The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 27, 1930, Page 5, Image 5

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    Th OHEGON STATESMAN. Saleia. Oregon Thursday IXornin. NoTtmber 271930
' -i -- " -v ? : - .
Train Causes Crash Not see
ing an approaching anto hecasse
ot the presence, of a standing
train, caused I. Schmidt, routel
Z. to hit tha other automobile
drlren by i Lewis D. OriKith.
14 51 Court street. Thn crash
occurred at the corner of Court
aad Front streets. Tuesday at
o'clock. " Both men work .. for
the Spauldlng Logging company
and Griffith was drirlng a com
pany Tehlcle at the time of the
crash :
Dollar dinner every night 5:46
to S at the Marlon boteL
Soph win Debate In the
third ot six debates being held
on the chain' store- question at
the high school, the sophomores.
Bob Reed and Leah Steinbock,
yesterday 'showed the seniors,
Lee Elmacker and Harold Prnitt,
that though they may be "green
horns" In school, they know how
to debate.- The sophomores won
va 3 to 0 decision. These debates
are drawing large aadlences.
Released R. L. Gill. 1040 Ki
lls street, Bellingham, Wash., ar
rested tire days ago tor transport
lng liquor, was released from the
city Jail Wednesday, after paying
a down nayment on Ms s&uo line
of $110. He senred tire days in
ia.lL maklnr nn $10 of th total
The remaining $300 will be paid
at a rate of $35 a month starting
February 1.
Shed dry wood-coal. Prompt
dellrery. Tel. 13. Salem Fuel.
Chimney Fire Daniel A.
Schulie, Willamette nniTersity
professor, turned In an alarm at
7:55 Wednesday morning to the
fire department, because his chlm-
ney. at 1045 oak street sireei.
had caught fire. By the time-the
department arrired, th blax was
tinder control, due to water from
a garden hose being played on the
burning wood in tne garrei.
Needham Estate up The pro-
hate court has allowed petition
of the ruardian to sell real
property belonging to the estate
of Jams weeanam, an insane
nerson. Order has also been
signed authorising the guardian,
W. I. Needham, to purchase with
estate funds general obligation
bond ot the city of Vale.
See rental list Becke Hen
dricks on classified page, also in
office window. 189 N. Hign.
I" Closed Today ActlTitlee
at the Y. M. C. A. will cease all
day today sar between 4:30 and
6 m.. when men will be allowed
to nse the handball courts and
baths. Games will be a special
boys feature Saturday afternoon
After the morning hikes.
To Place on Book Applica
tion to Ttlace on the motion book
has been made by Prudential
Sarlngs and Loans association in
its rases against uiancne a
Huffman and others, and against
Ralph J. Sterens and otners.
In Chare of Estate Gerald
Christofferson has been ap
pointed administrator of the es
tate ot Hans Freemont Christof
ferson. and R. H. Bassett, Betty
Darley arid C. K. Logan are ap
Thanksgiving Dinner. The Spa.
Set-red all day, 75c and il.oo.
Pays Bail of S150O Arrested
Monday at 5:45 p. m. and held
rnr th. sheriff. Frank Batsch was
released from the city Jail Wed
nesday when he arranged bail of
To Sell Property W. R- Ed
wi-ri Administrator of the es
tate of Georre Edwards, has
been authorized to sell personal
property belonging to the estate
and appraised at aB.
Take ot License Marriage
license was issued here yesterday
to two Dallas people: Sherman
B- Smith and Bertha Albl. He
1a a chiropractor in the Polk
county town.
Here on Visit J. W. Thomas
of -Sardis. British Columbia, is
In Salem On a business rislt. He
has properly Interests here and
1 down to look after them. He
will leaye Saturday. .
Men worsted suits. $13.50,
115.75 and $17.75. Thos. Kay
Woolen Mill Co.
Da Ties Stop Wilbert L. Da
Ties, architect who designed the
miniature coif at the goir grouo,
was in th city yesterday while
on his way to Ontario, where be
will put, in a miniature course,
Saes Bligh Path Exchange
has tiled amended complaint In
its suit to collect $915 alleged
dae from Frank D. Bligh for
films used at the Capitol theatre.
Alters Garage J. O. Helsel will
alter his garage at CC0 North
Capitol at an approximate most of
$300. according to ouiiamg per
xait records Wednesday.
Reroofs Dwelling Paul John
eon will reroot his dwelling at 455
South High street, according to
city engineer's records. Th ap-
a . lit m
proxinaie cost wu urn xw.
Order of Default In the ease
of W. H. Clark ts. Grace R.
Smith and others, order ot de
fault bas been entered.
Estate Add raised B. B. Ges-
nr. irrin Caolinrer and Orrin
Frysli har appraised estate of
George Edwards at $7,110.9.
Erects Garage A garage will
be built. at 3405 Center street by
Ruby D. Poujade. Th cost will
b about $100. - -
- o - o
I Births .
Barchns To Mr. and Mrs.
Wllford C. Barchus, Brooks rout
nine, a boy, Jerry, Wllford, born
ber November 23. .
Dr. Ohan Lia CM
ase Madlrtna. . 180
H. Oaauamlal St
alea. Office acars
vary Sunday S:30
U 6:30 fju. daring
tke stents C !.
aad Jan.
Internatloaal Conference Sa-
em city T. M. C. A. will send 11
older boys and young men to
Reed college this week-end to a
conference which concerns Itself
with International relations. The
main amonnt of delegates viil
represent this country. Canada.
Mexico. Japan. China- vn
Philippine Islands and Russia!
aii of th delegates are probably
attending educational institu
tions in thi. . country. SeTeral
speakers from Russia will attend
this year's meetings. Harry Stone
heads the Willamett nmiMft.
hdelegattion. . "
At Summit .A. C. nnknotuif
local real estate dealer, and Mr!
ana jurs. h. w. Greer made a trip
the middle of th week to Sum
mit, in Benton county. Bohrn
stedt says be has nerer had. on
! ui inpa ne nas been in that
country, as clear or beautiful
Tiew of the country there as he
got on this trip from a point in
the coast range about a mile and
naii rrom the summit of the
Shirts in gift boxes now $1.45.
. W. Johnson Co.
Permit Cancelled The nnKltc
serrice commission Wednesday
cancelled the permit Issued to
Marian Hanan, operating for-hire
passenger motor cars in Portland
for violation of her tariff with re
lation to rates and charges. Sim
ilar action was taken by the com
mission in connection with the
Dollar Zone Cab company, which
retired from business several
months ago.
In Hospital Friends here hare
received word that Dee Stelwer,
well-known among the older res-
aents here, became suddenly 111
while visiting his sister. Mrs. EL
L. Ketchum, In McMinnville. and
had to submit to a major opera
tion there. His condition, though
serious, is now much improved.
Thanksgiving Dinner. The Sna
Served all day, 75c and $1.00.
Keenan to Portland R e v.
Thomas V. Keenan left last nlrht
tor Portland where he will enjoy
rnannsgivmg dinner with his
mother. Tonight he will leave for
Lrfs Angeles where he will spend
some days on business and also
attend the Notre Dame-Southern
California football game.
Forming Orchestra The Elsi-
nore theatre is starting a bovs
and girls orchestra at th thea
tre for those under 14 years of
age, which is under the direction
of "Bill" Brasean and Professor
Waldo Feugy. It will meet every
saturaay at ll: go o'clock In a
special room prepared for that
Speaks in Portland Rev. D.
J. Howe, pastor of the First
Christian church, was in Port
land last night to give an address
on crime before the church night
event held at the First Christian
church in that city. Mrs. Howe
accompanied him.
Colton In City H. G. Colton.
for more than 30 years state
manager for the Massachusetts
Mutual Life Insurance company.
was In Salem on business Wed
nesday. Colton owns 140 acres of
land in the vicinity of Turner.
Thanksgiving dinner, Marion
Hotel. Special roast turkey, goose
or prize steer steak dinner, $1.00.
11:45 to 2 5:45 to 8.
Bailey Here Senator Edward
Bailey of Eugene was In Salem
Wednesday to attend the funeral
of Senator Lloyd Reynolds. Bail
ey reports that he has moved his
law office from Junction City to
Reserve Heads Meet Reserve
officers of the O. R. C. met Wed
nesday night for a dinner at The
Spa. The occasion Is a fortnight
ly affair and is attended by Mar
lon and Folk county men.
Causes Visit Here Dr. John
M. Canse of Montesano, former
theology, and Mrs. Canse came In
president of Kimball school of
Wednesday and ar visiting old
friends In Salem.
Vis! tin jr Here Professor and
Mrs. Riddles barger and family 'of
Corvallis and Mr. and Mrs. Rlck
les of Lebanon win be visitors at
the home ot Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
Sale Confirmed Circuit
Judge McMahan baa confirmed
aale of real property In the case
of Stat vs. Harry E. Glpson and
.From Eugene C. F. Giese,
formerly of Salem but now of Eu
gene, was la th city Wednesday
to attend th funeral of Senator
Lloyd Reynolds.
Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner,
50 cents, at Argola restaurant.
Make Reply Bert Adams and
Jack Overgard, plaintiffs in suit
against Frank M. ' Neer, have
filed reply to the defendant's an
Overtinters Fined Overtime
parkers netted the cMy of Salem
$2 Wednesday, according to police
records. ,
Invalid Chairs v.
to Rent
O.U 2193, Used Furniture
151 N. High
Miss Caster Her Miss Fran
eess Caster will arrive today to
spend the Thanksgiving holiday
her at th bom of her foster
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert A.
Forkner, 2005 eXbraaka avenue.
Miss Custer baa . been teaching
school at Oakrldg, U Lane
county. 8h will be accompanied
bom by Miss Mildred RlnnaH.
who is also teaching at Oakridg,
In British Colombia--. Rev.
Lewis Rounds, pastor of th Em
manuel Full Gospel mission, la to
Westminister, B. C to conduct a
series ot evanrellstia meetlnn.
during which time hla pulpit her
is oeing tuied by Mrs. Pierce, an
evangelist who recently concluded
series of meetlnrs In Indepen
Tie special, reg. $1.00 now I9e.
Boxes free. G. W. Johnson Co.
Statement Filed A. D. Cand-
laad. plaintiff in suit against J. H.
Campbell for a partnership ac
counting, has filed a verified
statement in the ease, showing
that work done in th first tour
months of 1930 brought net prof
its of $5,125.94, half of which
plaintiff would bold.
Petition for Bailiff Petition
presented to th county court by
H. E. Russell and others seeks
appointment ot Paul Bailiff as pa
trolman for road district No. 31,
at Marion. Bailiff, if appointed.
will succeed S. H. Russell, who
died recently.
Costs no more genuine (not
bogus) Oliver shares sold only in
Salem, by A. C. Haag ft Com
pany, 990 Ferry Street, Phone
Stuttaford Coming; Charlotte
Stuttaf ord win com horn from
Oregon State college this morning
to spend Thanksgiving with her
mother, Mrs. Cordel Stuttaford.
Miss Stuttaford will return to the
campus Sunday.
See our sale on men's suits,
$12.50. $15.75 and $17.75, over
coats $12.50 and $15.75. Blank
ets at about V retail price. Thos.
Kay Woolen Mill Co.
Postoffice Closed The Salem
postof lice will be closed today, ex
cept for service for transients
from 9 to 10 o'clock this morning.
There will no mail distribution
except of special delivery letters
and packages.
Practice to Start Practice for
girls' basketball at the senior high
sohool will get under way next
weeki with schedule arranged so
that the seniors will practice each
Monday, the juniors Wednesday
and th freshmen each Thursday.
May Sell Property Orders In
the estate of Marion Palmer per
mit lease of real property and
sale of personal property belong
ing to th estate. E. S. Palmer
and Winona Hatteberg ar ad
100 acres 5 miles from Sa
lem. 70 acres under plow. Tim
ber ft Creek, No buildings. Well
located N. East. Priced 3000 to
Sell now. Becke ft Hendricks,
189 N. High Street.
Hearing Tuesday Hearing
will be held in probate court De
cember 2 in petition to sell real
property belonging to estate of
Emily W. Jeffries.
Kstate Wortlt S3032 C. .
Reynolds. J. A. Campbell and
Rosa Langley have appraised es
tate of Mary Wolfard at $5,652.
House Gets New Roof A re-
roofing job will be done on the
residence of Fred Waters at SIS
Mill street. It will cost about $120
Guns confiscated by Wisconsin
game wardens from hunters vio
lating the state laws ar sold at
Where to
Gray Belle, 440 State Street-
Special dinner 60c
Gray Belle dinner 75c
Dollar Dinner DeLux Roast
turkey, steak or grilled half
spring chicken.
Thanksgiving dinner, Marion
Hotel. Special roast turkey, goose
or prixe steer steak dinner, $1.00.
11:45 to 2 5:45 to 8.
Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner.
50c cents, at Argola restaurant.
Extra special Thanksgiving din
ner. Chole of turkey, goose or
duck, with all th trimmings, SOc
Hotel Argo dining room.
Special Thanksgiving Dinner
Served at th Spa. 75c and $1.00.
Thanksgiving Dinner. See menu
in this piper. Only SOc Home
sat Oregon SOAg.
Schaefer's Dyspepsia
Tablets J
A Compound Antacid and
;.; Dyspeptic Tablet
especially prepared for dys
pepsia Indigestion and diges
tir disorders arising from hyper-acidity
ot th stomach. .
" To . correct heartburn, dis
tress after eating, bad our
breath, relieve belching gas,
bloating, headaches, dirtiness
and similar disorders attend
ant upon hyperacidity.
old' only at
Sdiaefer s Drug Stcre
Tb Original Yellow "Front .
and Candy Special Stor of
Salem. - ?
Pbona 10? 13S If. Oomi St,
Pensjar Agency '
Doney Honored by Students
On. eve of Trip East;
Address Uade
Th presentation ot a desk set
f fountain pens to President Carl
Gregg Doney was th main feat
are ot th chapel tile of Wil
lamette university, Wednesday.
Th gift was resented by Warren
McMlnnim. president of th stu
dent body, from th students. .
Dr. Doner will leave on hla first
vacation In over eight years. Sat
urday. He will be accompanied
by Mrs. Doney. Th vacation was
awarded by th board of trustees
as a reward for Dr. Doney'a un
tiring work th past few years on
th million dollar endowment
campaign. -
The main point of Dr. Doney'a
last chapel address before his va
cation was In reference to th
lives of men. He likened life to
the exploration of the world go
ing from outside to inside.
Ufe Pleasant to Yowtna
When men are young, explain
ed Dr. Doney. they find how
pleasant life is how near It is
like the outside sunshla of th
world with th birds and flowers.
When youth attends college. It
digs a little below the surface and
finds a cold clammy existence
with worms and unpleasant
things. It Is like digging a few
feet down Into garden loam.
Life is better with advancing
age, pointed out the president. As
men ret older they' find the
warmth of, life as portrayed by
the eternal warmth of th deeper
Interior ot the world.
A paper was passed In Chapel
Tuesday and Wednesday for those
who wish to go on the excursion
to Portland for th Willamette vs.
Pacific football game. Sixty-five
persons have signified their Inten
tion of going. Saturday. -Taor
will probably go in autos and
some live in Portland and will bo
there during Thanksgiving vaca
tion. A special dinner following
the game is planned by the Port
land Willamette university aium
nL Lacks Money
To Buy Shoes
Defense Plea
She was unable to buy shoes
for her danrhter so conld not
send her to school, declared Mrs.
Effle Riddle when brought into
justice court Wednesday charged
with keenlne her 12-year old
daughter Ethel, from attending
Mrs. Riddle has been living in
the Clear Lake district where
sh worked during hop picking
hut haa agreed to return to her
former home in Yamhill county.
sne was allowed ner uoeriy on
her - own recognizance while her
case was continued for 10 days.
Driving an automobile wnne
nnthlA to control It cost Holla
How j $50 when he pleaded guil
ty before Justice Brazier amau
on Wednesday.
Litwiller Gets
Rug for Prize
Given by T. Kay
C. M. Litwiller of the young
men's division of the Y. M. C. A.
won the yellow and orange ori
ental rug donated by Thomas B
Kay to the "Y" for the winner
of th recent young men's enroll
ment activity week. Litwiller
obtained 13 new memberships.
Runners-up were Fred Duncan
and Fred Remington each with
five new members.
After a consultation with of
ficials, the general secretary will
award the boxes of pears for the
10 highest men In th contest.
Over 50 new subscriptions
were made during the work of
the past few weeks In this affair.
Home Cafe
11 to 8 50c
Soup and Fruit Salad
Roast Turkey and Dressing;
Hot Rolls, Potatoes. Peas
Candled Sweet Potatoes
Cranberry, Celery, Olive
Steamed Pudding-Pumpkin
Pie with Whip Cream
Mince Pie or Ic Cream
Coffee, Ten or Milk
Children H Price
Cauda, Catf
ecu fa By for lsVyears,
asaacaOy raneves fhos
Uas, restore health and
rebuilds vitality. Our FXE8
saarkabl GUARANTY. Wr&e,
paoae or cal far K today. : .
wtaw bw pp&kumi wot
Armuaro ofricaa
Surras, San Pan ciSOQt
Loa. ANQtk&n
Ex-Burglary Gangster, I f'
Now Minister, Loud in '
Praise of Prison Here
Under present conditions th !
Oregon penitentiary . has made
heaven out of heU, was the pos
itive statement mad by Rev.
Vincent J. Staff an. ex-gangs tar
and ex-burglar ha Tin la his past
record terms t sarvlee - in both i
San Quentin and Folsom. and
who visited th Oregon peniten
tiary Tuesday. He is now field
secretary for the . 3tef fan Prison
Association, Inc.
RevrStffan visited the Ore
gon prison eight years ago and
his remarks were based on a
comparison of his two visits.
The present administration of
humane methods completely re-
tut th . condemnatory words
which have been spoken through
the press In the Immediate, past,
he said.
"Th dlselplin la so humanly
carTied out here that it la swayed
with gloves;" aad continued Rev.
Steffan, to discipline th crimin
al ts a necessity for It Is on of
the truly grave and dire needs in
th lit of every criminal for h
has never properly disciplined
Overcrowdlmg Dangerous
"But th Oregon people should
realise the danger of overcrowd
ing. This condition together with
inadequate facilities with which
to operate is a false 'economy
which, becomes very expensive.
The destruction in the Canyon
City break in Colorado Is costing
that state over sz 00,000 to read
Just." remarked Steffan.
"The people of Oregon should
realize the death traps that now
exist In the Oregon prison to be
forewarned is to be forearmed"
and Rev. steiian looked very
straight at me with a pair of blue
gray eyes tnat naa oenina mem
a loos: of understanding of what
might come from those death
traps being left as they are.
Two in tell,. Condemned
Another phase of overcrowd
ing, ber Steffan pointed out that
Tuesday five mor prisoners
were admitted which swelled the
total number in the penitentiary
to S74, is tb moral situation
"Regardless of bow good an ex
ecutive personnel may be in
charge. of a prison, Just so long
as there are two or more convicts
in one cell there will be a low
moral plane for th inmates. No
situation Is mor desperate In
penal Institutions In so far as
corrective values ar concerned
as th housing of two prisoners
In one cell. Let the state of Ore
gon wake up and if necessary ex
tend the buildings and thus elim
inate the grave eonseanences of
overcrowding and give Superin
tendent Meyers and his associ
ates an even break for the great
st amount of good from the ad
ministration," was the word of
warning thrown out by this man
who spoke with many years of
prison experience behind him.
Rev. Steffan also was enthusi
astic concerning the gracious
manner in which he had been re
ceived by both the governor's of
fice and by Warden Meyers and
Albert Wesley died in this city
November 28, aged 85 years; hus
band of Elizabeth and rather ot
Horace of Portland. Body to be
shipped to Sunnysld, Wash., for
services and Interment, by W. T.
Rlgdon and Son.
i Dorney
Jacob Dorney died in this city
November 24. aged 78 years.
Funeral services Friday, Novem
ber 28, at 2 p.m. from th chapel
of th Clough-Barrick company.
Interment Odd Fellows cemetery,
JL rvnxax prnsorons
Oar Sme ts Personal
Oar PtIms At nsoaatda
Ow Hhn fa Bfo4um
Ucnm a Xo Bakalawr
City View Cemetery :
Established 18M Tel. land
'Conveniently Accessible
Perpetual care provided for
Prices Reasonable
A Park Cemetery
with perpetual care
Just ten minute from th
heart of town
Clough-Barrick Co.
IXOTD T. KXGDOX. Kg tyt.i l
Spectacles Forged ,
From Iron Found
In lltatvsi Sckocl
latfreatlaa discovery
was made in Willamette uni
versity's museum, accord ins;
to -th , registrar's office,
""""lessday. Th. discovery
pair ot spectacles la
bcled, -Property of William
Roberta. 1831." ;
' The spectacles were made
lm tb snsddl of th last cen
tury by the Salem black
smith, tlrely eat of ordin
ary iroav. Ear piece, rims,
nose piece and all were ham
mered out of white - hot
William Roberta waa in
charge of the mis slow work
here In Salem i about the
time that Willamette univer
sity wae founded.
his associates. "Never have
been mor graetously received'
said he in comment upon his
Converted In San Quentin
Rev. Steffan Is an unusually
Interesting man from various
viewpoints. He has never gone to
school a -day in his life and 1C
years ago could neither read nor
write. He was in San Quentin at
this time and became converted
to the Christian religion. "I took
the Bible for my text and taught
myself." Now he speaks smooth
y and uses a vocabulary beyond
th average individual.
When he was 11 years old he
began the use ot drugs and kept
it up until bis reformation. How
did he besrln his criminal career?
He was born in Hungary, had no
home environment, no family
care, came to the united States
with his brother when 10 years
old and in Philadelphia he be
came a waif, wharf rat and then
a criminal.
Cans for Crime Told
How does he account for the
development of criminals? He
took from his pocket three flags,
snd performed a very clever
slight of hand or as he taught me
to say, ''legerdemain." "My ans
wer," said he. "Short-sightedness
and an improper conception of
The idea of the Steffan Prison
association is to extend it so that
Instead of the two centers which
it now baa la Philadelphia. and in
St. Louis, there will be one for
every large prison. It will be the
Special DINNER for
7 Course Dinner
Olympla Oyster or Neptune Cocktail
Cream ds VallaUe Aux Champignons
Haart of Celery Mixed Otlrts
Fresh Shrimps a la Kawburg en Caiaa
Shoestring Potatoes
Tnankasivlng Sherbert
Broiled Prima Steer Beafsteak Mushrooms
Boast CornTed Turkey Chestnut Dressing
' Cranberry Jslly
Boast Domestic Goose Apple Butter
Whipped Cream Potatoes Candled Sweet PoUtoar
Bruesel Sprouts Pstite Pols
Grand Opera Salad
Tuttt JYuttt lee Cream Silver Cake
Hot uinoe Pie Pumpkin Pie Whipped Cream
fencUah. Plum Pudding Hard and Hot Sauce
Camemhert Cheese Bent Water Crackem
i- Mixed iruts duetered Balalns
T Coffee Tea Milk
The Marion Hotel
- i
"Nothino; But
It aTt T . . f
UQwmftofim Pom
la 'All Popular
x y
Dairies Cooperate by use
Of Liberal Supply;
T. B. is Fought
This morning most of .the bot
tles of milk delivered In Salem
will bear a 1930 tuberculosis
unnsimas seat.
heralding t h
opening ot the
seal sal : cam
paign Friday
morning, t h
day following
Dairies that
have cooperated
with th se1
sale committee
b y purchasing
enough seals to put one on each
bottle of milk sent : out in
clude: Waldo Hills Guernsey
dairy. Lien's Jersey dairy, Foshay
Farm. Inc.'. and Pleasant Home
dairy. From 50 to 75 per cent of
the milk bottled at Maple dairies.
Capital dairies and O. K. daries
this morning will bear the tuber
culosis seal. The Salem Sanitary
dairy and Curly's dairy have pur
chased enough stamps to supply a
lesser portion of their bottles.
Drug Stores Cooperate
Drug stores of th city will also
pass the seal Idea on to their cus
tomers, for every prescription
package that goes out of the store
the opening day of the campaign
will bear a seal, and the pharma
cists will conttnue this as long as
the campaign lasts.
Cooperation of the dairies and
druf stores In purchase "of the
seals and distribution to the pub
business of these centers to make
an intensive personal study of
each lnmat and in this manner
attempt to bring about a read
justment, for according to Rev.
Steffan, nearly every prisoner is
either, "abnormal or subnormal,
a very few ar .normal and all
are sick."
Neuritis Rheumatism
Ins; relief rheumatism, neuritis,
sciatica, lumbago, cramps and
Mrs. A. J. Mathis. Route ,
Salem, Ore., suffered two years
with rheumatism in hip and both
knees; is now as well as ever
since taking Casey's Compound.
$1.50 per bottle at drug stores.
Many horn testimonials on re
quest. Woolpert and Hunt Drug
Store, Court and Liberty. Adv.
Good Food"
i - . .
,1 ' , m
anteed Fountain Pens. These
pens are fitted
feed. Cannot leak
w - -
give perfect writing service. . Two styles,
ladies and gentlemen's.
Friday and Saturday
184 North Commercial
He has come through successful ef
forts of the city chairman, Mrs.
William Schults, according to Mrs.
J. E. Bllnkhorn, county chairman.
Th city chairman Is also having
distributed as rapidly aa possiDie
the seal sale posters. i
The Dalles Out
To Get Water to
Develop Power
An application for authority to
appropriate 9000 second feet of
water , from the Deschutes river
for th purpose of establishing a.
municipally owned power plant
was filed in the state engineering
department here yesterday by
David G. Glass, engineer, on be
half of The Dalles.
- The proposed development Is
in two" units of 4500 second feet
eseh. Deseripiton of the works
has not yet heen prepared and
the estimated cost of the develop
ment was not contained In the ap
plication. Both units ar la Was
co county.
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