The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 27, 1930, Page 6, Image 6

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    PAUfc SIX
Subscription Fete
Is Brilliant
The tint dance of the season
' for the Subscription dancing dub
was the Thanksgiving affair giv
en at Hasel Green . Wednesday
night. The ballroom was bean
tlfnlly arrangfl with Thanksgir
Ing aa a motif for . the decora
Hons. Here nearly 200 elus
members and special guests
- danced .in a lovely, formal ball
Preceding the ball several din
ner parties paved the way for a
mart beginning for the hoars of
dancina- to follow. Mrs. T. A.
Llvesley and Mrs. Conrad Pan
Ins entertained with a large din
" ner party at the Llvesley home
on Falrmoant hill.
Gaests at the Llvesley home
were Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Maison.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Scandling,
Mr. and Mrs.- P D Qulsen berry.
Mr. and Mrs. Hollla Huntington.
Mr. and Mrs. Ercel Kay, Mr. and
Mrs. . Gas Hixson, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Rahn, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
erlck Deckebach, Miss Carlotte
Zleber, Mis. ' Rovena Eyre.. John
Roberts, Carl Gabrielson, James
, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Roberts.
Mr. and Mrs. David Eyre, Mr.
and Mrs. Oliver Locke. Mr. and
Mrs. William Walton, Mr. and
Mrs. Edgar Pierce, Mr. and Mrs.
James Callaghan. Mr. and Mrs,
Palmer Macdonald, Mr. and Mrs.
Connel Dyer, Mr. and Mrs. John
Carson, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Car
son, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Car
son, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Linn, Mr
and Mrs. Frank Spears, Mr. and
Mrs. Chester Cox, Mr. and Mrs.
- Jack Elliott; Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Simmons. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gal
low ay, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hofer,
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hofer,
and Captain and Mrs. Sarura Da
mon, all of Portland; Mr. and
Mrs. Keith Powell of Woodburn;
Mr. and Mrs. Dan J. Fry, Jr.,
Mr. and Mrs. Asabel Bush, Mr.
and Mrs. Frits Slade, Dr. .and
Mrs. Prince Byrd. . Mr. and Mrs.
O. F. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Cur
tis Cross. Dr. and Mrs. David
Bennett f 11, Mr. and Mrs. Don
Young, Dr. and Mrs. W. H.
Lytle, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hen-
dricks, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Haw
kins. .
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Griffith
were also among the hosts for
dinner parties preceding the ball.
At this attractive affair at the
Griffith home covers were placed
for Dr. and Mrs. Charles Rob
ertson, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. William
Taulus, Mr. and Mrs. Esel Eoff.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ford. Mr. and
Mrs. Breyman Boise, Mr. and
Mrs. Frederick Deckebach. ; Mr. j
and. Mrs. Dolph Craig, Mr. and
Mrs. John Griffith, and Mr. and i
Mrs. Lewis Griffith.
The next Subscription club
dance will be the New Year's
Salem Chamber Music
Program Date Altered
The second program for the Sa
lera Chamber t Music society
which was to have been present-
ed December 3 has been changed
. in date to December 18 at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. O. F. John
son on Fairmount hill.
This change was made neces
sary through the numerous re
quest programs which hsve had
to be met by the. Nea-Kah-Nie
quartet. '
The December. IS program
promises to be one of the most
brilliant musical events in Salem
for some time. Mrs." W. H. Burg
hardt will be the artist pianist.
Already reservations have been
made by many folk from sur
rounding towns to Salem.
U " ' -
Talbot. A'' special meeting of
the Talbot -Woman's club was
called Wednesday night at the
home of Mrs. Addie Davidson at
which time plans were made for
an entertainment to be given In
WIntel hall December 12. Those
present for this meeting were
Mrs. N. H. Doty, Mrs. E. E. Cole.
Mrs. Frank- Brown. Mrs. R. Frei
tag, Mrs. ' Clint Hampton. Mrs.
Claud Johnson, Mrs. D. E. Turn
ldge. Mrs. Belknap, Mrs. Glin
ston, Mrs. Kieper, Mrs. Freeman,
Mrs. Emmons, Mrs. Taylor. Mrs.
D. Davidson. v Mrs. A. Davidson,
and Mrs, Loyal Johnson.
Waldo Hills A regular meet-
Ing of the Willard Women's club
was held Thursday at the home
of Mrs. Robert Jans. No special
business was transacted but Mrs.
A. A." Geer read from the study
' book r Loafing through the Pacific.-
The topic waa "The King
dom of Tonga." The hostess serv
ed refreshments appropriate to
the Thanksgiving season. . Those
present were: Mrs. Dan Hlllman,
.Mrs, G. H. Ottoway. Mrs. J
Neuswanger, Mrs. Charles Rich
es,' Mrs. A. . A. Geer, Mrs. Edson
Comstock. Mrs. - Fred Knight,
; Mrs. Jans.
' : :
Among the young foik return
ing; . borne for Thanksgiving is
Miss Roselie Sundin' and Mis
: Rose Naomi Rogers. Miss Sun
din is at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sundin,
and Miss Rogers who has been
. attending Laurelwood - acdaemy
In Portland is with her mother.
- Mica ' Jean Hopkins,- a classmate
. ef Miss Rogers: In the academy.
Is spending the holidays at the
Rogers home. ;
Hasel Green Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Falet will be hosts for a
family dinner Thanksgiving day.
The gaests .will be Mr. and Mrs.
William Batteries: of Amity, Mrs.
Anna Faist of Portland' and Mr.
and It ft. i Author Knuibbe of Port
land. - ,
Aurora Miss' Norma Eckle
son attended a cabaret party, giv
en by Marjory Wllkerson, Auro
ra; Phyllis Cuddback and Dor
othy Arms of Canby, three young
maids of the younger set, Friday
evening at the Artisans hall at
Canby. I . ' -
A survey ihowed 73 percent
T of the . students at Lather col
lege. Decorah, Iowa, are of Nor
wegiaa descent.
News and Club
eOuve M. DOAK.
! Friday, November 28
. Annual tea for Salem teachers given by Salem
Woman's club; board meeting 2 o'clock; business meet
ing, 2:30 o'elock; speaker. Dean M. Elwood Smith, t '
o'clock; 'tea. 4 o'clock. ' :-.--..--.- r
Daughters of Veterans, at 1:00 o'clock at tin Won
an's clubhouse. - ' ?'?r'-
Past Matrons club will meet at home ef Mrs. IdaT
Godfrey,1 8 o'clock. Social
Bridge Tea Plans
Well Under Way
The annual brdige tea of the
alumnae of Sacred Heart aca
demy will be one of the largest
events of the week end. Cards
will be in play both in the after
noon and evening In the social
rooms of the academy.
Reservations for tables to date
include Mrs. Roy Mills, Mrs. Lew
is Griffith. Mrs. Ben Fade,- Mrs.
C. Ringwald, Mrs., F. 3t. Albrlch.
Mrs. Napoleon Rocqne, Mrs. J. E.
Smith. Mrs. W-- Carlton Smith,
Mrs. M. D. Pilklngton, Mrs. G,
Sehaffner, Mrs. U. S. Page. Mrs.
Frank Joskoskl. Mrs. Cyril Suing,
Mrs. F. E. Halik, Mrs. A. M. Ger
man, Mrs. J. B. Schur, Mrs. Dan
J. McLellan.
Mrs. Grover Hillman. Mrs. T. A.
Llvesley. Mrs. O. F. Johnson,
Mrs. Frederick Brock, Jr., Mrs
C. E. Wagner. Mrs.- David Eyre,
Mrs. John L. Rand, Mrs. Howard
Hulsey. Mrs. Duane Gibson. Mrs.
G. E. Schunemaa, Mrs. T. D. Mc-
Clain, Mrs. J. H. Bach, Mrs. The
odore M. Barr, Mrs. E. A. Pruitt,
Mrs. Joseph Bernard!, Mrs. T. K.
Ford, and Mrs. George Mabbe-
Silverton Teachers
Have Bridge Evening
Silverton Mrs. Robert Goets
and Mrs. Albert Davis were host
esses Monday night for the Teach
er's Bridge club at the home of
the latter. Four tables were in
play at which Miss Lou Ann Chase
won the high score prise for the
Those present Included Miss
Chase, Mrs. Harry Wells. Mrs.
Herman Cramer, Mrs. Warren
Crabtree, Mrs. James Manning,
Miss Marlon Gunn, Mildred Mc-
Dermott, Eleanor schroeder.
Thelma Crandall, Ruth Elliott.
Josephine Gordon. Fav SDarks.
Stella Dybevik, Mrs. H. R. Irish,
Herta 'Albrecht. Erna Starr, Mrs.
Goetz and Mrs. Davis.
atsy Manning
Miss Patsy Manning was com
plimented by her mother, Mrs.
George Manning. Tuesday after
noon on the occasion of her ninth
birthday. A group of young
friends were invited for the af
ternoon and games and fun were
enjoyed until tea hour.
At the tea hour Mrs. Manning
was assisted by Mrs. Ray Smith
and Mrs. Mable Buirgy.
Guests in compliment to Miss
Patsy were Patsy Holt, Dorothy
Liesy, Charlotte Hill, Frances
Ann Mott, Joan Garnett, Donna
Starr, Shirley McKay, Marjorie
Hoerth, Marjorie Wooten. Leah
Smith. Jerry Manning, Barbara
Bell, Jeanice Miller of Portland.
Independence - The Whist
club had a no hostess seven
o'clock dinner Monday evening
followed by an evening of enter
tainment at the home of Mrs. Nel
lie Damon.
The guest rooms of the Damon
home were beautiful with fall
flowers. Card's at four tables
were In progress. Special scores
went to Mrs. G. G. Walker; Mrs.
Charles Payne; and Mrs.. Delia
Those present for the evening
were Dr. and Mrs. O. G. McCon
nell, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hub
bard, Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Walker,
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Drexler,
Mr. and Mrs.. Claud Skinner. Mr.
and Mrs. Clyde Williams, Mrs. M.
J. Butler, Mrs. Delia Butler, and
VI rs. Charles Payne.
Amity A quiet wedding was
solemnized in McMinnville Sat
urday evening when Miss Thelma
Vincent of Amity became thej
nnae or i ernest Kooertson also
of Amity.
v Mrs. Robertson is the daughter
of Rev. Ray Vincent of Superior,
Wisconsin, and a graduate of the
Amity high school. She has made
her home since childhood with
her grandfather P. A. Vincent of
this city. , Mr. Robertson Is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Rob
ertson of Brledwell. He is also a
graduate of Amity, high school.
Hollywood Members of - the
"Same Over Here" club held
their regular weekly meeting at
they home of Mrs. J. J. Kleeman.
The evening was plessantly
spent' la games. Dainty refresh
ments were served by the hostess
assisted by Miss Florence Klee-
m.. 9..A Mm IT A ITIun
Tnose present were Mr. ana Mrs.
C. S. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. O. A.
Forgard. XI r. .' and Mrs. W. W.
Fisher. Mr. W. W. Kleeman and
Miss Florence Kleeman, and Mr
and Mrs. J. J. Kleeman.
- - - - V - -i t
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McCall will
entertain with a one o'clock
Thanksgiving dinner at their
home on Wallace road In compli
ment to Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Blod-
gett, Corydon Blodgett, Mr. and
Mrs. - A. E. Utley, Billy Utley, Mr.
and 'Mrs. Ralph Allen. Betty" Al
lan; Mrs, Ella GulLDr;- W. B.
Worse, and Mrs. M. M. Cuslck.
" Dr. and Mrs. F. IE. Brown, Mr.
and Mrs. H. D. Emerick, Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. Harrisj Mr. and Mrs.
J. E. Allison. Donald Allison.
Ronald Craven are . spending
Thanksgiving day in Portland as
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ever
ett Craven. - ? ' ; -''v :-' r
- ' : '
' Mrs.' Marie Flint MCCalf, Mrs.
Eleanor Steiner, and Mrs. W. J.
LInfoot, will entertain members
of the Past Matrons club at the
home of Mrs. Ida Godfrey Friday
night at 8 o'clock. .
Society Editor t
Thanksgiving Dinner
Party Pretty Event '
One of the lovely dinners of the
Thanksgiving season was that for
which Miss Marie Iveraon of Sil
verton was hostess Wednesday
night in the Japanese room of the
Gray Belle. . 5
Dainty corsage bouquets mark
ed places for 14 guests. The table
waa centered with a pumpkin cen
terpiece filled with a holiday ar
rangement of fruit. Orange tapers
and a beautiful arrangement of
chrysanthemums completed the
pretty table decoration.
Following the dinner party the
guests enjoyed a line party.
Glass Installs
The Baraca-Philathea Sunday
school class of the Calvary Bap
tist church held their regular
social and business meeting
Tuesday evening in the dining
room of the Calvary Baptist
church. Officers installed were:
teacher, Miss Nina McNary; as
sistant teacher, Mrs. . G. Ed.
Ross; president, Robert Kntch;
vice-president, - Alice Zielke; sec
retary, Leolyn Barnett; assistant
secretary, Charlotte Horning;
treasurer, Edna McElbaney; as
sistant treasurer. Loreta Wolfe.
Games and taffy pulling con
stituted the evening's entertain
ment. Refreshments were served
cafeteria style.
A large group were present in
cluding Miss Nina McNary and
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jenks.
Teachers Tea Will
Be Pretty Event
One of the celebrated events of
the year for the Salem Woman's
club is the annual tea for the
teachers and executives of the Sa
lem school system. The tea this
year will be given Friday after
noon In' the clubhouse on North
Cottage street.
Dean Elwood Smith of the Ore
gon state college will be the
speaker, on the program which is
being prepared by the club. His
topic "What the Public Wants
will be especially well adapted to
the interests of the teachers. Mrs
Mark McCallister , will be In
charge of the music for the after
noon. The urogram will begin at 3
o'clock and tea will be served at
4 o'clock. There will be a board
meeting at 2 o'clock and this will
be followed by a business meet
ing for members of the club at
2:30 o'clock.
Brooks Complimenting her
husband, Mrs. Ed Chastain en
tertained with a birthday dinner
Sunday at their home in Brooks,
the occasion being the 56th birth
day of Mr. Chastain. Guests pres
ent were: Mr. and Mrs. W. P.
Foren and children Edith, Fay
and Eva Foren of Waconda, Mr.
and Mrs. Oliver Chastain and.
children" Cmford and Arlene
Chastain of Waterloo, Earl Chas
tain, Mr. and Mrs. Art Vogt, Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Foren and chil
dren Hattie and Dick Foren,
Ralph Chastain, Mr. and Mrs.
Kirk Thurmaa and children
Thelma. Vernon and Ronald
Thurman, Leonard .Chastain,
Misses Genevieve and Mary Chas
tain, and the hostess, Mrs. Ed
Silverton. The local Legion
auxiliary has received an Invita
tion from the Molalla group to
be the latter's guests at the next
meeting of the auxiliary Decem
ber 1. The meeting will be held
In the Grange hall at Molalla.
Mrs. T. P. Heidenstrom, presi
dent of the Silverton group, is
urging every member to attend
and ask that all who plan to do
so notify her.
a. ev
.Whether in Soviet Russia or right here in
your home town, should your LoognKB seed
a new hairspring or any of it part repaired
or exchanged you can hare the work prop--erly
done. Sold in seventy countries, Longinea are backed
' the World orer bya complete repair sea-rice. We hare a
fine selection of these famous watches in our store, let's
tell you .more about them. -They are reasonably priced
from $35.09 up. , ' - - j
Pomeroy & Keerie .
Jewelers and Opticians .
t . -. -
- ' . State St., Next to Postal Tel. " -
OREGON STATES31AN, Salem, Oregon. Tharsdaylorning, November 27. 1930.
Thanksgiving Program
of Music Tonight
A Thanksgiving program of st
ill will be presented at the Knight
Memorial church tonight, and to
this the public Is Invited. Delbert
Jepson will be violin soloist and
assisting him. will be the chorus
choir In a group of special num
bers. Mrs. Beulah Talmadge and
Beneitta Edwards will be soloists
for the choir numbers. Donald Al
lison will be accompanist.
Numbers to be given are;"
Hear Thou My Prayer." Ham-blln-O'Hara,
chorus; "The Lord
is My Shepherd," Smart, dnet by
Mrs. C. A. Hnston and Miss Pear:
Eyre; "Morning," Speaks-Baldwin,
c horns: "Charite." Fanre,
ladles' Quartet; violin solo, Del
bert Jepson; "Trust Ye in the
Lord," Wilson, chorus, with ob
bligato, solo by Mrs. Beulah Tal
madge; "Teach Me to Know."
Lacy, Donald Barnard; "Lore Di
vine." Liszt, solo by Beneitta Ed
wards sad. chorus; "Recessional."
DeKoven, final- chorus. Organ
numbers will be "Largo," Handel;
Evening Prayer." Relnecke, and
March " Pontif icale." Lemmens.
Friday night a three-act eomedv
play, "Amy From Arlsona." will
be presented by a group of the
Knight Memorial church folk in
the church social rooms at 7:45
Those takins part are Rov Har-
land, "Vernon Bushnell, George
L.ioyd, Walter McCune, Beneitta
Edwards. Irene RItner, Vera Mc
Cune. Caryol Braden and Harlett
A program of popular music
will be heard preceding the play.
Mehama Mrs. M.
members and their families Fri
day night. The evening was spent
in games and music. Refresh
ments were served at a late
hour. Those present were: Mr.
and Mrs. Cardwell, Russell and
Ercel Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Poy
ner. Mrs. Dale Propst. Berl and
Ruth, Grace Propst, Wanda Per-
rin, Lucy Boje, Mrs. Landers,
Mrs. Monroe, Claraedna Mulkey,
Harry Jones, Lorena and Ardys
Landers, Alice and Aleen Boylng-
ton. Earl Nobles. Ruth and Arlyn
Moe, Harry and Dale Monroe.
440 Siate St.
Will Serve Its
Famous Dinners
From 11 A. M. to
9 P. M.
Special Dinner 50c
Gray Belle Dinner 75c
Dinner DeLuxe $1.00
Ctilldrew Half Price
Silver Grille
i , ...
At the disposal of Din
ner Guests for Dancing
Without Charge
x - k '
: A Longincs
TDatch can be
repaired the JUorld ouer
Laurel Social Hour '
Club Entertained
- Klngwood Entertaining mem
bers of the Laurel Social Hoar
elub. Mrs. Raymond Comptoa was
hostess at her home Tuesday-afternoon.
Members responded to
roll call -with . reminiscences 'of
past Thanksgivings and with spe
cific reasons for thankfulness at
this season. Mrs. J. A. Tantiss
presided at the ' business session.
Plans were made for a Christmas
party at the next regular meeting,
Dec. 9 at which a covered dish
luncheon will be served and gifts
will be given. Mrs. Bernard Ben
son, Mrs. B. B. Flack, Mrs. En
gene Krebs and Mrs. D A. Wil
liams were appointed as a com
mittee on general arrangements.
Mrs. Comptoa waa assisted at
the tea hour by Mrs. Tantiss and
Mrs. A. L. Applewhite,. - ...
Mrs. J. E. Olson was a guest of
the club for the afternoon. Mem
bers present were Mesdsmes G. L.
Adams, J. B. Smith, Edward Fin
ley, A. L. Applewhite, J. A. Tan
tiss, B. B. Flack, Bernard Benson,
Eugene Krebs, D. A. Williams, R.
A. Blevins, E. W- Emmett and the
hostess, Mrs. Raymond Com p ton.
Hubbard. The Pythian hall
waa the acene of a jolly affair
Monday evening at the fifth of a
series of card parties sponsored
by the Knights t Pythias and
the Pythian Sisters. '
Twelve tables of "500" were
In play with winning scores go
ing to Mrs. C E. Galbratth of
Aurora, Waldo F. Brown, Mrs.
A. J. Smith, Robert Brown, and
Chris Schwartz.
Julius Stayuffer, Avon Jesse
and Elton McLaughlin had gen
eral charge and Miss Ruth Cal
vert, Mrs. Edith Painter and
Mrs. Margaret McMannis served
on the refreshment committee.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark McCallister
were dinner hosts for a group of
members of the state corporation
; commissioners office st the Spa
I n..J I ..
Today's Menu
Roast dhlckea for Dinner
Ml Cektoll
JUMt Ckickea ui Ckaatast Draaaiaf
, Klat Grr Cimm4 Omitma
Sria T Flw Jny
Tmt.U 6Utlm Sala4s
614 Dris . .
Pat - Paddiaff 4 lm
- S :: So j. -"
- ? CoffM ' ' 1 -Ssltc4
Vmim Hurt Cni
Frvlt Cocktail. Benlng
1 aieed yiippl 1
1 p SiMd cau4
1 n ieS pr .!
H npi i '
tiasai Ww
Mix ausar and i trnit Juices.
Boll 1 minute. Cool and add
rest. or lntredlents. Chill and
serve class cups.
If desired, 1-S enp of raP
Jnlce can he added to this frnu
mixture. ,! i
Rowt Chicken
1 cfciekea (5- owii)
1 Umpm 1 i
4 tespoa eliT ' i
4 MMpM pprik
2 tlPB flnr
I cup boilMf wtr
Carefully wash and clean chick
en. Chill until ready to roast.
Stuff and tie chicken ready for
baking. Sprinkle i with the salt,
celery salt, paprika and flour. Fit
Into a roaster. Mix butter and
water. Pour half of this oxer
chicken and place In a hot OTen.
Bake 15 minutes. Corer with lid
and lower the fire, i Bake 2 hours.
Bast freemen11, nslns rest of wa
ter and butter mixture. Turn the
chicken to allow eyen browning.
. i
Miss Sarah E. Cramer became
the bride of Clifford R. Toycen
Saturday at 3 o'clock in a quiet
wedding ceremony i read by En
sign Earl Williams. Those pres
ent for the ceremony were Mr.
and 'Mrs. Tibbetts, Mrs. Hutchin
son, Miss Isabelle ! Pickens, En
sign and Mrs. Williams, C. R.
Toycen, Stanley j Toycen and
Svend Toycen. : ,
Just received an
express shipment!
of more than a
dozen styles, All
to sell at... v
&H th lale combinations of leathers, fotK stmt
Bresg heels, ties, stcpin pumps and oxfords. Qther
itylea will b aiinouxieed as they, j
- i - ixO '
Pnf ralia Temple
Has Annual Roll Call
Centralla Temple No. 11.
Pythian smers. celebrated the
annual roll call ot the order
Tuesday night at the Woman s
Sbhouw with 30 member, an
swering the roll and . IS letters
of gAeUnga. Visitor, were
present from Arion temple, . Hub
bard: Alpha temple, i Albany,
Dalore temple, Dallas, r
a nlnlr annnr VII enlOyOO
at 7 o'clock and following this
- ' ' - l " -.
Have your Pen repaired at the most
complete Pen Repair Shop In Salem.
No work Is sent away. We will en
grave your name n your pen , while
you wait. ;
Atlas Book Store
465 State
Names engraved, Free on any pen
purchased before Christmas.
and ' the business meeting cards
wera la play. .
Mrs. Laura johnsonr Mrs. Cal
loway, Mrs. Teckenburg, and
jjrs. Gould wera In charge of the
supper hour. Mrs. Viesko, Mrs.
Sande, Mrs. Hixson,' and Mr.
Terwllllger made the eommlUee
which arranged the entertain
ment. Mrs. Lucile Compton
read the roll call. v
. The lodge rooms were attrae
Urely arranged with ha.ket of
bronse .ehryaant1-"-
Telephone 340
l and