Church in SCHEDULE TOU tity Divided Into Districts For Thanksgiving Morn ing Worship Schedule for the anion Thanks giving services, to be held Thurs day morning In the churches of the eltr under auspices of the Sa lem Ministerial association. Is an Bounced as follows: Ceetral group rirst Congre gational church, with Rev. Grov er C. Birtchet. pastor of the First Presbyterian church, preaching. East group Knight Memorial f Congregational church, with Rev B Earle Parker of the Firnt M E. church occupying-the pulpit. North group Jason Lee church, with Prof. J. T. Matthews of Willamette university the aoeaker. His subject will be "Thankfulness." South group South Salem Friends' church, with Rev. E. Earl Cochran, pastor of Calvary Baptist church, preaching. West Salem Ford Memorial community church, where the ermon will be brought i by Rev. TV. H. Robins, pastor of the First Bantlst church. The service at the South Salem . Friends church will begin at 10 O'clock, with all other services to pn at 10:30 o'clock. The union .services are annually attended by a large number of people of the city, and it is urged that ev eryone who can do so attend this year. The pastor of the church where the service Is to bo held will pre side and will arrange for special -music. ! An offering will be taken at each service, the entire amount . to be used for local charity work. The Chureh of God has also ar ranged to hold a special worship Thanksgiving evening at 7:30 o'clock, and the American Lu theran church has announced a worship for 10:30 o'clock Thurs day. . 10 BE HE FOR YEAR'S WORK The Men's Brotherhood of the Ford Memorial church will hold a pollack supper In the community hall Monday night at 6:45 o'clock. Organization will be completed and plans for the fu ture work discussed. There will abo be special music and group singing. The Brotherhood held Its first meeting two weeks ago. Waldo Baker is president; Lester De Lspp. vice president; Felix Wright, secretary-treasurer; and "V. J. Warren, chaplain. Other meetings of the church group for the week are: Sunday school board at 7 o'clock, Tues day, followed by session of offi cial board at 7:45 and board, of stewards at 8:30 o'olock; Ep worth League study class Wed nesday at 7 p.m.; Girl Reserves Monday at 3:30 p.m.; and Friend ly Indians Saturday at 2 p.m. FITRlHSl BIIETIS HELD A Father's and Son's, banquet tinder the auspices .of the Men's Council of the First M. E. church was held - in the church Friday evening. Dinner was served by the Ladies' Aid. At the program immediately following dinner Dean James R. Jewell, director of vocational ed ucation at Oregon State college, delivered the address. Instrumen tal music was furnished by Miss Elizabeth Boylan, pianist and .Miss Jeanette Scott, - violinist. Richard D. Barton contributed voal numbers. A feature of the evening was demonstration, of the- Pioneer club ritual service of First Church with J. Burton Crary, director of boy's work. in charge. Colonel Carle Abrams acted as toastmas-ter. ?m Week's Sermonette Influence of Seeing By J. MARK COMER (Pastor Seventh Day Adventist Church) "Behold, what manner of lore the Father hath bestowed npon us, that we should be called the sons of God. 1 John 8:1. I The whole human race is ruled, directed, or influenced by one of the five senses, seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling and tasting. It Is rather a striking (shall I say coincidence) with the text X hare chosen, that seeing 4s always mentioned first. Might It not be because this sense has the greatest influence over the life that it is placed first? ' It has always seemed to me that vastly more lives are influ enced by what they see than in any other way. We must see to real (unless we are so unfortunate as to hare lost our eyesight), and what we read, the books, papers and magazines, largely mold our thoughts, and thought molds our character. Then there is another class who are so unfortunate as to be unable to read because of lack ot education. They must depend upon the senses ot seeing and hearing to form their thoughts and thus their characters. - There sre thousands of millions of poor unfortunate souls tn the world who are In just this condition, and need your help and mine. How can they be reached? They speak strange and unknown tongues to ns, so cannot be reached by hearing, and yet they are to hear and know the wonderful story of love.". Then how? There is one universal Isnguags that Is understood the world around, by both man and beast, and that is the language of lore. - There la a vast difference between an ' act of kindness and an act of love. One cam be ever so kind and yet not love. There fore when love Is the motive behind the act even dumb animals understand and respond to It. . (To Be Continued) . rrasr camcu or thb wazaxehs Oa. fctoek south f Ceater ea 10th street. - Rev. Flrtrser Cell.wsY. pstor. Sabjaet 11 s... "Coaaterfeit ui BmL" Mr. sa4 Mn. Alfred Scanner wilt tint. 7:S0 T m- "04' Bapreate Effert te Bare Vaa." InnX. Freak Lttwiller mm ViJford Stall. Snadar krbool 9:45 a.m. Kraal If. Litwillrr. Sapt. N. T. P. 8. and Jaaior seeietr S:SO Prayer aroetinr Wedaesaar 7:30 p.m. U&XZB aCElCOKlSX C.stewixial aad Myers street. S. Darlaw Jehaaea. paster. S4S E. Myers street, phase 2 764. Charra aefcooi at Htearas lesias. Mpt. beaersJ assembly, ana story clsawkare. at tha 11 e" clock Soar thrra will b tha As anal Tbaak efferias service of the- Wo aiaa'a Haaaa Miesfoaary aacirty, Mn. E. A. Rh.tea, aetiac president. The ebotr a-lil aiar "Blesses is the Kit ion" (Wii- aan) and tha sermon will om aa Iai BiDh." - Three learn at :SO. Happy errata near at 7:w wrth a ThankaatT- iav aaiaiaa an "Tha Tbaakless Jflaa." Choir rehearsal Friday is 'tea 4 oj Thars- 7. r rrasT oxkkav battist Nerth Cottage aad D. streets. O. W. Batarh. aaiaister. 0. Sehaake. assistant. Sunday School 9:45 .--. East Schirvao Sane. Serrtee 11 a.m. Sermon topic Ibnil i Caia e loath." Chair ta them. 8-rre 7:M Her. F. Bneer maa hrinrinj an essay oa "Sign of the Timr s. ' CALVAXT KAPTIST Hi eh aad Terxr streets. Graded church school 9:40 a.m. Preaching a.m. and t:so p.m. Mornior eer aioa "Tha Chareh Compared to a Vine." Three B. Y. P. tX's 6:30 p.m. Popular gospel snag service 7:30 p.m. Sermon "New ilea For tho New Ajo." Wed eday: T:30 prayer neetiac. also choir rehearsal. K fellowship dinner aad leadership traiainr classes Wed a e ids y ennc Thnrsdsy is Thsnkiftiriar. XJLBISH MISSION EVANGELICAL At 11 a.m.. Sunday, tha pastor will apeak at Labish Cantor, snbiect. "Stew ardship." BiMa school at 10 a.m. W. A. Starker Papt. C. X. meetinr at 1 P.m. C. E. basinoaa maetiar sad social hoar Friday evening. Saadsr ereniag at tha Die tares of tha Home Vfissioa wartr of tho eharrk will he ahowa at Clear I-ak. E. L. C. E. service at T:15. Biblo school at IS a.m. W. P. Collard. 8pt- H. R. Scheoermaa. pastor. K KIT. Kit COMMTJHITT Servicoa held ia K sixer acbooUionBa. tbrao miles north of iiatesa. Hayoa BeaiL mtor. rnnreh anhonl meets at lO a .at.. Jos. E. Rartraff. Sapt. Next Saaday is Homeeomiag Banday for those who lrrs elsewhere. Chorea warship at 11 a.m. "Thaakfalaasa for thing's owned and things possessed." Ko evening services. rrarr baptist Corner North Liberty and Ifsrion streets. William H. Robins. pastor. Bible school at 8:45. Fred Broer. 8apt. Morning Bet-vie at 11:00. Organ pre lude by Miss Miller. Sermon snbiect: Why I Am a Baptist." Baptist Yon or Peoido'a meetinr at S:30. Tha "History of World Wide Missions" by Dr. Glo ver is being studied. Evening evanre listie service at 7:80. Siagspiratioa erviea ia charge nf song-leader Broer. Subject; "Cod's Tinsl Answer to Sa tan's Universal Oisllenre." Baptismal service after the preaching. Wednesday evening prayer and praUe service at 7: JO. rnrtsv eveciag Union Bible elasxes at 7:SO. IMsfAlTDrEL BAPTIST Corner of Hssel and Aeademv atreets. Rands y school at 10 a.m. Bveaehing 11 a.m. aad 7:80 p.m. - Mid-week prayer and testimony meeting Thursday even ing at 7:bo. "SQTTTH SAXmM . FBZxTKDS South Commercial at Washington streets. Chss. C. Haworth. pastor. Snn day aervieee: 10- a.m. Sunday school. Xathan Cook. Sapt. 11:00 tnorning wor th !p. 8ee4at Binsle by the quartet. Ser mon "The Great Achievement." S p.m. Vesper servtre. Mrs. Laura Milee baa charge of thia aerrice. Miaa Virginia Edwurda. of Willametta TTuiversity wiU speak on the theme, "Tooth of Tn dav." Virginia Slnaser. also of W. XT. will slag. A short religions drsma, "Tenth Prays" will be givea by a group of yorcag people. EVANOELISTIO TABEKXACLE - Thirteenth and Ferry streets. C. G. Weston, pastor. Snadsy school at 1:45 p.m. Church aerrfee at 8 p.m. Special masie. Evaagelistie service at 7:45 p.m. Daring the week, special evaagelistie aervices every night at 7:45 exeeot Monday. - C. H. Anttin, evangelist, will apeak at every service. FIRST COWGBXaATIOKAL Center and Liberty rtreets. Charles E. Ward, pastor. Sonday achool 9:45 a.m. Morning worship 11 o'clock; snb iect: "The Essence of the Christian Re ligion." Evening worship 7:30 o'clock: snhject: "When Is a Hone Kot a Hornet" Illustrated by the last half of the moving picture "Craig's Wife." Tonng People's meeting 6 o'clock: Wed nesday evening, sapper and devotional meeting. FIRST TJNITARLIW -North Cottars and Chemeketa streets. Rev. Fred Alban Weil, minister. Chnrch school at IP a.m. Milea H. Mr Key. Sopt. Chnrch service at 1 1 a.m. Thanksgiving Sunday eermna: "The Divine Adven ture of the Pilgrim in 8eeking Freedom to Worship God and Our Debt to Them Church of God Young People From Over State Will Gather Here for Annual Conference The seventh annual Oregon state young people's convention of the Church of God will be held at the First Church of God here next week end, November 28 to 30. About 100 delegates are ex pected for the first two days, with 150 expected Sunday. Rev. C W. Hatch, pastor of the church here. Items of Interest to Tedey." Solo: Mrs. Trama Huston. Organist i Mrs. Walter A. Ienton. ; rruT ac x. r Chorea aad State streets. B XarU Parker, pastor. Graded ehareh aeaool 9:45 a.m.' Moraiag warship 11 o'clock: subject: "What Have We Leftf" Even ing worship) T:S0 'dock: aabjoet: "Tka Conqaeat of Paor." Throe Yooag- Poo pie's nvaetiags :S0.p.aa. Junior charch. 11 a.m Miaa Mary Klemn. ksader. ; SEVXVTH DAW AITTKHTZST Corner of Fifth aad Gaiaa. J. Mark Comer, paster. Sabbat achool (Sat.) 9:45. W are stadyiac tho book ad Ba nians now. Mormiug -worsbia) 11 o'clock. Pastor U. K. Eatab ot Poctland will speak an the aabjee of "Fiaiahing tho work f God ia tha earth." Sanaa y eveaing at 7:30, Paster Comer writ coatiaae km stadiea on the- book ot Bovalatien. - PKUXTXiAjfls S wr Blffl SIT AT-Ti F. E. Fiaaor. poster. SoS Norta. Winter afreet. Fruitiaad Sunday achool 19 a.m. O. Fag. Sapt. Preach iag 11 mJm Bnv. Roaeoo Plsamaa aappryinaV Bickrcall Suaday achool 19 aaa. Mrs. Warren Burcb, Sapt. Praachiag 11 a.m. Sub ject : "Oar Gratitude to Almighty God. and Oar National Thoaksgivias." JASOBT LEX MZfOBXAI. MC X. Winter and Jeffemon streets. Hugh B. Fouka. ir.. paster; phono 1741. Morn ing service 11 o'clock: aubjeet: "Tha Measure of ThanksgTving." Special music by tha chair "Break Forth Into Joy" (Simper). Evening service 7:80 o'clock; subject: Informal aerviee of fel lowship and worship. Sunday achool 9:45 a.m.. H. B. Caxpcater, Sapt. Mid week services 7:80 p.m. Wednesday; tha pastor.- leader at tha church. Toons People's meetings 6:30 p.m. FXBST FBESBTTEBMAH Corner of Winter and Cnemeketa atreets. Orever C. Birtchet, D. D.. paa- tor. Sunday school 9:30 a.m. Is. M. Rsmage. Sopt. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Bev. M. M. Stocker. of Al bany, preaching. Anthem, "Tha Lord ia Groat" (Righmt). Solo, "Tbanka Be to God" (Dickson) Miaa. Josephine Al bert. Organ numbers. Laudato Dom ini" (Frysinger). "HsrVeat Thnaksgiv ing March" (Calkin). Christian En deavor societies at 8:30 pja. Evening worship at 7:30 o'clock. Sermon by Dr. Birtchet. Anthem. "Be Glad O Ya Righteona" (Spenee). Organ numbers. "Reve Charmaat" (Lille). "Berceuse" fHodard). "March in Ab (Volkmaaa). Ko mission- study class thia week, out the regular -mid-week prayer moetrog will be bold at 7:S ou Thursday. TTJgJTEB CHnMBTIAjr Elmo-e J. G list rap. minister. Fred Bates. Bible achool Supt. Bible school 10 a.aa. Communion una morning wor ship 11 a.m. "Food aad Cloth in for Hie Bghteous a Thanksgiving sermon. Endesvoxers' gerrfoee at 6:80. Evening services at 7:80 oa "An Old Each aloe's Love Letter." FIBST CHBXSTIAir High aad Center streets. D. 3. Howe, pastor, residence 10ZS Sort, winter, phone 1933-J. Services 11 a.m. and 7:80 p.m. Sermon topics: "The 8pirit t Thanksgiving." a.m.. "Tha Story of Bdemption." p.m. Morning satnem. "Awake Up Mr Glory (Ubadwiea:). Evening1 music (Selected). Sunday achool 9:45 a.m. Orville J. Hun. Sopt. There will be apectat featurea for the closing period of the school. The boys from the Turner home will attend. Young People' meetings 6:30 p.m. C. E. Groups meet in their respective rooms. Week-day ser vices: Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Choir re hearsal Friday at 8 p.m. CHRIST! AW AJTD MISSIONARY ALLIAHCB TABEBJf ACLE 655 Fen-r street. Phone 753-J. S. 8. at 9:45. Mrs. Myra White, Supt. Y. P. S. at 6:30. Loniae Orow. leader. Morn ing service at 11 o'clock, also evening serviea at 7:80. Conducted by Rev. W. I. McGsrvey. district Supt Revival meetings will eontinne each week night at 7:30. Among special gingers are Rev. Lewis McGsrvey and wife of Silverton, COURT STREET CHBISTIAJT Court and '17th atreets. B. F. Shoe maker, minister, 345 S. Winter street. Phone 2589-J. Bible school. 9:43 s.m. Mrs. Frank Marshall. Supt. Subject: Monnments snd Monumental Institu tions," 11 a.m. Christian Endeavor 6:30 p.m. - At S o'clock in the evening a play will be given by a number of people from Scio. Aid Society meeting Wednesday and Friday. Mid-week meet ing Wednesdsy 7:30 p.m. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCTBNTCST Chemeketa and Liberty streets.. Sun day services 'it 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Sub ject. "Soul and Body." Sunday school at 9:45 and 11 a.m. Testimonial meeting every Wednesday eveninr at 8. Read ing room at 406 Mssonie temple open from 11 to 5:30 except Sundays and holidays. FTRST SPIBITTJAIJST Services st 7:80 pm. Wm. A. Dalxiel. vice president State Spiritaalist associa tion will be the speaker. Messages. Cir cle from 5:30 to 7 p.m. by accredited readers of the church. All services held at Kelson boildinr on Chemeketa street between Liberty snd CommrcisL ST. PAUX'S EPISCOPAL Church and Chemeketa streets. Rev. Oeoree H. Swift, rector. Holy commun ion 7:80 a.m. Mominr prayer and ser mon st 11 a.m.. Church school :45 a.m. Girls Friendly society Thursday. Boy is vice-president of the committee in charge of the program arrange ments. Ruth Schaefer of Portland is president, Walter Schrock of Wood burn, secretary-treasurer and Rev. C. K.4 Chapman of Eugene, advisor. ; The opening session will be held Friday morning, beginning with a breakfast gathering at 7 o'clock. Walter Schrock will deliver the keynote address. "World Currents and the Outlook for Christ's Sway," at 10:45 o'clock. Mrs. Mary Lockenour of Salem will give the afternoon address on "Youth and World Peace." and In the evening the Woodburn young people will present the drama. "William Tyndale. A dinner conference for leaders will be held st 5:45 o'clock, to be attended by Vivian Hammer ef Portland. Vur Ia Corrle of, Portland, Merle Grif fin of Grants Pass.- Mrs. C. W. Hatch of Salem. James -Myers of Woodburn, and Maurinda Schaefer of Eugene. The keynote address for the Saturday sessions will be given by Mrs.. Minnie Jarret of Char wood, and leaders ot the morning symposium will be Rev. W. T. Sea ton of Portland. Rev. H. B. Wil son of Portland and Rev. J, J. Gillespie of Salem. In the after noon. Rev. 0. H. Gray of Grants Pass and Dr. Carl Gregg Doney of Willamette university will be the main speakers and In the evening an evangelistic address will be brought by Rev. Russell Green. The Sundiy program will begin at 7 o'clock with a breakfast meeting, and includes attendance at church and Sunday school, a dinner meeting, afternoon session at 2 o'clock, supper meeting and evening session beginning at (:30 e'cleck. Rev. C K, Chapman will bring the closing message, "In the Image of God.' , i Seoata Tuaadsy. St. Paul's troop. Ser vices at Woodburn 7:80 Sunday evraiax. ST. J0H3TS LITTHZKAJr fXa. 8yaad KarU ltth and A atroeta, Bev. H. W. Grass, pastor. Eaglish aerviao :4S lb. German at 11:09. Sunday school at 9 sjl Special Thankagiving aervteo) ia Eaglish at 10:80 bjb. EMatAjrtTEL FULL OOSPXX. '' Corner Korth 17th sad ChcmekrU atroeta. Sunday school at 10 sum. Morn ing worship at. 11 ajav. Evuniag astliaa at 7:4-5 p.m. Mid week moetingv Tues day and Friday ot 7:45. Pnayor Bsoet iaa Wadaaaday ovewaaa Slater ' Poarea of Waaaingtoai will fiit tha pulpit for tha next two weeks. C Laurie) Ruanda, pas tor. Phono B08-K. CHTJXOH Corner Capitol and Marioo atreota. Suaday scheel 10 a.m. F. E. Kruae. Sap. Caraaaa service 19 a.aa. EngHah 11 ajsu Bow. F. Hafnor of Port. snad ia charge of the- aervices. clad rconroa xcissiox S5S Court stroet. C S. Johapaa. pas ter. Saaday achool at S p.m. Services at S aad S Tha Fax evaagelistie Py will have charge -of tn services Sunday. Kiss Bill Sanders will sneak in tho afternoon at S aad Miss Ethel Fax will apeak in tha evenlag. Loraa Fax will play aad alar. FORD afZatOBIAX X. B. COMMUHITT Oerth arena aad Third street. Msre dith A. Groves, pastor. Sunday school :45 a.m. Morning warship 11 o'clock: aubjeet: Kev. W. J. Warren will apeak. Piano voluntary and offertory by Mire Grant. Evening worship T:80 o'clock: subject: "An Old Woman's Disguise.'' PvaCraBi ot special masie. Touag Peo P' uwoting :S0 o'clock; aubjeet: Willamette university will giro several original poems. srratMiT urcnara Heights read. Meredith A. DoXOloSTT. tegipfii.9 j Oren numbers by j Donald J. The Altar of the Lard." I Allison, organist, will Include: j "Largo. Handel; "Evening- Pray- AJfERICAW LUTHKItaT ! m -pllnnrVif "Utrcha Pontlfi Church street between ChemekaU I r; t 525 ' M fOUUU and Center. Kev. p. W. Eriksen. pastor. Cale." LemmenS. Phone 1921. 11 a.m. The Chriatian aad tha unnamed Sin. Duet: Mre. J. A. J Sholaeth and Alvia Shirman. Solo: Miaa ! sons; aerviee and young people's chorus, directed by Mrs. Lu J. Stewart. Semen topic: "Expect Great Thing Proas God." Sunday school at 0:4. Max Qoalaar. Supt. Tho Luther League's devotional meetings at S:S0. Interme diate social and fellowship hour 4:4. nn ACETH0DI8T Market aad Korth Winter atreets. J. B. Stewart, pastor. Sanday achool t :4S ajn. Morning worship 11 o'clock; aub jeet: "The Baptism With Fire." Even inr worship 7:90 o'clock; aubjeet: Trait of Baptism With Fire." Tonng People's meeting 6:30 o'clock. Prayer meeting Tharsdsy at 7:30 p.m. HiOHXjGrD raxzjtDS Chureh and Highland. Edgar P. Sims-. Pastor. Bible school 10 a.m.. E. M. Beckett, Supt. Marniag worship 11 a.m. Junior C. E. 5:30 p.m.. Senior 0. E. 5:S0 p.m. Evening seviee 7:i0 p.m. Biblo prophecy class Monday 7: SO p.m. Mid-week prayer meeting Thursday 7:80 p.m. rratsT Cuu&ch or god Corner Bood and Cottage streets. 0. W. Hatch, pastor, phone 1SS0-J. Mora ing service 11 o'clock. Subject "Tha Unused Power of Gods rest Niagara." Evening service 7:80 o'clock. Subject: "Evsneelistic." Sunday school IS a.m. John Van Lydegraf. Supt. Mid-week prayer service 7:80 p.m. Wednesday. Young People's meeting 8:80 p.m. Sub ject Boys program. CHBJ.8T XAJTHEKAJT Eighteenth and State streeti. Rev. Amos E. Minncmsa, phone 8728. Ger man services 9:45. Snbjeet: "Give Un to Caesar the Things That Are Caesar's, and Unto God the Things That Are God's." English services 11:00. Sub ject: "Hallowed Be Thy Name." Sun day school 9:40 a.m. Martha Batter-man, 8npt. German service S p.m. Subject: "How the Holy Spirit Kept tha Una of Faith Allowing in Israel's Faithfnl Pew." Luther League 7 p.m. Subject: "The Worship of Saints." CASTLE TOTTED BÐBElf Korth 17th and Nebraska streets. L. W. Biddle. pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning worship 11 o'clock; snb jeet: "The Realization of Our National Ideals." Eveninr worship 7:80 o'clock; subject: "The Christian Race." Inter mediate C. E. meeting 6:80 o'clock; Heme Mission study for Touag People and adulti, 6:30 o'clock. FTRST EVANGELICAL Thirteenth and Center streets. A. P. Layton. pastor. Sunday school 0:45 a.m. Morninr worship 11 o'clock: snb iect: Rev. Lyle Willanl of Monmonth will be the speaker. Eveninr worship 7:45 o'clock; subject: John Ruden. as sisted by the Tounr People of the chnrch will huve charre of the service. Tounr People's meetinr 6:30 o'clock. Prayer meetinr Thnrsdsy at 7:30. SALEM BAPTIST TEMPLE Robert It. Payne, minister. Services held in Fraternal temple. Bible school 9:45 a.m. Morning: preaehinr service. 11 o'clock, topic: "Every Day With Its Promise." Two groups ot Tounr People meetinr at 6:30. Eveninr preaeh inr service 7:30. topic: "Joyful Salva tion." Sons service led by two chorus choirs and orchestra. Prayer meetinr Thnrsdsy eveninr. KHIOHT-hOCKOBIAI. H. C. Stover, minister. Mominr Wor ship at 11. Sermon "The 8pirit af Thanksrivins" Ladies - chorus "Char He," Faure. Kveninj- service at 7:S0. Sermon "Theaksrivanr la Times Like This." Chorus choir sinra "Recession al." Reginald De Korea. Sunday school at 10 a.m. C. C. Harris. Sapt. Younr Feople'a societies at S:S0. Kiddies Gather Tin Foil to Aid Less Qortkmate RICKREALL. Nov. tl F. E. Fisher will again preach here on Sonday. Nov. 2S at 11 a.m. There wiU be no preaching service on the following: Sunday, Nor. SO. This month the Junior mem bers or the Sunday school are col lecting tin foil which they will send to the Shrlner's hospital for crippled children at Portland to help provide Christmas cheer for those kiddles less fortanste than themselves. There is keen rival ry between the . boys and girls classes to see which will have the most at the end ot the month. Church to Feed Many Following Thank Of fering The Leslie Memorial Sunday school will doits part to see that there are no hungry fami lies In the city Thanksgiving day. For Sunday morning at the church social hour a general as sembly of all departments will be held when a thank offering ot canned goods and staple grocer ies will be taken. The goods received " at this time will be distributed to help make Thanksgiving cheer. where It Is needed. i A program will be presented by the different departments at this time. I of People VESTED CHOIR WILL APPEAR Thanksgiving Evening Con cert Planned by Knight Memorial Singers Followiax its custom of previ ous years.- the vested choir of the Knight Memorial chnrch mil pre sent a, concert on Thursday eve ning; of Thanksgiving day. The order ot service follows: Processional hymn, "God of Oar FatheraT Prayer of Thankssivins;. Hymn. ''America the BeautifuLr Anthem. "Hear Thoa My Prayer,- HamMen-O'HAre. Duet. "Twenty-Third Psalm, Mrs. Huston and Pearl Kyre. Chorns, "MornlnsV Sposks Baldwin. Chorus. "Love Divine," arrang ed from Ldebestraum ny lussi. with obblUato solo by Beneltta Edwards. . , ,. . Chorus. "Trust Ye in ths Lord. Wilson, with obbligato solo by Mrs. Bulah Talmadge. ; Ladies' chorus, "Charlte," by Faure. Chorus. ,RecessIonal.w DeKor en, with obblisrato solo by Mrs. Huston. Thanksxivina: orrenng. JEFFERSON SCHOOL IB MUSIC JEFFERSON, Not. 21 The Msthodist chnrch at Jefferson has added several new features to its church program. The Sunday school has the start ot an orches tra, which la conducted by Mrs. J. O. Van Winkle, superintendent of the Sunday school. Each Sunday a special number Is prepared by some member of the school to be presented to the assembly after the classes have adjourned. Last Sunday Gilbert Spragg played a solo on his saxo phone. Next Sunday Rev. Cole will give a chalk talk. The spe cial number for last Sunday mor ning was a vocal solo by Mrs. D. George Cole. ' The Sunday school meets at 10 o'clock and morning worship at 11 o'clock. .The subject for Sun day morning Is "Eyes Opened," and for the evening worship at 7:30 "The Sorrowful Man's Ques tion." Sunday School Board to Meet Next Tuesday The. officers and teachers of the Sunday school ot Jason Lee Memorial Methodist Episcopal church will hold their monthly fellowship supper and worker's conference at the - church parlors Tuesday. Nov. 25 at 6:30 p.m. The supper is to be pot-luck, and will be followed by a brief busi ness meeting. Rev. Hugh B. Fouke, fy., the pastor, will then speak on 'The Personal Factor in Teaching." Following this there will be a round-table discussion and de partmental conferences. Food, Rummage " Sale Sponsored The Seventh Day Adventist church la sponsoring a cooked food and rummage sale Tuesday in the Giese Powers Building on Court street. The event Is being held with a Tiew to supplying food for many Thanksgiving' ta bles, and pies and cakes will be featured. Revelation SEVENTH DAY -ADVENTIST CHURCH Cor. of 5th and Gains Sunday Evening at 7t30 Pastor ' J. MARK COMER Continue his series of verse by verse studies on the wonderful book of Revelation. Bring Bi ble note book and pen cil. Song; service at 7:30; dose at 9 o'clock sharp. Tuesday all day and evening- cooked food and rummage sale by 1 the ladies of, the church in the ' old Giese Powers Bid?, on Court St. Everybody Welcome. AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH Church St. Bt. Chemeketa and Center. The Downtown Lutheran Church 11 A. M. The Christian and the Unnamed Sin. Duet: Mrs. J. A, Sholseth and Alvia Shirman. Solo: Miss Arbutus Rudle. 7:30. Evening Song Service and Young People's Chorus . . . f , Directed by Mrs. L. J. Stewart. Luther Leagues Devotional Service :$. Thanksgiving Day Special Service 10:80, Nor. z7thu REV. P. W. ERIKSEN. Pastor. Salem and Territory ST. JOSEPH'S BAZAAR I With Many Coxiimittec Worldngr for Success LOOKS LIKE BIG EVENT Various committees re pre paring for a baxaar to be held at St. Joseph's hall on Saturday and Sunday. November 11 n 13. T. A. Wlndlshar,- general chairman is leaving nothing un done to make this event rousing success. An Interestinc program under the direction of Mrs. J. O. Nadon win h presented at intervals Vi'ZKlZt bV introl; 61 U"! tmaV vavpw.ww nnis to Bi If! EDTHEtl WEEK Pa at rr f! fl Wptton. of Evan- gelistlc Tabernacle- at Thirteenth l and Ferry streets, announces that t the revival services being held ' there with Evangelist C. H. Aua ; tin will be continued at least an i other week. Especially good in terest has been shown ia the meetings and attendance has re mained well above one hundred on week nights. In addition there has been a number of con- ! versions. The choir has turned out well every night and the sing ing has been an inspiration. Evangelist Austin has been a locomotive engineer for years and tion of the Women's Missionary still hplds his rights with the S. society of the First German Bap D. and A. line of southern Call- tist church will be held Thursday fornia. His ministry is pleasing and be Is especially liked by the young people. . Pastor weston says tnat it may Tb regular midweek prayer be possible that he will be un- meeting- will be cancelled on ac able to keep Evangelist Austin at count of this Thanksgiving fes- the Tabernacle longer than one more week, since pastor in walk er of the Full Gospel church in Portland urgently desires Rev. Austin's services for three weeks before Christmas. Play Scheduled Sunday Night JTVis- fPi'ici?arctlnvi this week including Sat -- will lOUQilw The Court street Christian cnurcn win give tne sunaay eve- me6tings. Members of the Chris nlng worship hour tomorrow - ,h,,h rtaolr of silverton night over to presentation of Dot, theMIner's Daughter," f a four set play given by the .Valley ..I w . ' "e"n win Dts uiiea uunug tas evening, the money to be used for benefit of the boys' home at Turner, an nounces Rev. B. F. Shoemaker, the pastor. Scio young folk who will take part in the play are: Bill Skipper, Bad West, Bob Glenister, Jerry Harmon, Jackie Harris, Dick North, Carolyn Vaughn, Yvonne Sinclair, Carmen LaVelle, Ada Price and Sally Darst. Ministers to Hear Talk on Marriage The Salem Ministerial associa tion will meet Monday morning at 10:30 o'clock at the Y. M. C. A., with Judge L. H. McMahan of the circuit court to give the main address on "Needed Mar riage and Divorce Legislation'. Ensign E. M. Williams of the Salvation Army will lead the de votions. Christian and Mis sionary Alliance . Tabernacle ,655 Ferry St. Revival Now in Progress Sunday 11 A. If. "The Divine Presence 7:20 P M "The Greatest Question' W.J. McGABVET Meetings each nrfght at 7:30 Special singing mX every service Rv. W. I. McGarvey Seattle EvmngeUst Everybody Welcome WWa -.ii - . aWflar' 1 1 duced for entertainment of the crowd expected. Mrs. M. J. Tetrel, director of the culinary department, will be sided by most competant assis tants. On Satarday evening a substantial -"Dutch Sapper" will be prepared aad on Sunday noon at chicken noodle dinner will be served. . ... Mrs. E. H. Burreu neaas me dining Toom committee and ev- ry effortwlll be made torender good service, she says. The or fee will be nade by Miss lAiy Saalfeld. , ; Pre-Thanksglvlng and Christ mas featurea will b la charge of T. A. Wlndlshar,. Frank Lynch, Leroy Nash, P. F. KUian and Dr. Lebold and Mrs. T. D. McClain, Mrs. Charles O'Brien, Mrs. F. Jas coskl and Mrs. Albert O'Brien. Th vonnsr ladies of the Sodal ity will dispense confections and tha naihnUi TountT PeOnle'S 0- ciety will b In eTldence in many and various ways. a o-ftneral invitation is extend ed to the public. Women Plan Anniversary Celebration The- annual birthday celebra evening at 7:30 o'clock, and will be open to friends and mem bers. tival Special Service, N earing Finish SCOTTS MILLS. Nov. 21. The revival campaign, with Jim my Love, evangelist, at the church of Christ Christian) con- I n.iT nlo-ht fr.e maailnn have hpAm wll attended, and snecial r-,,-1,, v.,- Wn one feature of the h-v, taken nart with Mrs. Liv- i..tnn wi.e. i mill rmartet from SiiTerton will furnish spe- cial music Saturday night. r Twain was also a philosopher with a broad outlook . on life and his stories have helped in struct as well as amuse Americans. Wewill gladly ad vise" you if you will consult with uSd REVERENCE A beautiful tribute tznderstan dingly expressed means a sympathetic appre ciation of the kind of service wanted. . i m m Shan, Urn jam. artsWuauVSoaW ii ii i . II in e 1 1 1 II have helped in- my i i n fin . ii in i a rw I HsV Q " I Affia Ht rvvM -, ii n I II nil. 1: I sTii.l I K II I "Its. I tLOVt X. BlGOON - J 'nALfCy-gM to CALVARY CHOIR CIS CANTATA ProcJuction, Directed by VV. E. Cochran, to be Heard. . November 30 The choir of the Calvery Bap tist church is making preparations to present the cantata Belsbaszar, Sunday evening. November SO. ia the church auditorium. On Fri day evening. December 5, they plan to give the same program ia the First Baptist church of Ore gon City. A number ot the lead ing soloists of the city will slag the leading roles. Rev. W. Karl Cochran Is direct ing the production and Miss Eva Cochran Is accompanist. Following is list of those la the main roles: Cyrus., king of Persia, Richard Dirks, tenor; Zerubbabel. gover nor I of the Jews. William Wright, tenor; Daniel, prophet tf Israel, ,11. 8. Cile, bass; NItocris, queen, regent," Mrs. ,11. II. Harms, so- - ' prano: Antonla. queen of Beisuaa- zar. sirs, Mary neurone uukus. soprano; Sbelomlth, wife of Zer ubbabel. Miss Grace Fawk, con tralto: child of Zerubbabel, Mlt:a Pauline Nelson, soprano; angel. Miss Harriett Kenton, mezzo so prano; Jewish princess, Mrs. Dale Taylor, soprano; Tamsr, Atalla, and Zerllna, ladles of Belsbazzar's court. Mrs. Charles F. Davis, so prano. Miss Josephine Evans, so prano, and Mrs. Alma McAllister, alto; . Magi, wise men ot Babylon, men or chorus, baritones: Bel sbaszar. king of Babylon, W. Earl Cochran, bass. . The chorus will be augmented by a number of outside talent. The public will be Invited. A sti ver offering will be taken. Society Raises Mission Funds CLEAR LAKE. Nov. 21. The Woman's Missionary society met at the church- Wednesday after noon for their regular monthly meeting, at the close of the pro gram, a silver offering was taken for the Ijibish Japanese mission. Members present were Mrs. L. J. Massey, Mrs. Earl Dutoit, Mrs. J. C. McFalane. Mrs. Alex Har old. Mrs. Theox Stolke, Mrs. C. W. Pugh. Mrs. Guy Smith. Mrs. Roy Smith. Mrs. V. B. Boyd, Miss Ha zel Clement and H. R. Scheuer man. Visitors. Mrs. Clancy Truitt, Miss Anna Englebrecht and Miss ' Marie Harold. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Itodgers Building, TUsh and Ferry fits. Grsded Church School 9:40 a. m. Three B. Y.'s 8:30. Preaching services 10:5s a. m. and I 7:30 p. m. A. M. "The Charch Compared To a Vine- Pastor Special music, selected P. M. 'New Men For the New Age. Pastor Popular gospel song service Special music WELCOME W. Earl Cochran, pastor AMERICAN niOGRAPHIES In Miniature Mark Twain (1835-1P1Q) 'fEOFTHtCftAir$TflftlCAN U AVTH0W. 80KN NOV JO 181 f AT FtowpAtnjoufa kc had vnhuAuy HO .CHOOUNQ, IWM A fimtfc A nri A i maw eHAMC a stwi- SOAT PILOT ON AT30 HcWEftT A Mint R Kin moam aioao wunrtn tntt i list M.j . s ttnAmm una vrmurvm-fjio O0iJt IK ew mm s r m mm i . i a mm Mm Lit