PAGE SIX ociety Charming Affairs To Compliment Miss Hartley This afternoon Mrs. Gardner Knapp will entertain in compli ment, to Mies Catherine Hartley whose marriage to Gordon F. Had ley will be an event of De cember 11. This will be one of a series, of entertaining which ha been going on in compliment to Miss Hartley this week. , A color scheme of yellow and bronze will be carried out with the use of chrysanthemums. At " the tea hour Mrs. Knapp will be assisted by Miss Leah Ross. Miss Betty McMilllan, and Mrs. BJerne Ericksen. Guests invited to compliment Miss Hartley will be Mrs. Wal lace Carson, Mrs. Wlllard Mar shall. Mrs. Ernest Bonesteele. Mrs. James Young. Mrs. Ted Chambers. Mrs. Lewis Griffith, Mrs. Dolph Craig. Mrs. Claude Steusloff, Miss Priscilla Fry, Miss Rorena Eyre. Miss Char lotte Zeiber. Mrs. Leah Ross. Miss Betty McMilllan. and Mrs. Bjerne Ericksen. Thursday afternoon Miss Pris cilla Fry entertained with a beautiful tea in compliment to Miss Hartley. The lovely guest rooms of the Fry home on South High street were decked in col or of autumn in the living room and in the dining room white and delicate green prevailed. Two large baskets of chrysan themums and autumn leaves. One in shades Of yellow' and the other In shades of red ' were used ef fectively In the living room where bridge was in play. At the close of bridge Miss Hartley was awarded the guest prize and other winning scores were held by Mrs, Rex Adolph and Mrs. Willard Marshall. Tea followed bridge. Mrs. Ed Hartley, mother of the bride elect, presided at the tea table which was beautifully appointed and centered with a dainty ar rangement of white chrysanthe mums and tall green tapers. Mrs. Miltoa Stelner and Mrs. Orris Fry assisted Miss Fry in the din lng room. Guests in compliment to Miss Hartley were Mrs. Ed Hartley, Mrs. Conrad W. Paulus, Mrs. Wallace Carson, Mrs. Milton Stelner, Mrs. Don Pritchett. Mrs. Dolph L. Craig, Mrs. Charles Robertson. Jr., Mrs. James Young. Mrs. Willard Marshall, Mrs. Ernest Bonesteele, Mrs. Curtis B. Cross, Mrs. Rex Adolph, Mrs. Foster Cone, Mrs. Gordon E. Wilson. Mrs. Ray mond Bonesteele, Mrs. Ted G. Chambers, Mrs.. Claude. Steus loff, Mrs. Breyman Boise, Mrs. Frank Deckebach, Jr., of Port land: Mrs. Hazel George, Port land; Mrs. Orris Fry, Portland; Mrs. Raymond Walsh of Eugene; Mrs. Frank Chapman, Mrs. John Caughell. Jr.. Mrs, Gardner Knapp, Mrs. Dan Fry, Jr.. Mrs. Dan Fry. Sr.. Mrs. Kitty Graver. Miss Rovena Eyre Miss Char lotte Zeiber. Miss Nell Thielsen, Miss Dorothea Steusloff. Miss Jo sephine Bajumgartner. Miss Mar ian Pennington of Portland. Younger Crowd Makes Merry Birthdays and visitors have added spice to the social activities of the younger crowd. Miss Char lotte Brown, formerly an active member of the younger set but who has been in San Diego for the past year, is visiting in Salem s for a few days on her way to La j and Mrs. Frederick Hill Thomp Grande. where she will make her . son will be hostesses at the home with her parents. As a visi-'Thompson home this afternoon, tor Miss Brown is inspiring so- ! Cards will be in play at eight ta- rial affairs. Miss Betty Vaughn entertained in compliment to Miss Brown Wednesday night with cards and, a late supper party. j accompanied by Miss Doris Cor Guests in compliment to Miss 1 bin. Miss Corbin will also play a Brown were Miss Jeanne Lunds- j group of piano solos, ford, whose house guest Miss ; Thanksgiving will set the mo Brown Is. Marian Johnson. Bea-.tIf for decorations and a profu trice Johnson. Betty-Mae Hartung. ision ot chrysanthemums will he r era iiauis, ouiuiu; oiaimeii, Helen Eneel. Yvonne Watklns, Wilma Wirtz. Louise Cramer. Har riett Beall and Ruth Chapman. A second affair to be enjoyed y the younger set was the sur prise party given Miss Frances j Cnpper in compliment to her birthday Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. i Evans. Hostesses for this affair were: Mrs. J. C. Evans. Mrs. Charles Cupper. Margaret Evans and Mar- : garet Burdette. Music, games and j a late supper made up a happy I . evening. i Guests in compliment to Miss ( Cupper were: Margaret Burdette, Margaret Evans. LaRayne Kin ser, Isobel George, Viola Crozler. Beulah Bailey. Margaret Corey, Dorothy Corey. Ruth Briedwell, Betty Reed. Claudine Gueffroy, Cynthia Delano, Lois Wilkes. Fae Driscoll. Hazel Johnson, Roberta . Smith, Jean Eastridge and Fran-i ces Martin. - Several other affairs are being planned in compliment to Miss Brown and her sister. Miss Mar garet Brown, who will arrive here this week end from Eugene where she has been visiting. Miss Mar garet Brown will be a guest at the H. H. Corey borne during her visit here.,. Miss Dorothy Baker daughter of' Mr. and Mrs. Cheater Baker, who has been la Chicago for the past 18 months, has just been ' made editor of the "Mortar Board" quarterly, national mag azine 'for the Mortar Board hon orary fraternity. The November number which Is the first to be edited by ' Miss Baker contains an interview - with Jane- Adams of the famous Adams house In Chicago,' written by Miss Baker. - - Mrs. F. E. Hallk is being bos less this week with av series of charming afternoons of bridge. - Thursday afternoon 5 Mrs. Halik ' entertained with nine tablet ot cards tad Friday afternoon a sec ond party with cards in play at nine tables will be la progress at the Kali k home. News and Club .Olive M. Doak. SOCIAL CALENDAR Friday, November 21' "Harvest Home" tea, Old People's home. East Cen ter street. 2:30 o'clock. Woman's Alliance of Unitarian church, one o'clock 'luncheon at church; address by Rev. Fred Alban Weil, following luncheon; Hal Hibbard auxiliary. U. S. W. V. social meeting with Mrs. A. T. Woolpert, 11S7 South High street. Hayesrille Community club, school house; program of music, a play, and readings. Social hoar following. West Salem P. T. A. regular meeting In basement of Ford Memorial church. Brush College community club, at Brush College school house, 8 o'clock; speaker, Charles Haworth of Willamette university. Sketching class. Mrs. Ella Hathaway director, au ditorium of public library, 7:30 o'clock. Any one desir ing to sketch welcome. West side circle of Ladies Aid of Jason Lee church. Mrs, L. E. Gardner. 1(44 North Liberty street. Bring scissors and thimbles. Rainbow Dancing Party to be Formal One of the big events of Thanksgiving time for members of the younger sets will be the formal dance to be given Novem ber 28 at Masonic temple with the Order of Rainbow for Girls as the hostesses. With all the folk home from college It is ex pected that at least 100 guests will be present for this affair. Patrons and patronesses for the occasion will be Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Millard. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Gillette, and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Russell. Miss Jean Eastridge is general chairman and under her are two committees, one on decoration and the other In charge of re freshments. Miss Hattie Ramp, Miss Roberta Smith. Miss Kather Ine Corey. Miss Myra Belt, and Miss Margaret Savage make up the decoration committee. Miss Betty-Mae Hartung. Miss Betty Smith, Miss Alda Johnson, and Miss Doris fnruh are the re freshment committee. Techne Club Initiates At Burke Home At the home of Myrtle Burk on Winter street Thursday night the Techne club of Salem high school held its initiation of the club's neophytes. The fatal Techne tea was served to the members as part of the initia tion. Those present were the Misses Donna Bishop. Alice Speck, Cle one Casement, Frieda Morley, Betty Bonell, Eleanor Hender son. Rosa Lee Nusbaum, Hattie Ramp, Colene Mennis, Jeanne Lunsford, Alta Johnson, Ruth Arnold. Helen Larson, Marian Jones. Doris Unruh. Thelma Gil lette, Wllla Ames, Doris Snyder, Helen Kendel, Gretchen Gamer, and the Messrs. Fred Wolfe Howard Cross, Willard Moses, Harold Pruitt. Alex Volchok, Harold Muhs, Bill Dyer, Waldo Mills. Delbert Graber. Cleo Seely. Harold BIrs, Wayne Fehler, Abe Maizels, Wayne Doughton, Edgar King. Ralph Stearns, and the hostess. Myrtle Burk. Joint Bridge Tea Event of Today One of the charming events of the week will be the bridge tea for which Mrs. William D. Clarke bles. At the tea hour Miss Doris Clarke will sine a etoud of sones j used in combination with tapers. ANNOUNCEMENT The Management of the Elsinore Theatre takes great pleasure in announcing that Miss Aldine Kaser and Mr. Wendell Scott have chosen The Elsinore as the most proper and appropriate setting for their wedding which will be solemnized in this gem of Gothic beauty, Saturday Evening, November 22nd, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. Reverend S. Darlow Johnson will read the service. . The following local merchants are presenting many useful and beautiful gifts. The Bride to be has chosen a Fanchon Marco mode and Enna Jettick shoes for her wedding both of which are sold exclusively by MILLER'S. Hartman Brothers are pre senting the happy couple with a White Gold, orange blossom design, 18K Wed ding Ring. The bride and groom have chosen "Frosty Olson as the official florist tor the occasion. The Capitol Drug Company have presented ' the Bride with her choice of a Toilet set to match her bedroom rulte. Pbetee by Cuarrca Rbb. The Society Editor 4 (Harvest Home Tea I To beyObserved The annual Harvest Home tea observed each year at the Old People's home on Center street i Bilyeu. .state federation presl will be an event of this afternoon j dent, who spoke on the subject between the hours of 2:30 and 5 of federation. o clock. The woman s Home mis- j sionary societies of the First ' Methodist church, the Leslie Methodist church, and the Jason ;' Lee church are sponsoring the tea this year. A short program will precede the tea hour and all those calling who wish, will be allowed to vis it the entire home. Presiding at the tea table, which will be In ftie shape of a large T will be Mra. C. S. Wil son, Mrs. P. J. Voth, and Mrs. E. A. Rhoten. The tea table will be centered with a large pumpkin filled with fruit and suggestions of the Thanksgiving time. Assisting with the serving will be Mrs. Edgar S. Fortner, Mrs. Effie S. Dunlap. Mrs. Rahe. Mrs. J. D. Waterman. Mrs. H. W. Swafford, Mrs. D. H. Mosher, Mrs. T. D. Yarns. Mrs. Walter Minler, Mrs. B. E. Sisson, Mrs. A. A. Schramm, Mrs. B. B. Her rick, Mrs. E, B. Millard. Mrs. F. A. Legge. Mrs. E. E Gilbert. Mrs. Almira Hale and Mrs. I. L. Me Adams. Mrs. Ronald Glover, Mrs. E. T. Bark us and Mrs. A. L. Dark were in general charge of the arrange ments. Leslie church took respon sibility for the decorations. Ja son Lee of the program and First Church ot the tea. It Is expected that about 200 Will call during the- afternoon hours and bring with them Har vest Home gifts of fruit, canned foods, and vegetables which will be presented to the Old People's home as a Thanksgiving offering. Gervais Mr. and Mrs. Otto Berning entertained a party of friends at their home Friday eve ning on the occasion of their 20th anniversary. Dancing proved a pleasant pastime. Mrs. Berning served refreshments later in the evening. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adelman; Mr. and Mrs. Wenzel Eder and fam ily; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eder; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Grassman and family; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Susee and family; Mr. and Mrs. John Eder; Mrs. Theresa Schind ler; Mrs. JohnB. Susee; Mrs. Ro sanna Elcher; Mrs. Agnes Grass man; George Gent; Clarence Grassman and Fred Manning; the Misses Rose and 'Mary Adel man; Theresa, Victoria and Paul ine ScWndler; Florence Manning; Etheloy Susee;, Dorothy Musom; Lawrence Susee, Peter Miller, Clarence and Joe Schindler; Hen ry Eder, Ewald Susee, Tony Pen ka, David and Lawrence Traviss. Albert Prantl. George Eder, Ted Stevens. The Happy Couple have chosen as their gift from Salem's Leading Fnrnitare Store, The H. L. Stiff Com pany, a beautiful Green and Old "Rose Bedroom Suite. Farmers Hardware Com pany are" presenting a handsome set of 1847 Rog ers Silverware with their congratulations. . Fulop's announce that the prospective Groom has cho sen his wedding, outfit ' from their 'clothing stock. Vibbert A Todd announce ' the choice of a Majestic Radio as their Gift to the happy couple. ? H- -.4 OREGON STAIgg!UOf. Scm, iia i Affairs Mrs. Wayne Henry Heads Rural Club Mrs. Wayne Henry of Zena was made president of the Rural Woman's clubs or Polk county Thursday in the convention meeting held in Ballston. Mrs. Forrest Martin of Dallas was mads vice president. Mrs. Frank Fawk. retiring president, presid ed. Keen interest was displayed In this meeting of about 50 women from the various rural clubs of Polk county. The club voted to become affiliated with the third district federation of the Oregon Federation of Women's elubs. A resolution was passed asking the state board of control to have a thorough Investigation made of the boys' training school by the Oregon child welfare commis sion. A second resolution was voted to be sent to Washington, D. C, requesting the Oregon congress man to vote in favor of the World court. . Addresses made in the course of the program A. B. Starbuek the Doernbecker fnd Mrs. Charles 4 t UJ .TO ID. wno 8poke on hospital fund j Music ana a potiuek luncneon added a social 6ide to the meet- ing. Daughters Plan a v v Annual inspection Daughters of Veterans will meet tonight at the Woman's clubhouse on North Cottage street for the annual inspection of the tent. Mra. Maude E. Stev ens of Portland will be the in specting officer. Other state offi cials will be present as well ss many guests from out of town. Mrs. Jennie Miller, president will preside with the Inspecting officer; Mrs. Lourene Stow and Mrs. Miller have acted as general chairmen for the arrangements for the evening. After the Inspec tion a social hour will be enjoyed, a Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Bell enter tained members of the Wenda Pinochle club Wednesday evening at their home on North 16th street. High scores were won by Mrs. F. W. Bell and E. R. Niles and low scores were held by Mrs. Don Poulin and F. W. Bell. The club will meet with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Holman for its next meeting. A Ill I ,y Moiuinx. Mrs. G. W. Laflar Is P. E.O. Hostess Mrs. G. W. Laflar entertained members of Chapter G of xthe P. E. O. sisterhood at her home Thursday afternoon. Late au tumn flowers mad graceful dec orations for the guest rooms where a short business meeting was followed by the regular pro gram. Mrs. E. A. Robins read the paper for the afternoon. Following this a social hour was enjoyed wlh Mrs. W. T. Hiekey and Mrs. A. W. Wain as sisting Mrs. Laflar In serving. Mrs. Willard C. Howe and Mrs. George W. Allen were spe cial guests for the afternoon. Chapter members present were Mrs. D. X. Beechler. Mrs. W. H. Byrd. Mrs. F. E. Churchill. Mrs. W. T. Hickey. Mrs. W. M. Hughes. Mrs. H. S. Hughee. Mrs. P. J. Kuntz. Mrs. J. G. Knapp. Mrs. G. S. Laflar, Mrs. F. L. Lange,. Mrs. C. K. Logan. Mrs. W. W. Moore. Mrs. A. E. Robins.' Mrs. A. A. Schramm, Mrs. S W. Selee. Mrs. W. M. Smith. Mrs. C. A. Sprague. Mra. A. W. Wain, Mrs. A. T. Woolpert, Miss A nor a weien. The next meeting will be held In a fortnight at the home of Mrs. Wt W. Moore. Thursday Bridge Club Is Luncheon Guest The Thnr-lay Bridge club was 1 entertained at the home of Mrs. ; Asabel Bush Thursday afternoon wfth an attractive luncheon fol- lowed by an afternoon of cards. ' Covers were placed on the beau tifully appointed luncheon table j for Mrs. Dan J. Fry, Mrs. Frits Slade, Mrs. Oliver C. Locke, Mrs. John McNary, Mrs. William Boot. Mrs. T. A, LIvesley, Mrs. W. H. Lytle, Mrs. W. H. Dancy, Mrs. George Rodgers. Mrs. William Walton. Mrs. Harry Hawkins and Mrs. Bush. Aurora One of the happiest affairs of the week was a Bur prise given In honor of the birth day anniversary of Miss Sedenia Nordhausen at her home Satur day evening. Five hundred fur nished the evenings entertain ment. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peters won high honors, and Mrs. Huge Kell and Fred Keil played low. Lunch was brought and served by the guests. Those enjoying the evening were Miss Sedenia Nord hausen, Mrs. Nordhausen, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Keil and family, Mr. and Mrs. Huge Keil and son Robert, Mrs. Pauline Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Thiel, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peters, Mrs. Os car Boland and children, and Ma, and Mrs. F. M. Ferguson. tradition of T IT is a comparatively easy matter to stock a ladies' ready-to-wear shop with merchandise but it is another matter to attain the goodwill of the buying public. Every week, ievery month, every year it means to give the best that's possible and to give dependable merchandise. It means that every customer must know that the store will make good in every case. At least that is what the goodwill of the Salem public has meant to this shop. And proud we are to have achieved it in such measure . . . and appreciative too, as the con tinued values and dependable The French 116 N. JIih November 21, 1930 Today's Menu A Holiday Dinner Keaat Go ana Ifaalei Fatal Biatrial Caadicd 8wwl Potato Bottorod Ppiaaaa Bm4 Corrant Jelly Toaaata ealati Salad '. MajooaaiM Paapkla Pi Coffea Mashed Potato Staffing pf warm asathed oUto H asp hot aiilk 1 taaapooa salt tniHi paprika 1 laupoti eelcry tail 1 tcaspooa finely eaoppi aiana 1 teaspoon poultry aeatonlor Mix all ingredients. Lightly stuff the fowl. Never press dressings Into the fowls as this will make them soggy. j Candled Sweet Pot tor i (To aerro with roaata or fowl) j 8 tare soiled aweet potato I 1 teazpooa alt 1 H tcaapoon paprika 1 eop dark aniwi auar 5 tahleapooaa fat eup water Peel the potatoes and cut In halves, lengthwise. Sprinkle with the salt and paprika. Heat fat and sugar in frying pan. Add the potatoes and water. Cover and bake slowly 25 minutes. Turn frequently to allow even brown- iBg Tomato Gelatin S copa to ma for 1 enp water 3 aliera on ion a 4 nhtlf elorea 2 bay rrn 3 celary Itavra tcaapooa auaar 1 taipooa aalt Mix ingredients. Cook slowly 20 minutes in covered pan. Strain well and add to the gelatin mix ture. . . i Gervais Triple anniversaries' were celebrated at a dinner given by Mrs. Virginia O. Booster at her home Sunday. It was the fifth wedding anniversary of her son, Howard and 'Mrs. Booster; the 15th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. J. Miller and the birthday anniversary of Jar vis E. Cutsforth, father of Mrs. Howard Booster. A color scheme of yellow and white was carried out in the table decorations with flowers and tapers. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. B. J. J. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis E. Cutsforth, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Booster, Bonni belle and Junior Miller, Miss Harden and Dean Booster. Saturday night and Sunday noon large congregations of folk will gather at St. Joseph's hall for dinner. Programs, have been planned for each of these occa sions under the direction of Mrs. J. G. Nadon. Saturday night the Sacred Heart academy orchestra will play;" musical numbers will also be given by Loraine Zelin skl, Margaret Nathman, Mar garet Thompson, Alfred Domo galla, selections by a "kitchen orchestra", and a comic dia- Square A. P. Speer . St (Monthly Account) Masonic Bldg. logue. snnaay at -crd Heart orehes ra will play again; Barbara Schotteofer will rlTs a reading; and mnalc will be given by Mrs.! William Bler lns, Mrs. Schiller. Miss lAlena Brenner, and Lawrence Alley. Independence T h e Woman's club met in their club room Tues day afternoon with a large atten dance present. Members answer ed roll, call by naming a native shrub or tree of Oregon. Mrs. F. E. Hennagln gave an interesting paper on the beauties and resour ces of Oregon. Mrs. J. C. Collins was soloist for the afternoon. Hostesses were Mrs. I. D. Mix and Mrs. K. L. Williams. Silverton Trinity so- ciety met at the home of Mrs. L, G. McDonald Wednesday f after- noon and the members spent their time piecing quilts which IU be used for charitable purposes. The society will meet in December, lha tunnl TrHnit at itm SO- cial rooms of the Scburch a 10:00 ' NEW! ri Just Arrived i Many new and beautiful I pastel shade - ' ' ' FORMALS J Prints in black background d an at MACK'S 395 North High Dealing CC I oiiermg s prove. Shop . . I..V Innfh wrlll be O CiOCK. M. pa i Birred at noon and the entire day will be devoted to quilting. . Those present j Wednesday ere Mrs. L. M. Larton, Mrs. Dan Klr iness. Mrs. Glenn Howe, Mrs. A. O. Nelson, Mrs. H. Rindem, Mrs Otto Legard. Mrs. Henry Storlle, Mrs. O. Ormbrek. Mrs. T. Qual set, Mrs. H. L. Foss, Mrs. Adolph Haugen. Mrs. Martin Hatteberg. Mrs. Han Thompson. Mrs. Ed hoi den, Mrs. Henry Tonrend. Mrs. it Tantan Mrs. C. Ennevold- sen, Mrs. J. ,C. Larson. Mrs. El mer Olsen. Mrs. E. A." Sewell, Mrs itrthnf Gettenburg, Mrs. Jensen. .Miss Johnson, Miss Lengrnd.end Mrs. McDon ald. .. . -i . The social ciuo a , bet met Wavlof on the home of Mr. John Tayior on North 19th street. Following a delightful social afternoon a tea hour was enjoyed. The next meet ing will be with Mrs. H. D. iRob Inette on North list street) col