It uni n iin Tnnim nutu ur : i nnin r SEIZE S55,7QD fp: ; Modern Rackets and Older Wild West Methods ' Well Combined Workers' pay Checks Held At Pittsburgh, Ca!., When Cash Taken' OAKLAND. CaL. Not. 7 (AP) With the dispatch of mod ern racketeering and some of the llalr of the old west, a band of outlaws held np a Southern Paci fic passenger train near Nobel to day and escaped with loot esti mated at 155.700 or more. Passengers were not molested bat.. were thrown Into a panic when a transformer on an adjoin ing electric line blew out. Eye witnesses a treed but one shot was fired by the six or seven, armed and masked men. The escape was made in a stolen 'motor ear. The train was number 36 which mm dally between Oakland and Tracy, Cat, Wins; Oakland about T a.m.. authorities believed two men boarded the, train at Berkeley as passengers.' Near Nobel, seren miles from here, an armed, masked man,. who had climbed across eoachea and 4nmnat IBtA thi lOeOmO- . iv n A in - thin, tilth calm voice commanded the engineer and fire man to stop the engine. ; Trainmen Forced To IJe on Ground R. e. Lemery, engineer, and S. E. O'Brien, fireman, were forc ed to lie face down on the ground. A Urge sedan was waiting beside the track with other robbers in it. Two machine guns were mounted on the car and each rob ber was armed with a high power Tifle except one who had a shot gun and the man who climbed, in to the cab with a pistol. Methodically the robbers enter ed the baggage car, held np John McClintoek, baggage man. and took an undetermined number of bags of mail Including approxi mately 55.00V-eonsigned by the Federal Reserve bank In San Francisco to the American Trust company branch at Pittsburg to be used In cashing payroll checks for the Columbia Steel Works company. ' 1 V ? . Checks Held Up When Money iGone The workers were lined , up ready to receire their checks when news of the robbery came. Company officials held np the checks tentatively. - The bandits fled in the sedan and the train pulled on to Stege where authorities were notified. Postal inspectors. Federal Re serve officers, sheriff's deputies and Southern Pacific police or ganised a search of northern cen tral California. AU roads were ordered blocked for miles around. The sedan was stolen last night from an Oakland garage by two. men who held np an attendant. The attendant gave police a good description of the men who were though to have been members of the holdup gang. Passengers expected to be rob bed. They got their money and valuables "and had them ready. But the robbers were after bigger game. Stores to Close Here Armisticb Day, Announced Virtually all mercantile estab lishments In Salem are expected to be closed on Armistice day, a check of stores yesterday indicat ed. Exceptions ' hotels restaurants and other places of business which never lose on holidays. . A double-header football game following an extensive v parade Tuesday morning will be features In the American Legion's program for the day. At night the ar mory will be the scene for the sec ond evening's entertainment fur nished br the local post. Various frames conducted by legionnaires, as well as a dance will be featur ed. 1 Druggan is Sought tor Plot to Murder Capone , CHICAGO, Nov. 7.(AP) Terrry Druggan, beer baron and public energy continued to elude police tonight, although efforts to (capture him were redoubled ' fol lowing the discovery of a letter which investigators said Implicat ed nisi in a plot to assassinate 'Searface" Al Capone, czar of Chicago's gangdom. 1 . This letter, seized by detectives who raided the wealthy Drug gan's downtown hotel suit and his luxurious north side apartment during the day. contained an of fer to "take care of the. big f el low." .. . - Investigators declared "the big fellow," could mean no cne but Capone. - . Detective j seized many other letters which Indicated, they said that Druggan ; ia In closet touch with criminals in many, other Not Candidate For i President FRANKLIN IX ROOSEVELT ROOSEVELT BOOM WITHOUT HIS AID Giving all of Attention to Governorship Duties, He Tells Scribes ALBANY, N. T., Nov. T. (AP) Any presidential candi dacy boom launched by admirers of Governor Franklin D. Roose velt, will lack the approval or cooperation of that official. Prompted by a statement of James A. Farley, chairman of the democratic state committee, that a concerted move to nomi nate the governor for the presi dency In 1832 would have its In ception within the next year. Governor Roosevelt declared to day he was giving no thought to anything other than his duty as governor. The Farley statement, made In New York last night, was the lat est of a series of similar views expressed by persons prominent in the organization of this and several other states. Newspapermen calling on the governor this afternoon found him writing longhand on a pad. silent. After a few moments he looked np and said: "Now, ask me anything about 1932 and here's the answer." One job Enough, Statement Says - He tossed across his desk two sheets of paper containing the following: "On several occasions during (Turn to page 2, eoL 1) AFTER 500 YEARS i CORDOBA Spain, Not. 7 (AP) The high chant of the Moslem religious service rose in the ancient cathedral of Cordoba today for the first time in five hundred yean. , , Moorish students, touring the old province of Andalusia, which was wrested from their forbears five centuries ago, halted In a corridor of the cathedral where verses of the Koran still decorate the walls, i . Oblivious of their whereabouts, they burst into the chant as a Catholic mass was being sang In another part of the . church. The Catholle clergy, realizing the students were touring under gov ernment S auspices, suspended their mass until the chant ended. It was probably the first time in history that services of the two religions have been performed simultaneously without restric tions in the same temple. Freighter Goes Ashore in Gale BIARRITZ. France, Nov. 7. ( AP) The Italian freighter San ta Rita, 2,250 tons, was. driven ashore by ; gales a mile, south of this city today. The entire crew of 33 was saved. The ship was broken up by the waves. MOSLEMS RETURN parts of the country. Deeds and records also were found that in vestigators said would reveal Druggan as one of the wealthiest in Chicago rackets. Judge John Lyle, "enemy -of public enemies," announced aft er examining the letter referring to the "big fellow" that it indi cated beyond doubt Druggan plan ned to have Capone assassinated. Two days ago Judge Lyle declar ed Druggan's $10,000 bond on a vagrancy warrant forfeited. It was then that, the search for the beer baron began. Another letter, the judge said, referred to the kidnaping of an unnamed ' - millionaire ; In which 140.000 ransom had been paid. - Records were found showing a list of. 792 saloons, resorts and gambling1 housea and papers re ferring to properties and mort gages. : HOI FAULTY BEFORE 71 Inspector Noted Leaks, due To, bag Rubbing Upon Wiring Points . , "1 . Air Minister' Thomson was Eager to Start, is Probe Testimony LONDON, Nov. 7 (A P) Three months j before the dirigi ble R-101 sailed on her last tra gic voyage, aircraft inspectors discovered leads In the gas bags had decreased ; the ship's lifting power to an alarming extent, it developed today at the inquiry Into the loss of the dirigible. "If it had been left to me." said F. McWade, chief Of the in spection department at Cardlng ton, "I'm afraid the R-101 would not have received a certificate of air worthiness." Under questioning by Sir John Simon, head of the board of In quiry, McWade said he had re ported the leaks last July, the gas bags were -Tubbing against wiring points when the ship roll ed, he said, and the friction was wearing holes in the containers. They tried padding the points of contact, McWade said, but this was unsatisfactory. Thomson Anxious To Start, Word , Lord Thomson, the air minis ter who perished In the crash on October 5. was eager to get away on the flight to India. When the dirigible left, McWade said, she (Turn to page 2, col. 1) WASHINGTON. Nor. 7 CAP) Observance :; of Thanksgiving day by aiding people' wno are in need and ant ferine from causes beyond their control was urged upon the country toaay by pres ident Hoover. in - his annual proclamation designating November 27 as a day of national Thanksgiving, the president suggested a "prop er celebration of the day should Include that we make sure that everv nerson ; In the community. young and old, shall have cause to give thanks for our institu tions and fori the neighborly sen timent of our people." "Our country has many causes for thanksrWlnr." Mr. Hoover said. "We have been blest with distinctive evidence of divine fa vors. As a nation we have suffer ed far less than other people from the nresent world difficul ties. We have been free from civ il and Industrial discord. In a large view we have made pro gress nnon the endurinr struc ture of our institutions, the arts and sciences that enncn our lives and enlarge bur control of nature have made notable advances. Ed ucation haa been further extend ed. We have made gains In the prevention of disease and In the protection of childhood." E As a result of complaints filed by Vernon Levey. H, who alleged that he was subjected to brutal treatment while an Inmate of the stat training school for boys, the state board of control has been requested by Irvine Good win, Portland attorney, who In formed the board of control, that he was in possession of evidence indicating that certain inmates of the institution had been mistreat ed. It Is probable that Goodwin will appear before the board of control at a special meeting to be held late in 'November. Complaints against the state tuberculosis i hospital and Ore gon state hospital were filed by former patients of the institu tions. ! More 'Unusual9 Weather Noted At Los Angeles LOS ANGELES, Nov. 7. (AP) Well, well look at this. , Los Angeles steps ' forward with another story of. "unusual weather" and prepares to dodge the brickbats which always have followed such announcements,, The United States weather bu reau here said today's maximum temperature of 88 - degrees topped off a record for the first week in November unmatched, in 50 years of recording Every day of the seven had a maximum above the 25 degree mark con sidered the 'early November peak In the past, and the hottest seat the mercury to 92. In addition the average minimum of the week was 78 degrees, IS points above normal. ' RAbIG VOYAGE HOOVER PROCLAIMS 1ISGI1G DAY MOB rain REQUESTED Six Million Dollar Building Noted in Northwest Construction in October Heavier Than Year . ago; Big Projects Scheduled for , Contract Letting Soon SEATTLE, Nov. 7. (AP) The Pacific Builder and Engi neer, construction news weekly, today reported it carried a list of 74 building projects in the Pacific northwest from October 9 to November 4 which are yet to be let involving construction of 206 buildings at an estimated cost of $5, 950,000. The total during September for the district was IKE l ROAOS Route East of Silver-ton is Established by Court After Hearing Three proposed county roads were ordered viewed and survey ed; one road was ordered estab lished; and hearing on two was continued , as result of the coun ty court's session yesterday to act npon road petitions. Viewing and survey was order ed aa follows: on road near Sil verton petitioned for by Andrew Pedersen i and others; on road through land of John Van Gor der on star route from Silverton toward Sliver Creek petitioned for "by W. A. Wilcox and others; and on relocation of road east of Salem petitioned for by Harry E. Martin and others. Dnnlgan Petition Is Continued Because there was no suffi cient evidence of public necessity for the road, petition of Ed Dun igan Jr. and others for a stub road from the Silverton-Salem highway was continued until the December term. Despite withdrawal of 10 names from the remonstrance against the original petition of C. A. Pelland and others for a road in district five through, the Brentano land, action was con tinued nntil the December hear ings. The court ordered established the road east of Silverton, In district 14, petitioned for by R. O. Amort and others. This peti tion has been under advisement for several months. THEFT IT RICKEY REPORTED Poultry dealers are asked to be on the lookout for possibly stolen Rhode Island Red pullets and hens today. Twenty pullets and an unknown number of hens were stolen from the farm of M. M. Magee, In the Rickey district, on Salem route 5, late last night. Mrs. Magee. a Statesman cor respondent. Informed this paper that the hens bore aluminum bands on their leg. Mr. Magee was out at the time seeking to find the chicken thieves, who have raided the Magee hen houses i three times within the last few months. Identification numbers on the leg beads were as follows: one group. B-57 00 to B-5800; second group. 28,400 to 28.500. Mr. Magee would be glad to receive lnquries if local merchants ar made any suspicious offers. They may call 22F5. f It is thought apprehension or these thieves might solve the disappearance of nAfrhborln farms, which have suffered like depredations re- cently. IS til POSTAL INSPEGTOB ;- ' 1 cMtxTrTPAW Vat. T fAPl Thomas M. MiWgan, who has solved dt leries uwuc, " J " . . , tive role In two mall , robberies ot mlliion-aoiiar prwyw - became chief Inspector of the pos tal service. . To his high office he brought the picturesque background of 18 years In the inspection service, the two outstanding events being the Rondoutr Ills., $2,500,000 mall robbery of 1824 and the 81 000,000 Toledo, Ohio, mail truck robbery of 1821. , MUllgan succeeded the late William R. Spllman, who died August 25. He had been serving, since Spilman's death, as acting chief. Gdlveston Goes n Retired List WASHINGTON, Nov. 7. (AP) The TJ. 8. C. Galveston 25-year-old cruiser of the second line, to day was stricken from the navy register and listed for disposal. -The Teasel was built In 1805. It was decommissioned September 2, 1880, at Philadelphia,. ; ORDERED SIP CHICKEN fill! I HSffl HEAD ram ST,272,000. The publication gave four rea- sons for Its belief that northwest investors are showing a sus tained Interest In building con struction. These were: "During October, Seattle's permits were 24 per cent ahead. of 1828; Spo kane's permits were 48 per cent ahead of October, 1828. "Building construction In the Pacific northwest for the first nine months of thlayear Is 78.11 per cent of the 1828 program as compared with 53.4 per cent for the rest of the nation. "Washington's program so far this year is more than 80 per cent of the total for the first ten months of 1828. "A number of sizeable pro jects are already scheduled for award during November and De cember.' Four residential programs varying from three to 83 houses each were listed by the weekly. Public. building contracts to be let this month and next, . the publication said, Include a 8132, 060 nurse's home at Fort Lewis, to be awarded November 18; 8125,000 warehouse for the Pu get Sound navy yard at Bremer ton to be let November 20 and a 3190,000 postoffice at Corvallls, Ore., to be let December. 12. TRAINED RESERVES EOF GENEVA, Switierland, Nov. 7 (AP) The preparatory dis armament commission, working on a formula to cover the meth od of the limitation of naval personnel.- tomorrow will take up the difficult problem of trained reserves. The French spokesman, Rene Massiglli, today defined his gov ernment's desire to fix a limit for the specific category of naval officers, in addition to a total limit for all classes of naval per sonnel. France, he said, desires to have the treaty specifically prevent a disproportionate num ber of officers who might be used for the hasty expansion of naval forces. The American, British. Japan ese and Italian delegations, how ever, maintain that i a total lim itation of personnel was really all that was necessary. Maxim Litvlnof f, i the Russian delegate, and V. H. Rutgers, rep resenting the Netherlands, sup ported France. j SPRINGFIELD, 111., Nor. 7. (AP) Chief Justice Frank K. Dunn of the Illinois supreme court Issued a writ today forbid ding enforcement of a tempor ary injunction granted by the cir cuit court of Washington coun ty which had prohibited Installa tion of a new Insurance rate schedule by the Modern Wood men of America. . The ratee had been suspended by order of Judge Silas Cook of east St. Louis, sitting In Wash ington county court. Justice Dunn's writ rendered his i Injunction inoperative and stayed all proceedings in the ease untn the supreme court hears the matter on the first day of its December term of court. Nicaragua Notes New Disturbance Led by Sandino MANAGUA. Nicaragua, Nor. 7 (AP) Headquarters of the Nl caraguan national guard an nounced today its outpost at Mat lguas, in the department at Mati galpa , have been beselged on Wednesday by a band believed to have been followers of Augusto Sandino, insurgent leader, and five guardsmen had keen killed or captured. , United States marines made an air reconnalsanc of - the' vicinity today, reporting the Mitagua barracks burned to the ground. Bennet Planes To Start Soon MARSHFIELD, Ore., Not.7 7. (AP) The Bennett Air Tran sport company will open a Coos Bay- Corvallls - Portland - Taeoma air passenger service December 10, : official : announced - today. Six passenger cabin planes will be used in the service. frog mm MODERN RULING REVERSED FARMER-LABOR IDER KVALE May Hold Balance of Power If House Deadlocked; Remains Silent Leaning Toward Republican Side, is Indicated by Early Statement ST. PAUL, Minn.. Nov. 7. The shadow of Paul John Kvale, con gressman from the seventh Mln sota district loomed large over the new. house of congress today. 'For should the finai results show an even division among its democratic and republican mem bers after any recounts or con tests of Tuesday's election' had been settled, the 34-year-old far-mer-laborite from Minnesota would hold the controlling vote. How he would vote was not de termined and the man who took his father's place in congress when the latter died, was keeping his own counsel. "I have no statement to make," he said at his home at Benson, Minn., today and he refused to re veal ' with whom his sympathies lay democrat or republican. Takes Place Held By His Father Politics was not new to him when he Was sworn as a memoer of congress november 11, 1828. as before that he had been sec retary to his father, the late O. J. Kvale, who also was a farmer-la-borite. The elder Kvale died In a fire which destroyed his summer cot tage In northern Minnesota In September, 1828, and at the Insist ence of friends Paul Kvale filed to succeed his father at a special election in October, 1828. He was endorsed unanimously by the farmer-labor party and at the election defeated his opponent, J. C. Morrison, republican, by a vote of about two to one. Although he would say nothing today as to how ho would vote, political observers scanned the statement he Issued when he an nounced his decision to file to (Turn to page 2. col. 1) Salem residents are warned against the operations of a young man who is working In the city soliciting magazine subscriptions. He claims that he is securing the subscriptions to get a scholarship in some college. One Salem lady hesitated to give her subscription and told him that she did not have the money at the time. He persuaded her to sign an "agreement" to pay later. In a few days she was notified by the Cross market that they were holding an N. S. F. cheek of hers on the First National bank. She denied having written such a check . and came to the store to discover that the so ealled agreement" was a blank check which had been tilled in and cashed at the store. The check 'is In the hands of local police who so far have no clue to the Identity of the young sollclter. T CONFERENCE HELD AT 1DF0RD MEDFORD, Ore., Nov. 7 (AP) More than one hundred farmers and dairymen from southern Oregon and northern California gathered here today for the two-day mid-Pacific agri cultural conference. . "Dairying in Southern Oregon," was the subject of a paper by Marshall N. Dana, which was read by County Agent R. G. Fowler. Dana asserted dairying "stabilises and perpetuates the prosperity of a community as nothing else can." G. E. Frevert, Crescent City, Calif., dairyman, told of the growth of the dairy industry in Del Norte county. He said since the decline oi the Lumber indus try there, dairying has become one of the principal sources of in come for the country. Results Varied Little as Last Returns Listed .. 1 . "' '" f PORTLAND, Ore.. Not. 7. (AP) - Oregon's political com plexion remained unchanged today aa virtually complete returns from Tuesday's election were tabulated. With only five precincts miss ing, four from Curry county and one from Union, Julius L. Meier, Independent, continued to hold his tremendous lead over ' his nearest opponent, Edward F.-Bailey, democrat. Phil Metschan," re publican, remained a poor third, vote: Meier.' 12 5,378; Bailey, 82 IIlj Metsehan. 47,153. RACKET WORKED NEW WAY Democrats Goal It was "Our Cat" now mine u artier Informs Longworth WASHINGTON :v. 7. .(AP) Before the election. Jack Garner, the minority leader, called the speaker's limousine "our car, bat to day be referred to It as "mine." - The machine la famished the speaker of the house by the government and Garner rode in it frequently an Nich olas Longworth's gnest. He referred to It as "oars' and insisted -Nick" had It only by sufferance on the part of the people. LongwOrth seat him m telegram today asking "whose car is Itf Garner replied: "Think It's mine. Will be pleased to let you ride." If the democrats should have the necessary majority of the house members. Gar ner would become speaker. EX- CUARLEU LISLE School Inmates at Funeral Service for Former Parole Officer Paying tribute Thursday to a man they respected. Charles J. Lisle, who passed away Novem training school for boys came in training school for bays came In a body to attend the funeral ser vices, along with . many other friends of the well-known man. Six of the older boys of the in stitution served as pallbearers. As a parole officer at the school, Mr . Lisle came in per sonal touch with the boys there and those on parole and left with many of them an Indelible im print of his character, a new Ideal of citizenship and changed attitude toward living. This op portunity of thus assisting unfor tunate boys was, according to his own statement, what led him to undertake the work. He gave of his best efforts, even after being crippled by the accident which eventually led to his death. Lisle led a varied career but one in which he achieved prom (Turn to page 2, col. 3) PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 7. (AP) Mike Knllkoff. 18, was arrested by immigration author ities at Washington high, school today and lodged in Jail on a va grancy charge pending Investiga tion by the Immigration service. Knlikof f is said to have been distributing communistic litera ture and teaching communistic doctrines at Bucknian probation ary school and at Washington high. School' authorities had been asked to hold him when he was next seen, i Today he entered the high school gymnasium, sat down at the piano and began to play and sing communistic songs. Kulikoff claimed he was If but school records indicated he was 18. His driver's license gave his age as 20. He was born in Moscow and never has been na turalized, authorities said. I 5 HONOR COMMUNIST SOUGS HEARD AT SCHOOL Red Cross Chapter to Be Reorganized Here Plans for the Immediate reor ganization of a Marlon county chapter of the American Red Cross were formulated at a luncheon held yesterday noon which was attended by over 20 representative citizens of 8alemf Miss Mar Jorie D. Jones, field rep resentatlve of the Red Cross! from San Francisco, who has been Investigating the local field for several days, and R. E. Arne, assistant manager of the Pacific branch, also of San - Francisco, were in attendance on the lunch eon. f - ' The response to the suggestion that the chapter should bo re created was hearty In favor of the move. The following commit tee was appointed to effect the organization: Judge George Ross man, Got. A. W. Norblad, Har old E. Eakln, C. S. Hamilton. John Carson, Dr. E. B. Parker, unn Smith, Mrs, Daisy Mcln- tyre. - - The Red Cross ehapter was active dnring and after the war but tor ' tome years It has not functioned. Salem, being the cap ital cityand the second largest .Promise ation Toward Likely Congress Lead IWillnotbe Used : for Revenge . Statement Signed by Leaders; G. O. P. Margin Slight Br F. M. STEPHENSOM Leaders of the republican au democratic parties pledged them selves to cooperation In the na tion's Interests yesterday as Tues day's biennial congressional elee tion ended In a virtual deadjoch that threatened legislative chaea, Still confident and fighting, t overtake an apparent majority et one for the republicans in house, seven national democratic leaders tonight issued a Joint statement declaring. In part: I "The democratic party faces Its duty with a firm determination te permit no thought of political ad vantage to swerve it from the course that Is best for the coun try. It has neither the time ner the desire to punish anybody or to exalt itself. "To the extent of its ability It will steer the legislation of the nation In a straight line toward the goal of prosperity, nor permit Itself to be diverted either by pe- . lltlcal expediency or a desire to show that it now dominates the enacting' branch of the govern ment. Former Candidates For Presidency 8ign I 'Thls statement was signed' by the democratic leaders in con gress,! Senator Robinson, of I Ar kansas, and Representative Gar ner, of Texas; by the democratic presidential nominees in J920, 1924. and 1928 James M. Cox. of Ohio: John W. Davis, of New York; and Alfred E. Smith, of New York, respectively; by i John J.. Raskob, chairman of the de mocratic national committee; rnd by Jouett Shonse, chairman of the democratic national executive com mittee. I At the same time. President Hoover in his first conference with newspaper men since the elec tion which carried the democrat to the threshold of power In con gress said simply the task ahead of the nation now is to "concen trate on measures of cooperation for ecencmy recovery." Senator Watson of Indiana, the republican leader, likewise pleaded that "whoever controls the next con gress, let ns all Join together in a spirit of cooperation to bring back prosperity to the nation." Final but unofficial returns from . Tuesday's election tonight showed the following results: House: Republicans 218; demo crats 218;-farmer-labor 1. Senate: Republicans 48; demo crats 47: farmer-labor 1. But the republican majority of one In the house Included victories In Indiana of two republicans by ' narrow margins. Representative Vestal's nine votes lead In the eighth Indiana district was imme diately challenged by the demo crats. Representative Purnell'a margin of 305 votes In the ninth Indiana district also was under at tack. , Senator Brookhart, republican, of Iowa threatened the republi can plurality in the senate with a statement asserting he would Join the democrats for organization of that body if they would support a program he outlined, Including the export debenture, principle - of farm, relief; Thus, ft Is obvious that until the next congress actually convenes, it probably will not be certain whether the republicans or the democrats will organize either the senate or the house. Deaths, resig nations and contests in the mean time, may constantly vary the standing. city in the state, was felt an important- point which ought to or ganize for support of the Red Cross program of relief. The Red . Cross serves in peace as in war, though in peace time of eourso Its work- is greatly restricted. It administers first aid and general relief work In times of calamity such as fire, famine, flood er other great disaster. - - This Is the season of the year for the annual Red Cross roll call where people become members of 'the Red Cross by paying the annual membership fee of one dollar. This is the only call for money which the Red Cross makes, unless there is some ex traordinary emergency such as the Mississippi floods of 1827. The drive -for members in Sa lem will be put on November 17 to 22. This will give the week of Armistice day which Is the usual starting day, for preliminary or ganization work and education of the public to the fact that the local ehapter Is being - started again. Miss Jones and Mr. Arne will assist with the work or reor ganizing the unit and putting on Its' membership campaign. -