The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 29, 1930, Page 10, Image 10

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    TTia nnrrrOM STATESMAN. Sakm. Oraron. Wednesday Moraine. October 29. 1930 '
Mmm Peroi Ends
Former Residents Gather
From two States for
Annual vent
V !mi7 1
'V 4 . '.Mil
Unique Type of Report Card
To be Used in High
Hunting Accident Costs Life
Of Former Resident of
WflflnRlIRN H S 1 i
AMITY, Oct. 28 The 16th
annual proram and banquet of
the 80 year club was held Friday
erenlng, October 24 in the high
school auditorium. W. L. Gra
han, a former business man here,
of Portland, was chairman. The
opening song was "Shall Dear
Old Amity Be Forgot."- Invoca
tion by Edith Jones of McMinn
Tllle; vocal solos by Mrs. Mildred
Jones Wyatt of Salem, and Mrs.
Maude Springer Row.een of Port
land. The music wis furnished by
the old time orchestra, comprised
of W. W. Nickel, i cleric of Yam
hill county. F. B.'Fergusen, for
mer sheriff of Yamhill county, of
Salem, and Mrs. Fannie Likens of
Portland. A chorus of Amity peo
ple sang several songs.
There were four six minute
talks "reminiscences of Amity"
by H. Clay Burch and Jesse
Jones of Portland. Dr. c. R. Mat
thls of McMinnville and J. M.
Umphlette of Amity. Miss Isa
bella Gillbaugh of Portland show
ed slides of pictures she had
taken on a recent European trip
Over 280 were present to enjoy
the fine banquet set on the tables
In the corridor of the high school
Former residents were present
from all parts of Oregon and
Washington, as follows:
H. H. Alderman. Oo. H. Alder
man, R. L. Allen, Emma Allen, Lester
Ell Burnett, Ivan Brown, H. TV.
iJocKrx, Laura Hookes, J. w. Brfea
well, Mrs. J. W. Brlfdwell, M. E. Bur
gs, H. C. Broadwell. Mrs. H. C.
Broadwell, William Buttrirlc. Mr K.
M. Breeding, Maud Springer Bowm,
Ivan Brown, Mrs. M. E. Brown, Rob-
. rt Brown, Mrs. Robert Brown, In tee
Elston Brown, H. I. Buffnm, Mr. and
Mrs. H. C. Burch. Nora Burch, Chas.
Burch, Victoria Burch, Louie Burch,
J. W. Booth, Mr. William Buttrio.
Mrs. S. W. Buffum, Allriton Broad
well, Clara Broadwell.
J. C. Cootwr. Mrs. J. C Cooner. Mr.
and Mrs. B. E. Chrlstnson, Ollle
uouiter, w. l cook, Mr, w. i.
Cook, Edith Cox. Julia Coulter. W. E.
Cox, Merritt Cooper. Mr. M. D. Coul
ter. B. E. Coulter. Ruth Coulter. Hel
en Coulter, W. R. Coulter, Ixira Coo-
vert. M. r. Corrigan, Mrs. M. F. Cor
rtvan. J. A. Campbell, Mrs. J. A.
Campbell, Mrs. George Crlmmlns".
Mrs. Bud Da tr, Etta Iay, A. Dunn,
Mrs. A. Dunn Rose Dunlap, Mrs. L. C.
Ethel Emmett, Mrs. D. P. Evens,
Fpence Edwards, F. B. Ferguson, J.
n. Fox, Mrs. Guy Fendall, Mrs. 8. W.
Fletcher, Gladys Mathhls Fields. .
Mr. and Mrs. Al Glandon, T. J.
Graves. Mrs. C. C. Graves. C. C.
Graves, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Grames,
J. A.Glllbaugh. Herb Gillbaugh. Issa e
GUbauch. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Gors
l!ne, Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Glover, Mr.
attd Mrs. E. W. Groves, William and
Mrs Groves, Tom Glover, Will Glr
rard, W. L. Grahan, Mrs. W. L. Gra
han, Frel Garrison, Weslejr Green,
uocj uions fatty.
8. E. Howard, Mrs. 3. E. Howard,
Mrs. M. Hubbard. Dick Harrison, Ray
Harpool, Mrs. Ray Harpool, R. A.
Harris, Mrs. La Verne Hardwock, P.
E. Holdrlch. Mrs. P. E. Holdrlch. Mrs.
ftarah Harty, Jessie Harty, Mattle
ttess, Klla .Habison, Jjivina Harrison,
Ienna Harrison, M. T. Henerson, K.
XT. Henderson, Ruby Gilbaugh Hart
Cord. E. W. Ingramham.
Frank Jones, Katie Jones, "Herman
Tones, W. W. Jones, Mrs. -W.- W.
Jones, Edith Jones, Jesse Jones, Earl
Jones, Mary Judy, Eleanor Jeffries,
Orill Smith Jonasson.
H. G. Kety, Mrs. H. G. Kety. Ada
Keyt. Y. R. Kirkwoon. Mrs. W. R.
Klrkwoon, K. George Kelty.
Lee Ladd, Ora Ladd, J. A. Likens,
Mrs. M. F. Likens Sam Likens, S. T.
Likens, L. Lancefield, John Lorenzon.
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Mulkey, Mr. and
Mrs. M. A. Mack, Mrs. C. G. Mack.
Mr. and Mrs. George Morrison. M. O.
Martin, H. R. Martin. Mrs. H. R. Mar
tin, Ira Martin. Lester Martin, Dr. C.
R. Matthls, Mrs. C. R. Matthls, Ber
tha M. Munkers, R. R. Massev, Mrs.
R. R. Massey, L W. Murrav, Mrs. L.
"W. Murray, Jessie Martin, Cliff Mun
kers, Mary Bokus Matthls, Jessie Ma
hood, Frank Mahood, Clara McKee,
John McKee, Geore and Mrs. McCul
loch, A. J. C. Mi'dowjn, Mary McGow
an, E. L. McEldowney, Mrs. E. L. Mc
Eldowney, Ella Howard McGuire,
Klna McKImens, H. J. McDonald,
Harvy McKlnney, Irene McKinney.
Charles Newman. Mrs. Charles
Newman, Fred Newman Mrs. Fred
Newman, Victor Nixon, A. W. New
by.. Mrs. A. F. Newby, Guy and Mrs.
Nott, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. NickelL
W. R. Osborne, Mrs. W. R. Osborne.
J. E. Putnam. Lucy Patty, Ray Pat
ty. Laura. Philleps, J. H. Putnam,
Mrs. J. J. Putnam. J. J. Putnam. H.
C. Patty, Jennie Post, Mr. and Mrs.
George Patty, George Phillips, Mrs.
George Phillips. Robert and Mrs.
Pratter, Frank Roth. Eva Roth, Eva
Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rob
Ins, H. C. Robinson, E. W. Rea, Lynn
Richardson. Mrs. Lynn Richardson,
Gertie Richter, O. E. Roth, E. C.
Roblson Lottie Robbins, T. C Rich
ter, 8. H. Robisun. T. P. Reese, Mrs.
8. H. Robisun. Amanda. Ferguson Ru
We. J. A. Rubble, Mrs. Frank Roth,
Mrs. G. W. Richardson, Mrs. Bessie
Robinson, Mrs. A. Stimson, Hettle
Shields, Belle Shields, Bertie Coulter,
Blanch Fauter, Harry Schaeffer,
Mrs. a L. Stewart, E. E. Shields, J.
B. Stullenburger, W S. 8mlthon.
Mra Springer, Mr. and Mrs. E. W.
Stullenberger. Barbara Stults, Cap
Springer. Lillian Schaeffer, Nettie
Schaeffer, Ed Schaeffer, Matt San
ders, 8. L. Stewart, Howard Stults,
Mrs. Harry Stults, Emma Simpson,
Bessie Sorenson, C. P. Sheldon, Vera
Swift. K. H. Slckafoose. Mrs. Leon
Turner, Betty Treest, Zella Bassh
Tatro, Mrs. F. S. Thomas, W. J.
Udell, John Umphlette. .
C. W. Van Busklrk, Floy White, AI
H. Wyatt, lAura Sanders.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Warner, Mrs.
Zlssie Winters, Mrs. J. and Mrs.
Woodman, Elva Werner, Eula Watt,
A. B. Watt, Carrie Wood, J. W. "Wall
ing, Glenn Weston, Mr.s Olive Wood,
A. Withee, Rattle Wlthee, M. E.
Walling, Mildred Wyatt. Irva. White,
Kd Weston. Mrs. R. O. Williams. Mr.
R. O. Williams, R. W. Wyatt, D. E.
Wyatt, S. H. Weeks, Kate Weston,
Anna Wlthrow. Mrs F.d WiM J
L. Wright, Mrs. J. L. Wright. Fred
JJal'lng Dora Walling. R. Lee Wood.
E. B. Watt, J. D. Woodman, Jessie
Walling, W. E. Yarnes.
Ed Yarnes, Mamie Yarnes, John
9.- " ,' - ,,'"' " i ' -
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2, - V aft? ' " f '
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3Iiiii' la far from being one of those "suffering cats" yon hear about
If money means anything. For MMitai' is an 18-year-old pet
Persian rat, remembered to the extent of $13,000 in the will of
its late Mistress, Mrs. Maude F. Ide of Saa Gabriel, also known aa
Dr. Maude F. Cain. Of an estate valued at $500,000, Mrs. Ide pro
vided that the valuable home in San Gabriel and 915,000 be placed
in trust "for the purpose of providing upon said premises t home
and proper care for my cat, Mitzie, In case it survives me, so long
as it shall live.
West Salem News
J. W. Mooney, who hag been la
Eugene for some time, where he
was employed by tt3 Nelson
Brothers plumbing company Is
again at his home here on Mc
N'ary avenne and is now working
at the Nelson establishment in Sa
lem. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams
have moved from Salem to this
city. They are living In the Watz
ling house on Second street.
Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
E. N. Filsinger last night were
their son and daughter-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. L. A. Filsinger of Cor
vallis. Saturday and Sunday guests
of the Ftlsingers were Mr. and
Mrs. Lester Hunting of Longview,
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Green visit
ed their ranch which Is located
midway between Stayton and Scio
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. MacDowell
and children Ora and Ross were
week-end gueets of Mr. and Mrs.
Wallace McGee at Hood River.
They returned home on Monday
Aurora School
Gives Program
AURORA, Oct. 28 A pro
gram given at the assembly of the
Aurora grade school Friday, Oct.
24, in honor of Francis E. Wll-
lard Day. Songs by the school,
Francis E. Willard exercise by
the first and second grades. Tem
perance Roll Call of Famous Ath
letes, by the third and fourth
grades. 'A Good American' exer
cise given by the fifth and sixth
grades. A dramatization given
by the seventh and eighth grades.
and a song by the entire school
completed the program.
Mr. and -Mrs. L. M. Hill and
sons. Bob Lloyd, Harold, Clifford
and Howard were weekend guests
at the home of Mrs. Hill's moth
er, Mrs. Laura Moss at Gladstone.
Mrs. B. K .Engelhorn enjoyed
a day's visit Thursday with an old
friend and former West Salemlte,
Mrs. L. Christensen of North 19th
street, Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Chap
man and family have moved from
351 Rosemont avenue to Salem.
Mr. Chapman is a contractor and
has built several houses In West
Mrs. J. J. Jacobs went to Black
Rock Saturday for a visit of a few
days with relatives.
AURORA, Oct. 28 Miss Car
aline Will who lived at Coeur
d'AIene, Idaho, but who has been
visiting at the home of her sis
ter, Mrs. Catherine Zimmerman,
passed away Monday morning at
tha age of 62 years. Miss Will
has been ill about eight months,
and came here hoping to improve
her health. Thursday she became
worse, and Miss Flora Will was
called from their home In Idaho.
She wa the daughter of the
late Henry and Margaret Will
and Is survived by Mrs. Catherine
Zimmerman, Aurora; Mrs. Sarah
McFadden of Anacortes, Wash
ington; and Miss Flora Will of
Coeur d'AIene, Idaho. Funeral
services will be held at the Miller
chapel at 2 p.m. Wednesday. Rev.
Grafius will officiate. The body
will be taken to the Portland
AURORA, Oct. 28 The peo
ple of Aurora were shocked at the
accidental ahooting of Herbert
Began, aged 47, a carpenter who
lived near Aurora before moving
to Portland. Began shot himself
while hunting Sunday afternoon
near Aurora. He was taken to a
hospital at Oregon City, but died
soon after reaching there.
Began and family were spend
ing the day with Mrs. Began's
sister, Mrs. Robert Colvin who
lives north of town, and was ac
companied by the two Colvin
children when the accident occur
ed. Driving along the WJlson
Tllio ferry road, Began saw Chi
na pheasant and stopped the car
to shoot It.
In' polling his gun out of the
back seat, it was accidently dis
charged, nearly severing his arm.
His death was caused by loss -of
blood. Besides a wife, Myrile Be
gan, he leaves two children.
AMITY, Oct. 28 Clifford
Stephens, Online and Chris Starr
are exhibiting live stock at the
live stock exposition In Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rogers and
daughter, Elsie Louise ?(ent
Monday afternoon shoeing in
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henry re
turned from the apple orchards
at Hood River and are spending
a few days at Mrs. Henry's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rogers,
before going to California where
they expect to make their home.
Mr. and Mrs. James Henry are
leaving Wednesday for California
to make their home.
Charles Kempton of Mapleton,
Minnesota is visiting at the homes
of J. E. Rogers and H. J. Rogers,
with the expectations of locating
Mr. and Mrs. John Gross of
Rickreall spent Saturday visiting
friends in Amity.
The Methodist church league
entertained the Epworth league
from McMinnville, Sunday even
ing. Barbara Rogers was chair
man of the evening. A very In
teresting program was reported.
Mr. and Mrs. Parker Allison
are attending the P. I. Exposi
tion in Portland this week.
Mrs. M. A. Mack of Stayton
visited many friends in Amity
over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Williams
and a son, Merle visited Virgil
Williams in Woodburn Monday.
Boys Work is
Rated High
AURORA, Oct. 28 Marshall
Ziegler, a member of the Smith
Hughes judging team of the Can
by Union high school won first
place in individual pudging of
Poland China swine at the Paci
fic International Livestock show,
in competition with 186 boys.
Oran Ottoway Is a member of
a stock judging team from the
Woodburn high school. He re
ceived fifth place in individual
scores. The Woodburn team won
fifth place in competition with
69 schools representing the states
of Oregon. Washington. Idaho,
Montana and California.
WOODBURN. October 28. A
new and probably better type of
report cards will be used at
Woodburn high school this year.
The new report cards will be of
more informative value to the
parents, as they give a graphic
view of just what the individual
student is doing personally, as
well as in relation to his class
mates. The new cards have spaces
where the distribution of grades
in the entire class is given and a
circle is to be drawn around the
class in which the individual
falls. The grades are awarded ac
cording to class marks and a def
inite percent of students get l's,
2's, 38, 4's and S's.
At the bottom of the card there
is an attendance record, stating
bow many times the classes met,
how many times the pupil was
absent and how many times the
pupil was late.
Attitude Checked I .
On the reverse side of the card
there is a list for attitude marks
for each six weeks passed. Grades
will be given for attention, effort,
honesty; interest, courtesy, re
spect for property, carefulness
and behavior. The cards will be
good for the entire year and are
not to be discarded after the par
ents see them.
WACONDA, Oct. 28 Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Brown entertained a
group of relatives and friends in
their home, Friday evening, the
occasion being their tenth wed
ding anniversary. Many lovely
and useful gifts were received.
An impromptu program was en
joyed; and at a late hour refresh
ments were served.
Mr. and Mrs. Allyn Nusom and
children accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. A. W. Nusom, motored to
Marquam, Sunday, where they
visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Jake Thurmon.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Klenskl have
recently moved to the farm
known as the Grassman place, a
mile north of Gervais on the Pa
cific highway.
PERRYDALE, Oct. 28. Many
from here attended the funeral of
George Richmond which was held
in Dallas Sunday. Mr. Richmond
has been in poor health for some
months due to a fall a year ago,
but was able to be up and around
some of the time. On Wednesday,
he took dinner at the home of his
sister, Mrs. F. E. Lynn, it being
his 56th birthday. He enjoyed the
day very much and apparently felt
no worse for the ride t. the Lynn
home. He died very suddenly
while sitting by his own fireside
Friday evening. The entire com
munity extends sympathy to the
MONMOUTH, Oct. 28. Mrs. F.
E. Murdock and Mrs. F. E. Cham
bers, Monmouth delegates to the
Oregon Congress of Parents and
Teachers, motored to Portland to
day to attend the annual conven
tion there. Mrs. Chambers is pres
ident and Mrs. Murdock is vice
president.of the Monmouth organization.
ONE will" always
stand out
large crowd attended tha fnneral
services for Mrs. Bertha Dale
whiea were held at the Christian
chareh Sunday at 2 o'clock.
Rev. H. L. Foss of Sllvertonl
officiated. Interment was In the
L O. O. T. cemetery here.
Mrs. Dale passed away at her
noma hero Thursday night at the
ag eof II years, and had been a
resident of this place for 80 years.
Surviving here are five children,
Mrs. Elizabeth of Cohassett, Min
nesota; Joseph, Alfred and Martin
of Seotts Mills and Mrs. Clara
Rnde of Portland, besides It
grand children and 12 great grand
children and a, host of friend. Her
hnsband preceed'ei her 18 years
Mo ballylaoo!
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