The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 26, 1930, Page 1, Image 1

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To accommodate- a b -scHbera
who have delay 1
renewing subscriptions at
bargain rate of $3, The
Statesman continues this
offer a few more day. i
Fair today and. Monday,
moderate temperature;
Max. temperature Saturday
70, Min. 40, rain .06, river
-2.9, south wind.
I ! 1 i
fP mtM. . i i . , ,, , ,. , , . i uuffuf ' -
EIGHTIETH YEAR Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, October 26, 1930 . " No. 13
"Victory", "Decided Trend"
Held Wishful Thought
Of Party Press
Meier Undoubtedly Com
mands Most Attention;
Support is Loudest
Nine more gays will see an end
to Oregon's most stormy guber
natorial contest since the days of
'22 and white shirts. Weeping
Walter and the school bill.
The race has reached the stage
where the careful reporting sup
posed to underlie every real news
story, has gone the way of all po
litical campaigns.
In its place vre garbled stor
ies, claiming sweeping victories
or "decided trends," the contri
bution of the - political writers,
whose -"victory" ana -trend'.' de
pend ' On their own newspaper's
editorial conrietions.
Undoubtedly Meier Is the most
talked, the most advertised man
in the race. He has carried the
fight to the opponents and has
claimed the floodlight of the po
litical ring.
3Ieier Support
ClajiS Victory
Meier's supporters likewise,
are by far the most active and the
most verlbose. Judged by enthus
iastic, ready-6poken support, his
election Is imminent. There can
be no question that Meier has
proved, in the peculiar circum
stances of 1930 and with the
strength of money to back his
candidacy, the most formidable
independent candidate ever to
present himself to staid Old Man
Metschan's Strength lies in the
heavy majority which Oregon us
ually gives a republican. There
are many voters. Including those
who refuse to be dazzled by the
anti-private power propaganda,
who will vote the republican tick
et, from force of habit and from
However, in years past demo
crats have won the governorship
especially when there has been a
fight within the republican par
ty. The independents never have
It is this fact In Oregon's po
litical history which gives espe
cial hope to . Democratic Ed
Bailey. -
"I'm going to win, you can
bank on that." Bailey, passing
through Salem only yesterday,
was as confident as was Meier a
fortnight, ago on his official
Bailey looks to strong support
from the ex-service man's group
a3 well as from disaffected re
Bailey Strength
Seen as Enigma- ; '
But no one can be In the least
certain how formidable Bailey is.
He is talked. There is some or
ganization behlnd.him but only
a fraction of that which is sup-
porting the Independent candi
date. Bailey has some newspaper
endorsements but nothing in
comparison to those given Mets
chan. "
Metschan must depend for his
rotes -on regular republicans who
, believe in following the dictates
of the primary law In Hs meth
ods of selecting a candidate. He
will also have with him men and
women Vho refuse to be hurried
to an independent candidate for
a power-issue flurry.
Metschan has repeatedly stated
that the remedy for power -evils
is with existing machinery . both
as regards the public service
commission, the establishment of
' municipal ownership ot power or
the reservation power sites for
the people.
One of the most Interesting
sidelights of the week was L. A.
Banks' query of Senator Charles
L. McNary on the latter's "can
didate." The senator made an
evasive answer, speaking of his
opponent in unkind manner, but
making no statement either for
Metschan and Meier. Banks re
plied that McNary was support
(Turn to page 2, col. 5)
Boris ot Bulgaria and
Princess Giovanni Wed
ASSISI, Italy, Oct. 25. (AP)
Czar Boris, III of Bulgaria and
Princess I Giovanni of Italy 1 were
married I In the church of St.
Francis this morning as a tem-
. pestuous hail and rainstorm
raged outside.
Fate tossed a monkey wrench
Into the machinery of Intricate
court arrangements for' the wed
ding and the 22-year old prin
cess cried bitt,tr daring the
ceremony, for worse, marriage
weather could not have been,
Imagined and she stood in a well
fprinkled fown, y$h .
But whentha ewnopy waa
brer, th bride recovered her
usual I dfmpled smile In the rain
as & walked across the piasza
la pelting atom ao" that her
people might bid odspeed
and farewell. -!t;W:
, Tha hitch In tha 'arrangements
resulted from tha taet-that thre
royal trains, bearing members of
: ha ireddinj party, palled ln late
, .... r
Bearcats Keep Lead
In Northwest Race;
Beat C P. S. 21 to 0
Defense is Stone Wall but Attack Unimpressive
Except x at ntervals;. Queerest Play on
Record Provides an Extra Point
Succeed Davis
Upon Cabinet?
John Philip Frey, of Ohio, a labor
educator, now with tlie Amer
ican Federation of Iiabor, may
be selected by President Hoov
er to succeed the retiring se
cretary of labor, James J. Da
vis. Frey is 69 years old. He
has' been a labor educator for
24 years.
Honan Added to Wide Area
Marked by Massacre
! and Pillaging
HANKOW, China, Oct, 25
(AP) Communists today car
ried their warfare against I o r
eign and native.,. Christians into
another province of China, as
part of widespread banditry.
Sweeping over Honan, the Reds
added that province to the area
of destruction and massacre
wrought in Kiangsi, Hupeh and
Hunan provinces. &
Several American missionaries
fled to safety when cities of
southern Honan were overwhelm
ed and plundered. Numerous
American priests were Isolated at
other towns and their fate is un
known. The Rev. Bert Nelson of Min
neapolis, captured by bandits at
Kwangshan October 5, is held for
$300,000 Mexican ransom about
$105,000 gold.) Wherebouts of
Nelson who was attached .to the
Lutheran united mission, is un
known. Spurred by requests by
United States consulate for ac
tion, the nationalist government
ordered General Ho Ying-Ching
atChengchow to attempt his re
lease. Father ThomasvHegan, Ameri
can Catholic priest, arrived at
ISlnyang, having narrowly es-
capeo. capture wnen me commun
ists poured into Loshan, when
the city-, gates were reported
opened by disgruned and mu
tinous nationalist soldiers.
Capital Orator
Is Winner Over
Foreign Entries
. .;;) '
The national captal's own young
orator Edmund A. Gulllon, 17, to
night won the sliver loving cup of
the fifth international oratorical
contest, triumphing over seven
star speakers of other nations.
His mastery of that historic
character, John Marshall, evi
denced in polished oration and- in
an extemporaneous speech, was
given the decision of the judges.
from Pisa, despite the fact that
they had clear tracks and the
right of way.
Anxious dignitaries, including
Premier Mussolini, paced the
platform nervously in the means
time, knowing from watching the
sky what was coming.
Just as the trains pulled In a
driszle began and the royal per
sonages got Into closed motor
cars for the trio no ' the i hill
along streets lined with troops.
This protected, them for the
moment, but as the cars pulled
up to the. basilica of St. Francis
tha drizzle tamed to a torrent.
Prioress Glovanna alighted and
although anxious hands held um
brellas over her, her beautiful
white wedding gown was consid
erably damaged...
In the resultln contusion
many of the cars were unable to
Artrm rlnaA - tn the church and
their occupants were thoroughly
drenched before tney reaenea
, shelter. . V4i;'
jj. . snr .v':' 5
For the entertainment of old
grads wbo crowded broad sec
tions of the grandstand, the Wil
lamette university football team
rolled up a 1 to 0 victory over
College of Puget Sound Satur
day afternoon on Sweetland
field. The Bearcat defense was
superb but the attack was far
from Impressive and failed to
augur a -repetition of last year's
championship. .
Willamette got away to two
scoring marches during which
the offense did function admir
ably; once early in the second
period and again at the close of
the third quarter. In each case
a pass, DePoe to Erickson, put
the ball in scoring distance and
each time after some more neat
gains by Erickson and Lang, the
latter plunged over for the
touchdown. ,
The third score,' at the opening
of the fourth period, was in the
nature of an "earned break" if
such there be. Keith Jones
went ' storming in to block a C.
P. S. punt on the 30 yard line;
the ball rose high in the air.
Cardinal swooped under it and
raced to the goal.
Extra Point Made e
In Unique Fashion
Erickson kicked frfm place
ment for the last two extra
points but the first was the fun
niest thing. The pass from cen
ter to Lang, elected to hold the
ball for Erickson, waa a little in
accurate and the ball rolled
away; Erickson raced after it,
picked it up and heaved it into
the pile of players. It hit a
Puget Sound man and bounced
into the hands of Philpott, Bear
(Turn to page 2, col. 8)
EUGENE, Ore., Oct. 25 (AP)
Legislation authorizing the
University of Oregon to float a
bond issue to pay for campus ex
pansion was recommended here
today by a committee of the Ore
gon Dad3' association which has
been investigating plans for ex
tension of the campus boundaries.
The recommendation was an
nounced by O. Laurgaard, Port
land city engineer, at a meeting
of the association.
Laurgaard said he believed the
plan wouid place little or no bur
den on the taxpayers of the state
because the university could re
deem the bonds in about 20 years
irom rentals on tne acqutrea iana.
The association expects to ob
tain the cooperation ot Oregon
State college In the proposed leg
islative measure because the State
college faces the same problem.
The dads adopted a resolution
favoring the appointment of a
legislative committee to study
legislation favorable to the uni
versity. T
MACOMB. Miss., Oct. 25
(AP) A bandit and a lawyer
who the bandit said got him to
hold up a jewelry store so he
could pay-htm his fee for defend
ing him in a previous robbery
were sentenced to seven years
each in the penitentiary today.
Judge E. J. Simmons, of Pike
county court, imposed the sen
tences. The lawyer, J. Sam McGuire, of
Macomb was expect edo take an
appeal. Just before conviction he
resigned as a member of the
Mississippi bar.
The bandit, W. V. Willoughby,
tarned state's evidence and testi
fied the lawyer engineered the
robbery of the L. W. Alford jew
elry store here. The court per
mitted Willoughby to serve the
seven-year sentence simultaneous
ly with a ten-year sentence for
robbing a bank at Madison, Miss.
Tne men were tried separately
bat were sentencea together.
Three Hundred
Million Carted
In Moving van
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 25. (AP)-
More than $100,060,000 in cash
and securities in an ordinary mov
ing Tan passed almost unnoticed
through crowded downtown streets
here today. -
The movement of the money was
made when the Mississippi Valley
Trust company, third largest bank
In St Louis, moved to - its new
quarters at 'Broadway and Olive
streets. ' " - '
The use of the van was part of
a ruse used by bank officers to
protect the Valuables. Behind the
car came several armored cars
usually used to carry money.
ran too
Friendship Lost Because of
Ruling on Munitions,
Rebel Envoy Says
Conference at Rio Today to
Establish Future Rule;
Vargas Likely Head
NEW YORK, Oct. 25 (AP)
The friendship of the Brazilian
revolutionary party and the peo
ple of Brazil has been lost to the
United States, Augusto Amaral,
president of the Brazilian revolu
tion committee of New York said
"today, because of the state de
partment's ruling allowing arms
to be shipped to the government
ot Washington L"is, the deposed
president of Brazil.
Senor 'Amaral added, however,
that American property and lives
In Brazil were safe under the
provisional regime, which came
into power yeiterflay.
(AP) With temporary success
established, leaders of the coup
which yesterday unseated Presi
dent Washington. Luis are waiting
for a conference tomorrow that
will decide the future administra
tion of Brazil.
From the north and from the
south, chieftains of the revolu
tionary movement in the field are
flying to Rio De Janeiro for a
conference with the military
junta. Getulio Vargas, general
issimo of the rebel forces which
fought the federals for three
weeks on the Sao Paulo-Parna
front, is on the way by air, as is
Captain Juarez Tavora from the
Others expected are Lindolfo
Collor, Insurgent representative
at Buenos Aires, and Dr. Osvaldo
Aranha, acting president of Rio
Grande do Sul.
Reports from Parana state that
Vargas, who was defeated for pre
sident in the elections this spring
by Dr. Julio Prestes, will be nam
ed provisional president of the
new government.
PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 25.
(AP) George Ganteman, 16.
Independence, Ore., high school
sophqmore, won first place over
20 7 boys from five western
states in the stock Judging con
test at the Pacific International
Livestock show today. The con
test was limited to boy's studying
agriculture under the Smith-
Hughes plan.
The Independence high school
team also won first place over 69
other teams In the contest.
Ganteman scored J 14 points
out of a possible 1000; Hersel
Payree, his teammate, was sec
ond with 789. Others scored in
the following order: Richard
Carter, Newberg, Ore., 783;
Owen Ottoway, Woodburn, Ore.,
779; Art Becold. Yakima. Wash
776; David Dutton, Missoula,
Mont.. 773; Francis DuBois,
Woodland, Calif., 771; Millard
Marness. Dayton. Ore., 763; Jack
Helnzerling, Culdesac, Idaho, 768.
The Independence team cap-
tared the team trophy with 2302
points ont of a possible 3000.
The teams were required to
Judge five breeds of stock.
UvTrt of Marion county. 19 In
mi m her nolled nine - votes tor
MAtaohnn. nine votes for Bailey
and one for Meier in a straw bal
lot taken Saturday noon at tne
meeting of the Marion county bar
f! M Inman. resident, presid
ed at th meeting held as a lunch
eon at the Marlon hotel. Miscel
laneous business effecting the in
terest of the legal profession in
this county was discussed.
Charles Zeizan. Bruce Spauld-
ing- and William Linfoot were
taken into the association as new
Mr. Inman appointed as a com
mittee on frfevance jonn carson,
Tun.. V. TTaHkaI I. W Mott. AS
a committee on memoersnip no
named Georza Ruoten. William
McKlnney and Walter irunrer.
Missouri Beats
Drake by Point
lumbia, Mo.. Qct, 25. (AP)
The University of Missouri Ti
gers put a nappy ending to an
otherwise disastrous nre-confsr-
enee season by beating the Drake
Bulldogs into submission here
this afternoon 14 to 13.
WASHINGTON, O e t. 25.
(AP) The census bureau is now
hard at work at Its task of es
tablishing basic figures to. be
used in reapportioning the house
of representatives.
Intangibles Case Tangled;
No Refund Held Authorized
Supreme Court's Ruling is
Silent on Question of
Returning Money
Way Pointed to Enactment
Of law Which Will be
It will not be nossible for the
state to refund any of the
$1,000,000 collected, under the !
mtangiDies tax law, witnout leg
islative sanction, it was declared
here Saturday by state officials
who have given careful Btudy to
the opinion of the supreme court
holding that law unconstitution
First reading of the opinion
indicated that the court had or
dered the refund. John Carkln,
chairman of the Btate tax com
mission, pointed out that the
money derived from the intangi
bles tax law had been turned
over to the state treasurer and
placed in the general fund.
He declared in receipting for
this money the state tax commis
sion was precluded from making
any refunds unless authorized to
do so by the legislature. The
money had been held unreceipted
by the state treasurer until six
weeks ago in hope that an earlier
opinion of the supreme court
would be forthcoming.
No Reference to
Refund, Shown
"The opinion of the supreme
court made no reference to the
refund," Carkin said, "but re
mands the case to the lower
court with Instructions to grant
the prayer of the petitioners.
Apparently the petitioners did
not ask for a refund or the
money paid under the intangible
tax law."
Carkin declared that on en-
couracing phase of the opinion
was the fact that it pointed out
two ways in "which a constitu
tional intangibles tax law may
be enacted. One way would be
a tax on intangibles to be desig
nated as a property tax-and In
cluding corporations as well as
individuals. The other would be
an Income tax on the net income
(Turn to page 2, col. 4)
PORTLAND. Ore., Oct. 25.
AP) Representative trapshoot-
ers from all parts of the Pacific
coast tonight organized the Pa
cific international trapshooting
organization and announced
plans for withdrawal of support
of the amateur trapshooting as
sociation of America.
Harry T. Splcer, president of
the Portland Gun club, wate
elected president. Dr. B. J. West,
Tacoma, presided at the meeting.
O. N. Ford, manager of tne
Del Monte Gun club and for sev
eral years a director of the Ama
teur Trapshooting. association,
said the formation ot the new
organization was an economic
move ' and was not actuated by
any desire for reprisal for any
actions taken by the national
association. He pointed out that
the grand American shoot has
been held at Dayton, Ohio, for
several years and recent action
gives the shoot to Dayton until
1939. Pacific coast shooters
feel, it was Indicated, the ex
pense of attending the Dayton
shoot has become too great a
The new organization will
hold an international shoot at
Del Monte, California, annually
for the next three years, It was
announced. The organization
also will sponsor a northern.
southern, and eastern divisional
handicap tournament
Honeymoon for
Techers Isn't
In Line ot Duty
NEW YORK,Oct. 25 (AP).
-Public school teachers' should
look on marriage and honey
moons in the light of home work
and not s school time activities.
"Absence from school by a
teacher for the purpose of mar
riage or honeymoon trip," Su
perintendent William J. Shea an
nounced to district superintend
ents and principals today, "is in
excusable and is regarded by the
superintendent" of " schools and
the board ot superintendents as
neglect of duty."
ISTANBUL, -Turkey. Oct. 25.
(AP) A rainstorm of deluge
proportions today was submerg
ing the city of Smyrna.
Employment Leader
Seeking Assistants
For Promoting Jobs
Nationwide Appeal Over Radio for Coopera
tion to be Made Tonight; Volunteer aid
Being Accepted Generally
WASHINGTON, Oct. 25. (AP) With the federal and
state governments, industry and -the public responding to
his appeal for aid in finding jobs for the army of idle work
men, Colonel Arthur Woods went to New York today to re
cruit assistants for his nationwide employment campaign.
Hundreds of letters offering assistance and askfng for
Millions Will
Be Used in aid
Secretary of Commerce Lamont,
chairman of President Hoover's
special cabinet -commission to
aid jobless, announced millions
of dollars are to be expended
immediately in public construc
tion and will be available un
til every type of unemployment
has been reduced.
Communication and Power
Lines cut by Early
Winter Weather
BOSTON, Oct. 25 (A P)
High winds, snow, rain and sleet
swept over New England today,
broke communication and power
lfnes in the north, felled trees
and poles, blocked roads, drove a
freight steamer aground in Vine
yard sound and tore crafts from
their moorings in the harbor at
Portland, Maine.
Driving conditions were made
dangerous on the highways by
precipitation which took the form
o f snow and sleet at various
times in all six of the New Eng
land states. A half inch of snow
fell In parts of Connecticut. Flur
ries and squalls were recorded In
Rhode Island and Massachusetts.
In Vermont, New Hampshire and
Maine the snow assumed more
serious proportions. In parts of
northern New England the storm
which began Friday, laid down a
blanket of snow ranging from
three to 20 inches.
A heavy, wet snow that later
changed to rain in northern Ver
mont carried down SO electric
power and telephone poles in the
vicinity of St. Johnsbury, dis
abled 35 telephone trunk lines,
and put 1000 telephone poles out
of commission tn the town.
The storm in that vicinity was
the Worst for October since 1925.
Montpelier and other cities re
ported damage to communication
Purdue Spoils
Wisconsin bid
In Close Game
ette, Ind.. Oct. 25. (AP) Wis
consin's bid for Big Ten football
honors today failed to match Pur
due's desperate effort to remain
in the title battle, and the golden
accourted boiler-makers sent the
badgers home beaten 7 to 6.
More than 25,000 Gold grads
and other Purdue adherents final
ly got something to jell about in
the third period, ot what had been
an exceedingly dull exhibition of
football, when Howard Kissell and
Jimmy Risk touched off the dyna
mite of the Purdue attack, and In
two plays scored a touchdown.
Big BUI Freed
Of Graft Count
SPRINGFIELD. Illr. Oct. 25,
(APJ Mayor William Hale
Thompson of Chicago was vindi
cated by the supreme court today
of the Chicago Tribune's charge
that he conspired to retain fees
paid .real estate experts.
. 1
autice greeiea me cnairman oi me
president's emergency committee
iar employment as he began his
third day of attack on the tangled
problem of distributing work, find
ing jobs and aiding in the care of
destitute families.
Regional workers to urge Indu
stry to provide as many Jobs as
possible will be sought by Colonel
Woods over the weekend In New
York. Sunday night he will make
a nationwide appeal for coopera
tion from all sources over a radio
In the meantime, the working
organization Is gathering Informa
tion here on the location of the
-battalions of jobless and where
possible employment may be
found. Offers of welfare organiza
tions to lend assistance are being
accepted and the efforts of local
communities to deal with their
own problems are being studied in
the hope that the best of these
plans may be passed on to locali
ties where conditions are less sat
is factory.
"With coordination and stimul
ation," Colonel Woods'sald, "these
efforts should grow cumulative to
wards an eventual solution."
The veterans bureau announced
today it had issued orders to push
construction on projects totalling
approximately -$30.000, OOu in an
effort to relieve unemployment.
BERLIN, Oct. 25. (AP) The
shelling of the German steamship
Baden in Rio de Janeiro harbor
yesterday, resulting in the report
ed death of 20 persons on board f
and injuries to 35, aroused Geiv
man editorial opinion today toje4
mand that a promised Brazil!
vestigation be thorough. ti-r
n is ien iit'ie mat uie aeiu
of Brazilian gunners In the fori
ress Capacabana, who fired the
shot is almost incomprehensible,
aitnougn it is said in some quar
ters that Brazilian political fig
ures were aboard at the time, flee
ing from the military coup d'etat
which overthrew the R-overnment
of President Washington Luis.
The whole affair is shrouded in
myBtery, since no dlrext news dis
patches have come from Rio de
Janeiro presumably because of
the strict censorship imposed by
the military junta and the for
eign office has had only fragmen
tary advices from German envoys
in Brazil.
Aspirants for
Legislature to
Talk on Monday
Marion cAunty's cadidates for
the 1931 legislature are tc be the
speakers tomorrow noon at the
chamber of commerce. Five min
utes will be alloted each of the
seven men. The will be asked to
tell what special legislation they
will favor.
The speakers are: Sato H.
Brown and Lloyd T. Reynolds,
candidates for the senate; Romeo
Gouley, Lee McAllister, James W.
Mott, Dr. Carlton W. Smith, Sam
uel B. Mills, candidates tor the
Second Coal Mine Blast
Takes 100 Lives, Belief
Oct. 25. (AP) Germany's sec
ond coal mine disaster wlin a
week was thought0 bare killed
about 100 miners today in the
workings of the Maybach mine at
Qulerschiete heart ot the Saar val
ley coal region.
An explosion trapped the min
ers deep in the shaft. The man
agement of the mine announced at
10 p. m., that 90 men still were
underground and that all prob
ably had been lost. At 11:30 p. m..
the bodies ot 23 dead and 25 in
jured had been recovered.
The explosion was ascribed to
fire damp.
An accurate check of the casu
alties was impossible early this
'Reports disagreed widely about
the number of missing and the
Expected Return From tax
Left out of Regular
Levy, now Lost
Base not Reduced, Explains
Treasurer; law Made
Wise' Revision
New complications were added
to the state's already tangled fi
nancial outlook by the action ef
the state supreme court Friday
In declaring unconstitutional the
intangibles tax law. and a new
problem is thereby presented to
the 1931 legislature. Thomas B.
Kay, state treasurer, declared
"The supreme rivirt has h4d
the act to be Invalid for the rea
son that it ii discriminatory
through the exemption of corpor
ations in the operation of the
act," road Kay's statemeiir.
"Whether thl may be remedif'd
by amending the act so as to in
ciude corporation ii yet to b
"The dominating factor at t'u
present time is th effect the de
cision has upon the credit struc
ture of the state. In determiaini:
the state tax levy in 1329 for the
year 1930, the state tax commis
sion deducted th amount f
i9e,000 as estimated receipts
from the intangibles and excise tax
Kxpected Amount
Left out of Levy
"That part of the J900.000 re
presenting estimated receipts
from intangibles taxes was de
ducted in accordance with the
provision of section 15 of the in
tangibles tax law which provides
that in the first year In which the
act should become operative and
for each year thereafter, the state
tax commission shall estimate 'he
total amount of revenue to h
raised from the several millage
taxes in force and the amount ne
cessary for miscellaneous state
purposes as enumerated nmier
sectidn 4215 Oregon laws.
"Further provision was made
that the commission shall dedaet
therefrom any surplus or esti
mated'' surplus remaining in the
state treasury from all funds and
also tffe estimated net proceeds
of the intangibles tax fer the next
r-g calendar -year. Te law
oviaes; mat oniy ine re-
r left after subtracting the
estimated receipts from the in
tangibles tax shall btj apportion
ed among the several counties for
state tar-.pur poses.
"Profiting from the experi
ences of 1923 when the state tax
levy was arbitrarily reduced 11.
250,000 on account of estimated
receipts from taxe3 on Incomes,
which amount was not restored
to the tax base after the Income
tax law was repealed, the authors
ot the intangibles tax law insert
ed therein a clause to th effect
that the tax levy made during the
year 1929 should be taken aa the
basis from which to recken tke
constitutional six per cent in
crease for the year 1930, and tsat
the proceeds arising from the In
tangibles tax during the year
1930 should not be construed to
increase, or decrease the bare
from which the legal levy was cal
culated. The law went further
and provides that if the act it re
pealed, the tax base for the ensa
ing year should be the amount ot
the total tax imposed for state
purposes for the last year during
which the act was in effect."
' SAO -PATJLO, Brazil, Oct. 25
(AP)-With three-persona killed
and 27 wounded in the rts here
which followed the change i
government in Brazil yesterday.
Sao Paul tofay saw a continua
tion of destruction that bat
caused property damage ot fl.-
number of men originally la the
mine. '
Rumors in the nearby tow ef
Frledrichsthal but the missing a .
high aa 140, while the company
in the evening admitted there were
50 and later that there .wer
The figure of 140, however, is ' ' .
lieved to be exaggerated.
Clouds of smoke poured treat
the pit month, and with gas ati 1
in the shafts below, doubt was im
pressed that many of the missive
would be recovered alive.
Some engineers said that they
believed a benzol engine o tae
fourth level had exploded, lgaHiesT
gases from the coal seams, bat
nothing was certain.
The jJaybach mine was form
erly state owned and bad been sur-.
rendered to-France for 16 ytrm
under-the terms of the VersaiU
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