red and black grid men.
Wilder, one armed, halfback
who has been amazing fans with
his pass receiving, will doubtless
show the Salem fans some of his
flashy catches ' on dinger field
this afternoon. Against MeMlnn
vllle. Wilder who is incldently
captain of the team, scored .seven
touchdowns and was called back
on another one when a team mate
was off side.
"Bitr Jones at tackle has been
making progress practically im
possible through his side of the
line. Meachem, wiry fullback,
has. been gaining ' many yards
through the line and Is a hard
.man to stop.
Power to be Shows Today
Salem high's jteam this year has
shown more power than any other
thing and will use this in a con
centrated form. - today. "Holly"
understands how to get Interfer
ence out la front of the ball car
riers and has plenty of substitutes
to .replace any who tire on the
Jrt. Two lets of guards were us
ed -against Eugene to good ad
vantage and will likely be used
again today.
Seven Salem high players will
. wear the cleats for their alma
matter for the last time today. On
the line Captain Gelse who plays
right end will make bis last ap
pearance. 1 Watch this boy tackle.
Other linemen who end their high
school football careers today are
Adams, end; Coomler, tackle; and
Wright and Query, guards. James
and Kitchen will go into action
, as halfbacks for the final Jaunt.
Kitchen has had a brief but stel
lar career on the gridiron and is
being counted oh for many yards
today. ; - --
Matin, Promoter,
Dies at Home;
Funeral Today
PORTLAND, Ore.. Nov. 2
(AP) Abe Matin. S3, nationally
known fight' manager and boxing
promoter, died here today after a
long Illness.
Matin at one time or another
managed such fighters as Dave
Shade, Charlie Belanger; Joe
Lynch, and Eddie Roberts. He
booked the tour of Max Sehrael
ling through the northwest last
year and until recently managed
the New York office of Joe Ja
cobs, - manager of Schmelling.
while Jacobs was in Europe with
the present heavyweight cham
pion. . - '
Funeral services will be held
at Portland Thursday morning.!
' : T" ' - I
Sawyer Wafts
'Sleep to Davis
SEATTLE. Nov. 2. -(AP)
Five knockouts and technical
knockouts were dished up to Se
attle boxing fans tonight and a
seven . bout . - heavyweight card
with Frank, Sawyer, Vancouver,
B. C, winning the, main event
over Claude Davis. Belllnghanv;
Wash.. with a sleeper punch In
the first round. ---
Marty Callagban. an outfielder
who batted around .300 and Pat
; Crawford, utility second baseman
were sent today by the Cincinnati
national league club - to Holly
wood, Pacific coast league in. ex
change for minor "Mickey"
Heath, youthful hard hitting first
bajseman. - . ..
. Increased funds for guarding
against forest fires were request-
; ed today In the report of Charles
C Moore, commissioner of the
; general land office, who urged
also that a special appropriation
be set aside for fighting coal fires
son the public domain. ' '.-
j 'U.4
While Billy Petrolle waits In his
corner, Beferee Patsy Haley is
leaning over to shout the count
' into the ear of the dazed Jimmy
HcLarnin. The npset took place
TIM BO lil
WORLD usiigs
NEW YORK. Nov. if (AP)
"Big. Bill' Hlden, although
beaten by Johnny Doeg In the
United State championship. Is
rated second only to Henry Coeb-
et of France this year by A. Wal
Ua , Myers, . English tennis , expert.
who annually names the world!s
first ten players; Meyers' selee
t tons for 1930 are published in
the current Issue : of American
Lawn. Tennis : f
The ' men's . list contains the
names of five American and the
women's three, with .Mrs. Helen
Wills Moody again In No. 1 po
sition. Doeg Is ranked fourth be
hind Cochet, Tilden and Jean
Bortra. Betty Nathalie the Eng
lish girl, who - won . the Ameri
can women's title In Mrs. Moody's
absence, is rated ninth.
Tilden'a dramatic comeback to
the - English " championship ': at
Wimbledon as well as his Davis
cup challenge round victory over
Jean Borotra are reflected- In his
advance from fourth te second
place.' passing Borotra. A year
ago Meyers placed Borotra as
well as other French stars, Coch
et and Lacoste, ahead of the
American. . '
in nuin
Preliminary plans for the an
nual Christmas illumination eon
test were drawn up Tuesday night
by the general Ad club committee
In charge of the affair. Salem
will bo divided Into four districts
for this affair with prises for the
best decorated and lighted places
of business and residence in the
city. . y A '
Committee members , who are
planning the contest are Gardner
Knapp. E. E. Thomas. 8. Piny
Rase. A. E. Smith and Leo Ka
foury. . i
Salem's four districts are as
follows: Number 1, north - of
Court street, and west of Capitol
street; number 2. north of Court
street and east of Capitol street;
number 3. south of Court street
and west tf 12th street; number
4. south of Court street and east
of 12th street, t , '
Prises for the best- decorations
In the following dMsions will be
awarded: yards, windows, en
trances, service stations and
Plans are under way for spe
cial music during the Yule sea
son In the churches and In the
downtown business area. It is
hoped by the committee that ei
tltens of Salem will cooperate in
this enterprize to put It over In
1930 better than ever before.
Road's Release
Held Injurious
To Mining Work
Briefs protesting against the
proposed abandonment v of ,th e
Homeatead-Robinette branch of
the Oregon-Washington Railroad
it Navigation ' company, were
filed in the offices of the public
service commission here yester
day by the Idaho Copper - com
pany. Eastern. Oregon Mining as
sociation and Baker chamber of
commerce. Hearing-of the appli
cation for permission to abandon
the line was held in Portland last
September. ' ' . .
The interveners set out In their
briefs that abandonment of the
Homestead-Robinette ' : branch
would Tetard development of the
Red Ledge and Iron Dyke min?
lag properties,! and" result - In
large financial loss to the Idaho
Copper company and the Idaho
Copper corporation. - :
Part or Whole
Day, Full Pay,
Attorney Rules
.County ' assessors . In counties
having a population of less than
39,090, .who receive compensa
tion at the rate of 1 10 per day
tor each day they are officially
employed, are entitled to that pay
whether they work. a whole day
er only a fraction of a day, ac
cording to an opinion of Attorney
General VanWinkle banded down
here Wednesday. The assessors
would be entitled. te the same
compensation. for completing un
finished work of a predecessor In
office. -
nrninn Tn
3 111
In the fourth round of the fran
tic bout at the Garden, New
York. The Vancouver bey arose
only te be knocked down again.
For . a second time he arose at
v Today's FootbcU on
the Radio
9:00 a. m. Oregon State
vs. West Virginia at
Chicago over KEX.
11:45 a, m Oregon va. St.
Mary's at San Fran
- cisco over KGW, Port-
''. land!." r 1 " '
; 1:4 p. nk--Washlagton va.
' University of Sooth
era California at Los
Angeles' over KGW
and KOIX. '
-' Olymple dab vs. Gonaagav
'at Spokane.
Montana' State vs. St.
Cbarlcs at Great Falls.
Oonunerce high, Portland,
va. La Grande high at Port
land. Salem high vs. Chemawa
Indian school at Salem. .
: ' Xhigeno high vs. Everett
high at Everett. "V
The state forestry board. which
will meet in Salem Saturday will
discuss proposed legislation
which would make it possible for
the state Instead of the counties
to acquire timber lands on delin
quent tax foreclosures. ; iw
Provision, . would , hare to he
made to compensate the counties
In event such a law were adopt
ed. State Forester Cronemlller
said he would advocate that this
be on the same basis that refor
estation lands are taxed. Under
Cronemillers plan ; the ' state
would" pay the counties five cents
an acre annually and' 12 - per
cent of the yield accruing from
Ihe sale of products of the lands.
The remainder of the yield would
go into the state - Irreducible
school fund.
- Although the , delinquent tim
ber lands in the state have not
been computed, ' Lincoln county
alone has approximately 71,000
acres of - which the county baa
foreclosed or that is ready for
foreclosure, i
Y" Program is :
.Set Friday Eve;
Doney to Speak
The last public appearance 'of
President Carl Gregg Doney of
Willamette university t before he
goes east on his vacation will be
at the Y. M. C. A. Friday night
at 8 o'clock when he will speak
on tha subject, "Real Things for
Real Things. An orchestra pre
lude will be furnished at 7:45 by
the "Y" orchestra, made up . of
25 to 30 pieces.
Group singing -will take place
under the direction of the orches
tra led by Professor R. W. H.
Selta. Miss Josephine Albert will
render a soprano solo and Delbert
Jepsen will play a violin solo, t
The meeting will be presided
over by w; L Staley. This is the
second of this season's ' regular
Friday night programs at the
Y. M. C. A. A large crowd of the
general public is expected. ' ,
SCIO. Nov. 20. Mr. and Mrs.
R. S. Thurston and family, accom
panied by. Mrs. IL K. Thurston
and daughter Delores of Albany,
motored to Corvallis Saturday to
see the infant daughter who - re
cently took up her abode at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, T. W. Zleg
ler. Mr. Zieler la a brother of
Mrs, R. S. Thurston. S- y.. y
A! Sinzer writhirar on the
and- 1
lie I
van from a hard left hook xro:
Tony CanzenerL shown stand-
ins e0T9 him. - Heieree -He-
. . . . ....
w...wii:!WvWfe:... mMBmmmmmmm&)e" -..'.vm,. ..m ' u'lm ( . ,1;.
the count of nine, and displaying
a world of courage, managed te
last the fight.. . Petrolic . was
awarded the decision.. ,-:
SOUTH BEND, Ind., Nor. 'It.
(AP) Notre Dame's regulars
will start against Army Saturday
and the probability Is the shock
troops will remain on the side
lines throughout as they did in
the.' Northwestern contest.
, Before this first drill of the
week today. Knute Rockne told
his : men .the Army would be
about as tough as Northwestern
and that the weather would
make the going oven tougher.
Rockne was so .concerned about
the playing condition of Soldiers
field that he. planned a trip to
Chicago to inspect the grounds
after the benefit game between
Notre Dame all stars and former
Northwestern aces Thanksgiving.
. A foot and a half of snow on
tha. Notre. Dame practice field
caused Rockne to hold today's
practice indoors. . Every regular
was present, even Tom Kurth,
whose face was banged up in the
Northwestern battle.
Dan Haaley and Larry Mul
lina, who are dividing the work
at full, were given a lot of at
tention " and Hockne Indicated
that. Hanley. a sophomore, might
bo In the starting lineup against
the Cadets. 1
Firemen to
Use Toys , to
Today is ' the day : to " feel a
spirit of thanks for - what Provi
dence has done for everyone.
Those who especially feel this
benefit will realise how little
some " other' people have to be
thankful : for. - The Salem fire
department men are some! of
these folks. They are appealing
to the people of Salem for cast
oft toys for them to put in shape
for, the poor kiddles of the city
for ' Christmas presents. .
All sorts of toys are wanted.
It makes no difference In what
shape the toys are. They can all
be used and made suitable! by
the aid of glue and nails and
paint. -
One man told firemen that he
was ashamed to give them a
small automobile for some small
kiddy to ride in. No board or
piece of metal was in the right
shape. With the aid of a ham
mer and some nails, the tin was
straightened out; the .wheels
were put In running order; new
pieces of wood were put in until
now the vehicle looks like an
almost new creature. A coat of
paint Is forthcoming soon.
. Anyone having old toys may
bring - them to the tire depart
ment at the city hall or call 222
and the toys .will be called for..
Stockton Lets
1 Married Women
Out, City Jobs
(AP) All married women em
ployed by the city of Stockton
will be relieved of their positions
on January 1, City Manager Wal
ter B. Hogaa announced today.
The movement is Intended . to re
lieve unemployment distress here
by replacing married women with
men or by single women who need
Jobs. ,.; y:y-..v:.'-;.;y-'tr.s.
Bring Cheer
Avoy is starting the count. The
end can after 1 minute and
seconds- of the first round at
the Garden, Hew York City.
f I Mill WW V r U K Army caaeis f n lid
"Pat" Developing Clever
Hard-Hitting Style;
"Swede" Good, too i
- - :
: Pat" Dundee is again appear
ing on a local fight card when he
meets "Swede" Nelson, knockout
hoy from Portland, in a 10 round
main event on Matchmaker Har
ry Plant's fight program at the
Salem Armory Wednesday, De
cember 3. !;
Pat Dundee, the smooth -Salem
fighter, showed much 'Im
provement when be took a deci
sion from Chuck Borden of Eu
gene, here November 13. Pat has
developed Into : a clever, hard
hitting boxer with plenty of
strength - to carry -him through
tough battles. Dundee has spent
some time In California taking on
tough customers and : meeting
many styles of fighters.
"Swede, Nelson has won 23 of
bis ' past "37 engagements : with
knockouts and will likely give
the kind of a battle that the Sa
lem fans like. He will probably
use an open style with only a
small amount of clinching. The
way ho mixes things up has won
many friends among the Port
land fans who - are very critical
and never enthuse without rea
son for doing so. In a prelimin
ary to the . Lomskt-Lenhart . bout
laat Tuesday, Nelson stole -the
show by his fast exhibition of
-: Nelson Is fighting constantly
and will be In tip top condition.
Dundee was In fine shape in his
last bout and Is working out
daily. Nelson is a tough man and
will push Dundee to the limit
and Pat is working hard and to
be ready for him.
General damages of 15000 and
special damages of ISO are sought
by Nellie Harrington in a com
plaint filed in circuit court yester
day against W. H. Mitchell, whom
she alleged assaulted her In her
own home. .
The complaint sets forth that
the' defendant, when plaintiffs
grocery store at 305 S. 25th street
began to be a losing venture, came
to the store early In July, 1130,
and1 sought to enter Into partner
ship with her in operation of the
business. . He remained In the
store for several days, and renew
ed the partnership, proposition.
He assisted tn the store for
about four weeks, during which
time the plaintiff, who with her
two daughters, had living . quar
ters In the same building, pre
pared luncheon and breakfast at
her home, although he maintained
a room elsewhere.
Says She Kept Free
-. During the last two weeks of
his employment, he frequently
told plaintiff of . his marital trou
bles and became very confidential
with plaintiff, and attempted to
embrace her at diverse times, the
complaint continues. She did not
encourage the attention, and told
him she was a' married woman,
the complaint says. "V
Late in July, the plaintiff be
came violently ill with a head
ache and: went to her bedroom,
where she was followed shortly by
the : defendant, who attempted,
without success, to assault h3r.
' Insult to her virtue and woman
hood are worth $5000 ; general
damages, : the Instrument says.
She also seeks 150 damage due to
Incapacity to work for three or
four weeks following the Incident.
Film Firms Out
To Win $1675 on
Bligh Contract
Suit' to collect 11.07 S for
breach of contract regarding cer
tain motion picture films has been
filed against Frank D. .Bligh,
former owner of the Capitol the
atre, by the Vitagraph corpora
tion. .- ' ' -: .
- The complaint alleges that the
plaintiff and defendant - entered
agreement August 31, 1029. for
exhibition of 12 pictures by Bligh
at a modified rental. '
Defendant failed to perform bis
part of the contract when he re
fused to show three of the pic
tures outlined : in the contract,
and refused to aceept three other
films also ' covered by the con
tract, the complaint says.
The vie wry gave Canaeaeri tfe
lightweight title. : t
Can't Go But
Cheer Team
WEST POINT, N, Y-. Nov. 20
(AP) Army's . football cara
van. bound for. Chicago and Sat
urday's major battle with Notre
Dame,-pulled noisily out of West
Point this evening with the dis
appointed cadet corps cheering,
them on their way. ' -
The squad of . 38 men, all In
good condition," worked hard this
afternoon, scrimmaging for half
an hour against the green shirt ed
scrubs eauinned with Notre Dame
plays. Capt. Humber, " guard;-.
Suarex. tackle; Carlmark, , ena,
and Bowman, quarter, were kept,
out of the scrimmage to prevent
possible aggravation of healed,
hurts.-- . 1 ' '
The corps of cadets, not per
mitted to make the trip to Chica
go, gave the team a big sendof f.
The. Army scrubs, baying tak
en' their beatings for the season,
will be taken to Chicago to see
the battle In Soldier field, but
their, train does not leave until
Friday morning. Major General
Smith, commandant at the mili
tary academy, will accompany
them west, with his staff.
... WOODBURN, Nov. 20. Plans
for a community basketball team
In Woodburn are - steadily , going
forward. Several ' Woodburn
business men, in order to 'get
more exercise and also for com
petition with other town teams,
are attempting to form a team.
At the second meeting of the
group Monday evening In the
high ' school - gymnasium, eight
basketball players turned out
out larger turnouts are expected
when the group j becomes fully
-organized. ... i -
As many .of the towns about
Woodburn. such as SUverton,
Newberg- and others, have or will
have teams ' representing their
communities, the Woodburn
team will probably not laek op
ponents. The town team will
probably provide practice : tilts
for the high school team.' also.
Most of the men turning out
for the team are former .high
school and college players and a
fairly good quintet may result
from the practices. .
The team meets at the .high
school gymnasium every Monday
evening and everyone interested
in the project is urged to turn
PARIS, Nor. 26. (AP) Paris
breathed easier tonight than In
several days, for despite unremit
ting rains the Seine had risen only
five Inches In 24 hours and it ap
peared that the worst of the de
structive flood, which began Mon
day, was over. -
In Belgium the situation also
was eased somewhat, but the au
thorities stood aghast ai the real
ization that reinforcement of the
dikes along the river Scheldt to a
point where such floods would be
ImpossibleJn future would require
20 years to work and would cost
New breaks In the dikes appear
ed today and some of the biggest
made in the past few days were
still open despite the desperate ef
forts of soldiers and civilians to
make repairs. A special dam had
been hastily thrown up to protect
Ghent against the invading waters,
but the Job had cut joff road com
munications with the north,
with the north. ,.eta
Skipworth Sent
To Try Case oi
N acker, Klamath
Judge O. T- Sklnworth nf
Lane county circuit court yester-
was assignea by ine state su
preme court .to preside at the
trial of Don Nicker, who last
summer shot and killed Fred
uunnar near Crescent Lake. The
trial will onen tt Klamtth vn
on Monday, December S. - Judge
w, . jjunean of Klamath coun
ty will hold court in Benton coun-
iy in piace or Judge Skipworth.
Judge Fred Wilson of The
Dalles has been aasfrncit tn 1im
court at St Helens December. 2
in place of Judge H. K. Zimmer
man. - 4
Miss Doris Bacon of Salem, who
was with Dunbar at tha ttm
was shot and killed, win be the
principal witness for the state
against Nacker. She will leave
tor Klamath Falls late next week,
Lasf Money sat '
Hand From Fund
Of Rockefeller
Tht final Installment f 29.423 j
07 was received at Willamette unf-
11.000,000 endowment fund. This
actually completes the 1350.000
trt ARockf"r foundation
.J JMOO.OOO. of which 1350
000 u from the Rockefeller foun-
?- -nd .e5MV talaed by
the efforts ef the executives, board
of trustees and friends of the uni
versity, cannot be spent, but must
b Permanent endowment fund
always out at Interest. ,
- Tktteans ; that "Willamette
university will receive a perman
ent income of 120,000 a year The
other $743,000 of' the ti!S2
satis; .eVtir1 "r
Madigan Complains Cannot
- Bring Boys Down After.
i Fordham Victory
- SAN FRANCISCO.-Cal.. Nov. 20
(API Two aggressive" football
aggregations, St. Mary's and Ore
gon., will provide San Francisco
with its Thanksgiving day grid
iron menu tomorrpw . morning.
i tiaii onlv one defeat to
mar an otherwise impressive sea
son. Both invsded the easi. u
came back with flying colors. St.
Mary's defeating , Fordham and
Oregon.; taking the measure of
Drake. . .; .- - ' .' : .
i The Oregon team, coached by
the hefty "Doc" Clarence Spears,
arrived today and took a short
workout at Ketar stadium. All of
v. nti - wr a in rood sha pe.
with the exception of -Johnny Kitx-
mlller, halfback st. v no is nan
dlcapped by a bad leg. Coach
Spears, however said KlUmlller
would see plenty of service.
St. Mary's Boys "Cocky"
The St. Mary's squad numbers
one casualty. Ad Weisgerber
guard,, but Coach Ed Madigan said
today he was less alarmed by the
Injury than by the attitude Of hit
men. "Since the boys went back
and knocked over Fordham,? said
Madigan, "they've been more - or
less up in the clouds. If they come
back to earth we should give Ore
gon a good-run for the money.
"Doc" Spears has a better team
than a lot of the critics give hint
credit for. It will be a hard
game." ----''!
The contest will wind up the
season for both teams. , St. .Mary's
lone defeat was. by California,
while Oregon lost to Oregon State,
l .it nor. . nrwrnn ruined what
otherwise would have been a per
fect record for st. itary s oy scor
ing a - touchdown against 'the
Gaels. The sir-points were the
only ones scored againc. the Gaels
during the season.' 'j -The
possible lineup: .
Oregon St. Mary's '
Fletcher ...... LE . . V I Sperbeck
Morgan .LY....F. McNally
Colbert . . . , .LO. . . . Fischer
galera Golf Course 2 mile south
en River Drive. IS hole watered fJr
way, lanr grcei. Fees Tie, Sunday
and holidays. $1.00. i ..
REETEB OOLF, drivbig practice,
20 balls for 10c For men and worn-
F. N. Woodry
It Tears Salem'a Leading Auctioneer
and Furniture Dealer
'Residence and Store
Hie North Summer Bt. - - j
Telephone alt.' !
: Turkish- bath and 'massage. & H
Logan. Telephone SS14. r New Bank.
i R. Dt Barton National - Batteries
-Starter and generator work. Texaco
station, cornel Court and Church.
Bicycles and repairing. 117 Court.
' The .best In bicycles and repelling.
H. W. Woott. 147 8. Com'l Tel. i.
Tlwhm IIS. R. 19. Northnemi.
Dr. Gilbert. Ore. Bldg. TeL Mi.
MAGNFTTIC tratmente for neuri
tis, gaa. ru, ete. Will eU at the bom
by request. TeL J175W. act Cheme
keta. . -- 1
Dr. X r SCOTT. PSC Chiropractor.
SS N. Ulcb. TeL 87. Rt-s; lliW.
DRS. - 6COFIELD, Palmer Chlre
rractor. X-Ray and N. C. L New
Bank Bldir. -
- For snappy party costumes call Ea-
lm Co. tffi N. frfWTM. 147J.
Center St. Valeterla. TeL 2227.
' Stand. qtnim A Drm.- Call 1412.
tlon, 237 Conrt ft. Tel. Kg 2.
FLOORS of all kinds sanded and
flnlshod. Qlwn Floor Co.. 17 Frofit.
fAm.tlA.A - a .
Ilwver anon. l y. High. Tel. 2212.
nalh?. ' ?.R ALt- occasion.
OUena, Court A High St. Tey. SOU
r,,H?f F2?wr wedding booquete
funeral wreaths, decorations. -C, F.
Bjaupt. florist. Ill EUte Street:
ALir kmda of " floral work: LuU
F1or!t. Hth Miirket. Tel. 2124. .
Fler frVwvenrer.- Tel. 17 or 2290.
yfWORK. Marswcsbop.
r ,VVrn BHven, Mgr. "
Maaonlo Bldg. , TeL 222.
TJ U V "If sjb ' a. .
ForsU ...... ..C Veeble
Schulti.......RO.. Stcponovloh
Chrlstensen ...T. . . . . ; .. IJt
Thompson ....RE...... Etd'r
Moeller ........ Q VOJJZ
Kltxmiller LH Stennett
Parke ....... .RH ; ... . Toscacl
Rushlow......F..... Barrett
LOS ANGELES. Nov. 2 f.
(AP) Washington's Huskies
were put through a sliort. swift
signal drill . on the coliseum
greensward today their final
workout of the seasonfor on
the morrow they will defy the
University' of Southern Califor
nia eleven in the Thanksgiving
football festival here.
. . Coach Howard Jones also put
his trojans through s brief
workout ' while Coach Jimmy
Phelan was sending a hopeful
invading team through its paces.
Both teams expected to present
strong lineups tomorrow. The
only outstanding - player of ei
ther squad who will be absent is
Ralph Wilcox, S. C. left end.. He
is still suffering from an injury
received In the Hawaiian game
two weeks ago. V
'" - t
Thye Takes in '
2 Out oi 3 Match
Over Stan Pinto
: PORTLAND, Ore. Nor. -2 i.
CAP) Ted Thye. Portland, de
feated , Stanley Pinto, Cleveland,
two falls out of threo In a wrest
ling bout here tonight.
Pinto won the first ftll In 27
minutes- with - a - headloek and
Tbye-took the next two In. 15
and S minutes respectively, .'" He
used i a wsistlock to gain both
falls, v' ---
. Thye. weighed 107. Plnto .208
Calif., Nov. 20 (AP) Stanford
athletic teams hereafter . will be
known as "Indians" Instead of
"Cardinals. The student execu
tive 'committee-. today passed a
resolution officially, making the
"Indi-Vi."- symbol of the univer
sity. ' . - ' ; : "'
Telephone 2S . 22 & High
"The Laundry of Pure Materials"
Telephone HIS 1224 - Broadway
New spring-filled mattresses retail
ed directly from factory to you. Capi
tal City Bedding Co.1 TeL la.
North CapltoL
. OEQ, C WILL Pianos. Phone
graphs, sewing machfnea, sheet niusle
and piano studies. Repairing - phono
graphs - and sewing machines. ' 432
Ptwte utreet. fnm.
Ererythlng In office snnpllea -Com-
1(1 N. Com'L
Tel. 4
decorating, paper hanging, tinting, -etc.
ReHeMe wnrVmwn.
PLUMBING and genera! repair
work. Graber Bros.. 1(2 So. Liberty.
Tel.- SS
Uesher PhunMng Supply Co- 171 S.
Commerc1l. Tel. 27M.
FOR STATIONER T, cards, pamph
Iets, programa, booka or any kind of
firlntfng, call at The Statesman Print
ng Department. 215 8. CommerclaL
. RADIO service, lab. Ferric, every
te?, 'J?- N. 12th. TeL 24.
rUllam Bechtel-O. BL Wllliains.
FOR every purpose, for every purse
r-H Standard slses of Radio Tubes.
Conrt St. Tel.
.STOVES and stove repairing. Stoves
r eale. rebuQt and repaired. All
f . 1 woven wire fence, fancy and
hooka. Salem Fence and Stove Works,
D. - IL MOSHUR Tailor for mea
and women. 474 Conrt Pt.
CAPITAL City Transfer Co. 2:
State Et. TeL 22 J. Distributing, for-
Get rar.rateav ' V
FOR 1 ACftl Jttm. .
age, call 2121. Larmer Transfer Co.
makeHTL-ia2;h,a- .",rt".
Real Estate
I 1 N. High TeL 121
tU N. nignS?
TeL 243
ia'e ' mcOLN ELLIS
S70 btate St. TeL S42
niB. Uberty C TeL 1S
124-1 First Kat. bk. Bldg. TeL 27
122 N. ComzoerclaJ TeL 1224
141 CtAte CL
TeL 722