The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, October 26. 1S30 - PAGE THREE lllljlS 1 NAVTO;CHAMPIORnGinTNG SQVADRON .'f iBlOITHCTEIIS Jljf . . 1 1 I - . .v.,v--.v.-v v .y. ...:::. - . .. . . .vaw. a Candidates and: Political Questions Occupy all day Session of Group MONMOUTH. Oct. 25 Mon mouth was boat today to the Polk county Pomona grange for an all day meeting. The session was In the nature of an open meeting and many townspeople as well as grange members at tended. All eight granges of Polt eounty were represented. Speakers In the morning wer,e Dr. Holmes and Mrs. Alexander Thompson of Portland who spoke in hehalf of Julius L. Meier for governor and Meier himself who also told of his personal qualifi cations. William Delzell. democratic candidate for representative In congress spoke in his own behalf while C. C. Hulett, master of the Oregon state grange spoke for the power bill and- other measures which the grange is sponsoring. The group adjourned for din ner at which the Meier party were special guests and some 150 were served. The lecturer's hour in the af ternoon was presided over "by Mrs. Marie Flint McCall, state grange lecturer. Speakers were J. R. Beck, county agent of Polk county who discussed agricultural conditions; Joslah Wills, county school superintendent, who dis cussed school work from a finan cial standpoint. Vocal numbers were given by Billy TJttley ol Brush College, ac companied by Hilda and Prank Crawford and James Blodett, and by J. D. McCain of Fort Hill who was accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Marie Flint McCall. Edward L. Bailey, democratic . candidate for governor spoke In his own behalf as did G. H. Pe terson of Oak Point, democratic candidate for county judge of Polk county. P. O. Powell, master of Polk ed at the meeting. " it V, "The Fighting Five," composed of navy, pilots who thrilled crowds during the- recent Chicago air races, have been 1 awardeifthe navy trophy for ex- in the air ' and on the ocean, cellence in gunnery ana bomb- I This picture shows formation of ing and for their accurate at-J Fighting Squadron Five tacks oa moving targets, both I.L ALBERT I S PUBLISHED LITTLE PEOPLE WIN CONTEST MONITOR, Oct. 23. The con test in the membership drive of the P. T. A. between the two rooms of the Monitor school was won by the primary room, they having secured a majority of the 39 members signed up. A treat having been promised the win ning side, Mrs. H. M. Bibersteln, chairman of the membership committee, had a "bright Idea" and on Wednesday afternoon took the treat, consisting of jello fruit salad and birthday cake, to the school house. The teacher, Miss Green, as well as the pupils, was surprised' as it was her birthday. School was dismissed at recess and a jolly party was enjoyed by the little folk. Former Student of Jeffer son Author of Electrical - Engineering Test - JEFFERSON, Oct. 25 Arthur L. Albert, a former Jefferson boy, who Is assistant professor X electrical engineering at Oregon State- college at Corvallis. has just completed a scientific text, book, "The Fundamental Theory of Electrical Engineering," pub-4- lished by Ginn and company of Boston, New York and London. Mr. Albert, who Is not yet 30. years of age, is a' native Ore- gonian, receiving most of his ed ucation in Jeferson, being a high schol graduate of the class of 1919. He was an exceptionally bright scholar and very popular among his classmates. He also ttended school In Portland be fore coming to Jeferson, where he resided with his parents and brothers and sister for a num ber of years. Later Mr. Albert attended Ore gon State college, where he re ceived his B.S. and M.S. degrees In electrical engineering. The new text Is a 325-page illustrat ed book for beginning college and university students In elec trical engineering. It Is one of a series of engineering texts be ing published by Ginn and com pany. Homecoming of Lodge is Event At Scotts Mills SCOTTS MILLS. Oct. 25. The Momecomlng of Ivy Rebek ah Lodge No. 101, was celebrat ed in their hall Tuesday evening. ahout 55 people being present. A short program was render ed, also short talks from some of the older members, after which lunch was served in the dining room. Those present from out of town were: Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lut- gen and daughters Alma and Vera, Harvey Green of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. John Scott of Ore gon City, Mrs. Clara Harper and daughter Hazel, and -Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Brougher of Salem. O O . Amity o c AMITY. Oct. 25 Homer Fits gerald applied two coats of tan paint to tho city hall this week. greatly improving its appear ance. Mrs. Linn McCarty and Mrs 'Fred Vincent were MeMinnvllle Visitors Tuesday. -. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Torbett and Mrs. A. Carrick went to AI bany Tuesday. Van K. Lossen moved its fam ily to a farm near Independence this week. Witt Cox moved back on the place the Lossen's vacat ed. Mrs. M. F. Townley. after spending the week visiting In Amity, returned to her home in Silverton Tuesday. Don Maasey, John Rogers. Ra Ieigh Massey. Bill Rogers and Archie Massey, spent the week 38 miles east of Prineville. hunting, they returned Tuesday with three large mule deer. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ellis of Marshfleld. are visiting among friends a few days this week, Mr. Ellis" operated the Standard OH plant here for a number of years. Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Xewman and daughter Helen Gene, of Sa lem. were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas.-. Mr. and Mrs. George Dear man of Dayton ' are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Rowalnd Wolfe. Robert Rosenbalm is driving a new car. Mr. McCradey Is papering and painting his home, making it very attractive. Several of the ladies of the county federation of clubs, at tended a meeting In Sheridan Friday of the county health club. W. R. Osborne., proprietor of the Amity Walnut-Growers' as sociation, made a-4sijjess trip to Salem. . Howard Versteep Joined'the army in Salem Wednesday. He will be In Vancouver for a short: while, then go 4o San Jtancisco. ; where ha win leavvifor the ' Hawaiian XsIajTds ahotxQ the end of the months He Joined' the field artillery and will be stationed there for four years studying mechanics ' G. H. S. ST START m FUND Miss Klamath.Falls" is Guest at Jeff erson Home Drift Creek Bridge Opened to Traffic During the Week WALDO HULLS. Oct. 25. -Thursday was a day to be remembered by- Waldo Hills folk for on that day the new. concrete bridge over Drift creek was opened for trmf f ic. Rain began to fall early In the forenoon, bnt the road crew refused to be daunted and kept tteadljy at work to finish the approach on the oath Sldfi iTfafl toad .part eW and! part WJ is in! fine condition, and tra veils once again a pleasure. men high WEIL ORGANIZED New Plan of Study Periods and Subjects Offered Promises Success JEFFERSON, Oct. 25 Miss Henrietta Looney of Klamath Falls, is risking her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Looney. The Veterans of Foreign Wars, at Klamath Falls, recently spon sored a "popularity contest" and Miss Henrietta was adjudged the winner. On Tuesday evening she was erowned "Miss Klam ath Falls," at the coronation ball held .in the exhibit building at the fair grounds. The dance was preceded " by the coronation of the queen, and princesses, and presentation of awards, to the ladies In waiting, and maids of honor. - Miss kddney. won the title- of 'Mfes Klamath Falls" j under strong com petition1, there- being 80 contestants. She received be sides this honor, a 12 inch sil ver loving cup, a diamond ring. and will be privileged to attend the state convention of the For eign War Veterans to be held at Astoria, and a trip to the Na tional convention, at St. Liouis, Missouri. Miss Looney will be "queen" for the Armistice day celebration, will ride in a special float at the Bead of the parade, and in the etening the Veterans fire t benefit- dance at which Miss Looney will lead the grand march. - Unique Party Given at Bid good Home for School Board and Faculty HUBBARD. Oct. 25 The Hub bard school board and faculty were guests at the J. R. Bidgood j home Thursday evening. j uames anasiunis were xoiiow ed by refreshments served by the hostess. The. black and orange paper caps worn by the guests and which were the rewards in a per plexing hunt game in which the guests were guided from place to place by doggerels, and also the autumn ieaves and dahlias, room decorations, formed a riot of col oring that heightened the spirit of fun which characterized the party. A debate on the subject "Squalling cats on the back fence are musical, " was one of the sev eral stunts enjoyed. Persons tak ing part in the debate were Mrs. Coble de Lespinaase, Mrs.. Ellen Carl and Mrs. Lottie Fry. the affirmative; Earl E. Rinehart. Russell C. Painter, and C. R. Dun can, the negative; and Mrs. Nel lie Cornell, E. O. Erlckson, Wal ter Fry, Mrs. Adeline Fields, and Mrs. C. D. Duncan, the Judges. The negative side won the deci sion of the judges. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Her man L. 'Carl,. Dr. and Mrs. A. F. de Leepinasse, Mr. and Mrs. Rus sel C. Painter, Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Rinehart, Mrs. Nellie Cornell, Mrs. Adeline Fields, Miss Frances Hatch. SUE Til STAGE PARTY GERVAIS. Oct. 25 Upwards of llOo was realized for the ef forts of the students of tne nign school at the basket social given at the city hall last night. The stu dents are anxious for a gymna slum and decided upon this plan for raising a fund to start the project. About 60 baskets were sold at from SO cents to $8.00. A splendid program was given, con sisting of a skit by eight pupils; skit by two boys; monologue; and songs by the girls' glee club. PliAXB IN TROUBLE RICKEY, Oct. 25. Apparent ly the pilot of the mail plane that passes just east of this com munity every night between 9 and 9:30 o'clock, was having trouble or had lost his way Thursday night as the plane made several circles when in this vicinity before continuing on its way northward. RICKREALL. Oct. 25 The senior class of the Rlckreall high school have organized as follows: president, Lewis Haftorson; vice president," Lois Vernon; gecretary ireasurer, Katherine Price; class advisor, F. M. Mitchell. Class colors, royal blue and silrer. The school is basing its pro gram of studies this year on the basic subjects with two non-basic elect! ves f Foreign language Nand typing) as outlined in the manual for principals- ot smau high schools. Also Mr. Mitchell states they are trying out the one-hour per iods with supervised study per iods. So far the plan seems to be very satisfactory. Pansies Bring More Honor to Rickey RICKEY", Oct. 25. The community has been quite prowd of tbe pnie grown by Mrs. V. D. Binegar this summer and has thought them above the average. - Now the community is as sured of the fact that they are superior pan&ies by the distinction won at the Salem fall blower show. No prises were given on pastes bat only on- fall flow era. There were several ex hibits of pansies. bat Mrs. Birgars was the only one that received special men-' tlon. Another fact of interest Is that the pansies are entirely a Rickey prodnet as Mrs. Binegar obtained the plants when quite smaTT from a local grower. The plants have blossom ed continuously since early in the season. Orchard Heights ORCHARD HEIGHTS, Oct. 25 Earl Dean Withers was ab sent from school two days recent ly owing to an infection of the chin. M. A. Schneller is In Portland where he is doing interior decor ating In the booths of the build ings of the International Lire stock exposition. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Gibson of Salem were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Burnham South wick. Summit M. E. church will ob serve Rally-day next Sunday, Oct. 2. An appropriate program will fill the Sunday school hour and communion service will be ob served. Everybody and his friends are cordially Invited. Mrs. Sarah Patrick is home af ter a visit of" several days at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crawford at Zen a. Mrs. Patrick recently returned from Portland where she was at the time of and following the death' of her sister, Mrs. T. H. Starbuek. Mr. and Mrs. S. Page of Salem Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Fox, Mrs Charles Schwartz "and son Del, all of King wood were Sunday guests at the L. Grice home. Overnight guests of the Grice's - Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lutklns whose home is at Heppner. They came here from Neskowia where Lutklns has been doing contract road work. They left Friday for Mitchell where Lutklns will do further work on the- highways of that region. SWEGLE, Oct. 25 A Hallo we'en carnival will be given by Swegle school Friday evening. October 31 at 7:30. Cider, pumpkins, doughnuts and home made candy will be on sale. For amusement the children will give a program. A penny exhibit, a fish pond and a fortune teller will be some of the other attractions. The proceeds will be used in payment on the school piano. Dall o i as Twenty-three states have enter ed the fifth Georgia national egg laying contest conducted by the state college of agriculture. CARDINAL HAYES GREETED I -O rrsziaVlBssBzsBlPiqp - -ix if ! s , ? X t ?bv.M 7 I DALLAS, Oct. 25 While Mrs. Mark Hayter was attending a meeting of the Presbyterian Syn od in Medford this past week. Dr. Hayter visited in Grants Pass with B. J. Klmbler, formerly pas tor of the Presbyterian church in Dallas, and now editor of a newspaper fn Grants Pass. Among those attending tne football game In Portland Satur day were: Ralph Beck, Earle Richardson, Dave Moser, Kivin Ballantyne, Jack Eakin, Misses Quiring, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Augusta Gerlinger, Margaret Friar, Genevieve and Doris Coad. Ena McKeown, Margaret ana Virginia Leitch, Dorotha Young, Mr." and Mrs. Sidney Whitworth. August Rlssser is on a two weeks vacation from the Dallas National bank, accompanied by Mrs. Risser; they are visiting southern Oregon beaches, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wagner are moving into the houBe on Wash ington street, recently vacated by Kirk Rauthrauff, who nas movea to Woods, where he is building a number ot cottages for a fishing resort. Mr. and Mrs. William Matthews will move Into the Cri der house on Orchard avenue for merly occupied by the Wagners Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hayter and Dr. and Mrs. V. C. Staats spent the week end in Prescott visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Keller. -The baseball game In Portland Sunday drew a good attendance from Dallas folk, some of those attending were: J. A. Terry. Charles Lynn, Henry Savery. Leif Flnseth and son Ralph, T. B Hooker. F. A. Patterson, Floy and Maurice MeCann, Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Savery and Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bohle; Mrs. Erie Fulgham spent Fri day and Saturday at Cascade Locks, visiting Mrs. John Fulg ham Victor Kem left for Cottage Grove Tuesday, where he has em ployment en construction of the new armory. Mrs. Kem will visit until after .the first of the montn with Mrs. Penn C. Crum and Mrs. Ahe Regier. Mrs. Charles N. Bllyeu attend ed the. third district federation institute In Portland Saturday. She was accompanied by . Mrs. A. B. Starbuek, who visited, the Doernbecker hospital. Wednes day they will go to Eugene for a meeting of the clubs In the sec ond district. Abe Regier Is spending this week In Portland where he is playing at the International Livestock show with the Sheri dan band. Mrs. Marguerite McMurphy Is In Portland for three weeks tak ing Instruction In operation of a permanent hair waving machine. Lynn 4k Erlckson. expect to install one in their shop on her return. O O Rain Brings joy To Farmers in Rickreall Area RICKREALt, Oct. 25. The rain this week Is bringing joy to the hearts of the farmers In this vicinity as the land has been much- too dry for satisfactory plowing. This will bring up tbe grain already sown. Some fears had been felt that the seed would rot for lack of sufficient moisture. Several farmers have been running a night shift with their tractors in order to get all their grain in as fall sown grajn usually makes the best yields. Cardinal Patrick Hayes, left, vritjfc MjuuIs George McDonald; Knight of Sc. Gregory and New Tork capitalist, beta erected anon their . arrival in San Franckco by Archbishop Edward J.'Hahaa, rightinelghborhood. Kiogwood KING WOOD. Oct. 25 M r s. Ellis P. White is the guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. C Cannoy and of her. husband's mother, Mrs. M. A. Schmelter Mr. White will come dawn from their home at Longvlew. Wn. over the week end they will re turn home together. -Mrs. Alma Wilson McKinley of Greenfield, Mo., the heiress who figured prominently in the press recently as having been kidnap ped tor ransom is a cousin of Mrs. Walter . Busch and Mrs. Clinton Kennedy ot thels neigh' oornooa. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Fox Jun ior who have been living near Longvlew, Wn., since their mar riage last spring are again In this They will make U0I1 their home for the present in the little St. Pierre cottage on the Kingwood Heights road. Mrs. Fox was Miss Florence St- Pierre. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Bittner en tertained as week end guests, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Anderson of Portland and Lewis Bittner of Salem. The new well on the Carl Mo- bley place is completed. They drilled to a depth of .214 feet and now have 40 feet of water. Tbe forms are being put in for the ce ment foundations of the new res idence which Mr. Mobley will erect. O O Aurora " o AURORA. Oct. 25. The la dies' aid of the Presbyterian church have been preparing for their annual bazaar and candy and cake sale, which will be held the afternoon of November 1 at J p. m. There one may meet a friend and have a cup ot coffee and a chat together. Miss Sophia Kraxburger, a graduate nurse of the Good Sa maritan hospital, who went to Honolulu some time ago, has de cided to remain in the Islands and has accepted a position in the Queen's hospital, Honolulu. 8he was a resident of Macksburg and is the daughter of Charles and Mrs. Kracksburger. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Stoner and children motored to Eugene Sat urday, to be the week end guests of the B. S. Espies. On Sunday the two families had a picnic dinner on the "banks ot the Mc Kenzie "river, halt way up to the pass, where they found the weather quite warm and most beautiful. They returned to Au rora on Monday. Wednesday evening the carni val given by the Pythian Sisters of Una temple io. 26 drew a large and responsive erowd. When Mrs. Frank Miller entered tbe hall singing "My Girl's a Cole Black Lady", taking the part In color and in costume, (he audience threw dignity to the winds and the carnival spirit reigned supreme. 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