The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 12, 1930, Page 6, Image 6

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    PAGE &X
SHverton Woman's
Club Has Large
y Meeting r
SHverton . Cover were laid
for 40 members and friends at
the Women's elub luncheon held
, at the Methodist ehareh Monday.
- The luncheon waa prepared and
' served by, the SHverton unit of
the Portland Gas and Coke com
pany and an late resting feature
was the use of so many SHverton
'products In Its preparation.
' v .The social room of the church
"was made attractive by large
basket - of 'chrysanthemums In
the - center, aronnd T which the
long tables were arranged in
horse-shoe form. Cyclamens on
' the tables and place eards of au
tumn leaves added further color.
' Following the luncheon. Mrs.
George Hubbs. president ' of . the
, Eilverton Women's elub. Introdu-
- eed each person present, and the
. regular meeting of the elub waa
held. An opening feature was. a
living picture of The Spirit of
7 given hy a group of school
boys from Miss , Han ah- Olsen's
At the business meeting, over
which Mrs. Hubbs presided, mem
bera ef the club voted to send the
local ( manager of the gas com
pany and the board of trustees of
the Methodist church cards of
thanks for the luncheon and the
m of the building. Mrs. Hubbs
made a brief talk on the use of
-home products and, thanked the
company who served for using
so many of these. -'
' Delegates tv the recent county
federation at Hubbard gave 're
ports of the , meeting, - and Mrs.
G. B. Bentson, county president
spoke briefly.
The purposes of the club were
then explained for the benefit of
visitors and new, members. In ter-
ests Include local charity, the
Doernbeeker ' Memorial hospital
at Portland: the Children's Home
near Corvallis. and the Silver
ton Library. A new Interest, and
one of particular Interest to , SH
verton, Is that of the beautiflca
- tloa of the SHverton cemetery.
, which has long been a discredit
to SHverton as a whole. - The
i Women's elub is seriously .taking
up the matter and haa already a
committee making investigations
; of how cemeteries are taken care
or elsewhere. The committee,
compoeed - of Mrs. John T, Hob
litt and Mrs. J. E. Hosmer, gave
a report on their findings. .
The club voted to take out
a membership . in ; the county
health organization. A book ez
" change system waa . established
with Mrs.-S. J. Comstock and
Mrs. C. M. Wray In .charge. Mrs.
Bentson invited everyone to at
tend the spring meeting of the
- federation to be held at Stay ton,
- and Mrs. Edson Comstock, vice
president of the club,' read a no
tice of the district Institute to
be held at Salem next Friday and
urged all members who could at
tend to do so. Mrs. Hubbs men-
- tloned the Interesting meeting at
which the Wlllard Women's club
of the Waldo Hills was host. .
. Mrs. J. Ballentyne acted as
chairman during the program
which Is this year a study- of
George Washington. Mrs. Ballen
tyne gave an Interesting paper
on the family of Washington.
Next month the homes of Wash
ington will be studied.
Present at the luncheon were
Mrs. George Hubbs, Mrs. J. T,
Hoblitt. Mrs. Edson Comstock,
- Mrs. Alvin Legard, Mrs. Qulnn,
Mrs. G. B. Bentson, Mrs. M. 8.
Hoblitt, Lillle Madsen, Mrs. J.
Currie, Mrs. H. Waldaer.i. Mrs.
W. R. TomiffOn. Mrs. George Cu
iter, Mrs. Walter Arbuthnot,
0 13. Lbxxtt A Um Tesacco Co.
w i ifT ;
,1 (uftpeft-full of good taste ?
A . without a hint of harshness!,
News and Club
rOixvE M. Doak.
Missionary society of First . Presbyterian - church,
prayer meeting room, 2:3 o'clock; Mrs. Gilbert Blrt
ehet to speak on South America..
Woman's Foreign Missionary society. First-Methodist
church. 2:39 o'clock, in church parlors. - .
Tea for .Episcopal -women, Mrs.' George A. White;
SiS Bellevue street; hours S to 5:30 o'clock.
Ladies Guild of American Lutheran church, 2:00
o'clock, church parlors."-.
, - Woman's-; Foreign Missionary society. Jason Lee
church. 2:30 o'clock; Mrs. P. J. Voth. 1555 North Cap
itol street '?r 4 r- ....v,-: - .J .?.:
- ' First Spiritualist church, with circle with Mrs. Louis
King. 4 03 South Capitol street.
Woman's Home Missionary society of Leslie Memor
ial .church, 2 o'clock in church, parlors. Special Armis
tice "day program. All War mothers of community in
vited. ' '.: :Y:V.; ) -('er..' v :V
j - t h Thursday, November 13 . r --"
.Hayeevllle Woman's club all day meeting, home ef
Mrs. E. M. Bailey; potluek lunch at neon.
Golden Hour club. Mrs. E C. Van Slyke, 945 Gar
:nett street. ; -.rV - , 1 :
Ladles auxiliary, 8 o'clock. I. O. O. F. hall.- "
Woman's Relief Corps.. 2 o'clock in Miller's hall.
Meetiag called at S o'clock, MeKlnley school,- for
purpose of organizing a Parent Teachers association.' v.
One o'clock luncheon. Elks temple, Thursday elub:
Mrs. W. F. McCall. Mrs. M. M. Cuslek. and Mrs. George
;M. Brown, hostesses. .
North Salem W. C. T. tJ.. Mrs. W. L. Wilson, 1135
Madison street-. 2 o'clock.
- 'A) Friday, November 11
. Third district' convention. Women's federation of
elnbs, all day meeting opening at 10 o'clock. Woman's
, ClubhOUSe: 'y-.- :-r .fl-".:; ' .'"rV';''g;-
Daughter of Veterans. 1 o'clock. Woman's club
house. Preparing for Inspection, for November 21. '
- . Mrs. F A. Erlzson. ICS State street. 2:30 o'clock :
hostess to Woman's Missionary aociety. First Baptist
church. ; : . .:
. Chrysanthemum show at HayesviHe church, after
noon and evening. I;
Mrs.' 8. J. Comstock. Mrs. Laura
Hubbs. Mrs. W.S. Gordon. Mrs.
H. Frisble. Mrs. F. M.? PoweU.
Mrsl . Swift. Mrs." Vernon Day.
Mrs. E. Holden, Mrs. L-Stewart.
Mrs. F. G. McDonald. Mrs. J. E.
Hosmer,'. Mrs. E. Johns, , Mrs? H.
Manning, Mrs.' H. Kramer, Mrs.
Clifford Rue, Mrs. Albert Davis,
Mrs. Theodore Hobart, Mrs. W.
Tate, Mrs. S. Berry, Mrs. F .Syl
vester, Mrs, R. Tboman, Mrs. T.
W. Townly. I - '
The Sigma Theta : chapter " ef
Delphlans met at the home ef
Mrs. :A. - B. Robinson Monday
afternoon. The. topic for discus
sion and reports was" Ghlrlands-
Jo - and - Botticelli, f - Assignments
were reported on by .Mrs. : J. C.
CoUins, Mrs. W. . II. Hagmeier.
Mrs. J. H. - Hart, Mrs. H. N.
Mattlsore., -..' :J ;".
"The picture' study was in
charge ef Mrs J. C. Collins, . Mrs.
A. B. Robinson, Mrs. C. Sloper,
and Mrs. E. M.' Wonder. . Vocal
solos were given by Mrs. M. J.
Butler, Miss Mable Riddel gave
a review of current events.
Mrs. Delia Butler gave an In
teresting travelogue ef .her Euro
pean trip. It will be continued
from meeting to meeting. " Mrs.
L. I. Bursell of Monmouth was
voted ' Into the ' chapter as a
member.;-: . i
Silverton Miss i Marguerite
Sather, the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Sather, wIU leave Sat
urday for - South - Dakota. : where
she will visit relatives at Aberdeen
and-Madison. She haa not planned
tlie length of her visit, bit ex
pects to spend the Christmas holi
day season with her sister, Mrs.
Ben Rolson (Myrna Sather) at
Aberdeen, where Mrs. Rolson is
manager of. a chain (tore.
A l;W A
Society Editor
t - i
November 12 V
... t
Birthday Af fa-r ,
Jolly Evening .
Mias Virginia Wassam and Mias
Joyce Phelps entertained Monday
night with ,a- delightful birthday
party in compliment to Miss Ther
esa, Ulrich at the Q. M. Wassan
home. on North 15th street. ,
Th high school rally' was at
tended and then a theatre line par
ty waa enjoyed. Following 'the
theatre the group went t to the
home .of Miss Wassam. where a
late birthday scupper was served.
Tne ' table ' was centered with - a
large birthday cake bearing light
ed candles. In compliment of Miss
A slumber party completed the
evening and Tuesday morning a
waffle breakfast was served by the
hostesses, t- ? i?-
1., Those Invited to - compliment
Miss Ulrich by. Miss Wassam and
Miss Phelps were , Miss Agnes
More, Miss Harrlett'Polnter, Miss
Rachel Gardner, Mies Margaret
Ross, Mlsa Grace Skinner. . Miss
Dorothy Tucker and Miss : Lucile
Rolow. " . . -. -
; " ' , .' '
- The Social club of the Order of
the Eastern Star will sponsor the
annual bridge tea for the benefit
of It Y. W. C. A. pledge fund
Thursday afternoon In the social
rooms of the Masonic temple.. All
members of the order and friends
are Invited to eome and play and
it is requested that players bring
cards and table accessories. - '
. . . , . : -' -
Cloverdale. Mrs-V Ivan Had
ley entertained at her country
home Friday with a delightful
costume party. The evening was
pleasantly -spent in games and
music with refeshments served
at "a late hour. Rev. and .Mrs.
Burgoyne .were special guest for
the evening.
Y S -S T A N
OREGON STATES IAN Satera, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, November 12, 193t
Zl u si c Teachers
if Numbers- ;
' ' ' An Interest, venture en the
part of the. Salem .Music Teach
ers association' which came from
the suggestion of Miss Helen Cal
breath of Portland is the - devel
opment of a number of ensemble
groups , fronr- among both - the
teachers -and pupils - of teachers
In the' association." Mlsa Elma
Weller has been appointed as the
chairman -to arrange the group
and , reported at the Monday
night meeting of the association
at . .th home of Mlsa Dorothi
Pearee that three ensemble
groups were organized and ready
to begin practice. ' i:;.::
The Idea Is 'two folJ;. first to
develop a new interest and appre
ciation for ' piano and ' second to
secure greater cooperation among
teachers. -.ett.mtrsic in Salem. The
ensemble numbers , will be Quar
tet, trios, sextettes, and such like
arrangements. Much enthusiasm
Is being demonstrated In the de
velopment of thla Idea. ; ' , i,. :
Another forward step taken by
the association.: at the. Monday
sight meeting was the voting of
125 toward the Junfor. symphony
orchestra which Is being made a
definite part of the Salem niusie
Mfe under the direction of Wil
liam Wallace Graham. ' with the
support of service clubs and In
terested people , of Salem. -L f
s . Reports were made' from chair
men of various ' committees tad
three new members were taken In
as additional business. The new
members are William . Wright.
Mary Schults. and Malcolm Med
ler, ... , v;-J;
At a' late hour Miss Pearce as
sisted oy -Mlss clva Clare Love
served refreshments.'
Miss Martha Mao .Blair enter
- tained 20 young friends Saturday
' evening, nt ,a ' costume .party at
' her home nn Vnrth trn.
f Hilarious games were featured
and refreshments suggestive of
the Hallowe'en season were serv-.
ed i by Mrs. C. - E. Blair assisted
by. Mrs. Ralph Combs and Miss
Agnes Sheeon. Kermit Roth won
the prize for best fancy dress en
semble, i. : .
The guests ; were: , Margery
Chambers. Wanda Ross, . Yvonne
Norris. : Virginia Craven' Ruth
Tilton. Betty . Lou Elliott. Mary
Jane Cochran, Helen Hutchin
son, r Alice Berreman, Bobby
Bingman. Walter McKern. James
-Norris, JWayne Petrle, Carl Shee
on, Donald Santee. Kermit Roth.
Leonard Snider. Bobby Blair snff
the '.. lrost ess. Miss Martha, Mae
. . Brooks. An all day special
meeting, of the Brooks Ladles
Aid society was held Tuesday 'at
the home of Mrs. Sylvester A.
Harris. ".--...The day wa spent
quilting for Mrs. Harris. A pot
luck . dinner, waa served . at noon.
- Those present jwere Mrs. John
Lesher, Mrs. Monroe , Ward, Mrs.
OL L. Bailey, Mrs. Raymond
Blanton, sr., , Mrs. William
Schaffer, Mrs. ..Raymond Blanton.
Jr., and Children DeEtta Louise
and Raymond III. Miss Etta-Kelso,
Mrs. A. . E. Harris, and the
hostess, v Mrs. Sylvester : Harris.,
Mrs. Raymond, Blanton. Jr.,
will entertain the aid at Its next
regular meeting, November -13.
St. Monica Alter society win
entertain, with a card -evening at
St. Joseph's Parish hall -Wednesday
evening. Dancing will fol
low cards. Mrs. J. G. Nadon is
chairman: of the reservations
committee. . .
Sterling Chapter
Guild Meets - r
Mlsa "Ruth ; Eti entertained
members ef the Sterling chapter
of the. World Wide Guild at her
home Monday evening with. Miss
Alice and Miss Berniee Zielke as
assistant hostesses. " ;
. Following devotion . led " by
Mis Loreta' Wolfed plan were
made for the "home coming
Thanksgiving ; : breakfast. Mlsa
Doris Pickens gave an Interest
ing UUc e the sabject of mis
sions and Mine Lets Cochran re
viewed the second chapter of
"West Indian Treasurea'V Vj-
Thoee la attendance at this
regular , monthly meeting .were
the . advisor, - Mrs. Earl Gregg.
Leolyn Barnett. 27eld Harlan, Lo
ratne ' Gregg, Loa Cochran,
Claudine Ferguson. Doris Pick
ens. - Carol Stoddard. - Loreta
Wolfed Era Cochran. Lola Dale
Pickens. Lillian Stensland, ; Ddro
the Pickens. Ruth Kau. Alice
Zielke, Berniee Zielke. " , ,
Rainbow Club .
Has Line Party
4 ?The" ' Rainbow elnb . ef .-the
Neighbors of Woodcraft held : a
abort' meeting at the - home ' of
Mrs. Hallie ; Lunch Monday ' eve
ning -and followed thla with ;a
line party at the Hollywood the
atre and an after theatre. supper
Prty. . .- i..-- 'j-i i ,;-.:;,.' -,
. Those enjoying the - evening
were Hallle Lunch. Louise : Kay
seL Ruth Dake, VoDah Herreng.
Velma Teeson. - Pearl Harris.
Helen Danlson, Florence Bress
ler, Dorothy Stafford, Cora
Smith. .
Cloverdale -Miss Olga Garner
entertained by tho young people's
class ' of tho 'Methodist Sunday
school with a. hard times party at
the Hadley home on Hill Top fruit
farm. Friday evening. Each class
member was asked to bring " a
friend.-The costumes worn caased
a great deal of enjoyment. ,
The evening was spent with
game and stunt which provided
hilarious entertainment. Mrs. Bur
i goyne won the ladles costume prize
and Glenn Garner the men's prize.
Refreshments were served by
Miss Garner and .Mrs. Hadley. ,
Those present- were Ruth Mor
ris Brooksle and Jeanette 'Barnes;
Rachel. Glenn. and Alvin Garner;
Gertrude Anderson. Mr. and Mrs.
W. S. Burgoyne 'and daughter,
Ruth, Kenneth Bear, Lester Bur
goyne, Rex Morris. Charles Van
Valkenberg. Olga Garner and Mr.
and Mrs. Ivan Hadley and Lowell
Homer and Norval Hadley.
. . . . .
: Orchard Heights Mr. and Mrs.
Burnham Southwick and Miss
Mary ; Walt were guest Sunday
at the; home of Mr. and Mrs.
Hersehel Walt at Rlckreall. Mr.
and Mrs. .Charley Wait, also of
Rlckreall were Joint hosts. The
occasion honored the sixtieth
anniversary of Georgo Walt, fa
Order "Honey Bread
. . . your grocer has it
ther of Hersehel and Charley, and
was a complete surprise te the
honor guest. ":iv-,-:,-:- -- ' ,
A mid-day dinner was served,
a f eatur of which was e large
cake ornamented : by White and
red candles.
Covers were laid for Mr. and
Mrs. Burnham Southwick and
Miss Mlsa Mary Wait of Orchard
Heights; Mf. and Mrs. Oliver
Wait of Oak Grove, Mr. and Mrs.
Otto Walt, Mr. afd Mr. Charley
Wait, Mr, and Mrs. " Hersehel
Walt,, Kenneth Wait and' Ralph
Walt, all of Rlckreall.
Mrs. Southwick and Miss Mary
Wait are sister of Geoxg Walt,
the honor, guest.
e- ..--
International Peace . .
Worker to-Visit
- Miss AmV Hemlnway Jones, div
ision assistant of the Carnegie en
dowment for International peace
will visit Salem. Monday, Novem
ber 17, in the Interest of Interna
tional peace promotion. . - ,
Miss Jones will confer with Miss
Harriet Long and Mirpah G. Blair
of the Oregon State Library while
here. " .
Miss Jones, who Is also execu
tive secretary of the international
relations clubs, has been associat
ed with 1 the Carnegie endowment
for International peace since 1912;
She has been particularly active
In recent years-In establishing in
ternational relations clubs In col
leges and universities throughout
the United States. During this past
summer. Miss Jones formed six of
these student groups in colleges
and normal schools In Mexico.
Their purpose Js to unite the stu
dents of the world In closer under
standing and friendship, f 7-.'-v
Independence - The Dorcas
class of the Baptist . ehurch was
entertained at the home of Mr.
Richard Haley on MondAf own
ing. -' -..r-, : .
It. was a Hallowe'en party, and
decorations, - games and - every
thing was - In keeping with this
season. . - . -a
The ladies all went dressed In
different costumes. . and - masked
which added merriment to the
. At the close of the evening the
hostess served a dainty lunch to
the following ladles:. T '
Mrs. Beal, Mrs. George . Tilberg,
Mr: John Forman, Mrs. Radma
cher, Mrs. B. F. Swope; Mrs. Nel
son, Mrs. O. Martin. Mrs. Tom
Smith. Mrs. L. - Moore..' Mrs. E.
Busby, : Mrs. Crabtree, Mrs. L.
Probst, Mrs. Peyree,f Mrs. Guild
and Mrs. Reynolds. rv-
Mr. and- Mrs. Q. M Wassam
and children. Quay , and Marlal,
spent Armistice day -holiday at
Mills City with Mr. and Mrs. W.
Smith, t
- r ' I r' '-. '
Mt-and Mrs. Glen Waukob of
Pacific City are guests of Mr.
and Mrs- A. C. Laue. .
: -. : The '.wholesome,, appetizing bread that satisfies .
the needs of every family . , just the right size, a pound
-0"d,a halfpf healthful; fine texture bread in each loaf.
Shaped just right for easy -slicing . . and such flavor! '
p ; Pure1 Mountain Honey added to the purest of
ingredients perfectly ' baked in a. modern, spotlessly
. clean bakery, give you bread that is a treat at any
: .time A at meals, ;betweenmeals'6r for use in recipes
wil1 Pleased to
i iwinli 'DNCMwim
- 0
Oreiron Authors
Lecture Topic " .
If Is Grace Elizabeth Emltn
addressed - members " of cnPlr
AB of the P. B. O. 1tffnodJ'
Itaregular meeting t the home
of Miss May Raueh Monday
night. She took as her subject
"Oregon Authors' and gave an
Interesting Informal , discussion
of various eutstandtng sUte taV
ent. '.-;;.tiI'--':'i T'.:''
At the business meeting prep
arationa were made for-rthe ln
apectlon . of the chapter . which
will lake place November 24 at
the home of Mr. Mary Reeve
with Mr. . C. A. Sprague. tate
organizer, as Inspecting officer.
Following the , business and
program a social hour was en
Joyed with Miss CarlotU Crow
ley, Mrs. , Mary Rauch and Mis
Raueh in serving. . , -
Mr. Rae Belden and Mrs.
Alice Fisher were special guests
for the evening. .
0- -r-e-.e .
Brooks The ; regular meetiag
of the Brooks Community elub
was - held in the club bouse
Thursday -afternoon. Mr. J. S.
Dunlavy acted aa chairman,, and
Mrs. H. S. Bosch as secretary.
Plans were made to give a social
In the near future. The afternoon
was spent working on an endless
quilt, which they plan to quilt t
the next meeting, which will be
an all ' day affair af the club
house tn two week. A pot luck
dinner will be served. v
One new member is added te
the list. Miss Ines Allison. At the
close of the meeting refreshments
were served by Mrs. H. H.? Bosch
and Mrs. C. A. Bailey. ,
The guest group Included Mrs.
Mary Martin. Mr. Willard Rmp
and daughter Cleo Ramp. Mrs.
L. A. Wright and children Nor
ma - Jean and . Edward George
Wright, v Mr. Jeff Wall, Mr.
Jennie CUbert. Mr. A, J. Rt
mtissen and daughter Arlene,
Mrs. John Lesher, - Mrs. C A.
Bailey. Mrs. B. F. Ramp, Mrs. R.
E. Hlgglubotham, Mrs. H. .H.
Bosch. Mrs: J. S. Dunlavy, Marie
Boseh. and Jaek Boecb.
.-.- -. - . . . . ; :"
Brush College The Brush Col
lege Helper held an Interesting
meeting af the home of Mr. O. EL
Rogan of Brush College, Thurs
day. Mrs. A. R. Ewlag, presi
dent, 'presided' at the business
session.' : A decision was reached
to -buy a new flag. Mrs. Oliver
Whitney conducted the patriotic
program,'- reading an interesting
article on "Flag Etiquette." 1 De
votionals were in charge of Mrs.
V. L." Gibson. Mrs. ' Rogan was
assisted in serving refreshments
by Miss Dorothy Rogan and Mrs.
H. Strand. Special guest for the
occasion waa Mrs. H. Strand.
Members present were: Mrs. Oli
ver Whitney, Mrs. , A. R. Ewing,
Mrs. V. L. Gibson, Mrs. Fred Ew
ing, Mrs. John Schindler, . Mrs.
Charles McCarter, Mrs. U. J. Leh
man, Mrs. Fred - Olsen. Mrs. M.
your order todav-;,- :"
r - .
V: Cnefry City Ba !;in
Foche. Mrs. Victor C2?ea. : : -
Esther Oliver, Mrs. cr-.
Singer, Mrs. George Meier. I .
L, Hlmmel. Mrs. Lewis I'.v r,
Mrs. W. F. McCall, Dorothy I... . I
fler. Miss Dorothy Rogan and e
hostess, Mrs. Rogan.
... i
"Valsetz -Mr. . and Mrs. Lester
Green entertained Saturday with
two tables of "S00".
m.A.& nrHt were Mr. and
Mr. W. O. McDonald, Mr. and Mr.
Marlon Rose.. Mr. ana Airs, wim
Dodson. nigh score was .won by
Mr. and Mrs.. Rose; low,was.won
bv Mr. and;Mrs.MeDonald.
- Mr. ind'iMr.- Peterson
of Wilson. streU tare a their
house gueeU , ttoelr.f daughter-in-law.
Mrs. Peterson, and her
children. Veneta and Delore
Peterson of i Klamath Fal)s.
A Quality You Would
InsisfiUptn-If You
Knn&AUefjke Facts,
wIf you find any fault whatever
. in this Baking Powder, or think
you do, your grocer will return
your money and also pay for
the egg, butter, flour, etc, you
' have used.'
,You will i find that statement
Printed on the Schilling Baking
'owder label. Look for it.
Read it carefully. It i fr
more- than a mere gesture cf
good will. Unusual as it Is, it
means just what it says. Only a
Baking Powder, sure and pure,
could carry such n offer. Ee
cause it is made from Cream of
Tartar, and no substitutes.
:T7S: '
1 1''