SERVICE! If your copy of . The Statesman .does not arrive by 6:80 i. mM telephone BOO and copy will be aent to you. J.. WEATHER Shower today, Monday probably cloudy, possibly showers; max. temperature Saturday 62; mln. 41; south wind, river 2.8. EIGHTIETH YEAR Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, November 9, 1930 No. 19S .V' i ARMISTICE DAY PARADE PLANS ARE GIVEN OUT Exercise at Courthouse to Feature Noise Making At "Zero Hour" .Varied Entertainment. Will Follow in Afternoon; , Program Outlined At 11 o'clock Tuesday morn ing, 12 years from the time of the Armistice In Europe, every whistle In the city will be blown to mark the anniversary of the cessation of war. As a signal for the whistles to blow, the fire siren at the city hall will be sounded Just before the hour of 11 comes. At the same hour at the monu ment In Marlon square the Star Spangled banner will be played by the Salem band while the American flag is raised from half to full masf!) , Taps will pfcsound-t ed by the American' acii4 corps and a volley in Honor of the dead will be fired by a squad from B company. Organizations who desire to do so will place wreaths at the monument at the courthouse. Yesterday Colonel Carle Abrams, grand marshal of the Armistice day parade, announced the details for the march which will include representatives from Trf mlnitary, patriotic, fraternal and religious bodies in Salem who desire to participate. Parade Moves at 0:43 wl.w. Promptly Assembly for the parade will be hell at Marion square at 9:45 a.m. Tuesday and the march will begin promptly at 10: IS a.m. without regard to weather condi tions. In the reviewing stand to be located on the north side of State street midway between High and Church streets will be Governor Norblad, Mayor Llvesley and commanders of each veteran's or ganization In Salem. Major General George A. White will deliver the address of the aUdress of the day at the court house grounds In the morning fol lowing the parade. The celebration ol Armistice day will begin here tomorrow night when the American legion, sponsors for the observance, will hold their first performance of "Behind the Front" to be given at the armory. Various amuse ment attractions and free dancing (Turn to page 2, col. 1) SET FOR THURSDAY The Marlon county court has granted hearing to the granges' proposal or a county agent, and date for the hearing set for Thursday morning at 10 o'clock. In the courtroom of department two of the circuit court. The county court's, allowance of the heating came after a dele gation of disinterested Silverton business men appeared before the court to ask that the grang es be granted a hearing. Some granges of the county have endorsed the move to cre ate office of a county agent, and others have not been to heartily in favor of it. Both sides, and others Interested, will have an opportunity to express opinion next Thursday. tegqn ulefs INSPECTION PROBLEM PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 8. (AP). The Oregon State build ing committee, which proposes to submit a building code to the 1931 legislature, at a meeting here today , discussed the rela tionships between municipalities and state authorities under such a code. The group expressed the opin ion enforcement In unincorporat ed districts adjacent to munici palities employing a building In spector could be done by muni cipal Inspectors under state au thority. They would Inspect un der state regulation only. Fred A. Williams, Salem, com mittee chairman, presided at the meeting. COREY CONVICTED MEDFORD, Ore., Not. 8. (AP) -Edward Corey, Rogue River, on parole from the Washington state reformatory, was convicted by circuit "court Jury here today of a sta tutory offense against a 13-year-old girt. PRODUCTION TALKED t MEDFORD, Ore Nov. 8 (AP) The two-day Mid-Pacific Empire Agricultural Economic conference closed here today. Jack H. Grafton, of Klaniath Falls, told tbe conference south ern Oregon and northern Cali fornia.! could produce 15,000 cars of potatoes yearly. Other speakers included Prof. H ON AGENT Business Revival is Statewide Program v Launched in Salem Local Lions Club Plan Supported by Numerous Civic Organizations in Oregon; Big Conference Called Here Nov. 17 REPRESENTATIVES of chambers of commerce, wom en's clubs and service organizations from all parts of Oregon have been called to meet in the hall of representa-i txves here Monday, November 17, for the purpose of launch ing a statewide business revival campaign. I The campaign is being sponsored by the Salem Lions Oclnb, and has the support of hun L T. BLISS DIES EARLY TODAY War Time Chief of Staff is Victim of Recurring Ailment at 76 WASHINGTON. Nov. 9. (AP) General Tasker H. Bliss, war time chief of staff, and active in the army for 56 years, died early today at Walter Reed hospital. He was 76 years old. General Bliss died at 2:36 a. m. He had been HI for some time, and recently was stricken with a recurring intestinal ailment. A surprising vitality kept him alive for days after physicians had abandoned hope for his recovery His wife, son and daughter were with him at the end. Won Higher Decorations One of the most respected of army chieftains. General Bliss won during his long career not only the high decorations of his own country but also high orders and crosees of Great Britain. France, Belgium, Japan and China. In 1917, while serving as chief (Turn to page 2. col. 4) TO BE SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 8 (AP Pinned by a Jagged rock to Pescadero reef. 50 miles south of here, the tanker Tamiahua was to be abandoned by her crew of 39 at 3 o'clock tomorrow morning. A breeches buoy was rig-ged up today to take off the crew when repeated efforts of tugs nd a coast guard cutter had failed to budge the tanker. The early morning hour was chosen as the most expeditious as the tide will be low and receding, lessening possibilities of mishap as the sailors are dragged through the surf. The crew has remained aboard the craft ever since she ground ed on the bleak coast in a dense fog Thursday night. A jagged rock which penetrated eight feet into her hold, leaking tanks and the continued rocking of ground swells which setlled the ship, made efforts to refloat her vir tually hopeless. Salvagers were preparing to be gin an attempt early next week to save the vessel If she is not hopelessly battered by the tail end of a gale which the federal weather bureau reported was driving In from the sea. The Tamiahua was grounded scarcely 200 feet from shore. 6EH GO! TANKER ABANDONED Building Code Talked Paroled Youth Guilty Conference Adjourns Mumps Spreads, Word G. R. Hyslop, Oregon State col lege, D. E. Alexander, Klamath Falls, W. G. Ide. manager of the Oregon state chamber of com merce. EPIDEMIC AT TOLEDO TOLEDO. Ore., Nov. 8 (AP) An epidemic o. mumps has hit tbe Toledo schools and Superin tendent Winters said today 20 per cent of tbe students of one school were absent because of Illness. He urged parents and school children to cooperate In quarantine measures to bring tbe epidemic under control. REIF WINS OUT ROSEBURG, Ore.. Not. 8 (AP) Raymond Reif, Rote burg, was the successful appli cant for a 157 acre homestead leased here today, officials at the United States Land office announced. There were ten other applicants for the home stead. MILL BURGLARIZED KLAMATH FALLS. Ore.. Nov. 8 (AP) A large sum of money was stolen , from the Martin Brothers' flour mill here early today by jobbers who broke in the rear door, knocked tbe com bination off the vault and blew the safe . with nltro-glycerlne. The robbers went to unnecessary work in blowing the safe because It had been left unlocked. Th amount of money stolen was announced. dreds of commercial and civic organizations in Oregon. Stimu lation of Christmas buying is one of the important matters that will receive consideration. Governor Norblad ! yesterday sent letters to virtually all of the chambers of commerce, women's clubs and civic organizations in Oregon urging them to send two delegates to the meeting. The speakers will include Irving E. Vining, ex-president of the Ore gon state chamber of commerce; Jack Ferris, district governor of. the Oregon i district of J Lions clubs; President Newlands of the Portland chamber of commerce; Rev. Feguson of the Astoria Presbyterian' church; William (Turn to page 2. col. 3) MOTHER Ml THE WANGHESE. NC, Nov. 8. (AP) Spurred on by the cries of her two Strapped children, a mother dashed to death in the flames of het burning home to day, unwittingly carrying a two months' old biby with her. The charred bodies of the four Mrs. Ella Barnett, 21; Armeta Barnett. 4; Howard Barnett. 2, and the baby, Lottie were found nestled together when the flames gave way to ashes. The wife of a fisherman who was away onia cruise,: Mrs. Bar nett was alone with her children In the home; Early today she awakened to find the house fill ed with smoke. Screaming.! she rushed to a neighbor's bouse carrying the baby and summoned aid. Re turning, she Iran into the house to get the other children with baby Lottie still in her arms. All died in the flames. .The women of this fishing Tillage, all their menfolk away at sea, stood by helplesslyj 93I0ED. TO 0. S. WASHINGTON. Nov. 8. (AP) A total of 9,349 miles was reported today by the bu reau of public roads to have been added to federal-aid high ways in the1 continental United States and 1 Hawaii during the fiscal year 1930. In addition, at the end of the year 9,915 miles of road were in process of Improvement and 3, 489 additional miles were ap proved for construction. Government disburse m e n t s during the iyear on all active road and bridge projects aggre gated $75,880,963, a decrease of $6,200,000 Under the total for 1929. The construction during the year brought the mileage of the federal aid system to 193,049. SANTA MONICA, Cal., Nor. 8 (AP) From within the dirt walls of the! cave-in that threat ened to entomb him, j G. W. Hi ram, 22 year old laborer shouted directions today to fellow work ers enabling; them to rescue him. : Hiram, who came here recent ly from Reseda, Calif., was im prisoned when a wall of a pit be and others j were digging col lapsed. His shouts enabled the other laborers to find him and he was taken out and removed to a hos pital suffering a broken arm and probable Internal Injuries. Catholic, Jew And Protestant In Joint Drive WASHINGTON, Nor. 8 (AP) Ignoring ! credal differences, the Protestant, Catholic and Jewish churches In America are planning' a common effort to as sist in the drive against unem ployment, j J 1 Representatives of the three branches of religion, combining a membership I of some 40.000,000 persons, made known today that a preliminary conference had been held at which ft was decid ed to call a general meeting In Washington I January 1 I and 27 to formulate plans. MEN VICTIMS HIGHWAYS ENTOMBED n LI1FIFCTS RESCUERS HOOVER TO ASK FUNDS TO HEIP Appropriation Sought When Congress Meets, Speed Up Construction Seed Loan for Victims of Drought Another Plan Told by President WASHINGTON. Nov. . 8. (AP) President Hoover plans to ask congress for emergency appropriations to furnish em ployment and assist drought suf ferers. The one will go toward speed ing up the government's build ing program and the other will take the form of a seed loan. A statement outlining the plan came from the White House late today after the war depart ment and his emergency employ ment 'committee, had separately made . known ; further phases i of their own relief programs. The statement follows: "The president announced to day that the administration had decided to recommend to con gress a special emergency appro priation to be applied to the fur ther intensification of public works, public buildings and oth er forms of federal construction which are already authorized by congress but for which no ap propriations would normally be made until later periods; and further to recommend the pro vision of a 'seed loan' assistant to farmers in the drought areas. Government Jobs To be Undertaken "It will be remembered that the appropriations for federal (Turn to page 2, col. 3) E PATIENTS FLEE FROM BLAZE MASSILLON, Ohio. Nov. 8. (AP)-MWe than"" 2D0 Inmates and attendants at the Massillon state hospital for the Insane were forced to flee from three build ings early tonight when fire de stroyed McKinley ball, dormitory and auditorium building, and threatened several others. Officials of the Massillon fire department expressed belief that the fire was of incendiary origin. Tbe flames started in tbe base ment Bhortly before six p. m., and an hour later had virtually de stroyed McKinley hall. The loss was fixed by Superintendent Arth ur G. Hyde at $125,000. The entire Massillon fire force and one company from Canton battled the flames and succeeded In limiting them to the one build ing, though they threatened at times to spread to the dining hall adjoining, and two large cottages from which 200 patients had been removed for safety. Many of the 100 attendants who lived In Mc Kinley hall were forced to flee when smoke warned them of im pending danger. ME1CE OF FLOOD IS FiCEDlT PARIS PARIS. Nov. 8 (AP) Flood waters from the swollen Seine were reported seeping Into the underground tracks at both the Orsay and Invalldes railway sta tions tonight and the perfect of the department of the Seine is sued instructions that police and firemen were to take all precau tionary measures enacted after the disastrous floods of 1910 and 1924. All traffic on the river has been stopped, wharves are under water on both sides of the stream and at some points pumping sta tions began to operate this after noon. - Chases Pigskin Among Electric Wires; May Die SPOKANE, Nov. 8 (AP) Ralph Hanson. 11, followed a kicked football Into a high toI tage electric substation enclosure today and was so badly burned he may die. I A playmate kicked the ball In to the enclosure and Ralph climb ed a high fence to get it. He touched a wire and was thrown from the fence, fracturing his skull. HU head, left arm. shoul der and hel were burned. He is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Hansen. IS RECOVERING 8ILVERTON, Not. 8. Del Bar ber, who has been absent from his work as manager of the Hubbs Planing -Mill for the past week, hopes that he will be sufficiently recovered by the first of the week to return. Mr. aBrber has been suffering from a number of car buncles on his right hand. PROVIDE LABOR INSAN They're Sure Experiment Success fV''T':CV "SS Oli I LLI1 fi&WIm , J OF CRffl . 1 M" ' s 'ill M DOWN bhitm f'X Formal Announcement Made By Secretary Stimson Following Report RIO DE JANEIRO, Nov. 8 (AP) Announcement was made tonight that Geat Bri tain has 1 recognized the pro visional gorernment set up following the recent revolt in Brazil. k WASHINGTON. Nov. 8 (AP) First of the major world powers to recognize the new pro visional government of Brazil, the United States formally ac knowledged today the adminis tration of provisional President Gutelio Vargas to be the con trolling political factor in that country. Recognition by the United States of the new Brazilian re gime was announced by Secre tary Stimson after a conference with President Hoover and upon receiving from Ambassador Mor gan at Rio de Jeneiro a report upon the entire question of rec ognition. In addition the Brazil (Turn to page 2, col. 2) ST WASHINGTON, Not. 8. -(AP) The assertion that unless the Volstead act was modified within the next two years, President Hoover and the republican party would meet defeat at tbe next pre sidential election was made today by Representative Britten, repub lican, Illinois, an opponent of pro hibition. "President Hoover," the Illinois member said, "would please the country at large and do much to bring back prosperity to the farm ers If he wolud see to it that the Wiekersham law enforcement com mission reported favorably for modification of the Volstead act to permit the manufacture and sale of beer. He should take a firm stand for modification." Britten said Tuesday's election Increased tbe "number of wets In the house by 40." The referenda In Illinois, Rhode Island and Massachusetts. Britten said, "clearly demonstrates the people are tired of this noble ex periment." Enthusiasm For Grid Game Puts 84 Behind Bars PITTSBURGH. Not. 8 (AP) In the language f the grid Iron, student enthusiasm ran out of bounds today before and after the annual city championship clash between the football forces of Carnegie Tech and the Uni versity of Pittsburgh, resulting in 84 arrests. The score remained 8 to 0 tonight in faTor of tbe po lice with the number still in cus tody on charges of disorderly con duct. The other It 39 Tech enthus iasts and -37 of Pitt were re leased either because police could not definitely identify them as perpetrators over a per iod of 24 hours of brick and milk bottle throwing, automobile burnlna and reckless parading4 or because a forgiving higher po lice officer requested that they be freed. - . Pittsburgh Gets 1 Point Victory . ' PITTSBURGH, Not. 8 (AP) The University of Pittsburgh defended its city football cham pionship at the stadium this af ternoon by defeatiBg Carnegie Tech 7 to I before 50,000 fans. The contest was stubbornly fought from start to finish with the Skibo carrying the fight to the Panther much of the way. PROHIBITION IIMDLN6 BLOCK Above are the 20 boys and girls of the Falrvlew school, conducted this year as one of two experimental schools in the one-room rural school group. Although the year is yet early, they are having great fun with tbe new methods adopted for their education. Mrs. Grace Sehon is teacher. Below are four persons who constitute the entire membership of the Taylor school, tucked away in the Marion county hills. Except the teacher, Hilda Kranta who Is standing in the rear, they are all members of the same family. , From left: John, Norma and Ira Short. Project Method for One Room School is Proven Practicable Experiment in Marion County Reveals Pupils Take to "Program " Classwork and Also Minimize Waste Time THERE may not be a half pint golf course across the way, but even at that the boys and girls out at the Fairview rural school aren't taking their hats off to any of the city schools these days. For these children, exactly 20 of them, are carrying on classroom studied to a large extent through the project method, so stressed today in the larger MUSEUM IS TALKED FOR WILLAMETTE 0. A movement to recapture pi oneer relics of the Oregon terri torial and pre-territorial days for a permanent, fire-proof museum at Willamette university has been agreed-upon locally by friends of the university. Their plan Is to urge the trus tees to provide adequate quarters for the' housing of mementoes of the great days of yesterday, a time in which Willamette univer sity played a signal part In the securing of the Oregon territory tor the United states domain. Thousands of such relics have been sent to other places, some have gone to other states and ev en ' other countries, say people who are Interested - in Oregon's history. These folks feel that the relics should have been kept in Salem and ask that no more of them be sent away but rather be kept for posterity in a Willamette university museum. Birthday Plane Kills Recipient WARWOOD, W. Va., Nov. 8. (AP) Alfred Hundt, It, of War- wood, crashed to his death tonight in an airplane that was given to him as a birthday present six weeks ago. Tbe youth was seeking hours of night firing looking to a posi tion as an air mall pilot. DeMolays Will Shorten Dances KANSAS CITY, Not. 8 (AP) Seeking to relieve parental anxiety, the order or ueMoiay tonight announced the beginning of a nation wide movement ad vocating the ending at midnight of all dances hereafter sponsored by Its chapters and other organi zations of youth. Cfcity schools. In fact, the Fairview school has been turned into one of the two experimental schools estab lished In Marlon county through the efforts of Mrs. Mary L. Ful kergon, county school superin tendent. The other school fs at McKee, in the north end of the county and of which Lillian Shaner is teacher. The Fairview school, south on the Liberty road, Is taught by Mrs. Grace Sehon. The other day the reporter made a visit to the teacher and 20 boys and girls at the Falrvlew school, and . what fun they were having with their socialised Eng lish period, which is held each Wednesday morning. : (Turn to page 2, col. S) Period of Conscription Service to be Limited GENEVA, Nov. 8. (AP) Count von Bernstorf t's proposal to limit tbe numer of army con scripts called to the colors each year by parties to the League of Nations' preparatory disarmament conference was rejected by the commission today. Approval, bow ever, was voted an alternative principle for limitation of the peri od of conscript service. . Only five nations supported the German recommendation Russia, China, Sweden, Norway and Hol land. The United States, Great Britain and Canada, while not vot ing, were understood to approve the proposal in substance although they believed it useless to attempt to force such limitation on states which rely upon conscription for their military defense forces. France, Italy, Japan, Po'jand, Jugo Slavla, Czecho Slovakia, Bel gium, Rumania, and other . states adhering to the conscript system stood solidly against von Berns torff's proposal. The German dele gate took his defeat philosophic ally, contending himself with re serving Germany's right to renew its efforts toward conscript limi tation when a general conference is caUed. There was a general agreement on the need for limiting the period of conscript service, but- there arose some difference of opinion J0 TLTM Brooklyn, Steam Schooner Sinks as Gigantic Waves Strike . Vessel When it Leaves Eureka Harbor Thrown on Side and Broken in two : Within a Brief Space of Time; Warning Had Been Issued i f (EUREKA, ;jat.' Nv- sfkr), Daring a gale, 18 on board the i steam lumber schoonrr Brooklyn went to their deaths when they tried to steam out of Humboldt harbor late today. The little schooner was bowled over and sunk by two mountain ous) waves which struck her sim ultaneously while crossing Hum holijlt bar at the entrance of the harbor. i The craft w4 thrown on her ide apd broken In two by the Riant swells. Captain Ahlin of the ftteamer Washington, reported. The Washington was following a quarter mile behind the Brook lyn, but turned back. Coast guardsmen who witness ed the tragedy, said the Brooklyn blew her whistle frantlcallv as the waves capsized her. Within five minutes she had sunk. No trace of the bodies had been found late tonight by coast guard boats or shore patrols wiheh be gan their search immediately af ter the lumber ship went down. Troller Itonain OutMlde Harbor " Afraid of the mammoth waves breaking over the bar, five Ran Francisco trollers rode out the storm outside the harbor. While admitting the fishermen were ia a precarious position, coast guardsmen added, "they're used to It." The guard, however, Issued warnings to ships not to, try . to cross the bar. The weather, guardsmen taid. Is the roughest seen here In years. While searchers sought bodies of the crew, the lone survivor, who missed the boat, retold stor ies of seaman who had said "The Brooklyn will be the next to go." . The survivor, Nels Chrlstea sen, seaman, missed the boat when he. tarried too long purch asing clgarets and tobacco for the crew. The Brooklyn, a 218 ton craft operated by the Bayside Steasu--hip company of Eureka and San Francisco, was captained by T. Tuszesson, Berkeley, a veteran of the north' California coast. Former Sheridan Publisher Dies At McMinnville O. D. Hamstreet, publisher for many years of the Sheridan Sua at Sheridan, Yamhill eouaty, died early this morning at a hos pital in McMinnville, according to word received in Salem. Mr. Hamstreet had disposed of his publication business ever a year ago. as to the methods by which this could1 be achieved. Great Britain and Poland pro posed that the limit should be the same for all parties to the confer ence. The French delegate, how ever, feared such a system might conflict with economic, social and political conditions in some tates Most of the others favored a cosa mon maximum, but the issue was under discussion when today's ses sion adjourned. .1 Matim Lltvlnoff, the Russian delegate, continued to fling satir ical jibes at the commission to day, apologizing at one point for having mentioned disarmament a word, he Intimated, which was inappropriate to tbe work sad alms of the commission's mem bers. . A sub-committee has not settled the question of whether the cate gory of naval officers should be limited, as it Is desired by France, and today's' meeting failed te dis pose of the article dealing with trained reserves. When this Issue is settled, prob ably next week, the commission will move on to articles dealisg with limitation of war material, first on land, then at sea aad fi nally in the air. The second point wnuld hrtnr before the conferees the results of the London naval conference. ! S .!