PAGE THREE News from Mid - Valley District Communities for Statesman Readers nc OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, -o I Amity AMITY. Nor. 1 A. J. Sharf of MeMlnnville was a basinets caller In Amity Tuesday morn Ins. Mrs. C. A. Fuller of Klamath Falls li guest at the home of Mrs. Walter Dickey this week. She has. risked many of j her friends also. Mr. aad Mrs. S. G. Willett and daughter Patricia of Portland, were guests of the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Craven. Mrs. Lizzie Winters of .New berg, left Tuesday for her home after Tislting her niece, Laura Judy, since Friday. j Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dunn of Camas. Wash., spent the week end risking a j number of their friends in Amity. Mr. and Mrs. Henry" Slagle of Ashland rial ted at the home of his sister. Mrs. L. G. Richardson, Sunday. .. 1 ' j Mr. and Mrs. Henry Patty of Dufur, j are spending this week lilting the William Patty fam ily. Mrs. Bertha Munkers gare a luncheon Thursday afternoon for Mre. George Alderman, Clara McKee, Mrs. Jim Booth, Mattie Hess and Mrs. C. G. Mack. The Rebecca lodge- Is planning for "Guest Night" on Xoven&er 18. Mrs. E. T. Baker moved her family to their new borne In Mc Minnvllle. Satnrday.x The house they vacated Is now occupied by the Carrlck family, formerly liv ing in the house next to the Bank of Amity. Mrs. Rrthur Chambers of Al bany visited Ina Jones Thursday, she had just returned from Port land, where she had taken Mrs. Hancock to the Veterans hospi tal to visit Mr. Hancock. Henry and William Richter left Thursday evening for' Paci fic City for a vacation on the beach. M. A. Mack of Stayton, is taking W. Richter's place fn the meat market during his ab sence. , Gustavo Abraham went to Portland Thursday to attend the -r, J. Exposition. Fatlhand Bryan Emerson mo tored t Vancouver, Wash., Wed nesday to visit Howard Versteeg. who is to leave soon for Honolu lu. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Nott. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Randall and Mr. and Mrs. Cola McClellin, went to Portland Tuesday to attend the funeral of their brother-in-law, Ronald VMcKInsey. Mrs. Albert Newly spent Wed nesday In Sheridan visiting Mr. Greene, her father. Iwlla Stockton and Helen Groves of Salem, motored over with Dr. and Mrs. Lee Wood, Sunday, to visit the Ernie Groves home. Albert Newby and William R "enter, while In Portland Wed nesday, enjoyed the stock show and a wrestling match. -o ! -O Dall as DALLAS, Nov. 1 Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Smith of the Presby terian church attended a meeting of the council of religious educa tion in Portland this week. Mrs. Sraith will be one of the instruct ors In the Sunday school teachers training .class to be held here next week. Mr. and Mrs. Erie Fulgham and Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Plasecki spent the week end In 1 Prestfott with the Beldon Keller's. ' Eugene Hayter. of the Dallas national bank, was in Portland Thursday and attended the Livestock show. Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Starbuck. and children, Mary. Myra- and Thomas attended the football game in Portland Saturday. They were accompanied home by Miss Edith Starbuck, who will . visit here for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Soehren and daughter Irene were in Sa lem Monday evening for the con- cert of the Russian singers, they also attended the Salem music chamber society Tuesday eve ning.' Attends Stock Show Mrs. Charles N. Bllyeu attend ed the International stock show Thursday where she assisted with the tea sponsored by the Garden clubs and roadside and highway committee of the state federa tion. Wednesday she attended the -district meeting- in Eugene. Mrs. Starbuck of Dallas, and Mrs. Iran Martin and Mrs. Thomas McBride of Salem accompanied her to Eu- - gene. ' Mr. and" Mrs. Carl Williams of Seattle were In- Dallas Sunday for the funeral of George Rich mond,' ancle of Mr. Williams. Dr. and Mrs. James Hughes, of Portland, visited In Dallas for several days this past week.-and attended to business matters. Miss Irene Bradford of SalemJ was ' the house guest of Mrs. Maurice Dalton for several days this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Holllster of Portland spent the week-end with her aunt, Mrs. I. F. Toak - urn. , I Hollywood HOLLYWOOD, Nor. 1 The friends and relatives ot Grand ma Brown will be grieved to learn ot her sericus Illness. She has been a resident of this dis trict for many years. r. Schwesinger has returned home from Scobey, Mont., where he has been working on his ranch the greater part . of the summer and falL . Now we know why Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Thomas have been ao nnffed no with pride the last week or so. They are the proud M-andnarenta Of . another little Mn T-f- J. McClIntoek and twin daughters. Gloria and Bar- har Lee. of Weed: CaliL, are Tislting with Mrs. Mclintock mother. Mrs. J..J. Ackerman of o- I FIRST PHOTO - ' ? '"'"V'" " r 1--"? The backbone of Germany's Na- tional Socialist (Fascist) Party is to be found in this powerful group which is shown assembled in conference as the Reichstag reopens. The party is now the Scotts Mills SCOTTS MILLS. Nov. 1 F. W. Haskins, who is employed at Snohomish, Wash., visited his wife, and daughter. Mrs. Otis Shepherd and family over the weekend. Mrs. Haskins is stay ing with her daughter this win ter, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Bellinger and family visited- his mother, Mrs. Lena Bellineer Sunday. Mrs. Mary L. Fulkerson, coun ty school superintendent, visited the Noble and Crooked Finger school Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pounder of Silverton. Miss Jare Hartman and H. C. Miller, visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott Sunday. The revival campaign at the Christian church is well attended each evening. O O I Liberty I -o o- LIBERTY. Nov. X Mr, and Mrs. William Zo6el and daughter Mildred spnt the past week In Portland as guests of their daughters and families." They also attended the Pacific Lire stock shpw. - Mrs. Anna V. Robblns is spend ing hte week as a guest of her brother in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Richards motored to Portland Thursday where they attended an election rallr. f Mrs. Ivan Martin of Salem was dinner guest at the O. L. Den- cer home Thursday evening. Mrs. Willis R. Dallas spent Thursday in Dallas -at the meet ing of the Polk county federation of Rural Woman s clubs. Mrs. Dallas went as a delegate from the Liberty club to interest other clubs in the prune receipt book let which the Liberty club is put ting out. Ray Cleveland and Ernie Free have returned from a trip to east ern Oregon. O O Aumsville i AUMSVILLE, Nov. 1 Ralph Waldon and C. Getchell returned home the first of the week from Canada, where they have been he past three months. Mr: Wal don has a farm in Canada and was there taking care of the crops. They report so much snow they had to leave the crops unfinished. One of the school buses took the football team. Coach Empey and Prof. Mountaisa and some other students to Brownsville Friday afternoon where they played, the score being 1.9-12 in favor of Brownsville. One of the other buses took the remaining children home. The grade school was enter tained Wednesday night at the school house with a masquerade party, the rooms being decorated in Halowe'en colors, the evening oelng spent in games, wiyi re freshments served by the older girls, assisted by Miss Richards. i - Our prescriptions are i precisely prepared that's why "Our Pre scription Service is the Best Service We Render.'9 J. H. Willett OF GERMAN FASCISTS' BIG FOUR X.Yt ' ( ; " second most powerful faa the house as the result of the re cent election landslide. (Left to right, seated at table) Hauptmann Goehring, Fascist member of the Reichstag from f The Bazaar sewing club held an all-day quilting Wednesday at the - school house with seven women present all day while a few came in the afternoon to help. James Taylor of Portland came Friday to visit with old friends for a few days. John Prospel of Shaw and Ev erett Keizer, returned home on Wednesday from Hood River, where they have been employed for three months. Mrs. R. Johnson returned Fri day from Iowa, where she has been visiting relatives the past month. Rex Alsman has rented the service station at Sublimity and started to work Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Swanson are moving their household goods from Stayton to the M. Gildow farm. Mr. Swanson has been here the past year running a feed store. Donker Bros, are building a big barn on their farm 1 mile west of town on the Turner Aumsville road. Senior and junior classes held a masquerade party at the school house Friday night, the evening being spent In games with re freshments serred at a late hour. Carl and Ralph Clark of Brooks, came Friday to attend the football game at Brownsville and Tlsit here with old friends. Carl and Ralph were students here last year. . O I Central Howell -o CENTRAL HOWELL, Not. 1 Rev.' and Mrs. William" Kaufman returned from Kansas the first of the week- They found the weather pleasant but cold and for that reason they shortened their stay to two weeks instead of a month as they had Intended. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Dougherty of Brownsville visited their son- in-law, and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. VClarenee Simmons, this week. o- I Jefferson JEFFERSON, Nov. 1 Mr. and Mrs. August Kroschel arrived Thursday from Eugene for a visit with their mother, Mrs. Rose Buchanan. Rer. F. W. Oliver and daught er, Mrs. Chas. Atkin, and two daughters, Juanita and Wanda of Portland, made a brief -visit at the Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Ol lver tiome Friday afternoon as they were enroute to Albany to visit other relatives. O- I Jefferson , JEFFERSON, Not. 1 Mrs. Josephine and Lydia -Hoyt were business visitors in Salem Tues day. Gilbert Spraatg returned from Hood River Wednesday, where he. has been employed in the ap ple orchards. Consult t your sician When you are ill or in need of medical at tention. He will make a s dentiric analysis Capital Driig 405 State Berlin; Dr. Frick, et Thurinffia, latter republic; Adolf Hitler, leader of the German Fascists, and Hauptmann Strasser, lead er of the storm troops ot Berlin. Swegle I -o SWEGLE, Not. 1 The many friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs Carl Hoffman surprised them with a belling on their re turn from a honeymoon at Sandy, Oregon. A delicious lunch of ice cream and cake was served and cards furnished the entertain ment. ' Thirty-five guests were present. Swingle school had the largest attendance on record present at their Hallowe'en entertainment Friday evening. The children put on some clever sketches and song. A pumpkin scene by the primary grade, a duet by Aileen Arenson and Mildred Brittell, a song and dance by Carol Schaf fer and Miss Siebens little sister were especially good. After the play refreshments were sold A sideshow fish pond and fortune teller furnished much amuse ment. The proceeds, $31.00 will be used towards paying for the school piano. Mrs. John Whitehead has fin ished taking the school cenus. We enrolled 9, a gain ot 15 over last year. - . Pleasant View I o o PLEASANT VIEW. Not. 1 Mrs. Frank Cook spent the week end - at Lebanon Tislting her nieces, Mrs. John Ray and Mrs. George Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. John Shiling and son Gene and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jarmen, were at Molalla the lat ter part of the week Tislting rel atives. Ed. Shilling is on the eick list this week with neurities. Mrs. Eula Hannies, who was quite sick for a few days was be ing cared for at the home of her mother, Mrs. Ed. Shiling. She Is now much better and returned to her home in the Cloverdale district. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Shanks of Salem visited at the Frank Cook home Sunday afternoon. The Plasant View W. C. T. TJ. will meet with Mrs. Walter Mill er November 5. Four families have moved Into our neighborhood and erected three new cabins on the Beards- ley farm, the men folks are em ployed In cutting wood for Mr, Beard sley. and prescribe what is need ed for you. His orders will be carefully and correctly filled by us. . Painstaking, thorough work, with meticulous at tention to every smallest detail, ensures your j get ting what the doctor order-'- ed. Store Only the Best' -o i I Waldo Itfclls WALDO HILLS; Not. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kgan and son. Ralph attended the program glT Mt TTal fl.Mii mViaaI ViHil.i at Hazel Green school Friday erenlng. Ralph la a member ot furnished mu- the orchestra that ale. ) Karl Haberly has been ill for a week and on consulting his doe tor finds he has the latest thing. In "flu." He is recovering nicely. Mr. aad Mrs. Edson Comstoek and daughter Janet, attended a Hallowe'en dinner-; at the Dr. A. J. MeCaanel home in SUrei-ton Friday evening. Later Janet was a guest at a big party given by Weston Smith. j The Sllverton-Stayton road is again partly closed. The south approach to Drift Creek bridge was a temporary j one and the bridge cannot be used now as a permanent approach is being made. A longer detour will soon be in use as the top of the Sebo hill is to be" cut down. Traffic OTer th ebrldge was stopped Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Merlin Prather of the Ev ergreen greenhouse entertained a large number of friends at her home Wednesday honoring her sister, Mrs. Lou Hatteberg. The rooms were lovely with autumn leaves and flowers and the time was spent In a social way. Re freshments were served by the hostess. Mrs. Ole Overlund of the Ev ergreen district is in the Imman uel hospital in Portland. Reports from her bedside are not very en couraging. Her daughter Hilda, is a student nurse at the hospital and Mr. Overland goes in to see his wife three or four times a week. , Tu rner I -o TURNER. Nov. 1 Mrs. L. J. Rowley has purchased a lot and is arranging to have a home built for herself and son Paul. Mrs. F. C. Delzell is glad to be at home after spending nearly two months with relatives and friends in Missouri. D. B. Parks returned from Portland Friday. The community club will hpld their second meeting of the fall season Monday evening, Novem ber 10. at the high school audi torium. New officers will be elected and a good program Is being prepared, all are cordially and here is the difference fh a v o" Jpr 4.50x21 $375 5.00 x20 5.50x19 $12'55 . Other sixes la ereportiom ; t l Telephone Invited. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Farris hare for their house guests this week. their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Lareta Farris and two chil dren of Wrenn, Ore. Mr. . and Mrs. F. C. Gunning returned Thursday erenlng after an absence ot two months, spent in the east and California. Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Talbot en tertained Tuesday for Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mills of Eugene. Mrs. Cornelius Darts and Miss Mary Davey were guests the first of the week of Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph McCloud of Independence. Mrs. Davis and Mrs. McCloud are cousins. J. M. Bones has the contract for the improvement work that is required on the rifle range which Is located north of town on the Dr. Carlton Smith farm. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Prather and young son spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Prather's parents. Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Hutchens of near McMinnville. A party of 20 relatives were present for a dinner served in honor of Mr. Hutchens' birthday. It was found more gravelling was necessary at the south end of the new bridge by the O. P. Givens' place, so the road was closed Friday, after a truck was stuck in a mud hole Thursday night. o- i -o I Independence INDEPENDENCE. Nov. 1 Mrs. Delia Butler who has been touring In the foreign countries for the last three months has ar rived in Portland, and will return to her home here in a few days. The Needlecraft of the Presby terian church are making plans to hold a bazaar In the near fu ture. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Beal of Portland are spending a few days visiting with relatives here. Mrs. W. F. Burch returned home this week from a month's trip in the east. She visited her old home in Tennessee and, also Tisited with relatives in Oklaho ma. Mrs. Charlie Kurrie is in Port land caring for her mother, Mrs. M. J. Bullock who is seriously ill. Mrs. Marie Kullander is spend ing a week in Vernonla, Tislting with a son and daughter In that place. Mrs.. W. D. Wiley and Mrs. Hart spent the day Thursday in Salem. mm SSiennnMMBBWBnMBWBSnBBMBB IPnrtt ectlimi WSmteir nDFiivuimgi Heavy Duty sUSiflndcr Valvet 66 North Commercial at Genter COMPLETE SATISFACTION i Macleay MACLEAY, Not. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wilson have their tele phone Installed in their home. The Four M. club et Macleay will meet at the home of Mrs. Bartels the first Wednesday in November. The Macleay grange is plan ning on giving their annual har vest home meeting November 7. Each member Is asked to bring the best article produced this year. Milton Kephart Is on his way to California with a carload of cattle. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan C. Beers of Woodburn and Mr. and Mrs. Mor ris, were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Martin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Chamberlain and sons Verne and Benny, who at one time lfved in the Macleay district, were the guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Martin Thurs day afternoon. Verne is a great sportsman, so he spent most ot his time hunting. James Alberts the rural mail carrier for route 5 is back again on his job after several days' ab sence. The farmers are very glad to see it rain again, as it is just' what they need so they can be gin to plow. Paul Young Is hauling straw" on the W. I. Staley farm to be put under the cherry trees. He has found this very productive to the trees. John McKenzIe is having the county road. w"hich begins at the end of the W. I. Staley ranch to the end of the Fred Shuts farm, replaced with travel. There are several trucks hauling the gravel from Salem. Harry E. Martin and Marvin A. Wells have purchased several tons of carrots from Labish. O . O Oak Grove o - -o OAK GROVE. Nov. 1 A very entertaining Hallowe'en program was given Thursday afternoqn at the school house by the school children. The room was decor ated with the Hallowe'en motif and some new safety posters that were made by the pupils. Kenneth Vaughn is able to be about on crutches now. Kenneth had his leg broken some time ago while playing in the play shed at school. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Fawk en O- I Treads f deep-eni tough rubber and nearly DOUBLE thick for extra, traction, extra miles ! Two additional plies of shock-absorbing SUPERTWIST cord fabric undent eat for extra endurance. Quality thai only Goodyear offers. The new Heary Duty AB-Wcathcr (pictured abore) and the new Heary Duty Pathfinder (priced at the left) are the cen tury's greatest bargains. ' And we can prore lit '" i ' i'" Selling Today at Dottom Prices! " V. ' ' ' This is the Time to Buy New GoodycarsI Careful Mounting - - Year Around Service WITH EVERY TRANSACTION tertained the young . friends of their daughter Maxlne, at a Jolly Hallowe'en party Friday even- . lng. Hallowe'en stunts prevailed and after several hours of games a delicious lunch was served. Mrs. Peterson and - daughter Miss Laura.', of Independence, ' Tisited school Friday afternoon. Laura received her, third year club pin from her former teach er and club leader, Mrs. Bool. -o i -o Clear Lake CLEAR LAKE. Nov. 1 Mr. and Mrs, .Roy Smith made a bus iness trip to Portland Thursday. Lights have been -installed in the clnb room ot the church. H. R. Scheurman and Andrew Ol son did the work Thursday, in order to have 'the lights avail able for- the Friday night "get together supper.' Mrs. Bill Dormaa -who was suddenly" taken ill on Sunday, was taken to the Salem General hospital where she was operated on for apendicitis Sunday night. Miss Esther Schlag who und erwent a major operation two weeks acgo. is (till at the hos pital, but (is reported as recover ing satisfactorily. C. A. Baker and Miss Pearl Baker motored to Otis Sunday to spend the day and also to bring Mrs. Baker hiine. Mrs. Ba ker had been visiting, her par ents, Mr. -and Mrs. McMillan, for a week. Mr. Mcillllan accompan ied them back and -he and Mr. Baker have spent part of the week in Portland attending; the International Stock Show. ' , BUYS The Best Vulcanite Plate Free Extraction it h Plate work. Why pay twice? Painless Extraction 75c Silver Filling m low as f 1 Honest Work-Honest Pries , Save you over H what others ask 0r.F.C.JONE5,Denttst "Five Years a Dental ; Instructor" tTnetalrs I Oyer Ladd & Bush Bank 66 Telephone -"TWOOd.