The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 09, 1930, Page 16, Image 16

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STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon Saniiay Morning. November 9, 1930
W HIIIIE'EH IS the corporal himself jTHflFFlC FORGE
hdsptal fftf w$gm3Bmimwmm
":,.ty - ' - 4 ;3 W S w I B a w mmmm
Patients confined to Beds
Entertained by Those
It More Fortunate
Hallowe'en !s a major event at
the ttate tuberculosis hospital
and It n celebrated In a manner
that fs unique and-traditional to
that lostitation.
For weeks before the day of
tbe partr the patient
- teriously. busy improvi
tames, and committees
tlents arrange the at
ether details. The
club, an organisation of
sponsors the party. The follow-
. Injf patients were on the party
committee this year: Vernfre Se-
eor. Ethel Denny. Loren Hare.
Manuel Maraeulwa. Vivian Ed-
land, and Arthur Ernst, all of
Portland; Florence Wolfe of Sa
lem: Minnie Keiser of Sweet
Home: Flora Mays of McMinn
ville. and Herman Graham of Al
At this unusual party the bed
patients are the chief guests and
are the first to be entertained
The ambulant patients gather at
one of tbe pavilions with their
costumes and masks, form a pro
cession and parade-through the
wards. This Is for the benefit
. of the bed patients.
RHw Awarded
For Costumes
After the parade the costumed
patients hold their festivities.
This year the patients' dining
room was the scene of the party.
It was tastefully decorated, and
this also all was done by pa
tients. Stunts, games and a grand
march were on the program for
thfe.tjfSO partyijTlw judges
awarded - prizes for I costumes ;! as
follows: for the best costume,
first Manuel Macaguiwa as a
Spanish buccaneer; second, Dor
othea Rodgers as a bathing
beauty of the Gay Nineties; for
the most comical costume: first,
Loren Hays as a blushing bride;
second, Ralph winders as a
Delicious refreshments were
erred to all the patients and
the other guests. After it was
ail over, one realized that the
most surprising element of the
party was the patients them-
s are mys- i f 1 fa i -i I :
smg cos- i v x x u: ;r-m;mmmm'mmn
of pa- III VvAM-! t-T;V::V'' ' 'v, ..' !
unU and I f J I -- Xi ; m. ' ' ; ' "iH
San Study N7V tjl - 'TrW-V,r'v',
patients. Ill v, 'VSU .L-H "
III S :- ?!
f rrrr y ;j
Seven Division Each Under
A Captain Outlined by
Secretary of State
Hero you met Corporal "Bor Infrleston who will present the war
ail over again at Bllgh's Capitol theatre Armistice day. He will
make two appearances and will show pictures of the war and its
various side activities from the time it began on to the close.
First Meeting of Commun
ity Group Draws Large
large crowd was In attendance
at the first meeting of the Hayes
ville Community club, which met
at t&e school house Friday even
ing. me meeting
opened with
selves and their happy abandon- community singing:, led by Miss
ment to the fun of the hour.
Schedule of week's clinics for
the county health unit Is an
nounced as follows:
Monday preschool in morning
at Salem health center; Highland
school all day; dental examin
ations In district three all day.
-Tuesday Holiday. -v
Wednesday school and milk
kandlers in morning, . Salem
health center; Highland school,
morning; dental, district one and
two, all day.
Thursday preschool and
school at Jefferson, all day; den
ta corrective at Salem health cen
ter for children from district five,
Friday school clinic at Tur
ner, morning; toxin-antitoxin at
Svnnyslde and nearby districts,
afternoon; preschool at Salem
health center, afternoon.
Saturday toxin-antitoxin, Sa
lem health center, morning.
MONMOUTH. Nov. 8 Mon
mouth's Social hour club recent
ly acquired a triangular piece of
land which, adjacent to tbe city
park, will be landscaped and add
ed to the park terrains. It la a
ery desirable bit of property,
aad baa a special significance lo
cally, since in early days the city
of Monmouth deeded It to the
railway company as part of its
right of way, and now the Civic
club, has purchased it to give
again to the city.
The constant upbuilding of the
city park has been one of the
moat ativlv iMmnrtil mamN
menu conducted by the Civic
club, and the beauty and - excel
lent growth of the shrubbery
planted therein attest the ener
gy and loyalty of its membership.
Governor Norblad announced
Saturday that a number of granges
la Oregon have indorsed his pro
posal, to call a special sesssion of
the legislature prior to January 1
for the purpose of enacting a con
stitutional retroactive Intangibles
tax law to replace the one that
recently was declared invalid by
the state supreme court.
The' governor said be, also had
received numerous letters In
which the . writer opposed the
special" session. A resolution
adopted by the Portland chamber
ef commerce protesting against
the special sesion had not arrived
at the executive department Sat
urday. : ' l
Governor Norblad declare! that
he had not yet determined whether
he would call the special session.
SILVERTON, Nor. : 8. Mrs.
Klla Goes, who has been conval
escing at the home of Mrs. Lillian
Habbs for thep ast few weeks, has
gone to Portland to rema'n with
Mrs. McKee, .for whom she wa
formerly employed. Mrs. G-ixj has
been quite ill. but has regained
considerable ofber strength.. -
Lila Morariety. with Mls Jov
Greig at the piano.
Following ainging a program
was given by the school children:
Reading by three girls, Doro
thy Smith, Marcelle Frey and
Sachico Furuyama, and a five act
play, Cinderella, with the follow
ing cast: Eleanor Johnson, Cin
derella; Nadlne Quisenberry,
step mother; Delphine Stupfel,
sister; Mary Ito, sister; Frances
Babb, father; Marcelle Frey,
fairy godmother; Sachico Furuy
uama, page.
After more community sing
ing a business meeting was held
and the following officers elect
ed - for the ensuing year: presi
dent, E. I. Moore; vice president.
Mrs. Andresen; secretary, June
Oudeans; treasurer, David Oreig;
sergeant-at-arms, Charlea Reed.
4-H Clnbs Praised
After election of officers. Mrs.
Marshall, teacher in the Hayes
vine district, told of the fine
work accomplished by the pu
pils in 4-H club work the past
year. Achievement - pins were
presented for this work to Al
vin Frey, Alice George, Nadlne
Oudeans. Elmo Frey, Robert
Smith. Verne Ratzebary, Iris Ma
son, Rodney Oudeans, Hazel Ut
terbaek, Ksno Saito, Cheyo Sal
to. 4-H clubs will be organized tor
the coming year. A calf club,
poultry elub. sewing club and
home economics club. Mrs. Mar
shall will act as leader for the
sewing and home economics
club and C. 7. Stupfel for the
calf club. No leader was chosen
for the poultry club.
Short talks were also given
by the new officers and by the
retiring president. Oscar Norln.
Meeting Date Changed -
The meeting date of the club
was changed to the third Friday
In each month. The old commit
tees will be In charge of arrange
ments for the next meeting. No
vember 21. Some Important
business is scheduled for this
meeting and. a full attendance Is
Refreshments of doughnuts
and cider were served by the
committee. with . Mrs. Charles
Reed as chairman. ' .
. SILVERTON. Nor. 8. The of
fices of the Homeseekers agency
are undergoing a complete remod
eling process. Alf O. Nelson, man
ager, 4s having his private office
moved from within to the front
There will be three other rooms,
the waiting room, which will bo a
large attractive room in center;
the salesmen's room, and the ex
hib' room. In the latter Mr. Nel
son Is having placed a large num
ber of products from the Silveton
community. This room, he said,
will be open to the public at any
time during office hours, and. he
added, he hoped the public would
always feel welcome to look over
samples of what Silverton can pro
duce, i
The work, of remodeling will he
completed in two weeks' time.
' 4 "
D A JR. Granted
; Champoeg Site
The state board of control . Sat
urday adopted a resolution grant
ing to the Daughters of the Amer
ican Revolution grounds sur
rounding the new building of that
organization at Chameeg Park.
The amount of. ground that - will
be set aside for the organisation
will he determined by the hoard
at a later date. - .
Armistice day to be -Observed
With Parade and
SILVERTON, Nov. 8 The Del
bert Reeves Post of the Ameri
can Legion and its Auxiliary are
planning an Interesting program
fr Armistice day which will be
observed at Silverton. The speak
er at tbe program which will be
held at the local armory is Dr.
S. W. Gorden of the Methodist
church. Dr. Gorden Is well-known
throughout Oregon for his verse.
The Rev. J. F. Scherbrlng of St.
Paul's church will give the in
vocation and benediction. Vocal
numbers will b furnished by
Mrs. M. G. Gunderson and Martin
Doerfler. Mrs. Casper Towe will
give a recitation and the orches
tra, under the direction of Hal
L. Campbell will give several selections.
Prior to the program at the ar
Announcement et the forma
tion of seven traffic districts in
the state and tbe appointment of
seven - members of the state traf
fic division to serve as captains
of the seceral districts, was made
here Saturday - by Hal E. Hoss,
secretary of state.
Hoss, by, virtue of being secre
tary of state, is in charge of the
state traffic division.
Hoss declared : that the crea
tion of districts of more evenly
proportioned territory and the
naming of officers to assume full
responsibility in each of these
sections would he - a major lm
provement in the handling of the
traffic problems.
The officers will be designated
as captains In their respective
districts, but no change .will be
made In the official ratine of
thev men affected. There will be
no salary Increases. The seven
officers include two captains,
three lieutenants and two patrol
men who carry sergeant . rank
ings under their official rating
at the present time.
Leader Named
In Each District
The men to head the divisions
of the organization and the coun
ties included in their districts
District No. 1 Captain J. J.
MeMahon. Multnomah, Clacka
mas, Washington, Columbia and
Clatsop counties.
District No. 2 Captain E. B.
Houston, i Marion, Tillamook,
YaresllliPqlk and North Lincoln
counties ? r t - -. ; .
District !No 3 Captain Jay
Saltzman. Benton, South Lin
coln, Linn, Lane and Northwest
Douglas, i
District iNo. 4 Captain C. P.
Talent. ; Southeast Douglas,
Coos, Cnrry, Josephine and Jack
District No. 5 Captain E. R.
Thurber. Hood River, Wasco,
Sherman, , Gilliam, Northwest
Wheeler and Northwest Morrow.
District No. Captain O. O.
Nichols. Klamath. Lake, Des
chutes, Crook and Jefferson
District No. 7 Captain C. L.
Lieuallen. , East Morrow, North
east Wheeler, Grant, Umatilla.
Harney, Wallowa, Baker, Mal
heur and Union.
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Dodson. The , elder Mrs.
DodsoB has been In poor health
for some months, and the recent
tragic death of a nephew, Ralph
Dodson ef Toledo, who was shot
when mistaken for a bear, was a
sad shock to her," so -she will re
main on the Dodson farm here
for time to recuperate.
SUMMIT HILL, Nor. 8 John
Shifferer, Jr., expects to leave
for. Portland, the latter part of
the week, where he will enter
the Veteran's hospital. , Mr. Shif
ferer served with the army of
occupation In Germany and It
was during his service there his
health became Impaired. He ex
pects to remain at the hospital
- EUNNTSIDE, Nor. 8 Straw
berry cultivation is growing in
favor In this community with
several fruit growers enlarging
their ' present acreage of berries.
Frank Barnett has five . aces of
Etterbergs and .Marshals, with
an increase of one half of later
setting, and will further enlarge
next . year. - The Neuenschwand
erg bare three acres of bearing
plants. C. A. Towns Is putting
out three acres of strawberries.
-C. H. Taylor harvested a crop
of wheat which averaged 35 bu
shels to the acre on land which
has been farmed for years,
the' eld Henry Savage farm. fMr.
Taylor was also the grower of the
hirest Mammoth Purple Top tur
nips this aide or poruana.
Mr. Wlllos, who Is on the
Newby farm, la grubbing out
old netlte nrune trees and -
go in to strawberry culture. "
W.' 8. Pemherton, owner of
the Sunnyslde Fox Farm, attend
ed the International Lirestock
show -where he exhibited some of
his foxes, and brought home four
prise ribbons. Mr. . Pemberton is
now in Washington on his offi
cial tour of inspection of fox
Join National Guard
JEFFERSON, Nor. 8. From
the Jefferson high school there
are four boys receiving, credits
for attending Oregon National
Guard drill at Lebanon. ..The
hoys! go over every Monday night
for two hoars drill. In order to
get this credit they also must
attend a" 15 day training camp
in the summer. "
Tone Read
ing Lens .
; 254.95
Eyeglass Insurance and thos
oagh examination included.
mory a parade will be formed at Essay Found Appropriate to
Present Week; Dedicated
To Senator Langguth
Allen Brothers garage on North
Water street at ten o'clock. This
will march south to Main, east to
First, north to Oak, west to Wat
er and south to the armory.
The lineup will include the col
ors, the National Guard under
Captain Hutton, legionnaires, the
Legion Auxiliary, the Civil and
Spanish war veterans, school
children and clowns.
A turkey shoot, sponsored by
the legion, at the airport and a
football game with Silverton high
and Gervals warring, will fur
nish amusements for the after
noon. In the evening the annual
dance will be held at the armory.
The State Savings A Loan as
sociation will be In Its new quar
ters In the Guardian building.
State and Liberty streets, when
business opens Monday, J. J. El
liott, manager of the organiza
tion, said yesterday.
The transfer of equipment from
the offices in the Bligh building
will be made over the weekend.
Elliott said Saturday that the
State'a quarters there had not
been released although a deal
was pending.
. Directors in the State associa
tion which is to be affiliated with
the Guardian in Portland, include
Carl Gabrielson, Salem: C, A.
Reynolds, Silverton; E. B. Wil
liamson, Albany; J. S. Molzner, E.
E. Fitswater; W. R. Agnew and
W. A. Halliday, Portland.
Rental Will Not
Be Paid by Fire
Of Departments
Colonel W. G. D. Mercer of
Salem, 84 years "young," com
posed a brief essay entitled
"When God Made the Oregon
Apple.' Colonel Mercer yester
day pointed out that the essay
was appropriate at this time be
cause "Apple Week" ended Sat
urday. Colonel Mercer dedicated
his essay to Senator Arthur
The Colonel is making his
home in Salem, preparatory to
the opening of the legislature In
January. For the past 23 years
he has been chaplain of the sen
ate, composing in January 28,
1927, a prayer which was printed
an made a part of the records of
that body.
Colonel Mercer's essay, in part.
'And then He bethought him
self of the Oregon apple, and
straightway He dispatched his
white-winged angelic messenger
throughout all the star-strewn
realms of space with Instructions
to gather all there was that is
pleasing to the taste or smell.
When the angelic reapers return
ed from j their v harvesting and
threw down at His feet their bur
den of delicious gragrancies. He
began in their wondering pres
ence ahe moulding and fashion
ing of the Oregon apple. He took
of the nectar which Jupiter sips;
He took; of the dainty drop of
limpid wine from the moonlight-
colored cup of the wind-lily; He
took of i the pearly honey-dew
from the rubied heart of the
musk rose; He took of the glit
tering dew-drops which fall from
the rosy fingers of the goddess of
morning; He took of the pure
sweet snow which gleams from
the petals of the Illy of "the ral-
ley: He took of the sanctiried
sweetness of the kiss of love In
its first deen hour of truth; He
took of the sweet beguiling mel
odv of a mother's lullaby, and He
As a resnlt of in onlnlnn fc.nd-1 took of tne calm loveliness of tne
ed down by the attorney general closing flowers when day is dy
Satnrdav. the OrMon national In the evening star SO holy
guard, state veterinarian, state n?.
engineer, state board of vocational
education and the state board of
higher education, will not have to
pay for space in the new state of
fice building.' These departments
receive federal air, which pre
cludes tbe state from
them rental.
All self sustaining departments
are required to pay rent under the
attorney general's ruling, regard
less of whether they occupy space
And God said. Let us now
array this appetizing mixture In
gorgeous robes of russet and
scarlet and yellow, and bright
with the sheen of the dew.
So God took of the resplend-
my.J- I et beauty of the world's opening
cntrpni . it. rnnv f fhm ltvfnr
garlands which the angels weave
In Silver Starland; He took of
the triple rainbow on the moun
tain tops when the storm-dispell
ing sun; Is enthroned in golden
In the new state office building or n. Lv Jit.
-.asl . I v uiMf s . v few. . va . a ws
all V1U VyiVV SIX UViUi V
Two Apply For
Water Rights
Joy-tints upon the apple-blossom
cheeks of coy maidens when lore
within a dimple lies. Over these
wondrous tints and colorings" He
threw a protecting mantle of
dewy,, purple which. In autumn
time,' rises like a cloud of sweet
And then from out his tent of
clouds the conquering - autumnal
sun came proudly forth, and .like
A. W. Regner of Portland has
filed with the state engineer ap
plication to appropriate 15 sec
ond feet ef water from Odell lake I some grand enchanter.' shed the
and Odell creek for the develop-1 splendor of his smile on the Tip-
ment or 40 horsepower in Klam-lened gift, and all heaven and
ath county; I earth rejoiced, for lo. God had
. Charles b. and Erma Haywood, I made the Oregon apple!
roruana, nave requesiea permis
sion , to appropriate three second
xeet of water . from three small
springs for domestic r and fish I
ponds in Clackamas county.
MONMOUTH. Nor. S Mr. and
Mrs. Olirer Dodson of- Toledo,
are guests of their son and
You'll find new and lower prices at The Market- - While
our specials are very attractive they are by no means the
main f eature at a Busick store. If you are not entirely
satisfied with the i value your; food; dollar brings dhd iilll
you think that we can serve you to your advantage, visit
one or the other of these stores and we assure you that
we will give' you the very best in prices and service
that we can give to anyone, whether your purchases are
large or small.
mmivs a? tme oimim
Open Evenings to 9 O'clock P. M.
Only the Finest
Court St. at Commercial
A Dandy All
wmi mm
are ever used in
Fine Granulated
Packed in Sanitary
New Cloth Sacks
25 lb. net
6 pound pail
Laundry Soap
and at our new price
it's the best buy
we can offer you
Lg. loaves lie
All Flavors
8 p(g$. 22c
Canned f eas
and they are good, too
Large can 16&
Street Potatoes
lbs. 17g ; ;
lusiisfi'slleiui ;
well trimmed and
Celephone wrapped
Per lb. 2Sc
Albers Pearls
of Wheat
M. J. B. Coffee
' Smajl cans
Roman Meal
Health Food
Bran Flakes
Fancy Fruit
2 lb. Box Sodas