The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 27, 1930, Page 4, Image 4

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"Aro Furor Sways Us;
From First Statesman. March 23, 1851 t
Charles A. Sprague. Sheldon F. Sackxtt. Publisher
Charles A. Speague - - -. - Editor-Manager
Sheltion P. Sackett - . Managing Editor :
Mrmher of the Associated Press !
The Aoiit) Pwi is exetonlvely entitled to the use for tmblfea
tfon of all news dtsfpatrhss credited to if or not otherwise credited Id
ttils peper j .
Facifie Coast Advertising Representatives:
, Arthur W Htypes, Inc., Portland, Security Bide
: Saa Frawlar-o. Rhnron Rids.; Awles, W Pae. Bids
' Eastern Advertising Representatives:
Frd-Ptwn-t-hr.!ne.. New Tor. S7J Madlaoa Are. I
i Phlreirot 1(0 N Mk-htsan Ave. t .. .
- Entered at the Potto! f ice at Salem, Oregon, am Second-CUu
Matter. Published every morning except Monday. Bueinete
office, til S. Commercial Street. . .
, Mall Subscription Rates, ta Adanc. Within Oregon t JeT na
1 Sunday. 1 Mo. S ens; S Ma 11.25 Mo. 12.15: 1 year 14.00L Elas-
where S ecnta per Mo. or S.9 (or t year fa advance.
' By City Carrier; S eeats a moatfi: $5.60 a year la advance. Par
Copy 3 cents On train and Newa Stands S cent.
' 'l Ka A yvTan'A
TN ' his residential proclamation setting aside February
J. 19, 1795, as a "day of public thanksgiving and prayer'
George Washington, after reciting "the blessings which the
country enjoyed, besought the; "Author of these blessings"
among- other things i
"to preserve us from the arrogance of prosperity."
How could there have been arrogance of prosperity in
1795 ? People were poor, money was" hard to get, creditors
pressed hard on debtors, farm produce found scant market,
goods were scarce and high fa-price. Think too what "mod
ern conveniences, they lacked : no running water, no bath
rooms, no air mail, :no radios, shredded wheat or disease
germs, no county agents, no railroads, no stock market. Yet
George Washington prayed" the "Great Buler of Nations"
that they might be- preserved from the arrogance of pros
If he could but have f oraeen the arrogance of the mixed
breeds now inhabiting- this United -States' in the years 1929
protection from such a gnawing vice. For what we have ob
served in recent months Is in large measure "the arrogance
of prosperity". Floating alonsr on inflated values registered
uy Bwva - luuAct uuiug ucr visit clause, uio Aiaenuui
people strutted a "new economic era", talked about con
trolled prosperity and a; continuing abundance of wealth.
And when "the financial exhaustion -came the resulting ugly
mood was - but further evidence i)f an overbearing arro
gance. Some one else was at "fault the government, the
money power, the Almighty that this delusion of riches
should come to an end. - A '
v Americans 'have fed so long on a super-abundance of
temporal blessings that they rebel when adversity comes.
Prosperity has made them arrogant. Pharisee-like, at
Thanksgiving time they thank God they are not as poor as
the people of Europe and Asia; George Washington himself
started the attitude in this very proclamation when he
wrote: -" - j. -
, "When wo review the calamities which afflict ao many na
tions, the nresent condition of -the United States affords much
i vi..i, -t. , j,
: matter of consolation sad satisfaction."
Some presidents have almost gone : so far as to con
gratulate God on having such a promised land for such a
favored people i as the Americans, who "might receive the
special bounties from His hand; :
On this Thanksgiving Day, 1930, we might pray for
less 'arrogance of prosperity",. for 5 greater, honesty, for
less phariseeism in scorning other nations and -other cul
tures, for greater contentment, for lessof the corroding
greed for possessions. Much we have to be thankful for even
in times of financial stress; and there are many virtues the
lack of which should humble us as rwe spend a portion of
this day in rigid self -analysis. : I 5
uWhere Socialism Ends ;
THE Oregon Journal having waged a gallant battle
against ! the power trust and claimed a great victory
f riivMino rtnrinrs with fTarpv- and Warlan nvpr reductions
in light rates, now seeks a new dragon to slay and points
its editorial spear at the iniquitous telephone trust. More
than that it seeks reductions in railroad rates because of
the failure of banks in the agricultural midwest and be
cause Medford pear-growers have to buck $ stiff freight
rates on their fruit. ' '
There is no truer friend of the people in sooth than the
Oregon Journal. But it might be pertinent to iifquirfe what
reductions the Journal has made in its advertising rates
because ' of the distress of the Portland merchants. The
Journal has built up a wonderful property out of its surplus
earnings. An investment of a few thousand f dollars has
enjoys as much of a monopoly in its field as the railroads
in hauling freight and passengers. Its most conspicuous
'public service seems to be in attacking the earnings of oth-
i frusta ntirf' mriTinrmliA
Socialism isn't like charity it doesn't begin "at home."
"Nothing but the Truth
A LONDON judge said the other day that if people would
obey the ninth commandment the courts wouldn't have
much business to tend to. Because there are so many liars
the courts are kept busy trying to figure out which witness
lied the least. This judge said the women were worse . per?
jurers than the men, and as he is a bachelor, he ought to
De unprejucucea. ; , i
This judge remarked:'. .
t "Perjury can never he more rife than it Is now. It Is commit- :
ted in some decree la most of the civil sad criminal cases be
fore the courts. The most self-possessed perjurers are murd
erers, but - nothing eaa . exceed the audacious reliance upon
- their sex which is so frequently displayed -by women. If per
jury could be stopped, trials ta a Urge majority of all kinds of,
eases would be Incredibly short.
. Most every judge would express himself the same way.
A person's veracity seems to fade when he goes on the wit
ness stand. He will lie without stint to bolster his case or
shield himself or a friend. If the psychologists want to do
something to benefit humanity and establish justice they
ought to invent a genuine lie detector that may be used
in law-courts. . i-
The great scandal of prohibition has Just been discovered by
the Medford Mail-Tribune. This crest home newspaper of southern
Oregon, which is editorially Quite as dry as The . Statesman we
mean quite aa : non-alcoholic proclaims in a long , editorial liber
ally srin-kled with caps that the state ought to repeat the law
proscribing liqaor in case of illness. Whether thla is to help the
doctors, the druggists or the patients Isn't quite dear; but It
OUGHT TO EE DONE, says the Mail-Trtb: This law may be a bit of
excess baggage In the prohibition army; but If we read the battle
signs right, the front line trenches are drawn up ever the 18th
amendment, and not over damning np the trickle of medicine llk
ker. We hope the Mail-Tribune Isn't confusing target practice with
the firing f HEAVY ARTILLERY. '
Item for optimist column: "Alabama Great Southern R. R.
declares special dividend of ft, and extra $1.50 and semi-annual
dividend SS on both common and preferred stock." The ketch in
the item of course is that yon dont have any Alabama Great
Southern stock. .
The Washington conference talked a lot about under-nourished
children, and those - under-privileged and ' handicapped and
sick. Bat what a father living .In town wants ta know is. what
work he can provide to keep his boy from tiieness.
No Fear Shall AtceP
n( PrnnArirv
- j it. :
By IT. S. Copeland, IL D.
Not so long ago I wrote sbout
food poisoning. X did not mention
that indigestion may be caused by
poor posture.
This will amass
yon, but, nerer-
the less. It Is
true. It may be
the- only cause
for abdominal
distress. -
Csa yon pic
ture sweat
Pointer e o ra -plaining
of a
headache or dia
stases or eruc-
Utions after a
meair It la not
wears a nrettr uniform, bnt b
canse he is taught the proper pos
ture for his body, that he does not
suffer ' from, the evil effects of
crowded abdominal" orgsns.
When we stand erect the mus
cles of the abdomen are ta, their
proper place. In this position, they
give the necessary support, not
only to the abdomen, but to what
is known as the "splanchnle circu
lation." The splanchnic circulation
gives off the mala blood supply to
the stomach; liver Intestines and
apleen. These are the organs -thst
are so. Important In that proper di
gestion of food, and of the elim
ination of poisons. When, we
slouch or stand improperly
hinder this circulation.
I was at West Point recently
sad tslkinr with the wife of an
army officer oa this very subject.
She told me how her husband. IS
years -ago. Insisted that aha stand
nn like a cadet. He tasgnt ner tne
fansortanee of "drawing, la the
stomach and standing erect- Tor
six months, she said, it required
constant' thought, "bnt. after a
while, that correct posture came to
be second nature. Now she stands
np like-a maJor-geaeraL
Headaches, nausea, "biliotis-
nesV lack of appetite, nervous
ness and habitual constipation
mar b ecansed by poor postnre.
As we grow older these complaints
become more frequent, for the
muscles tend to relax. -
It is of great imoortance tnat
the advantage of proper posture
bo Impressed npon the young;
Children should be emphatically
corrected' wherever there Is sny
tendency to . poor postnre. This
should be the rule from earUest
childhood. Do not expect the
school teacher to do all the work.
Correct and instruct your children
at home as to proper posture snd
methods of walking.
Persons who slouch when sit
ting, are likely to walk In a care
less fashion .They slump forward
with, the stomach thrown out. the
shoulders rounded, and the arms
dangling In front of them. - These
same . people know the proper
method of walking, but either dis
regard It or are simply careless.
Any change in the posture of such
ndmduals results : in beneficial
changes. If you are one of these.
why not change? Try walking with,
the chest well arched forward, the
stomach in. head upright, chin in
and the backbone straight. Yea
will be amazed at the comfortable
feeling that yon experience after
week of proper standing and
If yoa have been a ' chronic
sloucher, and tor many years have
disregarded thesS facta, do not be
discouraged- It will be difficult at
first, but with practice the proper
posture can be acquired.
Answers Health Queries ,
R. M. T. Q. I hsve been ad-
rised to take salt baths for a
rheumatic condition us lag about
X pounds of the coarse salt to a
bath. Do 70a advise this treat
ment? i
A. Hot baths are often Tory
beneficial but such treatment
should be advised by the doctor
who Is familiar with your particu-
ar case. Try to find the under
lying cause of the condition first
of all.
K. J. W. Q. What do yon ad
vise me to do for fallen arches?
J. Can I correct constipation?
A- It would be wise to consult
sn orthopedist.
2. -Yott should eat simple, well
cooked food. Avoid foods unduly
rich In fata and starches. For oth
er information send a self-addressed,
stamped envelope and re
peat your question.
; . Of Old Oregon
Tewst Talks from Tbs States
mssr Oar Fathess Bead.
Not. 27, J905
Owing to cutting down of the
gT a d e en . South Commercial
street, between Miller and Wil
son, the Salem water company Is
obliged to lower their eight-inch
water main, which lays now only
one loot under the ground. .
The Central ' Congregational
church has just purchased a new
bell, and, it will be heard 'for the
first time tor the Thanksgiving
service. -
The high school 'Demosthenes
"Literary society gave a delightful
social at the home : of - Harvey
Slater.. Everything' moved mer
rily until . someone discovered
thst someone had forced entrance
to the kitchen and made away
with the - refreshments.
Harvey McKnlght. young, son
of C. H. McKnlght of the Chema
ws nelghborhctod, was victim of
a shooting accident which, for
tunately, could have been much,
more - serious. "While stepping
over a log. a spent bullet from a
rifle came from a slanting direc
tion behind him and struck the
inside of his thigh. "
In a pasture, there are three
times aa many horses as cows,
snd Z0 sheep. In sn there . are
100 animals. Row many horses
are there? How many cows? To
day's . answer tomorrow. Tester
day's answer: l.S la.
4 i a-a . '
-, - - . - ' e
' e VM. Kiu Fmimm tiS8ii tm. Cum ess, tmem . : 3.1
Want aas con before: Kancyi
Hollenbecx, young and beautiful.
wants -to keen her newest" been.
Mst TnUy. all to herselt Return
ing from a rid she leaves him at
the door to svoid aer -mothers
questionings and the stare of her
sister. Now go on with, th story i
- Chapter. II
Lou stitched on. in the electric
silence. Mama'a chair squeaked;
Papa rustled .his papers, pretend
ing to read. " Nancy, flushed and
more surprised than Indignant,
hungr. on her answer.
"Oh, It lsnt that you . aren't
pretty," she said finally. "Yon are.
of course. Awfully pretty. I didn't
mean that you weren't, but who
cares? Not Cary Fleming and Gil
Nesl and all that crowd. They can
get a million. pretty girls not aa
pretty as you perhaps. But pretty
enough. The woods are full, of
them. All looking tor men with
money. What th men want Is
someone with a fortune like May
Belle Crarg. Or wonderful place
a : society. Ilk that fat Preston
girL wonderful chance we have!
Take my advice and grab off the
Tully person if yoa can. He may
not have much now, but I'd bank
on him getting ahead. You'd nev
er starv with him he'll make
money fast enough! ,
"Hmm . . . Ban." Papa clear
ed his throat nervously. He was
sensitive about the subject of
money. Poor Peter Hollenbeck,
who had never mad any money.
and owed so much . . . so terribly
much ... .
"I'd like to see Msy Belle Craig
or i Vera; Preston get Mat Tally
away from me!" Nancy hadn't
meant to say that. It Just slipped
"Girls!" Mama's little wrinkled
hands fluttered in protest. "Yoa
mustn't SAT inch things. It It
sounds common."
"Tie truth is always common!"
Louise flashed back. "That's why
we never hear it around here.
We're so -so darned refined we
never face anything. We Just go
on pretending, fooling ourselves,
and nobody else "
"LOUISE!" Mrs. Hollei beck's
voice rose to a shrill whistle, "I
won't HAVB it. I don't know
where. yon GET that common
streak; I'm sure it's not from MY
side of tbe family. When I was a
young r girl, 1 1'd no more har
thought I cursing at my j dear
mother than than I'd have
thought of Jumping in the b-bay!"
Her vote broke, -th little claw
like hands groped, for her hand
kerchief, her mild eyes, forget-me-nots
in the colorless wreck of her
one pretty - face, dripped : slow
"Kitty, Kitty, dear." papa beg
ged, "don't excite yourself. Yoa
will have one of your headaches.
Here, s dear, t take ray handker
chief, it's clean. Why, Louise
dldnt mean to hurt your I feel
ings, did yon. Lorn?" - , i
Mama sniffed hopefully, wait-
ng for th apology. But Louise,
tired and angry after a long: hot
day of washing and Ironing and
mending "pressing out - s few
things,. It wss euphemistically
called In the Hollenbeck house
hold shut ; her mouth tightly,
and made It plain that she had
nothing more to say.
In th angry silence, punctu
ated only by mama's heartbroken
sniffs and papa's clacking com
fort. Nancy sUpped . upstairs to
It was Just as she knew It
would be. The fsmily post-mortems
were always the same. Yoa
couldnt ! even I fall In lor de
cently and i quietly. Louise's
hawk eye would discover it, and
mama would start prying, and
in a minute all that would be
left of your shining lover-would
bo a tew discolored, decomposing
shreds. '"It isn't FAIR." she
whispered, her lips against the
pillow It iant fair- "
Nancy! '
Mama's voice at the door.
Nancy lay perfectly rigid; feign
ing sleep.
"Nancy, It's mama." Mrs. Hol
lenbeck tiptoed i JaA closed the
door behind her aad switched on
th tight.
Nancy algbed and sat up. "I
should think you'd -let me sleep
when yon know I'm tired,, and
It's any turn to get papa's break
"Lou can get papa's break
fast." mama said absently, - Ig
noring the reproach- and shuffl
ing around i the bedroom.
straightening s shade here, pull
ing at n dresser cover there, a
little blind without her glasses.
"This, this Mr. Tnlln desr. .Is
he one - of the Falrchlld Tullys?
Find out if he's one of the Wash
ington family, dear. They're very
tine people. Quit well to do. I
thought be - had; an air about
him as if be were used to nice
things. When X was girt I knew
an Evangeline Tally. Her mother
was on of: the Skinners, the
sugar people. They kept Very
tine horses. X remember the liv
ery, .pinna color with
Tm snrs he's- no relation.
the girl answered patiently. VHe
Is from Kansas City. And Lou's
ail wrong about -his making mon
ey. He he's an idealist. He
HATES business ! men. He told
ms he did. He hasn't a nlckeL
He drives the worst old car yon
ever saw, and he LIKES It." .
For a woman who has just
decorated the church and chosen
the wedding breakfast, Mrs. Hol
lenbeck : took the blow bravely.
Perhaps It was becsuse ah bad
seen so- many imaginary bride
grooms shrivel and die.
"Well, dont see too much of
him, dear. People might might
misunderstand. I don't wsnt any
one to have-the chance to -talk
about one of my girls." And
after long, uncomfortable
pause, "Other young men would
think you were Interested In him
and that is they would be
afraid to pay yon attention.";'
She expected an answer, a
profest, against giving up the
goed-looklng Mr. ; Tully so soon,
but none came. Nancy lay back
against her pillows, , ber eyes
closed, ber young mouth sullen
and hard. -
; ?'!Nancy, promise mama you
won't do anything foolish!"
. The dark lashes quivered. "No
X won't do anything foolish. ; I
must have been crazy to ever
think . . . to ever think
"Tell mama to ever think
WHAT, dear?"
"Oh, "to get romantic about
Mat. To think I . . . the family
. . . oh, please; mama, go to
BED!" . -
"Mania's girlie!" The little
padded figure in the fraying
satin dressing, gown leaned clos
er. Her dry ups brushed Nancy's
and .she had never felt so far
away . . . so shut out . . .so un
wanted . . "Nancy, speak to
mama!" she cried, afraid, afraid
of something, of i some new un
named thing coming between her
and her girL her; baby
"What do yoa want m - to
say; for goodness sake?! Nancy
was watching her, with cold, sp
praising curiosity;
"It's Just thst that you seem
ed so quiet," she faltered.. "Ma
ma was afraid yoiu didn't under
stand." She- wanted to cry out. to
gather ber daughter to her mea
gre breast, to croon over, her as
she did when she was bsby,
bat' she couldn't, do that. She
couldn't even talk naturally with
Nancy watching her like that, ao
coldly -. . "I want you to ; be
bappy,' she struggled on awk
wardly, v "I I haven't , anything
In the world but yon two girls.
I'm advising you tor your own
. "You don't know what It
means to be poor to marry a
poor man. I I did, yon know.
It's been so hard. Nobody knows,
Your father and ' I have looked
forward so to you girls marry
ing well . ooh. you '1 dpn't
understand!' She broke - down
and wept, uncontrollably, then,
until Nancy, murmuring endear
ments, took her into her strong,
slender arms, sad- bullied and
coaxed. ber back to calm.
So Kkty Hollenbeck went back
to her room comforted, and' it
was not until she woke at dawn
.(was that someone erring in the
house or Just the wind rattling
the stiff leaves of the magnolia
tree?), that she remembered that
alt th while Nancy was petting
her,, her eyes remained cold and
hard. - . i.'i
"A trlek of the light." she de
cided. "My girls think too much
of their mother . . . good alrls
... don't have to worry about
them. I know them too well."
Bnt it is the unusual mother
who knows ber own daughter in
the year of our Lord, 1M0.
(To be continued )
t :- , ' ' ' '
All that night, while a rest
less wind rattled the stiff leaves
of the magnolia tree, and blew
the heavy sweet scent of stock
and Jasmin .and mama's viny
Spanish roses through the wide
open windows, Nancy tossed in
bed. . ;r:i
If, lika Romeo of old. Mat
Tully had : come softly back
through the garden, and ebowed
a dark head at her window, Nan
cys story svonld bar been dif-
zerenc . sn would bar gon
with him then, had h asked her
without a backward look for the
disapproving family.
But he- didn't .come,! of course.
H had said not a word to ber
of love. "Maybe be doesn't care
as much as I do,' she thought.
threshing about hopelessly. "May
be it's just as people ssy, and
I'm Just in love with lovs!" -She
felt cheated then, and
cried a little In the dark. The
lumpy mattress sagred under her
slight weight, the too-short sheet.
worsed down, so thst the rough
blanket scratched ber neck.
Oh, for NICB things! a bou
doir like May Belle Craig's, with
exotic lacquered furniture, and
a silken,-downy quilt.
"Why shouldn't I have them
ss well as Msy Belle? Why do
we have to be so poor? Why do
X have to go and fall - in love
with somebody who's poor too?
And then, rebellionsly. "Well
I wont. Ill (get over it. ril Just
put him out of my mind. I won't
see him again I'll Just forget
bim." .;.;.-!
She wept then. Breken-heart-edly.
But th tears were tor her
self, not Mat TuUy. Alter all,
she had been: spoiled. She was
only nineteen. Lore had touched
her but lightly.
"Mat?" Nancy Hollenbeek's
voice, luting and lovely, came
carressingly over the wire ' and
all the irritation he had felt at
oemgr nisturbed at the ; busiest
moment of a busy day disap
peared ... puff! as ' suddenly
flimsy4s a soap bubble. -
Yes. this Is &ft!' Tti vt.
clipped and disinterested a mini
ute ago bef or bo knew who It
was, ; chsnged " miraculously. He
moved a little nearer to the
telephone. "Say this Is great!
How did yon know where to call
me? This is a pretty big old uni
versity, full of laboratories "
"Oh, I told tbem I Just, bad
to have Matthew Tully. who was
working on some dry old chem
istry research"
"You dldnt!" . r
"Yes. I did. and I said it was
terribly important
Of conrs - it's imnortsnt. It's
always impoitant to bear from
you. What time am I going to
see you tonight?"
Th experiment he had hnnn
tending so absorbedly seethed in
Its frail glass tube, but he had
forgotten about It. He remem
bered only Nancy, Nancy with
the hair that was the color of
bronse and smeUed like spice,
Nancy whose Hps were red and
promising, whos akin, was soft
and white. , ,
And her vole came sweet
than ver, "Oh. that's vhr I
phoned. Mat, Tm so sorry. But4
i cant go . . . no, really I can't,
I cant possibly.
-By VL J.
: b - w a
.mi .nMini- MeArthur's book
on Ogaame. .aWCbej-
ter N. Terry, wni was
librarian and afterwards county
Judge and member of the court
when our court house wss bum,
petitioned to have the name
oKsnriwf from Salem to CorvalUS.
but, after a spirited debate, the
name Corvallla waa given to m
Benton county - community1 then
known as MarysviUe. H saya
the nsmes Chemawa, Willamette
and Bronson were also suggest
ed, and Pike and Victoria were
mentioned; but by tnis time tns
members ' concluded they had
wasted enough time t over the
matter, and th various bills
were postponed; and thst tbe fin
al vote was in January. zb.
That is not the whole record
nor a full statement of th mat
ter. Th . nam Cbemeketa was
suggested, and some others. The
nsme Vellna is said to have been
brought in becuse If was the
name of Velins Paulina Nesmith,
later Mrs. William t Markland
Molson. daeghter of J. W. Nes
mith. But she was not horn nn
tU .185. I
There has long been : a persist
ent rnmor that 8alem One, came
within a- veto, or a. few votes, in
the legislature, of having, her
name changed to Cbemeketa. But
th Bits man cannot find any re
liable record to support this tra
dition, though he agrees that
Cbemeketa would have been a
good name; perhaps a better one
than th present, and certainly
more distinctive, as well as the
original one.
w m
The tradition ao doubt origin
ates from th warm discussions
in th territorial legislature of
1 3 6 S-4 in the- house of represen
tatives as It was called in those
days as now. Th upper brsneb
was then called th council In
stead, of the- senate. Many names
were suggested in the dlscusahm,
among them Cbemeketa, but It
never got Into the bill, or even
into aa amendment or j a motion
for one. The Journal of the house
for -that . session shows thst on
-December 17, J . C. Peebles of
Marlon county presented a peti
tion of J. L. Parrlsh and others
to -change the- nam of Salem- to
Chemawah. and It was ' referred
to the committee on corporations.
December 19th E. F. Oolby of
Marlon county presented a petition-
of R. C. Geer and j others to
change th name of Salem to
Thurston, and Orlando Humason
of Wasco presented a petition of
C. N. Terry snd others to ehange
the name to Corvallls. These, too,
were referred to the committee
on corporations.
Mr. Hadley of that committee,
to which had been referred the
several petitions, on December 21
reported out house bill 18, to
change the name to ' Chemawa,
and It had Its first reading."-
December 22, tbe bill was read
the second time and referred to
committee! of three, Peebles,
Before be bad exhausted halt
of his arguments ah escaped.
pleading that she Just couldn't
keep htm from work another
minute, and he was left with the
ruined experiment some three
weeks of patient work gone up in
smoke and a sneaking suspi
cion thst he had been made a
fool of.
"If that's the way ah feels
about It, ALL RIGHT." He went
back to work with a vengeance.
Bnt nothing progressed as it
should, so be stopped and lit bis
pip snd sat there in the small.
uttered - lab. trying to concen
trat on the rows of figures on
the -yellow checked paper that
represented so many hours , of
patient labor.
It wasn't easy to nut Nancy
out of mind, one yon had seen
her. She was too vital, too dis
turbingly alive, too softly, frs
grsntly lovely. He kept remem
bering the absurd way her eye
lashes Curled back, tbe way her
nair . twined itself round your
lingers wnen yon touched it
soft, babyish ringlets. The eager
lilting way ahe laughed.
"I - wish I'd, never set eves on
her I" he groaned, starinar at the
closely pencilled yellow sheets.
ana seeing wancy instead.
"I never beard of anrthinr ma
sUlylT Louise stormed, coming
in Just la time to see Nancy hang
up the - receiver, and burst into
tears. "If yon wanted to go, why
didn't yon? Making up a grest
wgue, ana then crying about
"Mama,- Nancy wailed. "Ma
ma s-epolled everything. I never
wsnt to- see .him again.- Never."
"How could mama spoil it
when sha-hasn't seen him? Whs t
What do you listen to her for?'
don't. But Just the same. I
don't want to go and and tall
la lor now, when Tm Just start
ing tO have a little fun. If I were
older,: like you, Lou, I wouldn't
mind . . . but when I'm lust.
starting out, snd everything Is
Louise's bsnd clutched h
cnair. so tight that the vein.
siooa out in dark, nnmifah
knots. "How do von know hr
Lis anything ahead? Maybe wlren
you r twenty-four oh, for the
sak r Pete stoo CRYINO. win
you? Such a fuss over a MAN!"
- ui nsncy wept on softly, snd
grumbling. Louise went an ,A
the witchhazel and cotton for her
eyes. "Here, take this. Dont be
an laiot. . Besides, yoa haven't
really given him , upl Hli be at
the Craig's bous party Friday!"
Every year, -ever since thev
could remember, the Hollenbeck
gins nsd spent the summer with
the Cralgs. .
"Of course I want vnn. nn
Kitty." Mrs. Craig, who had gone
to Miss Small's. Select Seminary
for Young Ladies with Mrs. Hol
lenbeck, always said.
Co1? Caf? 41114 hr "tU
circle, who had iimm v.
S2mS whea ih Kitty
Peebles, knew perfectly well that
ne "rwhere any
i"8?" a on Peter
Chapman and Goff.
January 5, 1854, Colby pre
sented a petition of Josiah Geer
and others to change the name to
Thurston. Referred to committee.
Friday, the 18th, the special
committee reported the bill back
with amendments. There was a
call of the house on motion to
Humason. There was a motion to
strike out Chemawa and Insert
Willamette. Lost. Humason mov
ed to strike out Chemawa and
Insert Bronson. Carried. On
third reading Peebles moved to
strike out Bronson and Iniert
Chemawa. Lost. I. N. .Smith of
Yamhill moved to strike out
Bronson and insert Willamette.
Lost. There was then a vote .on
the bill as It stood, with th
name Bronson. It was carried.
Yeas 13. nava 10.
1 Thua, on Friday the 11th,; Is
years, sbsent S, made baiem
Bronson in the lower house.
: : y -b -
''But on Monday, Jan. If, the
bUl waa before the house again,
and Humason moved to lay It on
the table; motion lost. Then Hu
masos) moved to refer It to a se
lect committee, and was ruled out
of order, and he appealed from
th decision of th speaker. L. F.
Carte of Clackamas moved to
lay th appeal on th table;
agreed: so th decision of th
chair was sustained. The ques
tion, then cam up on 'a motion -to
reconsider the vote of the 13th,
which was carried. "So the bill
was before the bouse," tbe rec
ord reads. Peebles moved to lay
if on the table; motion lost.
Smith moved to-strik; out. Bron
son and Insert Chemawah. A.' J,
Shuck of Yamhill moved to
amend by striking - out Chema
wah. and inserting Vellna. Smith
eaUed for th previous question,
this beiag on striking out Bron
son and inserting Chemawah. It
waa-carried, 18 to 8. "So the
amendment was adopted." resds
the record. ' "The question then
being, shall th bill pass? It was
decided in th affirmative," also
reads th record; but tbe num
ber of affirmative and negative
votes-is not given.
Thus th lower house of th
1855-4 territorial legislature
passed a bill to change th nam
of Salem to Chemawah. But th
Bita man finds no record of what
happened to the bUl In the sen
ate, or rather th council, as the
upper branch was called. .
It Is evident that some careless
writer at some time copied Che-
Baeket or Chemeket where It
should bare been Chemawah.
It will be noted from th above
that there were at least three
ways to spell Chemsws. The oth
er two were Chemsway and Che
mawah; the last the way the ter
ritorial house of representatives
voted to have it spelled In giving
Salem her new old name. Will
the students down at the Chema
wa school please note. Perhaps
some one of them can enlighten
the people of Salem on the ques
tion of the meaning of the name,
and of Chemeketa, too.
V V v
(Concluded tomorrow.) .
and wlthdut even one servant In
the house? It was the world's
wonder thst the girls managed
to keep up appearances as well
as they did.-
For weeks they had been busy
getting ready, j At least Louis
had, and mama Ineffectually fol
lowed her about the house, trail
ing bits of lsce and chiffon,
emerging, triumphant, from dark
clothes closets with ancient hats
and scuffed satin slippers. "Look
Louis, if we have thla blocked,
and get some- new ribbon, don't
you think it would b sweet?
These slippers are practically as
good as new. With th heels
straightened and half soles " It
drove Louise nearly mad, espe
cially with Nancy falling ber th
last minute, mooning ia corners
and no help at all.
(To be continued)
Ye, Gods! Youth 1
Should be Lett
More Than Adam
(AP) A. couple of bold robbers
with absolutely no regard for
man's modesty stripped Rene
Sarazen. 20. radio i sinter, or ail
his clothing except his-underwear
and left bim meandering around
and dunes In the Sunset district
Tuesday.':.--?. '
Sarazen told the police two rob
ber pressed pistols aralnst him
aa he left a downtown hotel and
demanded be drive them In his
automobile, to the dunes. There
they took his wallet and IS and
disrobed him.
Maki Held for
Farmer Murder
Near Vancouver
VANCOUVER, Wash., Nov. 28.
-(AP) A formal chars at
first degree murder was lodged
against W. K. Makl. 40. when he
wss brought to Vancouver Tnrnu
day from. Portland In connection
with the death of Andrew Ilen
drickson, farmer at Uocklnson.
near here, last night.
Makl was arrested In Portland
thla morning at the hom of his -friend.
I. Isaacson. He waived
extradiction front , Oregon and
waa brought to Vancouver.
Hendrlckson was found dead
In th home of Mrs. Sonhia Kch ru
der, his neighbor. He had appar
ently been beaten to death.
Liner Rams Tug
But Crew Saved
VANCOUVER, n. n. K'n. t
(AP) The harbor tug Merrrlea
was rammed and sunk by the
Princess Elaine. Canadian Pacific
passenger vessel, outbound for Na
naimo. In a heavy mist Just out
Eld prospect point early Tuesdnv.
Members cf the tug crew were res
cued by the Gulf of GorgU Tow
Ins. Cors-m-r tn a- rinMf ,vv
was nearby at the time.