The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 09, 1930, Page 12, Image 12

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The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Snnday Morning. November 9; 1930
Belfast is World's Linen
Center but- Building
Ships now Leads
(Continued from page 11)
passing from the drawing frames
to the roving where It Is made
Into a soft thick thread prior to
spinning. In gill spinning roving
Is eliminated; the yarn is spun
direct from sliver.
Gill span yarns are only used
In the manufacture of twine and
are made only in the coarse num
bers but owing to the low twist
put on them require a somewhat
better flax than for a similar
number in wet spun yarns. It is
to be understood however that a
bigb grade flax is not required.
The best flaxes are used in the
manufacture of cloth, some high
grade flax is used in the making
of thread for needle, work pur
poses but this is a yery small
Dry spun yarns which are gen
erally made from tow or a very
poor flax may be described as the
shoddy of the linen trade. They
are only made In the lowest
counts, seldom exceeding 20's
and are used in the making -of
twine or as a weft in low grade
linen fabrics and unions.
Wet spun yarns are the cream
of the yarns as their names im
ply. They are passed through a
saturating bath on the spinning
machine prior to twisting. The
finest yarns are made on this
system, one mill at Belfast spin
ning No. 400s. The diameter of
this thread U .003125, in. : Some
idea, of 1fs fineness. can be had
by considering that No. 25s. the
finest spun locally has a diam
eter of .0125 in. Some idea of the
class of fibre required to make
this type of yarn can be got from
the fact that the select of our lo
cal flax will only spin around No.
40s. Linen yam has been spun as
fine as .00238 Ins. diameter; one
pound of this yarn would be al
most 120 miles long.
Linen wearing which is look
ed upon as the most important j
branch of linen manufacturing
calls for considerable1 skill as by
many it is considered the most
difficult of all weaving opera
tions and for the making of fine
cloth calls for yery exacting con
ditions in regards temperature
and, humidity.
It is generally separated into
two classes; plain and damask,
the former covers everything in
linens except damasks. Contrary
to general belief plain linens are
the most difficult to make, sheet
ing is about the most difficult of
all to make. Many look upon
damask as the finest of linens.
While It is the most beautiful
and the most costly to make, is
is a coarse linen, the yarns used
in the finest damask would not
make the. coarsest handkerchief.
Compared by weight and count It
can readily be seen, taking 240
threads per square Inch, the ave
rage for damask Is six ounces per
pquare yard cambric, 2 ounces
and sheer lawn 1; ounces per
square yard. Sheer lawn Is the
finest of all linens end Is the only
linen woven ''bare" all the other
linens being "covered." Follow
ing are the figures In threads per
square Inch for the finest of some
of the best known "linens, crash
SO, huck and sheeting 200, dia
pers and cambric 240, sheer
lawn 260, and damask 300, these
figures are based on power loom
cloth, la cambrics and sheer con
siderably finer is made in band
Some ideas of the cost of dam
ask can be got from the fact that
there Is no . difference in plain
looms and damask until the Jac
quards are attached, with the
harness and cards, the cost of
the loom ready for operation will
be from five to ten times the or
iginal cost of the actual loom,
added to this Is the fact that the
ccst of the harness and cards
have to be written off every five
years. In fact the cards will re
quire several lacings and repairs
during this period.
Bleaching operations are us
ually carried on remote from the
cities where plenty of water Is
available and for the purpose of
grassing the cloth and also to get
away from the smut of the city.
Linen which has much coloring
to be removed than cotton la
much easier tendered by chemi
cals than cotton consequently the
treatment has ot be lighter nad
performed 'many times.
It is often said that no Im
provements have been made in
linen manufacturing, but a close
Inspection would reveal many.
The present day hackling ma-4
chine, which .can be operated by
one person is almost unrecognis
able from Its predecessor In
which the carrying clamps bad to
be screwed and unscrewed- by
hand both at the feed end and
at the switch end. One ot these
old type of machines employed
more boys than either of the lo
cal -linen mills. All the machines
in the spinning department have
been Improved to give a consid
erably greater output. Automatic
looms have not given satisfactory
results In the weaving Industry
except In coarse -work where the
warp threads are well spaced
apart, as "catches," the bugbear
ot linen weaving, can only be de
tected by eye are Increased by
the warp detector on automatic
looms. "Catches" make it so dlf
. flcult to make tubular linen that
1U manufacture is seldom under
taken. Many erroneous statements
have been regarding linen. It has
been said that with modern
equipment that linen could be'
made as cheap as cotton. The
. state has not f made flax . any
cheaper and linen mills could not
make linen as cheap as cotton if
they got the flax for tfothlng, ow-
lng to the difference In manufac
turing costs. Low altitude has
been given as one of the essen
tials for linen manufacture, al
' tltude has little bearing on It but
an equitable climate with plenty
of humidity, some of the finest
' ot linen Is made at higher alti
tudes than Salem. X refer to come
. : rr ; v , - .mm , ,- ,m,ti ,-t .. iv
Thfl aerial drawingjhowa the propose4 aites lor a aalt irater barrier ,wbch, flrill, eliminate'
the menace of aalt water damage to the fertile river bottom lands in the Sani Toaquiji and 1 1
Sacramento river country. The proposed barrier would make a fresh water lake oat of San
Pablo Bay, an arm of San Francisco Bay, and would be one of the outstanding engineering:
feats of the age. The aerial photograph shows one of the barrier sites. The car is a Buick
Eight sedan, sent out to secure data on the barrier plans.
of the mills In Alsace. France.
Even the Oregonian which gen
erally considers Itself correct, re
cently stated that York street had
2,000 looms which Is 500 in ex
cess of the number In that plant,
there Is only one mill at Belfast
with 2000 looms, York street
however enjoys the distinction of
being the only other mill with
over 1000 looms. There are sev
eral companies operating two
mills which combined would be
around 1000. The Milfort mill
with two branch factories had
around 2000 looms. This com
pany has gone out of business. -
There is one mill with 30,000
spindles, there is a company op
erating three mills wIch com
bined would probably exceed
this number. It has been suggest
ed that as hemp can be grown In
Salem district that it be grown
and be mixed with flax as some
of the Belfast mills do. This was
adopted during the war as a
means of ekelng oat the flax sup
ply and- for a short time after
wards but I believe Is now dis
continued. Many of the leading
weaving plants refused to use It
whatever, and recently the Broad
way Damask company took ac
tion against a continental spin
ning mill for supplying linen
yarn adulterated with hemp on a
contract which called for all pure
flax. In this case It contained 30
percent hemp. This company has
always refused to accept adulter
ated yarns, as they always have
been noted for the high quality
of their products. It and York
street may be considered as the
two leading mills of the' city. The
objection to hemp Is that It has
not the durability of linen and It
Is much easier bleached, so that
when mixed with linen it Is burn
ed In the bleaching process be
fore the linen is bleached, result
ing In a very Inferior fabric
manufacturers are very conserva
tive is a well known fact, but In
many cases it Is just a refusal to
lower i the standard of their
goods for which they are justly
noted. With the present demand
for rayon mixtures many of them
refuse to make it. Rayon has a
very short life compared with
linen, and they believe that when
the consumers find out Its poor
wearing qualities, that it would
react to the detriment of the lin
en trade. During the war and for
some time after when flax was 1
very scarce many of the damask
mills nade cotton damasks, one
of the old line stalwarts would
have nothing to do with it saying
that only a "rag man" would
make cotton.
Belfast Is looked upon as a
great linen center, because all of
the linen is shipped through It,
and nearly all of the mills have
their warehouses and show rooms
there. Even Dublin's only linen
mill has its warehouse and show
rooms at Belfast. Considerably
less than half of the industry is
in the city. Lurgan where some
of the finest of linens are made1
may be said to depend entirely
on its linen mills. In this town
of about 16,000 there are about
2,500 rooms and about the same
number of stitching machines.
Some of the weavers here make
fancy bordered handkerchiefs, in
some cases using as many as 17
shuttles, compared with the Bel
fast weavers are only novices.
One company In this town could
well adopt Buick's slogan re
vamped: "When better linens are
made Johnston, Allen A Co. will
make them." When some of the
other leading mills require excep
tionally fine linens this will
make it for them. The stitchers
In this town cannot be excelled,
as even York street have their
stitehlng room there. One mill
"Shamrock linens" Is a short dis
tance out of the city over the
door ot their weaving ahed In
large letters are! the words:
"Good doth or no doth." Six out
of the first eight linen mills are
outside Belfast as are also all of
Barbour's Linen Thread com
pany's mills, outside of the Bel
fast Rope works, Barbrous con
trol the thread and twine indus
try. While It cannot be classed
as a linen mill the rope works
use a considerable quantity of
flax for net making. This plant
employs 3000 people and make
from net twine to a rope 8 inch
es in diameter.
That many of the Irish linen world famed for Its
common cold, research of more
than two years by a corps of-specialists
at the Johns Hopkins med
ical school Indicates, Is transmit
ted by a disease-producing virus
bo small It defies the most power
ful microscope.
This virus, present fn the nose
of a person suffering from a cold,
passes through the finest flnlters
and it la Impossible to make It
grow In the laboratory, according
to Dr. James A. Doull. formerly
director of the Johns Hopkins re
search, and Dr. Perrin H. Long,
now of the Johns Hopkins facul
ty. The finding Is the first defin
ite announcement to come out of
the research.
The work done by the1 Hopkins
group, leaves much to be desired
before the hope of Isolating the
specific! organism can be found.
products a member of the faculty, said to-
LIBERTY, Not. S Mr. and
Mrs. Oscar Dencer attended a
meeting of the Allagrea club
Tuesday evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snyder of
Ed Hamel has gone to Seattle
to spend the winter with his son,
Floyd Hamel.'
A. A. Eugle who has been -visiting
the past week with his sis
ter, Mrs. E. Williams, left Sat
urday for Newport where he will
spend the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Dencer had
as their guests Friday, Mr. Den
cer's aunt, Mrs. John Thomas of
San Mateo, California and Mrs.
Thomas's son, Edwin Thomas of
Roger Batt, a former resident
of Liberty, but now of Boise. Ida
bo, was a guest at the Bruce
Cunningham home last week
end, i .
; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Asbahr and
family of Corvallls were week
end visitors with Mr. Asbahr' s
sister, Mrs. Henry Gilbert.
Mervln Seegar accompanied by
Lola and Jeanete Daseh motored
to Corvallls last Sunday to vlit
with Dale Dasch who is a student
at O. S. C. ,
Mrs. Julius Beekman, nee Opal
Davis, of Salem, who was re
cently operated on at .the Salem
General hospital, is bow recuper
ating at the borne ot her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Davis.
This was examination week at
school and next week report
cards are to be distributed.
There are still a number of
pupils out of school with chick
enpox. , Friday visitors at the school
were Mrs. Mary E. Fulkersttn,
county school superintendent
and Miss Grace E. Taylor, coun
ty health nurse.
The club In Mr. Myer's room
has been named "The Liberty
Lore "club" and' a meeting Was
held "oh Friday, afternoon; Offi
cers for the next two months
were -elected. For president,
Franklin Hauser; vice president,
Leona Polk; secretary. Lee
Stowe; treasurer, Jerry Jo Pat
terson; reporter, Catherine Dal
las. Four-H club work Is getting
under way. The seventh and
eighth grade girls are organizing
a cooking club and the boys are
planning on a pig-club.'
The pupils of Mrs. Rees' room
also had a club meeting and
elected new officers.
The Jolly Workers club of
Mrs. Rain's room met on Friday
If the virus could be made to
grow In a laboratory tube the
hope of developing a vaccine
would be nearer. But the virus
now blamed for the widespread
malady estimated to cause a
92,000,000,000 loss annually In
lost wages to American workers
alone, cannot be detected even
with the strongest microscope or
the finest filter.
Confirmation of the theory that
the cold is transmitted from one
person to another, was said to be
itself important, as the hypothesis
has been held that the cold might
be the product of chemical
changes In the body.
morning and for their program
had a number et very interesting
reading repots given by the pu
pils. Next Tuesday is a holiday be
cause It Is Armistice day.
Newt Abbott, the school Jan
itor and a number of the parents
accompanied the football team to
West Salem on Wednesday after
noon taking the team and root
ers over in their cars. Thank you,
parents! -
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Denny and
family of Beaverton were recent
visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Gilbert. Mrs. Denny
is a sister of Mrs. Gilbert.
RICKEY, Nov. 8 W. Flood,
proprietor of the 4-Corner gar
age has has his place ot business
H. E. Martin and M. Wells are
farming the D. A. Harris farm.
This Is the third year they have
farmed this place.
Roy Crabb has been pledged to
the junior chamber of commerce
of the Salem high school.
Michael Fltzpatrick spent sev
eral days In Portland the past
week. .
George Edwards who has been
111 for some time is now in a Sa
lem hospital where he under
went an operation.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Humphreys
attended the International stock
show and visited their daughter,
Mrs. Rolph Westering in, Port
land last week.
Jason Jones of Seotts Mills
who received special mention at
the old time fiddlers contest held
at Woodburn recently was a for
mer pupils ofMrs. M. M. Ma
gee of this place.
At that time he was only a
small boy but even then played
the violin exceptionally well.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. LaB ranch e
were patrons for the bazaar dance
given at the St. Joseph's , hall in
Salem Friday night. MrawVeneta
Was among throse on the arrange
ment committee.
Julius Jasmer has rented the
F. Durbln and Son farm, known
as the Meadow Lawn dairy.
o o
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Skelton and
young son Robert, who has been
visiting at the home of Mrs. Skel
ton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N.
Jones have returned to their
home at Grants Pass.
Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Travis, have
returned from Portland where
they stayed a few days at the
home of Mrs. Ida Sullivan.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Hodge and
Mrs. John Mills of Salem attend
ed the lodge meetings here
Thursday night.
Mrs. Eley Fluke Is In a Salem
hospital, for treatment. Last re
ports she was slowly Improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Busby ac
companied Mr. and Mrs. H. Hat
field of Corvallls on a weekend
fishing trip over on the Alsea riv
er. Some are having good luck
catching the silver sides at this
Mrs. B. F. Swope, Mrs. Nelson,
Mrs. Jim Crowley and Miss Ida
Bush, attended a missionary rally
at McMinnville this week.
irrivrrrnT?. "Nor. s Mr. ana
Mrs. Lewis Melby and , M. O.
White were Sunday guests of Mr.
and Mrs. J. P. Jessing in Port
land. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lowry mov
ed the first of the weekf to Silver
ton to be near Mrs. Loury's par
ents, who are both on the sick
list. .
Francis Rebekah lodge held
their annual bazaar Saturday
night, November 8, in the T. O..
O. F., hall. A good program of
music, readings and a short play
were given and lunch was sold
following the sale,
i Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Lemon ac
companied by Mrs. V. G. Calvin
drove to Corvallls Sunday after
noon to take back to school Miss
Walvo Lemon and Miss Eliza
beth Kraus of Aurora.
The vote in the Monitor pre
cinct went strong for Meier, he
receiving 99 votes, Bailey 34,
Metschan 6 and Streiff 6.
Paul Campbell of Ontario, Ore
gon was a week, end guest at the
D. J. Glllanders home. Mr. Camp
bell and sister-in-law, Mrs. Gil
landers visited friends In Port
land, Monday. -
Byron Ballweber Is drilling a
deep well at Harmony school.
Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Thornton,
Miss Alma Thornton and Ray
mond and Theodore Thornton re
turned Tuesday night from a two
weeks visit with relatives In Cal
ifornia. C. M. Llndberg of Portland
visited Monday with his father,
E. Llndberg.
The Dorcas society of Kidpras
church will hold their annual
bazaar Saturday night, November
15 in their hall east of town.
The Home Makers radio club
held their meeting Tuesday at?
ternoon at the L. D. Lemon
home. The lecture for the day. by
Mrs. Sara Watt Prentiss over
"KOAC was "What Do ' You Do
W,h e n , Y,our Child , , says I
Won't? "
Mrs. L. E. Dlmlck, . chairman o
X . a. lil.A
or ue servic onop commit ir
has the club members busy plec-
g a quilt for the service Bfcop.
Mr. and Mrs: J. A. Van Cleave
entertained tne xouowing guests
at dinner sunaay, Air. ana irs.
William McMorrls, Mrs. M. Van
Cleave and Miss Bertha Van
Cleave, TJnlonJ" i -
Leon Ballweber of Hood River
sent Sunday with Byron Ball
weber and family. '
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Uenhart
Sd chlldrenj Wlnnlf red, John
d Frances and j Miss Naomi
Dlmlck were" Sunday dinner
gjuests of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Cole
man in Can by.
Miss . Viola Uenhart spent1, the
veek, end with friends in Port
land i and- attended the stock
show. " - '
KINGWOOD, Nov. 8 Mrs.
ames Grigsbr and small son
Jimmy of Medford, are guests of
Mrs. Grigsby's parents, Mr. and
Mrs: J. A. Yantlss. They came
Wednesday and - will remain until-
'Mr. and Mrs. Victor. Barr, new
arrivals from Detroit, ' Michigan,
have leased the Rich Relman
house on Parkway. They are
i laying for the present with Mr.
nd Mrs. Robert Hall until their
household ' effects arrive from
Michigan and In the meantime
the Relman, house is being re
decorated. )
I- Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Stephen LaRaut were Mr. and
Mrs. Leston Lewis and Mrs. R.
O. Smith, all of Portland. Both
Sirs. Smith and Mrs. Lewis are
isters of Mr. LaRaut.
A neat garage hag been erect
4 at the Carl Mobley place and
Improvements are also being
bade on the house. The Eric
teutler house In which Dr. and
Mrs. D. A. Williams lire Is being
dressed up In a new- coat t, of
paint? Mr. And i Mrs. Theodore
Bernard are having the Interior
their home redecorated.
o o o
W2HI1 Savq srum? 3ai?
When did you have the top
Bring it in and let us do it.
444 Ferry Street
Telephone 3441
iSPECTW wmsi
On a ilaybestos Brake
testing machine built
by the makers of Ray
bestos brake lining.
Car Owner
In what condition are
your brakes?
kTHE Winter season is almost here, and it is on ac
count of the wet, slippery, and icy condition of our
highways during this season of the year that we
call your attention to the condition of your brakes.
Do all of your brakes take hold alike? If not, they
should. . .
Bring your car in if you are not sure whether they
are all right or not and have them checked on our
Raybestos brake testing machine, and we will tell
you in what condition your brakes are.
7 For this inspection there will be no charge. 4
435 North Commercial Salem, Oregon - j Telephone 97
:r : General repairing for all makes of cars
1 -V
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Another Amazing Victory
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Setting a dazzling pace, the sates of Gilmore BIu-Green Gaso
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any gasoline. f , .
These successive victories have been won in the face of keenest
competition with the motoring public at the wheel . . ; not by trained
racing drivers in special built racers, nor by specialists in mad dashes
through the air or on the water. . " -
By octuardemonstration me superiority of this patented (U. S
Patent No. 1664050) carbon eliminating gasoline has convinced
076,631 motorists that it is the bestJordairy use.
Try It fora few hundred miles ;7."you1I notice how much better
your car will run. Insist on the genuine Gilmore BIu-Green Gasoline
from the familiar cream and red pump , at Independent Service
Stations end Garages.. Don't be fooled by imitations.
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K P O . ' San Francisco
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